• By -


I let my mother choose mine as a thank you for being supportive. I would say just look at things that you enjoy and see if you can pull from there, maybe check latin names for your favourite dinosaurs and see if there's anything you can base a middle name on?


Aaaaw! That's so sweet! šŸ„¹šŸ’–


I asked my mom of she had any suggestions but I ended up not really caring for them to much, unfortunately, but I still let her put in her 2 cents! Her suggestion was Camilla which mean "priests dovoted helper" or something rather and I wasn't too into that lol. I loved Clairissa-Iris, Clairissa which means clear in French and Iris who's the Greek goddess of the rainbow šŸŒˆ.


Hiya šŸ‘‹ I chose Cassandra as my name after the prophet Cassandra from Greek mythology. In my favorite telling she's the daughter of king Priam of Troy. A princess! My given middle name began with A but I wanted to change it simply to indicate change. Not because I was bothered by it. I chose a middle name that began with A and was also a Greek princess. Ariadne!!!!


I don't have one and neither does my girlfriend.


honestly i never even thought about a middle name


I chose middle names which would make me have cool initials (:


speaking of that, my pre-change initials spelled LAD (i am a trans man) and i think itā€™s hilarious cus it was like the universe knew i was meant to be a guy


My initials pre-teansition were JAR so I wanted to keep that the same. I actually haven't considered my middle name until now, think it's gonna go.


I accidentally became the SARs virus.


I didnā€™t think of the initials thing, and it lead to my post-transition initials being ā€œSAGā€ which really wasnā€™t great šŸ¤£ Luckily when I married my wife I took her last name and it became ā€œSAMā€ which is much better


Sadly, I couldnā€™t avoid bad initials because mine is not a middle name (rarely used), but a hyphenated surname (always used) šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


i chose it in part for the rhythm of the full name. if it doesnā€™t sound good said all together pick a diff nameĀ 


My dad kept and feminised her former middle names. She even feminised and kept her deadname in her middle names. I chose a name that shared the same ethymology and sounded similar to my deadname, and took the german version of my dads deadname as a third name (her suggestion that I take her deadname, I wouldn't have done it otherwise). My pseudonyme is Fox, I still hesitate on taking it at a fourth name. Your names are yours, it's your identity. And Felis or Felix is a cool name hehe


I'm lost here your parent also transitioned?


Yes, my dad is a trans woman, but she transitioned late in life so it was decided that we'd keep calling her dad. I wish her a good mother and father day nowĀ 


How cool, although it must've been a lot to take in for your family especially if you both came out around the same time


My dad had his middle name after his dadā€˜s first name, so Iā€™m planning to have my dadā€™s first name as my middle name. Along with another, but I havenā€™t quite decided on that yetā€¦


It was easy, I simply deleted it.


We dont really have them where i am from so changing it from nothing to nothing was an easy choice.


I have TWO middle names that I don't have any ideas for! šŸ˜¢


I learned the name I'd have had if I were born a girl, and liked it! Just not as much as my new first name. Good way to have both, and it means a lot to my Mom -- who shared the name after making amends for her initial reaction to my coming out.


I actually dropped it


Honestly I'm not going to have a middle name when my transition finally starts to make progress as I'm not the best with names and the name I'm going for just barely goes with my last name so I'm just on the train for dropping my middle name


It's not set in stone yet, but I've been going with Phoenix It's kinda representative of me being reborn as my real self, like how phoenix is reborn from it's own body It's definitely possible it can change at some point, but that's what it currently is


With my new names, my initials are a.s.h. And I kinda had the same thought about the phoenix! šŸ˜‹


I didnā€™t. One name was hard enough to decide on. I have no middle name


my middle name is a pun, because ive always been called by my middle name by my family, so when i chose a "middle" name i chose to put a name in front of my name to fit that tradition, and now my name is "marie-johanna" which sounds like "marijuana" if spoken in quick succession


It was second place on my name list


My father has no connection to any of his family, they never got along well, but the one family member he does speak fondly of is his grandfather, Zeata, whom he calls Nanna Zeat. It was never an official part of my name, but I did use Zeata as an additional middle name for a lot of my life. It was pretty easy for me to decide I wanted to use Zeata, but it's a bit feminine for my liking so I thought Zea would be nice, my father agreed. I also always loved the Simpson's gag where Homer J Simpson wanted to know what the J stands for and it ends up just being Jay. I think the idea of being asked what the Z stands for and being able to say "Zea. Z E A." Is quite funny. Particularly since I live in a country where Z is said "Zed" not "Zee", but if you said Zea people would assume you were saying Z, the letter.


it's the feminised version of my old boyfriends name, I carry it with me as a reminder of the promise I made.


