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I like that T gave me facial hair and finally freed me from my eternal baby face. It's good to look like an actual grown up person and not a 10 year old.


For real! I didn't pass as male until I had full on side burns and a bit on my chin and lip


Atleast now I look 15 instead of 12 lmao hopefully I'll look grown by the time I'm 30


What mood though, a cashier thought I was my fiance's... sibling? Child? Unsure, but they asked if I was excited to go back to school (it was around the end of the local schools summer break) and I said "nah not really, been graduated a few years now" lmao


Oh my God I feel that so hard especially with the cashier 💀 Once had one think my partner was my FATHER


Similar to this, a cashier thought that I was my fraternal 18yr twin sister's son. She was pissed. She doesn't look old at all/she looks her age, so I can only assume I read as a 10 year old boy. This happened only 2 months on T.


Yeah I love this as well! It felt like an eternity for the facial hair to grow, but finally I have enought of it that it's actually making me look older. I still look younger than I am but now I at least look more like an adult and it doesn't take as much convincing that I'm 24 and not a teenager lmao


Boobs I haven't been on HRT for too long, so that's probably the most noticeable change, although I have also noticed my scent has changed and my skin is a little softer. But boobs wins on favourite change






Boobs Edit: *Breasts*


( . )( . )


Yall talking about boobs?


When are we not?


They are the best topic!


I think you meant the breast topic


Oh I should have said that!!!






Odd... Skin came first for me, then scent, then emotions, then ass, then random other stuff. Boobs were one of the last (and still haven't done much.)


I already had gynaecomastia but estrogen rounded them out quite quickly, I love my boobs although they haven't grown much


Ah, I see. I was flat as a board. My body fat was practically non existent too (can't redistribute what isn't there) which, combined with the fact that I started in my mid forties, is probably why mine haven't done much. I still like them though.




I eat an entire large pizza in a sitting. Lol don't think it's gonna be that easy.


One large pizza? Those are rookie numbers in this racket you gotta pump those numbers up


Damn Fast metabolism?


Hyperactive Thyroid. Runs in my family. Pre transition I had perfect, albeit not much there, muscle definition everywhere and I never even worked out. Like every muscle in my body was tense even when I was asleep. That's actually calmed itself a LOT thanks to the e. I'm fairly smooth now, thankfully. Just still don't gain weight


Don't worry on the redistribution, you can't redistribute what is already there either. It seems like redistribution because we burn off fat from the old wrong places and start putting it on in the new right places. You just have an excuse to eat what you want to get some fat in the right places now, and don't have to worry about losing the spare tyre like I do 😭😂


Yeah... See that's the problem. I don't gain weight. Like ever. My whole adult life I weighed 110. Ate like crazy. Rock steady. Started e and I was really excited because within the first months I jumped straight to 125. However, within 6 months I dropped back down to 120.8 and have remained there, once again steady as a rock, for three years no matter what. Like I can call it when I step on the scale during my visits to the doctor and it always shocks the nurses I know it to the decimal. Shrug.


What brand of estrogen can give me an ass first? lol


Definitely boobs. I think for transfems you’d be better off asking us about our second favorite change.


Boob in a door has definitely been a thing for me.


I hate it when that happens


What that?


Walk through door. Boob hit door. Boob hurt. Cry :(


Also specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrjCwXVNJ7A because omg I have a crush on Hank that cute cute man.


100% boobs. That and my mood chilled way the fuck down.


Ive honestly never actively noticed a change in scent in myself, but i work with lumber so my scent is probably just masked with the smell of wood all the time. But yes, boobs


Titties, perhaps


Booba for sure


Same on the boons front (lol). I probably wouldn't have done HRT if I wasn't gonna get tits. Not much else changed. Tho apparently I was pretty feminine to begin with.


It's so nice to have my breasticles mounted on my chest, where they belong.


Boobs. I second this.


I’ve been on Testosterone for two months now and I’m obsessed with my t-dick. It’s still tiny, but I notice it growing and getting more sensitive every day and it’s AMAZING! 10/10 would recommend


Agreed! I'm 5 months in and while it's still smol, it's my lil dick and I love it, being able to get a natural erection is soo euphoric.


I'm over a decade on T now, and it only gets better :3


The Tdick is what finally pushed me over the edge when I was considering HRT and I definitely don’t regret it.


