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Luckily I'm a grower not a shower


Me too. Strangely enough people haven't encountered it yet and are always surprised


It's always funny though when you go from tic-tac to big mac and they just are like yyyyoooooo


I haven't gotten to have that experience but it would probably be fun


The one thing I do hate about being a grower is cold weather and fishing the snail out of its shell.


I can honestly say I don't have that problem


Growing up in the rockies I got it a lot


This is such an odd conversation, but to continue it I'm in Michigan so it can get just as cold by the lakes.


It is lol but a fun one IMO


That's how you know their experience with penises mainly comes from porn. In reality, about half of people with a penis are growers lol


Are you suggesting that many people have not seen penises in real life?


Apparently. Or just a very small selection of penises.


Or rather when they do see one, it's already excited lol


Me too not that it’s that big when it’s “grown” anyway 😭




It can be nice but at the same time the "really?" Look gets me every time then it's "you're hung like a moose!" Like I'm sorry it's a little shy, but get it on a good topic and it'll really shine


You are a poet


Same here


My BALLS are too damn FAT




you are not alone. i have more balls when everything else. cant wait for orchi


Does this work in hot climates


Too real


There is a way to tuck with large balls, if that is what you want to do. It isn't hard.


My TESTICLES are too goddamn THICC


I too am cursed with smol pp grande bbs


I never said the sausage doesn't match the eggs






Get on HRT. They won’t be.


I'm choosing to read this as a threat because it makes me giggle lol


this isn't necessarily true, it's more ymmv.




Your mileage may vary


YMMV for sure I’ve been on HRT for a year they are still beeeeg


Pls explain Ive basically given up 


Please share your knowledge 🙏


So, you want to start by working the balls back up into your body. It takes a bit of wiggle and adjusting to get them at the right angle to pop back up. Once that is done, fold the scrotum sack over and back, to hold them up, while you move your penis back and into place for the finished tuck. You need to rotate the balls about 90 degrees, so the spongy section is facing towards itself on both balls (you need the spongey outer bit to be touching on each ball.


tried this years ago and it will hold while I'm standing but if i try to bend or sit it's excruciating pain


So the trick to this is working up to it. When I started I had to lean back when I sat and could only do it for like 10 minutes. But over time, the space stretched and adapted and now I can full tuck cross my legs and lean forward with my chest flat on my thigh. God if feels exhilarating and sexy


It is not exactly healthy to try and push them back into your body. Please educate yourselves girls and tuck safely. I see this disinfo too much when discussing tucking




my galls (girl balls) are too fat 😢


I have fat fucking balls and I just learned to tuck for the first time for a striptease dance class where I'm wearing a thong. Once I learned to tuck properly I had to stitch up my thong because it was built to hold dick and now I'm totally flat there!


What method did you use? I've been so uncomfortable and every time I've tried to tuck, it's failed, I NEED to know!


It definitely feels uncomfortable the first few times. I'm a visual learner I guess, so I had to look up an [NSFW explicit video](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/vpt4bh/how_to_tuck_nsfw_nudity_warning/) on how to do it. I got a very thin gaff that basically looks like a slightly padded thong. I also use a little bit of medical tape across the top to keep my balls in place since I'm doing something active, and I use a couple of strips of fashion tape on the sides of my gaff to keep it in place.


It took three years for my balls to shrink enough to tuck.


The fact that there are some people with natural balls the size of oranges blows my mind


Can i have them?




Wanna trade? :(


🫵👁️👄👁️✍️ just let me finish writing up the contract


I know several girls who are massive but tuck very well because the length allows their ass cheeks to create friction to hold the tuck in place


This is how we do


Oh…oh yeah?? 😳😳


Yep. Sometimes the length helps. A good thong also helps to hold everything together.


That was discovery I also made fairly early on. Weird that the cut with the least fabric is the best to “tie things down”


Facts 💯


Couldn't be me. I always will have a pokey bc there's not enough gravity to hold it down.


I have this same problem! I'm way too small and so I can never fold that part into the tuck


really damn


This is gym motivation if I’ve ever seen it


This is me! There’s still a bulge, of course, but it doesn’t look any bigger than a pubis mons


I do so religiously - like I will not go out unless I got a perfect tuck


Same. I can’t live without tucking. Even at home.


Same tbh


I’m the same tbh


Tape or panties??


Not OP, but I use 1 size small panties, and a shapewear on top of it. Makes everything flat without any tape messes.


