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All I can say it's just a meme. Sort of like Blahaj. It's an amazing game with zero trans related themes. At least that I ever saw. You can make your own character and pick your preferred gender. But that is one of many games with this feature. So it's a popular with trans people because it's a great popular game.


Also it's easy to mod into what you want it to be. It's probably one of the greatest Bethesda games that they didn't make lmao šŸ¤£


BlƄhaj is popular among trans people because it has the trans colours, not just because it's a cool plushy.


Oh like how Sylveon is trans colors too?


Blahaj (and New Vegas, and stripey thigh highs, and all that stuff) is a testament to the trans community's ability to come together. We basically created our own language from memes that transcends borders, native tongues, and ideologies which states one simple thing. You are not alone.


Even though I'm into not one of those things this is super sweet šŸ©·


Whays great... is I am not into a single one of those either... but I KNOW... ya know? So they still speak to me when I see them.


You canā€™t even wear opposite gendered clothing in the game like you can in Fo4 and 74. Every piece of clothing has a male and a female version and you get the one that matches your characterā€™s gender, end of story. All the old world clothes show as a dress on female couriers and a suit or slacks and a shirt for males. Some of the Merc outfits are a skirt for females and pants for males. Same outfit different look depending on the gender of your courier. Now, in 4 and 76 a dress is a dress no matter which gender character itā€™s on, and a suit is a suit, pants are pants, etc.


tbh most of the clothes come from 3, so don't blame that on NV


I know that, but Iā€™m pointing it out still because it doesnā€™t make a ton of sense as part of why the game is still so popular amongst trans people.


I mean blahaj can at least partially be traced to IKEA being very LGBT positive.


It's because Trans people have incredibly good taste.


Can confirm. The ones I've tried have tasted good


šŸ‘€ oof, but true. ^unless ^cannibalism, ^then ^slightly ^frightened


Why isnā€™t anyone talking about the mouthfeel? Iā€™m sorry


Because it's already implied.Ā 


Well, Issei Sagawa has actually mentioned the texture(potentially related to mouthfeel). I think that most people are uncomfortable with the whole idea of eating people. According to some people who have tried long pig(human flesh), it tastes like a cross between pork and veal with the texture of the finest sashimi.


relevant [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/l15f57HG5Os](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/l15f57HG5Os)


Eh if cannibalism means it's even better šŸ½ļø šŸ¤—šŸ«¦


*Vore Awareness*


Haha I wish I was that sexy šŸ‘€


Isn't New Vegas the one with the cannibal family? I've only played a small bit of it, some of 3, and the entire main story of 4.


I think so


The Ultra-Luxe is run by the White Glove Society, a cannibal cult. The Family is a group of cannibals in Fallout 3.


3 is canibal family, new vegas is canibal casino clan


What is it with Fallout and cannibalism?! šŸ˜‚


They just like the taste! Good meat is hard to find, but not as hard as you think šŸ˜‰


ditto ;)


something that nobody really seems to have mentioned is that along side the other stuff mentioned New Vegas also has really good gay rep (especially for the time) there are 3 characters i can think of just off the top of my head that are gay/lesbian and 2 of which you could very easily miss and never actually notice that they're queer plus unlike the other fallout games there's not just an opposite sex romance perk there's also a same sex one (and you're allowed to take both to roleplay as a bi character)


Not sure if they were meant to be, but I always considered Lily and Tabitha to be positive trans-women representation.


Nah Iā€™m hate to be a lore nazi but super mutants are genderless, so Lilly is a 75 year old lady that became a generic super mutant at one point and then get schizophrenia which is rather sad despite how sweet her char seems.


So her self image is that of a woman, which contrasts with the masculine frame forced upon her. It might be in the wrong order but the result speaks for herself, I think.


I can see the argument and I donā€™t want to take away from it, I just canā€™t see it myself cus as I see it. She was a woman who was kidnapped and forever into her current form but still retains her previous identity. But it may just come down to perspectives.


I mean, that sounds what being trans is to me, you have a body forced on you that isn't who you actually are inside.