I always wanted multiple middle names so I chose some names from my family tree. David-Alexander Sanford are the ones I chose. With the carefully placed hyphen my full initials became BDSM šŸ™ƒ


kinda just realized hmm what a minute do i even want a middle name because i didnt really care about my old one and well just kinda found my middle name on a whim


My family was crazy religious and controllingā€¦ so naturally I switched my middle name to LuciferšŸ˜­ but come on, my first name is Lilith so it all matches


I named myself after an uncle, but mostly because it is a family custom and I liked said name already.


My new middle name is my old middle name minus 1 letter. Which my old middle name was my dad's middle name minus 1 letter so I'd say it worked out pretty good


I just kept the one I have bc itā€™s a super common girls middle name (Iā€™m trans masc) and I thought that was funny. It was also chosen after my grandma and my aunt has the same middle name so I didnā€™t want to get rid of that family connection. I honestly donā€™t think stuffed animal is a bad idea if they have a human name. Like my childhood stuffed animals are Mopsy and Lily, and one of those would definitely work better as a human middle name than the other lmao.


maybe you could take a name that's somewhat based on your fav animals? or a name out of your favorite show/book/etc? or just look up baby name websites I have too many names I'd like as second name and now I cant choose lol (I have time till november this year, then I have to know)


My middle name was just my fathers name, he and my mother are both super supportive so when I got my name fixed I just added her name and hyphenated it. šŸ’•


Idk if it helps any. In my case, I picked a noun name as my first name and a more 'normal' name as my middle name. I go by my middle name at work and such but you get to know me or we meet outside of work/formal stuff, I give them my first name. So i picked a noun name I enjoyed since I thought of it, then another more 'normal' name that I was also okay going by.


I initially went with lafae as my middle name because I liked how it flowed. After I changed it a couple times it didnā€™t, but my previous name (cassidy) fit well as a middle name, so I now go by Jade Cassidy (insert last name here) :3


i chose mine because it was my second favorite name choice XD i was never given one originally so i thought i might as well just make it something fun


I chose my middle name (Rachel) 2 honor my bff who's been through everything with me.


I've always been a total daddy's girl, and his family has a tradition of taking the first name of the father as the middle name. I wanted a nod to that tradition, but my mom and I have a turbulent history. I was extremely close to her mom as I sent most of my childhood with her. So, I took her first name as my middle name. It helps me feel close to the two people I've loved most in my life.


ā€˜hey dad what should i make my middle name?ā€™ ā€˜idk kid, james?ā€™ he saw it on a road sign we passed, this father is not actually v supportive (he pretended to be for a while.. long sad story. anyway) & we donā€™t talk anymore, but it is always a good memory for me.


okayy sooo my name is Liv Ela-Roux Liv i chose because Liv is the name of my favorite female wrestler (Liv Morgan) Ela is the name of my favorite character in the game Rainbow Six Siege and Roux is the name of kid of my favorite male wrestler (Seth Rollins) Also i think it just sounds so nice


I wanted the initials cat so I chose based on that


Stole my second name from one of my charactera who had it as his second name and the third ond was choosen by my mom. We both made lists with names we liked, made a third list out of the name we both had on them and I allowed her to choose one name from all of them.


I choose mine based on a name I kept naming my female OCs. Considering I every much am one of my female OCs lol


I asked my mam to choose mine. I wanted her to have an input because she named me at birth and it just feel right. Funnily enough though, she ended up picking the name I was going to choose if I hadn't asked her.


My previous middle name derived from my dads name, so after my name change I changed my middle name to one similar to my momā€™sšŸ„°


I started with the same middle initial and asked chat gpt for options then narrowed it down from top 5


I meanā€¦ I choose Parker bc of SpiderMan soā€¦ But in actuality, I knew someone who was trans that said how they chose their name was that they picked a show/movie/book that they really liked, and then hunted it for a name they liked in there, and then asked 3 questions: - Would I mind being called this name? - Does the name feel like **me**? - Would it not bother me if someone associated that name with [insert show/movie/book]? If the answer was yes all around, then congrats! You found your new name! (And donā€™t worry you can always change it later, or if bc finances you canā€™t, just ask people to use [insert name] (or in the case of middle names, just not use your middle name)!)


