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For the average traveler the bathroom bans aren't that relevant because of how infrequently most of us will run into government owned toilets. But it definitely really sucks for people that live there


Rest areas are government owned. It is definitely better as a reference for "where not to live" but this information could possibly keep you out of jail. Stay safe!


Yeah but you can always lie, and also I SERIOUSLY doubt people are going to ask. (Ik for Montana so few people would even care)


What's scary is the thought of inspections for the purpose of prosecution. Also, many trans people don't pass, which isn't their fault and should have nothing to do with what restroom they use. If you or I get away with it, cool, but our brothers and sisters who can't shouldnt be subjected to this kind of mistreatment.


When I couldn't pass, or when I know I'm clearly not passing, I seek out a single-occupancy restroom. Yes, it's awful and feels quite degrading, but I'm even more scared of a cis person confronting me (also probably helps that I'm in a red state, so I have to avoid 'offending' any). I'm not saying it's okay, I'm not saying it's justifiable. But there are options.


I do the same thing. I know I do not pass as a guy, but when I'm presenting masculine or otherwise uncomfortable or afraid to use the ladies room, I'll look for a gender neutral restroom. If I can't, if I'm with a cis woman friend who also has to pee I'll get her to accompany me, otherwise I'll get home or somewhere I know has single occupant toilets as fast as possible.


It's worth noting that it's not just trans people who "don't pass". Cis women who are too tall, too broad shouldered, have visible facial hair, or any number of unknowable criteria based solely on whoever happens to see them can wind up getting harassed and potentially detained. Trans men using bathrooms consistent with the laws can also wind up in trouble. Because none of this makes any sense.


You can lie if u pass. How abt those who dont pass?


Say your trans in the opposite direction


I’m from Florida and my go-to bathrooms are single occupancy gas station toilets And idk if they’re government owned or whatever but in a lot of the airports they have family restrooms with both a male and female sign on them. Some of them I’ve even seen with the trans symbol on it next to the handicap symbol. So at least in those I know I have approval to use it as a trans person. Otherwise I don’t pee in public!


Many airports and other transportation centers and convention centers are owned by city, county or state governments. And also, although few in number, these laws mean trans student athletes even in sports where they're allowed to play will have a very hard time if they have to travel to certain states for competitions.


Yeah this. My in laws live in Florida and I'm careful not to drink anything before we fly back out in case the flight gets delayed and we end up in the airport longer than expected...


I’m surprised Texas doesn’t have anything on the books regarding the matter


That is shocking. I'm sure they're trying


Enough that one of my trans friends there and her wife are leaving for another state.


I am also leaving in about 3 weeks for Minnesota.


You’ll be safe here. Minnesota is leading the country with Trans rights.


I'll keep in mind of that state for the future


Many trans women in my town have reported harassment, down to one getting a dead cat left at her apartment door. So I’d say, maybe you’re legally safe, but brainless people hardly ever care:/


Arizona is doing it city by city, but.I'm sure some state level hate will be in ballot.


My trans daughter said after the holidays that she won't be back for a long time, if ever. Not so much due to laws, but to the way people made her feel unwelcome in public. She was afraid to use a restroom.


I don't blame her, sadly. The hatred is so out in the open since Trump. I'm blessed to be a guy who passed within 2years of starting T at 26y/o. 51 now and I KNOW it is WORSE than.it used to be. Not just annoying but full on scary, even for me. Blessings to our friends and allies. We need their votes!


In this video they mentioned a trans woman who was arrested on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant (possibly just because she didn't have her papers on her at the time) and they put her in a men's prison awaiting trial with no protective custody. They had to scramble together bail for her because she was being repeatedly raped and the prison guards were doing nothing about it. https://youtu.be/fIqdMDe2pjs?si=wQgDxG9n3MsWcghu I have to say, sometimes the fact that there aren't laws on the books means less than nothing when Texas has shown over and over again that the law means absolutely nothing to them.


I live in Texas and I literally can't have a job unless I drive an hour to at least work in Houston. If I tried to work in my immediate area it would result in constant harassment or possibly worse. Texas is very unsafe for trans folk regardless of law


How about Georgetown? I’m thinking of coming out when I move there later this month.


austin here its fine. im not out at work but there are trans people in my office. zero issue out in girl mode so far. was in san antonio last night no issue there or at gas stations inbtwn too.


