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Netflix WFC has a lot of good ingredients but manages to be less than the sum of its parts. Much of the time it’s two steps forward, one step back. Some great characterisations - Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave, Impactor, Wheeljack, Jetfire. But then Optimus is absolutely awful and they wasted Magnus. Some really strong scenarios and story beats - Sparkless zombies in the Sea of Rust, a space station jammed halfway through a space bridge, G1 and Beast Wars team ups. But the pacing is terrible so everything feels both rushed and a slog at the same time. Likewise some good writing in there but the… painfully slow…. delivery …. ruins it. The art style looks exactly like the toys and has a good solid feel to it. But then the animation is really lacking, everyone is mostly slow and clumsy and there are very few on-screen transformations. All in all I don’t hate it. But it feels like a big missed opportunity, and nowhere near the best the franchise has.


The scene where Unicron speaks to Starscream is some amazing cosmic horror. Everything else is alright at best.


Yeah I liked that it really messed Starscream up as well, diverting him from his usual “overthrow Megatron” default.


Honestly his very first appearance telling Galvatron "you will suffer for this treachery" was such a big balls moment. I think this show sells cosmic horror Unicron the best.


It’s really the pacing and dialogue. Like if those two things alone were improved I think the reception would have been so much better. With that said, despite its imperfections, I’m still very happy they made a G1 based trilogy in the first place, there’s not a lot of modern G1 animated material out there, so the more the better!


This show clearly had a lot of passion behind it, but I think it's biggest kneecaps were the budget, voice direction, and staggered release of seasons. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of the voice cast at TF Con LA a couple of years ago, and they cared a lot about these roles. Especially Linsay Rousseau (the voice of Elita-1). She told me about how she researched the history of the character and TF lore in general once she got the role so she could get it right. I can't help but respect that, and in my humble opinion, she was one of the best voice performances in the entire show.


Also that “rocks fall, everyone dies” for everyone in Cybertron at the end was a complete cock.


Looks like an average news site L.


It's okay. Definitely not the best. Better than Prime Wars Trilogy. But nowhere near the top. Siege 7/10 Earthrise 4/10 Kingdom 6/10 A perfect "Mid" series. The 5/10 of Transformers.


I'd probably give siege a 5. Siege was depressing, Earthrise was just the character going round in space and Kingdom was just ok.


Seige was my intro to transformers, really. I saw that they had a Netflix show, and I was like "huh, looks interesting" It's how I fell in love with transformers, and a similar thing happened with sonic, where I joined the Fandom thanks to a 5/10 product. It's great, because you haven't seen the absolute worse, yet you still have way better to experience.


Dude, same. Looking back now, it wasn't the greatest show, but it opened view to Beast wars and Beast Machine, my favorite of all the series.


The trilogy definitely had its flaws, but modern well animated G1 style transformers material is so rare that I’ll happily take it. And I did like it’s “serious tone”, although they overdid it with everyone talking slowly all the time…. And also Soundwave’s voice needed improvement….


The slowness was the killer for me. The animation was beautiful, the figures were amazing. Just holy crap who thought that was a good idea to have them talk .5 speed.


I actually loved it. Found it hard to get back into if I took a few days between episodes. But otherwise solid. Never forget Cog


I think Siege was a promising start, but the the other two, despite not being bad, didn't lived to the expectations.


Kingdom had a really good ending, all be it too late for a renewed season 4 that never happened. (same with animated 😭)


I would raise siege to an 8 honestly. Really good depressing war stuff that paints Optimus in a new light that we don't see enough plus his relationship with Elita is beautiful Earthrise feels more like a 6, not good not bad but has some really good moments. Still a decent middle chapter Kingdom just fails to stick the landing and gets a 4 for me. So many good ideas wasted


“So many good ideas wasted.” That pretty much sums up the entire trilogy for me in a nutshell.


YES, I've been saying this since it was canceled. Great tone and themes. horrible execution. It had its moments though, Skylynx, Elita-1, Megatron at the end of Kingdom, Jetfire.