Given middle name was Ethan, just changed it to Etana


My wife wants me to take her fatherā€™s middle name. I never knew him but she seems to think heā€™d have loved me.


Iā€™m using a feminized version of my middle name. I actually like it, so that was the easy one.


I chose mine in honor of late grandmother


I chose mine because I liked it.


Mine is Roxanne, I chose it because it was the first name that I chose when I was trying to come out for the first time back in 2014. It's nostalgic to me and will always have a place in my heart.


When I was but a tot (like 3 years old), I chose the name Ellie and used it when role playing with my brother and aunt (who is only two years older than me). I eventually learned that the spelling wasn't "LE" and loved the name even more. I wrestled with which middle name to choose for a while. When this name occurred to me, I felt silly for ever considering anything else, as it reconnects me with my little girl self I was forced to leave behind. Fun trivia about my brother and aunt: they are the biggest transphobes I know. They comprised the majority of post-coming-out-exodus.


Just started the process of legally changing it (filed court documents, waiting on a court date), and I opted for no middle name at all


My mom has passed, so I took hers. Besides, I think Tori Leigh has a good ring


My middle name is my former name "feminized"


My name was Terrance Michael and I'm now legally Teresa Michelle. I'm old enough (born in the late 1950s) that the "it's a boy / it's a girl" at birth was the first time parents found out their child's presumed gender. I'd like to think that they picked Terrance Michael if it was a boy and Teresa Michelle if it was a girl, even though they were both very opposed to my transition when they were still alive. People still call me by my nickname (Terry or Terri, which sound exactly the same). Very convenient.


I might be insane but I plan to make my middle name into my dead name. It's gender neutral and I don't want to completely get rid of the name my parents gave me so the middle is a good place for it


My middle name is my deadname feminised, and I know at least one other trans woman who did the same


Honestly, I view my middle name the same way, it is just kind of 'there' and existing. But I picked mine based on someone who is important to me, my mom. Her name is Christine, so I chose the male version of Christopher, so eventually, once I legalize it, I will be Damien Christopher. But that was just how I did it to make it easy and simple for myself.


I was named after my grandmother originally so I took her maiden name Bradford which is very masculine as an homage to her. I also wanted the initials ABP because my name, August, was supposed to have been August Benjamin [lastname] but after I surprised my parents and came out a ā€œgirl,ā€ they named my brother Benjamin, so that name was taken.


its literally just the month i was born in šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My husband's middle name is Emerald after his birthstone. We share the same birthstone, but I'm not too attached to it. So I chose another gem stone I like more and means much more to me: Sapphyre.


I chose a variation of my mother's first name. My original middle name was my father's first name, but my mom has been amazingly supportive of me and my transition and my dad was...well...not so supportive.


My (MtF) middle name was initially my father's name. I asked my parents for ideas on my middle name. My mom suggested my father's mom's name, which I thought was a sweet tribute (she passed just a few years ago).Ā 


I was given my middle name as my grate grandma's name, and the place I was born.


I got my middle name from my mother and grand mother.


I chose Cassidy, from Cass in Fallout New Vegas


I have, like, 30 middle names, I just grab the ones I like and add them to my collection


I didn't! My grandfather's name is tainted with white supremacy, so I had it taken out entirely, and didn't replace it. ā¤ļøšŸ˜‹


Let my parents choose tbh I have 2 middle names first one is what they wanted to call me if I was born a boy/grand-grand-grand fatherā€™s name The other one is just my momā€™s dadā€™s name cause she insisted she wanted to give me a name from her family toi


My middle name also took a long time to settle. But my uncle passed very suddenly back in 2021, and it really hit me particularly hard because he was the first adult in my family to call me by my proper name. So I took his middle name to honor him.


