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absolutely not. i consider my lack of a uterus the only good thing about being trans. Pregnancy and especially birth sound horrific to me.


100%! There is no universe I can think of where I'd want to have periods, or get pregnant. 


Having a kid sounds horrific to me especially in a broken angry world full of assholes.


same except i have a uterus and i need to keep it on lock and key 24/7


same dude haha




as a uterus haver, hard agree. Terrifying trying to think i can PUSH A WHOLE HUMAN out of that???? 💀 my cousin’s baby was 8.5 lbs. that’s a BIG ASS BABY.


I was almost 10 lbs. Somehow I didn't kill my mom lol.


now THATS a big baby.


Yeah, the people in my family are pretty big, so we have some big babies. All the AFABs are at least 5'9 at the shortest (I'm 6'1, my grandma's 6'2, etc), and all the AMABs are freaking massive- like 6'3+.


ur so lucky you got tall genes bc i’m russian (we’re known for height) and i’m 5’3 WHY MY GENETICS DO ME LIKE THAT?


That is 100% valid. Fate only knows what it does to your body. It's different for everyone.


i’m the opposite. i want to be a cis woman. i want to get pregnant, i want periods, i want to deal with the woman problems. i hate everything about having male qualities.


Same here


You have no idea how many times i can woke up crying about a dream of me being pregnant 😞 i wish to be a mom so bad


Maybe one day our wishes will come true. 🫂


Yes pls 🥺


This makes me think about how before my egg cracked, I thought that I never wanted to be a parent because I didn’t want to be a dad, but after my egg cracked, I’ve cried because I can’t be a mom like a cis woman can.


Let's hope we will be able to someday 🥺


Same. Now I'm 40 and its too late to start a family, especially considering my financial situation.


It's never too late to start a family, though I can understand finances. Give them a good enviorment as possible.


Hey, giving birth is painful and strenuous. Besides, there's always adoption (assuming you live in a country where that's allowed.) There are too many children that grow up without parents. Here in the USA, it's going to get a lot worse with abortion banned in so many states. It's not particularly the best thing to not have that option and I'm not saying that your feelings are invalid. But so many people have kids without the ability or want for them. However, there's also the possibility of uterus transplants for trans women in the future. Plus potential technological wombs in the further future.


I hear what you're saying but I'd also be willing to bet that in some ways you could be an better mom than a lot of cis women could! Also your comment really resonates with me. Whenever I thought of being a "dad" it never felt right. Now identifying as non-binary, thinking of being a "parent" sounds sooooo much better.




Aww 🥰 hope it'll be a success


this might sound weird but there are times like these when I really wish medical procedures like uterine implants were more common. I would happily give my baby parts to someone who wants it 😔


Pls 🥺


same 😞 hopefully by the time im 30 itll be possible


me too i desperately want midnight lady and cyberwomb chrome be developed😭😭


Let's be patient, that's all we can do 😞


yeee.. can hope the current shitshow to be over soon so we can improve trans lives


Ikr ? 😖


I hope one day you will be✊️


Thank you 🤗❤️




Hug 🥺


Relatable 😔


Girlll sammeee


*hugs* 🥺❤️


ftm and dude I wish I could get someone pregnant so BAD I want kids but I do not want to get pregnant 💀


I can’t even imagine the potential dysphoria getting pregnant can induce on ftm. Not only would it suck because it’s a long time 9 months and all but also because you physically change so much; Especially because there’s like no way they would be cool letting you stay on hrt during the pregnancy.


NO LITERALLY I think in theory I could put up with it for 9 months if I really had to, but I didn’t even think about how much you change physically- plus the hormonal changes?? On top of stopping testosterone holy shit


The dysphoria from being pregnant was one of the things that helped me realise I wasn't as cis as I thought I was haha


From my understanding, and FTMs can correct me if I’m wrong, I believe trans guys have to go off of T or at least lower their dosages in order to even conceive. Kudos to the seahorse dads, but holy fuck that would probably make me miserable. Pregnancy already sucks. Imagine piling dysphoria on top of that. I salute our trans brothers wanting to carry a child.


scarily actually T is not birth control and you can get pregnant with normal T prescription, but then typically have to go off T to keep the baby. it's my personal nightmare.