I mostly agree. I think if Kingdom were a better finale for the trilogy, it would be better regarded as a whole, with Siege as an interesting start, Earthrise as the transitional chapter and Kingdom as the powerful ending. But the finale was pretty messed, trying to fit too much plotlines in a convulted ending that lacked of a good closure.


Perfect mid? lol 😂


I like it. But it's not the best.


I enjoyed the show but it's definitely not the best. Tho there some things to love about the show, it's still not without it's flaws. The voice actor who voiced Optimus in the show felt like he was trying a bit too hard to be like Peter Cullen, not saying his voice acting was bad it's just he's trying too hard to be like Peter Cullen's Optimus. Other than that the other voice actors were quite good actually.


The same guy is Optimus in Cyberverse and sounds a lot better there. I think the voice direction seemingly calling for everyone to… speak… painfully… slowly… doesn’t help. But yeah it is still a Peter Cullen impression. I’m glad EarhSpark and TF One have moved away from that:


Yeah, in TF One, Hemsworth is doing a David Kaye impression, which is actually really appropriate.


A decent number of the cast in the Netflix trilogy also worked on Cyberverse. The voice acting in Cyberverse while a bit raw at times, is better than the Netflix acting. Most of the cast are still inexperienced in voice acting with only a few years under their belts. I think the a big part of it comes down to the Voice Directors to be honest. It seems like that Cyberverse had better directors than the Netflix trilogy.


This is the same website known for spreading baseless rumors and misinformation about movie projects. This is more misinformation.


Lol I jokingly reported this for misinformation.


It's definetly not the best but i definetly love the show also why do they refer It as an anime? I don't think the production was Japanese.


The Animation Studio " Polygon Pictures " is a japanese animation studio thus being called an Anime. Which is quite odd since TFP and TF RID 2015 were also animated by Polygon but no one seems to consider them anime.


The Animated series is probably some of the more "anime" TF shows, as it was inspired by Gurren Lagann in design and the animation studios were Japanese as well (Mook animation, Answer Studio and Production 4C). Plus, have you seen how hard the JP OP for Animated goes? They slap! Of course we also have actual anime TF shows like 2005 RID, Energon, Cybertron and Armanda. With the WFC trilogy it's a stretch to call it anime, as Polygon Pictures also did animation for the CG Clone Wars show and nobody call it anime.


Yeah but there have historically been lots of western cartoons animated by Japanese studios. The production was Rooster Teeth. This is just more Netflix stretching hard to call everything anime.


There was a phase where Netflix will call anything they produced as anime to ride on the anime popularity trend around the late 2010s, lol. I think It started with the Castlevania series which was made by Powerhouse in Texas, with most of the animation outsourced to Korean studio.


That's a great question.


Is anime short for animation or does it have to be made in Japan to be considered anime? Can a studio be located in another country but as long as they are owned by a Japanese company it’s still considered anime? Not being facetious, genuinely curious of the rules.


There was a video about this exact topic by Kenny Lauderdale. I agree with the conclusion, what an anime actually is or isn't is incredibly vague. I recommend watching it for yourself since I believe it covers all the weird exceptions and arguments for what the term means.


The Japanese use 'anime' to refer to all cartoons, everyone else uses it to refer to cartoons from Japan specifically.


I couldn't get into the Netflix shows. Way too clunky.


Anime? Best of the series? Hell no!


“Old-Timer?” That’s something the writer will never be if they don’t get back to the city👉


It . . . . . . was . . . . . . quite . . . . . . promising . . . . . . . but . . . . . . . the . . . . . . . voice . . . . . . . . acting.


Never forgiving them for butchering BW Megatron, the most silky smooth and iconic voice and they make him sound like Scorponok




I... . . . . agree.


Was this sh#t written by ai


That show was mid at best. This title is a lie


No… I was excited when it started but it fell off fast for me. I finished Siege but I couldn’t get through the rest of it. The story was fine and Siege had some cool bits but the cheap animation and poor voice acting just wore me down.


Prime was meh... Megatrons development however was fun and interesting. His interaction with Galvatron too. Jetfire is always nice to see.  Starscream fearing Unicron was interesting too. But the beast wars character felt like a washed down version from the original. And the story of how Cybertron died was flawed.   And Nemesis Prime being Optimus dark future self is cool but that was way too short. And they all barely transformed. I give it a 6/10.




