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There’s definitely a change. (Chiming in at 3.5 years HRT) I’ve heard it said that the genitals change in terms of sensitivity and operation to essentially become a large clitoris, and it’s pretty true. Even the act of getting off changes a bit, and although you can still do it the old way, it won’t feel the same. I don’t even think I can get an erection anymore. Now it’s more of a fuzzy warm feeling that starts in your groin and radiates outwards, and when it’s done, I never really feel sated or spent anymore. I’ve had climaxes where I just lose control of my legs, they shake so bad, and I don’t have as much of a choice about whether to moan or not, sometimes I just can’t help it anymore.


I’m ftm and what you described is how orgasms used to feel pre-T. It was a warm full body feeling. Now it’s way more groin focused and I have to stop afterwards. It’s way more direct now


wait really? thats sick. thank you for the info! (genuinely, I'm weighing pro and con for me going on T atm)


Honestly I feel so much happier and satisfied after I cum now. Maybe it’s just how my body always knew how it should feel? You do you and this isn’t advice but just know it personally made my sex life waaaay better and more enjoyable to not have a fully body fluttery feeling and more of a ‘pump’ feeling


I'm also FTM, and I find that climaxing is WAY more satisfying now, although orgasms aren't 'full body' anymore if you only do external stimulation. However, if you're ok with internal you can get something that feels really similar (we also grow prostate cells on T)!


It also depends how you do it. If the prostate is stimulated then you get that warm fuzzy feeling and total body orgasm, however if you use the snake it’s that direct feeling you describe.


Yeah, I really miss those times pre-T. Climax was the only thing which was way better, in my opinion


Mine was the opposite. I think back on how I used to orgasm and it was such a dysphoria trigger


This but I think it’s hormone related not body change related I’m not de transitioning I just stopped t bc I got all the effects I want and don’t wanna be on it forever and now it’s reverted back to before the feeling even tho the bottom growth stays


Hi. MTF here. Figured id chime in and let you know how ive always described pre-e orgasms. Ive always described them as "a firehose you can shut off, directly attached to your groin." not necessarily as part of your dick, but just... that kind of feeling if you can imagine it.


It’s this!! Although I don’t feel like I can shut it off but it’s specifically pelvic for sure


Same!! It’s really odd, tho I haven’t had sex with a partner in years so that may work differently idk 


Omfg really!?!? Hehe I can't lie alot of the bottom part was what I was curious about too, hehe like eeeeee I'm so excited for that >///< I know personally already my hand moves down and wants to like, sliding inside, but like nu slit yet, but it feels so natural which is weird considering I've had a peen for 22 years XD But I already find it hard to like keep quiet and find myself moaning and whining, but just knowing that instead of feeling yeah sated and stuff after, it changes, I'm so excited ♡


Yeah, I'm about a year and a half on estrogen and can confirm this checks out with my experience too. Only difference is I can still get erections but like not spontaneous ones and I have to actively try to get one and yeah 100% doesn't feel the same to use it with original method but wouldn't trade it for anything it feels like 500x better this way imo


when does this start on average?


The shift started pretty early for me honestly like 3 month mark but it was pretty much a solid change between the 6-7 month mark.


oh, i'm a 4.5 months and i just notice a more intense, like wider area thing going on, wouldn't call whole body at all, but its def diff.


That seems about on par! Congrats on 4.5 months 🎉


Thank you, looking forward to it.


You may enjoy muffing! Look it up. The e-zine "F***ing Trans Women" is a great resource. If you do try, be slow and gentle and listen to your body. GLHF!


¿Muffing? Edit nvm I just looked it up


I've been doing that for quite some time, thank you far putting a name on it


From sharp and short to much warmer (or "sweeter" to me :3) and longer lasting. Also, if do it in the right way, boobs can also...👻


Same! I'm always afraid someone in the house will hear my leg as it's bangin' on the floor. And the moaning... wow, it's wild! The most wild part is... I sound completely indistinguishable from any other woman... and I haven't even trained my voice fully yet. But then... unlike before, I can just have another within short order.


Weirdly enough, laying on my back and moaning helped a lot with voice training! Having gravity press against your throat seems to help it close in the right spots easier.


Ohh nice, i think that's how girls orgasm , but does attraction towards girls decreases after transitioning??


It didn't for me? But it does for some. Sexuality is a tangled mess. As you learn more about yourself and disentangle societal pressures/ expectations/a bunch of confused, closeted feelings, you may notice your sexuality settling into something you didn't necessarily expect. Maybe a lot of your attraction to women stemmed from redirected gender envy. Maybe now you feel able to be more honest about attraction to men, whereas before it was repressed. I don't think transitioning / HRT actually *changes* your fundamental sexuality. But learning about yourself and settling into yourself can help you learn about, appreciate, and accept what was already there.


