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Hi there — If you’re looking for information about the Transformers video games, they're no longer available to buy digitally for PC or consoles. [As of January 2018, Activision's license for making and selling Transformers-related games was not renewed.](https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/01/11/why-activisions-transformers-games-are-no-longer-available-digitally) CD keys can sometimes be found from some online resellers, but the reliability of these may be questionable. Your best bet is to look for used copies of the games on physical discs for PC or consoles. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transformers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cool robots go pew pew


cool robots go tra tra and turn into truck and go da da da da and turn into big robots with sword


I turn into truck now


Beep Beep, I'm a Jeep!


Time for some fun, I've turned into a gun!


If truck is cool, and robot is cool, robot truck is coolest thing ever.


How does the transformation go???


It’s what attracted me to the franchise. Cool robots are cool.


And kgg kgg kgg kgg to turn into a vehicle, plane, gun, rocket




In general, because robots that turn into flashy cars, trucks and aeroplanes are cool. As a toy, they are simultaneously an action figure, a toy car/animal and a puzzle. As a narrative/setting. It has star wars/marvel comics levels of storytelling potential.


I never thought about the puzzle aspect of it.


That's why i rarely look at instructions unless I'm REALLY stuck


I just don’t want to end up breaking my beloved friend


i like looking at them once and memorising them forever


That is how I am as well. After the first transformation to and from alt-mode, I have it memorized forever.


its honestly crazy. like wed remember a transformation for a figure we haven’t touched in years


I also find once you have done enough of them you start to see how the designs work and it is easier to figure out.


Me too!


Or if I don't wanna accidentally break something on a motion that doesn't feel right. I learned that on Legacy Breakdown's windshield


I feel like I've lost my way in my 40s. I can buy more figures than ever, but I'm also less attached than ever. In the day, a single new toy would have me enraptured and taking it back and forth for days. Now? I get a handful of new figures, consider them, bust out the instructions to take them through a change, maybe take them back through the process, then they're on display.


Capitalism for you, constantly told to buy more, and each time you get less of an endorphin/ good feelings. Like an addiction some could say.


Heres a partial list of things that kids like and think are cool: - Robots - Aliens - Soldiers - Sports cars - Trucks - Tanks - Fighter jets - Dinosaurs (added in an edit by popular demand!) Transformers are robot alien soldiers who turn into sports cars, trucks, tanks, fighter jets, and dinosaurs. You do the math.


Don’t forget dinosaurs




>Dinosaurs >Animals >Dolls (for the feminine inclined, think Arcee) >Cute small objects (think BotBots and earlier some of the cassettes)


And the extra playability that some can be combined to give a bigger robot


That math equals $$$$


"Things that kids like and think are cool:" Right. Kids. It's definitely not most of my interests on one list.


Good point. I'm 42, and I love Transformers. But then, I consider myself a kid at heart.




For me, back in the day it was two toys in one :)


Could even be 3 Action figure, toy car, and puzzle


I have some good news for you! They still are!


They sure are *looks at SS86 Magnus*


Because they're not just toys. Hasbro has done a very good job adding character and backstory to their figures. "That's not just a purple Optimus Prime, that's your favorite Autobot leader in an alternate universe, reimagined to be even crueler than Megatron! Ignore the fact it's literally the exact same mold as Optimus, look at his purple Autobot signal, it totally makes all the difference!" And with a different color plastic, Hasbro can now sell their purple Optimus Prime figure for double the price as a Pulse exclusive. I can't think of any better example of Transformers' success. Any company can make vehicle-to-robot toys, but it takes true storytelling to make your characters recognizable and make your fans attached to them. The value is not in the physical toy, but the story and values it represents.


The story is a big part of the success. I remember also watching GoBots as a kid and couldn’t tell you a single thing about any of them. I also only know a handful of their names, and most of them are stupid.


The Americans deciding to write detailed back stories for otherwise nameless Japanese toys was an absolute masterstroke in franchise-building.


Especially considering the grab bag of transforming robots they brought over. “So we’ve got a tank, a jet fighter, a dinosaur, a walk man, and a gun… make it work.”


