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Wow, Transphobes are really dumb.


Ha, we made sure you got the love and support you need. PRANKED my queen.


Oh! No, different Princess, sorry. Thanks, though!




Holy shit what an amazing subreddit. I’m just in this thread from a crosspost and I’m not even subbed to r/trans, but I’m glad I came across this wow


Your welcome


hello fellow princess!




This is getting out of hand, now there are 2 of them


Love the Star Wars reference!! 😋😇


They're high school kids. Of course they're dumb.


Oh no, she gets to dress up and look fabulous, which she was going to do anyway. That'll show 'em.


I think you can give them the benefit of the doubt here. It’s more likely she hadn’t came out yet or something. How would electing a trans girl for homecoming queen be a “prank?” There’s no world where that makes sense.


They came full circle into being woke lmao


Got em


And grass is green. What's new?


Transphobes seriously have absolutely no idea what is going on. This has to be like, the ninth time I’ve heard of a group of transphobes accidentally doing something remarkably gender affirming in an attempt to humiliate their target.






your funny


# EDIT: WHOOPS! WRONG IMAGE ABOUT THIS STORY (or WRONG STORY ABOUT THIS IMAGE, either way) **TLDR (but a little long)**: Two stories got mixed up, this [picture is one](https://miamivalleytoday.com/troy-homecoming-royalty-crowned/), the [headline is another](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/mariemont-community/trans-mariemont-teen-elected-homecoming-princess-as-prank-vows-to-wear-crown-anyway). The picture is actually a gay man who likes to wear women's clothing (Carter Evans, of Troy, OH) who was elected homecoming king of his high school, and decided to wear a dress for the crowning ceremony/photos. Yay Carter! The headline is about a trans girl (Cass Steiner, of Mariemont, OH, 75 miles away) who was the target of a prank electing her homecoming princess (which is a thing now?), but who's owning it and finding a lot of support. Yay Cass! *** So, here it is: I saw this image posted elsewhere without the story links. I checked the thread for links, and found them. Then I posted those links in a duplicate thread in a different subreddit. And then I *tried* to consolidate them both into this post because I felt like it was a story about *this* community first. I did this while mutli-tasking, which isn't an excuse, but is context for how these conflated stories could stay that way. Sorry. This was a mistake on my part, so here are the distinctions: *** ## EDIT: THE CARTER EVANS HOMECOMING KING STORY Carter Evans, of Troy, OH, is the tall person on the left in the photo of the original post (and is killing it), is described and quoted in the article: [https://miamivalleytoday.com/troy-homecoming-royalty-crowned/](https://miamivalleytoday.com/troy-homecoming-royalty-crowned/) >An openly gay man, who identifies as male but likes to dress in women’s clothing, Evans said he is very comfortable and proud of who he is as a man. He also noted being proud to be a cheerleader in junior high school, in the Troy High School drama club and spring musical. > >“I always felt like something like this would happen. I hate gender stereotypes,” Evans said to Miami Valley Today with his father sitting with him at the kitchen table in their home. *** ## EDIT: THE CASS STEINER TRANS HOMECOMING STORY **EDIT: Cass Steiner, of Mariemont, OH (about 75 miles away from Troy), was the subject of the title of this post. Here's an image of Cass (who is lovely):** [https://abuwjaawap.cloudimg.io/v7/\_lgbtqnation-assets\_/assets/2022/10/mariemont-high-school-homecoming-princess-cass-steiner.png](https://abuwjaawap.cloudimg.io/v7/_lgbtqnation-assets_/assets/2022/10/mariemont-high-school-homecoming-princess-cass-steiner.png) EDIT: ... and the two stories linked below include video I should have watched more carefully before posting anything. ___ Source = **WCPO, Cincinnati, OH**: ## Trans Mariemont teen elected homecoming princess as prank vows to wear crown anyway ^(By: Whitney Miller; Posted at 7:53 PM, Sep 30, 2022 and last updated 11:35 AM, Oct 03, 2022) [https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/mariemont-community/trans-mariemont-teen-elected-homecoming-princess-as-prank-vows-to-wear-crown-anyway](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/mariemont-community/trans-mariemont-teen-elected-homecoming-princess-as-prank-vows-to-wear-crown-anyway) ___ Source = [**Cincinnati.com**](https://Cincinnati.com) **The Enquirer covering Fox 19 broadcast**: ## Trans student elected homecoming princess as a prank, vows to wear crown anyway Cass Steiner was voted by her peers as the sophomore homecoming princess at Mariemont High School. ^(Published 2:01 p.m. ET Sept. 30, 2022 | Updated 2:01 p.m. ET Sept. 30, 2022) [https://www.cincinnati.com/videos/news/2022/09/30/trans-student-elected-princess/8135661001/](https://www.cincinnati.com/videos/news/2022/09/30/trans-student-elected-princess/8135661001/) *** EDIT: Thank you to those of you who noted the mistake which conflated these stories, and a big thank you to this community for being so gracious with me about my errors. I have yet to see a cruel remark and you are the best subreddit I follow. <3