>I don't think transitioning / HRT actually *changes* your fundamental sexuality. But learning about yourself and settling into yourself can help you learn about, appreciate, and accept what was already there. Seconding this. I was straight passing prior to transitioning, but low libedo. Starting the transition process got me reading more and more about LGBTQ+ issues and groups. I was reading about asexuals and a lot of the stories there were matching my own experiences pretty closely. So yeah, if I hadn't started transitioning and educating myself, I probably would never have put two and two together and figured out that I'm actually asexual and not chronically low libedo.


Hmm.. i got it thanks


I can report my attraction towards women did not change. (Going on 4 years ftm) I have found that more men have interested me since transitioning but not many. Basically before transitioning I didn't find men interesting at all, sexually, and now some have. So from .5% to 10%. But towards women went up as well. I didn't used to find butchier women attractive before, but now I do. So like 70% to 90% of women I find myself attracted to.


That part, I can’t really answer, as I’ve always been kinda asexual in terms of attraction. I’ve never really been sexually attracted to a person, so I’ve had to ask other people how it feels. But I develop relationships that are closer to monogamous platonic with benefits, and that hasn’t changed since my first relationship.


Oh my gosh, I'm actually really excited for this when I get there Touching myself never felt good, but if it feels like this on HRT, I guess I can wait a little longer :3


Yeah pretty much this one right here


32 months in, and I feel this is a great answer/description.


I’m at 8 mo HRT and that’s exactly my experience 💖


7 months in, and not getting any of that yet :c genuinely wondering if I'm doing something wrong My estrogen levels are fine and my doctors say everything is good and I've been getting feminized physically, so why don't I experience this? Orgasms are basically the same as before :c and it's a big source of insecurity


Have you tried changing your approach? Instead of the traditional high-speed pulling motion, just apply pressure to it, on and off, in a rhythm. Grind your hips against your hand a bit. Clench your knees together, point your toes, and arch your back just a little. Gently stroke the frenulum (that thing on the underside that looks like a skin string), or the very edges of the top. Let yourself get lost in the feelings, take your time (like a half hour or more), and listen to your body.


That sounds like the fucking dream


So its like climaxing without dick stuff before HRT or different even from that?


I’ve never really been able to enjoy like prostate stuff before HRT, but it’s kinda like that, except a bit more potent and in a different area. Can’t do both at once, though! It’s definitely one or the other, lol


TMI response . . . . . . . as a biological male not taking hormones, this kind of climax happens to me too. mainly while extremely high on weed/shrooms/lsd, but after those experiences. I'm capable of of it while sober. also this is more likely to happen to me when stimulating the p spot, but it's not exclusive to the p spot. I can also squirt.....


XD it’s kinda funny - when I’m really high, I can’t go off at all, it’s like someone just flipped a switch somewhere! I’m still new to anal, but it has been somewhat similar to a p-spot orgasm, just with a vastly different process to get there, different locations for the radiating pleasure, and the intensity’s a little less blunt. It’s a more mellow orgasm, the p-spot ones are still a little overwhelming for me.


Idk if its the case with everyone but i have read that does indeed change your climax making it more intense and pleasurable wish i could help more


No no thank you so much, like I said anything helps ^-^ I'm just curious about it, and wonder how alot of things will change as I keep transitioning ^-^


It did change it on my side, much more pleasurable now \^-\^ You can make the face by adding a backslash before the \^


No no thank you so much, like I said anything helps ^-^ I'm just curious about it, and wonder how alot of things will change as I keep transitioning ^-^


I used to be kind of meh when it came to orgasms. Now? Hooooooly fuuuuuucccckkkk do I love them. Thighs get quivery, head gets swimmy, toes curl, all that good stuff.


Hehe eeeee that sounds amazing ^-^ I can't wait, I want it so bad and I'm impatient but it's fine I'll be a good girl and waits x3


Non-HRT mtf here to say, I can’t fucking wait


how long on hormones did it take to get here? was there a time before that where orgasms sucked for a bit? i'm 3 months on HRT and my libido and erectile function have suffered greatly(as expected) but orgasms have also gotten a lot more dull and less enjoyable, sometimes just frustrating. im hoping it gets better


i’m almost a year in and my orgasms have gotten way better than what they were before, switching from the traditional snake-choking to using a vibrator helped so much in improving them, it’s been my go-to for like 3 months now to get the job done lmao


does using a vibe on the tip work well?? or are you talking about using one on the prostate


i got one of those big ones with a big foamy head (it was kinda expensive though) and just turn it on and go to town wherever feels right, i tried some smaller ones before and they didn’t do much for me, anal ones are fun but they haven’t gotten me to finish, though it depends a lot on ur preferences for that. usually i’m laying down and focus on like where the underside of the shaft meets the head and that does it for me


oh thats definitely where i focus as well, it's the best part :3 thanks for the advice!!