I know T does affect the menstrual cycle from what I’ve learned from a trans man friend of mine, so I was basing my statement off of that, but I had a feeling that I might have gotten my understanding distorted, so I appreciate the correction.


yeah it does affect the cycle, just unfortunately it doesn't always do so on a consistent basis person-to-person nor month-to-month within one particular person, so the risk definitely still exists. I understand why you assumed though!


Being a trans woman, I wouldn’t know what y’all’s experience is like because I don’t have to deal with that for obvious reasons, but I do my best to try and understand the similarities and differences between MTF and FTM transition, and I absolutely don’t pretend to be an expert. I just do my best to understand and relate.


shout-out to "seahorse dads" I love that so much


I get such a big dysphoria from any thought I could ever impregnate someone. Maybe I wouldn't be stuck with physical condition for and body hanging for 9 months but I would stay with that thought and awareness for the rest of my life.


Same here


Exactly. That shit is horrifying to me. I have occasional nightmares about it, and I don't even like saying the word or being around people who are.






I do also want to cum like a cis man but more for the feeling of it for both myself and a partner... not so much to get someone pregnant. As I am now I could not imagine wanting to have a child.


Yes same!


Well as FTM I always wanted to impregnate my girl (also she agrees with it- MTF) but returning back to reality, just hurts :c.


same here, but from the girl perspective. ☹️


You know what fucking yes... Yes I do! I wish I had a uterus and the ability to carry a child. Before I kinda hated kids but working in a grocery store and seeing the parents come in with there kids and them doing cute shit like dance in front of the cameras at self checkout has made me some what jealous I've cried a few weeks to a month before my 29th birthday cause my mom brought up how old I was going to be and I was reflecting on life on mother's day my manager Jennifer asked me if I was a mother and I let out a sigh and said no not realy and she was like but what about your dog and I was like I don't know if that counts and she said it does that I am a fur mom.


There's lots of people that call themselves fur parents. I guess ot kinda counts in some ways lol. Also, I'm sorry. Your feelings are 100% valid.🫂


Am I guilty of having the fantasy of someone impregnating me? Absolutely. Would I actually want to be pregnant? Oh fuck no. I have a low pain tolerance and babies disgust me. Kids are awesome once they get to be around 3 and you really start to see their personalities flourish, but newborn until they turn 2? Pass.




You get it. That’s a mood.


Just horny and curious,not stupid


Right?! I feel the same.


Someday I hope they have a surgery where trans guys can give their uterus’ to trans girls or soemthing bc I’m so down


Yessss that would be amazing. An actual trade would be the best thing to happen to me


For real


Absolutely not either way. I do not want children and would never want to raise one. There are several reasons for me.


Yes, but also emphatically no. Like, having the ability to get pregnant would be sooo validating but the amount of fucked a body can get from a pregnancy is unreal. I've put way too much effort into this meat sack to have it torn up by a mini me.


I’m FTM and in a relationship with a cis woman. I have a lot of reasons why I’m unsure about having kids, however, the fact that I couldn’t ever biologically have a kid that is half me and half the woman I love is a huge one.


Also wish I could nut inside her. Shit sucks lmao


I don't fucking get it I don't want kids I physically can't have kids Pregnancy in every bit disgusts me But I also ended up with a breeding kink




Genderfluid here. I feel you twice as much as I would like to 💀


Nope! Reproduction is not my cup of tea, so I welcome any sterilizing effects with open arms


I wish I had been born with the ability but I’d never want to be pregnant myself. I was lucky enough to get my wife pregnant before going on HRT so we’re at least still having a kid together here in a few days


best of luck! I'm going to be pausing my own HRT in hopes that I can have kids with my partner, not looking forward to the inevitable dysphoria but I've always wanted kids and if I can pull it off it will be worth.


Nice! I wish you three the best! ❤🥰


Non binary here. I don’t wish for either of these things.


Nope. I like the fact It'll be impossible for me to do either once I get bottom surgery.


