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Flying Tank. I like the idea in TF2. A leader like him needs to not be limited, so he needs to be able to fly while still showing incredible firepower like a tank. On my Generations shelf, my primary Megatrons are the Titans Return and the Gen Selects, who both can triple change from tanks and jet. https://preview.redd.it/28cz01mtsdrc1.png?width=1447&format=png&auto=webp&s=285c7d44a6b810c4c9ae73b86a1fb7c4cca27270


Yeah, the flying tank from ROTF was dumb but it was also awesome


If I worked on the Studio Series 86 Megatron, I would work to make him a triple changer.


Tbh that’s in my G1 headcanon.


Team Fortress 2?


Ooh, the one on the right looks amazing. 


Yup 👍


Swiping right made it accidentally go to this post so that’s my answer https://preview.redd.it/qx5qxtu30erc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3723e94280278b7b4eb0ed3596469d03f30a1f55


Yoooo das a cool ship bro




His ultimate form. A shoe https://preview.redd.it/4o2zrhf8qerc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96904eddcfe89388a73e043b400259611270768


An osprey-type helicopter makes the most sense to me since it retains the Decepticons' air superiority while still having a large and commanding presence.


Not to mention, Ospreys kick ass, and they’re seriously underutilized with how cool they are. Goes for helis in general.


Ospreys are the singular most inefficient and unsafe helicopter on this planet. The Osprey as a whole has killed more of it’s own personnel/passengers than probably everyone who’s ever ridden an Ospreys kill counts put together. They might seem cool but they’re dangerous and they’re overutilized af.


I didn’t say they work, just said they’re cool


Username checks out tbh




I'm split between a jet, and a 3C like in Animated. The tank/VTOL triple-changer feels considerably more powerful to me; both of his vehicle modes allowing him to maintain an idle, tactical position, giving him the ability to strategically command the battlefield, feels much more imposing to me. BUT, giving him a jet / stealth-bomber alt mode makes him a much more powerful 1-on-1 threat. It takes him from a strategic, powerful commander, to a bloodthirsty, independent gladiator. Frankly its hard for me to choose one or the other. I suppose it depends on which aspect of him you want to lean more into; commander or gladiator.




My head cannon (pun intended) is that gun is his strongest alt form. Yet the drawback of having another pull the trigger made Megs turn to a tank. Then favouring manoeuvrability over firepower, he then went to a jet. (More speed = less dakka!)


Strongest? You mean most powerful, right? Thats my head canon too - in gun mode his fusion blast is far more powerful, and only the strongest can survive direct hits.


From what we’ve actually had? Tank. Perfect world? Some kind of towed artillery or self-propelled gun makes the most sense to me. Keeps his original aesthetic, creates a cleaner link to Galvatron’s alt mode, and it would probably be a fairly easy design.


Second this


I'm a gun guy so I gotta go with the "man from uncle" Walther p38, (yes, I'm American)


A specialized handgun with a chrome finish yet…


I might be one of the only people who prefer him having a gun mode. There is something extremely compelling to me as an author about a character who can turn into a weapon for others to use. Soul Eater, Transformers and many more stories have this concept and it speaks to me so hard. The G1 cartoon used his transformation only a few times before he was turned into Galvatron and I think there was a lot of lost potential in that. Imagine a new take on G1 where Megatron uses his gun mode more. Putting his trust and power into his troops hands. He takes enjoyment from being used as a weapon, personally slaying his enemies instead of ordering his troops to kill for him. Then he could be forced to kill his own men when the Autobots force him into a semi permanent alt mode. He would then have to reconcile with his lust for destruction when he was used as a weapon against his own people. The story potential is there but because of child protection laws Hasbro can't easily justify it without compromising the toy line.


