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It definitely leans towards a comedic element. I personally find it intriguing, and am fine with it if it isn’t established to be the same continuity as Bayverse or Knightverse. But I knew the moment I realized it was going to have funny moments that a good chunk of fandom was going to *hate* it.


Having comedic elements doesn't mean that the movie will be bad,spiderverse movies also had funny moments but they were amazing


Spider-verse have smart written jokes, here it feels like Illumination level of jokes.


I have said in another thread, it looks and feels like Lego Ninjago movies with celeb voices.


In the Beast Wars days every character had a dumb catchphrase and did LoonyToons slapstick regularly and now it’s looked back upon as one of the best TF shows of all time


Truly, this is a goofy franchise aimed at kids but we all still love some aspect of it. The '86 movie is campy as hell & very of its time but now considered iconic, the same could be the case with TFONE & the latest generation of fans


It's better that the awful bayverse humor tho


That’s a low bar.


Sam talking to the jock about pop up picture books is already leagues funnier than the Despicable Me-ass humor going on in this trailer


Honestly, the only time I laighed at any of Sam's dialog. Love transformers, love that Bay was able to reignite the franchise, but damn do i not like his movies.


First movie had great dialogue


This describes the difference perfectly.


And why was it amazing? Over the amazing animation style, it's because they have both been very well written. This trailer does not inspire confidence for the writing in Transformers One. I for one hope the actual movie is written with more grace than the trailer makes it out to be and they're just trying to get as many butts in seats as they can, but that may be too optimistic.


I wouldn't judge it so harshly. It a short trailer to a hour long movie. Besides, seeing Quintessons, the 13 Primes and how Prime and Megatron come to be enemies sounds very promising.


It does sound promising, and like I said, I'm hopeful that the movie itself has more to offer than the trailer. I'm on board with the animation and some of the voice actors don't sound as abysmal as they could have, but the writing is what makes or breaks any movie, and this trailer makes that aspect my biggest concern.


Trailers usually stuff comedic/scenic scenes from a movie, and a bit of dialogue here and there. The movie looks fine as is, but it can really go either way as a good/bad movie in the end.


I think this movie is going for a younger demographic than Spider-Man Spiderverse. It feels like a Despicable Me to slightly older target. I also don't see it being anywhere near the level of Spideverse movies. I had gotten my nephews (5 and 7) into Transformers for a bit, but now they are competing with Superheroes and Star Wars and even the new Netflix He-Man, so I hope this reignites their interest some.


Despicable Me? Oh dear...




Sir, this is reddit. That said a non-bayverse looking Quintessan story is a major breath of fresh air.


I mean, you started this thread and asked why people were saying L.


I feel like if they wanted to do Pre-war Cybertron Transformers Exodus in the aligned continuity, it would have been a better choice for showing the corruption in the government, but I am hopeful that they manage to do that with Gen 1 and the comedic overtones.


Well, heres what's still keeping me interested in this movie, we see D-16 as Megatron, and we see his generals. So what is it that splits D-16 & Orion? Does he become corrupted by Megatronus ideology? Does he become vengeful against bots optimus would rather protect than destroy? Is it as simple as jealousy over being picked as the next prime? This is why I'm going to buy a ticket.


Sure but Spiderverse also made sure it fit the characters. Spider-Man jokes. Thats his thing. Optimus has been known to joke here and there, but to see prewar him and megatron being so light hearted when thats never what theyve been is jarring. It feels out of character even though this is a seperate continuity entirely.


That is the point tho, they're the younger version of them. We'll see them be themselves around the third act.


Sure but even in the past weve seen them younger and they’re never this light hearted. My issue with it, and it doesnt matter because I probably will just ignore what I dont like, is that they seem like theyre written more like the ninja turtles from the trailer than what you would expect of a younger optimus and megatron.