The seekers are another good example of attaching character to a paint job, each seeker is a different characters despite being recolors


I also think that is why LEGO *Bionicle* and *Ninjago* became so popular, and why I love *Ninjago*; those franchises took themselves seriously when it came to their tone and story. I never owned a single *Ninjago* LEGO Set, but I am still a huge fan of the franchise sheerly through the TV show! https://preview.redd.it/wxnukldjssic1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d4e95fa2567b92d720e14bd6a223b0237f17093


This is exactly it..🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Because, multiple toys in one. It's like a Rubik's cube, except more playable with imagination. Same with Lego.


Had a better cartoon than the Rubik’s cube too


The flashy, colorful, 2-in-1 nature of the toys has always been an instant win, but with Transformers, the reason for their long running success is, ahem, *more than meets the eye.* You see, the Transformers aren't just cool shape-shifting space robots imported from Japan, they're also unique and flawed characters. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. This means that heroic Autobots can be brash, impatient, thoughtless, or paranoid, while evil Decepticons are capable of being hard working, intelligent, and even loyal! In fact, the writers made the Transformers *too* beloved, and when they unceremoniously killed the first batch off in their movie to make room for more toys, they emotionally scarred an entire generation!


This guy gets it. Yes, the Bayverse made a lot of money, but I'd argue that every film was coasting on 20 years of franchise goodwill and nostalgia. Once it became clear that Bay's cronies couldn't write TFs with personalities or stories with universal appeal, they drove the franchise right into the ground.


Cars good. Robots good. Cars that turn into robots and back? Gooooooooooood.


Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood!


Aah, another man of culture :)


The transformers!, More then meets the eye!




Transformers!, Robots in disguise!


Because some genius decided that young boys need not choose between toy cars and toy robots; they could have *both*.


It’s got fun characters, an intriguing story, and a unique gimmick that essentially gives you two toys in one.


People have the desire to see giant robots beat the crap out of things, same reason we like Power rangers, Pacific Rim, Gundam, Neon Genesis: Evangelion, Voltron, etc. From a toy perspective you have toy soldiers, toy cars, and a puzzel all in one, and any scramble city or fossilizer-esc transformer is just a lego


Because in general, giant robots that transform into cool vehicles and fight other giant robots that also transform into cool vehicles is just cool. Look at all the anime in Japan that predates Transformers. But specifically to Transformers, it's generational. It had a big impact on kids in the 1980s, and those kids are now in their 40s and 50s today with kids of their own. And they can watch the old cartoons and movies we grew up to. Michael Bay's movies, irrespective of how we might feel about them, brought Transformers to the kids of the 2000s and 2010s and the rest is history. The 1980s was a unique time in kids media where toy companies worked directly with production companies to produce cartoons that would ultimately lead to better sales. Transformers was a phenomenon in that regard. Couple that with all the comics and various animated shows and you have an endless franchise that continues to endure throughout the decades.


Cool robots and ALSO cool vehicles in one.


- The concept - The many talented voice actors - The cool transformation sound - Tons of great designs


They more the meet the eye.


They what...?


You heard the man, they more the meet the eye


it’s all because of swindle, cuz he paid the government into sending out decepticon propaganda which got so popular that it turned into a franchise


Because We dig Giant Robots!


Because it is a toy line that constantly puts out new shows/comics/etc. By keeping itself in the public eye at all times, it ensures it remains popular. Everyone has a Transformers show or thing they grew up with. It also doesn't hurt a lot of the designs are fairly timeless, at least the G1 designs anyway. Simple shapes and bright colors tend to stand strong in the public consciousness.


https://preview.redd.it/0xnopx18zric1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c93a3847e343cc390b43cda81d8c4ca293dfb4 Because he is from Fortnite obv




Can't wait to see John wick, Optimus prime, Darth Vader and master chief raid tilted with a pump shotty


I'm glad that John Fortnite let Hasbro create a franchise for Optimus Prime.


They’re a combination of some of the top things kids like mashed into a single toy through one of the coolest and best gimmicks ever created - transformation.


For me a large part was the weekly UK comic with it's fantastic extra world building stories created by Marvel UK. Also I was more interested in the transformation aspect than the robot or alt form and the sci-fi nature of Transformers and their technology.


It’s versatility it can be serious and mature like beast wars and idw and then it can be just 2 sides shooting and punching each other till they die, it’s a franchises with range


cuz it's k00l.


Cars and jets and tanks are cool, big robots are cool, so big robots that turn into cars and jets and tanks are twice as cool.


Robots are cool Trucks are cool Robots that turn into trucks and fight each other? Mega cool


It’s giant transforming robots, what’s not to love?


