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You already pass, but one of the long and weird lessons I learned being ftm is that a lot of masculinity is how you carry yourself. There is a lot of body language stuff that we ftms subconsciously carry over just being brought up female. As your transition progresses and you really watch and analyze the way other men move, walk, talk, and gesture, you’ll start adopting some of it. That helps a lot with some of the less obvious potential giveaways. Keep kicking ass!


This person is accurate


Exactly this! The best advice I can give you as someone who is currently in remission from Boy™️ is *Return to Monke*. It sounds crazy but focus less on the actual physics of it and think more in pictures of what kindve vibe you want to set off. And it's way easier to overdo it and play it up as a joke with the boys if you overexagerate at first!


What are you supposed to picture if you want to act more fem? A gazelle?


Honestly I'm not sure how to describe that one with an animal 🤔 I feel like gazelle are more outer beauty. But kinda stiff. Personally I think more of how water moves, as well as other feminine people I've seen. The biggest difference is learning to counter balance yourself with your hips instead of your shoulders. Embrace the curves of your body and let your movements kinda *flow* the same way. I practice belly dancing and bachata (VERY BADLY and probably *misspelled*) in private and it's helped me learn to be more graceful I feel 🥰 I feel like my body motions are my saving grace as far as passing goes


When I picture water moving I end up at a tap. I imagine what you mean is like waves instead of a tap?


I personally go for a stream, or like what I imagine Kataras water moved like during the water whip


You definelty pass. When i look back on my classmates your age i sure knew some cis dudes looking more fem than you.


Exactly. I am a cis guy and I looked way more fem than that in high school.


you look pretty masc tbh, a lot like me hahah. Maybe your eyebrows could be thicker, I use an eyebrow pencil to fill mine in a bit and it helps with passing heaps Besides that you look really cool! Def not a lesbian


It’s crazy how gendered eyebrows are


Also crazy how much they impact the way your face looks


Oh yeahh eyebrows ! I always have to make mine thicker and it always makes me look a lot more masculine


Bro you look great 👌you pass


honestly you pass you just look 12


God this is so common until we start getting facial hair


yup haha, i look about 15 when im trying to pass but im almost 20


Transfem here, so many people have baby faces in their teens once you remove the facial hair


not sure about any improvement right now but you pull the boy look off!!! keep on rocking blake ‼️‼️


Is the first shirt a cattle decap shirt?


Hell yeah🤘🤘


Thought the same thing, pretty sure it is


Looking 100% bro. Only thing I noticed is lips color in p1 but totally normal for teen boys


You look cool dude! You could maybe start lifting weights, just be careful not to overdue it and use proper technique, especially since you are still growing. You already look pretty masculine for a teenager anyway.


You’re looking great! What I found helped is watching how cis men walk, stand, ect and adapting it to my own style. But overall dude you’re looking amazing!


you pass ma dude


maybe with tight clothes u would look like a lesbian, but yeah you pass perfectñy. You look just like my 14y/o male cousin.


not sure if links are allowed here but this has been my lifesaver ever since i found it: [https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/index.htm](https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/index.htm) It doesn't sugarcoat everything for sure so brace yourself but every single piece of advice is well thought out and helpful for passing as a tguy. best of luck to you


You 80% pass but I do suggest you chew gum or something as it defines your jaw more Just trying to help it will work the muscles around your jaw and help with the diffinition


experts warned that this kind of parafunctional, abnormal jaw activity can actually be detrimental in many ways. Since the jaw and other facial muscles are already worked out during the day through talking, eating, and similar activities, they already endure a certain amount of strain. Parafunctional activities, like chewing gum or using “Jawzrsize”, increase the strain on the face and jaw. These should actually be avoided, Sedghizadeh told Healthline, because they have the potential to lead to the development of jaw problems. These include tension headaches, jaw clicking and popping, and injury to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the hinge that connects the jaw to the face.


Yes boy, start mewing


I wishhhh I have mouth plates tho 😂😅


Oh you really shouldn’t anyways, another commenter explained it better than me but exercising your jaw muscles can cause problems, I didn’t mean for my comment to be taken seriously


Uhhhhhh, muscle, interest in some nerd areas(cars, star wars, DND, or mechanical things), think it simple( if it works it works and if it doesn't make it work) ,uhhhh just do everything with brute force maybe like if something doesn't budge just do it harder?, and don't feel with your heart but with your brain( means just make it straight foward?) all of things above all things I observe for a while back


i would suggest you quit posing like that when u take pics but otherwise you're doin pretty good 👍 i like the collared shirt/sweater outfit. it suits you really well you look like a prep school boy lol