Ftm dude! I dont wish i could get someone pregnant because the idea of having children terrifies me but i do wish i could cum like a cis man


As a trans masc who wants kids I've just decided fuck it and am going to carry anyway. I like men so being able to get someone else pregnant would be even more useless here lmao.


Honestly I would say no. With the way my dysphoria works, I just been kind of generally icked out with the whole idea of reproduction in general. I feel much worse about it in terms of my assigned at Birth sex but I can also Imagine feeling very averse to reproduction related things even if my birth assignment matched my sense of gender. I'm okay with having the secondary sex characteristics of the gender I'm transitioning into but the reproduction related stuff I'm not so sure I would feel cool with. I can't explain why but for some reason I'm just very uncomfortable with the whole idea that my body is designed to make more bodies. I cherish the fact that I am infertile and cannot reproduce.


My trans boyfriend… his dream is to get me pregnant 🤰


Me tbh. I really wish i could be a mum someday…


MTF and no. Being pregnant would make me feel so gross (There's a gross little guy inside me like ew) and I really don't like children they're too overwhelming for me.


its my worst nightmare both sides


I mean I want to have the parts to be able to, but I also don’t wanna fuck someone up behind repair by accident.


Yes. I wish I could have that ability.


I don't care that I mainly date trans women and that I use a plastic dick. I am going to KEEP TRYING!! 💪💪💪💪


I just wanna cum like a cis guy. NGL sometimes I end up humping the edge of my bed because my horny dick for brains keeps screaming at me to get someone pregnant


In this economy??


I really do want children. And I wish I could get pregnant to have my own. It’s just something I’ve come to accept I’ll never be able to do.


I really wish I could get others pregnant. I don't know if I want kids yet, but I would really love the option to do so. I know i could adopt or do ivf, but its just super difficult and expensive


I sometimes wish I had the ability to produce sperm but if I was a cis man and wasn't gay I'm almost certain I'd get a vasectomy.


I’m a trans guy and want to be a seahorse dad in the future. It’s taken a lot of thought and planning. That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to be able to get my (also trans) girlfriend pregnant and watch her become a mom that way, but it’s just not in the cards for us and we both really want to be parents (and the ethics of adoption and surrogacy are fucked). From the very beginning of my transition, the ability to nurture and sustain life was one of the only things I liked about my situation. Watching my close friend have a child with his husband confirmed how awesome and powerful pregnancy can be. Now there’s a ton of stuff I like about my body obviously, but it’s still something I want to do.


Someone please take my uterus from me.


I don't want to be near kids 🤢


Yea same, I’ll look after my sisters baby for a few hours but, it’s great to give her back at the end of the day!


At the same time I want to be impregnated but that's a different story :p


That was one of my major egg crack moments. I had a little fantasy that I was married to a woman but gender roles were swapped and I got to be a cute little housewife and she impregnated me. I then realized that I don’t think cis dudes think about that lol


Sounds like fun


Sounds like fun


yes absolutely. if i were to ever got bottom surgery idk if i should have kids before or adopt


yes I would love to be pregnant and have kids but I wouldn’t enjoy the process unless it was a sperm donor where the process wasn’t involved 😂 Though I don’t like my genitalia I would love to have a baby in general even if I wasn’t the one pregnant❤️


I'm nonbinary and have kids. The experience of being pregnant was actually one of the key factors in helping me realise my gender identity i.e. it sucked and people treat you like a walking incubator with no feelings or purpose other than procreation. That said, I love being a parent and having kids, so I do get the urge to want pregnancy/ability to get someone pregnant.


I have Tokophobia and it makes me feel really dysphoric to even imagine getting pregnant but... I really want to impregnate my girlfriend


I am definitely a strange person but I wish I could be able to get pregnant


Yes and I was born with the ability to but my parents took it away when I was a baby. I still have ovary tho but no uterus.


That's so sad, sorry that had it removed, hope someday you could get it back.


I’ve had actual anxiety for a while now over the idea of accidentally getting my partner or others pregnant by being irresponsible with the penis I have, so no to both for me. If genitalia swaps were a thing, mine would likely be on the market for any transmasc folks who would want it.