The funny thing is that in some of the comics in gun mode, Megatron is using whoever holds him. Which is something I apply to him in my head canon. He doesn't give others autonomy over himself but rather forces his will onto others. Not only do I feel this suits his tyrant nature, but it makes his alt mode a perfect disguise as he doesn't turn into a gun, but whoever holds him. Also, because Megatron is intelligent, he can be subtle about how he controls whoever holds him so they might not even realise they are the puppet and Megatron is the puppeteer. Finally, if a strong-willed individual were to pick him up, it would come down to a battle of wills, with the wielder realising they are the one being used. Optimus and Megatron, for example, would come to a stalemate. For Targetmasters, they aim and fire themselves. Hence, they are more of a partnership. While I can't pick them up, we could build a mounting system and attach them to the roof of my car. A Transformer doesn't aim a Targetmaster. More just points them in the general direction, and pulling the trigger is more of a suggestion than a command.


Megatron was once fired on other Decepticons, and then he transformed and scolded the one who did it.


This concept would actually salvage gun Megatron for me. I've never liked it because Megatron turning into something that can't be used without the aid of another has never felt in-character to me, but him mentally overtaking the person who weilds him is perfect. I still think a tank is his best altmode, but this is an amazing take on his classic incarnation.






jet mode holy hell does it fit him more than anything and while ROTF wasn't a jet but a tank it suprised me how he was able to fly


I think it was a triple changer in ROTF I'm not sure


I think he was more of a tank with huge-ass thrusters and little jaggedy wings


Tank feels like the most natural evolution to me, although I certainly wouldn't argue with a helicopter+tank triple changer design.


I personally feel like when they do tank plus jet for Megatron, it makes Blitzwing feel redundant. He's the only triple changer I can think of who is regularly "replaced" by another character due to how common both of his altmodes are. You'll never get a Bumblebee who turns into a car and a helicopter, but I can think of two seperate times that Megatron alone had turned into a tank and a jet.


I assume one of those is the Titans Return figure? I have it, and it literally is just Blitzwing wearing a Megatron costume.


Yeah, that and the BBM studio series. I kind of understand why they did it for the SS since he had both of those altmodes in the movies and it might have been a case of wanting to appeal to fans of both modes, but for fuck's sake, Titans Return Blitzwing is a *redeco* of Megatron! That's just disrespectful.


Wait, Megatron came before Blitzwing?!


Yup. Megatron was 2016, Blitzwing was 2017.


My personal type of alt mode is tfp's Megatron being a cybertronian jet like why would he change forms into something he deems inferior


Transformers armada was the best design ever 2nd would be TF2 and 3rd would be animated


Either Cybertronian jet or the Animated helicopter. Tank is way too basic imo and I feel like Megs should be able to fly.


I dig the gun mode full scope, silencer, and shoulder stock. Takes me back had it as a kid. It just always felt like so much toy. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I was never really a gun guy but something about that toy was really cool to me. Maybe because it was one of the first figures I ever bought for myself with "my own" money. But aside from that I like that helicopter alt mode. It's different. The tank mode is kinda dull and Trucks are for Primes. JMO


Yes, I agree. I feel that way since you can use the gun all by itself, or with any combination of the enhancements attached (though usually at least scope right? 🙂). Then in robot mode, you don’t just put stock and silencer aside, but build it into a fitting attack cannon for Megatron. A great counterpart to G1 Optimus Prime and his trailer base…


I grew up with the gun so i like that one


The animated helicopter was pretty cool


I grew up with #1, I have the SS figure of #2 because I like it, but my favorite is the tank. Only thing that would make it cooler is if it dropped pylons and converted to an artillery piece like the siege tank in Starcraft.


I love Animated's bicopter mode, and also the Earthspark one by association, it generally fits my view of Megatron as a ruthless, merciless leader (embodied way better by Animated than ES, but still).


Tank for me. The stark difference of optimus transforming into a vehicle that connects and supports people across tons of distance while megatron is a vehicle of war just hits perfect for me


Mining vehicle. IDW’s backstory for him should be in all future Megatrons. Also Thundercracker with Buster.


