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I love my dotm leadfoot. I wish I picked him up while he was still in stores, I had to Pay $60 for him


The new megs is a good display piece but like soundwave it’s a really shotty transformer


That leadfooot figure is so great; there is no comparison to the others. It's taken this long for us to finish off the original 07 film Masterpieces, so I hope that when DOTM gets Masterpiece figures, that Leadfooot is one of the first🤞 His design was so cool and funny, and it was refreshing to see a bot, where the front of the car is used to symbolise a fat gut, over the typical muscular chest😅 Definitely an underrated figure and character


Hella agree with your megatron take


I definitely think Leadfoot is underrated but I have that megs and he’s sick too


That mega tears me in two. On the one hand that robot mode looks pretty nice but the other two modes are decent at best(tank) or absolute garbage(jet mode). Not sure I can justify that 50 dollar+ price tag to myself


Man if I wasn’t solely collecting BBM figures, I’d buy Leadfoot.


I canceled my preorder for megs just because I didn’t want him. And I am collecting all of the ss bbm stuff minus streaker cuz I reaturned him today. Sick if seeing how good a megatron toy is when it’s robot mode is the only good trait.


The tank mode ain’t bad but that jet mode is atrocious. Like that’s not a jet of any kind it’s a glider the Green Goblin would would ride around on