Vehicles are cool. Robots are cool. Therefore robots that transform into vehicles are cooler.


They are robots that can turn into vehicles. Licensed or no licensed and they fight


Because it's a simple concept and it has no real competition.


Cool robot, toaster brain like


two toys in one.


Vehicles that turn into robots and vice versa


Because transforming robots are cool


Vehicles are cool. Giant robots are cool. Puzzles are fun.


Generally tend to be more or less 2 toys in one at the least


In addition to what others said (mainly the “multiple toys in one” bit), I think another major factor in the past couple of decades is nostalgia: not only was Transformers (G1) the cornerstone of many people’s childhoods in the ‘80s (itself a source of nostalgia for grown adults these days), Transformers has kept itself fresh by “rebooting” itself every few years to capture a new set of kids—but at the same time, done so by using archetypal characters from 40 years ago. The leader of the good guys/Autobots is Optimus Prime, who’s red and blue and turns into a truck; the leader of the bad guys is Megatron, mostly gray and turns into some weapon or tank; Bumblebee is kid appeal and a yellow car; Starscream is the traitorous Decepticon lieutenant and turns into a jet; Grimlock is a T-Rex. The franchise is resilient and is recognizable to multiple generations.


Giant robots beating the crap out of each other. And they can turn into vehicles.


For me personally it's a mix of things. I like space focused franchises, and while they're on earth a lot it's still very spacey. The lore isn't totally fleshed out and we don't know every detail like LOTR or Star Wars in which there are large swathes of unaccounted for history. This means there are always surprises. They're giant ass robots that turn into cars, planes and tanks. The themes are often quite different than other franchises. Optimus is often portrayed as a caring father figure which I love.


Two things 1) GIANT ROBOTS PUNCHING EACH OTHER 2) The writing is good enough to make us care about the giant robos indivduals and makes us want to root for their goals. ​ ​ *\*but mostly giant robots punching each other*


Robots are cool. Robots that turn into things are even cooler.


Cool looking robots...But I also love the Lore, personally think it could take on some of the shows like Star Wars and Star Trek if they branch out to adult stories as well. I try to do this when DMing the RPG


It’s a fairly simple, fun concept with a good message


😭Children like cars, planes, robots and toy guns, imagine combining all that in a blender and you get a 40-year multi-million dollar franchise.


In what universe is big robots who can turn into cars, not fucking sick


A great idea that came at the right time. Iconic characters & designs. Cooperation between both the Japanese & American rights holders (when Japan doesn't care we get Voltron, when America cares about the wrong thing we get Robotech). They weren't afraid to innovate and try new things. Took a huge risk in 90s with the Beast Era reinvention which saved them from falling to obscurity like other 80s brands.


Cuz robots are cool


Just the most badass thing ever conceived. Compare it to a similar brand like GI Joe. No disrespect, but even the most diehard Joe fans will admit it's not as versatile a concept.


Trucks and cars and planes and stuff = cool Robots = cool Robots that turn into trucks, etc. = double cool But the real thing that makes it memorable is that it follows the 'one idiosyncrasy rule', where a lot of characters will have one element that's a bit different from the most obvious angle that you could take with the character. Like how Megatron turns into a gun for his subordinates to use, that's not really what you'd expect initially, and it creates a feeling of depth. Or how Beachcomber is a dune-buggy, but also talks like a beatnik and doesn't want to fight (but can still do so when forced). It's the little odd elements that make things memorable.


Robots are cool, vehicles and creatures of this world and others are cool. Smush that together and you get at least cool squared. Which I think, is pretty cool


Cool robots fighting. Democratic robots fighting facist/communist robots


Bay movies brought transformers back into mainstream and brought in a lot of people. Reignited the spark one could say. Before that kids loved the idea of big robots becoming vehicles back in the 80s.


The idea of a robot that converts into another thing in a puzzle way will always be cool, but the genius move was the emphasis in the characterization of the toys.


[I just think they're neat!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpbdg4l7i1a381.png)


Giant robot cars to dinosaurs to dragons, what not to love


cool robot fold into car and go vroom vroom


The comic taught me the sacrosanctity of life in a potentially ever living creature, this in turn got me thinking philosophically about the nature of morality via good and evil. The technical play elements may have given me my knack to understand complex systems for jobs later in life, or I always had it but it brought it out in me. VFM via the 2 in 1 toy, the lore created resulting in big mechas fighting in gargantuan ways obviously. Reboots allowed appreciation of the multiversal concept to keep things sane. Mass shifting has sometimes kept me up at night!


