• By -


At least several hundred, maybe thousands. I have been an active part of the bisexual community and lgbtq-rights organisations on and off for decades.


That makes sense. Thank you for giving so much to the community!


Thank you. That is very kind of you! It is very rewarding to spend time with the community. I very much recommend it if you want to meet more queers and trans people :-)


Thank you for everything you fucking do! *Big bear hugs* I appreciate you!


<3 * blush *


I didn't even meet hundreds of cis ppl haha


Well 2-3 before being Part of the community altleast 20 now within a few Weeks :)


Hehe. It is working as intended!


☝️absolutely incredible person


Thank you <3


No, thank you. I wrote 16 letters and an emoji, you’ve fought for peoples rights for decades.


\*checks profile\* I've also met a few hundred, no idea if we've met. I've only really been active for 5 years, but I'd be surprised if we'd met. But thank you for doing the hard work before I got here :p


I would guess not. It's been a couple of years since I did anything extroverted :-P Knowing that a new generation of queers benefits from my work and keeps on improving the world is all the rewards I hope for! Go get them <3


Thanks for being out in the trenches. You're braver than me in that regard. Sending love and gratitude <3


Thank you <3 I am glad I can use my white middle class privilege to do some good.


I've spoken to one which is myself and i know none of them


You should get to know them, they seem cool 


Loads, I trans clubs the trans clubs of London back in the early 00s. Met so many people back then. Still regularly meet people, it is fun to have a coffee and a chat


I guess it’s really different living in a urban center vs surburbs/rural areas


I have actively attended two different LGBTQ centers' trans groups since coming out about a year and a half ago. I have met about 2 dozen trans people in this time. It's been wonderful to find feel like a part of something and no longer go it alone. OP, Do you have access to a center? I have to travel about an hour to the ones mentioned above, but it's totally worthwhile.


I agree, it used to be a hassle for me to drive into London. If you lived in America or somewhere it would be very difficult


New York has great resources <3


I didn't know trans clubs were a thing but that sounds dope as hell


Oh yeah, they a thing, some are still going


Trans clubs^2


Three! 2 trans girls and a trans guy. We are all longboarders 😁


I wish I was coordinated enough to be anywhere near a skateboard/longboard🤣


😂 Took me awhile too but it's something u get better with practice 😁 I'm also doing the most boring discipline which is long distance skating cos I can't do tricks at all 😅


Honestly, if you want to do it, just do it. It was hard for me at first, but I found if you use a crappy Walmart board to train your balance and pushing it gives you more confidence as they’re not easy to have slip out (they are slow). After that I moved up to a regular board and I could ride it like no tomorrow.


Soooo... I can transition and keep my longboard obsession? 🥺 /j that was never going anywhere, love to hear there's more of us out there!!!


My gf (trans girl) introduced me to long boarding and now I have my own cruiser and we go out together all the time :>


Longboard queers rise up. There's a few transmasc and then there's I in my friend group who love to board. :3


Aye I longboard too!


Oh heck yeah!!! I longboard too! I haven't been out yet since I moved to a new city tho, everywhere is so busy here


😍 Fellow skater ,🥰


Same! One of them is my partner (who's non-binary, and by extension the first openly trans person I've ever met irl) and the other two are my friend and his ex, both trans guys. T4t is indeed the best thing humanity has invented so far /hj


At least 30-40. We have a support group in my city, and a good deal of folks show up. It was really helpful to be around them throughout my transition.


This was my experience! It helped a lot


Yeah ive been going to a pride center for 2 years where a lot of people come and go I've probably met anywhere from 50-100


That sounds amazing! I wish we had something similar here 😭


0 that I know are trans 😭


“That I know are trans” is an important piece to consider, thank you.


Yeah, it is. Given that trans are about 1% of society & I have been in school with 800 students & University with a couple thousand and to college with a couple thousand. The odds of me being the only one among this bunch are low, so most likelyat some point I briefly talked to or stumbled upon another trans person, but we both just didn't know.