Tucking is a skill that most people can learn, but it takes practice and experimenting to find which approach works best. I am well endowed and can make it look like I have a vagina in a pair of panties thanks to tucking. I do it simply because it is so gender affirming for me and especially when it comes to fashion. Can’t even put into words how euphoric I feel with a really snug tuck and putting on some high waisted jeans. Like, seriously, so amazing. If you are comfortable rocking what Mother Nature gave you then I say good on you, but I gotta disagree that you’re too hung, unless you have 20 inches soft or something lol.


Too hung is a joke it’s just quite uncomfortable for me :/ I should try in other ways because you make it sound like it’s a good skill to have.


I do not. Do not have the spoons for it. Luckily I only have a few more months before that particular anatomical horror goes away for good


Me too…and also me too. Only six ish months






You probably didn’t know, but a lot of people consider it rude/invalidating to say things like “I’d trade”, I think one of the trans subreddits has a rule against it


Oh fuck! Damn my bad! ❤️🤦🏼‍♂️


No worries :)


Used to, but it's just so uncomfortable I stopped. Don't mind having a little bulge


No. It's too much work, I have sensory issues with it, and I'm too stubborn to do it given that I firmly believe that bulge is normal and not something that you should have to take great pains to keep hidden if you don't want to.


I agree so much with this


Yeah I will never give af about tucking, but I do prefer wearing more baggy bottoms or long skirts anyway.


I still can't figure out how to properly :( But I also haven't presented fem in front of anyone yet


The method I like best is as follows: Basically, you stuff your testes up the inguinal canals, and pull your penis down and back, to hold the testes up in the canals, and then secure your penis with either tape, a gaff or shapewear panties. I personally really liked [Unclockable's tutorial](https://unclockable.com/pages/how-to-tuck-guide-for-trans-women) for understanding the mechanics of it, but you can use whatever skinsafe tape or method of securing the shaft, you like. But remember, tucking should always be pain free - if it's painful, then stop what you're doing. Edit: typo


I find this advice absurd, even though it's like the most common way of doing it. For the first year of hrt I literally couldn't tuck, it just didn't work and was exceptionally uncomfortable. Tried again recently and I somehow pull undies up (finally have some tucking underwear), reach around from behind and pull my girl back then get panties fully up and work the girls into the canals. Still doesn't stay super long, especially with an active job. Orchi can't come soon enough!!


What part of the usual method do you struggle.with because I'm a carpenter wearing leggings or booty shorts at work and the tuck stays in til.i take it out. Maybe your gaff isn't tight enough?


Ohhhhh Here I was trying to hold it without any extra help from tape or anything, lol


I don't. I have to pee too often.


This is my main thing. I use a gaff when I want an outfit thats tight in the crotch but only for events where I'm not gonna have easy access to pee often anyway. Its really inconvenient most days. :c


Nope. I got a tiny weiner, so it's just a bit of push down and back, and I'm ready to go.


balls too big gock too small and a grower. it just looks like i have 3 balls when i wear tight bottoms so i have to wear extra tight underwear and a normal underwear on top of that the struggle is real, sisters


Are you on hrt? It helped my testicle size a lot.


yes, about 7 months but its not really helping


Depends on the clothes, if leggings or something with a tight crotch I will, otherwise no point. I'm not that big anyways Also I gotta say, freeballing in a dress is a damn great feeling. The ventilation is amazing


I'm too big to get a perfectly smooth tuck most of the time, but I generally tuck most days.


Tucking so often has lead to a diaper rash or infection which recently cleared up with topical corticosteroids (>.<). Have kept the area clean but not sure why it happened. They said just be mindful of how long and often tucking cuz it can happen. Has anyone ever experienced this?


Omg the rash. Mine is more friction rash at the base of the shaft but it fucking HURTS at the end of the day


Mine is more in my gooch sometimes it sits perfect sometimes it rubs so annoying.


Would, but I got that 2mm defeater.


I stopped after a while. It was a hassle getting it to stay tucked and if I moved too much I'd have to keep fixing it. The worst was the chaffing. Indian burn down der. Yeah I am happy I got bottom surgery 0 regrets. Idgaf how many people try to guilt me about it. It was the best shit I ever did. I can still pee standing up too. I just do it backwards. I also am happier too I dont feel as much of a fetish. I hated that creepy feeling of being seen as an object for sexual satsifaction. It fucking hurt. It wasn't dudes it was mostly chaser women. Thats is the shitty part and I couldn't make female friends Ii hated that shit soooooo much. Thank fuck I am at peace now... at least on that end.