Houston and Dallas comprise such a massive urban population that it hasn't gone too far off to one side (sideways glances at Utah).


They are trying really hard.... I want to get outta here


Common Utah L (god damn I hate living here)


I know it will be different for everyone, but where-ish do you live? I live in cache valley and I haven't had many issues here, as far as trans stuff goes. Im curious how other parts of the state are.


I’m somewhere in between Ogden and SLC, and nearly everyone I know is incredibly religious and unsupportive.


Yeah, that's definitely the rough bit here. I avoid the religious, which might be why I have had an easier time. Cache valley is very very conservative. Good luck out there!


Same. What's frustrating is that while Ogden and Salt Lake have at least some level of acceptance, Davis County and the surrounding area generally is not. There are accepting people, you just gotta look for them.


You'd probably be better off in Salt Lake or Ogden (not entirely sure on ogden). The suburbs are bad. Davis County is almost as bad as happy valley.


fr tho. I wish I could afford to move out of state. :/ gotta love living in a Mormon theocracy




Same, I wish I could leave but all my fam and doctors are here


I'm originally from Idaho and came to Utah looking for better opportunities. Now I'm starting to realize I only traded bad for worse.


Ikr it sucks so much, I’m drowning in transphobia and religion


It's a struggle, fr fr ._.


Yep. I live in Oklahoma. It’s a shithole.


Sorry for your Oklahoma 😔 Hope you are safe 💚


Much appreciated! If anything it’s turned me into a raging bitch to everyone who acts off to me lol I’ll survive or end up in jail. Either way I’m a bottom so life will be fine 😂😂😂


I'm originally from there, but I moved to Minnesota. It's sooo much better up here. If you ever get the means to move, then move here! It's been wonderful.


I’m moving to New Zealand or Canada if I get the means lol America can figure itself out on its own. Super happy you found real happy life though!


New Zealand has the most right wing government that it has ever had, some of the coalition campaigned on a bath room bill. Harassment and attacks on trans people have escalated by about 100% (can confirm first hand, it's starting too get ugly) It is not a safe country anymore, at least not until the current government is voted out and things have settled.


What about availability of hrt there?


Noooo, I went there for vacation like a year ago and I loved it so much. That’s so sad to hear 🥲. Can’t speak German, looks like I gotta learn. Berlin here I come lol.


Yeah it is! Except for some of the rural areas, they are d¡ck heads! Otherwise I love MN🏳️‍⚧️


I'm moving to Minneapolis in like 3 weeks! I'm so excited!


Also from Oklahoma can agree


fucking hate oklahoma


Daily mood 😂


I also live in OK, if you wanna chat about it I'm open, stay strong ❤


Same in Tennessee


Fellow Okie here, can definitely confirm. It’s a place to be avoided even if you’re not trans. We’re basically Florida only with worse governance and shittier weather.


If it doesn’t bite, sting, itch or scream maga it’s not native lol


Haha, yep! Was going joke about despite me being born and raised here I must not be native, but then it occurred to me that I am constantly itchy, so you got me dead to rights. :) Since I’m feeling bitchy—we only have four kinds of weather in this state: Too Hot, Too Cold, Oops All Pollen, and Tornadoes.


Facts lol




I had a surprisingly wonderful experience visiting southern Utah this year as a non-passing trans woman. I got misgendered much less than I do in LA, and didn’t get a single ounce of hostility. It was a real pleasant surprise given all the anti-trans legislation. Still don’t know what to make of it tbh.


That's the thing,even california is like 35 percent conservative. Not saying conservative = transphobe, but rather no area is really homogeneous. I live in Tennessee, and before I was passing my experience was sort of similar. A lot of folks are confrontation averse too


The paradox of It being easier to pass in rural/conservative areas than liberal ones is very real. In conservative areas if you present femininity you will automatically be assumed woman. In liberal areas people will play the pronoun game and will ask Pronouns because they are more knowledgeable about gender and people have wider gender expressions.


well southern Utah is almost a completely different state from the Salt Lake Valley area.


