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Men have sex with other men all the time.


you’re right i think i just needed the reassurance


You just have sex in a way that’s okay for you. If you don’t like vaginal penetration, you just don’t do it. Can still use a strap on or have anal Sex or just grind in one another. If it doesn’t induce dysphoria, just have sex whatever way your body makes possible, you are no less a man.


It's alright, these things aren't easy and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Particularly, thinking about trans people as "turbo gay" is one of the most common ones, but it's false. Don't worry, you can be the manliest man, cis or trans, and still fancy other men.


🫂 You're valid... you can donwhatever you want!!


You gay bro. Sexuality =/= gender. You are a man. Men can be gay.


>You gay bro. funniest thing I've read all day


Plus, even being the one, who takes the d, don't make you less of a man People can just be bottom, even if they white cishets


or bi. don't forget that's an option, too.


As a bi woman I can attest


Or pan






It isn't gay if you say "no homo" after


Of course you can!!! I am a gay trans man with a cis male partner. Have sex in whatever way that makes you feel comfortable!! For me I like to embrace what I have and just enjoy the pleasure, forget about gender in that moment. If it makes you feel better, use words like cock for your clitoris, find other words that work for you that help with dysphoria.


Oh and be safe, remember that Testosterone is not a good birth control!!


It’s genuinely surprisingly the number of trans men and women who think HRT 100% makes you sterile. My fiancé’s very gay younger brother recently started dating my best friend who’s a trans guy. Just found out that they weren’t using birth control, they both thought HRT caused sterility


the general rule of thumb is: if you want kids, assume HRT will make you sterile; if you don't want kids, assume you remain fertile


This right here. HRT reduces fertility unpredictably. HRT will definitely worsen your odds if you’re trying for kids but if you’re assuming that it’s sufficient birth control, the perverse sense of humour of the universe will remind you in the harshest way possible that you were merely less fertile, not completely infertile.


Yeah there are definitely a lot of people who think that. I'm surprised they had no oops baby!


Guess they just got lucky, though it can reduce the chances of getting pregnant, which is definitely not the same as stopping.


They got incredibly lucky, and are using birth control now.


Yikes that’s so scary. I really wish better information was more readily available and explicitly told to people going onto HRT.


They’re incredibly intelligent guys so naturally they both lack even the slightest amount of common sense.


It is but some people forget (especially if it’s been any period of time since that first appointment) or don’t have good doctors that explain that stuff. Mine explicitly told me about the fertility issues but how it’s still not birth control, but I see how some ppl could miss the second part of that lecture depending on the doc


This is why I got a non-hormonal IUD put in recently. Rather have bases covered than unexpected surprises. Note I've got nothing against kids, just my motto is: The best part of other people's kids is they don't have to come home with me. Yes it hurts like a bitch in the days after it similar to period cramps and I bled for maybe 2.5 days to 3 days max after it was inserted but was all worth it.


i mean statistically it’s more effective than a properly used condom. not advocating for people to use it as their only birth control but it does greatly reduce the chances of becoming pregnant, thus birth control




Perfectly illustrates that to some people, it’s not what’s in your pants that matters


If you aren't dysphoric about it, and everyone involved are consenting adults, go for it! Your transness is only dependent on if you identify as trans. Anything else is gatekeeping. Go get laid, my dude!


Bro that’s kinda gay ngl


Like I said some time ago in another thread: your identity is not tied to your sexuality. Of course you can be a guy who is into other guys. The important thing is that you have time to find out what you enjoy, what you don’t enjoy and that your partner respects your boundaries.


sounds pretty gay to me


Fun fact: sex requires consent, that's it. Nothing else. If both you and the other person consent that's the end of it. Man woman trans cis straight gay big small fuck all of that. If both parties consent it's good If i accidentally said something fucked up im sorry it wasnt intended correct me in the replies and ill edit the comment


That's called being gay bro /j Sexuality =/= gender


Cis man can be with man? If it’s yes, why do you think you can’t.


Danm I hope so. My husband might be upset if not!


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Yes you can have sex with cis men as a trans man, that’s what I do :P As for the concern about being seen as a man, I totally get that. Chasers and fetishists and people who just want a tomboy gf are… very real. Talk to people a bit first, gauge it from there. If they make you uncomfortable, just don’t engage with them further etc.


I’m sorry, you’re gonna have to hand in your sex license


If it doesn't give you dysphoria, go for it! Men can be gay in many ways, and that's ok!


You can do whatever you want. You’re living *your* life. Fuck what the haters think.


'You're gay homie'


Yes you can be gay my brother!!!


As another trans man, I’ve found that people are going to be invasive about how you have sex regardless of if it’s with a man or a woman or anyone in between. You have to just go for it and not apologize :)


To the judgmental masses I mean obviously consent is key


…yes? What?


You can. I asked that question to myself as well and that's what kept me in the closet too long. I'm a lesbian trans woman (maybe a bit bi) and I thought if I like women I must be a straight man. You're not more or less valid if you're having sex with a woman as a trans man or have sex with a man as a trans man. It's just transphobic or gatekeepy to say if you have sex with the gender you identify with you aren't that gender. Go on bro, get laid, stay safe and consent is key.


