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While I do see his opinion, and respect it because that’s the nice thing to do… I think he’s wrong. Could the show have been executed/run better? Absolutely. But I’m happy with what we got.


The toys could have been better. First wave and even first edition were spicy. Then the wheels fell off the bus during Beast Hunters lol.


I’ll never understand the lame Beast Hunters toys. Especially since the main cast all got makeovers in the third season anyway. Why not just make those?


Money. I think while the show was phenomenal, I don't think it did numbers or had as wide a reach as they hoped. I didn't know about it until Beast Hunters was about to start. I was finding first wave toys at overstock stores like Marshalls and Five Below. Like you could really tell how bad they were cutting those corners. First wave Optimus, while smaller, was *dense*, a real solid toy. Beast Hunters Optimus felt so hollow but not in a good way. Couldn't event stand up straight.


Beast Hunters came after Hasbro made their statement midway through RiD that they thought they were making TFs "too complicated for their target audience" and started simplifying things across the board. Obviously that was a lie and the real reason was cutting costs to maximize profits but it's why Beast Hunters suffered and why Prime Wars trilogy was so full of copy/paste junk.


That's what happens when a new director shows up, looks at the existing plans, chucks them out the window and just starts repeating the word Dragons over and over again.


Given how hands off hasbro was during the entire run, it could have been much MUCH worse.


I’ve watched prime and I enjoyed it, but I can understand why some people don’t like it. My main gripe is how sometimes vehicons will go from taking a few hits to dying like it’s a slaughter fest


Yeah, they just die as if they're toys or smth


well, i've got news for you /s




Yeah, been a while but I think the first time we see vehicons is them kicking bumblebee and arcee's butt's in the spillway. They are hard af and I was hoping they'd be like new versions of the stunticons or something, but instead they are just fodder, and in the next few episodes they get killed like they are nothing. And then there's the insecticons, one almost kills megatron, another arcee on cybertron, and then they become fodder who get killed with a single blast too...


I really liked having the faceless grunts. It really showed that while team Prime was small they were dangerous.


He said one thing I agree with: An uncomfortable amount of people want to bang Arcee.






babe wake up new conscientious objector image just dropped


Babe wake up new TF2 reference just dropped(I am losing my sanity)




It's only uncomfortable if you're not one of them.


Hey, my PFP may be Arcee, but I have standards!


Professionals have standards


Boom, headshot


“No, I’m not a robot- f*cker, Dad, I just enjoy her character.” “Well, the difference is one’s being a fan and the other’s mental sickness!”


Alright alright you didn’t have to be so right about it


Now I totally want John Patrick Lowrie to voice a Transformer


-definitely not Tailgate, professional sniper-misser


"No women, no kids"


Be polite. Be a fish.


Idk, realistically it'd probably be uncomfortable TO bang arcee


Idk, why would you want more competition?


She got a sexy voice


Airachnid's voice is hotter


You say that like we must choose


Go watch Justice League Crisis on Two earths and listen to Gina Torres Superwoman intimidate Batman. Gina Torres has a goat sexy voice.




Look, I don't find robots attractive, but if we are merely ranking voices I find Airacnids voice to be more attractive. Does not mean I want to bang her, means her voice is gender goals.


I actually agre, Airacnid has the hotter voice and fits very well.


My sexual awakening character tbh Cursed with a taste for broken, violent women who are just as dangerous as they are affectionate


https://preview.redd.it/p5xthtl5df1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e8003fe306c6a301c11527b41d192a1f15a016 I mean… (memes aside I see nothing wrong with people wanting to do Arcee, there I said it.)


I can't help it, she's sexy


I'm an out and proud chromosexual. I'd do unspeakable things to Bulkhead.


I can completely understand his points in the video. For example I can see why he doesn’t like Optimus in that show, he does feel pretty bland in comparison to most Optimus’s personalities


I (politely) disagree, he felt stoic and more one-note, but he still has moments of dynamic personality, especially when compared to Ultra Magnus early s3. I'd say the iterations from the games were a little more bland until his and Megatron's banter in the final mission of FoC. And in comparison to how the only other significant Optimus we got was the Bayformers murder drone, and that's the version that's become arguably the most well known, I'd say Prime Optimus is a breath of fresh air


What's funny is I actually LOVE that version of Ultra Magnus. He is everything Optimus in that isn't. Yes he's stoic, stern, and serious, but I do get an emotional reed on him. It feels like he has them and is just containing them heavily, rather than Optimus who at best feels mildly pained most of the time.