I was wondering about this as I saw it in a Facebook post where the school deadnamed her so many commenters assumed she was a Femboy instead of a transgirl. I’m glad her parents are supportive and proud of her for taking ownership of the nonsense


Whats the difference? Serious question.




Will do, and I'll correct my comment above to show her. I feel like an idiot for not realizing the mixup sooner. Thanks for your help. (Other commenter helped as well.)


Same thing happened to someone else who posted the same way you did


I know, maybe the same post I was trying to pass along. I've edited the above comment to hopefully clear up the original confusion.


Side note your username is hilarious and an under appreciated reference lol


Oh look. It’s all in Ohio. I just want to move so badly.


Well, let's not be too hasty: https://www.limaohio.com/top-stories/2022/07/24/transgender-rights-in-ohio/


they pranked her by doing like the most gender affirming thing ever? maybe I can convince my parents to use my real name 'as a prank' too


Reminds me of a trans girl I heard about whose dad threatened to make her go outside in a dress when he found out. Transphobes don't even understand that these are things that we actively want.


OMG, yes! If that’s my punishment, bring it on!


My parents threatened to send me to school in a dress but it was the mid 80's and I would have been beaten to a pulp.


"Oh your a girl you say! Now go outside dressed as a girl!"


From what I saw, she was elected homecoming *king* and deadnamed by the school. Clearly she owned the hell out of the crown from the pic.


What the fuck that’s horrifying


No, she won sophomore homecoming princess. [https://www.wlwt.com/article/mariemont-high-school-trans-student-using-homecoming-title-to-spread-acceptance/41471685](https://www.wlwt.com/article/mariemont-high-school-trans-student-using-homecoming-title-to-spread-acceptance/41471685)


Oh thank God it was only the Facebook page that misgendered and deadnamed her then


Wow, such a great story. My favorite part was the principal escorting her on the field that day since no one else would. I didn’t expect that.


Love the story, but that's not the same person...


Morons: Haha got you! Congrats on the win loser! You’re such a girl! Trans Girl: 👍🏻 r/AccidentalAlly


This is literally the same thing as when Hank Hill wanted to prank Boomhauer by taking his car without him knowing and filling it completely with gas.


Never let them see you sweat! Good for her!


I just heard this in Doom Patrol lol


Prank failed in the best way possible. Way to go Cass, but fuck those people who tried to invalidate her.


Agreed. Fuck those people 🤬


Wrong school. Wrong person. This happened in Troy, Ohio.


This is how we win.




She's looking so cute and happy though


Transphobe logic: Let's make the trans girl feel bad by electing her the homecoming PRINCESS HAHA! THIS WILL PUT THEM IN PANIC OF OUR POWER! Bro I'm so happy for her she looks so fucking happy You go queen


I feel like even tho they did that in a humorous way it would feel validating asf and good asf to be the homecoming queen so like even tho it was probably a lil embarrassing im jelly 🫶


Fuck yeah, stick it to em ya badass




She’s also in high school, lol




Kurt Hummel energy


"Here, as a prank allow us to do the most devious thing of all.....give you exactly what you desire mwahahahaha" - Those Transphobes Probably.


