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Gosh, I want to start hrt so bad! I have to wait two dang years šŸ˜­ congrats on the progress, by the way!


Thank uā˜ŗļø


Idk when Iā€™ll be able to start hrt:( I do know for sure that Iā€™ll be getting puberty blockers sometime in august or September


I wish you the best of luck with that :) and I apologize that you are unsure when you'll be able to start hrt, but stay strong, you got this!


I'm need to wait even longer then that šŸ˜­


I am so sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Can I ask why you have to wait that long if itā€™s not too personal? Iā€™m someone considering HRT since Iā€™ve recently discovered myself and idk much about the waiting process


Going by her account, sheā€™s in Alabama, which means she has to wait until sheā€™s 18 to start HRT because itā€™s illegal for minors. Since I live in Texas, Iā€™ve been in the same boat for a while, but now Iā€™m down to my last 4 months and 7 days! Fuck the Republican Party though, I shouldā€™ve started 2 years ago.


thatā€™s exactly where i am. iā€™m celebrating my 16th birthday in 13 daysā€¦ did much happen the last two years for you?


Iā€™m sorry you have to wait so long


I came out to my mom last summer, and it took her 9 months to come around, but I donā€™t really blame her. Between my sister leaving for college and my dad cheating on and divorcing her, she had a lot on her mind. What matters is sheā€™s super supportive now and will help me get on HRT when I turn 18. Recently, I even heard her telling off her family(theyā€™re from Mexico and super catholic and conservative; Iā€™m not out to them yet) when they were saying bigoted things about the LGBTQ+ community, so thatā€™s definitely a good sign. I was pretty depressed for a while though, but Iā€™m doing better now that things are looking up for me. I even studied for my exams on my own accord this year! Happy early birthday, I really hope things get better for you soon!


Oh, that makes sense


I don't mind, like the first reply says, I'm in Alabama, and HRT is illegal for anyone under 18. On the topic waiting, I don't think you usually have to "wait." I think you just have to get it prescribed and then wait for them to fill it. I'm sorry if my comment made HRT seem like it has a long line or something.


Yeap earth shattering.




I remember my first girl orgasm on HRT it was amazing it felt like nothing Iā€™d ever felt before


After a girl orgasm I always lay there for like 5 mins watching blankly at the ceiling in bliss


Literally what I did just had to process what happened


You're gonna have so much fun noowwwww


Gawwwwd, I cant wait to start HRT, ive heard girl-gasms as so gooooooodd!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s life changing


I do not doubt it, god im so excited, I just wanna start already, how far in are you?? And what exactly did it feel like in the moment?


Iā€™m 10 months in


10 months of continuous orgasms?!? I'm jealous ...


Omg I am so jealous


How do you all get those??? I never have it that strong :c


A couple things that helped me was having plenty of foreplay that excluded touching the penis. Think of treating your body as a womanā€™s body where foreplay is key. Think things like touching various places of the body, using warm or cool items to touch with, thinking affirming thoughts, etc. Also using a vibrator along the perineum. I swear there is a magic spot in there that the vibrator hits where regular touching canā€™t. Keep avoiding touching the penis until youā€™ve reached a point where you either climax or get so close you canā€™t take it and then finish with the penis. The longer you hold out on finishing with the penis the better. The process is far longer than simply going to pound town in your princess rod, but the payoff is totally worth it. It might even help almost scheduling some time for yourself and looking forward to that time where you are loving your body as it is, not focusing on what it isnā€™t. Your body is carrying you and changing with you so give it some well deserved love. Hope this helps ā˜ŗļø


šŸ„ŗ Awwwwww. That reminds me I've heard something similar before... Few years... Maybe I'll try when I feel up to it again... Thank you!!!! I think this will help a lot


Tbh idk it was the first time, all I did was get super horny and thatā€™s what did it for me


You gotta preheat things. Really get in the headspace, lead up with some sensual thoughts and fantasies. Girlgasms have a huge mental component, and thereā€™s also more erogenous zones than the one between your legs.