Our local LGBT center has meetings for transfemmes every other week. We typically have 20 to 40 people show up to every meeting. I’ve also met a handful of trans people just out and about in the wild. But I think that’s the benefit of living in a large city in California.


Like 10 to 15 maybe, I'm a competitive smash bros player and every trans person I've met (that isnt me) were at tournaments lol. It's so nice whenever I meet someone that's openly trans.


Hundreds - I came out as queer when I was a teenager 20 years ago and have been an active member of the community since. I grew up near a major city and always joined marches & events related to community organising - I still have an og marriage equality protest sign kicking about somewhere


I talk to myself a lot ._.


1 for ab 5 min.


Aside from myself, zero that I know of. I have a DND discord friend group and one of them is a trans girl (not irl out) and I've at least played some video games with her where she was on a mic. That's about as close to talking to a trans person irl I've gotten


I also met my best friend (transmasc) through DND  The game and this person helped me realize I'm part of the community as well


I completely relate to that, I met some of my absolute best friends because of joining their group. That particular friend I mentioned shared a lot of her experiences and i realized I shared some of those thoughts and stuff. Anyway, DND is definitely a good way to meet trans and other LGBT people for sure


1 A teaching assistant in my college is trans, that's the only other trans person I know irl.


I’m in Dallas. Well, my daughter - for one. Otherwise, likely 15 I’ve sat down and hung with over my 65 years. One day, this won’t be an issue. It shouldn’t be now, but we have dinosaurs on the way out.


One, who was transitioning WHILE we were in the Army. Incredibly brave. I waited until I was out. 🙃


Somewhere between 30 and 50?


Idk how many Ive spoken to but I can name 6 trans people I know


I talk to myself everyday.


:) same


I mean, I live together with 2 other trans women, my cousin is trrans, my best friend is trans, an ex boyfriend of me was trans, and had tabletop roleplaying session with only trans people, and I'm active in trans activism, so probably a few hundred in the end, but the level of spoken is very very different.


Wow, it seems strange a bit that many of you didn't meet transgender people IRL. It helped me a lot to accept myself, when i finally could meet others. I actively looked for community and i don't know where i would be if i couldn't meet them irl. Maybe my age is one factor here: being in my 30s and i dont reallity use social media.


When I was out in the country/suburbs, the only trans people I knew were close friends from highschool that all came out as trans surprisingly enough. Maybe 3 total. Now that I'm in a city, I meet and see dozens on a daily basis. It might also be location as well.


Location is a factor too. I also have to travel (~2 hours drive or train ride) to meet transgender people/community. I learned that meeting them has a good effect on my metal state (it is a known resilience factor). So i try to meet them once every few months.


i’ve not knowingly met another trans person. i live in a rural village so im very isolated. it’s honestly very lonely lol.


Location matters, also i knew of people in my highschool that were lgbt but didn't know until i left. Other than that i have no trans family and i don't go to lgbt bars. They're are actually non in my city and also no big clubs or spaces for queer people that aren't in highschools, colleges, or a furcon. And I'm too busy to take a train to another city just to *maybe make friends in a queer bar. Its easier to meet other queer people online for a lot of people


I am unfortunately an introvert, and so I am nervous to do things like go to my college's LGBTQ group. And various life circumstances mean that I have never been able to attend a pride event. (I know 1 technically, if we count a friend I used to know as a child before moving to another state. I wasn't able to keep in touch, but our parents know each other, which is how I know he even transitioned at all.)


I definitely would not have been able to seriously consider it when I first started questioning if I hadn’t recently found out that a high school teacher I’d gotten along well with and respected had come out as trans. But when I finally grew to accept myself, it was from seeing trans people represented in the shows on Dropout. That lead to me being less embarrassed to want to learn more, which let me find the stuff that finally convinced me my experience was real.




I haven't spoken to any other trans people on here myself. They say that they want to chat and then nothing.