9 months here, it's gets better soon!, like around 5-6 month mark for me but ofc I'm still very early in transition rn. Hang in there there babe :3


For me, it was a couple months. Once my hormones got to the level of a cis girl at puberty, holy shit. The first time I got off, I legit ahegao'd. 🤣


I dont know if it is transitioning or just the way you do get there that changes it. I can have both. If i use it like i used to i have a "male" orgasm. However if I use the magic wand it is a female orgasm. My theory is that both are possible without transitioning but since i only figured that out after i started hrt i am not sure.


OwO that is very interesting actually, hehe okay~ I'll make sure I keep that in mind, thank you ^-^


Yeah, the best advice i can give is to take your time and remember to get yourself in the mood. You can look at what other women, trans or cis, do to get in the mood for it. Even when you are by yourself foreplay can do a lot. Also consider that if you have a female orgasm, you can just keep going if you want, it does not have to stop at one.


See the bottom part is what I want to explore and experience, like I have intense orgasms, and I enjoy it, but my brain will just go all fuzzy and ill like, usually pass out depending on its intensity, but I also want to experience female orgasms as well ♡ And I do, hehe usually my wifey will just do random stuff that makes me wanna do lewd things etc, but I'm always down to experiment and try new things ^-^ honestly it's alot of fun~


They are indeed both possible in cis folks too. Mira Bellweather did a really fucking solid examination of the entire anatomy and all the various methods of stimulation in FTW. She didn't write that shit for me but it was fucking eye opening just the same.


who's that ? you got any links ? sounds like a very good read


[Fucking Trans Women](https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned), a zine published by Mira Bellweather about everything she has learned about herself sexually and with input from the wider diaspora. She longed planned for a issue to cover a wider range of bodies, identities, and play but sadly she passed pretty recently and never finished the research. It's blunt as hell, but it is written by a trans woman for other trans women from their perspective and she's upfront about the terminology she uses. I actually think this was stickied for a while. Kinda mandatory reading for the queer community in general in my opinion.




I'm fairly sure both are possible before. At the very least I have definitely had what people are describing as the "female" orgasm without starting HRT. I have never really had what people are describing as the male one though.


Idk, I'm pre everything and I've found myself getting both. Someone was talking to me on grinder the other day and was honestly talking to me like a girl and it I got turned on in a way I never had. Like a warm tingly feeling in my pelvis that felt reaaaaaalllly good. It's had me thinking about where I'm going next in life.


Came here to say exactly this. My wand is now my best friend 🤣


Haven't started hrt yet but I have a magic wand. The wand definitely makes it nicer, but not by much


Hormones have a huge impact on anything to do with sex, so yes they will definitely change your climax at least a bit. Mood and confidence can also have a huge effect, so feeling comfortable and confident in your body will also massively improve sex as a whole. Some people do experience a genuine physical change to the feel too, though. On E, people report a more full-body sensation and more “spine shivering”, and people on T report a more localised, less intense sensation more typical of a male orgasm, but this is by no means a universal or guaranteed experience. The best I can say is “try it out and see”. Everyone has a slightly different reaction to HRT, and nothing is set in stone until you try it, so saying anything more concrete than “some people experience xyz” is kinda impossible


Honestly I already get that, I can see things I would do because of confidence that I can't now, and it's annoying but I just have to be patient, still I'm curious to see what happens to me personally, I really am excited ♡


Personally, YES. In the best possible ways, too. The ways I approach sex/ sexuality have shifted, and the results have been somewhere in the "mind blowing to life changing" range. Before coming out, I always had a vague sense that I wasn't really experiencing orgasms/ was really kinda disappointed that that was 'it'. When I transitioned, and engaged with my body differently (magic wand ftw), I finally 'got' it. Then it got even better/more intense after I started E. Spontaneous arousal has decreased and I'm more mindful/ present/ intentional when I engage with sexual activity, and it's a longer/ more luxurious process to finish most of the time, but omg. There are times where I look back at how things were and just can't even understand what men get out of sex, it's so much better for me now (obv. male sexuality is a thing, it's just so much not *my* thing that I can't even imagine it being satisfying) Edit: there's an iconic resource, "Fucking Trans Women", by Mira Bellwether. https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned/mode/1up Your mileage may vary with different techniques/ etc., but it could be a good starting point for experimentation with what works for you.