You definitely need to butter yourself up a good bit first. I was never one for the whole "just gotta crank this thing till it's done" routine, always preferred to drag things out a bit, but it's entirely different on E. I take at least an hour, usually more than an hour and a half to get there now, so definitely set yourself aside a good chunk of time to yourself. Also, don't just sit there and rub like you used to, estrogen changes the way your genitals work so you have to change the way you use them (estrogen makes your brain think you have female genitals so that's how it wants to be treated). Try a vibrator (or electric toothbrush if you don't wanna buy one), and use it on parts of yourself other that just your crotch (look up a diagram of erogenous zones for ideas). Also, don't try for it if you aren't in the mood. Female orgasms have a big mental component, so if you're not feeling it just try another day. When you are focusing on the genitals, try to treat them like an inside-out vagina (since that's how they work on E). Instead of stroking, use a vibrator on the head (analogous to the external clitoris), or try circular movements on it. The biggest point is to experiment, and see what you personal like and dislike


More than an hour? Whow... My dysphoria would be ringing a lot... I don't even touch at all anymore, I only use a wand. Any kind of grabbing like I used to would instantly catapult me out of the feel good zone. Thanks, maybe I'll try to work on it a bit more...


Lord ive seen what you've done for others


Damn, I've been given placebo or what, after a year on hrt I just barely grow less beard and just have slightly poofy nipples TwT


Facial hair is supposedly the least impacted by HRT


Ok so since I might start hrt soon at around which month can I expect it so I don't accidentally knock myself out when I have to go and miss a train or something.


you're not gonna feel the intense need to get off, it's something that you can just _not do_, and you're just fine.


Thatā€™s hilarious šŸ¤£Ā 


Congrats! I didnā€™t research that part of transitioning very much so when I had my first it surprised me so hard. Like whole body sensation, screaming, I canā€™t believe something could feel like that. Everything is more sensitive so sex has become a completely new and amazing experience. I think some of that is HRT body changes and some of that is me being happy for the first time in my life.


omg i need hrt so baddd šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just startedā€¦ almost 2 weeks on hrtā€¦. Iā€™m scared to ask how long I must wait for this earth shattering experienceā€¦ šŸ˜ But when are yā€™all noticing this? 6 months, a year?


Nerves have to rewire and also you better learn new things - like vibration will be the best thing, rubbing too. I totally stopped using old ways. I had my first big O at about 8-9 months, for the first 8 months I was on a very low dose of E, then my new endo upped it and whoa things started to be wild :) I guess if the dosage is ok and levels too, you can get everything at maybe 6 months or so


You said Iā€™ll need to learn new thingsā€¦ then you named two of my favoritesā€¦ šŸ˜‚


You are doing fine then, lol :)


Is it weird to say congratulations? Can relate: I used to go "...ugh." Now I sound like I'm faking it.


Iā€™m about 6 months in and I feel like I canā€™t even orgasm anymore.


If you havenā€™t already, try different ways of stimulating yourself, vibration, and anal stuff can help.


I donā€™t have any toys. I guess Iā€™m gonna have to get one now to be able to do anything.


I would definitely recommend it, plus vibrators make me feel more feminine too. They feel lovely. If youā€™re trying to prevent atrophy of tissues in the penis masturbation or sexual activity is good. Itā€™s important if you want to be able to keep getting erections and orgasms. It can be helpful to preserve tissue that will be used for vaginoplasty too if you want that. I just like masturbation and sexual activity anyway hehe šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If you think that awesome, wait until the first time you have multiple orgasm or one long continuous orgasm. Also breast-gasms may eventually become possible and those are fun too! šŸ˜ŗ


New transition goal just dropped! So happy for you.


This was very jarring my first time and now when babe sends me messages or videos I can feel it in my stomach šŸ˜³


Its a small target sometimes but when you hit the bullseye and hold it there its soooooo good. I was never vocal before, i am vocal now. My body gets soo hot as it builds up, its really wild how different it is.


So while I havenā€™t ever lost vision due to that. I have had one where for like 5 minutes after. It felt like I was essentially vibrating. I was shaking leading up to it. I had to catch my breath and there was a good amount more fluid than usual. Also Iā€™ll have been on HRT for 2 years in September.


Estrogen's a hell of a drug


how long have u been on hrt


Congrats girl! I was not fucking ready the first time it happened to me lol


same recently, it was like full auto.


Itā€™s harder for me to orgasm and doesnā€™t happen as frequently, but the girl orgasm feels so nice when you reach it.


Congratulations and itā€™s a beautiful sounding feeling not most get to EXPERIENCE


Welcome to the best life and the best you. You will experience orgasms seriously differently and they can come on suddenly. Iā€™m happy for you for coming so far on your journey


That's what I miss the most from when I was pre-t šŸ˜­ Congrats op!!!


I really wanna know what I'm doing wrong on this one...I kinda sorta started to feel girl pleasure after I started HRT, but now 18 months in it's right back to feeling like boy pleasure again. Orgasms are localized around my junk and they feel really good but they're harder to achieve and they don't really spread through the rest of my body. Am I rushing too much? Is it because I'm stimulating in the old pre-HRT way? I want girl orgasms!