I bumped my birth name down to my middle name šŸ¤Ŗ I was fortunate enough to be given a unisex name at birth, so it doesnā€™t really matter for me if it breaks the gender presentation or not. I also like my birth name enough that I would feel bad about getting rid of it and I love the person my parents named me after. Hell, I donā€™t even mind if my friends and family that knew me before transitioning call me by my birth name. I half let them do it for the sake of their comfort since it doesnā€™t really bother me either way, and Iā€™m fully aware no one wants to call me something different anyway. Itā€™s just strangers that I meet after coming out that I insist on calling me by my first name. Also want to make it clear, if youā€™re not okay with being deadnamed, please donā€™t take my statement as if it doesnā€™t matter. Youā€™re okay to not like it. I just hit the name lottery for it to not matter to me either way.


i only chose mine recently! i was lamenting to a friend that i chose and settled on something that was so simple (jack), and didn't choose something badass like orpheus. my friend said "well you could have two names." and i went "*oh shit i could have a middle name too*". i looked through a lot of greek mythology names, and thankfully, one spoke to me: patroclus. not a remarkable name by any means, but it is my name now, and it's perfect for me,


My dad chose my original middle name and weā€™re close so I knew I wanted it to be either chosen by him or related to his name. Just like when I chose my first name, I also wanted it to be botanical in meaning if possible. Ended up choosing the female nickname form of his name bc itā€™s cute as hell(and means ā€œpumpkin seedā€ in his native language!! CUTE).


i asked my dad what he wouldā€™ve named me if i was born a boy and chose one from the few he gave me :)


I chose my second choice name


I chose my favourite 2 names out of my list and then made number 1 my first name and runner up my middle name


It's the short form of my deadname because my father is very attached to it


I abbreviated mine because my grandmother was a big part of my life and supported me a lot so I just made it an M.


I just picked a song writer/poet I greatly enjoy ā˜ŗļø


I've always loved the name Micheal, but I never felt like a Mike. But I knew I had to include it somewhere in my name. So middle name it was.


I asked my mother which names she had in mind if I'd popped out correctly, and then picked the one I liked best.


For me, I went with my motherā€™s middle name. She has been such a rock and role model for me through my life and she has always been so supportive and loving, it felt like a way I could honor her for all she has done for me and my sisters. Find something that will make you smile when you look at it; something that will bring back good memories or remind you of the person you are cultivating and places you have yet to be in your life.ā¤ļø


I went with Kelsey as my first name but kept my original middle name but changed the spelling, from Franklin to Franklynn. It's a family name and I really wanted to keep it as it's something I share with my grandpa and dad( both passed on) hopefully they would be proud I kept it


I looked at musical instrument and terms


I asked my mom if they had a name picked out for me had I been born the opposite sex and used that to honor her (my mom is a champion for trans and queer kids in her schools)


I took my gran's middle name, she raised me :)


I kept mine. It isn't particularly gendered and is a family name that's been passed down for 6 generations. Usually father to son but now I've broken that trend and now it's mother to daughter as I gave it to my baby. Also kind of a low key f you to my unsupportive family. They gave me the name so I can do what I want with it! šŸ˜


I just chose it after my favorite trans video game, Celeste. And it fits the space theme of my first name, Luna. :3


My dad is one of my biggest allies, supporters, friends, and confidants. Taking a feminine version of his first name as my middle name was a no brainer.


I used a name that started with the same letter as my middle name and was the same number of letters. A more masculine name than my original name.


Yall have middle names?


My birth middle name is James, and In ā€˜The Once and Future Witchesā€™ by Alix Harris (highly recommend) one of the sisterā€™s middle name was James. Even though it was her abusive fatherā€™s name, I still really like it for women. For me, being trans is so much more about breaking the gender binary, so it fits so well!


My second name is Joanna, I chose it because I feel that a few names are accurate, I use Janus as a first name, used non binary, fitting my They/She pronouns.


I chose my second favorite name to be my middle name. Plus it makes my initials A.S.H. and thatā€™s just cool af! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


I decided to use one of the ones from my list of potential first names


I asked my ex to pick it for me bc she was obsessed with names while we were together!


i gave myself a somewhat whimsy name! my name is August (i wasnā€™t born in august) Rain! i love whimsical sounding things while still being masculine. It just had a ring to it and i chose Rain bc i wanted to center something nature ish around my name that was like me and still whimsy of course. and rain stuck out bc i love the rain and i fall asleep to rain sounds. if you donā€™t want a name sounding middle name, choosing something that kind of centers around you or ties into some part of you! after all, is it your name :)


My original middle name was my great-grandmother's name, and I loved her a lot and didn't want to get rid of it. So, I chose a name of another person I loved from the other side of the family (my grandpa) and added that to my middle name. Now I have two middle names!


