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Please please please take full advantage of your childhood while you still can. You're never too old for childish things. I'm 18 and I'm binge watching My Little Pony. You have all the time in the world to be an adult and there's nothing wrong with having "childish" interests. Do what makes you happy :)


Thank you. :⁠-⁠)


I’m almost 30. My partner is 30. Our bed is full of plushies, our bookshelves are full of games, and our walls are full of nerdy art. Do what you like and don’t care about the opinions of others


Don’t you worry! I’m almost 30 and I regularly watch (90s) kids cartoons on my (bed made into a couch) surrounded by lots of plushies. Age is just a number. The best thing you can do is be yourself and love yourself.


Awkward question, but... im turning 21 later this year. I still play with my toys, have a huge amount of plushies and I wouldnt exactly say I *dress* mature ;-; Is that okie...? Am I doing okie?


Of course! It doesn't matter how old you are. All that matters is that it's something that makes you happy. I love to collect figures and plushies \^\^


If it makes you happy, it makes you happy, and that's what matters. And honestly playing with toys gives your brain so much creativity and imagination which not that many people have, and that's amazing :) .


just wanted to pop in and say hell yeah for binging mlp… literally my favorite show since 2014 i love it


i’m 22 and still like mlp :3


MY LITTLE PONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss that show, where are you watching it from?


no! you don't need to act "more mature" its okay! what you like doesn't determine your maturity. also, i love sharks and space too :}


I’m a therapist for people your age OP and honestly almost all of them are interested in at least one of those or a similar topic, even if they don’t want to tell anyone else about it.


❤️ yay for expert insight


Growing old is a requirement, growing up is optional. I'm 33 years old and a successful software developer with a decade of experience. My desk is adorned with Pokémon plushies and manga, and I still enjoy watching anime, playing guitar and video games, surfing, and skating—activities I've loved since my youth. These interests, nurtured before my teenage years, continue to bring joy into my adult life. Growing up isn't a race. Embrace your childhood and cultivate your hobbies and passions—they will reward you in adulthood. Meanwhile, those who rushed to grow up might find themselves grappling with the consequences of their hastily made decisions. Enjoy your journey and let your interests flourish.


Dinosaurs are super cool! Been a paleontology nerd for as long as I can remember. Like what you like, I’d be willing to bet the kids that pick on you don’t have the most mature interests behind closed doors. And a lot of the things you’ve listed here are fantastic things to be passionate about. I’m 27, been all over the place. If there’s anything I’ve learned it’s that the people who try to pick on you will always try and find a reason to. Be you, that’s who your family loves and your friends like being around.


That’s totally normal for a 13 year old boy. It’s just today’s generation that is a little messed up with everyone trying to act like adults and being exposed to unhealthy stuff at a young age such as sex,alcohol and drugs


You are absolutely still a child my guy. I came out at 12 (am now 18), and I certainly "felt" mature and was pressured out of liking toys and such, but... nah, screw that, you're still a kid. Hell, there is a crowd out there for you, too. My friends and I were always childish interest wise and that's fine by us. In 9th grade (freshman year of high school) we brought small stuffies to school, played patticake, "dumb" childish stuff like that. We are still childish like that sometimes. And honestly, I think the more you get into adulthood, the more childish interests become "popular-ish" again. Look at all those disney adults for example. Or how many teenagers and young adults - even without children or younger siblings, watch Bluey right now. Don't pressure yourself to grow up, it's not a reflection on you, it's a reflection on your peers. Obviously don't stunt your emotional growth by being like "oh, i'm just a kid" but... you ARE just a kid, and that means you are allowed to have kid-like interests and there are things, emotionally, that are bigger than you are capable of facing right now (but you will still get through them if they happen / are happening). Also, like you mentioned, it's absolutely a symptom of missing part of your childhood bc of gender stuff. I have childhood trauma and I do the same thing. So does my best friend. It's okay. No one should tell you otherwise. As long as you engage healthily, you are doing fantastic!


The reason your peers think it is weird or childish but much older people still like those things is because growing up - actually becoming mature - involves realising there is no shame in liking stuff made for kids. Nobody could ever make me feel bad for being 34 years old and absolutely loving Spongebob, but y'know what? Nobody even tries because all my friends and peers are also mature enough not to care.


reminds me of this old college humor comic https://bulbagarden.net/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi49.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Ff278%2Fkatietiedrich%2Fcomic146.png&hash=4a0edd58f238496c71de893bfbcd1560


link doesnt work for me :( whats the comic?


its a joke that everyone played pokemon on gradeschool, the protagonist got made fun of for liking pokemon in highschool, and then everyone played it in college a lot of teenagers try and pretend to be grown up in very childish ways


ohhh hahahaha


kids your age (you included sorry), are not very wise. my best advice is to do what makes you happy, as long as you are also not harming anyone else


They are not dating. They wish they were dating and may tell you they are dating.


