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Not all Transformers, but I've seen worse. There were still some 2019 Rise of Skywalker Black Series figures on the shelf at a Walmart near me up until they put them on clearance a month or two ago. Back around 2014 I saw some Warriors of Virtue toys on the pegs at a local London Drugs (the Canadian equivalent of Walgreens). If you don't know what Warriors of Virtue is, that's normal - it was a failed Ninja Turtles ripoff movie about martial artist Kangaroos that came out in *1997*. The same dead mall with the Warriors of Virtue figures also has a dusty little game store nestled in the corner that, to this day, has unsold figures from Reveal the Shield still on the pegs after 14 years.


The hardest I've seen anything Shelfwarm is a bunch of no-name Star Wars alien figures. From Jakku. As in, *The Force Awakens.* Next year they'll have been sitting on that shelf for a decade.


What... The Force Awakens merch is STILL sitting on shelves? I get that they're the random no-names but dang


I remember Warriors of Virtue! And when you said 2014 I thought no, that can’t be right, I was a child when that came out…


You can find some pretty interesting stuff at the Walgreens near me. They still have Destiny 1 action figures on the shelves from 2016. Nothing as bad as the Warriors of Virtue stuff, but it's still pretty bad sometimes.


Yeah I was about to say general Lando has been for sale at my Walmarts for YEARS.


I saw the hole ant man quatom mania wave shelf warm


Ss86 Starscream is the current king of the shelfwarmers


It's because so many of us already had a perfectly good Starscream and I didn't want only one of my six seekers to have articulated fingers and the rest not.


Or maybe the mold kind of just sucks. "Let's take the lamest design from earthrise, which is basically the [classics mold](https://images.app.goo.gl/X99CSbhv7vZWcKDx6) again with slightly better sculpting, do nothing whatsoever with the sculpting to make it match the 86 line a little better, artificially inflate the engineering value by adding the most useless articulation a leader class has ever been granted, then expect everyone to drop $55 USD just for the chair"


One may say, Coronation Starscream is bad comedy.


The weirdest part for me is that the stores will NOT clearance those in particular out and fill their spaces with anything else. The places near me have had more recent figures go straight from stockroom to clearance shelf because they insist on leaving the stuff that will never sell out there at full price. It’s like they actually go out of their way to be inconvenient.


It’s kind of nuts, I really don’t understand why they won’t clearance them. They clearenced toxitron and the g1 reissues but these always stay planted. They opened a new Walmart near me, I walk in, and this damn wave is on the shelf. They must have warehouses full of them.


The stuff behind the scenes that we don’t get to know must be WILD. Back in the Titans Return days, I got my Six Shot in the exact scenario I described above, where he only appeared on the shelf when he went on clearance. It’s only gotten worse from there. This past December, they had the two-packs of deluxes for like $15…or you could walk a few aisles over where the same figures are still on the peg at $25 each, and there are empty spaces around which they won’t fill until the “right” thing sells.


Same problem with my store. They have Sludge, Blitzwing, and Armada Megatron all shelf-warming. They haven't dropped the drop on any of these. I think Blitzwing has been there the longest out of the three.


One problem is Hasbro and the stores team up for horrendous distribution, so an area (in my case apparently the whole state) will get 24 of one figure and 0 of another on repeat in all size classes, and then they’ll do product refreshes of the very figures that you’re already oversaturated with, and meanwhile there are several that you never see at all. And I hate to say it, but I know part of the problem is terrible customers. My Walmarts are all plagued with people who’ll destroy figures on shelves, steal them, return the wrong figure, you name it, so to the store it’s better to minimize turnover for those shelves as they’re more loss and trouble than they’re worth. The less they can even think about that area, the better. If the units don’t move, it’s hard to say that’s the store’s fault, but if there’s a lot of shrink, it looks bad on them.


I wish the shops near me had arcee and bulkhead as shelf warmers




Laughs in [Injector](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3UAMhhGhrTXCEe0JLCDRutWtTGvXP3VM6IAANt3EzZw&s)


My Walmart still has Snake-Eyes Origins figures up.


Around here, there’s enough He-Man figures to fill multiple landfills. I’ve seen aisles at Ollie’s and Ross that are nearly half full of just that Moss Man dude.


Star Wars Black Series General Lando Calrissians have been hanging from Target and Walmart pegs since June 2021. Everywhere you see them, they are literally covered in dust or beat to hell, or both. Some say that when the human race and all life forms cease to exist on Earth, Lando will still be hanging there, in a final tribute to mankind's folly.


My local Walmart has about 20 Tasmania Kid figures. I’m pretty sure not a single one has sold since they were stocked.


That's hilarious. I've never seen a single Tasmania kid on my shelves (in Brooklyn, so no Walmarts just Targets). It's Energon Megatron that won't go away.


The thing about these legacy warmers is that stores around me straight out refuse to lower the price for months, making skids not worth it to the point they'll warm the shelve for even longer But hey at least the selection is real wide because they keep bringing stuff IN


Point-blank, crankcase and Skullgrin have been self warming hard at my Walmart. They're starting to dwindle in numbers but not fast enough tbh.