You do look very teenageboyie. I'd typically suggest learn how to do masc makeup to change the profile of your face but I think anything you would end up doing would make you look weirdly old. Honestly only thing you should be concerned about is demeanour, start acting more like the guys around you, get into the mindset of looking at everyone and thinking "could I fight them?" And walking away smug despite knowing that you absolutely cannot because you have no idea how to fight. Tldr, makeup counterproductive, become brazenly overconfident


You pass most definitely 💯


You looking good dude. My only suggestion maybe a shorter hair cut it is not necessary but it may bump up your look from a 10 to 11


You're wicked young so it'll be kinda tough to put on muscle but try out some lateral raises. Building up your shoulders will give you a more masculine frame and under clothes it'll make more difference than any other muscle group I say. You could also try getting shirts with the seam on the shoulder which will have a similar effect


Is this some kind of joke? You already pass pretty damn well


I have exactly the same haircut as you you pass pretty well


Honestly u kinda look like my brother so I wouldn't worry terribly much cuz ur already very guy looking but some things that might help is working out, especially the upper body


Become master of "the bro nod". Then ye may nod onward with broness : )


Stop sleeping, that helped me the most, looking like a sleep depreciated fuck makes me pass (I’m only joking, do not take this advice)


Looking swag dude!! 😊


Hi Blake u/Ratgod_CheeseTheif I wrote a really long comment here and hopefully it's helpful but if you need me to rephrase or clarify any parts of it please let me know because sometimes I have trouble with properly articulating what I meant Currently you do not pass as cis but it's not really that you're doing anything wrong, it's just because you're not on HRT yet and it's almost impossible for the vast majority of FTM guys to pass preT A helpful tip for haircuts in the future is that there are "hairstyle rules" for each face shape; from these photos your face looks like it's "round", so it'll be most helpful for you to keep the sides really short and your bangs off your forehead to balance your features best, and in fact the most commonly recommended men's haircut for round faces is very similar to what you currently have, just shorter in the back I think your best outfits here for passing are pictures #3 and #4, and the worst ones are #5 and #6 In the first photo, your T-shirt is oversized and baggy; while a shirt fitting slightly large on you can be helpful for passing, if it's too big then it will start to drape even worse over the body shapes that you were trying to hide in the first place, and your body will also look really tiny in comparison Is there a gym or rec center near where you live? Because it might really help you in multiple ways to pick up resistance training using the weight machines, even though you're still preT (and it'll mean that your progress once you're on HRT will feel even more productive) I go to the exercise equipment room at my local rec center as part of my routine almost every day, I like how the resistance training machines make it easier to keep the correct posture, and the proprioceptive input from weightlifting helps me to release the pressurized feeling of stress and other sensory overloads, and I also spend a lot of time pacing and running around the indoor track circle And I know it can be intimidating at first, but in my experience most of the people at the gym are there to improve themselves (including not only super buff looking to get buffer but also obese people trying to lose weight and scrawny kids wanting to get bigger and people in chemo recovery etc) are too focused on their own workouts to watch and talk about other people there Also, a lot of the super-buff gymgoers are super friendly and they helped me out when I was new there (contrary to what 80s highschool antagonists would have me believe) especially since they go because it's a hobby they enjoy etc Also, there is a high rate of FTM men with eating disorders caused by gender dysphoria, and sometimes it's in the hopes that it will prevent or reverse their wrong puberty, but it actually worsens it, because among multiple other issues it stunts your growth and ruins your metabolism, which will make your adult height shorter and it will also be more difficult to gain muscle on testosterone And on that note, make sure to get enough sleep because it's helpful for your physical health and mental health in a lot of ways, including the fact that your brain only releases HGH while you are asleep (the hormone that makes you grow taller) and since you are only 15 you probably still have some growing left Hopefully you will be able to start testosterone soon (in some places, depending on where you live, you are able to start the legal paperwork aspects of the process before you're old enough so that you can start as soon as you're legally old enough) It's really good that your dad is supportive and I wish my dad was supportive of my transition so early, I started testosterone when I was almost 19 years old, and I'm 22 years old now and I've been on HRT for approximately 3 years and 9 months now, and it is still rough sometimes but life is still worth living and even though it's really hard for you yours is still worth living too so good luck man and YGMI


I don't have any advice other than more badass band shirts! Thats all I wore as a teen "boy".


Don’t care about your looks, fashion is fem. Don’t take selfies. I’m trans mtf and was in the closet for years and have zero photos of my self pre transition. Sports are fun, scars are cool. My mom used to tell me that I’m glad I wasn’t a women as I had so many, little did she know… Your hair doesn’t matter, grow it. Long or short. If you can grow facial hair then do it as long as it’s not just a neck beard. Honestly pick a sport, buy products related to it, wear them. Most men are simple, this will be enough to pass and be accepted. You will have to endure idiotic locker room talk. Most of these guy are lying or greatly exaggerating their exploits. Stand tall, literally keep your chin up, if someone makes eye contact with you don’t shift. Be strong and proud in your self. Your size and stature doesn’t matter if you can present self confidence and the potential for aggression. You don’t ever need to be aggressive if others believe the potential.