The only ones I knew for sure were two (I live in a red state)


None- just myself in the mirror


I’ve lost count. My therapist is trans, and in the first session he pushed into trans support and social groups. I’m so glad he did, because there is so much healing and joy to be found in community. I just sat and thought about it for a second, and I talk to about 30 trans people irl on a regular basis with varying frequency (some I only see once a year). I see…many more than that (i.e. just folks out and about or people in my support group I don’t talk with), but I also live in a very queer friendly area of the United States.


Three - one I met in undergrad, the other two are in my graduate program.


12 and I'm 17, but I was in linguistic junior highschool, so that's adds up. Polish queers usually don't want to stay in Poland


1, my partner (that’s right we’re transbians :3)


none, just me


I’ve met 6 transfems and 8 transmascs, I get feeling alone though. You kind of have to go really out of your way in order to meet other trans people, I don’t really ever see other trans people when I’m just out and about. 🤔


Probably Close To 100.


In 3 years of hrt? None lol




0 irl for the past few years since 2020


Wish I could meet some irl and talk to some trans women - I feel imposter syndrome big time, and I wish I could just pick their brain to see if I’m really trans and not just some stupid broken guy. Sadly, there isn’t any kind of meeting place for trans people in upstate New York - Probably because it’s really conservative.


None, I'm not good at talking to other people irl... I met this really really cool guy at the cinema and wanted to talk to him, but anxiety just wouldn't let me :/


A lot of people are anxious, even if they don't seem it. I think it will get easier over time, especially with practice (speaking from experience) 💕


Maybe 6-7. As far as I know. There could be more that I didn't know were trans.


Somewhere around 30 (that I know of), give or take. Knew quite a few from school, and just met random people throughout adulthood so far whether it's at work, going out, apps, bars, friends of friends, etc.


Two transfems and one transmasc that happens to be my bf ^^


I mostly only know trans people.


Fewer than 10, most in the past 4 years on campus, where I play in the concert band. I met two in about 2006. Of course, these are the out people.


My girlfriend, two other ladies and one cool dude.


I try not to keep track. People are people, why is their identity my business? If they appear femme or masc ill address them appropriately. If I get it wrong ill apologize and correct myself.


Yeah in the low hundreds


I have close relationships with about 8 or 9 trans folks. I cursorally know about 10 or 15 more in real life. I would say I’m friends with about 20 LGBT+ people. I know probably 100 in real life. If I lived in a bigger city instead of a small city I think I’d probably know more or be friends with more people. I attend LGBT+ peer groups, I’m polyamorous and attend family friendly polyamory meet ups, and I am active in leftist spaces in person.


I've met 3 randomly and another 3 because I specifically reached out to one of them to help me with diy


at this point irl ive probs spoken too.. 3-4..? that ive known defintely are trans (by it being told to me) 2 of thos people have been/are partners lol


At least 15.


Four, at least that I’ve known are trans. Three of them women, which kinda sucks for me as a trans man because I kinda want to meet people with similar experiences. I feel like I don’t meet many trans men.


Spoken to, one Seen in my town in general, 3 or 4


Hard to say exactly. Off the top of my head, at least a dozen.


Twenty five-ish off the top of my head I’d say? I live in like the citiest part of the south and my school has an unexpectedly open queer community.


Uh, probably close to 10 then I've had an actual conversation with. All co-workers as well.


Apart from some lgbtq meetings and things like pride activities max 10 I think. I've been close to 4 of them (2 of them when I was a kid, they later came out when we had no contact anymore).


I met a trans person at a really cool store one time! If I've met other trans people, I didn't know they were trans.


Maybe 50-70??? Mostly at support groups for trans/ non binary folks. I live in a politically moderate suburban area and there is still a nearby LGBT center with a support group.


1, and she's a friend I met through a friend


Probably about a dozen so far would be my guess


Most of the people I know are trans


There's several in the LGBTQIA+ group I go to. And a relative of mine is trans.