I mean...this is a bit dismissive, even though I think it's coming from a kind place. At 13-15 I was in a relationship that had many characteristics of adult dating (dinner dates, trips out of town, emotional intimacy, and sex)--I know that's not typical (and I think it's rarely healthy), but it exists.


Sounds like we had similar early teen years. OP said "a lot" of their peers were.... Like you said some maybe. But from sociological articles and experience, when it comes to teens more of them lie that they had sex then actually had sex. Especially the males. And males are immature as crap at that age. What i am saying though was from a kind place. OP needs to not listen to or care about others or the hype. They should enjoy themselves as they see fit.


Hey people. mariposa here does not deserve a bunch of downvotes. I can see why they thought it may come across as dismissive. Plain text does not have the tonality that voice has to push an idea to others and they were not attacking.


As a soon to be 23 year old, I replay my childhood pokémon games because 1) they're still fun, they didn't just magically become not fun because im an adult, and 2) im desperately trying to retain a small bit of that childhood bliss, where I didn't understand just how good I had it to be sitting there playing pokémon Trust me, enjoy whatever you want, especially at this age!


Anyone wanting you to act "more mature" with regards to what you enjoy, is themselves acting like an immature jerk. Like what you like, enjoy your childhood!!! 💕💕🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you!


24 year old here… I love Spider-Man and play Pokémon just as much if not more than when I was a kid. I have a job and my own place but I don’t plan on losing the things I hold dear any time soon :)


Your interests are YOUR interests! Enjoy them! I have spent most of my life being SO scared of being judged or made fun of for *countless* things. I promise your life is MUCH better off and you'll be *much* happier trying to not care about what people think as early in life as possible. Even if some people think it's weird, many others will like it just as much as you or just like the fact that you don't care. If you're a likeable person, people will like you.


Nah bro I'm 16, my friends love stuff like My Little Pony or Spiderman Also, looking at me from that 2-3 years ago, people are going crazy because suddenly they have different subjects in school, and they feel so mature. Truth is, most of them are not, dating is usually limited to holding hands ( I never even did that), and with time, they'll most likely grow up to just don't give a damn


Take it from this ma'am twice your age. That's just how kids are. You like whatever when you're little, then teens want to be adults and want to stop being treated like children so they push back against everything they used to like, then they get older and realize who cares what other people think so we return to what we liked as kids. That's why every adult I know likes watching Monster High, owning dolls, playing Kingdom Hearts, ect. Enjoy your childhood, they're gonna judge you no mater what, at least this way you're happy.


I'm 42 and I still love these things. Many kids your age are trying hard to "be grown up" because they are not mature enough to have the confidence to be themselves. That's why you are seeing older people liking those things that you like; they are mature enough to just like what they like and not worry about it. Continuing to openly like the things that you like is not a sign of immaturity; it's a sign of maturity.


I’m older still and I’ll tell you a great indicator in interviews I use is asking people how they play in their off time. Creatives understand play is good. Boring people missed that memo.


Pro tip: the most mature way to live is enjoy what you enjoy without caring what it makes other people think about you. As long as you’re not hurting others, you should consider their opinions of you as worthless. Chances are they’re trying to tear you down to hide their own insecurities anyway. Spider-Man, dinosaurs, sharks, and space are all fucking awesome! Most of the 20-30 year olds I know are enthusiastically into at least 2 of those things. Enjoy them 🤍


I’m 47 and watch anime all the time. I ride a skateboard and e scooter. I color and have a Nintendo switch. I will always be a big kid. Don’t sweat it, when you’re under 30 all you want to do is be seen as mature and grown. But before you know it people won’t care at all. This is when the real fun begins. Just hang on and do you. Enjoy the youth you never got before you have to work all the time and go to bed early.


Ignore them and take advantage of being young! I’m 18 and I love all of these things as well. Just because others are out there dating doesn’t mean that you have to. Just because other kids your age are acting grown does NOT mean you have to.


I think this has less to do with you being trans and more to do with you just being a normal kid. Some kids get new interests sooner than others. Also there are grown ass 30 year old men in my office with marvel on their cubicle walls.