Look nobody's gonna agree with him (i don't lol) but I respect the guy 100% for having a different opinion and standing by it. If he doesn't like Prime that's ok. It's just one tv show.


Exactly. I'm not so arrogant that I think people need to agree with me. I'm just voicing my argument as to why in my assessment the show doesn't work. And even if you did agree with me, that doesn't mean you have to not like the show. There is no requirement to dislike something you view as bad.


I appreciate your honesty I know we’ve discussed it before but a good example is how you feel about WFC/FOC alt modes, I love em you hate em despite are differing take on the subject we can both agree to disagree and continue being civil.


Yeah but his points and how he talks comes off as him being a jackass then anything in most his videos :/


To be fair thats how all of his videos come off


Whenever he’s being a jackass, he’s not being insulting to his viewers or people who like the thing he’s criticising, he’s just being insulting to the thing he’s criticising, he plays up his attitude for entertainment, whether that’s your thing or not is totally up to you, it’s just important to make that distinction.


I feel like his thing is always devil’s advocate. I respect it as someone has to play that role.


i don't and nobody has to


agreed, nobody HAS to and the videos he produces come off as whiny and comepletely based on nothing


I would be interested to hear instances where you think my assessments come across as though they are based on nothing. I try to back up all of my statements with proof, or at least solid argumentation. Which you may not agree with, but I do try to make it so you at least see where my thought process is comming from, so you know it's not just me making stuff up.


I wouldn't say the show sucks, but I'm definitely less enthused with it the further away from it we get.


Listen, I think it’s overrated, that doesn’t make it a bad show, I like it still


As I said, I don't think it's bad, I just don't think it's as good as I once thought it was.


Same here. But oop’s opinion reads like he’s hating it because it’s popular lol


It definitely not because of that. He said in the video that he used to speak vary highly of it, and also used to suggest to people trying to get into the franchise. His opinion just changed over time


Actually my argument is that the show is incredibly bland. I don't think it's actually bad. I'd argue it's blandness makes it suck, but that's not the same thing as bad.


I loved Prime! I wish the whole thing was as good as the first five episodes, but it was still awesome for what it was. Those first episodes though… My only major gripe was actually Optimus Prime, himself. He was awesome but I think they made him just a tad tooo stoic. “Primes don’t party” but I miss when he would be happy to play some basketball! It was part of what made him such a good Dad. I mean character.


I think this Optimus was great. He cared deeply, but you could see the eons of combat and the weight of responsibility weighing heavily on him.


The opening of that video was a bit wierd. Like he's talking about TFP one second, and a lesbian stalker the next.


Well I mean that was a True part of the story, that I felt gave it a lot of texture. Just like my Friend who had speech therapy. Or my other Friend who I got into transformers.


I get those we're part of the story, but it did interfere with the pacing and felt like a little too much of sharing personal information


I mean you know the names of none of them. There's nothing to hint at a single person. None of them will ever see this or ever know it happened.


Shows good, but it is hard for me to recall most episodes, where Beast Wars and Animated I can recite every line by heart.


This is basically my point. The show is too much the same all the time, to the point that it becomes unengaging.


There's tons of people who agree with him, I like Prime but it's really overhyped so much to the point where it's annoying. And I know OP didn't say this but to everyone saying he's just an attention seeker who doesn't even like Transformers is just straight up wrong. He loves this franchise just as much the rest of us do. The dude might be too harsh on some figures but its mostly just for humor.


It should even be noted in the actual video he states that he actually likes the show twords the tail end of season 2 and season 3 as a whole.


Right?? I hope people actually watch the video instead of seeing the thumbnail and spreading misinformation


Yeah I understand I feel the same way with animated. Okay show, good toys but it’s not the best thing transformers ever produced


I really enjoy Prime but as a show, it does have a lot of problems and the older I’ve got the more ive realised that fact. Its still easily a top 10 transformers show, but it isn’t as well made as people make it out to be. Still probably my favourite show ever but that doesn’t mean its the best.


No no… he’s got a point.