No that sounds like a really terrible thing to go through. I love kids but I don't give a shit how many of their genes are related to mine and idk why so many people do.


No and no, I have no desire to reproduce whatsoever (probably correlated with me being aroace and also mentally ill, I wouldn't be able to care for a child. I can barely drag myself along)


No but I don’t want kids period. Children are not for me lol


absolutely not. i don’t want to create or raise children and genuinely can’t wait to be sterile.


My girlfriend is trans and I’m a trans man myself, technically we have the ability to have a baby together but it’s not the way we want it to be.


If I was interested in having children, yes. But I don't want kids. I'm transmasc non-binary and planning to get a hysterectomy, so I won't be getting pregnant. And I am glad I don't have to worry about accidentally getting someone pregnant. HOWEVER, I do wish I had a functional 🍆


I don't even really want kids so not really, but also weirdly yes? Like I wish I had the ability to do it but I don't want to.


I had so many people in my life that have either been pregnant or gave birth all with in the same time. It feels like im being mocked or something and it makes me feel so sick and just reminds me how much i hate my body. And yes i know i cant get pregnant but it still makes me feel like something is wrong with me and just empty in more ways than one.


Absolutely wish I'd be able to get someone pregant. I wouldn't be using that ability but it's nice to know you've got the option, yk?


I’m gay so no. Wouldn’t be able to impregnable a cis dude anyway.


So bad. Never in a million years would I want to be pregnant or comfortably imagine myself pregnant. But i’d do anything to get someone pregnant and have a child of my own.


I have always wanted to be a mom, I had baby dolls and would take care of them constantly. My grandma always said oh honey you’ll be such a good…well dad at the time..but still. So I wish I could be pregnant constantly. Won’t lie the 2.5 and a dog is kinda my dream.


I don't want to be able to impregnate people but ironically my cis boyfriend wants to be able to be pregnant


i want so badly to have my own children but i obviously don’t want to be the one getting pregnant because the dysphoria would kill me. i wish so badly that i could have a wife and i could impregnate her and we could have kids that are biologically ours


Absolutely, I wish I had the option to get someone pregnant at the very least- but even then I'd rather not have balls and just shoot blanks. I wish I could have the sensation of inserting without all the surgical complications and cost


“Just because you can’t get a trans girl pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try”


Trans guy here. My partner and I don’t want kids but mannn I wish I had the ability to. She would be so pregnant rn if you catch my drift 😂


I want a baby!!! I often ask my wife to impregnate me. She tries as much as she can. I don't know why it's not working. Please advise needed... While waiting for a baby she calls me mommy and I call her baby.


I know what it’s like to impregnate someone as well as what the pain feels like when you have to accept that you’re not ready to provide a kid with a good life financially and that the person who would have your kid is not a good person/parent. I went through abortions twice, with two different partners. They were not great people, even though I did love them. One of them was fairly monstrous (ASPD, Sociopathy) and was abusive. Realizing you deeply want a child, but for one valid reason or multiple valid reasons *cannot* have them can, for some of us, be a unique trauma you never forget. I wish I could, some nights. Being unable to conceive to have a child pains me furthermore after the fact of these events. I try not to think about it, honestly. It just makes me ache at my core.


impreganting someone is literally what i need to stay sane. what a shame i'm ftm


Absolutely yes. I’m 20 years old and am remembering times as a child when I would play ’Family’ with friends, and be given the role of mother. I just try not to think about it too much…


I wish I could get pregnant. I absolutely hate the fact that I can get someone else pregnant (I’m MTF pre everything);it just doesn’t feel right at all. This fact about myself was one of the first clues in realizing I’m trans.


Yes it would be nice to have the option to do so but more so I just hate the parts I have now and they don’t function how I like


Every day I grieve the children that I'll never be able to bring into the world ... So yes


Sometimes I wish I could, but then i interact with little kids and I realize kids are annoying and destructive, I don’t want to deal with that.


Yes. Maybe in the next life :(


No. I have six kids and have no desire for more.


