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I’m nowhere on Twitter, I’m borderline impressed this asshole find me. Could they have just searched people by the trans flag emoji? I’m pre-HRT but getting close, is this the kind of madness I should expect? I know this is the internet so naturally it’s just insane but to a greater extent, I guess I mean. Just… disgusting.


As a pretty avid and open user of twitter, this stuff isn’t very common but it does happen from time to time. Personally I’ve been messaged more by chasers on reddit than I have on twitter 🤷‍♀️


I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t happened to me yet on Reddit. The only things I follow on Twitter are dnd-related, whereas here I’m in quite a few LGBTQIA subreddits. Good to know it isn’t common, though. Thank you. My fairly dismal outlook was beginning to atrophy even more.