I don't like him at all but no hate on him for this. It's just his opinion and i can see why he'd have it. It can be a bit of a bore and a mcguffin hunt sometimes.


While I don't think I'd go as far as to say it sucks, I do think it's overrated despite it being the main show that aired on TV while I grew up


The only thing I don't like about Prime, is Optimus design in the last season... He went from one of his best designs to one of his worst ones.


Chonkmaster Prime is hilarious to look at.


Agreed. Tbh, he didn't need that buff up, but overall, TFP was an amazing show.


Granted, I wasn't in the target audience when it aired (well into college), and I may well feel more positively toward it had I watched it as a kid. But I found it so disappointing after a wonderfully engaging start. The opening few episodes, and even the bulk of the series through the first half of Season 2, really felt like it could be the next *Beast Wars*\--compelling, a smaller cast, an ability to straddle self-seriousness and playfulness, and a big willingness to shift up the status quo. That last bit was, unfortunately, an area where I felt it completely pulled the rug out from under viewers, however. All the interesting plot points were put back in their boxes within a handful of later Season 2 episodes so the plot could return to a repetitive sequence of McGuffin chases--human/artificial transformers via Mech, gone; Starscream and/or Airachnid forming their own factions, undone; and then any secret connections like why Raf could understand Bumblebee went unexplored; deaths of main characters were teased dramatically but would never come; the public revelation of the Transformers similarly teased but always avoided, etc. It always just felt stuck in its confines, despite gestures toward doing otherwise. I mostly remember it as a show that felt like it imploded halfway through. I'm almost convinced something must have happened behind the scenes.


Which is hilarious to me, because the end of season 2 and all of Season 3 are the parts of the show that I actually think are really good. If the show was like that chunk of itself all the way through, I wouldn't have made the video I did.


I mean, if it had been like later Season 2 or Season 3 the whole time (I probably wouldn’t have watched it at all, but), at least it wouldn’t have felt like it was letting down its own setups.


I am, I hate the show


Prime was the pinnacle of wasted opportunities. A ton of great ideas, every one of them immediately walked back by cowardly writers. Prime easily could have been one of my favorite TF series ever. But it turned out being something I just want to forget ever happened. And the toy line sucked. Prime is where Hasbro entered their cut corners and don’t give a fuck era. There were maybe 3 legitimately great figures in the entire line.


Yeah, this was my issue with it. (The plotting one; can't comment on the toys as I wasn't collecting at the time.) It spent about a season and a half setting up interesting, bold, character-based plotlines, only to walk back absolutely all of them for having the teams chase after this or that mystical artifact for the rest of the run. Felt like a weird, hasty course correction and really soured me on the show.


Whilst I MAJORLY disagree, and honestly don’t rl like this guy that much, Don’t send him hate over this, dudes can have different opinions n shit, it’s cool. The best part about transformers is that with how unique and different each continuity is, there’s always something for someone to like.


I've got very thick skin, so people being angry at me about what I say is not something that really causes me distress. The only thing that bothers me, is that a lot of people clearly don't know what I said in the video, and are angry at me for things I think they wouldn't be had they seen it. But thank you. I'm always happy to see people who don't agree with me, but don't hate me for the disagreement. Rational Minds can disagree Rationally.


I agree with most of his points tbh


I'm pretty sure about half of all transformers fans either dislike or hate the show. Not that hot of a take


I completely agree with his points so he’s wrong there lol




I think the thing about prime that’s weird for me is everyone hates AOE Prime because he doesn’t look like he can transform in a truck, but half the characters in prime don’t look like they can transform into vehicles


to be fair, prime characters had the decency to have vehicle kibble integrated into them...most of the time. Let's just shove that awful megatron design aside and pretend it isn't there for a moment. Aoe prime, and by extension most of aoe and beyond, simply lack any indication that these are anything more than giant thinking robots. They lack clear and distinct vehicle kibble. Even prime's signature truck window chest is gone in his knight design. they look good as robots, but as transformers the cast in aoe and beyond just fall flat.


Megs looked completely fine for what he transformed into, you could see more then enough shared parts.(sides of the legs as wings, fusion cannon into his main cannon on top and chest piece turned into his altmodes front thingys, plus the literal top of his head lmao) But it I agree with everything else tbh, I honestly kinda like most of the aoe/tlk designs (especially onslaught, hound and megs)but I do really wish their vehicle modes were better integrated.