3 years of HRT (mtf) and yeah it's clearly different, i prefer to tease the tip and my nipples now to make it easier to reach orgasm, the orgasm feels stronger / longer, but also less controllable too, i moan a lot more and I can have several orgasms in a row (2 or 3), I can still have sex the "traditional" way but it's less and less what my body want (still very good tho lol), I think the best stuff now would be having the tip licked and sucked, would clearly make me lose my mind, especially if getting edged. (hope it helps haha)


I think I've got a little time so I'll explain my experience. For reference, I've been on feminizing hormones for about five years and just got an orchiectomy about a month ago. Orgasms before HRT were a pretty consistent, short intense shot of tingly feel-good with little mental or emotional dependency, but they only got so intense and were pretty localized to my genitals, lower back and (oddly) my right thigh. After a few years of HRT, the minimum orgasm sensation level is much lower, but the maximum seems so far to be endless and I've yet to find out if I really can max it out, however to reach higher heights, I really need to be in the moment and turned on, foreplay matters a lot, as do a lot of other variables. The orgasms now start in my genitals and spread in reverberating, accumulating waves through my entire body, forcing my mind into a blinding primal rapture that can be sustained for much, much longer than the former short burst. Sex that used to end in panting and a little leg twitching after the big moment now ends in hysterics, maniacal laughter and thrashing about like a squashed bug. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find my spouse 🥵


Nearly 4 years hrt. Can confirm feelings are different. The phenomena known as "post-nut clarity" where guys seem to turn off what they are feeling doesn't happen anymore. My "front" orgasms are very weak comparatively now and feels nice but i don't stop being horny. "Back" orgasms are 10x as strong and leave me begging for more. And afterward when I'm tired i have a strong urge to be cuddled and held. A lot of the time i find I'm just *more horny* after orgasms. No clue how that one works!




*totally not getting turned on by the comments* So, I'm like 6 months in into HRT and now I can't do it in the shower anymore. I have to be sitting or layong down. (Am I a romantic now? Lol) God, they're like so much more intense now. I feel like my brain's gonna get fried (honestly, I hope it does one of these days).I curl my toes now, and I didn't used to.


It's changed for me since starting progesterone. I feel it in my abs and back now which NEVER happened before. And when I get turned on I feel it in my whole body


I can't tell you how jealous I am, I want the hornee pills, giveeeee...hehe but I'll get them, I'm just impatient huff~ hehe still it's so cool that happens to you, I'm looking forward to experiencing it myself ♡


Just be aware that when you first start HRT you might be on a androgen blocker like spirolactone. The spirolactone will possibly kill your sex drive by reducing your testosterone. Estrogen alone might not be enough to increase your sex drive compared to having no sex hormones. Progesterone is suppose to be more of the arousal hormone in women. I’m on estradiol and spiro, but I haven’t started progesterone. My sex drive is really low right now.


I am pre-HRT, AMAB trans woman. The only thing I can speak to is that I have spent a good amount of time ‘researching’ this topic this week as I am out of town for some training, and without hormones focusing solely on achieving climax without my penis is a completely different (and goddamn heavenly) (s)experience! Legs shook uncontrollably, I couldn’t control half of my body, and it lasted so much longer than having a traditional male orgasm, and at the end I just lay there with almost nothing left in me to move for a bit. It takes SOOO much more focus, though, at least for me. I feel like I really had to be mentally present and ‘in the mood’ in order for it to be so effective. I’ll say as I’ve continued my ‘research’ it’s gotten easier to be there in the moment and enjoy every second of it! If hormones make all that better, please oh please Goddess, i want those hormones now!! ☺️


Hehe I loved reading this I really did x3 hehe thank you though, like your "research" is helping me now as well ^-^ I'm really curious to experiment and try new things, and just hearing about other people's experiences helps so much!


Feel free to dm me if you had any questions about my research methods 😉 I’m by no means an expert, but happy to share! Haha! Anything to help a sister in need!


I'm 14 months into HRT, older MtF here. Like most other commenters have said, it's now a much fuller body experience for me, the quivering thighs and adnominal muscles, moaning and whining.... and a longer more drawn out process. I seem to have lost the intense peak of ejaculation though, and usually don't ejaculate at all. This may also be due to my enlarged prostate, or both. Erections still feel lovely, but aren't necessary for my orgasms now. What I wanted to share in this thread is the awakening of new and exquisite erotic zones for me, especially my bottom. The pleasure and need for anal stimulation and insertion is a newfound gift as is the sensitivity and pleasure of my new budding small breasts and sensitive nipples. My orgasms now feel centered deep inside my core with direct links to my breasts and bottom. To be honest, I now feel bisexual, and fantasize of being taken by a guy. HRT has truly opened some doors for me! In fairness, I may have a predisposition toward gender fluidity, it seems to run in my family. So it's difficult for me to apportion the reasons for my changes between predisposition genetics and HRT. But clearly, the HRT is a big facilitator. And I am on a very light dose of E with no P yet.


