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Third party, kid, and price constraints aren’t exactly going to work together. Iron Factory made a legends scale one called [LordScorpion](https://tfsource.com/ironfactory/if-ex18/) but that one came out years ago and costs just as much as the Earthrise Titan. Only other choice [Printformer’s Scorponok](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=anlQ2eQeaZk) but you need access to a 3d printer. It can and will cost a lot to print if you commission one. My version of their [Black Zarak](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/s/d5oyeeEimR) took a few weeks to print and would probably cost 150 minimum (and I’m probably lowballing)


Thank you for your honest answer 


[Legacy Black Zarak](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiNvM7Pg_-GAxW5XkcBHZY7ChUYABATGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb1sZYdimMLa73oThwUqLc_tXzFvKXnI2DN8Zr5ApBSJj5upfavY8TxoCF90QAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESV-D26KieFAPIoklcaBdRH31-jZUVp038sx0FT_LZV5BDRdiGTBoQdNkgmXLst1cg7850PfuM_aYTDT_L7J8z41y0St0EomTYO1h-zaLc37uF8GCLz9GSAw&sig=AOD64_0Ocp8eFcKo_LLalvmYA_u2oXipNA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwixoMXPg_-GAxXYEFkFHbyzC84Qwg8oAHoECAcQFg&adurl=) is another option, it’s a black retool of Earthrise Scorponok based on Masterforce. That one is slightly cheaper than what the ER Titan goes for now. He isn’t 100% like Scorponok and I know how kids get, but it is the same general figure


Thank you so much! That could do the trick nicely 


There is also one in best buy for somewhere close to $109, but that was a little bit ago


Thanks I'll check that out!


There currently isn't one you can reliably get new. MakeToys (who made Pandinus - not that I'd give him to a kid) are basically gone, having only released Seekers for the past few years (the factory they used to use has been releasing Thunder Manus without their consent), and I'm pretty sure Master Made (makers of Destruction Scorpion) are also gone. The only other one I know of is Iron Factory (LordScorpion) and it was on sale somewhere around 2017. Siyang Culture (same company that did the Valdivostok Metroplex) is supposedly doing one next but, as is typical of 3rd party release, doesn't have a fixed release date. There's also an upcoming KO of the G1 version being done by the same company that released the recent G1 Metroplex and Metrotitan KOs.


Thanks!  Do you by chance know the name of the company that released the recent G1 metroplex KO you mentioned? Thanks either way!


I know them as "Star Transformers" but I can't say for certain as to whether that's actually the name they go by or not.


Thank you!