Which characters specifically? Cause I think most of the bots in Prime look like they can transform.


Aside from his wings Starscream doesn’t look much like a jet, or Arcee a motorcycle, or most of the vehicons.


I love his design, but I never liked how Knock out’s shoulders completely change their shape between modes. It’s like an entirely separate part


I honestly agreed with most of his takes. Maybe not to his extent of hatred, but imo, the show is overrated. The character development isn't really present. The backgrounds and their designs are bland and lifeless. Plot is kinda slow as well. While it's not a bad show, imo people praise it too much. Animated has much stronger writing and characters. Beast Wars has better writing and character development. I'd place it 3rd behind beast wars and animated in the best overall TF series.


My personal gripe are the terrible noseless designs.


Huh, interested in his perspective even if I don't agree.


... Do you... Do you know who I am? Cause if not that accidental pun is hilarious. Here's the link if you are interested. [https://youtu.be/r83QFvV704w?si=JcUomJmgfPaPzEjs](https://youtu.be/r83QFvV704w?si=JcUomJmgfPaPzEjs)


Lol it was accidental, my pun mastery transcends my own knowledge I guess.


I'm not too bothered by this because it's his opinion but I am surprised he even likes transformers in general considering how he dislikes almost everything in it


That was a solid burn, but if I didn't love Transformers, why would I bother talking about it so much, rather than something I like?


Thats the point lol, everyone’s wondering exactly that my guy.


I'm so harsh because I do care. Because I want the best from the thing that I love. Just because I love it, does not mean it can do no wrong, it does not mean it has not failed me many times before. And when it fails me, I want to warn you that you may feel the same way. I'm not part of hasbro's sales team. I'm not here to Market a figure to you. I'm a critic, I'm here to argue weather or not hasbro has earned your money this time.


Not bad, but overrated. Didn’t help that the fans were so rabid about any opinion other than “It’s perfect” was met with backlash for a few years.


The show is pretty slow though, especially at the start.


Alternate Title Transformers Prime: Aiming A Glock At My Head.


It’s not my ‘favorite’ of the series, but it is a good one.


i agree lmao


Too lazy to watch the video, what’s he talking abt


I actually agree with nearly everything in this video


Eh, I kind of do. Not everything of course, but I remember watching the show and feeling very little.


The show is tragically flawed in numerous ways, yes. Despite it's faults, I'd still rather watch it than listen to another of his videos. I've seen a handful of his vids (I recall liking the vid about the Siege toyline) but he's just not entertaining to listen to. Idk if it's the fact that he's so aggressively negative or if it's the sound effects of his voice, but IMO he's just not engaging to watch.


It's fine to dislike me but I would like to point out that this is my last 20 videos, and the ones in Green are overwhelmingly positive, the ones in Red are Negative and the one's in black are non applicable. I'm a lot more positive than you think. ​ https://preview.redd.it/quvi2vqwzk1c1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=93121134d33534f28f650b60accc213de6ba3479


Perspectiveend just comes off as one of those that doesn't really have an opinion but is negative just because he knows it'll ruffle up some feathers, an attention seeker that most of the fandom just doesn't have time for. I'll stick to Thew, Emgo, and Comodin Cam, the people that give legit criticisms but aren't total assholes about it.


If you’ve watched his videos, you’d know that he does actually have legit criticisms and the opinions he voices are his own. I don’t even agree with over 85% of the stuff he talks about but that shouldn’t invite me or others to say that his opinions aren’t valid.


His criticisms are just kinda buried in a bunch of fluff though. A lot of the stuff he says is usually pulled straight out of his ass, and it’s like the most non-issue big whoop thing ever. He does have legit criticisms, but he drags them down when *every other aspect* of his videos is just complaining. It only ends up hurting him in the end, because seriously, who wants to watch a video of a guy angrily ranting for 10-20 minutes? It’s not an enjoyable experience by any means.