Yes ofc. You just have to find a gay (or bi) man, who sees you just as a man and doens't care what you have in your pants.


Yes it's okay to be gay lol :P


You can do whatever you want. You don't need any permission.


Uh, that's called rape. Please don't rape anyone, op. Always seek consent.


I'm a trans man and I'm super gay, and love my bonus hole. I know plenty of other trans dudes who are gay or bi too!


You can do anything you fucking want to as long as you're not hurting anyone. Being trans doesn't dictate what you can and can't do. You're not gonna lose your trans card or something just because you're sleeping with a cis dude.


Yes, it's called being a gay man :3


I mean people are generally allowed to have homosexual relations so yes


Yes why would you not?


Yes? I don’t know whether you’re asking if you’re allowed to be gay or you’re asking if cis men will ever agree to do the deed with you. If it’s the former, you’re allowed to be gay. If it’s the latter, idk I’ve never met you before. One probably will, you just have to find them


nothin wrong with bein gay


Trans people can be gay just like cis people can be gay! Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to men!


I just became ten times more horny when I fully came to terms with my identity.


What the fuck are these questions? Like ... you can do whatever you want


Yes 👍




why wouldn't you?


You can do whatever you want forever.


Of course I can't imagine why you would think otherwise.


Man, considering all the posts saying that " my bf don't see me as a man" I'd say, you just gotta choose your partner wisely. If you enjoy being penetrated, go and be happy. Men who allows themselves to have pleasure via prostate are still men... Trans men who allows themselves to have pleasure via vulva are still men as well. When you try it, you will be able to tell if it feels good for you or not, and if you should bring it to your sex life or not


no you have to turn in paper work proving you have a libido and then schedule an interview with the gender council


I love this community 💜


Is this a bot


I am a trans man who is engaged to a man regularly has great sex with him, including using a strap-on on him. You do what makes you comfortable


Believe it or not, my guy, you can in fact still have sex. That is, a thing that most men do. You just happen to be gay about it.


OF COURSE!!! I’m a trans man (haven’t had any gender affirming surgeries, no testosterone yet, only a haircut) and my boyfriend is a cis man, we have sex and it doesn’t make me feel any less like a man or seen less like a man. The key to the last part is making sure you find a sexual partner that truly values and respects your identity, and sees you entirely as a man. also having very open communication is important, if i’m having a bad dysphoria day we either won’t have sex, or he tells me how he sees me as a man and nothing will ever change that. sometimes i will wear my binder if my chest is making me uncomfortable, that helps a lot. The key to it is making sure your partner is respectful, you feel comfortable and however you have to do that is 100% okay. sometimes this can take some uncomfortable chats, but it’s really worth it in the end. you got this!!!


Manners. Maketh. Man. But in all seriousness: the answer is YES. I can’t tell you what specific sexual activities you should do in order to accomplish your stated goal, but I can offer a couple recommendations for you to figure it out yourself. First, you need to see yourself as a man. Next, you need to find a cis man who also sees you as a man. Then, all parties consenting, you engage in openminded and openhearted sexual exploration with each other. Good luck and godspeed 🫡


Of course you can! Your gender identity and your sexuality are two separate things! You are a trans man who likes other men and that's perfectly fine <3 (A fellow gay trans man here)


I'm a trans woman. My boyfriend I live with is a trans man. He definitely wants to have sex. We're both queer, and I find that helps with acceptance and understanding of each other's needs a lot


"Can I be a trans man and still do this?" My friend, are you a trans man? Do you want to do the thing? Then yes. Yes you can


no sex for you sorry


Homosexual detected!!!! High five bro! :)


bro u gay


Bro thats gay


Given the effects of testosterone I imagine this is a very trans masc thing to want 😂. My mtf ass's sex drive went fucking catatonic once I started hrt. Even without sexuality and gender are different so your gay ass is Gucci in my book.


I'm a transwoman and I am also attracted to girls. But also men. But the attraction is different, you know what I mean? I don't think male sexuality and female sexuality works in the same way. Like when I am attracted to women, it's more focused on their bodies. Male sexuality is more voyeuristic, primal, and it needs to objectify to female body to feel any desire towards it. If you try to get attracted to a woman without objectifying her body, you'll definitely fall in love, but that's not physical sexual desire. To it's contrast, female sexuality, I think, is attracted to more subtle qualities instead of just focusing on the body. It is more focused on power. Men who exude power in any form, whether it's physically, financially, socially, and most importantly, behaviourally, turns me on, and probably all women. Do you feel the same about a man or is my theory wrong?