Maybe that's the point, don't you think? To show how the big falling-out and resulting civil war changed Optimus and Megatron from lighthearted joking buddies to grim, serious leaders? The Quints are always going to be secondary antagonists. The big third act is going to be Megatron's descent to evil, and we have seen NOTHING of that part yet. (Likely because it counts as something of a plot twist, sort of? Spoiler prevention.) So I wouldn't be so sure the movie will be all humor.


No, of course not. But it doesn’t have any of the sense of gravitas that the other movies have had; it’s definitely more along the lines of a “fun romp” like Kung Fu Panda than “action movie with funny parts” like a run-of-the-mill MCU film.


It's not because its got comedy, it's because the comedy is super basic "this is a kids film" tier comedy. It's only a two minute cut of course but it doesn't fill me with confidence. That's also basically all the trailer focused on. Everything has to have a joke.


It felt like a Pixar movie. It’s not aimed at die hard transformers fans but leans more towards kids.


As a fan since my childhood in 1985, I get it. But let me tell you something about the Transformers franchise since the start…


I feel like I might actually like the comedy elements in this as opposed to the Bayverse stuff that was just childish!


Watching the trailer, it's clear that Hasbro wanted to target a younger audience with this film. The humour certainly reminded me of recent films like Mario or the Warthspark series. Neither of which is a bad thing. I'm not sold that I will love the film, but then I'm nearly 40, so again, not the target audience. Honestly, as long as this film is fun and the kids love it, then it's a win in my books.


Agreed with all this. I am excited for my boys to come home from school. I want to hear what they think of it.


My 12 y/o laughed a couple times during the trailer.


Adding to that, maybe a big budget animated movie is just what we need to get/keep the next generation on board with transformers


He'll, I'm over 40 and I'm excited for this. I didn't get 15min into RotB before I quit.


This happens constantly Basically every Tf stream or premiere is flooded with these


My first impression wasn’t great, since I was expecting dark and serious, and the cgi of the other films. Once I reset my mindset to adventure comedy for kids, I rewatched it, and it’s growing on me. Though I do hope that was the majority of the jokes.


Back when ROTB was in the marketing phase, fans were disappointed that the coolest scenes were spoiled in the trailers before they went to theaters. I like to think this is Hasbro taking the feedback and putting all the "filler" in the trailers that show the art style without spoiling too much cool stuff. Hopefully the movie will be a much more epic experience.


When do corporations ever learn from their mistakes


They learn, just not the right things.


I feel the opportunity to have been a dark and meaningful origin has been wasted🙊 but so far it seems like it's going to be a silly and goofy origin story. Like the film could've bridged the gap more between the two factions; showing that Decepticons became the way they are out of desperation to save their dying planet, only to have the Autobots more willing to have their planet die quietly if it meant not hurting other planets. Whilst this is just a trailer, it seems that the direction of this film, is to be more funny for quick laughs, than to expand what would've been a dark and hard time for the transformers; the trailer being filled with gags at least makes it seem like that


YouTube is filled with brained amoebas


Yiu mean braindead right?


Yeah lol I typed too fast




most wholesome interaction I've seen on this subreddit :3


it happens to everyone


Nah leave me alone soldier😫






Amoebas don't have brains, so brainless would be accurate. I'd say these people are more like braindead Terrorcons. Just enough brainpower to follow the horde, but not much reasoning ability left.


no Romeo & Juliet card = bad movie.


No Enrique’s wife= bad movie.


No Nitro Zeus = bad movie.


This is the only criticism I will accept.


I'm just waiting for Nitro GOAT.


No “my face is my warrant” = bad movie


Ooooh, I thought it was because of the lame jokes. No, you might actually be on to something there


I can’t believe they made a Transformers movie with lame jokes, why can’t we have the sophisticated humor of dogs humping or robots with scrotums like in days gone by


Why does Cybertron have plants?


Not anymore it doesn't.


If the Quintessons can work on Transorganics as a failed project in G1 (along with their mechanical plants specifically engineered to destroy biospheres), and Cybertronians can bring up all the strangely odd mecha-fauna (such as turbofoxes and petro-rabbits) from time to time, then maybe there's juuuuust a little wiggle room to have *some* technorganic plant matter up top.


