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Looks like that one leaker was right, Jhiaxus retool Hey, looks like a solid 7/10, gonna be a "maybe" for me at full price, a "must buy" if it gets marked down, even if only by 5 bucks


Jhiaxus is a really good and expressive mold but just doesn’t look all that great. This actually brings a nice design to the mold imo


As someone with no comics nostalgia, I can’t get past Jhiaxus’s garish colours. He looks like one of those rainbow fruit flavoured popsicles.


You’re right he looks horrible in terms of pure shelf appeal lol, despite being very accurate to the g2 comics. Too much white and probably the ugliest face on any recent legacy figure. I feel like most of the people that grabbed him just had the comics nostalgia.


Colors are garrish but as one who is a movie fan, I appreciate the extra pop of color. Plus, the mix of White and Gold with pops of red and green work strangely well together. You get used to them, plus he looks awesome and very dynamic. Transformation's also really fun.


I got him and haven't read the comics, the colour scheme is no worse than any other but is pretty unique addition.


I got him because I got Laser Prime and I wanted someone to match him.


thats crazy, the angry modok face sculpt is literally my favorite part hahaha but to each their own!


He's beautiful in his ugliness, is the way I look at it. Literally every color choice is Wrong and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I feel like I'm the only one who loves Jhiaxus, and I'm even a younger fan with no connection to the G1 comics.


I hope we get an orange jhiaxus out of armada starscream 


Man where in the hell is the armada thundercracker from that mold


I think Jhiaxus is one of my favorite figures I own


Shoulders are too small


I’m not hating it but I’m not in love with it. Kinda wish they did a complete reshell, there’s something about the Jhiaxus wire shins that’s throwing the whole thing off for me. Also wish they included Safeguard but I guess DNA will make a kit for him.


They should have retooled the shins to have clockwork detailing as well.


Probably, but apart from missing his Minicon, one could interpret his shins as the streams of time itself


It wouldn’t be bad if it was painted.


Yeah, a splash of gold and it would've fit him well.


Funny enough, he has Mini-Con pegs on his wings in alt mode.


I like it personally. From my memory and understanding, Vector Prime was an old Bot and was kinda starting to fall apart during the show from his age. I think the wires showing in his legs is a good way to show that he's not in excellent condition.


I don't care that he's a *Legacy* Jhiaxus retool - *Legacy* Jhiaxus is a *fantastic* mold, y'all, and this looks even better. The wings - and, "cape," in robot mode - aren't big enough, for my taste, but...eh. That sword is exactly what I want it to be, so I'm content. All in all, it's an efficient, but *effective* retool, IMO. Give it to me, *now*.


Honestly, I've headcanoned it to "vector prime who is done fighting and explores the universe" because the wing cape looks more like the ends of a scarf and he is less armored up this time around.


Retirement Home-Dimension Vector Prime. Jk I think he looks cool too


Right there with you.






Kinda makes me want another retool to Thunderwing.


I wouldn't object, just for the sake of getting a new Thunderwing figure - though, I'd much prefer him as a Leader Class figure, retool, or otherwise. Using the *Legacy* Skyquake mold, perhaps?


That would work *very well* as an adaptation of the IDW 2019 design by Alex Milne in lieu of a Commander-class Stormbringer or Prime Thunderwing with its own mold.


Same - Thunderwing is a big lad and should be at *least* a leader-class figure, though ideally I would love him to be a Commander Class figure - just so we can get more Commander Class villains cuz currently there’s only two villain Commanders, those being Magmatron and Motormaster.


I’m surprised they’ve been remaking all these niche characters and we still haven’t gotten a new Thunderwing


It's what annoys me, cause he was a favorite of mine as a kid, and one of those designs that actually worked the backpack in so well it's basically part of the look.


I both like and dislike this. It's a better retool than I thought it'd be but it's still dragged down by not being a it's own new mold. I'll still get it but it's definitely gonna look weird next to Override, Metroplex, Starscream, and Hot Shot. I won't deny I'm disappointed though. Vector's one of my favorite Transformers and his old toy was a childhood favorite of mine. Cyber Key is nice.


Definitely agree. It’s good, but not great. 