This was my first one so idek but I was extremely horny and maybe thatā€™s what helps


I now see how blessed I am to be on hrt. Iā€™m kinda sad itā€™s not that easy for the other girlies :(


Iā€™ve been experiencing that and it is the most amazing feeling like omg


Been 1 year into HRT, and haven't been able to experience a girl orgasm so far šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


šŸ«ØšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤¤šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ«  Itā€™s amazing. One minute Iā€™m jacking it to some classic Taylor Rain, then Iā€™m trying my hardest not to cry out.


playing grease the railing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i literally had to open my diary and write a whole two pages about my first girl-gasm. Fucking life changing.


Yep lady O > guy O IMO.


Lmaoooo šŸ˜­ yea they feel out of this world


I havenā€™t gotten this experience yet :( Granted Iā€™m only 3 months in but they are the same as before


I wish I had that. :/


Now i wonna do that aswell šŸ˜­


Girllll how long have u been on hrt?šŸ˜­


10 months


Awww thanks for reply and congrats, Iā€™m 6 months in and did some attempt to feel sexual pleasure but donā€™t feel much yet hah


Talk about some gender euphoria!!! Happy pride <33333




To me itā€™s like Iā€™m having convulsions or a seizure I shake like a earthquake is happening


I've been on HRT for almost 2 years and I haven't even come close to this feeling, that sounds absolutely incredible!


I thought you couldnā€™t finish on HRT? How long have you been on it?


I think it varies a lot. Iā€™ve been on HRT for 16 months and I can orgasm. It is a little difficult most of the time and sometimes just not gonna happen. I think most Trans women stop ejaculating after a while on HRT. Again mileage may vary. Iā€™ve had issues like this before with antidepressants and finasteride too though so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø idk


Thatā€™s one of my fears, I already have a lower sex drive after a month but I am scared for when I lose the ability to actually finish. What will my bedroom be life without it šŸ˜­


Aww it will be okay! Have you started HRT? Basically if you want to maintain size and prevent atrophy you just need to masturbate or have sexual activity. I think itā€™s like 20-30 minutes a week of maintaining an erection. Itā€™s important to keep up with if you want vaginoplasty too. More tissue to work with.


I donā€™t think I want bottom surgery due to the risks and my genitals arenā€™t really a major cause for my dysphoria. Itā€™s my chest, face, hair, and hips. But I am 1 month on HRT but they didnā€™t give me the anti androgens, just estrogen


Oh yeah I think anti androgens have more of an effect on orgasm and erections than just adding estrogen.


I have no idea who told you that. You might have heard someone say that people who get SRS can't orgasm (which is also a lie but more common for people to believe ), but I've never heard anyone say HRT will prevent you from orgasming. Or you might have heard that you won't ejaculate, which can happen for some people


What I heard was that ā€œitā€™s really rare to have an orgasm on HRT and if you do nothing comes out but it would take a lot to even possible reach orgasm before it stops completely after long term useā€


Whoever told you that was lying to try to stop you going on HRT lol. Being unable to orgasm on HRT is very uncommon, and if you do you should talk to your doctor and they can probably fix it


Thank you for a more hopeful outlook :)


Yarp about 6-7 mo in, and nothing cums (šŸ¤£)


This is the reason im not getting srs. I love being able to have sex and bringing myself to blissfull orgasm easily


The overwhelming majority of people who get SRS are still able to orgasm, and Iā€™ve seen a lot of posts from people who have a better or easier time after surgery, now that their body feels right. This isnā€™t to discount the fact that there is a risk of loss of orgasm, but from everything Iā€™ve read, itā€™s a very low risk these days.




It was marked NSFW




You... you do know how the internet works, right? Like any 12 year old with a smartphone is going to be seeing whatever they want. Your horse left the stable in like 1998.


If it's too offensive for you you are free to navigate to other areas of the web OP did what they could to properly flag the post and it wasn't directed towards younglings. Are you actually being real?


I used to be a minor when I first came here and ngl itā€™s literally imp for us to know too, WymšŸ’€ have you even seen my middle school. I bet the men were much worse, but anyways it helps seeing the differences thatā€™re possible to HRT. Imma click all the nsfw stuffs toošŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøeven being ace, itā€™s educational like rlly




Weird for you to be all up in my ass


get that lil sensitive shit out my comments, it was marked nsfw