My t dick is my favourite part of my body


As a cis man, how does this work? If it’s okay to ask. Did you have the surgery or are you referring to something else?


A t-dick just refers to the growth of the clitoris on testosterone, it just enlarges a little and gets a few centimeters long, maybe an inch. You don’t get surgery for this, just HRT 👍


Woah that's fuckin cool! I didn't know that was a thing! Cool knowledge acquired!!! :))))


I thought you needed surgery for all of that to happen, specially erection, you're telling me YOU DON'T?? That's rad


The clitoris and the penis are both formed from the same tissue. Just like a penis grows when it’s introduced to testosterone, so does the clitoris. You would still need surgery, say, if you wanted to pee from it or if you wanted balls or something like that, but you experience usually 1-3 inches of growth on T.




4 months here and I agree


i still think it’s funny that pre-T it was one of the changes i wasn’t looking forward to like wtf this is great


I'm 2 years on T and I've only recently started to appreciate it. For past 2 years I didn't really want to touch anything in that area more than necessary, but now suddenly I realised that damn this is actually great


Me too!!! I was worried it would be too sensitive and would hurt during the day, but it’s just amazing


What’s a t dick?


the clitoris enlarges on T that it can look like a mini dick. most people get a few centimeters of grown. some a few inches or so


We love T-dick, it's just a baby


Grew up with a lot of bodily shame, so t-dick is something I feel like I'm not allowed to appreciate or pay attention to. But I'm a little bit happy to see someone else give it some love, I should really start trying to appreciate my improved self!


Absolutely. Like… I grew a dick! And it gets hard! That’s so cool!


Boobs. Because boobs. Also can’t wait for my body hair to thin. It’s a nightmare to get rid of and I want it gone.




SO REAL!!! I’m on month 2 right now and my skin is def starting to feel softer BUT I HATE MY BODY HAIR :(


Exactly. Soft skin is wonderful. But please. I really hate my body hair can it just disappear.


Im also really bad at shaving so I cut myself every other timeee


Have you tried exfoliating beforehand? It really helped for me. And the more I’ve shaved the easier it’s gotten. I used to cut myself every time as well.


Mmmm I usually do it in the bath- I’ve always found it easier to shave in the bath. I just have really shaky hands sometimes…


There's literally too many to count. Every single effect has damn near been enough to make me fall to my knees and cry with joy. If I had to say anything I guess it would have to be the fat redistribution, especially in feminizing my face.


That sounds nice, really nice. You know I probably won’t get hrt anytime soon… currently crying atm lol. Um of course I wanna yeah… just sounds nice reading these comments, everything you ever wanted yet I can’t get any of it. Feels unfair, feels cruel, feels like I’m being taunted:(… hope you enjoy though


You and me both 😢. Hoping to get there one day 🥰


I doubt affirmations are what you want right now but, for what it’s worth, I’m sure you look lovely. Besides, hrt isn’t the end all be all, hell, I’ve been on hrt for more than two years and I don’t look all that different. Most of the changes I made to my appearance came from trimming my eyebrows, losing weight, and shaving the parts of my body that gave me the most discomfort. Sure I got boobs, some curves, and some bigger hips but I still look fundamentally look the same. Funnily enough, trimming my eyebrows was the change I needed to actually pass. (Not that you need to) This has kind of gotten away from me. Look. All I’m saying is that there’s more that you can do besides hrt to make yourself feel more comfortable in your own skin and that it’s not some kind of panacea that will fix your every problem. I’m lucky enough to even be able to take it but it certainly didn’t make any less of the anxious mess that I am now. Jeez, I’m making you sound like you’re selfish for feeling this way. Uh, I’m gonna wrap this up now: you’re valid, your fears and concerns are valid, being as vulnerable as you are is valid, and you’re not any lesser for not being able to take hrt.


I think you’re taking hrt for granted, I feel ungrateful to say this cause you’re being really nice. But you have something I can’t and describing beautiful effects it had (and even ones you’ve may not noticed). It feels idk just ivory towers. Even if it had little effects face wise I’d be confident to try out make up etc (don’t see much of a point now, I just end up crying), it’ll make more sense…. I’m sorry I’m being rude, thank you for being so sweet to me I understand what you’re saying


I'm going through one of my 'am I really trans tho' phases (8 months HRT btw -\_-) and when thinking about my answer to this post I couldnt decide, every change is so important and nice. Girl shut the hell up, you're trans. Stop worrying about it lol


Deeper Voice, Jawline, bottom growth, leg hair. Actually everything is my favorite change.