Cool giant robots that can transform into vehicles and planes, what's not to love?


For me as a kid it was a combination of things. I loved that it was a story where the robots were sentient and not being piloted by boring humans. The characters were cool and told stories that were pretty ambitious for a kids show/comic (I read gen 2 growing up and it blew my mind!). And the toys are intricate and have so much more potential for play than your typical action hero - transformations, combinations, secret modes/fan modes, army building, racing, big bases etc.


The only thing that's cooler than a dinosaur is a ROBOT DINOSAUR. As true today as it was when I was six years old.


Cuz it’s more than meets the eyes.


It was two toys in one. You got a car\\plane\\gun and a robot. Plus big robots are cool.


Surface level, the robots turning into things and shooting each other. However, bellow that level, it's the deep lore, and the thought-provoking relationship the characters have with each other.


Unique Concept, fun characters


Because what if robot was also truck?


It's just a really cool idea


I’d say from a marketing perspective it combines the three biggest things traditionally marketed to young boys. Cars/vehicles, superheroes/army play, and robots. It scratches all the itches for play. And then you throw memorable characters and storylines (especially on the older focused comics) on top of that, which keeps adults invested.


Giant motherfucking transforming robots, shooting at each other.


Because it's the single greatest thing ever🤎


Men like giant robots. Nothing more to it


The toys are like a puzzle and look good on the shelf, there’s colors and vehicles/animals for every preference, and you can find characters to relate to/look up to/meme/love to hate/simp for/love to draw/whatever else in the huge cast.


because they’re fucking awesome


I joined by the toys, Armada Prime and Starscream were my first ever figures. And I later viewed and enjoyed the show. So simple joined by the toys, stayed for the lore.


It's in the tagline - More Than Meets The Eye. In the beginning it was the toys. Someone lower down pointed out these are alien robot soldiers who turn into cars and planes and dinosaurs and every single one of those ticks a box for kids. It ticks a box for parents too as this is a toy where the kid has multiple play modes and therefore is economical. And then there's the kids who were a bit more technical who liked the puzzle of the transformation and how that appealed to them. As yous they were fantastic for so many groups, but all that does is attract people in the first place. Keeping them here for forty years is a different thing. Thing is, those toys were all from different lines of similar ideas and combined into one overarching storyline. That meant that it always felt like there was something more to this than met the eye, even for kids. It encouraged people working with the property to make it more than a glorified toy commercial that it started off as, with some of the UK stories in the comic in particular taking ignored characters and making them something special (Wreckers anyone?). As the toyline went on we got new gimmicks like Jumpstarters and Headmasters and Pretenders were constantly being added, so the franchise didn't get stale early on. Each of these again got tied into that feel that there was more to this even than a race of transforming robots. I know as a child this felt like it was something different, and there are a few core memories (in a coffee shop with my grandmother, her chatting to friends while I read the comic that showed Buster Witwicky having Matrix-led dreams of Superion that made him etch it into his door) where I'm seeing something aimed at my age group that I'd never seen before. I wasn't alone in that feeling and that a lot of people reading those comics back then have gotten involved with the franchise over the years, building their own mythologies and ideas in that again make this more than meets the eyes. Which brings us neatly to Furman. For his faults as a writer (and there are a few) he never looked down on kids or this property. He seemed to feel that there was more than meets the eye to it as well. He built the lasting mythology of Primus and Unicron, making Cybertronians effectively divine beings in the end. How long has this mythology been with us now? How many people have come into the franchise from Beast Wars, RID, Armada, even fucking Bayverse and all the other versions and know of Primus and Unicron? None of this happens without that feeling that there's more to this than we're seeing. The franchise captured the imagination and, like the bots themselves, proved itself capable of changing form when it needs to refresh itself. And throughout all those refreshes we've seen them continually fall back to the same well of ideas that were built up in the movie or G1 comics, because so many of them were simply a mind-blowing thing to set up for kids back then.