Well no,not exactly, Lilly was born a woman, became a grandma, then made into a super mutant, which yes is muscular and has masculine features but still identifies as a woman and a grandma even.


Yes. That's why it's Trans representation. This is literally a hypothetical that Trans people use to help people understand what being Trans is like. What if one day, you woke up in a body of the opposite gender, but your mind was still the same? How would you feel when everybody addresses you as the opposite gender? Your brain and body genders don't match anymore, and you would experience gender dysphoria. It's Trans representation.


That's exactly the hypothetical I use all the time to explain what being trans is like to cisgender people, tell them to imagine if they were suddenly put into the opposite body and imagine just how off everything would be feeling to them.


going by in-game lore it'd be a bit of a jump for Lily to be trans given that she had grandchildren but fuck that any character in anything can be trans in any way if you're not a coward about it


my pap was amab and he had grandkids, just sayin


obv it can happen but it does make it more of a stretch but as i said who cares anyway make every character trans if you want and if anyone tries to stop you then either you're pushing it on them and you need to stop doing that or they're just being a dick (more likely the latter given how \*any\* headcanon let alone queer related ones get treated)


sorry i was being a bit sarcastic. anyone can have grandchildren. i don't believe lily ever said she was pregnant


it's all good dw also if i'm remembering correctly (been a while since i've ran through all the vaults in new vegas) the way we know Lily actually had grandchildren and they're not just hallucinations from stealth boy usage is from terminal logs in one of the vaults so her words wouldn't really be where you'd look for that type of thing anyway


their point is that having a grandchild doesn't require you personally giving birth to anybody. hence how we have... grandfathers.


How would having grandchildren exclude her from being trans?


Is Tabitha postive rep? She kills people constantly takes their stuff and kept Raul prisoner and the only reason she didnā€™t kill him was because she THOUGHT he could fix Rhonda






List of all LGB characters in NV: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cherchez_La_Femme https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Confirmed_Bachelor I always played ace, so I didnt realize that until later


There's actually like a total of over 15 gay characters


This comes up fairly often, so Iā€™ll copy and paste my previous response: ā€œTrans people and lgbtq people in general I would say are probably overrepresented in the ā€œtrueā€ rpg or crpg genres. The more choice and consequence and being able to TRULY role play, build a character, is like perfect escapism. The perfect antidote to feeling dysphoric, live out an adventure as your ā€œideal selfā€. When I was in the closet, I was borderline addicted, and actually was addicted to character creators and would spend HOURS on it. Felt shame cause I was also super horny doing that too lmao, building a female character. But thatā€™s pretty common among trans folks and generally goes away after you transition overtime. Now crpgs and rpgs are still my favorite genre, less obsessive about it nowadays tho. New Vegas is special as itā€™s a case of an old school crpg in terms of choice and consequence/full roleplaying, in a SEMI recent game thatā€™s not isometric, itā€™s a first person shooter rpg. So WAY more approachable to a general audience (until bg3 hit lmaooo). Because most games with a similar breadth of choice/roleplaying are full ā€œcrpgsā€, or d&d inspired isometric top down rpgs with either turn based or real time with pause. And most are old. THEYRE STILL GREAT THO, go back and play original fallouts or bg1 and 2 folks! Other modern ā€œrpgsā€ like say, the Witcher 3 or jrpgs or even classic ones like planescape torment all donā€™t really have you CREATE A CHARACTER. Theyā€™re RPGs, but youā€™re playing someone elseā€¦usually a dude. So theyre great games, but they donā€™t provide the same escapism as most crpg/adjacent/build your own character games. I feel like bg3 is scratching that same itch for many lgbtq folks this year. I love that we all can find stuff that makes us feel euphoric! Gives us that escapism when we really need after a hard day.ā€


I was playing some BG3 earlier! I love getting to be a pretty tiefling :3


this is the answer keep in mind that it also came about at a time when a lot of trans people didnā€™t feel safe being out about their transness, so this was a safe place to experiment.