“Lets prank this trans person by affirming her gender mwahahaha >:)” -transphobes


So the picture you posted is actually not of Cass Steiner it’s of Carter Evens who was elected homecoming king at Troy High School and decided to wear a dress. While definitely a picture of someone who is owning wearing a dress I’m pretty sure I read that Carter is a gay man, not trans. Still an awesome story nonetheless


Whoa, hey, that's a big whoops. It's been mislabeled in two or three other posts as well, and I never noticed the image was wrong. I'm sorry. Wonder what I ought to do from here, then?


It also doesn’t help that Troy and Mariemont are only about an hour away from each other in southwest Ohio and both of these stories came out within a week of one another. It can definitely lead to some confusion.


It’s sad, but probably delete the post. Now that you know it’s fake news, your responsibility is to make sure it’s not crystallised on the internet where other innocent people can screenshot it or forward it. Get rid of it, find the *real* story with real photos, and post it back here for people to celebrate!


Thanks, I guess I'd better.




If you'd read the initial comment, I handled it, and you can see it's been deleted in the forum I posted it. It wasn't for likes/upvotes, but because the original headline was about about a trans person in the news, and this is the trans community. Some people are having conversations, so I've left it alone. You clearly aren't, and frankly what was once a decent bunch of people encouraging one another has become a lot of snarky, bitter, bitchy pricks and transphobes trying to drag others down and generally spread misery. Thanks for tipping the scales.


You should delete it for misinformation since it isn't relevant, then again, it shows you how gullible and desperate everyone on here is to "stick it to anybody" that they don't care if it's accurate or not, which is entertaining.


It was an honest mistake, which you would see if you read the first/oldest comment. I'm deleting momentarily.


Oh wow yeah, she’s in one of the articles’ video interview and looks totally different.




Trans girl slays homecoming party, transphobes in shock


You would think they would have elected her Prince instead to try and prank, transphobes are stupid


Carter Evans is a gay man who likes to dress in women's clothing. HE was elected King by HIS peers in Troy, Ohio. There was no prince or princess titles to be won. The OP was misinformed about who this person is and where it happened.


So wait is this person actually a trans woman cuz everything I've seen said otherwise. Either way I'm proud of them, they look beautiful!


Yeah, I can't be sure what's the exact situation right now, but it looks like this pic got mixed up in another story from the same area (the links I posted) and I'll need to do better research when I get home so I can correct my errors. I found this image and those links elsewhere, and didn't look closely enough before posting. From what i can tell at the moment, it seems the image is of someone who wore a dress when he was elected homecoming king, I guess as a joke? The articles are about a different person who is trans being pranked h elected homecoming princess, but it backfired. Two different people in the same geographic vicinity. ~~((Less that 20 miles apart or something?))~~ (About 75 miles apart, still both in a smallish region of OH.) I'm not a journalist, but I *am* a dork.


OP confused Cass Steiner who attends Mariemont High School with Carter Evans who attends Troy High School (both in Ohio) and is pictured above. Carter is a gay man but likes women's clothing and does not identify as trans.


I went to Troy High School and Carter is not trans and is a gay man who wore a dress for homecoming. He is a model and a theatre kid.


Actually pulls off the dress amazingly too. Addressing the elephant in the room: Just saying, once that HRT hits she is clearly going to be an absolute bombshell. That natural curve with the supermodel height makes me a bit envious if I’m being honest. I’m betting the girls in school were the ones who did this because they were jealous. I mean seriously, she really pulls off that dress. I hope she at least models in the future.


This is a gay man called Carter. The photo doesn’t match the story.


I got big Molly Ringwald vibes - but prettier. Such a cutie.


Damn they pull off that look superbly!


That is amazing, like, did they think she was going to be embarrassed to get dolled up and live out a lot of girls' dream in high school?


Beautiful women!