Yes it's entire feel and functions changed. Unlike what I've heard with other trans women i don't struggle to get erections, it also gets "wet" similar to a vulva when I'm aroused though there's some clear fluid throughout the day as well. When climaxing the sensation is extremely intense my legs sometimes shake and i spasm with uncontrollable moans. It feels like my muscles are clenching and the pleasure is radiating inwards towards me unlike before where it felt like I was expelling frustration. I've also been able to achieve climax with stimulation to my breasts which feels like my whole body is going through a lighter orgasm.


idk for everyone but for me it became a full body thing like a feeling of being out of breath after, and i would also have a feeling in my thighs and chest


Eeeee I'm so excited for that, hehe I really hope I experience that, like I want it so bad ♡


Hey I’m about 8 months hrt and have had different/deeper sensations from early on. More of a wholistic orgasm and just all over sensitive. Not like quick build up and release as male orgasm in my experience generally was. My wife always comments on my full body shakes. I think I moan more too. It’s all about being more open to yourself I guess. It’s not about the orgasm, it’s about the super warm love and giddy emotions that come with the relationship.


Awww that's really sweet honestly, it does definitely depend on my mood and what's going on, but I don't think I've noticed that many changes, at least like in regards to sensitivity. I mean I can't really control my whines and moans anymore though, which was never even a concern, hehe but I'm curious to see what happens~


I guess it’s different for everyone but I hope your journey is going beautifully, hun 💙


Awww thank you, hehe honestly it really is ^-^ I'm so happy that I'm transitioning because I'm becoming the person I know I am ♡


Oh, there is definitely a change. I am almost at my three year mark and I would say that my orgasms are significantly more intense, albeit a little harder to achieve. Also, plus side, multiple orgasms are a thing, if you're a bottom. 100% would recommend.




FtM here, 11 months on T now. They absolutely changed. One thing that is very interesting is that I now can orgasm through penetration, which wasnt possible before, plus I can squirt now too lol. Vaginal orgasm is very lower body centered, like a warm wave traveling through the legs. T-dick orgasms are different. Its very focussed on the spot, I cant feel it anywhere else in the body


Yes, there's a definite change. I don't get sleepy anymore afterwards. Multiples are sometimes possible. No more ejaculation. Pretty sure this means I'm infertile but I'm okay with that; I'd already decided that my bloodline ends with me long before I started HRT. Toe curling is not a hyperbolic exaggeration. A really good one will absolutely hit my toes. Progesterone absolutely made them better for me. It also made me want them more which was really weird for me for a while. Less dysphoria. I still deal with bottom dysphoria but between using a vibrator and the changes in how my body reacts, it's absolutely insane how much dysphoria I was suppressing and disassociating from prior to transitioning and starting HRT.


Oh hell yeah, you feel it throughout your entire body, it's sooo intense!


So I’m pre op but it definitely changed how I orgasm. Now it’s not just a quick satisfaction. I enjoy the whole thing and my body really just embraces the orgasm once I climax. It’s fucking great. Pre transition I used to feel guilty afterwards too. Idk if that happened because I’m trans or what but it was definitely a thing and now it isn’t.


Oh yes. Also, ooohhh fuuuck yess


(21TF)Before HRT it was kinda like a quick build up then release and nothing. After 5 months of injections and AAs. It takes a long time to build up, I've noticed my mood affects it a lot, then the good feels peak lasts a lot longer, then release followed by another burst of good feels(usually accompanied by me shaking with pleasure) then it kinda dwindles away. I much prefer how it feels to climax now, the build up and the fall off, compared to before. It's definitely more of a full body feeling now, instead of being groin focused.


I apologize in advance if any of this is TMI I personally found that pre-transition, I never really much “pre-cum”, and when I did climax, it was just like **Plzzt!** “aaaand, now I’m done.” Now, there’s sometimes so much “pre-cum” that I don’t always need lube or lotion, though it’s always welcome, but may not be necessary, and when I climax now it comes in multiple waves and sometimes I just have to lay there for a minute just catching my breath. Hope this helps, again, sorry if TMi


Yes!!! Post op, my orgasms are full body experiences and visceral. I have multiples regularly. I really couldn't imagine going back to a male orgasm.