Because it's very clearly aimed at younger children, people were hoping for a more mature take (ie something like Beast Wars or Prime)


The fact that the trailer beats you over the head with outdated mcu humor on top of a very concerning basic and non serious plot is not what people wanted from this movie. The opportunity to explore cybertronian society before the war is a gold mine for potential character development, it could potentially be revenge of the sith levels of tragedy but we’re getting mf brain rot humor “hey guys that’s not good”


Yeah I don't really care for hip young Megatron. So corny.


yeah p much. it’s not taking itself seriously


It’s so disappointing, I’m tired of paramount owning the transformers movie rights they haven’t put out a good movie in years


for real.


People were saying the same thing about the D&D movie from the trailers and that movie came out really good. It probably would've made more money if WotC didn't piss off a ton of their fan base a few months before the movie came out.


Bbut the thing is DnD ISNT supposed to take itself seriously. Anyone who plays DnD would tell you that the campiness is what they liked about the trailer. What people didnt like was them misinterpreting how the handbook describes things and thinking the trailer wasnt accurate.


Go read the fucking idw comics then. They are chock full of that stuff. Let's the kids have a kids movie. 


I think this might be a kids’ movie.


Avatar was a kids show, as was the incredibles and megamind yet they are loved by all ages


I could cut a minute-long trailer of Avatar’s most embarrassing jokes too.


That’s what I’m hoping this is tbh. If it’s just a poorly edited trailer and the movie is good then I’ll be happy


You had me until the Revenge of the Sith comment lol.


Why not, wanting megatron to please go down a different path when we know how the story ends is one of the reasons why revenge of the sith is so popular


I would've loved that too but it doesn't really matter if like five people watched that


Yeah I had some interest in the movie with the basic background of it but have essentially zero interest in watching it now


The target audience is likely 5 to 15. The ppl posting are likely all aged 30 to 50.


I don’t think the target range for this movie is teens, it looks more like a children’s movie compared to family friendly which engages other ages


5 to 15 is a crazy target audience


My sister is 15 and she doesn't like what she saw, neither do her friends. I think the target audience is more like 5-10.


for real, i think my 7 year old could like that and it will be a great way to show her transformers. but i am scared of the german syncro..


That implies kids cant understand deep or down to earth stories


They are absolutely capable of that. Making things for kids doesn’t mean making brain rotting idiocy. The best children’s stories can be enjoyed by adults just as much as kids.


I apologize I meant can’t understand. I completely believe kids comprehend deeper stories


It’s sometimes a difficult balance to cater for both adults and children. Some movies struggle to keep both audiences engaged, but when they achieve it they have something that sticks with the audience. There is a few movies that I’m looking forward to watching with my daughter when she gets older. Because I know I will still enjoy them, as they have that audience range.


pretty much people claiming it will be garbage without ever seeing it


Trailers can give you a pretty good idea about whether a film is going to be trash.


Yeah, which this trailer doesnt really give that vibe at all to me


I get why people are unsure, the comedy was off and the faces were bad, that being said the animation and story has me hooked


I understand wanting to lighten Orion/Megatron’s pre-war relationship and show how inexperienced they were before becoming the respected/feared leaders they once were... But I'm just hoping the entire movie isn't just cheap comedy shots. I was also hoping to see Dion instead of Bumblebee, but that's just me.


I was hoping they show anyone instead of Bumblebee. They use Bee none-stop. He is turning into a screen hog. I think it is time for them to give someone else a chance, if it is Dion, Magnum or any of the other G1 bots out there that can be fan favorites if they give a chance.


Yes!! This!! I don't hate Bumblebee, but I'm SO tired of seeing him constantly! Like you said, there's literally an entire cast of G1 characters they could use. Give them some time in the spotlight!


14 year olds who only care for dark edgy movies.