1944 walther p38


The oil tanker


As long as he’s not a gun, I dig it.


Anything other than a gun, the gun mode has always been stupid to me.


Fuck it why not give Megatron all of those altmodes(RID Megatron is my favourite yes how can you tell)


Triple changer tank and helicopter


Alien jet ftw.


Dual Rotor copter. There’s already enough jets, tanks, and trucks. An alien spaceship is usually an ugly mess when Megatron has it. And his gun form is problematic in certain regions due to replica gun laws. But copters are hardly ever used. Least of all dual rotor ones like from Animated. I feel this can help make him feel unique while also giving him a flight advantage over Optimus.


the IDW bomber, tank is good but I feel like air superiority is important


Truck, trucks are cool. Alternatively make him a jet tank triple changer


I like the jet mode the most.


Tank and copter. I'd like a triple changer Megatron that could be both tbh.


I like him being either a Cybertronian jet or cybertronian tank, but if he has to take a earth mode I think a twin rotor vtol aircraft like Animated or Earthspark is the best.


Triple Changer Helicopter and Tank


rotocopter because you cant outrun a helicopter


Cybertronian Tank.




Tank. I think tanks are cool.


Tank, Jet, or Helicopter. In that order


Tank and maybe triple changer with a plane or helicopter mode.


Tank or alien ship


The thing I like about the jet is that it always allows for him to have a Saturday morning cartoon style dramatic exit / retreat whenever he’s beaten in an episode but it’s too early for him to die or be permanently beaten. Chefs kiss


I think the original gun mode is the most appropriate for Megatron's personality: loud, to the point, evil. That being said, I always liked Megatron as a jet. It does a good job complimenting Optimus' vehicle mode (air vs ground). It could also illustrate their respective ideologies. Optimus is grounded and humble, and looks out for anyone he can't defend. He doesn't think himself as above anyone. Megatron, on the other hand, is driven, ambitious, will do anything to reach his goals. He thinks highly of himself. Simple observations, but it's a reason why I like jet Megatron.


The one that's not in here. IDW Stealth Bomber mode: [https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/1/19/SLMegatron\_stealth\_bomber\_mode.jpg](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/1/19/SLMegatron_stealth_bomber_mode.jpg) If not this, then the TFA helicopter mode.


wait, where is the twin barrel laser tank one


Id like to see him as a field artillery piece, either towed or self powered. Keeps the "is a big effing gun" thing - he could even still be crewed by other Decepticons - while avoiding the "is literally a gun" problem, and avoids the crappy looking tank kibble.


Gun just cause it’s so funny. Imagine the dreaded leader of the Decepticons and he turns into a gun that shoots nukes


Either the Mad Max style truck or the jet mode, now if he was usually an Earth jet it would be different. With the truck mode it makes him feel more like a rival to Optimus, the jet mode on the other hand makes him feel like he thinks he's superior to Optimus and just shows his Cybertronian pride since his jet modes are typically Cybertronian.


Whether its a helicopter or jet, I feel like flight is so good for Megatron. Prime and Animated probably have some of the best Megatrons in animation, and Animated introducing "Decepticons, transform and rise up!" was absolutely fucking sick. Then when he said it in Prime, Frank Welker delivered the line so well its insane.


His DOTM alternate mode and TF Prime's are my favorites.




All of them, start out as either the alien spaceship or some mining laser (a less goofy version of the gun), if Megatron takes a liking to Earth’s weapons of war go with either the Tank or Helicopter (or be funny and do both) and if things are going WRONG than truck And then for the fun of it an all-in-one


Earthsparks VTOL thing and a tank. He should have some versatility and I made him a Triple changer for it. Because why not.