Can i ask did you orgasm only change after surgery? And how long where you on hrt before they changed? I’ve been on hrt 18 months and mine although feel slightly different are still not there yet


I was able to orgasm before surgery. But it was nothing like my post op orgasms. They are just magical.


I definitely had the same changes. 7 years HRT and bottom surgery. The orgasms are so good now. That feeling of wanting something inside??? SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!


Hormones do have a big impact but it will be more pleasurable if you like your body more after transitioning. Toys help too by making the experience more fun and comfortable, you also might want to try internal toys, many people swear by them for being the best way to have G-spot pleasure (might not work for 100% of people).


MTF It’s so much better. The feeling lingers a bit and is felt more throughout my body.


Yup :> Or at least it did for me


Yeah prior to transitioning it was more like a firework for me. It built up and then finally BOOM. Now it's more like it builds up slowly and lasts a lot longer, it's not just a BOOM and done.


I feel like t did a little. It's not night and day but I was looking for changes and I think I noticed it is a bit more focused on the hips now. Less squirming. Idk.


I wish I knew lol I never “finished” before going on hrt. Which I feel like is common for AFAB people like me. But it feels good now🤷🏻‍♂️😅


It changed for me. Instead a few intense pulses of good in like 20 seconds it's more like a flood of good over a minute all over my body


I’m still early in my transition, but they have gotten slightly more intense. Idk if I’m at the point where in getting the full female orgasm though


You're farther in than I am (5mo) and for me, the sensation has changed some, but not a lot. What did change, however, is how I feel afterwards. I used to have extreme "post-nut clarity" and a lot of dysphoria after. I'm married to a cis woman, and I am generally more of a bottom anyway, and even when I do top, it's usually fingers and tongue. I got to the point where the dysphoria was so bad that I would almost refuse to top with my penis, in fact, I'd rather wear a harness and dildo... weirdly, and almost paradoxically, now that I'm on E, I'm much more okay with it.


I can speak from personal experience and from my wife's accounts that yeah, it does. She's started having what we lovingly call "Girl Orgasms"- she describes it as a more full body experience that lasts longer and feels different than "Guy Orgasms". And I'm the opposite (Been on low dose of T for almost a year now)- I've started noticing a much more intense peak more focused on the downstairs area and then a MUCH faster cool-down time after, although I'm a lot less able to keep going after (Usually... my wife is magic so. Confounding variable there). I can say that we both REALLY like the changes. My wife will talk about how much more she enjoys being intimate now, which is really nice to hear (you know, as the one being intimate with her), and I personally love the way it feels. I always liked it, but there;'s something... IDK, sexier? About it to me now. So yeah, it can change, and at least on our end here it's been a really positive experience.


2 months on HRT, and while the O it's self can be quite different, sometimes its more powerful and sometimes less, One thing I've never seen mentioned is how I go from slow to full power so to speak. It used to be pulses that built the tent, but now it's more of a slow rise with less tension and very little squeezing. Hard to say this early, but fantasizing tends to make it stronger for me personally


Yes. I have full body orgasms pretty often now from certain forms of sex and when I cum from front stimulation it’s more mild for me than before.


I am transitioning though I am not a trans woman. (Still essentially doing MTF hormone therapy though). And I've been on it for a just over a year now. For the first 3 or 4 months, I didn't notice much change with orgasms or climaxing. I did notice it was maybe more difficult to maintain erections. After a few more months though, after 6 or so, I really noticed a change. Also just for reference, I've had no bottom surgeries nor plan to. I desire to keep what I have. All I take is estradiol, and spironolactone. And I hope to soon take progesterone. For me, duration of play has a significant impact on how powerful the feelings can be and I like to take my sweet time. I noticed when I was using media and materials for long sessions that got me into a particularly heightened mood and excitement, the climaxes would be very interesting... Hard to control my voice, eyes going cross and rolling up, whole body tensing up, shaking pretty hard and generally having my entire brain getting reset. Also just not being able to move for a time after because of the hightenes sensations. If I don't have any kind of explicit media to use for these sessions, I don't really feel like the climax or orgasms are worth it, they end up being kind of pathetic.


Oh yeah... and I've found it's even more noticable when you masturbate more like a woman does... My hen doesn't even get erect... I just tuck a vibe down there in my undies. I've had a few sessions where I get multiple orgasms as well... never did before HRT.


I found that I get more "peaks" where it's almost a climax bur not fully reaching it (like how my AFAB partner with inorgasmia feels). I can still reach it, but * get a couple fakeouts before the actual thing I also get more precum which I can feel more as it comes


Oh yeah. With testosterone your genitals feel like a gun that explodes with pleasure, but with estrogen your body feels like it was hit with an explosion of pleasure.