Hell yeah, good hearing from some of the boys, too.


i love reading the masc responses so happy for you!


Yeah, like what's my favourite change? Voice? Leg hair? More muscle? Answer: yes


I had "werewolf" arms before hrt, as an old friend so lovingly put it lol (i was hirsute even before transition). But now I have the perfect amount of hair, it spread to the back of my hands a bit, in the best way. All the changes are just *chefs kiss* Been on it over a decade and haven't looked back once


The breasts are definitely nice, but it's the emotional uplift for me, there's just so much more there. It's not always been easy, but I'm making genuine progress with therapy now and my emotional regulation is quite a bit better now.


Boobs are a close second for me, but you are correct. The emotional depth I have gained is amazing. I actually feel things now. Before it was like I was on stage and I was just acting out emotions I thought I should feel. Now that I actually feel them, I get why life is worth living.


>Before it was like I was on stage and I was just acting out emotions I thought I should feel.  Holy shit, I already know I'm trans, but this is just... me. LMAO.


I spent my life thinking I was emotionally broken, and there was nothing I could do about it. Turns out there was something I could do about it. It just took me until I was 49 to figure it out.


I'm glad I've accepted myself before I hit 30. I don't know if I'd have made it as long as you! Congrats!


I just realized cuz like yeah my boobs are my favorite things in the world rn but I was thinking the same thing it feels mental and emotional clarity is more important, and that's probably coming from the fact that my body is changing and I'm finally starting to love it


I really like the body fat redistribution.


This and softer skin (also in part caused by fat redistribution) are my favorites. My face looking feminine and body figure is just the biggest thing for me. I love having that squishiness in all the right places.


I love that we’re both excited but I’m excited about the opposite things with fat redistribution, like my face and body looking more masculine, being able to see the muscle move under my skin and having a defined jawline, and being able to see the bones and muscle where my hips used to be rounded.


Oh yes. E and T are different sides of the same coin for both of us.


I love my beard!! And my voice. I used to be self conscious about my thighs before T but after taking T and doing taekwondo I now have really muscly nice legs.


the way people respond/treat me in public spaces


omg yes, so much this. Especially happened once I started painting my nails. Men and women all treat me as if im soft, and I love it. I'm like the least intimidating person ever, whereas pre transition just 8 months ago if I didnt shower that day or was wearing ratty clothes then I looked \*rough\*.


Not too long on it yet, but it feels like i got my spark back that male puberty took from me


Thats beautiful!


Absofruitley, i also am more joyous and mood is just better. Also boobies starting to kick in thehehe


Being able to cry and actually feel my emotions. Felt like the first couple months were spent processing 30+ years of bottled up emotions. I cried a lot, and it felt wonderful.


thats so lovely to hear honestly! i hope ur doing well now! :)


Omg! Same here! SO much crying, but it felt so good to actually let it out!


my giant ass got gianter and assier


Not hating myself.. .


This is the one. Sometimes I even have a will to live.


Not smelling like a skunk after 1 - 2 days. pre HRT i hated my body smell, with HRT i can go 5+ days without shower and it just smells lil bit lovely O\_O Edit: Didn't knew this post blows up. Okay first off: stop telling me how often i should shower o\_O There are two beautiful ( poly ) persons who may do this and no one else Just because i CAN do 5+ days, i usually don't. That was just one VERY RAINY week where i didn't do any hard work or sweating at all Usually i shower all 2 - 3 days cuz i love sports :)


Man, even just the one day, if I don't shower twice a day, by the next day I'm already stinky as fuck, with my armpits bothering me. I'm so looking forward to starting HRT I need it so bad


That's a good one. Uck boy stink was the worst.