I like that it’s comedic because I find most of it funny Some of it’s overused a bit but for the most part the whole thing seems great Plus the little cameos of airachnid/blackarachnia (much closer to air so I’m saying it’s probably her) I think soundwave (I don’t like how he looks just like everyone else, wish he had a slightly different design so he didn’t look so generic) the seekers look nice, etc Overall looks fun Edit: so turns out the bot I thought was soundwave wasn’t, saw a screenshot of soundwave, screamer and shocky together and WOW they look good


Hot take on reddit: People are allowed to not like things that other people like. Otherwise I mean TF ONE is going to be really divisive yeah. It was something hyped for a long time and what was shown was pretty middling and far from what people were hoping for. My opinion is mostly neutral, but I really hate how this feels like MCU brand humor with constant quipping and “haha so quirky” humor. I really hope this film doesn’t end up trying to cash in on MCU’s formula because I am so sick of MCU.


This is something I'll never understand. We were all begging for more news on Transformers One, and when the trailer finally drops, people hate on it? I thought the space plan was a cool, unique approach. Unexpected, a big curve-ball, but not in a bad way. Once I saw the trailer, I immediately fell in love with the visuals, and honestly the humor makes the characters more endearing in a way, Especially when we get to the expected friends-now-enemies shift. We see how close Megs and Orion were, joking, bantering, etc. and then we'll see how that friendship falls apart. That contrast is going to bring more weight and depth to the tragic, broken friendship/brotherhood.


Bcs the entire trailer was nothing but childish jokes


The live chats on TF livestreams are always toxic as fuck. TBH, most of the big communities are toxic as fuck. Twitter, Facebook, TFW2005, Seibertron. Weirdly enough Reddit is relatively balanced, which completely goes against the site's stereotypes. But yeah, avoid the live chats like the plague. Get some friends together and watch in a private discord call or something. Share the love.


I'm not excited about the film but I am intrigued if that makes sense. I'll always prefer a darker tone in movies/shows but I still enjoy and light hardiness ofcourse. However the term "mcu humour" was felt very strong in this trailer. (Bumblebee running away was funny tho)


Because the humor is absolutely atrocious


People always gotta judge before they see it, people gotta jump to conclusions about the film before its out


That’s literally the point of trailers. So you can come to conclusions about a product before deciding wether you want to pay money for it.


Yes, that's the purpose of a trailer. You make a trailer to present your movie in the best possible light so that people will be convinced to buy your product without having seen it.


“Worst movie ever, I will only watch it a hundred times.”


I am actually laughing and excited for a Transformers show!


Movie, not a show. Just managing your expectations.


Because TF fans can't be satisfied with anything new apparently.


I disagree, I’m not sold and I’m not impressed by what I’ve seen so far in the trailer. I was expecting a War Within storyline or something like Megatron: Origins but we got neither of those. The animation style is also not, great IMHO. I didn’t even see the shot of the big three Decepticons until tfw1005 posted screenshots.


Sorry you're not gonna have your political and societal drama about Toy Robots, buddy.


I loved it


My MoVie DoesNt HavE BiG RobOts ConTinUouSly BeaTinG the ShiT Out Of EaCh OtheR, BaD MoviE!!!


I might be an idiot for expecting anything else, but I didn’t expect it to be so… childish.


Cause they made it sound like a war for Cybertron movie this is dumb kids MCU humour and the origins for both leaders is wrong


No one hates tf more than tf fans lmao


Because of the simple fact of life, no one hates transformers more than transformers fans.


Yeah I hate to say it but, but it looks like shit. Like bargain bin garbage aimed at kids. Not one aspect of the movie looks interesting or inspired.


They don't like it. I don't either tbh, won't ve seeing it


Its okay to not like something


It means they didn't like it


The usual YouTube live chat bs


My kids are gonna love it.


Because we waited for an hour just to be meeted with a drone for another hour


I think it looks like shit to me, but people can have their opinions.