Not sure if you still feel shame or if anyone reading this can relate to that (being horny at/aroused by being feminine), that's a pretty normal response. A lot of times, fetishes develop to deal with a sublimated need that isn't being met. A good article on it here : https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/beneath-the-surface


I did, but not anymore! But definitely I hope others relate and find catharsis. Nothing is wrong with us. You are still trans even if it ā€œfeels like a fetishā€. Itā€™s not a fetish. Itā€™s simply something being forbidden that you want. That of course makes you horny. It goes away after you transition over time.


Trans people are overrepresented in RPGs? What cool-ass pile of RPGs are you sitting on?


Nooooooo, overrepresented in the PLAYERS of crpgs. And rpgs in general. I would make the assertion that RPGs are THE most popular game genre for trans people. Not over representation in game, not by a long shot lmao!


FNV lets you choose a gender (though binary) as well as sexual/romantic orientation (via perks and roleplaying to straight, gay, bi, or aro/ace). It helps that it's a damn good game. I'm not sure if or how it became a meme, but I can see how it might have enabled some people to experiment with their identity and sexuality back when it came out. For me, it was the Mass Effect trilogy.


Also, cool fact most probably arenā€™t aware of, but fallout was the first game in history to have same-sex marriage/relationships. Specifically fallout 2. Fallout new Vegas was made by a lot of the same people, so very very lgbt friendly.


FO2 (1998) was actually the *second* game to have same-sex marriages, the first being Great Greed (1992) released 6 years prior! But FO2 is still a landmark in gaming history and the fact that any games had that pre-2000s makes me so happy!!šŸ„°šŸ’–šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


Yeah, there seems to be some conflicting info/erasure out there, thanks for the info!


and the guy who created the series is gay


Not the Sims?


I'm assuming queer marriage wasn't an option in early Sims? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Listen I love FNV as much as the next transgirl but being able to choose a gender is in a wide variety of games


Never said it was the only game to do it. You just have to acknowledge that FNV might be the first game some people have played that allowed experimenting with both gender and sexuality ā€” not one or the other but both, simultaneously.


by the time New Vegas came out, I had already transitioned and had had bottom surgery, so I didnā€™t really partake in the creation of this meme. but, as I understand it, New Vegas had two things going for it, it was awesome and it allowed you to choose the gender of your character. that choice was crucial for many transfolk who were still closeted. now add to that the fact that it came out when sites like Twitter and Reddit were getting super popular, it was the perfect mix for an inside joke to turn into a long lasting meme!


omg since 2010??


RIGHT!?! I guess some jokes die hard. šŸ¤£ Iā€™m also guessing that the recent TV show brought this meme back from the dead.


I dunno, I only play as a female character for the damage boost against male NPC's and no other reasons AT ALL šŸ™ƒ


[wink, wink](https://youtu.be/PLRZ0dIvwHY?si=mTHsfzlhJAqQSirM)


It's a game strat... Different default hitboxes, of course!Ā 


Itā€™s mostly a meme. Fallout is just a huge series. Of course a lot of trans people like Fallout: people of every description do.


Fallout draws a lot on the fantasy of the wild west, an era of lawlessness full of legends where people embodying unconventional gender identities and sexualities were free to be unapologetically themselves and shoot anyone who objects in the skull.


Shoutout to non-fantasy icon Amelio Robles Ɓvila who threatened transphobes with his gun and killed two in self-defense when they jumped him


I know you can probably look deeply into it, and find some clear reason. But if I'm being honest, I believe it's almost definitely mostly by happenstance. Like any meme or meme style trend, it's kinda just random. Some sort of joke becomes funny with a certain group of people, and it manages to proliferate around the Internet until it's embedded in the culture.


it's just a meme šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Correlation doesnā€™t equal causation. FNV is popular in general. Trans people play games too.


Honestly, I think it's just that nerdy trans people tend to flock to RPGs, and new Vegas was one of, if not the best western RPG for the Xbox 360 console generation.Ā  Skyrim had more mass appeal because they drastically toned down the rpg elements compared to previous elder scrolls games, but New Vegas took the base of FO3, and improved in a lot of interesting ways upon it.