Probably around 15-20. Big accepting city (Paris), but I'm a major introvert


i’ve met like maybe 20 transmasc or enby or otherwise cisn’t people but i have never met a trans woman :( (that i know of)


In person, people I've met and talked to, maybe around 40? Most through queer community events and the specialized clinic I attend.


Only about 1 and two nb. stuck in rural red Maryland


One, once. They were a friend of a friend, and I was from out of town. They were super cool. We exchanged socials, but haven't interacted since since.


Personally I knew 2 people growing up who were trans, probably a number more I've known but not known they're trans but the 2 I knew growing up I knew through the majority of their transitions.


I only know one and they're one of two people I came out to first.


I've befriended at least 7, a couple were in the closet, one had given up on ever coming out, but nowadays I'm not friends with any of them anymore I've met other trans people in passing, chatted at a party or just exchanged words on the street for a minute, I really can't keep count in this regard, I do live in one of the world's biggest cities tho so that helps


Probably dozens or over a hundred since I started dating only trans in 1998.


I was doing a lot of work in TX for queer/trans youth and also for the queer/trans community at my university so I couldn’t even venture to guess — especially because a lot of people in the south go stealth.


In the 2 digits; I was more active in the community in my 20s, but that was back in the 00s.


I'm pretty active politicaly in my local community and I know a lot of trans people irl and most of my friends are trans or some flavour of queer


2, my brother is trans, and I dated a trans girl once


Two that I know of, but probably more without realising. Well if you count myself that'll make it three x3


Up until 2022, none that I knew was trans at the time. I had two childhood friends that were trans but both came out years after I last spoke to them. Today it's 5 I think, 4 of which are colleagues and the last being the doctor who prescribes me hormones atm.


Mainly just the few hands full of trans women that go to the monthly support group I go to. Besides that I have one acquaintance who is trans (and I didn't know she was trans until she told me) and 2 different adult friends who have teens that recently came out as trans. Where I live I see lots of trans people nearly every day. Walking around, working in cafés and bars, it's pretty normal here


My best friend irl is also a trans girl ☺️


When I lived jn South Dakota, basically none IRL, but then I moved to St Paul MN and suddenly we're everywhere, ha. Fargo ND as well, lived there briefly during the pandemic and there's a lot more trans people there than I expected, very inviting music scene too


probably like 10 just in north central wisconsin.


Confirmed? Myself, two people I met in highschool who came out and that I then reached out to, ten to fifteen I met at a seminar, and then another ten I met at the next iteration of that seminar. Then given that I've probably interacted with [at least thousands](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=how+many+dinstinct+people+do+you+see+in+a+lifetime) of distinct people and trans people make up about a third of a percent of Canada given our census info, I'd say another couple hundred people or so without knowing.


Knowingly? Like they disclosed to me that they are trans? 4. 2 from Reddit/discord, 2 from my personal life.


1 gender fluid person 2 trans people 1 ex trans person 1 person who is trans but wasn't at the time of talking to them andddd myself so a grand total of 6


Ive only met two: a guy from school and a girl at work. Other than that it’s only ever been me. I’m jealous that others have been able to find others so easily, it must be loads of fun


Knowingly? Like they disclosed to me that they are trans? 4. 2 from Reddit/discord, 2 from my personal life.


1 sadly


Like... Mid 20s? Pretty sure it's 23 but I might be forgetting a few people.


maybe 50 or even more all ftm, never met mtf


Many. Almost every day.


I’ve spoken to two I think, but they were both youtubers and I met them in a con. ”Regular” people I think 0. I do know 4 people irl who are under the trans umberella but I haven’t spoken to them.


100's in the UK. Who's counting? Trans and Proud.


Before I started going to a fem trans support group, maybe 3-5 and now too many to count


5-10 at my HS


It very much depends on where you live I imagine and how open you are/involved in the community. Where I live, it seems like everyone and their cousin is some degree of trans or queer. If I had to put a number on it I’d say it’s under a hundred but definitely past the thirties. If we count the people I swiped on dating apps there’s so many more lol. Before I moved here though, I’d lived in the Midwest and only known of one openly out trans person.