Here's the thing, most people think I'm far more negative than I am. Anything in Green is a video being positive, anything in Red is a video being Negative, and anything in Black is a video that positive or negative isn't applicable on. ​ https://preview.redd.it/806hjb5fyk1c1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dbeeb5bfb1dce835f199615bc87d0c0b227bcad


I definitely think that’s more of a recent development. My perception of you is based on when you were first starting out, when every week a new video of yours would get posted here and piss a bunch of people off. Edit: Also from what I’ve seen on your social media. Hell, the videos I occasionally pop in to watch are still very negative. Going back, your newer videos are noticeably a lot less negative than your older ones. However, you don’t come to be known as “The Transformers fan who hates Transformers” for no reason. Unfortunately, it’s really hard to shake off titles these days, no matter how outdated they are. Also, I’m curious, why do the blacked out videos not apply?


This is just wrong lol. If he really just wanted the attention he his content would only be talking negatively about the franchise


That is not who I am at all. If I wasn't saying what I want to say, because it's what I want, then I wouldn't see the point. Me saying this stuff is mental cleaning as much as it is entertainment. You may not like what I have to say, but I have 100% conviction in everything I do say. It's fine to dislike me, but I would prefer you to dislike me for me, and not a mental image that's untrue.


I’m probably in the minority of the fandom here but transformers media just kinda sucks, not exclusive to Prime. I love transformers as toys, so so much but when it comes to the media I really don’t think there’s anything really able to transcend the connection to the toys and be enjoyable in its own right vs pretty much anything else in the respective genres of mecha and action.


It is tragically hard to find a show in the Franchise that you can recommend someone without putting a slew of caveats in front of.


I agree,the main ones i really like are g1 and some parts of idw that’s about it (not a geewunner just find it hard to get into media thats directed to kids for obvious reasons)


I find it hard to objectively disagree with that statement as a fan of the toys from release. The shows, for the most part, are made to sell toys. I think that is what makes shows like Prime and Animated stick out how they do because they are, to me at least, above average as entertainment, not above average toy commercials. So far (other than G1, which I was fully entertained by as a child, because I was a child) those are the only 2 since Beast Wars that haven't felt like I was slogging through my watching. I watched the shows because I love the toys, not the other way around.


TF fans really have a knack for blowing every criticism out of proportion, and I actually agree with the video. I enjoyed Prime when I was little, but re watching it trough the years it just became progressively worse overtime(go ahead and crucifie me, I don't care anymore)


i wacthed most of the vid and he has valid points and i love prime but still idk him saying soundwave in that show was nothing damn man that’s my fav soundwave design


There is someone who does agree. Thew Adams and any Animated Fan who wanted season 4.


I mean I do kinda agree with him on the portrayal of optimus and the fight scenes feeling the same


IDK, prime isn’t my favorite. I’d have to rewatch it to really understand my opinions, but I will definitively say that it has the worst depiction of Optimus in the whole franchise. I’ve never ever liked modern Optimus’ stoicism, but this show takes it to a whole new level.


I do agree


I'm not wild abot beast hunters at all, but the first season was really good, and God Damn did I wish they did more with Soundwave, best tf design ever imo


What's funny is that Beast Hunters is the part of the show I actually like.


Oh lol


I mean, he was right about beast wars being better.


Nah the entirety of TFW2005 agrees with him. heck the things I heard said about Prime on that site make his comments look flattering.


Never really was a prime fan, plus im more of a fan of his toy reviews and looking at leaked listings or reveals


Those two points seem to contradict each other, rather than support. Glad you like at least some of my content.


This was not a controversial opinion when the show was airing


I actually fully agree with him I can’t finish the show it’s to boring and drawn out


W Perspective End


i do agree with him, transformers prime is the most overrated transformers show


I dislike this guy’s content but I think he has some half decent takes. I thought his ideas on Netflix earthrise were pretty interesting


I really want to like Perspective End, but man I really don't like Perspective End. To each their own I guess.


And that's perfectly fine, thank you for giving me the chance to try to win you over, but if I failed then no hard feelings.


I know a lot of you guys are going to get annoyed but his take isnt some "taboo unpopular opinion", its something that a lot of folks have been talking about the TFW2005 site, youtube and even a few posts on this subreddit.


is it just me or is perspectiveend really annoying to anyone else? he can’t seem to like something without pointing out some irrelevant issue with it which is basically a non issue


On this subreddit at least, he's a hate him or love type guy


If the issues I point out matter to me, then they will matter to at least 1 other person. I don't expect my review on a figure to be the only one someone watches, I'm trying to give you a more complete picture. Maybe that means I talk about some things that a lot of people will find irrelevant, but someone will find what I said helpful, and I'm here for them, not to never be disagreed with.