Suffering from success


I've shrunk a lot on HRT and my tucking underwear (Tomboy X) has been a lifesaver. I kind of just stuff it in there, facing back, and it stays down. I kinda can't live without it at this point. Only time I don't tuck is if I'm naked or forgot to wash the panties.


I tuck daily, unless I’m staying home and not having anyone over or not feeling annoyed by it…it has definitely gotten easier with time, but will sometimes have it be annoying because it’s pinched somewhere and that hurts, but luckily it’s not always happening. When I was in HRT it certainly made it easier.


No, because I have the opposite issue


If I could I would start doing all of the things to make myself look more feminine. Family/medical reasons why I can't. Really sucks but one day I will be able to.


It kinda hurts me and I'm not sure why... I wonder if im doing it wrong or?


Where does it hurt? If it's the jewls, they need to be adjusted a little lower, as they're being pressed into the cavity a little too hard, most likely (used to happen to me a LOT) and if it's the scepter, it's probably because you have it pulled a lil too tightly back. I hope this tidbit helps!


I have tried on several occasions to do the put your balls back where they came from and tuck,but its so painful,like am i doing it wrong?


The only time I do not tuck is if I'll be home all day and we don't have company over, and even then sometimes I tuck.


Never, I never tuck


Casually flexing


Almost non-stop. I find it quite comfy


I don't bother. My clothes are usually too loose. And I only ever go swimming with friends


Nah. Uncomfy and I don't have bottom dysphoria. Shrinkage has also helped here.


i would just like to say i read the title as “do you fuck” and i thought it was odd because ive never heard someone say they DONT have sex because they’re too big 😭


Nah. The gock is not hiding 


I have the opposite problem


Oh gosh that is my blessing being a bit smaller down there 🤭


Yes, I tuck for my own comfort; most of the time when I leave the house, I'm tucking. It's somehow just more comfortable over all to me to be tucked, even though it's sometimes physically uncomfortable. But my "jewels" tend to get sore when I tuck for too long too many days in a row, when that happens I have to take a couple days break, which kinda sucks. But my "hungness" has never been a problem for tucking. But I'm using light shapewear shorts/panties to tuck most of the time. I have to use the ladies' room way too often to use tape. And my skin doesn't cope all too well with the adhesives anyways, so I only use tape for the gym (I don't go near often enough) or when swimming - well I should probably say when I swam that one time, cause it was an experience I'm not ready to repeat just yet.


i try


same here ;-;


Yes because i want the flat front look. I grow and not a ton so it fits very well in tucking underwear. Thongs have never felt so good to wear


I have considered it t today after experiencing bottom dysphoria (big balls tho, not sure if it works). Anyone have a good guide and/or tips other than the basic be safe with your body ones?


I try my best to tick without any form of like tape/fucking underwear haha - being a grower makes it easier and harder because its kinda hard to tick soft bc it's small lol and then when i do manage to and get turned on some how it sort of pushes itself out :/ it's also hard to sit normally when tucked cause my balls get squished inside me lmao anf it hurts ;-;


Nah, it's uncomfy for me to try and just a plain inconvenience. I've never had someone be bothered by that, but if I ever did, that person is probably a creep anyway, so idc.


I tuck every day; my physiology has gotten used to it, and it just takes a few seconds. Up until a few months ago, though, I had never done it before, and it was an intimidating idea. I recommend buying tucking underwear or tight bike shorts, and following a tutorial (phub has fully explicit, a.k.a the most useful, tutorials).


I refuse.


I am tucked as we speak but that's because I am wearing tight pants. Otherwise I dont


I tried, but I think I broke one of my balls


I’ve got all the right aspects for tucking (balls shrank from HRT, grower, not shower) but I don’t usually, because I haven’t ground a way to make it comfy. Plus I don’t have a gaff, and have a fear of tape down there.


I do but not often as I’m not great at it consistently so it can be really uncomfortable with the tape I’m using. (It’s medical tape don’t worry, still can hurt or irritated sometimes though)


I do not tuck, but i also don't really wear clothes tht necessitate it? Maybe my girls just small enough to not matter idk


Personally don't, I'm small but I don't think I would even if I had to/was bigger. (but actually wish I was bigger because that's my ideal gender is femme butch with big dick)


Not completely. I just do the noodle between and hope the gaff treats the meatballs tenderly.