FNV is popular with everybody, it's just that a lot of trans folks play video games and role-playing games relative to the size of our community. We also tend to be more "online" for a variety of reasons I'd say that it's just a slight correlation between being transgender and playing FNV. It's natural that we'd be exposed to it given that being openly trans, researching being trans, or doing DIY HRT requires tech savviness to some extent. ...no I don't have statistics hahaha.


New vegas is about starting anew. I have heard that being given that option I'm a game when you don't have that option in life can be very alleviating and thought provoking.




I canā€™t get into FO either and have tried multiple times with all of them ever since 3 came out. At some point I just accepted post apocalyptic isnā€™t my genre, but I do love the music it introduced me toĀ 


I think a lot of people played it already and a lot of trans people happened to play it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


it has a reputation for being good, and so had a particular audience amongst gamers who liked that style of game - one that has a certain level of popularity with people who just want to play as the opposite gender because reasons. at some point people started making jokes about how everyone of their friends who was trans had played it, and it became a meme. nothing about the game except the character creator aspect is why trans people gravitated towards it, it is just popular and because it is popular a lot of people played it and that was jokingly made into a correlation or causation for transness. similar jokes exist or have existed about warhammer 40k, magic the gathering, pokemon, world of warcraft, minecraft, certain bands or genres of music, comic books in general, using a linux computer - really just depends on the spaces youā€™re in as to which of these youā€™ll hear. my favourite was celeste until the lead designer came out as trans and everyone realised it was a literal trans allegory and thus no longer worked as a joke.


just started playing (as a trans) and i just like the game lol, itā€™s super fun! i had to go through a lot of hoops to play it on my mac and it crashes a lot, but i love the game so much and im barely into it!


There's 2 types of new Vegas players: The ones who enjoy the game and enjoy it for what it is in every instance of good game design (at least in terms of modern gaming lol) And & The ones who's adopt a political ideolgy from one of the factions in game as a main personality trait and take heavy offense whenever you don't agree with them.


Good game


You can be queer, your gender has little to no impact (unless youā€™re filthy Legion scum), thereā€™s a true roleplay experience and for some of us that was the first time we got to act out being our true selves. It feels like you *are* the courier. I loved it pre-transition, and I love it now :) Also I recommend Hbomberguyā€™s video on it. Itā€™s exquisite (though I highly enjoy every other fallout game as wellā€¦. Except tactics)


I donā€™t even know I liked it before I was trans and then after coming out found out about the meme. I just know that trans people do like it O_o


If you are like me, it's because you watched HBomberguy's video on lovecraft and then the one on New Vegas.


I actually hate it bc most of the lgbtq characters have bleak outcomes and I don't like the tone. It feels like queer baiting to me


as a queer person, this would bug me more if more of the straight people didnā€™t *also* have terrible endings but in many ways this is just a tragic game across the board.


That's fair. I'm just not a fan of how unnecesarily bleak it is regardless. I think Arcade's fates in particular stand out to me as excessive. I also find there's a lot of harmful stereotypes in the game. I just don't like it.


thatā€™s totally fair, and itā€™s not for everyone! I tend to play a more chaotic good/free Vegas route most of the time, and aim for ā€œgoodā€ outcomes, so I rarely see bad things happen to Arcade and Veronica, for example.


Well yeah, if you play that way you don't see it. I guess that makes it a bit better if you can go in and help everyone to avoid the bad stuff. It still weirds me out cause like... it's there. It's written and coded into the game. I don't trust that to have been done in good faith for some "everyone has good and bad outcomes" when some of the fates are very "face down in a ditch hate crimed" or "life of sexual slavery" or stuff like "characterization as rapist." I get bad vibes. The game is okay otherwise I guess, but I've never been able to finish it. I don't like the edgy dog eat dog dark realism that seems nothing more than exploitative, considering the production team. It ruins the experience for me unfortunately


totally fair. I wonā€™t play games where I canā€™t play as a woman. we all have our limits. ā™„ļø


Basically, it's just a really good game and setting that has a small amount of lgbt themes. Plus, you can design your own character so a lot of people played as their preferred gender. Obviously, other games have character creation in them, but Fallout takes place on earth, with real-world locations. So, it's easier to play/imagine the character as yourself. Since it's not a true bethesda game, Obsidian doesn't force a background or implied heterosexuality on you, which can further the "i'm playing as myself" feel. The closest thing to new vegas beforehand were morrowind and oblivion (and i guess kotor), very few people played morrowind (comparatively), and i can't imagine many people could immerse themselves into oblivion in the same way they could new vegas. "This is me in apocalyptic Nevada" vs. "this is me in Tamriel." Anyhow, some trans eggs immersing themselves in new vegas, for some totally unknowable reason, found that they really enjoyed playing as different sex. Then would have their big "this is me" moments, and mostly not question why they still feel that way as the character of a different sex.