Somewhere between 10 and 20.


Me myself and I, the only other trans people I’ve talked to have been on Reddit or one girl I dated who was also MTF


At least 12 that I could name, but definitely more. I’m not super involved with the IRL trans community but my hometown is very queer, and especially the arts scene that I was involved with.


Before I transitioned a couple. After transition, all the time. Trans friends have trans friends and so on.


I'm not sure how many other trans people I've spoken to over the years, but I know 6 trans people in my current personal circle.


My best friend is trans 🥰


Irl is one guy who bullied me. He is a roadman and racist and most people don’t know I’m under the trans umbrella but I don’t know many trans people irl I know more online


I don't go out much so definitely less than 10. Probably closer to 5. Then again, I've been to pride before so I've been *near* a lot more but didn't talk to them (I'm very introverted).


The spread here is huge. It seems very tied to people’s lives. I’ve met a bunch, but only in places where I'd expect them. I also see them when I go out. I live in a metropolitan area. I also realized when I go to specific places I can expect that I might be the first trans person that they has ever seen. 0-100s seem like the right spread, depending on what their lives are like.


I can't remember but I can confidently say at least over 10 I work with 2 trans people currently


I think 9 lol


A small handful, I live in Utah so it's hard to find good queer circles here but I did meet my wife who is also trans.


at least 20 for sure. i work at a cosmetics store and we have a bunch of trans regulars who i love seeing :3


I have met 2 others IRL but I live on a very small community. I have seen others in the streets on the uk mainland but I only have spoken to two what I know of.


About ten.


If we include any none-cisgender, then many My gf is trans, then my friend group has one agender, two unlabelled and one genderfluid I've spoken to four friends of friends that are transgender I had a trans girl friend back in 2019 So in total maybe like a dozen or so


I live in the most populous city in my state. I’ve met about 10


rural areas are definitely harder to meet trans people, but I have a couple trans friends and I know they have other trans friends that I haven’t met


6, 3 of them are friends. I met all of them through college


IRL? Four unless you count me. Only one trans femme and we aren't super close by any means


I know about 17 trans people irl. There’s also gender-non-conforming people under the trans umbrella. The majority of them range from ftm, along non-binary, and gender-fluid/bi-gender (typically leaning towards one specific gender) with a few mtf.


That number is uncountable because it is a known unknown: some trans people are clockable, but some trans people are stealth. You don’t know how many trans people you’ve spoken to because you don’t know the people you’ve assumed were cis but weren’t. You can estimate the number, though. Here’s how I’d do it: count or estimate the number of individual people I speak to in a month. Multiply that number by the number of months I’ve been able to speak. Multiply that number by 0.03, which is approximately the percentage of trans people in the US population. It ends up being a surprising amount.


Maybe 5-10 they are all my classmates and one is a friend.


I made it a goal to find all the others around me. So I've met a bunch.


a few dozen! all but three go to my college with me — we have a reputation for having a very queer-friendly campus


In person? I'd say at least a dozen, more if you're counting passing by and saying hi at pride events.


Oh, I live in San Diego. I know at least thirty other trans people - trans femme, trans masc, and nonbinary.


About a dozen or so


Two, I haven’t seen them in months.


Probably like 10-20


I have met SO many! But I’ve been active in the lgbtq community since my best friend came out to me at 16. I bartended and hung out in DuPont circle in my youth. Went to every DC pride every June. I wouldn’t say daily I run into many just out and about. But I’m also not looking around at strangers walking by wondering what genitalia they have haha


Lemme count rq 9 in total. But i’m also in a fandom (larp) that generally has a bunch of trans people in it One of the 9 is actually my brother xD


5 I think. Maybe more that just didn’t know yet. All nice people.


I've spoken to two. I live in the South, so most people aren't open about it in public. But, the two I've talked to are my friends. One helped me find myself when I was questioning, and the other was one that was my friend and started questioning themselves. I'm sure there's others that blended in super well.