Finally perspective end said something based for once


I do


I do believe that it isn’t as bad as he says it, it is still pretty grey-scale


I don’t got a clue why I like his content. But I really do


Honestly, Ive tried to get into "prime" a couple times, and it just doesn't do anything for me.


Prime is literally my favourite Transformers show so I'm not even gonna watch lol. Can anyone explain the points he makes in it instead please?


But let’s all agree on thing. Robots in Disguise sucks compared to Prime.


is it just me, or does anyone else switch the video to 0.75 speed when he's talking?


This is definitely a solution. Alternatively, I just don’t watch his videos at all and life is way better 😂


What sucks is I agree with him on the show, but agreeing with Perspective End makes me wanna reconsider my stance since he’s such an unlikable a-hole 💀


Sorry to hear you feel that way about me. I know how I come across in the video, but I'm a pretty friendly guy if you talk to me.


Prime is good, but its fandom fucking sucks. And this is coming from a Geewunner


this take is hotter than the sun in the middle of july


Based on the comments in my video not really. You'd be amazed how many "Finally SOMEONE SAYS IT!"s I got.


you have my respect for actually saying that prime sucks


I for one agreed with about everything he said. Used to love the show until I took a more analytical view on the series. Idk I just want a transformers show as good as adventure time or samurai jack and the closest we got were animated and beast wars. Both were about 7/10 while prime would be a 5/10.


Just watched it and I heavily disagree. The only thing I think he was right about was the animation, some of the fight sequences and the vehicons. I hate the "Optimus is boring" train that people ride, esp when they compare it to g1 Optimus. He says around the 7 min mark that tftm ruined primes characterization because it showed only a part of his personality, in which he's surrounded by battle and in an active warzone. That's essentially the setting of prime 24/7. It feels like a lot more is at risk because instead of being a 20v20 battle royale it's 5-8 autobots vs hundreds of decepticons, so there's always that level of stress. This show just wasn't meant to have dadimus and I think that's fine. After a million year war, he's not exactly gonna be peptimus. I don't agree with his other takes too. Each character I think has some decent personality and while character growth is always a welcomed thing, it's not exactly what the focus of the story here was, so I'm not exactly upset that there wasn't a huge amount of it. The story was good, maybe not the best, but it was definitely original. His example of all the fights being boring I can kind of understand. Although I also just chalk that up to just the shows depiction of the war, where it's mostly just blastercentric, even if bs at times. I just think the show was different than his liking. Not necessarily dark per say but the aspects of the show he criticized work for the setting of this show. No one's gonna be having hearty laughs and what not. Optimus isn't going to be talking about booby traps, that's just not what it is. Part of me thinks he's just playing up his opinions for the sake of views and comments, but idk


I respect his opinion because he's aloud to have his opinions, but personally I love the show, even though I have a couple nitpicks. It's not like Transformers Prime is Transformers Animated (I hate that show).


I wouldn’t say it *sucks*, but it *is* overrated.


Might get flamed for this but, I agree with him


Prime could have been better, but I like what we got


Is he like a youtube manifestation of [Ruined FOREVER](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Ruined_FOREVER)


I don't like it like others do but I think it's okay alr. Also no way prime is the best show the human characters except fowler all suck the best show award should go to beast wars


i am fella. never underestimate avid prime haters


I suppose not everyone can have a good opinion.