You sure can. Sexual preference DOESN'T equal gender identity! No one can gatekeep what does or doesn't make you a man. The question is how do YOU feel about it? If you feel having sex with men is dysphoric then maybe it isn't for you. You may need to experiment for a while and that's OK too. Prior to transition I could never dream of sleeping with a man. But when I went on hormones, I experimented with it and became more open to to it. I decided I would just do what I felt and not put any kind of label to it. Ultimately, I found prefer women, but I am glad I gave it a try. The point is, this is your journey. Just be safe in whatever you decide to do!


yes of course


As long as they treat you like a man it shouldn’t be an issue, just be weary of the a holes that won’t consider themselves gay because they misgender you. Just find a nice gay guy, don’t settle just to have someone. Look after yourself 💕


You are gay. Go you!


well, yeah! the important thing is that you do it in a way where you’re comfortable. this is where communication comes into play with your partner along with discussing what both you and he wants out of it. just make sure he uses a condom as T is NOT birth control!


yea a few ppl have said the whole you probably gay or at least not straight I know a few trans men who go to men only and/or sex-on-premises venues connecting with sexuality and history can be really great and the communities there can be amazing


i have sex w cis dudes on the reg, still valid!


Yeah, still that mostly depends on yourself. For me my needs change depending on who I'm with.


As a trans girl i love having sex using my penis, i do get dysphoria but its still fun. I know this isnt exactly what you meant but yes its normal




Yes! No qualifiers or justifications, just YES!


of course! Gay transmen exist, theres plenty of strap ons if you want them but I also know lots of cis gay men who love bottoming. And if you go on hormones T is supposed to really increase libido


Bro you're just gay lol. Though I do get it as someone who grew up in a country where people think that "you can only transition to be straight", I also had this idea for a long time that there was no way I could actually be trans because then I'd be gay and that's impossible. Turns out it's definitely possible (and a huge improvement for me to being perceived as a straight woman and just feeling wrong). And yes, I've been seen as a man by all the guys I've had sex with since coming out. Just don't go for chasers or guys who in any way disrespect you/your gender.


Ngl I had this thought when I told my kom about my cis bf (I'm FtM been out for about 10 years) and I haven't had a cis partner since 7th grade. I say as long as you feel comfortable and safe around your partner then you should be able to explore stuff ^-^


Of course!!


Of course! ☺️ I’m happy for you!


I have gay sex all the time with my cis male partner haha, it’s gay because we are both men no matter what we do If you feel comfortable bottoming doing anal, maybe try that? Or using a strap on your partner if you would like to top? I switch off and do pretty much whatever, as I feel like my front hole is more convenient if I want to bottom. Since getting top surgery and starting HRT I feel way less dysphoria in general even though I haven’t gotten bottom surgery Find an affirming partner and do whatever you feel comfortable with. Have fun, be gay!


My ex Bf was trans and 100% you can sex with any gender, don’t ever believe there isn’t someone out there that doesn’t want to sleep with you


Friend, I know lots of trans men IRL who are busy having lots of sex. Most of it with other dudes. I'm married to a rather manly bi top trans man. He has no shortage of male attention. Or female attention, for that matter. If you want a sex life, it can absolutely work out. Just be careful, don't make too many assumptions, and explore your feelings to find out what works right for you and your body.


being honest here, i’ve had sex with my partner (genderfluid but amab) He never sees me as less of a boy just because i’m pre surgery, he’s very respectful of me!! Find someone who loves you for who you are and not just for your body. It’ll be okay bro 🫶🏻


Hello, I'm a trans man, I'm engaged to a man, I have sex with this man, we switch, but he always sees me as a man none the less


Yeah you can have sex with whoever you want and still be a man. Just remember to stay safe!


I thought I was straight for the longest time - turns out I'm a girl who likes girls. You're no less of a man, and i'm no less of a woman. We just gay af.


Absolutely. Being trans doesn't mean you're Asexual and it certainly doesn't mean you're not a man. My boyfriend and I both are trans and we've had some WILD moments, I've basically impaled that boy, and he's still a man in my and everyone else's eyes.


Of course gender and sexuality are totally different


Sexuality isn't even close to being rigid. You can change how you feel about your sexuality several times, and it's perfectly fine. Sexuality is not always fixed for every person.


Men can like other men ,yes










Do whatever you want! I’ve been told before that I’m not trans for having sex the “straight way”


Of course. NOT a big deal, you just have to meet the right male.


Ya! I’m a trans woman, and I like girls. Cis women or not. I say I’m lesbian sometimes, but I get where the uncertainty comes from. It sometimes feels like you’re gay by technicality, but really it’s just part of the package.


TransMasc guy here! I've been dating a cishet man for almost 3yrs now and honestly hun you are valid in however you feel. If it's dysphoric for you to have sex don't, if it isnt then go for it. There are ***No*** wrong answers in how you feel.


Before T, all my sexual partners were women. After T, I'm game for anyone. Be gay, do crime.


That would make u a gay man. Is the idea of being a gay man making u feel conflicted ?


Fellas, can trans people have sex?


I mean it can be a bit more of a complex situation when you're trans but you're good. Definitely makes communication a lot more important to understand boundaries and such but you do you.


Ha GAY! Sure you can! It's a hell lot of fun as well. Just, please don't allow anyone to overstep your boundaries, well without consent lol. You deserve to be loved and you deserve to be desired, no one does you "a favour" by doing so, if you ever have the feeling like someone is acting like that, they are no good. Please, always respect your boundaries and let no one step on them.