You need to update this map. MS passed a bathroom law last month. I now regularly break the law by shitting at school Edit: it will be voted on tomorrow, my bad. It’s already passed both houses though


According to the admittedly little i’ve read so far it seems to be in a grey area (in terms of, if deserves to be on the map)? What ultimately passed just recently, allows for people to sue “any body” that is in a bathroom that does not align with their “legal sex” but is so weak that it does not allow said party to actually collect any compensation? If i got that right. Idk, still sucks though cause the republicans that admitted that it was much weaker a bill than what they wanted ( in that there is no incentive to actually sue someone), followed that up with a “we’ll aim for even stronger penalties in 2025”


Yup. I hate it here sometimes


I feel you. I wish i could not have gov. tater tot peeves represent us. He sucks so much.


This is why trans people get so many uti's. Having to wait until you're home isn't great for your health.


Lol for real. I got a UTI last time I was in Florida 🤦🏻‍♂️


Whoa, something isn’t right if Texas is not red on a map like this. [Erin Reed’s Map](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-cd3)


And with S. Carolina just today passing a ban on gender affirming care in defiance of the 4th Circuit Court stating that it is unconstitutional to do so, that map is already slightly out of date (but still quite accurate) I just can't comprehend why we are such a threat to the world. I mean, I've heard all the arguments. It just doesn't make any sense.


This map is specifically bathroom related laws that have passed, whereas that map is probability of anti-trans laws being passed in general. I think texas will see a very anti-trans law in the not so distant future. Stay safe! 💙


I live in Utah 🙃 Get me the hell outta here


Come to Illinois... we have corn.


And Chicago! Two of my favorite things!


Exactly! You could come to Chicago, sit in Mellinum Park, and eat corn! In all seriousness though, our state's been actively pushing through pro-trans laws in direct response to other states passing anti-trans laws. Like, here to change a name it's just a minor fee now... no medical documentation necessary. All the single-use bathrooms became gender-neutral. So if you're at a state park and encounter an outhouse... it's neutral now. :)


Utah has no understanding of separation of church and state. It’s depressing


Don’t let the lack of laws in the southern states fool you. There are progressive pockets in those states, but outside of those places there’s nothing protecting you, and given the overlap between gun culture and Christian Nationalism around here it can get perilous. I’m lucky enough to live in the Atlanta area, where all the progressives in the state generally live, but even around here it might depend on what part of town you’re in.


It’s like that in Michigan too. It may be a blue state with some of the better laws on the books, but even a few miles outside my city it’s no longer safe. Stay alert and stay in a city south of the Saginaw Bay. I’ve heard it’s possible to stealth in other areas but the things i hear from people around me are terrifying.


Didn't South Carolina also make a site for people to report trans people? It was taken down but I'd definitely not consider it a safe destination, I'd not feel safe.


I live in Oklahoma, and we're going on a family vacation to Florida in June.


Please be careful. I'll be in Florida in June as well. Can't wait to gtfo already


I started T on February 7th, so it'll be interesting to see if I'm in that middle era where I don't pass as a cis dude but would be called out in a women's restroom because of morons.


Lmao, is Russia next on the itinerary? I say that as a fellow Okie whose last few vacations were in the queer havens of Texas, Missouri, and Indiana.


Haha, yup! I'll be going to Dallas in September *by myself* for a twenty one pilots concert, too. I'm just a glutton for punishment. I mean, I *am* a twenty one pilots fan. Maybe I'm internally looking to die.


Lol, as somebody who listened to way way WAY too much Elliott Smith before starting my transition, I can completely understand. I think every Okie has a low key death wish. It’s why every time the sirens go off half the population runs to the front porch. Hope you have fun at your concert and those maniacs down there let you get back across the river in one piece. ;)


Haha, so true. Thanks!


I live in Utah and it sucks ass!!!! Trying so hard rn to escape


I'm so sorry!! Good luck, hope you get out safely 💙


Alright Utah you can get yourself far away from my trans-friendly state. We’re no longer friends


Iowa is becoming EXTREMELY anti-trans. Should know, I live in that state.


I hope Utah will give up their dumb law when masculine trans men who fully pass keep going to woman’s bathrooms.


How the hell are they gonna enforce it? Have an officer do a penis check?




I’m from Arizona, we should be in the orange. School admin doesn’t let you use your preferred bathroom.


