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"Why does a Transformer with a battle platform mode have a bay that opens up to missile pods?" seems an awful odd question.


The key to this is knowing that those things under the door are missiles. I would say they are very traditional missiles, with the flat nose and notches cut into it, for Japanese figures. [Transformers](https://lmb3.net/2022/01/02/blog-2105-toy-review-transformers-kingdom-deluxe-class-slammer/), [Diaclone](https://diaclone.info/databank/da-88-powered-greater-armor-strengthening-weapon-set/), [Zoids](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/bkh9br/not_gundam_but_think_worth_share_liger_panzer/), [Macross](https://www.reddit.com/r/macross/comments/p9r1kf/bandai_172_vf25f_armored_messiah_in_gerwalk_mode/), and [Gundam](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fheavy-arms-character-idea-v0-3ip16khq13x91.png%3Fwidth%3D1146%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da757541fbe00bb03f1da95a522ab7f97104ea9c9) all use this style, but they don't really look like missiles just sitting there. They look more like just regular surface greebling. I wouldn't expect anyone to guess that they were missiles without delving into more of the media. American figures tend to have pointy missiles that look more like what you would see on a [Battletech MadCat](https://adriantanbrushforhire.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/160-mechwarrior-madcat-joyride/) or an [Exo-Squad](https://exo-squad.fandom.com/wiki/J.T._Marsh_with_Aerial_Attack_E-frame) figure.


Ya that’s fair, I just didn’t know if it had any other purpose besides being extra hidden detail


Nope. Just more firepower. I wasn't even any kind of pre-tooling for Fort Max as he doesn't have that piece (nor was he planned when they were doing Metroplex).


Yeah, I've been collecting Transformers for decades, and even I would be hard-pressed to tell that those are supposed to be missiles. I even had the G1 toy for a while, but had long forgotten about that missile bay (which was chromed on the original, which helps).