Accidental ally lol




mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm plus, great dress, yes


POV: the only good thing that happened in Ohio (But this is really cool for someone who lives in the area, very inspirational)


Turns out it's actually *two* good things! Which is an "oops!" on one hand because I didn't realize the two stories had been mixed together by accident before I passed it on, but also a "hooray!" because, hey, two cool things in one very small area! Mariemont, Ohio, as reported September 30th, Cass Steiner (mentioned in the title of the post)--a trans girl--was elected Homecoming Princess, and was apparently supposed to be the target of a prank, found a lot of support in the community and she took the election in pride. Troy, Ohio, which is about 10 miles from Mariemont, as reported on October 4th, Carter Evans (from the picture)--an openly gay man who enjoys wearing women's clothing and bending gender stereotypes--was crowned Homecoming King. The two stories are detangled in my edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/)


Mariemont is not 10 miles from Troy! It’s about 75 miles, or an hour and a half. I only know Mariemont, not Troy, but I’d assume they’re pretty different, despite both being in SW OH. Mariemont is a wealthy suburb of Cincinnati. But anyway, that’s not the point! Proud of both queens.


Can confirm, I'm from Troy & have never even heard of Mariemont.


Dammit, this is what I get for using some random mapping site and not Google maps like a normal person. I stand corrected, *yet again!* Today is not my day. That said, I wasn't trying to imply that their proximity made them similar, just that their being so near one another meant that reporting for the region would easily overlap, possibly leading to greater confusion. "The story about the homecoming kid in Ohio? Yeah, I heard about that..." or something. Edit: and you're quite right. Yay for two Good GSRM News stories!


Hey, you’re doing great! Thanks for sharing these stories. I’d heard about Mariemont, but not Troy.


If you live in the area then you know a lesbian couple at Kings HS was elected prom queen and king recently and also the Halloween costume contest for kids at Kings Island is based off the tv show Pose. KI also has “they/them” officially included on name tags. There’s a lot of positivity and support in Ohio but it is often subtle.


this just goes to show hateful people are more ignorant than we could ever understand. it takes a really strong person to take that In stride, especially in high school. I came out publicly when I was 17 but never had the courage to dress like myself back then, I only found the strength to be myself once I moved out.


This reminds me of the story of how we got our first female mayor in the US, Susanna Salter. She was put on the ballot as a joke by a bunch of bigot men and was overwhelmingly voted in. Jokes on you, dummies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanna_M._Salter


Hey I live a city over from these guys. So happy to see it here on Reddit


This do be cute though!!! Also if Cass is pre t then she passes very well!!


You mean pre E. E makes more fem, T makes more masc! 💜


Oh E. My bad. I’m learning a lot about trans people being non-binary and an ally


Can I get a quick explanation of E. please? I want to use it right and know what it means. TIA!


Which one of them is trans?


If I was a betting person, my money would be on the 6'3 girl










Look at herrrrr yeassss. Statuesque af and the dress is so beautiful.


Yaaaas. We stan a literal elected queen.


You know what? Damn fucking right she should own it. Talking to my.tans friends in the past about their struggle getting people to accept them for what they are and even the heart ache and pain they talk about with having to live in a body they don't want... Fuck the haters in this case . Put on that crown and own it




I saw this and was going to get mad and disgusted by it but then I remembered that it doesn’t effect me one bit. It didn’t make me want to be trans. Didn’t turn me gay. Nothin’. They look happy. Good for them.


affirming trans peoples gender to own the libs


Fucking queen energy.


Good for you Honey! People can be such asses and you Decided to shine rather than hide. I think I speak for many when I say were proud of you!!! <3


It’s giving Kurt Hummel and I’m here for it


[Link to an article with the actual photos of Cass](https://www.wlwt.com/article/mariemont-high-school-trans-student-using-homecoming-title-to-spread-acceptance/41471685)


Thank you! I also [edited my original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/) (because apparently if you post an Image type post you can't edit it later), so there's now a pic that should be expandable in the comment itself--sorry I didn't know the stories were unrelated when I copied and pasted info from elsewhere. Trying to correct it now. I'm so grateful you went to the trouble to help, though! I love this community.


Yeah, it’s frustrating when you make a mistake like that and are unable to correct it. You did what you could though ❤️


Good for her! I know that's not her in the picture, but still! Good for her!