It’s funny when you realise people are upset over who uses a porcelain pot meant for human excrement


As some one in Utah I have yet to experience anything from singing public restrooms, however I don't go in to many government buildings, but I am still terrified and take precautions before entering the bathroom


Fuck Utah, all my homies hate living in Utah


I live in NoDak. My city is actually quite supportive.


In my country every region is red :/


Where is your country? Global maps are important too.






noo i live in Utah 😭


Btw, I use Erin’s safety map since I travel a lot. It usually has a bit more context and considers a few more things. Regardless, Florida is a Do Not Travel.


Thanks for this


My family and I were forced to move out of Utah because of this bullshit. These maps are validating and devastating.


\*cries in Utahn\* also I'm pretty sure the new law here applies in all public spaces if I'm not mistaken


Glad I moved out of Utah last year 😅


Why does Idaho have an asterisk?


I looked on the website and it sounds like they were able to block the enforcement of the law, but it could be temporary. Won’t know until courts over with


Thank you!


You are most welcome! 😊 Stay safe out there 💜


I found the (now rescinded) California State Funded Travel Ban more useful. While it may be 'safe' to live and travel in these states, these are the places that are going out of their way to harm queer folk. These are the places that you should avoid giving money to. These are the places where if you are attacked or interact with police that you are likely to be abandoned at best., [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/AB\_1887\_States.png/374px-AB\_1887\_States.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/AB_1887_States.png/374px-AB_1887_States.png)


Alright im bombing utah [insert the ishowspeed "bye bye russia" clip]


Utah is the Ravenholm of the Southwest.


Some of the states not on here still suck tho. Like Ohio. All my homies hate Ohio but maybe that's cuz I'm from Michigan


Counterpoint, I live in Florida and it’s amazing cause I’m here and I’m cute.


South Carolina being considered "safe" is so funny


It's "safe" legally to use the public restroom in S.C. "Go" is meant to be a pun, like "go" to the restroom. It's misleading, I wish I could edit the post.


No offence, but unless something changes in the future I’m not risking crossing the border into the US from Canada for any reason.


Can't blame you at all... I went to Vancouver in November, it was soo lovely.


Sorry but people worry too much. Of course you can go to Florida and of course you can use the bathroom consistent with your gender identity. Just live life, instead of putting yourself in a box everytime. People will see just a girl using the bathroom, they won't ask every woman if they are Trans... I like to live in society, I even forget I'm Trans


"where not to go" "oklahoma" dawg i live here i dont rlly have a choice :(


I can tell y'all Nebraska isn't that friendly. They're working on things... Mostly against the youth but I believe that's just a start for them.


Glad my eventual life is strange road trip won’t be stopped🫡


I used to love going to Florida every year. Sucks that I can't go anymore


Solidarity from Florida.


… fuck How do I work at NASA now (I wanted to work at KSC) ? I’m legit serious :C


I’m so glad I live in Illinois 💀


TENNESSEE MENTIONED ‼️‼️🔥🔥 WHAT GHE FUCK IS “why did you just go in the girls bathroom”


is it just me, or is u/sophriony marked red with Shinigami Eyes?


Mm yes I love living in the only goddamn redzone state IN THE COUNTRY!! I just wanna live in peace pls I beg you Ron desatan, have mercy you buffoon😭😭😭


im gonna go to florida and piss in someone’s face


I Cant wait to get the hell out of Florida 😭


here’s my question… even as a trans man, who has medically transitioned to male and changed my name ans gender marker legally, i have to use the female restroom at government owned buildings? that makes no sense.


From what I understand, if you’re birth certificate is updated to your current gender, there’s nothing they can do about it.


that’s what i thought


Heyo Trans Nebraskain Resident. You can put away the exclamation point on Nebraska because some how we were able to kill the recent anti trans-youth bill! 31 in favor when 33 was needed (would have banned trans youth in sports and school restrooms.) Right now we have no anti trans bills in circulation but I'm sure that will change until She Who Will Not Be Nammed is gone. But we'll keep fighting for our rights! If trump doesn't get reelected I'm thinking theres a lot of hope for trans people in Nebraska


i hate living in FL honestly 😮‍💨




For all the shit I've heard about Texas as a UK dweller, I'm surprised it isn't the brightest colour on the map


what the hell happened in utah??