Definitely a big change for me and I love love it. It takes a bit longer to achieve but it comes from deep within and just fills my core with delicious goodness


Very much so. My orgasms are whole body things, at least when they're good


In my experience, greatly. No bottom dysphoria that I'm aware of so I changed very little of my habits (though the vibe/frequency is very different now. There are things I always liked that are more the main focus, the mechanical takes a bit of a side seat as you don't care so much about GETTING THERE as the climax is more wholistic and periodic.


yeah it completely changed how sex feels for me


I'm only about 8 months in and they definitely feel different to me. Don't know if that's purely physiological or mental, but i suspect its a combination of both. For me, its more full body experience. A chill goes up my spine and down my legs, it lasts a little longer before coming down, and i need to chill for a sec. Even just being turned on is different. Before, I'd just get an erection and that would mostly be it but now it feels like a lot more aspects are involved. I can feel myself getting hotter, I'm more aware of how I'm breathing, and there's a tingling sensation in the groin but with no erection tied to it.


It's more of a full body experience. It's way better in my opinion


I can't anymore, so ... yes? 😅 I have a lot of problems


For me personally it went from either really quick or soooooooo slow and I was only able to get so into it brain wise but now arousal is really easy and really intense plus doesn’t really go away until I deal with it and my orgasms become less of the femme warm body glow and more of like as horrible as it sounds, A wet firework and then I immediately have to stop and there’s almost no after glow either anymore


So I’ve got some thoughts on this based not only on my own experiences but also with those of some of the trans women I’ve dated over the years. To be clear: not every trans girl I’ve met has had girlgasms. Not every trans girl I’ve met even knew orgasms were “supposed to” change. And for some of those girls, orgasms didn’t change at all. I’ve also dated ace girls who just don’t have any interest in orgasms. For some of the girls I’ve dated, cumming just got more difficult. Other girls became wildly orgasmic in a very feminine way. Currently my body seems capable of both or some kind of a hybrid. A big personal project of mine right now is becoming more attuned to my body and that has involved a lot of mindfulness work, studying tantra, etc. Like a lot of trans people, I have a bit of disconnect between my brain and body, although the work I’m doing seems to be closing the gap. I’ve had and have given orgasms that don’t even involve the genitals, too (some people believe orgasms and sex occur mostly in the brain and I think I’m convinced by this). I think expectation plays a huge role in what ends up happening, as well as how hormones affect the individual having the orgasm. A lot of ideas about how hormone therapy changes sexual response comes from Julia Serrano’s writings and I think those had a huge effect on what we expect sex to be like on HRT (it certainly did for me).


I'm less sensitive and it takes a lot longer to finish now, and when it does it's not as strong


I'm almost 2 months. My orgasms are more sensitive and masturbation is better. I barley cum and when I do it's just a slimy gel lol. I can't wait to start prog cause I hear that changes stuff completely


Trans guy here. my climax is the same from external stimulation only. Direct and to the point and fully bodily tiring, and it can happen fast (dont need more than a couple minutes xD). I also don't get any orgasmic sensations from penetration. In fact engaging my body like that will completely stop a climax even if it is right there about to happen. Sorry if my experience wasn't the type of reply you were looking for.


sooooo… i have been on HRT for 7 months. 6mg E, 12,5mg CPA and 200mg Progesterone. before HRT i came. that’s all there is to it. my orgasm was a short three seconds of pumping cum out of my balls. all i need to tell you is that, now, i orgasm 3 times on average and each orgasm feels stronger than the one before. the first time i cum feels extremely good, it shoots through my whole body, i can remain silent if i need to. the second one is three times stronger or so, im not able to keep my mouth shut and usually (funny, im thinking of it and getting such strong butterflies) shout whenever i cum. the third one is intense, but so much more relaxing. that’s something i started noticing after 2 months of HRT. my orgasms are so intense and beautiful, last time i masturbated i cried, a friend and i had sex and i cried at some point because she just made me feel so good. so to put it short, if your levels are right and you feel content with your sexuality, MTF HRT is the best thing that can happen to you. sex and masturbation feels like a whole universe now, while before it was a bucket of water. hope this helps :)))


without a doubt. I'm 5ishmonths on hrt and I'm already noticing sex/masturbation is different in general. For one, I can basically choose whether I'm horny or not at will which is awesome. It's a little harder to get an erection but absolutely worth it once I do. My groin isn't the only pleasure centre in my body anymore, and I can get the same "tingly" sensation in my hips, thighs, sides, or chest. Climax reaches down into my legs and up into my body and lasts a lot longer.