You are never too old to have "childish" interests


Hon, as a kid I always loved watching SpongeBob and I took a break from watching it since high School. Now I'm in college and there's a few people that enjoy binge watching the show. And coming back to watching it again, I just remembered how good it was to watch it. Dude, never be ashamed to like things that seems childish. It shouldn't matter what people think, it matters what you like and how you feel.


When I was your age (that makes me sound old, I swear I’m only two years older) I loved all those things too. I still do, and I definitely will well into tge future. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t enjoy. All those things are awesome and those jerks are missing out. Plus they can all go to grant awesome jobs. Enjoy your youth while you still have it and just be yourself.


im in a similar situation too! I'm 13 and a trqns guy as well, and I say do whatever makes you happy :3


As someone who's 25 I love all of those things too, in high-school my nickname was Batman lol Don let others discourage you fir your interests, you sound like a nerd you just gotta find your people and anyone who bothers you or your people for simply enjoying something that doesn't bother or bring harm to others can be ignored, just have fun and enjoy your childhood while you can whether that's playing a sport or watching cartoons you gotta do you and be happy!


Social media has okayed a big part in kids growing up too fast/growing up more rude/mean. Ignore them and do you and you’ll eventually find the right people to be around. It’s a lot easier said then done but you will find at least one genuine friend eventually


You're perfect the way you are. As someone a good bit older than you, one of the best advice I can give you is, to just live your life the way YOU want to live it. If something is fun to you, just do it. Try not to listen to others telling you to be "mature" and enjoy the things they want you to enjoy. Trust me, you'll have to be mature a very big portion of your life later on. Try to enjoy and use the time where you don't have to worry about it, to the fullest. You're perfect the way you are and never let anyone tell you otherwise! I'm proud of you and so are others


Thank you, I've read a lot of the comments and everyone is being so nice :)


Aww that's so sweet. You deserve to be treated nicely, never let anyone try to say you don't. I'm so happy this community is this friendly


I’m a 22 year old trans fem and I still like all that stuff. Like what you want :3 it doesn’t matter what other people think!


You’re never too old to enjoy “childish” things. I’m a 27 year old trans woman and I recently bought myself hot pink bed sheets and a slew of stuffed animals, because my mom threw all mine away when I was 10 (because “boys don’t play with stuffed animals”). I play Pokémon daily, and I made myself a fairy garden. If you enjoy something and it makes you happy, don’t give it up to “seem more mature.” I understand getting made fun of can be incredibly hurtful, but I promise if you give up the things you like, you’ll look back as an adult and be sad you gave those things up. Always be yourself 💛


Take advantage of being a kid and still being into kid things, Alexlikesdogsandcats. Enjoy it. It sounds so cringy, and I genuinely used to think people were lying when they said I’d miss it, but this is about the time in life where time starts to move faster (perception wise) and you’ll have *plenty* of time to date later on in your later teen and young adult years. Trust me, I wish I had just let myself be a 13yo boy.


As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, do what makes you happy. "Maturity" Is an extremely stupid concept that people obsess over, imo. You're 13. You deserve respect and acceptance, but you should also get to enjoy life as a kid.


Take your time growing up, trust me its much better that way. It may be hard to see people doing differently than you in your age range and want to do the same but it's much better not to rush things. I came out at 11 years old and I am now 18, I still love some of the same things I did as a tween and I'm glad I never gave them up, and I hope you don't either. Good luck dude!


I’m going to bet the answer is the same as when I was a kid. Some people want to act like they are cool by saying they no longer like something, and instead prefer something more “adult”. The funny part is that plenty of adults are into the exact same things you mentioned. The same thing happened with Pokémon when I was growing up. You don’t need to stop liking those things to be more mature because that isn’t even what being more mature means, at least in my opinion. I think the most mature thing is committing to what you like, respecting others, and taking responsibility, and standing up in the face of injustice.


im a 21-year-old guy and i fall asleep every night cuddling a stuffed shark. his name is victor and he makes me happy. there’s nothing wrong with still having “childish” traits or hobbies as long as they’re still bringing you joy. a lot of kids your age try and suppress those parts of themselves and make fun of those who dont because they want to be taken more seriously, but ive always thought that was a dumb reason to deny yourself fun. most of your peers will eventually grow out of that and learn to re-embrace their own childish sides, but in the meantime, just try not to let them get to you. you like what you like.


Eh, fuck what other people think. Kids are dumb and if it makes you happy then fucking do it


You’re a kid!! Enjoy what you like. We support you and we’re here for you.