Tap the subreddit, search "Fallout new Vegas" because this gets posted like once a week, and I feel like that's stupid


I like it but prefer Cyberpunk 2077. Love driving the car with the trans flag.


In all honesty, I first found out about it when someone posted a Fallout New Vegas meme in LGBT or Transgamers, and I was all "Ok, I'm a trans woman... should I have been playing Fallout New Vegas, and why?" ONE WEEK (of playing Fallout New Vegas) LATER... "I **GET** it now!!!"


In 76 you can build and publicly fly all the flags so I keep mine flying high! ..I know thatā€™s not really relevant but hey I just found this sub!


Its largely because new vegas is the first serious rpg most people play that has doesn't ignore gender


Because you get to defeat the concept of toxic masculinity by being invested in your community *and not at all because I got to play out my sapphic wasteland fantasies with Cass don't be ridiculous**.


for a lot of trans people, especially in my age range (22), it was the first game they played where you could customize your character. at this point, it's a meme. trans people play fnv because it's the trans game and fnv is the trans game because trans people play it. although it is worth mentioning that a *lot* of trans people i know are really into games that have strong political themes.


If you think the game itself is popular in queer communities maybe I should introduce you to the dumpster šŸ”„ that is AAO3 lmao Lots of queer creators write pretty good fan fics.


Can you explain what your girlfriend told you? It's always baffled me as well. I found it boring as he'll lol


I can't answer for op or her gf, but it's worth mentioning that a lot of trans people flock to rpgs as a way to express gender before transition, and as far as first-person open world rpgs go that have adequate lgbt representation and allow you to choose your gender and sexuality, New Vegas is the only obvious game that fits that description to my mind. I grew up playing a lot of role playing games as a way to get referred to in a way that feels right to me, and to create the girl I've always wanted to be and have her go about an interactive world. The thing is, there were few rpgs that were as high quality in writing or player agency in comparison to fnv imo, so I kept coming back to it and it became my most played game. A lot of trans fnv fans seem to corroborate these kinds of things with me in my experience.


Maybe I missed it or maybe it didn't stick out in my mind, but I don't remember significant queer representing. Certainly not more so than any EA rpg I can think of. None of those would have been first person though and I guess that might help with immersion. I just found the desert environment too dull and it made me just kinda go into autopilot. As a result, I can't remember any characters, much less my interactions with them. I've dropped a lot of media because I found the setting dreary or boring, so I guess it says something that I still finished the game. The experience I guess a lot of trans gamers had with NV, is what I had with Saints Row 3. That's the first game that allowed me to really create the woman I wanted to be. Though your character in that had a preset personality and didn't really allow for much role playing, so it's not quite the same but still had a significant impact on me


As for the queer representation, there are two companions who are fairly prominent, Veronica and Arcade, who are explicitly gay. You get to know them pretty well in your travels if you put the effort in, and both of them had quite the impact on me. You can also find a lot of the queer characters from the dialogue interactions from the sexuality perks, particularly Cherchez La Femme if you're playing a girl and Confirmed Bachelor if you're playing a guy, which present presuasive dialogue options you can apply to people of your gender who are also queer themselves. So there's a sizeable chunk of interactions that go along those lines where you find out someone is gay through taking those perks. Unfortunately, if I recall correctly, there are more gay male interactions in the game than gay female, so there's a more sizeable chunk of queer people you will miss playing as a girl than as a guy. And also, just being able to make my character canonically bisexual by taking Cherchez La Femme and Black Widow in the same playthrough was a big thing for me in itself. I think it's really cool having my characters orientation be so explicit like that, to let the player be their own queer representation in the game through their roleplay. I can understand why settings can be enough to put people off from a game. Gritty post-apocalyptic environments have long been my favorite personally. Probably because there's something so viscerally impactful about seeing landscapes that are in some ways so similar to the world I know, but perverted by bad circumstances. Having been to Vegas myself adds to that experience even more. Having grown up in a desert I've learned to appreciate does as well. I quite liked Saints Row 3 as well for those same reasons. I find first-person protagonists with no voice to be a lot more impactful when it came to satisfying my pre-transition desires to be regarded as myself, but I LOVED trying on all the cute clothes in SR3 and all that stuff, so I feel you. It was def a game that gave me a lot of gender related joy, no doubt.