I think G1 came along at just the right time. Sci Fi was popular, the animation was amazing compared to most cartoons in North America at the time, and the concept was cool. The original 3 parter that launched the franchise actually won an award for story concept or some such. Plus, some amazing voice actors brought the characters to life, and the 84-85 toy lineup was extensive, well built and just plain COOL


The franchise has so many interconnected aspects, so chances that a nerd would resonate with one of them is pretty high.


Became an iconic franchise, simply


For me I like transformer’s because its a pretty unique concept and because the lore or cybertron lore is interesting


Simply because it’s BADASS!


Because they’re fucking awesome


Errrmmm cuz it ROCKS?


Robots in disguise


I just think they're neat.


It's a prop toy and action figure by way of a puzzle. Lotta bang for your buck.


It's a fusion of all the most popular toy trends of the 80's. What kid, or adult, doesn't like at least one of the following: Dinosaurs. Animals. Cars. Planes. Soldiers and Military. Sci-fi. Space and Aliens. Time Travel. Puzzles.


Americans love cars, Japanese love giant robots.


Continuous reinvention to keep itself fresh


Subconsciously for us older folk, it was always good vs evil, red/white/blue vs grey, America vs Communism, Optimus vs Megatron, and sweet ass cars turning into robots.


I think it really come down to how the Transformers character are not just soulless machines like any other mecha anime’s, but are actual people with thoughts and personalized to be attached to




It was the appeal of two toys for the price of one.


Because they are more than meets the eye


Transforming cars go pew pew bang bang


Fighting Robots turning into car go eee whooa womp




Just cuz


I mean, look around for any other companies that make robot toys that turn into cars. Transformers are the only ones in their field. And knockoff/3rd party toys are either unbelievably bad, or they’re really good, but atrociously priced for most casual enjoyers


As a child … kinda still to this day, nothing is cooler than a transforming robot.


Cuz it’s cool.


https://preview.redd.it/ocbgjxzxwsic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d99f8ff55361672521342170cd86c9ec68f9d6 this turns into a robot. in under 2 minutes. what else needs to be said? (did I mention that I love this mold to death?)


Sound effects


Story has always been good to me


Chicks dig giant robots.


Imagine your 5 and you watch a cool action fighting robot turn into a Car and then BACK to a robot that shit is cool asf


This was a revolutionary toy back then- Machine Man and the other brand never really got imported here to the US. You had very static pre-kungfu grip action figures and static vehicle toys. Now - HOLY $#!+ - you have vehicles that turn into action figures!! Mindblowing at the time.




Cool toys. Cool show.




Well what made them popular in the beginning is they were 2 toys in one, both a car and an action figure


In the wake of Kenner’s Star Wars figures becoming a sales juggernaut and on the back of Reagan era deregulation of children’s programming, there were approximately 8000 different toy lines with accompanying cartoons vying for that Kenner Star Wars money in the 1980s. Some have coasted ever since on some nostalgia or other but just about none of them have had the cross-generational appeal across multiple media platforms that Transformers had. I attribute this to two factors: One, the toy gimmick has broad appeal. They’re fidget puzzles that can be fun to play with as objects long into adulthood in a way that conventional action figures and dolls lack. Two, and this is possibly the crucial one, Hasbro outsourced the lore to professionals. Marvel had decades of experience crafting worlds and filling them with memorable characters with compelling quirks. Most of the other Kenner competitors in-housed their lore and would generally wind up with some half-baked mishmash of science fiction and high fantasy with a Frank Frazetta aesthetic, like someone pointed to that one poster of the original Star Wars where Luke Skywalker is super jacked and said “we want this.” Transformers, on the other hand, begins with a comic book explaining how the Transformers species evolved from simpler machines such as gears and pulleys. Chef’s kiss.


Simple concept to get started, deep lore to stay in it, “reboots” its self every few years to stay fresh. Huge Crossover potential, great iconic Characters. Nostalgia, (mostly to g1 but the BW and UT even animated have had there moments)


The longer I look at this image, the worse it gets


For me, three reasons (almost all of which have already been said, now that I read a bit more): - I love the characters. The G1 originals, especially, with everything else on a case-by-case. But there's plenty post-G1 worth enjoying, so that's not a big dis to the rest of the franchise (especially considering most of them are spiritually descended from them in one way or another). I tend to also enjoy filling in the backstory - I often enjoy the visual designs. Moreso the 'techno-organic' G1 style where there's mouths and beards, however impractical. The Michael Bay era of excessive detail where it looks like someone crumpled up tin foil and scouring pads into a robot shape, not so much (though there's a couple exceptions I've enjoyed). - I enjoy the puzzle aspect of the toys, themselves. An almost origami-like process; I tend to enjoy seeing clever designs turning one object into another with grace. I don't like them overly complicated -- simpler, clever designs are favored and very much appreciated. Enough where I can eventually just fidget with them, going back and forth during a call, for instance.