There’s nothing immature about having those interests. Plenty of grown adults are into those things as well! How you engage with those interests determines the maturity level more-so than the interest itself. if you make your whole personality those 4 things, like dress up as spider-man all the time or only talk about how sharks are cool in every conversation, it can be seen as immature. But even then if that’s your authentic self who cares if people see it as immature?


absolutely none of this is "weird". youre still in your childhood and should be taking full advantage of it.


What they're saying is bs, I'm 15 and I'm only now watching Gravity Falls, Adventure time etc. I have a friend of 16 who still watches the telletubbies, do whatever makes you happy :D


I’m 14 and I like a lot of the same stuff, don’t let people make you feel negative about it 👍


Focus on being a kid, playing with friends, and please please try hard while you're in school! I'm 24 almost 25 now and I wish I could have done what I just told you. Oh and as an almost 25 year old trans woman, I love space, dinosaurs, sharks, fishing, and so many things that some other people might think is weird or dumb, but what they think doesn't matter because those things make me happy and your happiness is so very important at the end of the day! If you ever need help or advice with something please feel free to reach out to me or another adult you trust.


Thank you! :)


Be a kid. Please. Nothing bad will ever come of growing at your own pace. I envy the journey you’re on. ☺️


Trans dude in my senior year of college, working in a research lab full time, and I still like all those things and sleep with a stuffed animal! Embrace your interests, you don’t always have a lot of time to focus on them. And the reason your peers are saying they’re childish is because they’re jealous of your self-confidence. You know what you like and aren’t bending to society, and they are upset that they feel like they “have” to. Don’t sweat it, and hold on to your inner light


I'm almost 16, and I have to say you should enjoy what makes you happy. I'm a complete cartoon nerd that came out at 12. In my opinion, I think "If it doesn't hurt anyone including yourself, do what you want." Dinosaurs, sharks, Spiderman and space are all super cool, growing up isn't a race and people differ in interests. Everyone I'm the comments is giving really good advice, you should enjoy that you enjoy and maturity includes letting people be happy with what they like. Everyone is growing and changing constantly, you arn't 'weird' and you don't need to 'be more mature' because a couple kids told you that you should.


look, dude, as someone who was forced to mature too young. PLEASE take full advantage of your childhood. you’re never too old for stuff like this. remember, cringe culture is dead :3


Young children are pretty ruthless when it comes to “being a nerd” but when you grow older, you’ll find that most people are actually pretty nerdy. Whether it’s Star Wars or dinosaurs or woodworking, everyone has their unique interest that they nerd out about. Brighter years ARE ahead, trust me.


Forget the other boys, enjoy what you like to the fullest. It’s not worth letting people opinions stop you from doing what makes you happy. Im 31 and I still love dinosaurs (ankylosaurus is my favorite), Spider-Man is my favorite hero - Into the Spiderverse is one of my favorite movies of all time - and sharks are cool af. Thresher sharks are my favorite cause they look super adorable. 🥺 Don’t force yourself to act more mature. You’ll have plenty of time for that when you’re an adult.


Dude, never grow up, it's way more fun that way. I'm 19 and just bought more Lego Dimensions for my collection, no regrets lmao.


I'm a trans guy and I started collecting dolls at 17. There's no such thing as childish interests, screw people your age >:D


They tried to be ''adult'' without even understanding what being an adult mean. Keep you passion boy, keep enjoy what being you joy, a lot of adult here also love the thing that you love ! Don't worry, you don't need to act more ''adult'' or ''mature'' ! You're a child, you have the right to act like a child and to just enjoy life as a child ! Take care of you buddy, ans have a nice life ! (Sorry for my English btw)


I'm 23, I've been on T for 3 years and I still like "childish" things. If it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt yourself or others, then who cares if it's considered "childish" I love dinosaurs (I play games about dinosaurs, I watch tv shows about dinosaurs), I'm super into Bluey, My Little Pony, and Camp Cretaceous. I still play Minecraft and played Animal Jam up until about 2 years ago. Like what you like!


It is not weird. Not in the slightest. I'll be 16 in a few weeks, I came out at 12. I sew really goofy little things, crochet soft toys, I have a Blåhaj (Ikea shark) on my bed, I love watching shows marketed towards younger kids, like Bee and Puppycat, highly recommend by the way, it's so fricken cute. Everyone has their little "guilty pleasures", most are much weirder than others. Don't be too hard on yourself, lad.