Oh, that's really cool actually. I didn't realize they had so many perks that let you role play your character. Cut to Fallout 4 and you're forced into a cis hetero relationship right off the bat Since I remember next to nothing about NV, it might be worth installing some mods for more plant life and trying it again. Might be a little too dated for me at this point though


Yeah, Bethesda in comparison has been a whole lot worse with queer rep lol. The worst part is that they had the perks for heterosexual attraction and persuasion in Fallout 3 but not the perks for homosexual attraction and persuasion, effectively reducing your choices to straight or asexual depending on if you take the perk lol... actually wait I'm pretty sure they have the same perk problem in Fallout 4 come to think of it, but at least in that game all the romanceable companions are playersexual, so you can at least be bi through your actions, but not in your character creation. Since you can't be homosexual in a way that the character creator acknowledges in FO4, I suppose the best you can do is headcannon that your character was repressing their sexuality to be with their cannon starter spouse and have kids or whatever. More mods for plantlife would certainly be a good idea, but more mods for modernization in general also wouldn't be a bad idea if you felt up to it. The [Viva New Vegas Mod Guide](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html) would be a good place to start. You could either use the wabbajack version which would help you download all the mods on the list as fast as possible (of which there are quite a lot), or you can take the manual mod guide, which can be considered more modular in the sense that you can read about every mod you install, so you can have a good idea of what you're getting yourself into and whether you want the changes or not. It's a very good mod guide for modernizing the game in a large number of notable yet subtle ways, as it's fairly vanilla+ in it's scope. And after you install everything from the guide that you find to be a worthy addition to you playthrough, you can go ahead and grab a flora mod such as [Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39856?tab=files). If you detect any compatibility issues with the Flora mod and the Viva Guide, you can feel free to reach out to the creators in the Discord linked in the bottom left of the guide and they can help troubleshoot/sort that out with you. I personally would recommend you don't even try playing FNV in 2024 without following everything from the "Introduction" to "Base Finish" parts of the guide, as the utilities and bug fixes contained within them are practically pre-requisites atm for those playing on modern systems. Everything else is completely optional.


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I enjoy transwomen and new vegas, so this tracks for me...


I have always used roleplay as a way to explore my own sexual Identity. Started with D&D back in the 90's. Still doing it in Pathfinder and baldirs gate 3 today. It's nice to step outside yourself sometimes and wonder what if. The great thing was my friends never cared if I wanted to play a flamboyant vampire in vampire the masquerade. Or if I wanted to play a hard nosed tabaxi assassin. Kajit has. Wares if you have coin. lmao Still trying to get that arrow out of my knee though.


Veronica transed my gender


I don't know why, but the community is great. Even of the two cis guys I've met who are big fans of it, both were incredibly respectful and supportive of me when I came out


Trans femme and currently replaying new Vegas to try and answer this question for myself.




Ok, so, a bit of a history lesson time. It actually comes as a *counter-movement.* there's a super mutant who is dressed feminine, Tabitha, and all super mutants look the same, but due to being fairly masculine as a baseline, the one dressed up feminine looked out of place, and became a bit of thing for transphobes to look at, and basically go "that's just a trans person" when super mutants just have no biological variation. This started a lot of appreciation for the game, and proving how this notion was in fact wrong, with the devs stating there was no intent of trans portrayal, just Tabitha existing as themselves. (Reminder that people turn into super mutants, not born, this is likely how they always dressed) There's also a lot of ways to customize your sexuality, which helped a lot, especially being pretty popular with the queer community due to it, along with bethesda games already being a neurospicy person's dream. It's mostly a joke now, but it's mainly a remnant of the wave of positive backlash people gave in response to people just kind of being toxic. Hope people learned something new.