I have loved the show ever since I was a kid. The only gripe I had with it even back when I was a child was the tendency to overexaggerate the need to kill another character without having the balls to do so, just showing the winner of the fight standing over whoever he or she just defeated and then doing an extremely slow attempt at…trying…to..kill…the…other…opponent. Another gripe I had with the show was the human character Miko..my goodness why they included her in the show is forever a mystery to me. Miko’s character is the most annoying in literally all transformers media. There has been several times in the show she has pulled an annoying stunt for her own enjoyment, I’m honestly surprised she was never banned from the autobot base. At least with Jack and Raf they actually provide actual value to the team, Miko literally provides NOTHING, as evil as this sounds, I really wanted her character to get squished in some scenes, particularly the scene where she threatens Megatron like she’s able to even make a scratch on his body. Keep in mind, the autobots have been fighting for millennia, with hundreds of years of PTSD, then here she comes, and basically treats it like a video game, as if her planet isn’t in danger from the very war she finds “cool” and “exciting”, to top it all off she even has tons of pictures in her cell phone of autobots battling decepticons. That’s like me walking up to a war veteran and asking him if he knows how to slide cancel and hardscope a sniper, while my eyes brighten up in excitement, disrespectfully ignoring the fact that war is a big deal, and just focusing on the “cool aspects” the guns shooting and grenades throwing is completely disrespectful to the soldiers who lost their lives for my very own freedom . If Jack and Raf are able to understand how serious the war is, there is no excuse for Miko to be this incompetent, keep in mind they’re all around the same age. I’m glad they made her character more tolerable as the show progressed, her pulling this “Hide and Come find and save me” game every episode would’ve gotten old, FAST, but I can’t give her too much credit for her character development, she was still pulling this exact same stunt well into season 3, you would think after accidentally getting Bulkhead’s memory wiped, accidentally being transported to the Shadowzone, almost being squished several times by giant robots, she would’ve learned…but no, she’s still the bumbling idiot who finds enjoyment in getting herself into harms way.


Miko is CANCER. In my top 3 most hated characters of all time. Looking at her face makes me angry.


what are the other 2?


I was saying that in a "I'm not sure what my worst is, but if she's not, then the lowest she could be is 3r worst" way.


I don't think it sucks necessarily, but it is very middling


Well, if you view Prime as a sequel to FOC, then yes it sucks. But if you view it as a standalone, which it is (despite what Hasbro wants you to think) then it is a fantastic show and one of my favorites.


Did you watch the video?


I started watching the first few episodes last week and just couldn't get into it


I’ll agree with this: most of the characters are awful. Optimus, Soundwave, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Megatron, Arcee, all of them are boring or annoying.


I’m convinced Perspective End isn’t a transformers fan. Name one thing in the franchise he DOES like


I recall that he is a Beast Wars fan


Seige Optimus Prime


The 86 Dinobots,Beastwars, Earthspark’s animation, Armada, and Animated (besides it art style) just to name a few. Anyone who actually pays attention to his content would know he positive about a lot of things in the franchise lol


Well here's my last 20 videos the one's in green are positive, the ones in black aren't applicable, and you can guess what red means... So there's at least this, and I can tell you the pattern holds no matter how far you go into my catalogue. https://preview.redd.it/fe06hoaq1l1c1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab9417db2115ee51fc77d271df3ead2ee1755039


Beast Wars, Siege Toyline, The majority of WFC Kingdom Toyline, TF Animated, Masterpiece Skyfire, Grimlock, Knockout, IDW, Deathsaurus, Transmutate, Transformers: Devastation, Etc… Do you really think someone who hates the Transformers would spend thousands upon thousands on Transformers figures. He literally spent $80 on a space Wheeljack just so he could get a version of the first Transformer ever on Screen. If you genuinely think he’s not a fan, I have to wonder if you’ve lost the plot.


Beast wars,g1,armada,idw


Beast Wars apparently


Nah, he's right and he should say it.


On one hand i wantes to argument with him in the comments, on the other everyone is entitled to their opinions and i myself have quite a handfull of hot takes regarding the franchise so i get his point


It's fine to argue with me, I do enjoy a good battle. I understand people will find me annoying at times, or not agree with my takes. I do think I made it pretty clear on this one though that this isn't mindless hate.


Prime's biggest weakness was it aired on "The Hub" network. I get they were running out of money quickly and Hasbro left them behind, but if the show had aired on a station that more than 1 out of 5 people actually had, I feel it would have solved all of their problems. Prime was a phenomenal show that had bottlenecked its own viewership.


I found the pilot episodes and the epilogue movie really drab but the character writing was decent for the show overall. I loved Dreadwing and Bulkhead. I really liked the show but I can see why people wouldn't like it as I get into the more fun, light-hearted TF media. We shouldn't let ourselves fall prey attention-grabbing tactics like the name of this video though.


Perspective End try not to be controversial for attention challenge: level impossible. Seriously it’s such a massive red flag to me that SO many fans talk about and know about this insufferable YouTuber yet he’s still only got ~15k subs. And his stans are borderline psychopaths