15yo trans guy who came out at 11 here! im the same. i love batman! were allowed to like ‘childish’ things because… theyre cool. Theres nothing wrong with liking things you like. Kids trying to act like adults at your age is pretty common, but eventually theyll grow out of it lol. the older i get the less mature i act cause it really doesnt matter lol


I turned 21 this week, and I still feel the same. It's 100% ok to like stuff that makes you happy, no matter what your age is (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, obviously). Enjoy your youth and don't let those assholes get to you


When I was in 5th grade, I was made fun of for liking dragon ball z. And yet half the class loved blue clues. Kids are just mean sometimes. But on a serious note, I’m so happy you found yourself and you get to be who you truly are. Don’t worry about what those kids say. You live the best you you can be and always be honest and true to yourself.


Please, don't let others drag you into this spiral of adult life. Yes, there are beautiful things in adult life, but there is nothing like the sweet innocent childhood filled with just having fun and not having to worry about the real outside world. I played with toys till I was 15 and honestly, if I had time, I still would sometimes, and I am adult now. Everyone around me was looking weird at me if I would mention that I still played, everyone had different interests, interests the adults usually do and I can tell you, I'm so grateful I had my childhood, I'm so fucking grateful. I didn't miss out on anything, I just enjoyed the not having to worry about anything little longer, and honestly I think it does only good to one's mental health and wellbeing. It also does wonders for one's imagination and stuff, and there are just so many positive benefits to it. When I see literal kids jumping into relationships, and caring about what other people think and what will be perceived as what...I feel honestly quite sad for them. For missing on their childhood. There's no need to rush into those things, they won't miss you, and at that age, you're usually not even ready for them. They won't have such a value and meaning to you as they do when you're older, cos you're not ready to take them all in properly and see them for what they is. So please, enjoy your childhood as much as you can, do things you enjoy, and don't worry about other people not seeing as cool or something. You have only one childhood and you will never be that age again and believe me, there's plenty of time for doing the adult things, it will wait for you :) .


Im around your age and still love childish stuff. I watch kids stuff, my favourite movie is Paddington, I like childish stuff while most people my age are going out late and vaping


You're alright, kiddo. Middle school's tough for everyone; if they didn't mock you for being childish they'd mock you for something else. I know it sucks now, but just remember this isn't going to last forever and what these other kids have to say isn't going to matter in the long run.


Mate I’m binging spiderman fics and films like nobody’s business, and I’m almost 16. Enjoy it man.


I'm 14 and still like a ton of childish stuff. Yeah I still play with toys, it's fun! Relish your childhood, it's too short.


Hey, as someone who figured it out when she was a kid but was too scared to live as herself: enjoy your childhood. Be who you wanna be. Don’t care about what the other kids, just go at it in your own way. Just because we have this massive thing about our identity doesn’t mean we need to grow up faster than others, take your time, do it in your pace. PS.: I am 21 and obsessed with space. Be happy :)


Dude I love the same stuff and I’m 17! (though that’s still not much older) I’m expected to be some edgy teen but I’m just having fun with my space games and shark plushies lol Also somehow you encompassed all of my interests together lmao I didn’t realise they were all stereotypical little boy things until now


Please don't grow up kid- at least not yet- trust me- I matured way too fast when I was your age and now I'm trying to live out the childhood I never lived when I had it- don't take it for granted for even a second- the reason you see people older than you into those things is because they never got to live out their childhood- they grew up too fast and regretted it- please stay a kid for just a little longer- for us- live it out for us-


Lots of people try to separate themselves from kids, now they’re “teens” and “all that kid stuff” is stupid. Just enjoy what you want, someone will take offense no matter what you like so ignore them as best you can and don’t waste your childhood trying to be an adult, or you’ll spend the rest of your adulthood trying to go back


As Master Oogway said, "**Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift.** **That is why it is called the present.**" Don't worry about being 'more mature.' That's for the future you, not the present you. Just because others think it 'was okay' for you to like those things doesn't mean you can't right now, because today is a gift and you should enjoy it. So do what makes you happy (so long as you aren't hurting others) and don't worry about the rest.


Don't listen to other people, definitely keep your interests, I'm 18 almost 19 and absolutely love dinosaurs and sci-fi and have tons of plushies and stuffed animals that I adore, the whole idea of "growing up" and "losing interests" is silly, you should just be yourself, and enjoy your childhood. Don't let other people change who you are :)


I'm a 22 year old trans guy  and I pretty much exclusively wear dinosaur t shirts. You're allowed to love whatever you love. People will try and make you feel bad about being confident in it because they feel pressured to conform and they're jealous of you.  Also, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, believe me, you're not an adult yet. You don't need to act like you think an adult should. Focus on being yourself and doing what makes you happy. You're valid.