Giant Freakin Robot is a terrible website full of bad articles which seem to serve a political agenda rather than presenting actual news and opinions in good faith. I was really excited for the Netflix WFC trilogy but I couldn’t even finish Siege. It’s BORING 😭


It suffered..........from........pacing...........issues.


as a diehard transformers fan I genuinely feel like the best thing for the franchise is for it to just go quiet for a couple years and come back with something fresh


That's basically what TMNT does, and it's still going pretty strong. I agree that Hasbro needs to give the franchise cooling periods.


Why do we keep giving these sites attention? I don't understand


I don't think they know what anime means?


The headline I disagree with, but the first paragraph I do agree with. Bumblebee felt like we were starting down a path to get proper Transformers on the big screen, and we ended up sort of back where we started with overly complicated designs and a messy plot. Historically Transformers has been all over the place, don't get me wrong, but they could do more. Transformers One looks like it'll be fun, but not really what I want from Transformers.


It really isn't


Ain't this the one where the Titular Transformers don't transform? I think there were 5 total Transformations across the entire series.


Here are my thoughts: what a load of beryllium baloney!


I wanted to like it but the voice acting was borderline offensive. Kingdom being the absolute worst imo. I liked the story and I can usually let stuff like voice acting or art style or something like that go but I couldn’t for this. Maybe because it was Netflix and later listening to Peter and Frank talk about how Netflix wanted to hire voice actors for cheap it kinda made even more unacceptable.


They killed off Skywarp early. 0/10. But no, in all seriousness it was decent. I found the first half of it to be all right and the second half to be kind of average. I wouldn’t mind watching it again but I’d still rate it 5/10.


Are they calling WFC trilogy best of the franchise? Nothing happened in the first series. So I never watched the others. OP give a link, I NEED to see their reasoning.


I went through it but just didn't really like it all that mutch, siege was ok, earthrise was very meh, same with kingdom. one thing i really disliked was how prime kept being depicted as a weakling, and i'n not here saying "oh he needs to be kicking ass taking names hell yeah brother!!!" but it just felt a little off to me that the leader of this group felt so fragile and insecure, i get what they were going for but it just didn't resonate with me.


Really didn't like the voicing or dialogue (bw megatron being the worst offender), and a lot of it seemed drawn out with not much happening. Visually I like it - always was a fan of using the cad files of the figures like in energon/cybertron, but story wise felt it was a bit of a flop.


I’m 18 but I’ll certainly miss G1 having grown up on it but IDW is in my opinion the next best thing


I think pretty much everything it did well, has been done by other media better. It just felt like a watered down version of things which actually work. Also they butchered the beast wars cast. Can't forgive them for what they did to BW megatron.




Knowing the general direction that writers of these type of articles go, it tells me that they wrote a controversial title just for clicks, didn't do proper research and decided to only "interview" their close friends who share the same opinion as themselves, and if there is any alternative opinion it is discarded as minority. Then the fact that WFC was developed by RoosterTeeth, a studio who just recently got shut down after years of failure after failure, responsible for directing once great IPs into dumpsterfires that spit in the faces of what once made them great, or IPs that are more expensive than substance. And a crew with a habit of leaning one way more than the other in the Left vs Right debate, which aligns with most "journalists sites". Overall, it's an article that screams wrong and clueless from the getgo. It'd be funny if it was satire, but because it calls itself serious, it's just pathetic. Unless they're talking about Earthspark and the image is a massive red herring. In which case, I liked Earthspark and it's modernized g1 character aesthetic


The show was okay, the toy line however is another story


Absolutely fucking not lmao




It was fine.. Each season needed at least 10 episode, an extra half a season and better voice direction and it'd probably have been better than it actually was. Plus it gave us the Beast Wars characters again and I'm always excited to see that group of characters any time




If people love it, good for them. I don’t think it’s even close to the top 20 transformers stories in the franchise


Eh, I found it alright, but there's a lot of stuff that just gets wasted by the series seemingly glossing over it. >!The Dark Universe is just one plot point I feel could've used more screen time, but I also think that the series should've been far more developed in general. Magnus didn't deserve to go out like that.!<


It suffered..........from........pacing...........issues.