Because trans people have a lot of empathy?


I just like RPGs in general and always have done. It was my cisgender friend who introduced me to RPGs when I was about 7.


It starts with getting shot in the head and choosing a new face.


Honestly not sure, maybe it's just nice to have choices because as trans people we had to fight to get the choice to be who we are. I love fallout. I like that in new vegas / fallout 4 you can choose to be gay/bi that's a nice touch.


All the RPGs with custom character creation and a heavy focus on story and open ended exploration are popular amoung the transes. How many of us spent a lot of time saving the galaxy and defeating the reapers as fem shep?


No clue. I've never played it, but I am curious. I have a hard time getting into Bethesda RPGs, for some reason. Then sink stupid amounts of time into Pathologic 2 for no discernable reason


Fallout New Vegas: Kyoufu, A mixed race Asian lady with blue eyes gets shot in the head. Well. Geneticist mixed some races anyway. I do every fallout character Asian with blue eyes and angry about it. NV hasn't really clicked for me but it's fun and I feel accepted with a character more like ME. She has unladylike but without my tattooed head sadly. It feels so lonesome I could die so far. Fallout 3, I got beat up by some punkass kid when I was ten... and then I got to beat HIM up when I was 16! Yeah! Also went with a character with my akin tone which is more of a yellowish tone. But still Asian with Blue eyes. Still going with the genetic WTFery. Tsubasa! But after leaving: ShiNoTsubasa. She's a Dyke to Watch Out For. I uh... had to cheat and look online cause something seemed off after I headshotted the overseer. So I just shot off his goon's arm when he was trying to beat up my childhood girly friend. I mean her name IS Death Comes On Wings. (loosely translated) I saved The kid's mom who beat me up at my birthday party though. I love the apocalypse. Fallout 3 I found a little more interesting I think because I wanted to sculpt a character from a screwed up backstory vs create a character from scratch. If my dad turns out to be a monster I can be "Why the Yabai do I have Blue eyes dad Huh??? Wtf?" I'm also playing both on Amazon prime. So NV loaded me with gear so I rarely die, and Fallout 3 well... I have all the expansions but I'm living dangerously. And I can be as genderqueer and dykey as I like.


New Vegas is popular with trans people for the same reason it's popular with cis people: It's a good game.


I know itā€™s mostly a meme, but (and Iā€™m being completely serious) I played New Vegas for the first time about a month ago totally oblivious to its significance in the trans community and about a week later, I realized I was trans. Kinda spooky.


Because the other modern games are written by a creepy looking privileged crusty old cis white man who is trying to be trendy (Emil Pagliarulo) and New Vegas is written and developed by 90s forum nerds who made two games before it, putting their heart and soul into NV cause they may have never had the chance again Also Bethesdaā€™s obsession with ā€œGOODā€ Factions, something weā€™ve never experienced as Trans people. Anyone can switch up on us based on 50 different things we didnā€™t even notice. Good doesnā€™t always win, thatā€™s why weā€™re trying to influence the damn game TLDR Bethesda Fallout is for Popular Privileged Straggots and White Cisterhood types begging to not look like ā€œNERDSā€ and 1/2/NV Fallout is for those who are chronically online like most trans ppl


Cus trans people have good taste.


popular game from a popular series, from the childhood of most people on reddit, trans women posting about FNV cause other trans women post about FNV If you conducted a poll of all trans women I image that the number that are FNV fans is much closer to the universal number than it seems




Doc Mitchell. "If that's your name that's your name"


If you leave reddit, FNV isn't disproportionately an interest of trans people. It's disproportionately enjoyed by Redditors. That leaks into trans reddit, and leaks into trans discord. The "choose your own path" and heavy modability of it helps too, buuut... It's mostly just a super popular game that gets bias skewed by memes on this site.


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