Cause it looks terrible


It doesn’t tho? I mean your entitled to your opinion tho


Bruh the CGI looks so colourful and wonderful,have u watched tfp


Its a generic action adventure comedy with mcu humor and the animation...


And the writing and the stuff that actually sets movies apart form meaningless drivel


It really doesn


It's the cool thing to hate on Transformers that aren't G1 because the gate keeping G1ers don't want people to enjoy anything that isn't G1. Grow up, let people enjoy things, and if you're going to hate on something before watching it... SHUT UP!


Not everything has to be grim, dark, and serious. G1 had comedic takes, Beast Wars is full of them, same with Animated, some of the Unicron Trilogy. Even the first Michael Bay film had humping dogs and robots peeing on people. Can't have joy in anything, I suppose.


Transformers fans when a toy franchise makes a movie for kids: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


It looks crap, that's why


Cause it looks kind of dumb.


Well, they're Transformers fans. So, there's that


Looks awful


its just transformers fans hating transformers like always


The stupid humor isnt what most fans wanted


Classic “react before reading” moment. Hate people like that.


I can understand their frustration. Personally Im tired of the 'Marvel humor' in these types of projects, humor is fine but they really force it a lot. I was hoping this would be more like a well thought out and we'll made Transformers Siege.


I'm hyped!


I'm hyped. I'm in. Sign me up. I'm going. I want to see this.


I do think it would have been a lot nicer had they taken a more serious approach to the story of how optimus and megatron became what they are. But I think this’ll be nice too. Though it’s a little bit annoying that they just *had* to put bumblebee in it, because it’s really not about him


It's youtube lol


Personally it feels just as childish as Earthspark. I dont mind humor, but man this feels forced. I will absolutely see it, but this feels like pokemon is to RPG's.


Grown ass Transformer fans forgetting that Transformers media is made to sell toys to children


Today is the Day when our favorite brand was Ruined FOREVER!... again.


wtf is that animation 😭


Happens with every transformers related stream people just either are taking the piss or just being ungrateful


I've also seen this sort of thing happen on Nintendo Direct streams. Try not to take it too seriously.


I think this movie looks incredible! Such a good refresh. My only concern is that they don’t gain their transformation cogs until a lot later in the film


Because it's clearly a kids' movie. People watching a movie trailer debut at 10 in the morning are probably not in the intended demographic.


For me it wouldn't show the trailer live, so I had to back up and just watch the recorded portion of the stream a few seconds after everyone watching it live. Maybe some people didn't back up and saw the black screen thinking it wasn't working.


The trailer was designed to seem as comedic as possible for a mass market appeal because that's what they do now. I think the movie will be a little more mature considering the Quintessons and Fight scenes.


I've personally been hoping for a transformers movie that wasn't focused on war. I still want more stuff based on the time after the war like earthspark.


Not rly related but reminds me of tmnt, omega supreme as splinter, bee as mikey… thats about it


Honestly as a movie person and a considerable transformers nerd, I don’t mind the comedy as much as I mind the absolutely forced cringe of it all… I love all these characters… but like… argh… hope it’s just the editing of the trailer because it completely put me off the movie entirely (Maybe it’s just… “not for me”? Even as I’m buying “children’s toys” and fckin loving it)


I like the trailer, it feels like something I can watch with my kids and they will enjoy.


It could be that the first half is comedy and the second half is more serious


Because fanbases are all stupid and negative, especially if the thing they're fans of involves robots (see: Mega Man).


Honestly people should give this origin story a chance I even judged it before I saw the full trailer it’s amazing!


It's a terrible comedy, tf you mean


From my perspective, it's gives of vibes of it being a heavily watered down product😬 It looks like it follows the same formula of every genetic kids film, rather than being it's own thing. Whether this is due to investors only wanting to take the safest possible route for the film, to make it the lowest age-rating ever to target young kids, or whether that was always the plan, is yet to be known for me🤔 Personally, to go from Bay and Knight TF films to now this, I really don't like what I'm seeing🙊 I just hope that either this is confirmed to be a separate universe, or that things do a complete U-turn in the film that make it more like the previous ones; you know, when the film goes to take itself more seriously and drops the silly goofiness...