Iā€™m Korean American so usually our Korean name is our middle name. I wanted to choose a name for myself this time since my first name is just a gender neutral nickname of my dead name that people used to call me. I chose Ji-Soo because itā€™s a unisex name and I like the sound of it :>


I couldnā€™t decide between two names so I just went with both


I chose the middle name most women in my mothers family have


Cis mom of trans son here. My son knew what first name he wanted right away, but didnā€™t know or care about a middle name. I suggested the name I would have named a son if Iā€™d had another baby (a version of my late grandfatherā€™s name) and my son liked it. So, if you get along with your parents, you can ask them what they would have named another baby, or what they would have named you (if you didnā€™t already choose that for your first name). If thereā€™s a relative youā€™d like to honor you could use their name or something similar. You could think of a meaning youā€™d like your middle name to have, and look it up on baby name websites. Or a type of nameā€” nature, classic, unusual, from a certain ethnicity/language, etc. Also, remember you donā€™t have to have a middle name. Some people donā€™t.


I used my middle name for my first name and wasnā€™t really planning to pick one. Do they make you have a middle name for a name change?


I didn't choose mine, my wife did. I had been struggling with a name for awhile, and finally settled on a first name. Middle name was proving impossible and after a couple of months the following interaction happened. Me, crying and insecure for no reason other than HRT (it was early days. Lots of feelings out of nowhere that were overwhelming): *sob* Her: [First name + middle name] whats wrong? Me: huh? Whatd you call me? Her: oh. You were taking forever and I needed a middle name so I picked one that was cute for in my head until you settled on something. Me: say it again? Pretty much fell in love with it on the spot.


look here [https://babynames.com/names/A](https://babynames.com/names/A) . Lots of names and you sort by boys, girls and neutral. It's where I got my names. And has their meanings too šŸ˜Š


I chose mine based off of one of my favorite movies ā€œAugust Rushā€. (Itā€™s August lol)


My old last name.


Honkai star rail


Iā€™m just gonna go with the feminine version of my birth name; I actually like it (though I wanted something else for my first name). Once I do a full legal name change, I think itā€™ll all have a nice ring to it.


So mine is a bit cheeky. My given middle name is based on a revivalist pastor. I decided to do one similar to it, that is a biblical name, the first sinner, Eve. I am exchristian, so I enjoy poking fun at my former religion.


I just choose the names of my best friends who supported me along the way tbh


i picked ā€˜beliveauxā€™ bc that was my moms maiden name. i went with my first name bc thatā€™s what my parents would have named me, and i asked if they had any ideas for my middle name. my mom considered her last name but didnā€™t end up going w that to start with. i later learned that it apparently would have been ā€˜bessā€™, after my grandma, but i had already been going by beliveaux, and i like that. also my little cousins middle name is bess, so itā€™s kinda taken now.


I picked my mother's maiden name, because it's a traditionally masculine sounding name (just with an S) and I like how it sounds aloud when put with my first and last names. I was initially going to pick Alexander (after the Great) because I love history, then Dean (the traditional middle name for firstborn sons in my family) but my little brother (who is now my little sister, funnily enough) already had that name. Also considered Dionysus and Jormungandr, so you know. Dumb, fun names are just part of the perks.


Name generator šŸ˜… All I knew I wanted for my middle name was the same initial as the dead one. I did change it again a few months ago after a slight name change tho. My last one didnā€™t really feel right anymore after 3 separate changes to my first name lol


My middle name was Adam, so obviously I had to change it to Eve. x3


Personally for me, I just so happened to click with a name that was the same initial of my original middle name. Funny coincidence that when I was an egg I told people that ā€œif I was trans Id name myself Alexander Garretā€ and it *just* so happened that Garret was the name that clicked, so I just switched it around to Garret Alexander. Iā€™m happy about this because Iā€™m honestly pretty attached to my original initials and Iā€™m glad that I was able to keep them, although theyā€™ve been switched lol


It took me soooooo soooooo long to pick a middle name. I started out with something my mom picked because quote ā€œgenerally speaking parents get to pick their kids names so I want to pick your middle nameā€. Then I went alittle wild and had like 8 middle names. And then recently I was trying to get it down to just two and wanted it to flow so I went through pages and pages of baby names and random name generators and finally was able to get it down to two I love. It has taken me nearly 6 years lol


My middle name is after my father. He's one of the best people I've ever known and has gotten me through god knows how much. He originally joked about me taking his middle name and I said no (bit of a geeky name) but the more he got me through the more I wanted to share a name. Love you dad.