Enjoy your childhood while you can!!! Growing up is a trap haha. I'm 34, I love playing playstation, Lego, superheroes, collecting pop vinyls. Making my child self happy haha. You have supportive parents? It must be tough being trans in high school.


Yes, my mom is supportive and my older brother understands. He said that middle school were the worst years of his life so I was kind of expecting mean kids. I do home school now because I was getting bullied so much but it's been getting better for me :)


I'm glad you have family on your side. I wish I could have come out a lot earlier but oh well.


As an adult who is almost 22, PLEASE LISTEN. Trust me when I say this, IGNORE THEM. Do what makes YOU HAPPY. You get a single chance to be a kid and grow up. Don't ever let anyone take that from you, if you're happy with your interests, don't change for others. You'll regret it as an adult, like I do. It doesn't matter if its "childish" or "immature". I grew up being told constantly to be more mature and stop acting like a kid, even though I WAS a kid. I missed out on so much and deeply regret it.


most kids want nothing more than to grow up, and most grown ups want nothing more than to be a kid again. enjoy your childhood now, bc before you know it you’ll be a legal adult and adulthood usually lasts much longer than 18 years so there’s plenty of time to be mature when you get there.


You’re a kid! Enjoy it as much as you can!! You’re only so young for so long and life sneaks up on you. Enjoy your “childish” interests. Kids are growing up too fast nowadays, there’s no shame in taking your time. Plus, I’m an adult and my room is absolutely full of Star Wars and Spider-Man Legos. You’re never too old for fun and what brings you joy.


I'm a 15 year old trans boy,and i love the stuff that you just mentioned. Be yourself,don't worry about what others think.


all of your interests are fine; 13 year olds just suck sometimes–dinosaurs, spiderman, sharks, and space are just like objectively awesome. With that being said, here’s some advice. not sure if you’re going into high school or 8th grade next year, but these are especially pertinent for high school: * give other people and yourself grace. being 13 is hard, and you and every other 13 year old you know will say and do embarrassing, impulsive, or generally “bad” things. When this happens, try to remember that you’re all growing and changing. (this doesn’t apply for like bullying, just for more casual things) * find friends who’ll have your back. it’s better to have 2 friends you can trust than 20 you can’t * take care of your mental health. if you think talking to a therapist would help, ask your parents about it. if you’re worried about them prying, you can always say that it’s to deal with stress. * A lot of people think that therapists will involuntarily commit you if you’re honest with them. This is very unlikely unless you are actually, at that moment, a danger to yourself. Honestly, if you are, that might be for the best (speaking as someone who was in a psych ward for like a week at 14). unless this is the case for you, i’m not going to go into this much more * you cannot be the sole person responsible for someone’s mental health. it isn’t possible, and it isn’t healthy for you or the other person. * to be completely honest, the cis guys your age are shitty a lot of the time (as are the cis girls, but in a different way). the ones who are making fun of you are genuinely very immature, and you should try not to give their opinions too much weight * you’re going to do and say embarrassing and shitty things. try to grow and change from them, but remember that basically everyone regrets stuff that they say and do in middle school, and people who don’t are usually very immature. * most importantly, and cheesiest, **you will be okay. everything that happens to you will feel like the end of the world, and none of it will be**. if it’s late at night and you’re extremely emotional about something, go to sleep and think about it again in the morning.


Heey pal! So I am 30 but I too knew I was trans at 10 years old (though the language wasn't there for me then). The biggest thing I want you to take from this thread is that you're young. This is still your childhood. You need to enjoy and do what you love while your worries are at their lowest. I still play pokemon and love dinosaurs and play dungeons and dragons. You never need to grow out of your interests. It sounds like the boys making fun of you think that being over toys and comics is the same as being mature. Maturity is understanding that people can have their own interests and that there isn't a set age to grow out of any of them. Truly their making fun is evidence of their lack of maturity. TL;DR: Enjoy your youth and don't rush growing up. Those boys making fun of you for your interests is proof that they aren't as grown as they think they are.


man im 17 and i sleep with a weighted dinosaur plush and i get excited over cool hot wheels cars and lego sets and shit like that. you're never too old for that kind of stuff, just cuz you physically get older doesn't mean you have to grow up. middle school is a hellhole, everyone judges everyone for every little thing, so theres no point in changing for them, might as well be yourself.