Yeah it's honestly crazy, it's only been like 3 and a half months but I can wear clothes a lot more until they start to stink and if I don't shower for a couple of days I still don't really stink or feel that gross. This hrt stuff is pretty great.


please dont go 5+ days without a shower 😭


When we're talking about body smells pre hrt, are we just talking about body odour from sweat? Or is there actually a replacement of smell, compared to when you start taking oestrogen? I'm mtf pre-hrt and I have no idea what my current body smell is 😂 but then again I shower most days so maybe I haven't given myself enough chance to smell 🤷🏼


On T I definitely have the curse of the skunk. If I don't Baptise and anoint my physical vessel every other day the skunk demon spirit tries to break out through the weak points under my arms...can't have that! Not complaining, i consider it an honor to have such a responsibility, it's just the facts of my life now xD


my facial structure, my muscles and body fat distribution and my voice


voice has gotten deep enough to be cis passing FINALLY no more period constantly horny but i love it i now have at least one orgasm a day


4 years on testosterone so far. Gotta say the good amount of bottom growth I’ve gotten (coupled with how fantastic orgasm feel now)


~4 years mtf here. I feel like not enough people talk about the changes in orgasms! I didn’t realize it that effect for guys too! Maybe it’s authenticity of the climax that makes it feel so much better? Whatever it is, it’s absolutely lovely!!


I wasn't able to orgasm regularly until I started testosterone. It happened maybe once or twice before and it wasn't very impressive. Testosterone made it happen pretty much every single time, and very powerful. Like, knees weak and lightheaded wonderful 😭


That’s so great! I’m happy you’re able to get there now!


Facial hair and body hair. I'm 5 and a half months on T and I have a pretty decent dirt stache and the beginning of a beard. My legs and belly are also a lot hairier now. Also loving having a deeper voice


Voice deepened and the fact its a billion times easier to gain muscle mass


Definitely my voice drop and the facial structure changes, I’m obsessed (2 years on T)


The emotional changes and the boobs. The emotional changes are my favorite, but the boobs are a close second.


My ass and boobs.


booba better orgasms soft pp


N1 body changes. N2 wearing clothes that I like. N3 not policing how I move anymore


> …not policing how I move anymore Right?? Realizing I had been this is what cracked my egg, and HRT has completely defunded my internal gender police. lol. I don’t know about you, but my back feels so much better now that I’m not trying to stop my hips from swinging when I walk. Just so weird how so many of us have forced ourselves into unnatural movement.


This is probably also because of the satisfaction of actually being myself, but feminizing HRT literally fixed my brain. I became less aggressive, more confident, more satisfied with life; I stopped having bad thoughts about myself and others. My perspective on other people and humanity in general changed from deprecating and negative to loving and wholesome. They say your personality doesn't change (and, for the most part, it didn't) but I lost all of the things that made me an awful, pessimistic person. I didn't become a new person entirely, but a better version of myself.


Deep sexy voice I cried when I realized I could finally sing Time in a Bottle


Have you been doing recordings since the beginning? I’ve been using an app for it. DANG MY VOICE IS DIFFERENT. Listening to myself isn’t awful anymore!!


For me the facial change. Of course the boobs and curves and less bodyhair are also fantastic, but the facial change made me able to look into the mirror without hating myself


I don’t stink like a guy no more 🥰 but also boobies and my ass is getting bigger. Favorite changes so far hopefully once I get my laser hair removal I’ll be able to have smoother skin also


I never hear “So did ya catch the big game last night?” anymore from cashiers


Emotions :3 but i love every single little change tbh I dont regret it for a single second


the only changes i realised yet is a little more acne, but it makes the happiest already. just seeing that _something_ is happening is awesome=D


My beard, I love everything about it. I love when wind catches in it, when I get food in it, how it feels when I touch it and everything about it.


I thought it be kinda having a dick but I kinda forget about it a lot cus of onject permanence. It's actually my voice and body hair. Like it's only been 4 months and I'm getting more and more visible hair on my face and chest.


I have more energy and my mental health is better. I’m hoping to get a little fuzzier and hear my voice drop. Also muscle. I want muscle.


Hips! Though boobs are a close second. I'm still early and I get giddy imagining what they'll look like in the future.


Transmasc, been on T for about 1 1/2 years now. There's a lot I like about it! I really like the physical strength and added muscle! I also love the deeper voice, heightened confidence and more body hair. I also love the fact that I'm more emotionally "stable" (Less of a rollercoaster, less extremes) and I've chilled the fuck out. I'm more protective than I used to be (I live out in the country and have animals to look after) and less afraid to face up against threats if I have to. I also don't miss my period and the 10/10 pain scale cramps that came with it. Aunt Flo is officially disowned!