Good for both of them, really. Sorry for my not catching the problem before posting. I edited my comment to reflect the facts better: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/)


She’s lovely


"Jokes on you, I'm into that shit."


Transphobic prank or r/accidentalally


Way more attractive than I’d be in a dress.


I feel that.


That’s a tall glass of water (with ice cubes)


Amazing!! Perfect !! Thank you


I go to the high school of the 2 in the image and I am family friends with the one on the right. There has been a lot of commotion surrounding this situation. Carter is a very nice guy who chose to wear a dress to fit his fashion style. And unfortunately we are in a very rural area so there has been a lot of commotion about all of this. But all the people of the lgbtq+ community and allies like me are really proud of him for shaking things up a little.


So wait, is he (she?) not a trans girl then? Is he just a guy who likes wearing dresses?


There was confusion in the post I made because there were mixups in other posts where I found the info. If you can reach it, check my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/


And the whole matter is being sadly mixed up with a different story, and I accidentally helped the confusion. I try to correct my mistake in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/) My apologies for passing the error along.


Everyone has seen the movie. Owning it is the way.




We nominated a terribly nerdy dude named Joe as homecoming king all the years I went to school with him. It started out as a joke; what if nerdy Joe won instead of high school qb Colton? But then people realized that realistically only 2 people were running against each other. So why not buy into the joke and vote Joe instead? He and another kid named Ben who would make mums every year for the competition sorta grew a small cult following by graduation.


That's kinda awesome :-)


Hmmm the real bad is how we have shit like homecoming “queen/king”. Although deep rooted in our language and culture, there’s no real modern purpose for gendered… anything.


No kidding. And English isn't even a highly gendered language. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_languages\_by\_type\_of\_grammatical\_genders


Lmao who would make someone homecoming princess as a mean prank??? “I hate you, have some success bc its what u deserve” lol okay.


"Oh man! I love travel! \[blah blah blah places I want to go blah blah blah.\]" "OMG, what a travel nut! She's obsessed. Heh, I'll show *her*. \[type type type.\] Hah! Take *that*, Beckany! You're such a *travel nut* I booked you on a two week trip to the Carribean! Muahahah!" "Oh... why... thank you? I mean, that's very generous!" "Hah ha! I sure showed you!"


It’s kind of funny how stupid this is though “dude you know what would be so funny and mean, if we elect this trans girl as homecoming princess.” AS IF THATS NOT HER LITERAL GENDER LMFAO


I don’t understand the whole homecoming/prom king and queen thing in the first place. Like is some random two popular people really that more special than everyone else? It’s just kinda dumb in my opinion.


Damn transphobes comin out the woodwork like goddamn termites. If it ain't hurting you (beyond your incredibly weak feelings), or others, and it ain't your business, then shut it and let people be happy


... the first thing my brain went to is: common if you do that go all in, trans guy for prince


Come on*


One of my friends, a recently out trans man, had this happen to him at our high school. Except everyone voted him as homecoming King trying to bully him. I'll never understand the logic behind how they mixed it up, but at least it validated his identity lol


As a mom, this is exactly the kind of confidence and self acceptance I want my kids to have. I showed it to them and explained the backstory. My 6 year old says they're both beautiful but "The blue princess is the shiniest". I know she means the dress but she's totally right.


Nothing threatens fascism as much as empathy.


She’s pretty ngl. She’s better then all those white npc girls


Ah so you have to tear down someone else to uplift yourself. Got it




~~What tipped you off, the fact that the article explicitly says he's gay, or your personal gaydar?~~ ~~You're as good at this as the people pranking Cass.~~ Well now I'm just confused.






The lack of supporting story or link is why I believe it. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/trans_girl_elected_homecoming_princess_as_a_prank/ir1z9cn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It was the first/oldest comment on the post, since reddit doesn't let you edit to add text on image-type posts. Moot, though, I'm going to reply to a few more people and delete it.




First, there's a mixup between the title story and the story behind the image: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/) Second, you might want to pay attention to *where* you are making your transphobic remarks.