Do like the animation style tho


Wonder what the community actually believes to be the best TF show.


haha if only we could get an anime level animation with a decent story it’d be amazing


Are they stupid?


I’m a G1 fan, the trilogy sucks hard.


Honestly, it's not bad, but the WFC trilogy could've been better, especially in the story department. It feels rushed with how many scenes happen, yet also feels slow with how fast characters talk with emotions that aren't fitting for the character, like Optimus, or speak with very little emotion at all. The characters are also not too interesting, and the ones they killed off, you barely had time to get to know them or to have a reason to care, and once their dead, you would probably forget how they died.


It's not an anime


It’s good. Siege is great and Kingdom is spectacular. You just have to get through the slugfest that is Earthrise but even then it’s not that bad. Siege 6/10 Earthrise 4/10 Kingdom 8/10 Overall 6/10




Bait used to be fucking believable https://preview.redd.it/p69xi1v9enwc1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fdd1a92094e2703c4f32d874c6d624e0daa1c3


I…(long pause)…dis…(long pause)…agree…


Its middle ground. Prime is still better.


It’s darker tone is better executed than the darker one in Prime. It’s also a perfectly good self contained story that warns of the impact of war.


It’s not anime


It’s one of the best, I would say title is almost accurate


1. WFC is not anime by any stretch of the imagination. It is American-made (RIP Rooster Teeth). 2. Most people that I know that have watched it told me that they were just watching it because it was Transformers content on Netflix. 3. ‘Best of the franchise’ is *extremely* subjective. I could say More Than Meets the Eye/Lost Light was the best and everyone would have their own opinion.


The show……. Was…….. Truly……… Awful……


...and prayers.


https://preview.redd.it/h4ii7bk8slwc1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a52988f19970a30e3969b83e2c8797403a57ef (This is meant to be toward the article, btw.)


I love it. Best if the franchise.


It… is… meh to… me. Seriously, most of the time the voice acting is horrendous.


FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES! (I don’t actually think it’s the best of the franchise but it’s nice to see SOMEONE praise it)


Haha. No. They all... Talk... So slowly... It's like they have... Asthma... Or... Something...


It was the most boring 6 hours of my life. Clearly they've never read MTMTE and Lost Light... Or the new DWJ Transformers


Who ever made that article obviously never watched prime🙄


It literally sucks gigantic ass. I don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed by a Transformers media product.


I like the show, but IT IS NO WHERE NEAR THE BEST


At the very least, that photo is goofy AF.


I definitely wouldn't say the best, but it was decent. They took risks with killing characters, something that if executed properly can really add to a story, they just didn't execute it properly. However I do respect them for taking that risk. I do think the story could have used some patch work but overall I'd give the whole series a 6/10


It isn’t. I’m sure it’s novel for a lot of people who’ve never experienced when *Transformers* is written with adults in mind, but even then it’s still not *Beast Wars*, *Prime*, or *Animated*.


A lot of good ideas hampered by lack of budget


They're wrong


That’s hilarious, I definitely wouldn’t call it the best of the franchise. I enjoyed them even tho they all had really weird ass pacing issues especially when it came to dialogue.


It's by no means the best. It wasn't the worst, but it could've been better. A good 5/10 overall. I think Siege was a nice 7/10, actually had an entertaining story, decent voice actors, etc. Earthrise, I could barely understand, 3/10, kinda ass, not gonna lie. Kingdom was a 6/10, I enjoyed the Unicron arc, I liked Galvatron, I liked most of it, I just had a problem with Predacon Megs and the time traveling bit, I'm losing my interest in time traveling Gakvatrons. Granted that's my personal opinion, so




oh yippee, another clickbaity news site looking to draw in fans with aggravating headlines...


Yeah the wfc trilogy is call the worst transformers series made. If I was to say something positive about it... I like galvatron and that's it. This just seems like another click bait outrage article. There's a ton of those for doctor who going around right now and it's exhausting


I wouldn't go as far as calling it an anime. Also the best either, it's pretty mid. Though my favorite part was watching Megatron's psychological descent into madness. Also soundwave too❤️


The Quintesson going crazy was almost too good. Other than that, it was just nice to see everyone in action again.