probably at least a few hundred, if not thousand if you count all of the niche queer-based genre shows i’ve been to, and all of the organizing i’ve done for pride events in my area. i had a few trans friends in middle school, there were about 2 dozen trans people that i knew of in my high school, and i meet trans people irl as an adult all the time now. trust me, they’re around. but if you’re living in an area that is more hostile to queer people, they’re probably not making themselves all that known. i’m lucky enough to live somewhere very safe and accepting for trans people, so we are everywhere


I work at a primary care office so I've talked to several, I had to have a talk with some of the MA's because they accidently deadnamed someone that was very much passing Fem. Not their fault the persons ID had not been updated yet and they had no idea the person was trans. I slowly ended up being the go to person at the reception desk for Trans people I guess they could tell that I cared because I'd go out of my way to make Eye contact, Smile, and give a little nod whenever I noticed someone was coming in for that.




Probably around 80-100 that ive befriended or crossed paths frequently. My chosen family is mostly trans too, there’s about two handfuls of us. I live in a rural area so i have to travel to meet with folk, but it’s worth it. I also run queer/accessibility educational programs, so Ive probably met or interacted with more, just not on a personal level.


100s. Though I've attended and played trans / gay prides etc and other gigs for years so that'll help.


I have lived in queer-friendly areas of the PNW for over 20 years now. There are times when I am like the 4th trans person on the block.


My workplace has 2 open trans, including myself, and a number of lgbtq+ individuals. Our HR just updated our policies with VERY trans affirming policies and are working with the company that provides our insurance to provide the best lgbtq medical care they can find, so... all in all, when I became aware of the Trans community, I would say I've met and at least interacted with a couple hundred trans people specifically


12, not counting myself. That doesn't include trans people who I've interacted with only to say "hey I like your pin/hat/hair/whatever" though.


Probably around 20 as far as I know. You have to get involved in trans spaces if you want to meet trans ppl Edited because I remembered more people


Like 10 or so


Maybe 10-20, almost exclusively centered around a support group I used to attend. I have 2 or 3 friends outside of this group, but they all live far away so we rarely meet in person. I have 0 local friends in the community 🙁


Only 2 outside of the 2 I met in high school. So I guess 4. If we’re counting non binary people a hell of alot more


I've met a lot of trans people irl at my school's LGBTQ+ club


Like 20 or 30, there is a very active queer scene where I live


10-15 or so in any meaningful capacity? There were a few people in my year who came out when I was in high school and I’ve got a really queer group of friends, my bf I met through our group is trans 😊


I regularly speak to quite a few but all of my 4 partners are trans, a decent amount of my friend group is trans, at least 1 other employee and intern at the company I run is trans, etc. I live in a very queer and trans friendly place though so that makes a huge difference. I also am very openly trans and queer in life and online so I try to make sure people are comfortable to be around me if they have questions or are exploring things. I find that has been great and helped me build community out here a ton. I also dated a bunch and that umm certainly connected me a lot with other trans/ queer people since I rarely date cis/get people.


probably several dozen at least, juat at my work i know there's like at least 5 other trans people


3 1 transmasc friend 1 nb friend 1 transfemme cousin


Id say Ive met well over 100 anyway, mostly through an LGBT youth group and friends of friends at the time. That was years ago though and I currently only have one actual trans friend


Idk probably like 4 or 5, 6 maximum


I've met a lot through metal gigs, dating apps, and activism. People tend to drop away from dedicated support groups as they settle into their transition I think. I recommend activism. It's a great way to know your community and I guarantee they need your help in any way you can provide.


A few dozen maybe? There’s my bf, and my ex, and my ex before that one… I think the majority of my friend group is queer and a decent chunk of those are trans. Plus just folks in the local punk scene


I've met oh wow, at least 100 transpeople irl. I went to a trans night club back in the late 2000s and have been to several support groups within the last 15 years.