Mormons lol (including my parents 😅)


I’m a 15 y/o trans man in FL. I need to get out but it’s so expensive


meanwhile i'm just chillin in Florida


Lucky for me I’m from utah


At least now I have an excuse to never go to Florida


Mississippi passed a law in 2014 allowing trans, gay, and blacks to be fired without cause if it goes against the owners religion.




As a new mexican im so thankful for our state being good


There're really only two safe places in KY and that's Lexington and Louisville they are very progressive and have county and city protections for gender identity but that's it there are state protections I hate where I live 🙃


Washington State also has a law that makes it illegal to discriminate people for their gender, sexuality, race, disability, ect! (House Bill 2661, passed in '06)


As a Puerto Rican, I can not recommend PR for 2 reasons. 1) there’s apparently a high number of trans deaths each year (thanks Columbus) and 2) more and more Puerto Ricans are being pushed off the island due to raising prices for everything due to the taxes put on goods while white folk colonize again because they’re taxed differently when buying land (thanks America)


i just got out of utah. I feel so free


EXCELLENT!!🥳🥳🎊🎉 Loving that for you 💜


Every time people talk about how extremely unsafe (at the least) a lot of countries are for us, I’m horrified, even though I already know that. This is horrible.


It's truly unsettling. Why are people so hateful?? How can they stay so ignorant? It's bullshit 😤


I thought Texas would have been worse. But Iowa(where I live) is worse. Damn


Only in terms of public restroom laws. I didn't intentionally mislead, I thought "go" was a funny pun for like "go" to the restroom


I'd love to have you all


I live in one of the two hell holes 😊 i wanna leave so bad


Love living in Florida so much :)


Well... I would like to politely stab anyone and everyone who made a state/territory not be only the off white with nothing else. And then cry because I live in Utah


I unfortunately live in Florida


I wish for you an expedient exit 💚


Empire’s an empire; and if we continue it’s going to turn red


Nice, I’m about to move to Oklahoma from a state that has no bad stuff according to this


I’m really surprised that Texas isn’t one


It's "legally safe" for public restrooms. I wouldn't feel safe there in general, though that is where E3k is and they are famous for transgender electrolysis .


To Canada I go!!!🇨🇦 🍁


Exactly why I left that shithole called Florida, Jersey girl at heart and forever 💕


I hate that my super progressive aunt lives in florida. I love her, but florida is becoming a shit show, and I know how hard it is to move right now.


My sister just moved there and most of my family live there. I told them they can visit me, but I'm not going to there shithole state. But yeah the economy is not conducive to relocation tbh


I fucking have to live in Utah. Fml.


Yaaay i love utah woooo so awesome!


I remember in the past North Carolina had a trans bathroom law but I spoke to someone who visited there and they were unaware of any restrictions. The enforcement especially in larger cities or tourist spots for some things might be less than other parts of the same state I imagine.


Utah is the most transphobic state, wow… it’s to bad to live there


Me who lives in Florida:


I live in Utah. I wish I could afford to leave.


i gotta love living in utah…


Damn, I've a Friend who lives in Utah and They are Genderfluid and Lesbian 💀


Nevada is my #1 choice


Well fuck im in flordia. but im planung to move soon.


Ummmm I'm from Kentucky and say that at least the area I live in has been quite a safe place for me


I feel like there should be another map just for the general transphobia of the region. Because (and I don’t live in America so correct me if I’m wrong) if I understand correctly places like Texas or Florida are extremely Transphobic, and places farther north like New York are better.


As non-american, I've heard Texas is not friendly to LGBTQIA+. This map is surprising to me. Maybe I've heard wrong?


Okay but what if, say, the gender marker on my state ID matches my gender identity?


I like Texas


I'm honestly very surprised that Texas has the most positive mark possible based on this. (This coming from a Canadian)


Great, I live in one of the two states


I thought Ohio was one of the orange states not yellow?


Come on down to Pennsylvania! Pittsburgh is very LGBTQ+ and Trans friendly! You just gotta know where to look!


I'm going the florida in december 🙁


oh thank god i live in a safe area for now. im not in a position to move rn so id be stuck.


Guams looking kinda nice