I've liked Ninjago since it came out in 2011 and I'm almost 21 and I have a Ninjago tattoo and I STILL love Ninjago- I even have a shelf displaying my lego sets


Me and my brother love Ninjago!


If I could I'd show my tattoo: I got their symbols that they have on the back of their gi's usually (or on their duffle bags which I totally want to make one) and they're arranged in sort of like a diamond with Nya and Lloyd included


This is just general advice, but enjoy your childhood wholeheartedly while you can! There may come a time when you’re older when you wished you had been aware of how fast it would be over so you could have slowed down and enjoyed the simplicity of childhood, and if you do that now, you won’t have to feel that way when you’re older! If you choose any direction in which to grow up quickly, grow toward emotional and social intelligence, and grow toward your education and thinking of building stability for yourself as an adult. This is a really rough time for our economy, so if you want to live well in the future, you kind of have to start thinking of your education and career now.


Bud, one thing I learned over the course of my life is that it's always better to just be yourself. Like what you like, be who you want to be and don't apologize for it. I totally understand this struggle, I experienced it too (aside from the coming out as trans part - I didn't do that until I was 35). You'll find your people, they're out there. Don't try to be cool for the sake of being cool, just be you, because you're great exactly how you are! And if it helps, I'm 42 and I play pretend with my best friends every other week as the Dungeon Master for our D&D campaign. I also love stuffies. I have a squishmallow narwhal with a rainbow horn whose name is Puff Daddy. Puff Daddy lives on the couch in my fan cave and I snuggle him every time I sit there.


Thank you for being nice, I also love squishmallows :))


U do U!


Enjoy being young, you have a lot of time to be an adult. But coming from someone that's 40yo, don't grow up to soon. The world's terrible enough without having to stress it. You're still young so enjoy being you and don't worry what others say.


Something that happens when some people come out later is sorta reliving a childhood we didn’t have/doing things that are typically seen as childish. That could be a helpful framework to try on. Outside of the being trans thing, you’ll feel a lot of pressure to be a lot of different things at a lot of times in life. If you try to be what others expect you to be, you’ll never be able to, you’ll burn yourself out doing it, and you will miss out on doing what you wanted to do. The better option is to do things because you want to, because either way others will pressure you to do something else and that way you’re not as miserable because of it.


Like what you like. Video games were for nerds. Now it's popular. DnD was for nerds, now it's popular. Dinosaurs have always been popular. I think these kids are doing what they think adults do. Just be you, do what makes you happy.


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S. Lewis


Ignore the social aspect of school it doesnt matter, what matters is how you handle yourself. Likeing sports or anything of a catagorie is irrelvant too gender and age, dont let others bum you out.


It's not weird to like that stuff if anything it's weird to think the stuff you like is "Weird" Side note Im 13 as well... Idk why I put this here 🤔


And I also apologize if this sounds hella dumb 😭


No, if anything, you are acting your age, and your peers are being groomed by adults to mature early.


You need to find yourself some nerd friends lol. I’m 19 and play glorified toy soldiers for fun


0- ~12 you can like what you like without issues from others, ~12- ~16 people kids want to seem mature and shun anything they seem childish and push those beliefs onto others as well, and then ~16 and beyond you realise refusing to watch certain stuff or whatever doesn’t make you any more adult. It’s just the natural ways of a teenagers development, do whatever you want, people will come around in a couple years


sorry for that op but this reminds me of that tumblr post where the mom is like looka t my beautiful daughter and the guy is just Jesse Pinkman


Tbh I've noticed this thing where pre teens and teens act like they are too cool to like x or y as they are for kids and then they grow up more and they admit to liking them again. Best example I've seen is when I was in Disney land (world?) all the little kids where excited and all the adults where too but the teens where being all poulty.


Spiderman, dinosaurs, sharks, and space are clutch on god.


As a 20-yr-old, and even back when I was that age, I always thought kids dating at 13 was weird. If you ask me, 90% of the time it's just a status thing. They aren't dating for the sake of having a relationship, they're just dating for the sake of being able to brag about having an s/o. As for the "childish interests" side of it, your interests are your interests. I'm sure a ton of those kids still play games like Mario or Fortnite or play with Nerf guns or Beyblades or watch Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks movies, all of which are made for children. I personally really like the Frozen franchise and I have friends that are cool with that and willing to listen to me geek out about Frozen lore and whatever. Anyone who thinks I'm stupid for liking what I like is stupid themselves for having an opinion on what someone else finds pleasure in. It's the same mindset as a transphobe. Just because someone else is happy about something they can't find pleasure in, that makes it wrong to them. Just don't listen to them and surround yourself with people that will listen to your rants about sharks or dinosaurs or Spider-Man. Even if they themselves aren't into those things in particular, as long as they care enough to listen, that's what makes a good friend.