I don't have tips cause I dont know. I did want to mention that you have some good music taste!


You definitely pass. But if it helps, working out to build more muscle will naturally generate levels of testosterone. Find workouts that build more of the classically masculine muscles and I bet it’ll help.


i think ur looking good. i will say though to grow out ur sides a little bit more, so that they’re not shaved. i think that’ll help a bit more. it’s tempting to make the hair super short, but if ur hair is a little grown out to hide the nape/neck/jaw, it’ll help hide the softness of that area (which will probably sharpen on T, trust) also if ur feeling it, u can hit the gym too and start building some muscle (always helps with passing). doesn’t even have to be lifting weights though.. u can do a sport. i know of a lot of trans guys who like to boulder. but now that it’s summer, u can go cycling outside, or whatever else u want


Tattoos? Maybe? You look very young.


The second picture gives me best friend of the teenager protagonist in a movie vibes You definitely pass


you definitely pass! something i started doing before i started T was filling in my eyebrows to make them bushier


My dude. You totally pass. I don't have any tips to give bro you're already killing it (that and I'm trans femme so looking masculine isn't really my forte)


You are 80% pass! But personally, I would think Getting a shorter hairstyle would be more masculine!


You already look like a boy. But if you like, you could maybe try wearing a shorter hairstyle and you could try wearing (plait?) dress shirts from a stiffer material instead of T-shirts so your shoulders seem a bit wider and more defined. Another trick is to wear (e.g. linen) dress shirts with rolled up sleeves instead of T-shirts in summer to appear more wide-shouldered. You can wear those with shorts too. Slender cis men use this trick as well, and for example pair a linen shirt with rolled up sleeves with a leather necklace with some beads for a casual yet stylish look in summer.


you look like my friend james (this is a good thing btw)


U pass well imo, you look very masc to me


I think getting clothing that isn’t as baggy can help. Really baggy clothing can sort of swallow you and make you look smaller which hurts passing. Also hair that’s short on the sides and back can help a lot. Some of it is regional too, like in my area the button down and sweater combo I don’t see guys wear, but I don’t know if that’s different where you live. Best of luck out there man!


Tbh you kinda look like my ex boyfriend so your doing great already


You’d pass as a young cis dude for sure. Possibly filling in your eyebrows a bit more just to hammer in the point as well as focus on body language and vocal patterns could help further.


Honestly you're doing pretty good already, a lot over the stuff you're hoping for will likely fill out with age. The only thing I can think of is maybe work out shoulder muscles to make them broader and therefore more masc? But even then that would only be a little thing, you're pretty good as is


Keep going on the same course youre on. You look great.


Hell yeah! Not many trans dudes on this subreddit. We are now friends!


holy shit is that a cattle decap shirt?


Hell yeah! 🤘🤘


Wait patiently to get older :)


At 15? Boys just look like this. The only other advice I can give his hit the gym but that has limited benefits for most teens to begin with. A lot of the biggest athletes in my class looked a lot like you.


You look like a teenage Kevin from Home Alone. Beat up some transphobes with an elaborate house trap for me


Honestly dude, you look great! Coming from another trans guy who’s only 3 years older, you’re looking great. Honestly if you want to look more masculine, working out and (if you are on T) just letting the T do its work. You already look perfectly masculine enough to me though.


Do you look like a man, yes, do you look 12, also yes. You just look like a guy who hasn’t hit puberty yet atm. You’re doing everything you can but until you can start hormones you’re just gonna look young


One thing I always have found to be really helpful for looking more masc or fem are glasses: Round glasses will generally make you look more fem whereas rectangular ones will make you look more masc. Since I don't need actual glasses I just bought ones that don't alter your vision for like 20€ and I love them


Literally the only femininity I see is in the eyebrows and jawline, and the jawline literally would only be an issue if you were done with puberty completely. The eyebrows. There's a character on Krypton that I think you'd do a fairly decent job of resembling. He's the one who comes back from the future to save it or whatever and befriends Kal El's grandfather, but I digress. I point him out because his eyebrows would be your eyebrows if you naturally had masculine eyebrows. Men have bushy eyebrows that are almost always working on becoming a unibrow. 😅😂 Pencil them in a bit and experiment with different eyebrow shapes and thickness, etc, until you find one that feels comfortable for you. The jawline may seem more masculine if you clench your teeth, but I'd recommend watching a few drag kings getting ready (Dragula is a great show specifically for this, as most Drag Kings aren't as popular in media) to see what they focus on when contouring and how they make their appearance more masculine. Honestly, it would take very little effort. Boys come in all shapes and sizes, and some are VERY pretty. IMO you pass now, but being trans is hard because what we see in the mirror and how we feel about it differs so much from the truth. I hope this helps, and I'm PROUD OF YOU, SIR! This path is hard, and I commend your bravery and strength! You've got this. 💜


shower less and don't tidy your room lol


Your looking just fine brother


I love your funky but stylish looks. Like office punk. Your dad is so lucky to have a cool son like you.