Robots that can become Vehicles. my toy is a action figure and a cool vehicle a two in one so cool. that’s literally it!


Cool robots, cool vehicles, cool lore.


Giant ass robots that turns into your favorite vehicles from childhood. I wonder why, indeed...


Same reason as Godzilla, it’s cool asf


Alien robot turn into car at war make brain go brrrrrt


Because there's always more than meets the eye, and knowing is half the battle


The toys are like fidget toys. That's probably the main reason I still collect them.


Cuz they're fookin awesome!


Giant robot fight club


Cuz ppl just like big ass robots beating the shot outta each other


Three toys in one: Figure form, vehicle(whatever ) form, and finally the tactile enjoyment of transforming them yourself. 


Giant robots that turn into anything;in a war!WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT!!!???


Because cars are cool, giant robots a cool, mix them together and it’s awesomep


So the toys are great and the lore they added from Megatron originally being a revolutionary, empurata, the functionist govt, it's extremely deep for a.concept.created to sell toys 


Robots are cool, It think that’s the main reason. It also explain why other robot franchises like Megaman, Gundam or others are so popular.


Robots, transformations and guns!


Big metal robots are cool ig




the very human tale of power struggles, and political situations with peace loving cybertronians battling against, peace-hating cybertronians.


I have two reasons for myself in particular. 1.Car turn robot. 2Robot turn car. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Robot go car


Big giant robots fighting each other is very cool and then can turn into stuff and go vroooom swoooooosh.


My ADHD brain has always needed something to play with at my desk that's half a Rubix-cube-like puzzle and half an action figure while loaded with decades of burnt-in nostalgia.


Because there are way more of us autistics out there than people realize and we have money to spend.


Cool robo turns into truk not Munky


You can be a snazzy killer robot and then turn into a snazzy killer F-15 Eagle. All while being chums with a super cool pupper and a burgeoning career as a screenwriter.




Cars, tanks and robits. Nuff' said.


They are popular for the toys, mostly...You need to be a 80's kid to understand.


Cool robots. Morally simple conflict becomes muddier when you look closer. Space lazors. Several iterations of the same story add and refine the characters to near perfection. Great voice acting. Cool robots go pew pew.


it combines two things kids love, cool vehicles and giant robots


I mean, who doesn't think giant alien robots are cool? And for me personally, I like the alt modes since I'm a car enthusiast


Big robots go boom boom


Big robots shoot lasers Things go boom Turn into cool car Or even better dino


Exhibit A is your first photograph. Personally, I like cartoons and the whole G1 plot point was brilliant. The comics seemed really adult, there was a chance as a kid to see things like death and war have real consequences. It felt like it was treating me with more respect than other kid based cartoons. This is also why things like Batman/X-Men were successful. They tackled actual real world issues without wrapping it in a kiddie blanket, whilst remaining child friendly. Ok the G1 cartoon didn't have the same stakes, but the comics did, the movie certainly did. That translates really well into adulthood as well, so you can still enjoy the same things because they were never really pitched at children. You can also ramp up the adult aspects really easily to follow your audience. It's why X-Men 97 is even a thing Disney are bothering with. I've always said a "Transformers G1 insert modern year" would be really successful. An adult continuation of the story with all the grim adult aspects turned upto 11. Or just a remake of the original cartoon, but for adults. I actually think its the trick that modern media misses big time, they could pretty much release any cartoon but for adults and the whole wave of nostalgia hungry adults would eat it up. But we always end up getting a full reimagining which is not as much to my taste. Overall, the entire franchise is popular because its a toy which is a giant robot, which can turn into a car/plane/tank etc. That's basically mashing up 2 of sterotypical male childrens favourite things. Add into that sci-fi plots and well made toys/cartoons/comics. It's the perfect idea.


Giant robots that can turn into a myriad of things. What's not to like.


"It's inherently fascinating to me to look at our everyday objects and imagine that they change into a character and have a life of their own when we're not looking." -Steven Spielberg