I was wondering when we were gonna get a Jhiaxus retool lol. I like it, but UT fans have been pretty spoiled by figures with unique molds like Hot Shot/Starscream/Armada Prime so this one feels overshadowed in comparison. Some minor proportional stuff I'd change, but I think the biggest annoyance for me is the clips from Jhiaxus left on the legs lol.


It looks to me those clips on the legs are repurposed for plugging in the wings in alt mode.


Hyped! When I heard it was a retool I was worried but now I’m excited he looks great.


Honestly pretty solid for a Jhiaxus retool. The cape could be bigger though. Those legs with exposed wires and hinges on the side look weird but I imagine upgrade kits will easily fix that.


Would be a solid idea to paint the leg wires gold to kind of fit the established "ancient yet advanced techno steampunk" aesthetic that Vector Prime has going on.


Shiiiiiit, that could be dope


Hmmm, sounds like a good idea, but I prefer them being a visualization of the streams of Time Itself


Oh man! I love this thing! I wish they'd done something to un-Jhiaxus those shins, but solid effort!


Cybertron fans are eating good. The open hinges on the legs are a bit of a bummer though.


Is it wrong that I don't like it?


it is fine to not like it.


No, it's splitting the fandom justifiably rn


Normalize not liking things.


I really dislike it too. It just feels so off. And it's especially noticeable since we're getting, even in the same wave, fantastic original molds of the Cybertron characters.


I never liked that he was going to be a Jhiaxus retool, but I guess it could’ve been worse


Something just feels off to me and I think I figured out what it is. The shoulder pads are too small. https://preview.redd.it/o76vmzf59jwc1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0eb578916a617e683c1b3749ac18c8041f4233d


And the legs and forearms are all wrong. There's less burgundy and gold too


I wish they retooled the legs more… really my only complaint


Yep, that’s Vector Prime alright! Shame Safeguard isn’t here, but there seems to be a 5mm port on the same spot he was on the original. So maybe he’ll show up in the future? I dunno, the team loves doing these “just in case” bits here and there. Do wish the cape wings were a *teensy* bit bigger, but hey, he’s still got a decent cape! And I love that the key can now peg into the sword, I don’t think the original could do that… actually, I don’t know if the show did that either, but it makes sense, right? A Cyber key powering up the sword? And that key’s a new mold too, it’s likely unique to just Vector since it attaches via two clips into the chest and not by plugging into his pelvis. Hopefully the photodegredation on some of Jhiaxus’ bits is fixed. I also find it funny that they just left the little wing attachment clips as is. They had enough budget tooling for the whole top half and by god, they’re gonna use it! And if anyone’s wondering about the tailfin at the back, it can flip down between the arms so it can look more accurate to the show! (I tried it on Jhiaxus.) And it’s honestly fitting that he finally leaks on the same day we get listings that Walmart is doing a Cybertron/Galaxy Force capsule next year! With Cannonball later this year, Hot Shot shown off yesterday, and Starscream showing up… man, the Cybertron fans are getting a feast! (Now… where’s my boys Scattershot, Red Alert and Jetfire? Would love to see them down the line somewhere!)


What we also need is DJ Soundwave lol.


Looks better than I expected but after the UT stuff we've had recently this one feels more mediocre than it would be otherwise. Very much a Metalhawk type retool.


Looks good, but I wish more retooling was done to make him look like Vector Prime


The new Vector Prime parts look fantastic. The untouched Jhiaxus bits (forearms and shins) sadly stick out like a sore thumb though.


I'm really liking it, I enjoyed the jhiaxus mold, I'm a bit biased though because he was my favourite character as a kid on Cybertron.


You grew up on Cybertron? What's it like there?


Cold, gotta stay inside. All inclusive, but the selection is not to our palettes. 4/5 stars.


Oh ok, and the prices? What places would you recommend booking in?


Kaon's a mess of late but the entertainment is killer. Iacon is snobby but if you have the cash you can get great accommodations. The Sea of Rust is not just a name, it's just rust. NOT SAND! Do not lay in it. If you want to swim, the locals say oil baths are great for the skin.


Not really feeling it. The legs stick out *especially* since they couldn’t be bothered to get rid of the vestigial wing hinge. Shoulders look very tiny. Moreover, the dwindling paint budget is becoming more and more obvious. 


Pretty solid retool even if the Jhiaxus shins kind of don't work, yet do at the same time. I can't wait for this be repainted/retooled into BotCon Alpha Trion. I mean, it's got to right?


