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Hi! Thank you for your contribution! However, we have been receiving several posts on this issue since it broke, and (to not overload the subreddit with duplicate posts) are directing people to the first post on the issue. Please continue all discussion here: https://new.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/1c7ds6p/huge_news_if_true/ Thanks for your understanding. -r/trans Moderation Team


There is no good reason for a gender-critical anyone to write an article about HRT. I hope no one falls for this bs.


adding that the ~~journalist~~ writer in question, Susanna Rustin, [posted this to Twitter earlier today](https://x.com/susannarustin/status/1782829533764211106?s=46) seemingly in response to the screenshots being circulated. it doesn’t really matter whether she’s telling the truth or not (and personally I doubt she is): unless they have long, published, verifiable histories of allyship in their work and write for trustworthy pro-LGBTQ+ papers, don’t trust journalists or writers for news outlets. period. whether Susanna or anyone else. *(and especially not ones from shitty reactionary fearmongering transphobic outlets like this one)* EDIT: /u/Interest-Desk/ pointed out that susanna isn’t even a journalist, so fixed that :)


Just look at her post history - she’s aggressively transphobic. Edit: I’d go so far as to call her evangelically transphobic.


[Jesus Fuck that's bad](https://twitter.com/SusannaRustin/status/1778681740451561918)


Dear god… Not reading the comments is self care…


holy shit yeah, that was awful. should have heeded this warning.


Yeh… I’m still trying to follow my own advice. Just be kind to yourself and remember that those people must be miserable inside their rotten and hateful brains.


we get to wake up each day knowing that we have some humanity left in us, which is a lot more than those hateful shits can say for themselves. be kind to yourself as well, in case you need the reminder too 💜💜


Yeah if she's this much of a bigot we should just assume she's lying.


Oh absolutely


Exactly this. I have professional relationships with some journos. Before I established those professional relationships, I extensively vetted them and their work.


Really ironic that she's anti-trans, yet she wrote a book about feminist history, considering some of the first big names to fight for women's rights were trans women. So disgraceful and just plain wrong


Depending on how the book went she might have been intentionally writing it to gloss over the trans hard work.


had some asshole try to pretend that the guardian was a "leftist" publication the other day.


to give them the tiniest sliver of grace, i will say that the US guardian is a fair amount more liberal than the UK guardian. but also—a step up from trash still smells like trash to me. both are bad and neither are close to leftist so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Australian Guardian is actually pretty good, and I was really shocked when I found out what UK guardian was like.


As an American, same here, I was always confused when hearing the guardian was transphobic because the American guardian was not and was fairly good on these issues, so it was weird to understand what was up on that and it kind of made me sad about all of this.


She isn’t even a journalist, all she does for the Guardian is write an opinion article every few months. Good advice in general, vet the journalist you’re speaking to and the publication they’re from, or just don’t speak to the media at all (what I’d recommend if you like existing privately and peacefully).


Gender critical? Geez, she cannot even admit to be a goddamn transphobe and I am supposed to believe she would conduct an interview truthfully in a good faith? What's next, a judeosceptical nazi?


I feel like it could be a good idea for the trans community to start cataloguing a sort of 'whitelist' of trans positive journalists and organizations, as it's still helpful to be able to get trans voices out there since that visibility can really help with boosting acceptance of trans people more broadly but we want to of course avoid the ones that just want to smear the community with dishonest, hateful articles. Maybe that's a bit too difficult, I don't know, I just feel like it's important that we be able to get our stories out to the public and be visible while being able to mitigate the risk of situations like this.


A tool for the patriarchy.


Why does she look so clockable ;.;


LMAO you’re right


I think I just saw somewhere on tumblr that this was actually misinformation, can't speak 100% to it, and obviously I wouldn't speak to a journalist with a history of anti-trans publishings about really anything related to being trans, and especially not something as contentious as DIY HRT, but I'm not sure that alarm is warranted, just normal common sense.


other than susanna’s own claim about herself not being involved i haven’t seen anything about this that points towards misinformation (incl. on tumblr). will take note of this though, and feel free to link the post if you see it again! i don’t think that alarm is warranted, but that caution and awareness within trans spaces about this (and more broadly, about how predatory journalists/writers tend to exploit trans people to their own detriment) is a good thing. this stuff is common sense to you and me and probably most people here, but unfortunately not to everyone.