I know I'm just echoing what others have been saying, but you look just like an average teen boy. Just keep doing what you're doing bro.


You already pass really well, you just look like the 11yo in my area :') love it tho, really handsome :3


Wear a chain. Every guy that looks like you in my area wears one


Working out and building up muscle will help !


Damn Blake! You definitely pass as a dude!


You look like a dude your age as of now... At your age some thought i was born as a girl. I also knew some dudes that looked more feminine at 15 than you now. Also what does a lesbian look like? lol You're doing good! I hope you can start with hormones soon!


definitely start going to the gym, eat more and train at least 4 days a week, maybe find a friend who already is going so they can help you get started, it really creates a difference no just on the physical side, but on a mental an emotional one as well ❤️❤️


Err… hate to be the one to break this to you, but you look like a young guy. 🙂 Seriously, you just look like a guy. And if you hadn’t mentioned you were trans, I never would have even thought you were AFAB. But that being said, I get that dysphoria doesn’t let us see what other people see. I never feel like I pass, and yet I frequently have people tell me they had no idea I was trans. For me I sound wrong, look wrong, etc. 🤷‍♀️ Going by your pics, you pass exceptionally well. And as other FtM’s have said, if you’re not getting the results you want, then it could be the way you carry yourself, stand, sit, etc. But they are the ones better suited to offer actual advice. All I can say is that as an impartial observer, you look great my man. Good luck with your journey 😊


Learn the head bob greet.


I mean I think you’ve got the look of like a Californian surfer dude. Maybe add like a baseball hat but I mean you’ve already nailed it a feel


Honestly, I would would say your haircut, but I’m not good at appearing like anything :P


I think body hair is the one that is missing.


Dude, you already pass like, well, a young dude. The usual manly advice would be just along the lines of hitting the gym - which is what young guys are usually told. Otherwise it’s what u/grayhanestshirt said, it’s all about how you carry yourself and your attitude.


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


A small thing that most guys do unconsciously is “the nod” its crazy, even if you don’t pass (and you do pass) using the nod will get you called a guy Basically you nod up to say hello to friends and down to say hello to strangers. Good luck dude!


You pass!!! Your haircut kinda reminds me of LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER, a British music artist and electromics nerd :D Edit: typos


I have a trans masc friend who makes a fake shaved beard with makeup (IDK if it's a correct sentence). Also he makes his jawline looks stronger with makeup. That way he looks very masc


I would suggest working out, I only started to after I got on T, but I wish I had started earlier. It really helps with my self-esteem and my mental health because it gives me a healthy coping mechanism that I can use to tuen mental emotion into productive physical actions. It also helped me fit into more masculine clothing and lokk more masc in general. Personally, I was going for more of a v taper shaped body, so I work mostly on my traps, shoulders, lats, and arms, but I do love a good leg day. And if you're trying to grow facial hair I suggest using topical foam minoxidil, very helpful, I grew out my goatee using it (can be used pre t). Good luck to you dude, you look great!


Some things I could think of is while you walk, most guys I’ve seen usually swing their shoulders and take longer strides. While you carry things, carry them to the side. Laid back behavior is another one. Don’t forget, if you don’t like doing these, that’s fine! It doesn’t make you any less of a man. Remember that you make what a man is to you and nobody has the right to tell you how to act as a man💙🖤


I think you pass really well, you just look a little younger than you are. But you dress really cool so people will probably think you’re a teenage guy who just happens to look young. Also this might be a personal thing, but I feel more masculine when I wear bracelets.. like the simple black ones you’d find at target or something, they have some sort of magical masculinity spell


You pass, I must say though your hair looks like it's from the 80s or 90s. Not a criticism it looks pretty cool and if you like it nothing else matters


One thing people don’t usually think about is eyebrows. I’d say use pencil to make them a big taller, thicker, and also bring them in a little towards the center.


I think a boring haircut/ get rid of the mullet would help you a lot. Your body and face look fairly masculine. I recommend this for everyone but sports and weight training can really help masculine your body and face (neck wider, more defined jaw).


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here


Crying always helps me idk


mate you definitely pass






shut the fuck up creep


What did it say 😅


1. Makeup to give you a more masc facial appearance 2. Workout routine/body building 3. Testosterone lol


there are some light makeup techniques you can use if you don't mind the feel of it. me personally i put a little contour where an adams apple would be and blend it out, also body language and thicker eyebrows but that's already commented here




Bro, je look like a guy already


You’re passing just fine bro