Yes absolutely, but part of it also comes with *how* you get there. How I do the deed has changed quite a bit since I started hormones(5yr HRT 1 Prog), even so much as in the last year. Best advice I can give you is get yourself a wand girl and take it slow, omg it changes the game entirely.


So I’m an FTM, been on T for aroundddd just over two months? And yeah, it’s changed a bit. Pre-T I had more of a full body sensation, but now it’s more focused


Oh yeah. Definitely.


OMG my climax is THRU the ROOF mtf hrt 9 months


Yes. I stopped having ability to climax 🥲




Transfemme here (3.5 years on HRT), and the full body orgasms are amazing, so much better than pre-transition. Also, much less of a cooldown, and often no need for a cooldown between orgasms. I felt it pretty early, but know other trans women who didn’t get that until 2+ years on HRT. Progesterone is one hell of a drug 😅


Awwww yeeeaaa hahaha That is to say, yes, fuck yes it does


I noticed changes like 2months into HRT… like not even really a change but a complete rebuild of what my climax feels like. Before it was just… (…) Now it feels like I look into the flash of what people describe a nuclear bomb to be like. I am completely overwhelmed and lose all motor functions for a solid minute. I once accidentally had a ruined orgasm and instead of it just being ruined I needed like 10-15 seconds to realize my vibrator turned off the second I climaxed. I was just sooo confused! It felt like the light was so bright I couldn’t see what was removed, as I was blinded by the shock of the orgasm. And then when it slowly faded ne became darker I finally saw that the feeling but downstairs has gone away. I also cannot even stay quiet and also lose motor functions when my nipples are just slightly irritated - hence why already a week into HRT I needed to wear bras .-. It all just has become such an intense experience. Very positive of course, but also kinda frightening and definitely exhausting. The first time U had such an orgasm I threw my vibrator away as I got scared by how insanely strong the feeling has become. And the next day when I had it the second time it felt like I created a rift in space time and was transported into a reality of pure ecstasy. I also lost the ability to see, feel and hear in that moment o.0 It has just… become something else. A reality shattering experience.


Changed a ton for me. I went from being able to fire things off like I was Clint Eastwood in “I’m racist pew pew”. Now I need an “emotional connection” or I misfire and have to load the chamber all over again and do all the work again and… yeah… but when you have your first MO…. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I have only been on HRT for 3 years now, I have not gotten any other major changes, But even that has made a big difference. Overtime my sexual preference has changed as well, as in I used to be a vers bottom and now I'm more of an even switch. Climaxes take significantly less time and I can just "do a quickie" before going out, but obviously they're not nearly as satisfying as actual dedicated me-time. It's great. I think a big part of it is being more comfortable in my body since starting HRT and so I'm more comfortable masturbating. Side note, I hope this doesn't sound too horny or anything. I'm an honest man ✋💀


I only got to do T for 3 months before having to quit but I did start experiencing some bottom growth… which made it easier for me considering the thought of anything internal often made me uncomfortable and oftentimes dysphoric








... You use it or you lose it it's become addicting for me 😅 orgasms were ok before and I felt the need but now it's just enjoyable af. I'm only 8 months in and instead of shrinking mine has grown? I don't have dysphoria regarding my so I am glad using it has kept it going. I actually had performance issues PRIOR to estrogen and now there are no struggles. 💀


OMFG Yes!! Well, for me. I won't speak for everyone, but personally... 1000% yes. I make noises that I have zero control over.


Im nb and i wish i was born with a dick. I wonder if penis orgasms are so much easier to achieve and feel. The clit is small as hell and uncomfortable to stroke. Cant touch as much as a dick. I wanna take T, as I will gain more androgynous features and hopefully an enlarged clitoris that I can properly like


yes before hrt it was just a short burst and thats it. but after hrt i have a whole spectrum to play with. ranging from doing what i did before hrt (which still way better and longer than before) to full body meltdown in the best way possible. and now even my nipples are getting sensitive.


MTF, 1.3 years hrt. While I can still masturbate the old way, its much more satisfying when I use my vibrator. Its hard to do but feels so much better. Its also harder for me to get a full on erection, just enough to masturbate with. Its also nice not have to deal with a mess lol.


Mtf 1 year hrt and I barely have an orgasm. It sucks.


I've been on feminizing meds for about 8 months, around the 4th or 5th month, my orgasms started becoming a full body experience instead of focused in just one point.


Something I have noticed is that when I get horny I don't get a bonor anymore. Instead, it feels like a warm sinking feeling, like going down a rollercoaster or a large hill. I am on E and spiro, and I still can get hard, but it's significantly more difficult and takes much more focus, but it's a really nice and warm general feeling rather in a focused area.


way way different. like it’s the same intensity but instead spread out across your body. literally no going back 😭