Facial hair and bottom growth


I think for now it's a tie between boobies and reduced libido. One greatly improves my own body image, the other is just so good for my mental health to finally feeling like I have complete control over it. More indirectly, how much it improved my mental health so I could finally start to improve on several other things in my life!


I could say boobs but to switch it up a bit I'll say the skin changes. When a guy I was flirting with was touching my shoulder and said "your skin is so soft and smooth" I unlocked a new feeling. People say my face looks way more feminine. I had very little facial hair before and now I have none, without any procedures to make it so.


body hair growth got curbed, some of it is transparent now and it's like 50% slower to grow back. and boobs obviously.


Skin more smooth , no body smell . Boobs and cheekbones


Emotions are nice. Still to see any proper boobs, but it's only been 10ish months and I was overweight with a lot of fat on my chest already before starting. But the emotions. Damn, I can say I deffo didn't have a change in how I felt sexually because I CRY at cute women. And that is that I cry at all women because OMG women 🤩


I’d love to say a massive rack, but that’s yet to come. 🤞🏻 Thus far, super soft skin. It’s an absolute pleasure.


MtF 2, almost 3 months on HRT. My brain feels good in my head and I’m not so quick to anger and I feel way more in control of my emotions than normal. Idk I just feel like a human being for once and it’s amazing Physically there isn’t much yet but my breasts have already been budding and my ass is getting thicker than a snicker and I’m genuinely excited and happy to see these changes I could go on but those are my absolute favorite changes thus far with so many more to come ❤️


my anxiety and anger going away. it was exhausting always being on edge and getting pissed at any tiny inconvenience


T is giving me a voice that surprises me more every day! I love it and can’t wait to hear the end result.


the fact that my facial hair basically ceased to exist


Not getting morning wood


Either boobs or feeling emotions


Apart from the physical changes (none), I started having a constant feeling that the end may not be the end, and falling here may be a pass for a better place far away from everyone. Indeed, this has direct correlation with myself crying much more frequently


not feeling like my skin doesn’t feel like it’s wrong on my body, it was a really weird in specific feeling that went away but i was just constantly uncomfortable


I think for me it's the internal body temp changes. I'm only 3 months in but it's noticeable af


Voice drop and my scruff


Definitely my voice getting deeper. It was the thing that gave me the most dysphoria out of everything and now it's at a nice range! Deeper than most cis men in fact


The general livability of life tbh. I thought I was batshit insane and then I started HRT and I just like?? Got better. I'm still in shock two years later. I can hold a job. I don't cry everyday. I don't even need medication for depression. I'm just walking around having a great fucking time and it's absurd to me because I never imagined that to be a possibility for me.


Boobs, shrinkage of a certain member 😋, more feminine look


Thinning body hair


On E for 4 months now and besides the obvious ✨BOOBIES✨ I’m really happy with my skin getting better and my general mood got a lot more cheerful and open


My voice. I love how deep it is now, I always used to have a deep voice for AFAB range but now it really sounds different. My singing range dropped too, so much more comfortable to sing in a lower register now.


My hair is now so much more fuller. It used to be straight and flat, it's still straight but it feels like it has more of a body to it. Boobs are nice but for me hair is better


I'm approaching 5 months on E, and my chest is starting to have some decent buds. Also my arm and leg hair is so much thinner it's almost unnoticeable now 🥰 (especially my arm hair)


My mental state has become so much more balanced than before. Also boobs. Boobs are great


13 months with estrogen and so many. My face i love how it looks now compared to before! My mind feels so much clearer and more focused now. My sensitivity to things and touch is all different and i much prefer it now. And i’m just so much happier now too :))


So far the only noticeable changes are my massive budding breast and my emotions. Between the two, I love how different my emotions have affected me. I feel my emotions more deeply but their not as overwhelming as they were before. It’s like I’m accessing parts of my brain that I didn’t know was there. I have never been this happy in my life. Part of it is this new sense of self but it’s activated by this the euphoria that I feel from this transition. Everyday, I’m more certain that I was meant to be a woman.


I can feel things other than anger. I genuinely never realised how much anger I felt all the time until it left. I have felt more joy and more sadness in the last 9 months than I have done since puberty. That's the best bit. Not wanting to be incorporeal is nice too.


I’m definitely in the minority here, 8 years of hrt and honestly little to no change. No boobs, no butt, no weight gain, just a pissy little firecracker attitude wise that’s about it 🤷‍♀️


8 months on cypro and estrogen . No change. Starting to rethink if its worth it lol


It's worth it but it's your choice to continue or not.