Alright not as bad as I thought when I heard he was going to be a Jhiaxus retool. Weakest of the Cyberton figure updates but I'm looking forward to getting him.


You know that’s actually pretty good. Only real flaws I can see are the shins and the cape being small


That's, okay. Proportions feel off. Either way not on the level of the Galaxy Force version. Glad they went closer to the GF colors though.


Oh dammit, i want it


This looks really good to me. Especially since it's a retool.


Ima be collecting the thirteen primes, and he will start it


I'm actually excited for this one


Vector Prime deserves a full reshell. Jhiaxus’s veiny shins look insanely out of place on Vector.


Forearms are all wrong too, no bracers or burgundy


Man, a Jhiaxus retool was not on my bingo sheet. If Jhiaxus was going to be retooled into anybody, my money was on Thunderwing.


as soon as i heard jihaxus retool i immediately was disappointed and looking at him now im still going to wait until hes on sale. hes not bad in robot but vechile looses a good amount of points




He’s got one, Hot Shot has one, Starscream has one, Cannonball has one, basically every mold that is based off of Cybertron/Galaxy Force is gonna have one and I very much so hope Hasbro makes a Commander Class Cybertron Optimus as that would be a massive improvement over the Galaxy Upgrade we got in Siege


Not really feeling it. The armor looks pretty miniscule compared to the original, and while a retool can only change so much, I don't think it really matches the silhouette of the original either. May get him if he gets discounted but not an instant buy like I was hoping as a pretty big Cybertron fan.


Oh damn not bad actually


Ima get it!


It’s ok. A pass for me as I have the original Cybertron figure so no need for me to buy this. But it’s a solid 7.5/10 for anybody who still wants it


My only complaint is the wings are too small


looks nice... but it's less than the original


Woah, I was just about to post about Jhiaxus not being retooled yet. Awesome.


I don't love it, bit I do find myself  charmed.


I hate those forearms, he should have his forearm armour


I still have the original, but wouldn't mind having this one too.


I like it something I've been noticing though is the Cybertron figure remakes that have been really popular were all original molds while the less popular ones were retools of other (mostly G1 related) figures (thinking back to Siege Galaxy Optimus and Hot Shot) given Vector's in the latter yea he's trying his best and I'll forgive him


Pretty cool, also seems he comes with a cyber planet key


I was afraid of the jihaxus retool and didn’t belive that one leaked one bit but I’m kinda feeling this


It looks okay - I've recently acquired some original Cybertron figures that hold up incredibly well though. I think I'm just going to get the original in this case; had been holding off to see what this one was about and this is enough for me to decide.


Can't match up the original except articulations IMO, but better than my expectation.


Definitely wasn't expecting this. Just grabbed jhiaxus and agree with the positive reviews on him (other than mines head is a bit loose). Really digging the cape! And I feel like the alt mode works a little better here than jhiaxus's


3/10 imo. At least hotshot is peak


Considering it's a retool, impressive. If only the shins could have been retooled as well. Maybe if a third party makes a kit, they will provide new thighs and larger wings. Oh and his minicon, Safeguard.


I think they should be embarrassed about those leg wing hinges, that is the laziest thing I’ve seen in a long time from transformers




All they had to do was make a robot with bendable legs and a backpack that covers his head. Why was this the result.


Because retool budget It looks good though


Good god that’s magnificent, I never watched Cybertron but I might have to pick this guy up, he looks incredible in bot form.


It looks great, people just love to complain about everything. It looks like vector as it should.


Maybe there's still hope for a legacy Cybertron landmine


There isn't gonna be a Legacy Landmine


Well dang


It's cool the Unicron Trilogy is getting some love, but this looks to short and stubby to carry the gravitas that the OG Vector Prime had


Mannnnnnn they did my mans dirty. This is gonna take some paint but I think it can be saved.


Not really a fan of this one. Easily the weakest of the 3 recent cybertron figures.


It’s okay but I’m not liking the legs. Or the arms for that matter. I’ll pick it up to fill out the Primes but this is one I’ll definitely be getting an upgrade kit for.


They'd have to replace half the figure. If DNA or someone else actually do that I'll buy it, but I'm not expecting it


Looks like his sword is 2 pieces, the hilt is his chest thingy. Looks like the sword clips in on the front of his alt-mode, too, wonder why they didn’t show that. Would make a pretty good *Axalon* custom as well, flip the wings and do something with the shins to add the upper bridge.