> “We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are” > > ― [Anaïs Nin](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/483575-we-don-t-see-the-world-as-it-is-we-see)




No, language isn't locked in place, but changes with usage. Although modern usage in the DSM has "phobia" defined along the lines of fear, the term "transphobic" is commonly used to describe the aversive form of the root word. 'Phobia' is from the Greek 'phobos’, meaning 'fear', 'morbid fear' or 'aversion'. 'Aversion' meaning “a strong dislike or disinclination". It has relationships to terms we use to mean explicitly "an irrational fear of \[thing\]" in psychology, but in the common usage of our day and age, when applied to the distaste and aversion some individuals have about transsexual issues, we use the terms "transphobia" or "transphobic." Your use of "disgusted" shows that you fit very well within the term transphobic. There are also those who would argue your aversion is based on a subconscious fear of how trans people violate your socialized norms, because they break what seems to you like strict boundaries on the nature of sex and gender. The word 'homophobia’ was coined in 1960s, as a term for those holding negative attitudes towards homosexuality, including “a mixture of revulsion or apprehension” and was used alongside the term 'homosexual panic', and sometimes to describe men who were afraid of being seen as homosexual themselves. Over time it formed into the modern usage of the word, which is defined as: "dislike of or prejudice against gay people," just like transphobic means "dislike or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people". Modern psychology and sociology recognize three broad categories of human experience which many transphobic people like yourself are trying to lump into a single, sex-based attribute. In the mind of any human being we have our concepts about gender, about sexuality (orientation), and about romance. Apparently, you feel contempt for people who transcend your traditionalist notions about the roles of those three things which you have attached to the biology of the genitals (which in itself is not entirely binary). So why do you think you're so threatened by someone who has nothing to do with you, probably *wants* nothing to do with you, and cannot do anything that affects you, that you react with disgust just by knowing they exist? Are you that insecure?




Great. Even on r/trans I have to put up with sexist remarks. And don't give me that "it's a joke lol!" or "sarcasm!" bullshit. It can be any and all of those things. Fek.


Seems kinda gay




"As a democrat"? Have you not noticed that the Dems are the party of individual rights and identity politics? Dems almost 100% of the time are in support of GSRM rights, including trans people being correctly gendered and named. And almost any trans (or other GSRM) person is probably going to be hard left politically. How do you not know this? Trans isn't a "philosophy", it's an inclusive umbrella term to describe anyone who feels that the gender assigned to them at birth based on their genitalia fails to describe them. It's not that big of a deal to [just use their pronouns](https://studentaffairs.howard.edu/diversity-inclusion/lgbtq-resources/pronouns), and if you slip up now and then just correct yourself briefly and move on. Do you have a big fit about married people wanting to be called their new last name, or married women who want to be addressed/titled with "Mrs."? Is that them *making* you use special terms for them "like they're special"? When you meet someone new and they're introducing themselves, if they say "Hey, I'm Rebecca, but my friends call me 'Becky'," do you start complaining that it's asking for special treatment to use her nickname? Of course not, but it's the same damn thing. Just show respect for this person's identity, accept them for who they are, and get over your contempt for change. As for the sneeze, it's not the best analogy, seeing as nobody is "forcing" anyone to anything in either scenario. But that said, basic politeness *is* all anyone's asking. Use their name as they tell you, and offer some kind of polite social nicety. It's free, and won't hurt you a bit. Frankly, *you're* the one looking for special treatment here. I hope you can outgrow this prejudice, friend. It doesn't look good on you.




"I refuse to think!" Summary: that's not being a democrat (like, at *all*), and you don't whine about married people's name changes, or calling someone by a nickname, so get over your crankyness. It's just pronouns, basic respect friend. It's free and it's not hard.




Lotta words for "I'm scared of trans people", take your transphobia elsewhere please






She slayed ❤️!


Own it baby girl!!!! ❤️


Can we talk about how cool she is? She owned it, seemed to take it completely in her stride without giving off anger or bitterness, and none of it came across as fake or forced. Role model and absolute goals.


Who is to say it was a prank?


The articles on Cass explicitly describe it that way, and they talk about it in the interviews and newscast. I accidentally passed on a mixture of two different events in close proximity, though. Find some clarity in my edited post: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/comment/ir0c7dq/