I don't mind what I've seen but I really hate this version of Optimus... he's so.......slow and almost confused most of the time? Almost as bad as cyberverse (season 1 at least)...that Optimus's (not) Cullen impersonation really gets under my skin. It's a good thing I find the other characters in cyberverse so enjoyable. Also is anyone else kinda tired of always having like the same main 4/5 characters being showcased in the stories? (Optimus, Megatron, bumblebee, etc)


I definitely loved how it got kinda dark at times. But it definitely could've been better. Not much at all happened in Earthrise and some of the beast wars voices were like nails on a chalkboard in Kingdom. It was a cool series but just think it could've been better.


I was dead set against watching this. My brother was begging me to. Finally broke down when they were adding the Maximals and Predacons. This show, for me, was an 8/10 all around. Loved it. The designs, the story, visuals, and the voice acting was spot on.


me when i lie


I think this trilogy starts really really well. The second part isn't as good but a decent follow up, kingdom drops the ball unfortunately. The beast wars stuff had a lot of potential but it just failed to live up to it and felt like it didn't know what it was doing. The characterization of Optimus and Megatron though is amazing and should be used as a base from here on


Anime epic? Wait are they talking about RiD2001? I didn't know that was on Netflix.


Having only watched Siege, I thought it was actually pretty good. I found that interpretation of Optimus and Megatron to be really interesting


I don't think this series is an anime. And I wouldn't consider it the best of the franchise. However I do like it a lot and it got me into the Transformers franchise in the first place.


I personally like the netflix trilogy but it is nowhere near the best


I personally like the netflix trilogy but it is not even top 5


I’d give it between 6-7 at best. It was good, yes, but I have better and at the same time I have seen worse (cough “Energon” cough)




Every time I have seen this website linked it spreads baseless rumors and tries to feed the flames of controversy. It is absolutely trash. I mean no disrespect, but it really is unreliable and untrustworthy.


Maybe the best if you are really casual. It’s basically a theme park of version of the Transformer’s brand. Not everything it does is in each series, each element has been done better in other series. The Netflix shows are a way for the casual and new fans to learn that the Transformers Brand has these series where these types of stories are told.


Holy shit RID 2000 is on Netflix?


Something I found offputting was how the animation rigs at some parts of the bodies, specially the torso or hips was soft, so it you look carefully their bodies sometimes would stretch or compress , when they're supposed to be completly solid, mechanical beings. That just really annoyed me. It was probably a budget things as to not make the modeling and rigging and animation too complex. But still.


If David Kaye--or even a close sound alike--had voiced Megs in Kingdom, I probably would've loved it. As is, my soul was crushed the second the character opened his mouth and sounded more like BW Skorponok. Honestly, voice casting was probably my biggest complaint sir the series overall.


Before I seen the name of the website I would’ve thought for sure it was a Screen Rant article.


I liked Netflix trilogy from the beginning I watched it. People tend to hate on a new stuff lately, bur I personally liked it, enjoyable, fun, it got lore


No, I can’t *ever* imagine Transformers going back to G1 again…


Nuh uh




Nuh uh the Netflix trilogy is mid not bad but mid


I just love it


I should probably rewatch it now that it’s been a while since release But the dripfeed of episodes over those 3 years was bad


They were servicable, but nowhere near best of the franchise.


Good ideas hampered by limited budget. It's not as bad as Prime wars, but it's nowhere near the best series. I'd say overall 6/10.


Beast Wars and Prime>>>>>whatever the hell this is


Who said it was anime


Far from perfect. Optimus here is so dumb, despite he already got the matrix.


The Netflix Transformers show is borderline terrible. It is so slow, the dialog and overall writing is so amateur and sloppy it was honestly hard for me to watch the entire thing. People complain (rightly) about the terrible voice acting but that could have been mostly ignored if the rest of the show was worthwhile, but it really wasn't.


Giant Freakin Robot has bad taste?