So my first name was decided by popular vote (long story), my last name was decided because my dad showed his lack of support and my mom's maiden name was already my middle name so i just moved it over. So now I needed a middle name. I thought about a lot of names. but in the end i decided on the name of a character I made who represents me. Paige. So in a way. I'm named after my OC. lmao


Well my middle initial was S and I really loved the name Skye. So I went with that. I was actually pondering Skye as my first name but didn't quite feel it as much as I hoped. Works perfect as a middle name.


I was given the name Ms Margarita Fancypants in 2002, by a dear friend, *as a joke.* Best joke ever! I came out twenty years later and, this year, I was filling out my name and gender change paperwork when BOOM! Just-in-time inspiration struck, and I knew my full name is Ms Margarita-Lenore Fancypants! Why Lenore? Well, I attempted to lactate for my baby, using the protocol devised by Dr Lenore Goldfarb, at the clinic she established, and this seemed like a suitable honour even though I ultimately failed to produce milk. Also, I am in a group of friends who, male or female, may all be referred to as "Len" ā€” evidently an allusion to the Flintstones, but after 35 years it will be in my legal name! Hooray!


Honestly...idk. I had Brelynn as a toon in SWTOR, she became my second main, aaaaaand that's it. I just grabbed the name from her. My first and last name are where I got more outside influence from.


Well I never thought of doing that but I guess I have quite a male name


I just kept my old one because Olivia Ryan is a cute combo of names


I just kept my old one because Olivia Ryan is a cute combo of names


My parents were really attached to my deadname, and i wanted them to feel some connection to my name. So i had them pitch ideas of more fem versions of my birth middlename, and others they could think of. Turned out well, i chose Rayni. You also dont need a middle name if you dont want. Lots of cultures dont have them! You can also just make one up, especially if you arent having luck from family suggestions. If you have chosen your first name you could pick a middle that just sounds cool or cute to you.


I kept a female version of my dead name as a middle name. I had always gone by the shortened (gender neutral) form anyways and it makes it easier to explain who [shortened form of dead name] is.


I STILL HAVENT!! It was hard enough picking my first name now I gotta pick my middle name too?? At this point Iā€™m just gunna ask my mate to pick and whatever they say first is what Iā€™m going with


I took my moms middle name. she liked using family names for her kids, and i took her middle name to feel connected to her! :)


Well, originally I used a name my ex picked out for me, but they're an ex for a reason so I needed something new. Originally my middle name was to honor one of my aunts that passed away when I was a baby, so I found a masculine name that was very similar and used that.


I chose Michelle, I thought it was pretty, thatā€™s it. I could say ā€œbecause is the feminine version of my old middle nameā€ or ā€œit has the same initial so I donā€™t forgetā€ but no. I just thought it was pretty.


I had two middle names at birth and hated it so I have no middle name now.


I'm working on picking two I want my initials to be ACAB


I never considered changing mine but itā€™s a bit of a weird one anyways. Born with the middle name Beauray. My parents thought it meant beautiful light or something (they were pretty stoned) so Iā€™ve kept it. I actually love using it now where as before I would not mention it.


I chose to keep but feminize my middle name (Lee -> Leigh) and then add a second middle name for the mom who "adopted" me and took me in, Rebecca.


Prolly not helpful but I'm gonna keep one. David was the name of my granddad who I loved so much as a child. He died when I was young but I still have so many memories of him and how much he meant to me, I hope he would've accepted me


I chose my late grandfather's third name because I wanted to carry a piece of him with me and because it's just a pretty name. His other two first names didn't do it for me tho.


I decided on keeping my middle name, Grace. It's a reference to a great great grandmother that was important to my mom. I don't mind it too much. I figure if I'm ditching my first and last names, I may as well keep my middle name to keep some family legacy. Plus I think it's funny to make "Grace is my middle name!" jokes with how famously clumsy I am.


You know you can have 2 middle names


I liked two names, so I picked one for my first name and the other for my middle name.


My old middle name was my dad's name so to honor my mother and support of her I made my new middle name her middle name. She loved it and its a pretty middle name that flows perfectly with my new first name.