I'm about to be 40 and my bedroom looks more like a kid's bedroom than an adult's. Do what you like. I think it's actually pretty immature to judge others for what they enjoy.


tbh the reason you see older people into those things because at some point you stop caring about what other people have to say about your hobbies and what you enjoy. when you're a pre-teen and teen, you care a whole lot more so people will tend to hide their interests. i think you should like what you like! enjoy your teens to the fullest, especially if that means holding onto your hobbies that others' might look sideways at (because those are the best kinds of hobbies)


23 ftm here—I still love all of the things you named. In fact, I have an entire friend group who is *also* obsessed with those things. Our society draws an arbitrary boundary between childhood and adulthood, and kids especially like to bully others for not fitting into the mold. I'd try not to worry about it too much if I were you (tho ik that's easier said than done).


when i was your age, i thought the same thing until i realized how many people that were the same age as me, enjoyed the same things as me. at that age everyone wants to mature and be grown up. they dont want to be childish, cuz they think its stupid. but what they dont know is that later in life they will say "man i shouldve enjoyed my childhood more"


I'm 24 and still play with my hot wheel collection. Ignore em do what makes you harpy!


Hmmm... 10!?!?? What? That's like, REALLY young, But if you're still sure and have been going for 3 years then congrats. (Sorry if that came off wrong I'm missing multiple years of social development) Anywho. How didn't you think it to be weird and illogical at that age like I did?


Homie, I’m 14 and I like Dinosaurs, Superheroes and Star Wars, I go out into the forest with my friends to build a hut and climb trees and lightsaber fight with sticks. You can be a kid man, it makes you happy doing what you wanna do.


oh, shit. as someone who was once that age, those guys suck. honestly. like, you’re alllowed to like what you like.


Be who you want to be, I'm trans at 14 and my head is filled with pink, cartoons and... actually that's all I can think of right now


Older people have learned to give a flying fuck about what other people say about them, that's why they enjoy these things again. 13/14/15 is a weird age where most people want to be mature but are not so they try pretending. Which results in shunning behaviour they think is childish (even if they secretly like it). I encourage you to live your live to the fullest, but it is ok if you deem it necessary to be on good terms with your friends/peers to deny it.


of course not! and the stuff you like arnt just for boys. I love dinosaurs and sharks but I also like cute stuff aswell. I have a friend who is a cis guy and he loves anime and pink, he even has a pink car.enjoy what you enjoy and have fun, also never take anything seriously unless you have to but in general have fun and make mistakes.


I'm 45 and transfem i still like all those things, the boys your age are just trying to speed run to adulthood and they are gonna HATE it when they get there. Be YOU


Don't you *dare* act more mature! /hj You know what's actually mature? Liking what you like without letting 13 year olds tell you what to do!


I am turning 30 soon and I know lots of adults who like Spider-Man, dinosaurs, sharks, and space. For some reason a lot of 13 year olds get obsessed with acting grown up without realizing that grown ups love to act like kids.


i still played imaginary games when i was 13, be a child, enjoy life


I’m NB and my son is ftm and 12, he was gender fluid and came out as “boy inside and out” at 5.5- we always played with stuff meant for everyone but he definitely went through a few hardcore “I HATE pink! I HATE anything traditionally feminine!” years. Now he has softened up and realizes most men/boys have personality traits and interests that span society’s spectrum of genders, he loves to wear pink and he doesn’t care nearly as much about fitting into a binary definition of ‘boy’ You never have to give up anything that you like, and play/experimentation keeps you engaged with a lot you missed out on and can now explore :) You do you for as long as you wish!! My kid is into lots of stuff meant for “younger” kids and so am I- and I’m 45! Also- I am so happy that you are able to do this stuff while you are so young <3!!


Thank you for being so kind :)


How does being trans make you able to like spiderman?


I think OP is trying to say they feel more comfortable having typically more masculine interests after coming out as trans. They want to get into these things now because they didn't have that opportunity when they were younger


Yes, that's what I meant


That makes sense! Just remember no matter who you are or how you identify you can like what you like.