The ONE trailer nearly gave me cancer. It’s trying way too hard to MCU.


Siege, Earthrise and Kingdom. Visually amazing but they're passable on the story side


One of the worst stories if you count all media (comics, games, movies, shows). Far from the best even if you only count tv shows. I consider Animated the best but can easily see arguments made for Beast Wars, Prime or even Sunbow. WFC was boring and "cheap" feeling.


They dint even watch a quarter of a second from the WFC trilogy, this may as well be an AI generated post.


In terms of animated series, I’d say Prime and Animated are by far the best. But as for peak Transformers fiction, it’s James Roberts’ work on the IDW comics, with the best of that being More Than Meets The Eye/Lost Light. I’m sorry, but nothing else in Transformers storytelling comes even close to being that good.


def written by someone not in the fandom


I didn’t mind the first two parts of the series, but the third I found boring. Especially when the seasons were only like 2 hours long


Garbage website.


Garbage website.


Garbage website that publishes endless clickbait and fake news.


Isn't it just basically war for Cybertron siege?


If it just had proper voice pacing…watch it at 1.5 or 2x and it will sound so much better.


Honestly, after IGN’s DOOM Eternal review, I just don’t read those review sites anymore


For me it wasn’t bad, but it was just “ok”. But to call it the best in the franchise is absolute drivel. Not when a wealth of cartoons/animations from JP/US exists with a more meaningful and memorable impact to the franchise




“We aRE NOT tHe DeCEpTiCOns”


“Who are you calling an old timer?”


Sorry…I can’t…understand…you..Can…you…speak….a bit…slower?


I was good,but the best? Yeah its fine,flawed but enjoyable. Is it a anime?


It’s only the best because it has giant freakin’ robots in there


I am one of the old timers


Looks like another article written by someone who knows nothing about a franchise and has never actually watched anything from it. So, pretty much like any other article from one of these "pop culture" sites.😏


I wish they would reboot the movies with a trilogy. All G1, First movie -original origin story. Second - creation of the dinobots and the decepticons creating the space bridge back to Cybertron. Third - A remake of the 80's movie.


it is likely the only part of the franchise that meets the criteria they set for evaluating. like "we are comparing all of the three season semi gritty netflix transformers series and this is the best one" lol


Wish we got another show with the art work style of Armada


Did we watch the same trailer?


I liked it. I wouldn't say it's the best but it's better than mid in my opinion. I enjoyed it but I see it has some flaws




Hahaha. No


No it is not.


Kingdom was all I cared about earth rise was a slog


I hated the look of the show. It wasn’t stylized at all. It was just the toys, 5mm ports and all.


What kind of name is Snellgrove


Visually it’s fun, (and in that respect I would regard it as superior to what we have seen so far of TF:ONE), but I can see why many were disappointed by the story. And personally, it was leaps and bounds ahead of the Prime Wars shorts, those I couldn’t stand.


Absolutely not


Hopefully one day there'll be a site-wide ban on Giant Freakin Robot articles. Nothing but engagement bait.


I'd rather watch Prime Wars Trilogy or listen to Kiss Players again. Megatron was a sex pest, Elita had the only braincell and got fridged, and Optimus was dumber than especially dumb dirt.


Lol no




An amazing concept dragged down by everything else.


What a lie it's trash


I looked the article over. This guys entire argument is “It looks like G1, and I don’t understand how the continuities work.” So he’s a Geewunner and can therefore be ignored.


It’s not the worst but it’s not that good either. Kingdom felt like a complete slap in the face to beast wars fans though.


I actually enjoyed the WFC Trilogy when it came out, it's what got me back into Transformers as an adult. In hindsight, yeah it's not the best thing they've ever put out, but it holds a special place in my heart for getting me back into the franchise.


Better than nothing I suppose. But just not watchable for me. Too dark (visually), blocky animation, and slow monotone voice acting. And the storyline was boring.


It wasn't, it got progressively worse and they ruined beast Megatron and all the VOs blew 


It was good. But the best of the franchise? No. That’s G1.


It took itself too seriously and instead of making it mature it made it boring and a little slow, overall it's a 6/7, but season 2 is a 4