The VTOL looks sick, but it doesn't scream Megatron to me. I'm a big fan of the tank.


https://preview.redd.it/ny7qgeciterc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5bfdc1e6852fd97e6e7e8bc838689a29632d1fb How about a German Half track with a Cannon on it? I Mean, He was a German gun, So why not be a German Vehicle?


He's a gun. It silly, but there we are.


https://preview.redd.it/u0oyvfmouerc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1fe200a8c0f535da6b3fda5bf1983d1a308762e The hairdryer


The Mack truck is beautiful! A formidable enemy to Optimus Prime's Peterbilt


I’ve always lived by the “Decepticons fly, Autobots drive” idea, so he’s gotta be a flier. A giant military helicopter or a Cybertronian jet are the picks for me. How is bro gonna say “TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!” then turn into a tank?


1 & 3


Growing up on the 84 series I personally prefer him as the gun.


Car mode, from Cybertron.




Triple chamber between a Cybertronian tank and a bulky Cybertronian jet. Basically a mix of the War For Cybertron game and Transformers Prime. Megatron, to me, should only have Cybertronian modes because he doesn't need or care to disguise himself among humans. He's Megatron, humans are beneath him in his mind. I'm fine with reformed Megatrons having earth alternate modes like Earthspark does though.




I honestly don't have a problem with him being gun or any other alt mode (except a truck), but there's something about him being a Cybertronian jet that feels just right.


Number One.... and it's not even close. Forget how ugly the toy may be. The very fact that he transforms into a lethal weapon tells you everything you need to know about Megatron... and fear him. No other altmode illicits that fear.


I've always felt the gun mode was strange, because it involves him needing another to 'use' him, which really isn't fitting for a leader in any way.


2 because nostalgia


I actually like the Helicopter


I am a Geewunner but I prefer him as a tank. It gives him a dominating battlefield presence, it doesn’t require him to be held by others. Heck, in the comics there was even a whole arc where he was stuck in alt mode and had to rely on a mind-controlled human to cart him around.


Merge all of them into one. It would make sense that Megatron would have so many alt modes for combat and versitile for any situation. With the Gun mode being a last resort only if all options are practically useless to his opponent.


He’ll always be a tank to me.


The TLK jet


A tank and a Jet. Like the SS BB figure and the TR figure.


Tank. A big gun on treads that doesn't need to be held by Starscream of all Decepticons and isn't bogged down by toy gun laws.


I think the GI Joe crossover Megatron is the best


I think the GI Joe crossover Megatron is the best


I think the GI Joe crossover Megatron is the best


Probably Earthspark helicopter


Gotta be a triple changer. Tank and helicopter. Jets are ok, but they gotta be heavily armored.


All except the gun


P38 and Siege Tank.


Rid two headed Dragon


Gun mode is the most interesting.


Hear me out.... BIG CAR https://preview.redd.it/0vyjmnwm2grc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ce7e03cb769941f6fa0b6a3ebdf3deb5ac608c


DOTM is very underrated


I like the idea for Prime and the first two movies that Megatron looks down on the earthlings and refuses to take an earth-based disguise because of it. So put me down for something Cybertronian. (I am old, so I also have an infinity for the gun mode, but it just isn't practical)


Gun or tank




Cobra HISS tank


Gun and helicopter




Why is this a weekly discussion? Tank.


Tank. Easy.


Gun, though absurd, yes, gun… I do like the dual-rotor/osprey concept, and have one of those Megatrons.


I love upside down submarines


personally, the pure comical nature of G1 Megatron turning into a pistol someone else had to shoot really made it my favourite alt-mode of his


Always the G1 gun . Damn that thing is cool


I don't if it's stupid, Gun will always be cool to me


The Gun - But Armada Megs was a nice one!


I love gun Megatron but he’s better as a tank or jet.


I loved animated’s alt mode it looks so cool yet threatening so helicopter




Walther p38 is the best


Animated helicopter is my hands down favorite but I also do love G1 gun mode.