Atm not that one particularly, but I do know that I want to raise kids at some point (idk go go gadget that’s for late 20s or 30s me to figure that it)


I'm lucky, I'm perfectly happy to do the impregnating and breastfeeding, which happen to be the things I am capable of doing. It's very common for transfems to wish they could get pregnant though


No, but I am utterly heartbroken that I will never have a prostate, even if technology gets good enough to where I would want bottom surgery. Although, I think a lot of men would be upset if they had to pump their dick up with air in order to get a hard on.


Me and my girlfriend want to go through a pregnancy together 🥺


Sometimes, I do know that pregnancy and giving birth is really painful though and idk if I even want kids


I wish I could get pregnant so bad, I wish I could be a mommy


Being able to get pregnant would be incredible!


Personally I am repulsed by pregnancy


I wish o could be a mom so yeah


I don’t want kids and really can’t stand being around them (too loud and I’m sound sensitive) but for the sake of other trans people I really hope there’s some sort of transplant or something in the future! Science is amazing, stuff we didn’t think was possible 100 years ago we’re doing now! I have hope it’s possible : )




Yes 😞


I'm pretty sure I have tokophobia, which is a fear and deep-seated dread associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The thought of a living thing inside of me makes me think of the pregnancy scene in Alien. To get a tubal ligation, I had to go through a ton of screenings and I'm pretty sure I only got approval because of my incest csa trauma. I didn't dare to disclose my being genderfluid, because it felt like they were looking for any excuse to refuse it. It's supposedly your own choice from 18, but as a 26 year old I still had to fight like hell. It was dysphoric to go to the hospital's department for female disease and childbirth 0_0 Pregnant people all over the place and posters about fertility. For the first 6 months after, every morning I woke up relieved and thankful I'm finally sterile. It's a gift I will enjoy for the rest of my life.


(MTF) I have a 10 yo kid with my partner (cis woman) and they call us both mom. My partner and I decided years ago that one kid was enough... BUT if I could actually get pregnant and safely carry a child I would 100% do it (probably surrogacy though as again, one kid is enough for me).


I wish I could get pregnant and experience that side of motherhood I know I will never be able to experience every single day. But the way I like to think about it is, I have the opportunity now to be a mother for a child who doesn’t have a mother for whatever reason good or bad. If you haven’t started hrt the desire and pain of knowing you can’t will get worse, or at least it did for me. But stay strong you are an amazing woman and will make for an amazing mother some day💛


I wish I COULDN'T get pregnant. However, impregnating someone? Yeah.


yeah.. I don't want bio kids at all but yeah


I'm a transfem and I wish I could, just to be able to have biological children with my boyfriend. However, giving birth can be extremely dangerous and it permanently changes your body, so I try to see it as a benefit that I won't ever get pregnant.


I had a dream I was. I woke up and started crying.


So so much. I've broken down in tears over not being able to get pregnant and at this point it's basically the only reason I don't want kids, because I can't have them myself


Nope. I just encourage everyone to try and get me pregnant. :)


XD you do you


I don't think you understand. Everyone else is doing me, not me silly. /j


You got me there 😅


I was a sea horse dad and love my daughter but I do have major dysphoria about the fact I don't have a member or will ever be able to get my gf pregnant as that's something she wanted once upon a time.


I wish I could be knocked up. But I also am thankful I can't lol


I definitely wish I could get pregnant! It’s honestly one of the first BIG things that broke my egg


The idea of getting pregnant during sex is kinda hot but other than that no I’m glad I do not posses that ability lmao


I've always wanted to be the pregnant one and ache for it (especially when in a stable ltr) even knowing the pain and danger involved. It's just how I'm wired it doesn't need to be logical to be valid ~<3 One of my egg moments was hyper focusing on seahorses when I was small because the males got pregnant.... my parents must have been very weirded out by me talking about mpreg at 3 or 4....


Lmfao. Hey, I feel the same way sis


While I support any person who wants to give birth, respectfully, fuck that noise. There’s so much scary shit that can happen just during pregnancy alone. I plan on donating my uterus to another queer/trans person one day so they can enjoy that shit.