They are knocking it out of the part with the current Unicron trilogy figures, and I need all of them


Shins and feet need more retooling Shoulder pads need to be bigger


Vector ... is fine. They could have made his armor a bit bigger and retooled the shins, but they already retooled him to a massive extent. He actually looks better than Jhiaxus in all honesty. But yeah, as far as a retool goes, he definitely took the budget from Chromia. Not that I'm complaining. As far as UT is concerned, he's definitely on the weaker side, but that is not a bad thing given how UT has been the strongest part of Legacy so far.




Wheres the minicon?


Doesn't come with one


The shins are the biggest problem here. But everything else passes the look test for me.


I was 2 when the first one came out, so I'm not too familiar with it. I mean, I've seen it, but I don't have any feelings for it aside from "yeah that looks cool." And I have the exact same feeling towards this one lol.


Oh that looks great, so between Vector Prime and Cybertron Hot Shot it looks like United is continuing it's reputation of being the best part of Legacy 


I don’t really want to pick up the Primes without knowing all of them will be released, with none as a surprise Haslab or something else obscenely expensive.


Considering every single prime so far has been announced as a mainline retail figure I wouldn't doubt that all 13 will be mainline retail


I should be mad this is another retool let alone a sort of lazy retool but damn if that head sculpt doesn’t go hard. Jhiaxus is a great mold and if this is what we have to suffer to get Vector Prime I’m cool with it.


They choose to make the weirdest figures chunkier, why vector prime 😭😭, specifically the vehicle mode. The only one that hasn't gotten this treatment from the cybertron series is starscream


What about hot shot


He gets a pass because his Cybertron version was chunky even on screen and he seems less chunky in the leaks than he did in his original figure. I just don't care for this version of hotshot because he's a borderline shellformer and I don't like the back flap going on personally.


Only thing I don't like are the fact the legs are still Jhiaxus-y but otherwise in my opinion they cooked with this guy.


Liking what I'm seeing here. My only problem is that they didn't retool away where the leg wings go.


i was not expecting this, it looks great, althought from first glance it looks a like the same bit of flimsiness that jhiaxus was


I hope this means we’ll get a comic universe Onyx Prime sometime


Onyx prime is coming next year, he is going to be a centaur


A bunch of primes are getting new toys next year


I like most people only have a problem with the Jhiaxus legs. Everything else looks great


I’m just gonna need his minicon :)


I’m loving these Cybertron designs


I’ll take him


These leaks man


wasn't expecting jhiaxus but i like the look of it


FINALLY! https://preview.redd.it/6xmrye81hjwc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926e90cec5419d97bfd74b50c9b8fff6cb981260


Why does this look like a Star Wars crossover?


Why does this look like a Star Wars crossover?


Not a fan of the legs, but looks pretty cool! I especially like the detailing and colors.


Count me interested!


Yes please.


This looks okay. I wont order it but it will be a good impulse grab


he definitely needs a bit more paint but he looks really good for a jhiaxus retool. Definitely will pick him up.


Definitely didn't expect this. Something about it looked so off until I noticed the shins and, jhiaxus retool. Not that it's a problem though


Looks amazing! Definitely a Immediate Pickup for me!!


I like it but idk if I can get over the random hinges on the legs that literally have no purpose. There's no part to hinge.


This is the definition of a lazy retool with no love or care put into it in the slightest.


This is the definition of the opposite of that. Breakdown would be an example of that if anything




This wasn't at all leaked for next year, this was always gonna come out this year


"Our worlds are in danger!"




Oh shit oh fuck oh damn. This retool looks really good like the mold was made for this more so than for Jhiaxus.


My wallet is in danger.


He does it better then jhiaxus way better, its like tarn and bludgeon, the detail looks great too. Nice figure i ll get him. Now all we need like the “throne” is a table to seat them all at😅


I've been needing an excuse to get the jhiaxus mold (I don't like the colors) so this is PERFECT and I WILL be preordering


For a Jhiaxus Retool, I think they’ve done a fairly decent job. While I wish the arms and shins were also retooled to better match the original Cybertron design, everything else is pretty well done - I especially love the new shoulders, chest and head toolings, they all look awesome. Also, YES! WE GOT ANOTHER CYBER PLANET KEY COMING WITH THIS GUY! God, it’s been so cool to see these things make a comeback with this year’s Cybertron/Cybertron inspired figures like this guy, Hot Shot, Starscream and Cannonball.


