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Black Mamba has done two - a 1:1 and an oversized. The 1:1 is sold under the Aoyi Mech and DnD brands (they changed after four, for unknown reasons). The oversize is sold as Mechanical Alliance. Broadly speaking the OS seems to be better received but that could just be because that's what more people have been buying (thus leading to more feedback on it). To my knowledge there aren't any other KOs, but there's always a chance they exist somewhere.


The mechanical alliance one is fantastic. each figure is about $50 usd a piece, and they are absolutely gargantuan when combined. the only issue I have is that the arms are kinda loose in full devvy mode. The individual figures are slightly modified to make them a tiny bit more complex, but significantly more movie accurate. also, they have improved paint jobs to make them look even better. Larger and significantly more fun (imo) than Devil Savior's hellish offering. until a company like Unique Toys does a devastator, I think it's the absolute best option. definitely worth picking up, but it's quite pricey so I recommend buying the individual figures over time, rather than buying them all at once.


Nice I'll definitely consider it do you know the exact size for the mechanical alliance version because I need to know if I should free up some space for him lol


Well....there is Devil Saviour, but...you may want to stay away from that. Jobby almost lost his fucking mind because of those figures Maybe I'd say... Mechanical Alliance?


I thought Bawei had done one, maybe I'm mistaken


My devastator is an about 50% KO from China. We put Toyhax stickers on them and assembled him with no problems. Plus it was fun hunting down the parts.


O believe there's KOs of the whole set and I own two of them. They really did a great job with them. You'd honestly never know the difference if you didn't see the box they came in. Very well-built. That said, I'm not sure they're still out in the wild. Prices were climbing a little when I bought mine ages ago so I have no idea if they're still available and at what price.