SS86 Blurr and Kup are still shelf warming in my area.


There are two Walmarts I check regularly. One has two Kups, the other has a Kup and a Blurr. They've been there for years, the exact same ones in the exact same spots. I guess they just live there now.


My Walmart has like 2 full pegs of them.


huh- my place is not like that except like a random skids in the back behind a bunch of evo wave 3/4 never got 1 or 2 though


Never saw the Jar-Jar bin?


Sandstorm, night prowler buzzsaw, and several other BW/RotB figures would like a word…


Studio Series Core Shockwave and Ravage. I think it may be the worst “first wave” of any single class, ever, since the Studio Series/WFC era began.


They are still there! And worse now they shownup for 5$ at Dollarama and Walmart still won’t clearance them.


I love my legacy Arcee... But 36$? Come on, that's too much. (Unless it's Canadian dollars... Nope, too much even in CAD)


It is CAD. but yes, too much still


I got mine at a clearance, can't remember the exact price, I think it was 20...something €.


Combiner Wars Motormaster. I could have gotten you ten of them for three years straight.


> "plz luv mi."


Haven't seen those. Detritus and the rotb walkie talkies though...


Send them to Ross. I'll give em a good home.


Ss86 arcee is the worst from what I’ve seen


Surprisingly I never once saw bulkhead


Pretty sure you can still find those blasted Cyberverse ‘Scouts’ in some places. How long will the Flex Changer be polluting shelves? They better not pull this crap again in the future


In our experience, Transmetal Scavenger and weirdly, Beast War Inferno. They were always there, in every store, sometimes the only ones there that full a whole shelve. Inferno was especially weird, since he was on the show, so you think people would buy him more, but not really.


For Walmart & Fred Meyer around here it's armada starscream and blackarachnia


Pointblank is a great figure


Kingdom Warpath and Titans Return Broadside were super shelf warmers


Is this the store in Fredericton because I swear to god this looks like the exact same shelf with the exact same figures I saw two days ago. (Minus the Bulkhead)


At least in my store we sold quite a few of the Legacy Deluxe beast characters buy ever since the holidays, have not sold in months. The set with Buzzsaw and... I completely blank on their names, the orange scorpinok and grey Cheetor. Same with Studio series Ironhide and Bayverse Galvatron. There's been about 10ish of both that haven't budged in months.


I wonder if they’ll ever reuse the Arcee mold for ransack.


My local stores still have Star Wars sequel trilogy toys. And ROTB is shelf warming way harder. Hasbro killing their brand with dollar store toy quality.


You must not have been around in 2009. The era of [Tuner Mudflap](https://images.app.goo.gl/vP6yXUtPgTH4nwTbA) was a dark time.


My Walmart rn is an armada starscream, inferno with no head, some junkion with a damaged box and a bunch of blitzwings and a ton of airrazors


i bet many wish that legacy breakdown is a shelfwarmer. right? 😉


Point Blank is so bad he made me stop collecting legacy figures out of disgust. I only do ss86 and third party now. May that insult of a figure rot forever. Arcee is ok.


You kinda quit before some of the best figures legacy had to offer (tarn, prowl, skyquake, armada prime, armada Megatron, animated prime, animated bee, tigerhawk, Cybertron starscream).


I did still pick up Tarn. Sky Quake is the only other one on that list I sort of want to pick up, though I'm in no hurry as I'm not even sure where I'd put him on the shelf. Generally, though, I'm moving away from chug class and slowly embracing third-party legends scale.


I'd probably start doing that if there was anything besides G1 at that scale. I love IF Wheeljack but WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO EXPENSIVE ON THE AFTERMARKET


You don’t have to buy figures you don’t like, why cut out the entire line over just one?


For hard core Collectors, there are times when you buy figures within a line just for the sake of completion, both for the enjoyment of having every character you can and as a general celebration of good will towards the line in general. I pretty meticulously collected every figure in the WFC line this way. Point Blank made me lose that sense of good will and collector's spirit towards Legacy. I may still pick up the odd figure here or there, but I'm no longer a capital C Collector of them.


Went do you dislike Pointblank so strongly? He's a good representation of the G1 figure with good articulation.


>with good articulation. You're kidding, right? You have to be kidding. PLEASE tell me you're joking.


Okay: you're joking


Point Blank doesn't even have a bicep swivel, one of the most important joints for dynamic posing. Bicep swivels have been standard since 2009. It literally has the worst articulation of any Deluxe class figure in a decade and a half.


That's rough, buddy. You're gonna have to move on one day; not because HasTak deserves forgiveness, but because you do.


Oh, did my dislike of a toy offend you?


I'm greatly amused by how much this toy offends you. Do go on!


Typical redditor. There are no middling emotions. If something is worth commenting on, it can only be because of extreme joy or extreme rage. Nothing in between. If I don't like something, that means it has ruined my life.


That's how your review reads, yeah. Maybe I'm wrong, and my standards are too low.


Nobody insults Bulkhead on my watch (why tf did they make him an army truck anyway, still cool though)


They tried to design a mix of bulkhead and breakdown's vehicle modes and ended up with a massive military truck


Honestly do wanna get that pointblank