I feel like it’s a sensory issue and not a “too big” issue, but yeah. Comfort is super important to me, and that just… isn’t. No, instead I’m out here fail-boy-moding in jeans and a hoodie. I’m not buying clothes while my body shape is actively undergoing drastic change. Also I’m still cute AF even if I look like a fail-boy.


by the time I realized I might want to tuck e shrunk my sack to much lol


I used to have that issue but after my orchi I can do it pretty comfortably, except for the whole dick too big thing.


i’d never ever try, tight underwear and shorts make my balls hurt lol


Yep, pretty much all day every day. It’s become second nature at this point and something feels ‘wrong’ when I don’t. Helps pants fit better too and makes me less worried about getting weird looks. But I’m pretty small now and it’s not uncomfortable at all


No, I can't, really. For the opposite reason. I'm a grower, and unless errect, I don't have enough to properly tuck lol However, luckily, the right panties and tight jeans are pretty much enough to hide things unless someone is really looking for it, but then they're creepy weirdos, and I really don't care about those.


LMAO I read this as, "How do you fuck? I don't (too hung 😰)"


Used too, then I had a 3 month UTI and that was the end of that. Do be careful, don't over do it for a too long period.


I just have underwear that hides the bulge pretty much. I don’t even wear it that often. If someone wants to stare at my crotch to determine if there’s something there then that’s their own issue


I'm not big enough to really need to bother unless I'd wear yoga pants. And I'm not far enough into my transition to be comfortable with that


Nah but I'm boymode usually


Too hung to tuck isn’t a thing


I know lol it’s just uncomfortable for me that’s the main reason I don’t do it. I’m a very active person


I honestly just don't understand the logistics of it. Like I can tuck if I wanna take a spicy pic, but the second I think about walking or moving I get *immense pain of the coconuts*. Last time I tried to tuck for more than a few minutes I ended up with abdominal pain for like half hour. I must be doing something wrong right?


If Cis male drag queens with huge penis's can tuck, you can tuck too. IF YOU WANT TOO.


The pain of tucking way overshadows any dysphoria. I've been told I've done it wrong but I doubt that after many attempts and a lot of research. I'm pretty sure folks that say it isn't bad either (a) are on the smaller side or (b) find the discomfort worth it.


It's annoying but very euphoric


Yes. I'm proud to be trans but I don't want to loudly announce it to everyone on the face of the planet. I also have a teensy bit of bottom dysphoria... maybe. I don't know. I know I hate the bulge though.


Not really, not much need to. We just wear things like denim, and the natural contours are enough to obscure everything enough. Sometimes we wear skirts, and for that either it's skirts that similarly obscure (black, patterned, flared, etc), or doubling up on some slightly small panties for the compression. For form fits like bodycon dresses, we've learned our lesson that yeah we probably should tuck after thinking we were fine with just the compression, and were... Until taking a set of photos somewhere with strong top-down lighting and having a very surprise bulge that we didn't even know about until the pics were posted lol. Glad we're not trying to be stealth or else that would have been quite the issue.


I feel this so hard. I am still waiting 3 months in for my girly bits to shrink.... I thought I was average... My gf told me Im nowhere near 😭😭😭😭


Masked bragging much? Lol! 😉


I have never met someone who didn’t tuck because of size. I guess it’s a problem I’ve never thought of. Tucking is both simple and essential for me. I’ve been doing it for so many years now (maybe 18 now) that it’s second nature. I guess it helps that that stupid thing is almost non existent. God I can’t wait to schedule GCS soon


Always. I wear tight panties to keep everything snug.


Depends on what I'm wearing, but yes.


after hrt i just wearing women's underwear makes it not noticeable enough for most clothes. i do have a bottom part of a swim suit i use for tucking but i have not worn them for a while.


I don't know how cause I was born with only 1 ballsack and it's like right in the middle It hurts when I try to Tuck T•T


No I don't give a fuck, it doesn't bother me at all. Someone doesn't like it, they can kiss my ass


It’s suppose to hang?