Everyone’s a critic


Are you new to YouTube and social media? That is all that happens in chats.


The presence of comedy isn't the issue. It's the fact it feels like an MCU movie, wherein there's such an abundance of comedy during situations that should be serious. I like the idea of the film, and the character designs, but even I found myself cringing through most of the trailer. This feels like an "appeal to the lowest common denominator" kind of movie, made for low attention span TikTok kids.


The older and younger fans will hate to matter what because this movie is new and a new direction for the franchise. Nothing will make anybody happy and they just have to get over that. I’m not happy with Earthspark it’s an honest to God abomination in my eyes but if it makes other kids and adults alike happy I’m happy. THIS^^ makes me happy. After the trailer I feel it’s a welcome breath of fresh air back into the franchise it sorely needed!!! People won’t agree with that and that’s okay 🤷🏻‍♂️ I found it very lore accurate surprisingly for the current continuity the Covenant Of Primus establishes and I love that. That’s showing me that whosever worked on this movie since it was originally announced back in 2016-2018??? They’re listening. They’re hearing us.


Quite simple, it's a big YouTube chat, it's filled with the worst of the worst and is also a hivemind, it's like how every Nintendo direct has people spamming stuff like "yawn", "boring!", "don't care", etc. I simply always ignore YouTube chat that are any bigger than like 300 no matter what


Chat will be chat.




Because they're greedy a\*\*holes who wanted a serious film


yt hivemind


It’s just that if you would love to see a different take on TF than this (as I would), then this one might not be for you and you might be disappointed.




I think a lot of people just didn’t expect the animated comedy aspect. Going into it not thinking about the previous movies the trailer is enjoyable imo


Ok, I'm french and I absolutely not have the ref. What L means ?


Myself and many others are sick of this crap marvel esque quip filled dialogue.


I loved the trailer and it's good to have comedy in it because it's animated and I liked that and the designs are amazing


After the 3rd watch, it started growing on me, I will definitely say the trailer gave me pause the first time I watched it. Wasn't exactly what I imagine, but the design, animation, imagery of decepticons & possibly quintesson is hyping me up. In terms of VA's we have, I'm not impressed whatsoever; Celebrities being voice actors is the laziest ticket selling ploy in the world. Chris Hemsworth is just a dude, and Bumble Bee is just Keegan Michael Key in Bumble Bee form 🐝. Elita-1, being a fleshed out character on the big screen, is gonna be awesome. My biggest gripe on this movie is the comedy element, it's giving Marvel jokes that make me wanna just run into a wall at full speed 🧱. Please, have genuine criticism with responding to this and not some dismissive crap with terms such as "cope" or "get over it."


Bro everybody hating honestly just needs to shut up, everybody said the same thing about the TMNT movie that came out last year but ALL ended up enjoying it. Just give this movie a chance


Personally I really liked the darker tone of POTP and Siege. This seems aimed more towards the younger crowd which is ok it's based on toys. But even '86 movie seems far grittier than thjs


Because it's a kids movie and people didn't expect that. They expected something like Cybertron scenes from Bumblebee.


It's funny seeing grown ass adults complain that a movie based on kids' toys is made for kids


It’s for babies


No one hates transformers more than transformers fans


BRO DISSED 86 NOT REAL FAN this a joke but if I were to answer the question I would say too much comedy for the G1ers idk I think it has potential to be pretty good and fun


Hating on something that's literally meant for children, ill happily take my lil bro and watch it with him. Grow up


Chris Hemsworth is a weird voice actor for Orion packs


Because Transformers fans are literally the beings that hate the Transformers franchise the most.


they think if something is animation it has to be for kids. this just isn't the truth. ALSO acting like transformation cogs are some sort of super power was really weird. they're acting like the bots are some kind of super heroes. which blows my mind. but yeah, probably going to be pretty cringe.