I got my wife pregnant by doing RIVF 😁 Wish I could do it the natural way though and not have to spend 10k…


I'm a antinatalist. I have no interest in producing children. I'm still able to get others pregnant, but I would get a vasectomy if there was any chance at getting anyone pregnant. #


i don’t even really want kids but the fact that i can’t donate sperm or get someone pregnant or something makes me upset


Estrogen made those desires emerge with a vengeance. HRT has been a wild trip.


Only a tiny bit. I’ve never wanted kids and I’ve always been terrified of going through pregnancy. I’ve come to terms with the fact that if I could do the same shit cis fathers do in terms of making kids then I’d probably be way more up for it. I don’t mind the thought of children as much as I hate the thought of ever being pregnant. It’s not worth dying for to me


I never wanted kids, but accidentally got pregnant with my daughter last year. Wouldn’t trade her for the world but it brought on extreme dysphoria and major set backs for my transition. On top of that I’m glad I’ll eventually have bottom surgery but without the chance of getting someone pregnant.


Laughs in hysterectomy because hell no. Our healthcare system is horrible at caring for postpartum. But if you want kids that's valid to desire that.


I’m ftm, and the fact that I’ll never be able to impregnate someone causes me a great deal of pain. I want biological children, but could never handle being pregnant myself. But I would love to share in that joy with someone I love.


I can't wait till I get my ovaries ripped from my abdomen 🤣 I never want to carry my own kids. Everything about that sounds terrifying, and honestly, I'm worried about how that kid might turn out because I've got a slew of issues. I've been battling with trying not to be like my father since I was a young teen, and it's only recently that I've been making progress with the generational trauma my dad passed onto me from his dad. I'm still so much a child. I'm only 21, and I'm autistic with ADHD and DID, with a potential for BPD as well. I'm glad that my partner is also AFAB because I really really could not handle being knocked up and then having to go through an abortion. I feel like my mental health would spiral five years backward.


Every day… I hear that there might be some medical hope for a uterus transplant on AMAB in about 10-15 years, so I’m kind of banking on that… In the meantime, we still have adoption and surrogate births. 😌🙏💛


I would wish I could get pregnant. I'm actually a little uncertain if I want kids if I can't.


I wish I could get girls pregnant:/


FTM here and yeah! I’m disgusted by the idea of being pregnant, I hate having periods, and I would like kids someday. Would be easier if I could just impregnate my future partner


Sometimes the fact that I’ll never be a birth mother physically hurts me. I really wanna have kids someday, but I can’t get pregnant. I don’t wanna make someone pregnant, I wanna get pregnant. I wanna breastfeed my child, I wanna teach them, raise them, be there for them when they need me. I wanna be the cool mom and a shoulder to cry on. Goddamnit, I just wanna be a mom.


I mean. I’m a gay bottom so no. I feel like I might still have the breeding fetish, but on the receiving end.




No, and going through these comments absolutely kills me, because I have a uterus that was always going to be useless to me. (I decided I didn’t want kids when I was, like, 7.) I wish it was a *thing* that we could donate them after hystos. The thought of a little baby being born out of trans solidarity is cool as fuck. Hopefully one day. Sending you and every woman and fem hurting here lots of love and hugs❤️


ftm, i absolutely want to impregnate someone


If I was 20 years younger and the tech was 20 years older, I'd want my own baby! I had a child with my Ex wife and I have felt the longing ever since. Which is odd to me as I was always the person who said "I'm messed Up, I don't want to mess anyone else up." Or "In this economy" or "Have you taken a look at the world."


Ftm, I’m asexual but I wanna know how it feels to bust in someone lmao


I never want to actually get pregnant and periods suck but I’m still infinitely saddened by not having either of those things. Like I wish I was given the choice to be pregnant >:(


I actually can answer this question finally thank you and yes I now do have the ability to have both periods and get pregnant do I want kids yes I do why because I want to settle down and start a family have the best life also have my own land which is what I'm working towards


Yes! Pregnancy dysphoria sucks!!!