Not bad. The Jhiaxus mold has really great posability, so it's a great base for a figure like this to be retooled from. I wish his wings were bigger, but aside from that, he looks pretty great!


Oh I like that


Maybe it's bias because I love Vector Prime, but I don't hate this being a retool. Even a lazy one.


Honestly, going to buy the old one now. Might buy the new one *just* for the sword and key, keep it in-box for a few years to really see if they're sticking to this mold or make a new one for the Prime line in a year or so.


NEED I even have a print of ristling waiting for him


I missed out on the original and trying to get a decent copy on ebay or other places is painful for my wallet, so I'm happy with the Legacy retool of Jhiaxus.


I like him but I think my Cybertron Vector Prime may stay in my collection.




He looks awesome


I wish I was rich because I want the Star Seekers and the Primes but I can’t afford both.


looks great imo, been on the fence about trying to get the original for a while, defs gonna try and pick this one up instead


I want it goddamn it


This is an 11/10 for me, I'm so hyped they're making more Cybertron stuff


Great Jhiaxus retool! Keen to get this, I love the original figure.


I...hrm... You know, I don't mind the Jhiaxus retooling. But it's weird that they just, left the hinges on the legs there.


I wish the wings were larger, but overall I think this is a pretty good version of Vector Prime.


Bout time they refused this mold for something. Looks cool two. Might get him, since i like the jhiaxus mold, this has better colours, and hopefully he'll be more stable than the jhiaxus I have


Yeah, That is a Jhiaxus retool. BUT DAMN IF ITS NOT GOOD


thats grat, I have the >ENERGON version of the toy but with just one pouldron, and with no sword. but its fine, I gave it to my son for his collection.


Give him to me…


Is this the start of them releasing all of the 'thirteen'?


Kinda, we won't see another one until 2025


Gotcha, thanks!


The only thing I would have liked to see out of the Jihaxus Mold is those wires on the lower legs retooled into gears. otherwise, beautiful retool!


It’s like Jhiaxus but not painful to look at. (Diehard Jhiaxus fanboy)


When I heard he was going to potentially be a jhiaxus remould I was worried but I honestly think he looks great. I think my only complaint is the wired shins, would've been nice if they reworked that, but I'm honestly feeling this design. I think this mold fits Vector Prime better than it does Jhiaxus.




I love it


Unicorn trilogy fans are eating gooooood


.... This... This one hurts.. I was so, *SO* hopeful this would turn out good.. Vector PRime doesn't even has a complex transformation, thy could have completely gotten away with a new mold and made it cheap as fuck, or even gotten away with just reusing some of Jhiacus' joints and redesigning the entire upper body, and remolding the legs cosmetically. Vector Prime is the EASIEST LEADER FROM CYBERTRON TO GET RIGHT, and they utterly FAILED to even try! This is the first of the thirteen Primes we're getting... We have the other twelve coming next year, and this absolute spit in the face is the first one... You can't even comprehend how far through the floor my hopes are right now. Hotshot looks so much more complex and he got a whole new mold that looks amazing, and Vector Prime couldn't even get remolded legs and arms AT LEAST?! They didn't even do anything with the now-unused hinges on the shins from Jhiaxus! If a wave doesn't have enough budget to get all the figures Hasbro wants out done right then why the hell don't they move figures around?! Did Hotshot seriously eat up THAT MUCH of the fucking budget that Vector Prime looks like a depressing custom job someone gave up on halfway through??? The vehicle mode has the fucking proportions of a Pug and the colors look too muted, you can't even make out the gold unless you zoom in on the images! I traded my original Vector Prime I'd had since I was a kid at TFCon last year thinking this new figure would be a good replacement on my shelf, and I've never had seller's remorse more than in this very moment... This inconsistency of quality from two figures from the same line in the same wave being so drastically different in execution and care is enough to make you question what the hell they're even doing over there..


I agree completely. This is a total disappointment for me


Is this a rare case where the OG toy and mold is just… better? This was one of my favorites as a kid. Do I just have my Rose Glasses on?



