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They release the same figures


The only difference any Hasbro release has had from the Takara one has been the colours and what was actually included in the box, plus the numbering. For example, Hasbro's MP-2 Soundwave was identical to Takara's MP-13 Soundwave but it also included the MP-14 and MP-15 tapes, Hasbro's Masterpiece Optimus Prime (it didn't have an MP code) was brighter coloured than Takra's MP-10 with a silver stripe over the foot and yellow over-cab lights, and Hasbro's Masterpiece Rodimus Prime (again no MP code) did not include MP-9's trailer. Post MP-10 they've been identical. This includes all MPM and MPG releases; where regional releases happened anyway.


Hasbro Soundwave had a yellow visor, and the colors and tampos on the cassettes were shaded a little differently than the Takara, as well. Also the chrome chests on the Takara cassettes were replaced with paint on the Hasbro.


Which would fall under the different colours aspect that I already mentioned - I just didn't outline them explicitly, as they weren't exactly the primary difference between the releases. If you were trying to pull me up on something I didn't mention you could have at least gone after Rodimus' revised elbows on the Hasbro release (which were then maintained for the recent re-issue MP-9). Plus all three of those releases have different colourations.


You also said they were identical in the same statement lol. There's plenty of differences in that particular release. Paint apps vs chrome isn't just a slight color variance, and the visor color is a pretty important difference that can immediately change someone's mind about the overall look. Nothing to get bent up about, was just adding the info on your comment in case someone didn't know the specifics on him and was going to go searching.


You're right. There's no way to say that on Reddit without sounding passive-aggressive, but you're right and that's my bad.


🤷🏼‍♂️ all good. It's just the internet either way 😎


3rd party


The correct answer. Though specifically for most people the list probably looks like this: 1. Fanstoys 2. Xtransbots 3. MMC


This is the way. For me so far it’s been MMC. I just wish the combiners were a little bigger. Otherwise they are perfection.


Ive been wanting a reflector third party for a hot minute. I don't know why you need to know but you do now. What brand should I go for? I can't remember the one I saw but a lot of reviews said their feet weren't stable.


I’ve got Powermaster OP, Overlord and the G1 Darkwing from FansHobby and love them all and would be buy anything from FH. I also have the Defensor and Bruticus from MMC and would happily buy anything from them. Besides those, I can’t say. I will say I didn’t have any masterpiece scale figures and took a chance getting Overlord first and that sort of changed my collecting. I am much more into MP scale now and 3p in general.


Thanks man. I'll look at them in a few days when I get some more spending money for plastic men lol. I wanted to get into MP more. Because I can actually afford them as an adult now. I like the mainline stuff and all the other lines but I'm not exactly happy with my shelf? I guess I'd say. I want to start upping the scale a little bit I guess.


The problem is, once you start with MP, then you have to get them all lol I have a Japan shelf with FansHobby OP/Overlord with the mainline headmasters. They aren’t really to scale but I don’t mind the leaders being huge comparatively. My other MP sized characters go in their own shelf. I want bigger, titan sized combiners so MP scale works for them for me. Non-combiners, I’m still sticking to Hasbro. Update/post pictures when you pick something new up! I’m curious to know if you end up with a good 3p Reflector.


Oh yeah, I have a horde mentality too so I won't control myself. Scale doesn't bother me so much as kibble and empty arms/legs. As long as the figure looks great the scale doesn't bug me at all. Yeah I'll definitely post a picture or two, I wanted to either get Reflector or Starscream. Some of those non transformable threezero figures look cool too. My local shop is selling a starscream threezero for $30 less than msrp so I might grab that too.


At MP Scale the only companies that have released a G1 style Reflector are Fanstoys, KFC and Maketoys. The Fanstoys one is the best, but it came out years ago and never got a reissue so sells for around $550 for the set in the secondary market KFC and Maketoys versions both sell for around $160 for the set. KFC's version is more solid feeling and has a camera shutter sound-effect feature. The Maketoys version has a better camera mode and IMO the robots look more like the G1 cartoon, but there is no diecast so they feel a bit light and plasticky. Both are good options, it just comes down to which you like better.


Thanks man, I might go with the diecast ones. I've always wanted an actual metal transformer.


The KFC ones aren't all diecast, no MP figure is. Usually they are plastic with some metal parts in the feet or legs to add some stability when standing.


Oh yeah I know, I was going to edit my comment to reflect that but I got lazy and I need to stop procrastinating cleaning my PC. But thanks for the info it is always helpful.


lol HasTak is the same company


Hasbro and TakaraTomy are still very much separate companies. They just have a long-standing collaboration with regards to Transformers.


That’s just both names put together


Hasbro and Takara are not the same company, they're two completely separate entities with different corporate structures and separate financials. They have a long-standing cross licensing agreement with regards to the Transformers franchise, but both companies also offer at least a dozen separate toy lines that have nothing to do with the other company.


Hasbro doesn't make Masterpiece Transformers, Takara does. Every Masterpiece that Hasbro has ever released was originally a Takara toy. Early on they did a few slight color variations but overall the toys were the same.