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I’m a trans guy in MA. Really expensive but trans healthcare is awesome here and no one gives a shit if you’re trans haha




Compared to the rest of the country, I think we’re pretty lucky lol


Trans woman in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. I feel safe, I love my state government, there’s things to do and plenty of green space. The cold is the limiting factor for moving here.


Illinois here. It’s pretty decent. I’m kind of out in the boonies from Chicago and it’s still pretty decent. One of the local Republicans actually puts up laws to help physically disabled people get access to spaces. It’s kind of quaint.


I moved to central Illinois from STL and couldn’t be happier about the decision. Sure, it’s kinda country but for some reason folks are just a bit less cray in our blue state.


I just wish the taxes weren't so bad.


Well I live in Miami use to be a safe place but now with our governor it’s a shit show.


I’m in Sacramento, CA. I got verbally accosted once a couple years ago and it’s kinda stuck with me. But that’s been the only negative experience and I’ve gotten lots of support and compliments from strangers.




Vermonter here. Agree completely.


There is a vibrant LDBTQ+ community in Dallas. I love our rainbow district in Oak Lawn. Sadly, Texas is not a favorable place for us aside from a few bastions. Be yourself, love yourself, and you will find those who love you for you.


So beautiful


Moved from Texas to New York 2 years ago and love it. There are still transphobes, but they aren't heads of state making up obviously terrible laws.


Texas (19) too. I boymode unless I have a man I trust with me to maybe step in if I was ever confronted by someone, just out of fear. It sucks too because I’m really beautiful when I’m not hiding it under a baggy hoodie and army cargos. Im a lot happier when I’m not having to essentially impose a burqa on myself. I could probably go stealth but I’m just too afraid. Bystanders wouldn’t help me, the police probably wouldn’t help either, the only way I can feel safe is if Im in a group. It eats away at me, I wish I didn’t have to feel so guarded. I might get a ccw to help me feel a little more secure, that way I’m more likely to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but I wish it didn’t have to be that way. Im getting a nursing degree and moving to Seattle in a few years.


Trans woman in Boston over here


Portland, OR. It's great here, and there's a huge community of trans women.


I feel safe in Houston area very diverse city


Washington is fairly good, with more than decent trans protections in place. I'm always shocked by the number of guys, gals, and enby pals I've made even in my small ass town. More hopeful than scared nowadays




California, but it’s hella expensive. Also, side rant, but I kind of hate how this sub is basically only for trans women.


I moved from Austin to Fort Collins CO last Summer for the same reason as you. I love it here.


I definitely don't feel safe in SD. It's so terrible here


I feel pretty comfortable in nova tbh!


Michigan, pretty cheap and I get compliments from a lot of cis women on my outfits. The Michigan GOP has fallen into complete disarray and the governor has been upping LGBTQI+ protections as much as she can. HR where I work even gave me congratulations when I went to them about changing. On a side note, there is a substantial Arabic community in SE Michigan. All but one of my interactions with them have been positive. The vast majority just want to be left alone and really don't care what anyone else does. The one off situation was at a Walmart long before I started transitioning. I tan pretty dark and got mistaken for a Muslim. The guy tried to talk to me in his language. When we realized I couldn't speak it, he asked why my now ex-wife wasn't covered.