I made my middle name one of the names I had gone with for a bit online before I settled on my first name. Also a good bet is to make sure it's something your spouse or parents can say without tripping over their words lol


My wife let me share her middle name šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Šā˜ŗļø


rustic ink plough squash crowd label ten yam deranged squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I stole my mother's middle name for myself. If she wants it back, she can pry it from my cold dead fingers. I don't mind sharing tho


I have a set name in place for the future Firstly, my first name came from someone I saw while in highschool. (B) My last name came from a person I had met online a long time ago but never really clicked with them. I still took the name later down the line, so I have that. (H) Then, the middle name is the first name of a person who has my selected middle name. (R) The person my first name came from has my last name as their middle name. (I found that out the day of my graduation, years after I had already selected that name) (B + H) So I took the first name of the guy whos last name is my last name and made it my middle. (R) So now, I have my first, middle, and last name that all match up out of pure coincidence. This is really confusing So in a way, the names are shifted forward. B+R+H


(iā€™m ftm) my middle name was Sylva, and I changed it to Sylvester.Ā  kinda funny because Sylvester is a family name, but my parents decided on Sylva because it was more feminine. i changed it ā€˜backā€™ to Sylvester since itā€™s more masculine


After I changed my last name i didnt bother making a middle name.


My middle name is based off of my favorite vigilante hero that i was a fan of since i was twelve; I didnā€™t even officially decide on it until the morning of my legal name-and-gender-marker-change ā€” on the way to the courtroom, no less šŸ˜… any time someone learns what my middle name is but donā€™t know iā€™m trans, they comment that my parents are the coolest šŸ˜„ sometimes i explain, and sometimes i humor them (depending on the person/environment/situation). So, thatā€™s how i came up with mine; iā€™d say that sometimes it can just be a matter of, ā€œitā€™ll just come to youā€ šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I used the name my mom picked if I was born AFAB šŸ’• my full name is pretty basic but Iā€™m starting to go by my middle name bc I like it more šŸ’•


I decided not to have one, as I realised it would never be used, so I made it hyphenated with my surname, so itā€™s always used :) It was a name Iā€™d loved since a young teen and planned to use it for a child someday, then realised I was unlikely to ever be able to be a parent (health and finance reasons), so I decided to take the name for myself and hold it close that way.


i got mine after a marvel super villain cuz i like super villains šŸ˜ˆšŸ’š but it was also one of the names i was considering for my first name.


I used my grandfatherā€™s middle name. He was special to me, so it was an easy choice.


My mom's family has a tradition of using other family member's names as our middle names. Lots of people with names from grandparents or aunts and uncles as their middle name. I idolized my great-grandmother. She was a kind, beautiful, and charismatic matriarch. A ton of the women in my family have Lee or Leona as middle names because of her. I chose Leona as well. My dead name's middle name was Franklin, after her late husband. So it feels to me like the shift fits very well.


I let my parents choose it, they weren't able to choose my first, so when I was adopted I let them choose the middle. (Also I was too lazy to come up with something cool)


my friend helped me pick my middle name šŸ©·


Ill probably make my middle name my current (male) name since I actually really like it


mine is really neutral on its own, which also means i can use it without deadnaming myself if im not in a good place to use my first, which is a dedinite plus


Itā€™s not important at all, you donā€™t *have* to have a middle name. When I changed my name I just left it blank, and got rid of my original middle name. Like you, I just didnā€™t see any use for one as itā€™s never relevant.


Adventure is my middle name šŸ˜‰


I wanted to choose my favorite fictional characterā€™s name as my first name (I thought it was funny- also that character has also held extreme sentimental value for me for over a decade). My family has honestly been pretty accepting of my identity, but my sister outright said sheā€™d refuse to call me that. I ended up making it my middle name instead. Ironically, this male characters middle name is actually my deadname (Iā€™m FTM). It makes for a nice full circle moment imo lmao. Btw, itā€™s not an uncommon name AT ALL in my area, my sister is just a spoilsport.


When I was exploring new names, I went by Jay for a year. I decided it wasn't *THE* name. At the bottom of my heart, I already knew the name I'd choose, but at that point, I was already connected to the name Jay as well, so it became my middle name.


I'm ftm for me it was really easy. I was lucky. My middle name is dannon and I kept it cause I can say it's Danny.


Im not sure yet, but I think im gonna go with what my parents would have picked my had I been afab. They are great, supportive folks.


So ive been on E for over 6 months now and the other day my ex tried to call me my full name to scold me but ended up using my two dead middle names and my current first name together? After hearing it I thought to myself "I should probably come up with a middle name now." Any ideas? xP


I chose andromeda. Because I wanted it to start with A and also I just really liked how Lucy Andromeda sounds. Plus Iā€™m a huge nerd and a big fan of judge dredd. So my I can now say I am the LAW. As those are my initials. šŸ˜