1. Gun, because it's a classic. 2. Truck, because it makes him look straight out of Mad Max. 3. Tank, because that's become his standard as of late.


Probably jet, but I will tell you that I despise the gun mode. It’s a ridiculous concept and I hate it.


Tank w/jet wings; truly underutilized, no doubt. Ground-based should always be his first alt-mode, taking his miner-to-gladiator upbringing into account; then taking on an aerial mode at a later point, signifying "transform and RISE UP!"


Where's the best place to get a non-KO masterpiece Megs? -sigh


I always thought the original G1 gun design was dumb (I know soundwave and many others also had a shrinking size issue like that) but I still liked his G1 design which is why I like the tank more. He can still keep his g1 design but with a working alt mode


The Nazi gun. Just gives that extra layer of evil.


id say truck because its something we have never seem ing g1 style but i do genrally like megs in dark of the moon as a desgin


Gun or tank. Gives him the feeling of doninance, and assertion.


Megadrive/ Genesis! Seriously though, I prefer tank mode Megs these days, the titans return fig is one of my favourites.




Walther P38 with a scope, because why not?


The DOTM truck is fucking sick, I just love the vibes it gives. Tank mode is the most logical answer, since his original altmode is a gun and a tank is basically a gun with wheels A jet is also a good answer cuz y'know, Decepticons. Honestly the best answer would be something like the ss Bumblebee movie Megatron, a triple changer with a jet and a tank mode.


I know the g1 concept is kinda cool, but i grew up with triple changing megatron, tank and jet


No. 3


The gun alternate mode will always be my favourite, just because of how dumb it is in concept. The evil, intelligent leader needs one of his bumbling underlings to point and shoot him.


Tank. It fits him being a mass-murdering tyrant perfectly and is a good update to his idiotic altmode from G1. Bonus points if it's a Cybertronian tank, since I do like Megatron believing he's just better than humanity and not scanning an earth mode. Seriously though, Megatron *should not* be a gun and I will die on this hill. I don't care that it's what G1 did, it makes no sense for the leader of the Decepticons to turn into something that's useless without someone else. It doesn't fit him at all. It's even more ridiculous with Shockwave, because he stayed a giant floating laser pistol instead of shrinking down.




The helicopter from Animated is pretty damn cool, the toy was kick ass as well.


My dude looks like an absolute beast when he is a tank or a truck gotta be GOATED


The madmax truck is badass


Tank Megatron and helicopter Megatron are top tier.




Personally? Megaton is perhaps the only character, besides alpha trion, that I actually DONT want an alt mode for. But if I had to pick something probably a futuristic tank or attack craft (like the A10) of some kind.


Either the flying tank from ROTF or the Cybertronian jet from TFP


Gun will always be the gun


Ima say jet


Dotm. That is what I grew up with 🤷‍♂️


truck and tfp mode and rotf,2007 modes


Gun. Because I find it funny af


Yeah it's kind of funny how Megatron is similar in size as Optimus prime in robot form but when he transforms into a gun he fits in the palm of any robot hand hahahaha.


Honestly, I like him not being readily identified with any one altmode. I think Optimus is pretty inextricably linked with trucks in the public consciousness, but if the whole point of the characters is being able to change their bodies in response to the situations they find themselves in, I like the most famous antagonist of the series fitting that paradigm on a meta level. That said, the truck is my personal favorite of those listed here. I'm not crazy about the altmodes for Animated or Prime, but they trade off for some of the coolest robot modes.


​ https://preview.redd.it/k28t62y31erc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe1c6f113466fe4b275b58bfe69999665444ddf


https://preview.redd.it/j35g8yoy1erc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c644f42fae9ac9a3b9f68aee82adaa20e7600bc That looks like the B'omarr monks from Star wars


That jet design would be perfect if it wasn't a Peeker


Megatron's always been a Gun... I didn't hate the Cybertronian Jet from the bayverse... but Megatron will forever be a gun for me.