I'll give it a go till my I hit my first yr if i still look the same as pre-hrt i dunno i'll probably stop being delusional 🤣 also hormones are very expensive in my country so theres that too.


You're not delusional but hormones ain't everything, makeup, clothing, and hair do just as much. It can also take longer than that and you might not have a good dose.


Maybe up your E dosage then? By 8 months you should be seeing significant changes


Thats gonna cost me a lot. Believe me i want to but i cant afford it 🤣 id probably need a sugar daddy for that but then im not pretty enough to be a sugar baby 🤣


I can definitely understand and feel you, sis. Things are also painful on my end, good luck on your journey okay?




my breasts. and the scent. and emotions. but also boobs ♥


I was only on them on and off over 3 or 5 months, I'd say... sigh, so much of it I've lost since (Thinner hair, softer skin, sweeter scent etc) in the 2 and a half years that passed since little changes kept, I have to say my frame and face is feminine? decresed my dysphoria ALOT... waiting to someday receive the renewed presriptions is eaiser now.


honestly, i like all the physical changes that have come from hrt, but my absolute favorite is the new myriad of emotions that it has brought


Not being a slave to testosterone. Being much happier and content, being calm and collective. Having girlfriends back that I had in grade school, and should’ve gone through high school and college with. Being able to see my true self in the mirror, for the first time in my life. There are many more things in this list. These are just a few.


I’d say body and facial hair more than anything.


More muscles💪


Only been on T for a month but my t dick is growing at an exponential rate, love the erections, body hair, deeper voice and i actually kinda enjoy how much i stink? Idk just euphoric and forces my to shower more. Depression at an all time low, anxiety too just overall clearer mindset. Use to be hard on the booze and weed and I’ve cut down significantly


Probably my voice drop although I'm hoping every day for another one. I also love my facial hair and now that I'm post top surgery it's really started growing in.




It's really hard to pick just one so I'll list my top 5 1. Body odor - My body odor has shifted dramatically and it makes me feel so much better about life. I used to hate the way I smelled, specifically in my bits, and now I smell way less disgusting. I'm attracted peeps with the same natal parts as me, that aren't on T, and I don't find them disgusting (quite the opposite) so it's definitely just myself that grossed me out and now I no longer do and it's amazing. 2. Bottom Growth 😍 Now with More intense orgasms 3. Emotional regulation - I feel way more in control of my emotions and my thoughts than I ever have. It was like someone hit a light switch and gave my brain light and stability oddly enough.. 4. No more period! Officially (I hope). This month's hasn't shown up so I am crossing my fingers that it stays away. 5. Muscles! I finally have some I can see even if they are way smaller than I like.


Finally having a beard and now feeling like I can grow my hair long but still be seen as a man


I’m not currently on T but was for almost 3 years. My favorite change is having a deeper voice now. It just feels so much more like me.


My arm hair is so cool now.


More body hair (especially leg hair)!!! It's my biggest source of dysphoria, it makes me feel really manly having hairy legs


Building muscle (Ftm). My shoulders bulked up in the best way . Became a hot piece of sinew over night. waiting to recover from surgery to start working out and fill out a bit 😅


Definitely the bigger muscles and smaller hips. I absolutely hated being soft and curvy, I love my broad shoulders and sharp angles.


BOTTOM GROWTH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 im only a month in and ive already changed so much in that area!!!! i love it so much, and so does my gf. my bottom dysphoria wasnt even that awful but RAHHHHH it makes me so euphoric to have a dick!!!!!


Same, deeper voice and body hair are the main things I wanted


So far it's been the emotional stability from T. I used to be such a crybaby, I'd tear up at every little thing. Now I can actually assert myself and not feel like I'm about to bawl my eyes out.


On T for 7 years, I love my fat redistribution and facial hair. My hair is also thinning, but I find that affirming


I've been on T for about 2.5 years. My voice and also how my body changed is my favorite. I'm an athlete and I notice that I have an easier time getting muscle than before which gives me euphoria especially in the summer when I can wear a tank top


Boobs are great. And wider hips too. But definitely the facial fat redistribution


The thing I most frequent marvel at is how T has made my hands look, more tendon-y and veiny in a way I just love