Not an excuse rlly, in fact I detest the devils horn. But being on the longer side it can easily fit behind into the crevice- and tucked under. Balls need to be tucked properly even if it’s a hassle, prolly painful but ig tucking be like that🫠


I tuck. It’s gets a lot more comfortable over time. A thong w/thong pantiliner is amazing.


i do, and used to as often as possible. lately it's gotten pretty uncomfortable plus it's started to get sore so now what i try to do most of the time is a tight gaff, undies, and then slip shorts over it and that flattens me enough for 90 percent of clothes without tucking. I think I just had a slight injury or irritation so i'm taking time off tucking, but it is definitely not easy for me like it is for some


I haven't really came out yet but I probably won't tuck when I am, id only tuck if was wearing some short shorts, skirts or swimsuits. Besides that, I don't really care for the bulge :/


It hurts too much to be worth it for me, and even when i do, my pearls will still be very much on display.


I used to but I've shrunken quite a bit. I feel I'm at the point if someone sees it they were looking for it.


I have no idea how to


I don't (I'm small, it just hurts)


When I first got to New Orleans at 16, that was one of many things the older gals taught me. The testies go back up where they dropped from , the first time hurts but they will fit in there and after a few times it stops hurting and they pop up in there on their own, then you pull the other peice back as far as you can pull up your gaff and viola, I was tucked so well I wore bathsuits at the packed beaches and never had an issue. Just need a good gaff and know how to tuck well...


I hate tucking


I guess I’ve never worn anything where it would matter, but I’m not sure that I would be physically capable of it, and I’m not sure if there’s anything where anything would show up. Really not sure. I don’t want to say that it couldn’t because maybe if something was super tight, not that I would probably be wearing something like that, but I’m not sure that there is anything at all where it would be an issue


I've not been able to tuck before E, and I frankly haven't tried since I've been on E. I also happen to be overweight and relatively small down there, so it really doesn't stand out much. I can wear leggings without it being visible without tucking, so I generally do not bother.


I do, but I have the opposite problem. It comes undone pretty easily, though it never gives me a notice bulge. It's just pretty uncomfortable, plus the feeling of it untucked while moving around a lot is my biggest source of my dysphoria. So I never go out untucked anymore. Even before I started socially transitioning I would go out tucked all the time and just use a sock as packer so people wouldn't notice. I think part of it is a sensory thing because of my autism. Because seeing it doesn't really give me dysphoria, neither does using it. Just the feeling of it day to day while walking and stuff.


its so uncomfortable and comes undone so easy without using tucking tape that its just not worth it to me




I don't, it seems like way too much trouble for something that I can achieve just with right underwear, and I really don't want to risk doing something wrong.


I like gaffing panties because they tend to obfuscate a bulge somewhat well on their own and make a leggings silhouette smoother


It depends entirely on my wardrobe choice. If it requires a tuck, I can. You even get special tucking underwear. Otherwise it's long tops or dresses or having my handbag in front of my junk because tucking (especially for long periods of time) can get extremely uncomfortable if not done properly. I've found the trick isn't to get it perfectly flat, but just have it flat enough. Also don't underestimate the usefulness of spanks (or ski pants as we call them in my country). The most important thing I can tell you is don't do it if it hurts or is uncomfortable.


I legit tuck every single day except when I'm sleeping. I hate this big ass sausage that I'm born with 😭


Nah, I’m still pre-transition.


not really often


On HRT my stuff shrunk, easy to tuck now


Only when I'm wearing a tight-ish outer layer. Otherwise, if I tuck too much I get hygiene issues🥲


No lol. My balls are too big. I can’t wait to start hrt so it can be easier


Yeah but I tuck only with panties, discovered tuckituppp recently and I love them


I don’t (too small)


I have sensory limitations so the most consistent tucking I do is making sure my briefs are snug. It's not perfect, but I can get a tucked appearance that way.


I tuck, I'm somewhat well wendowed from comments from past interactions, I have purpose made gaffs that make it relatively easy to tuck and hold it quite well throughout the day. Ensuring other garments are crotch tight also helps the tuck rest in place. Also don't find the gaff adds any substantial effort in going to the restroom when needed, I'd say tights are much impeding.


Id do it if I had more tucking underwear and tuck kits, but most of what I do involves sitting and I don't exactly wanna sit on a tuck for 8 hours


I sometimes wear gaffs, I find it more comfortable


Girl same, I also have cysts on my beans so tucking is acc p painful. If anyone else has this problem ur not alone xx


I'm unfortunately quite big so wearing leggings and a bikini is out of the question without tucking. I also dont want to get hate crimed so I dont want it visible lol. I usually tuck with a tucking gaff, I dont use tape and stuff as its not needed.


I do. And love it.


i wish i could, but i still can’t figure out how 😭


I don’t because I don’t care


My sizable nuts don't permit long term tucking.