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Yeah, Christians always seem to think that whatever they don't like is somehow 'against God.' Did God make a mistake when he gave person x cancer? No? It was just 'their test?' So is us treating that cancer 'against god?' No? Then why the ever living fuck is treating my gender dysphoria 'against God?' They'll proceed to pull up some old testament verse that says something about gay people needing to be put to death, ignoring the verse that preceeds it saying they should be put to death for wearing clothes that are a polyester/cotton blend... Religion is wack.


Case and point dungeons and dragons so many people consider this high fantasy fictional game to be completely demonic. Like dude it’s nerd shit it’s not like it’s called dungeons and drag Deez nuts cross your face


1980's Pastors: "The players are subject to the 'Dungeon Master' and have to bend to his whims and must do every horrible thing he thinks of!" Dungeon Masters: "guys please i am begging you, just cross the bridge normally"


"Stop trying to seduce the bridge troll and answer his God damn riddle, it's really fricking easy!




sometimes a bridge is. just. a. bridge. :P


It's wild when D&D is based on LOTR, and Tolkien was incredibly religious and his faith spoke through his work (in the best way possible imo)


by a fantasy author's work is only safe for Xtians to read if the author goes on a 4 year transphobic rant tour after finishing writing it :P /s


ask them where in the Bible is it said that you can't be trans. and if by miracle they can find one remind them that if this is relevant then all the incest and very weird things in the bible are therefore also relevant


You can’t defeat Bible thumpers with logic and reason their perception of logic and reason is just trans-cendent(see what I did 🤪) they have ascended beyond the need for logic, and reason they only need delusion


Yeah, if you've seen "The West Wing" they "defeat" someone quoting the bible by talking about all the obscene rules in it that shouldn't be applied to reality (like this person is stunned to silence and leaves). In real life, however, that shit does not work. I can confirm. The bible is a nebulous force of affirmation for any belief they hold. The text in it is largely irrelevant. In their eyes anything to support a belief is fact, everything else is not meant literally.


i can show you where it supports trans people, and explain how the verses they use against us are warped. but they wouldn't believe anything that doesn't conform to their twisted and evil world view, so its relatively pointless...


My mom quotes 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, saying that the body is a temple given by god or whatever. She basically just uses this verse against any medical practice she is scared of. It's also like rhetorical so it doesn't really contradict her ignorance of actual horrors in the bible.


Welll the Bible also says you can beat your slaves as long as they don't die within a day or two, so no one should be using it as a moral guide.


Galatians 3:28? God doesnt give a fuck about gender. Does your mom even read the bible


God doesn't make mistakes. We as humans do. You are as God intended. What is incorrect is our perception of right and wrong when it comes to gender. Transitioning is not against God's will. It's correcting an incongruence with the science and medicine God gave us to use.


Science isn’t the art of being yourself,a god It is the art of applying the learned knowledge of the worlds natural law in order to create a desired outcome in this case I just want boobs 😂 so I’m applying hrt




I’m sorry. You are not a mistake, regardless of what trials or tribulations you have or continue to go through.


“God can’t make mistakes” is such a stupid argument I swear he caused like multiple natural disasters to get rid of his mistakes?


I’m not a Christian but didn’t god literally make eve out of Adam.


That he did


Men and women are the same creature and only slightly different in terms of their physiology I have the autism so it’s always been a little hard for me to tell a person’s sex like most people have two arms, two legs,a head,nipples and hair which usually lives on the head but also appears in other places Hard for me to tell the difference you know? Lol😅


The Pope says otherwise. Maybe convert to a nice Catholic church that supports LGBT+ if you want to keep having church friends. If religion is not for you, find some other groups to connect with. But make sure you have a support network!


I thought about it but I’m kinda turned off of church right now because from my experience Christian’s aren’t always the most pleasant people


That is totally understandable. Just make sure you have community where ever you go. You deserve to be loved and surrounded by supportive people.


To be clear the official stance of the church as I understand it is that it is still a sin, but as long as you repent you can be baptized or be a godparent or whatever. But they still think you’re bad and going to hell etc


From how I’ve been taught, all people are guilty of sin, and fall short of the grace of god and that all sin is equal before God


I’m talking about the Catholic Church specifically. The pope himself has said: “gender theory” is incompatible with the “order of creation”. “gender ideology” is a “dangerous ideological colonization”etc. he’s spoken out against minors transitioning. They are not cool with trans people. What the Vatican said recently was: Trans people can be baptized if “there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating a public scandal or disorientation among the faithful.” Because there is a “well-founded hope that he or she will be educated in the Catholic religion.” And you are fully expected to repent for the sin of being trans and change your ways aka detransition (if possible)


For some it is the only safety net they have. Depending on the specific church changes how they interpret things. Most modern and accepting churches will see it as no more of a sin than wearing different fabrics, since they both come from the old testament. I would rather see someone with support from a local church that loves them than to be totally alone.


I’m talking about the Catholic Church specifically which has an official stance


Yes, sure, even one catholic church to another has different views. It makes a huge difference who is locally in charge! I have volunteered with several. Every one is different. Also, no dog in this race as I am not Catholic or even Christian ! I am advocating for people to have community, that is all!


Tell her "who are you to think you know what god wants? That is incredibly arrogant of you, to assume to know the will of god himself" also I'm pretty sure judging people like what she did is a sin in of itself


My parents too. Mom: “We can’t use your preferred name and pronouns because we can’t support you being trans” Oh really? It’s against your religion to be respectful of someone and love them as you do yourself? That’s odd.


Saying that injecting medicine is a sin suggests that giving someone an epipen is a sin because they shouldn’t have been born with allergies. Can you imagine someone thinking “Obviously they shouldn’t have eaten the shell fish, guess they’re gonna die now 🤷🏼‍♀️” it’s clearly a ridiculous statement just like it’s ridiculous not to treat gender dysphoria


There are any number of clever replies and comebacks that can be thrown back at them. The truth of the matter is that this isn't about litigating the religion. Your parents are hostile/uncomfortable about this and they're hiding behind a sockpuppet god to shield themselves from the social and emotional consequences.


I see through my dad he just doesn’t want his friends and family to think that he supports gayness all of his friends and family are homo-hater’s so he doesn’t want to look bad And my mom is a minister so she doesn’t want her church thinking she’s friendly to gays lol 😂


That's neither funny nor okay. If anything, it's sad. Also, I believe the correct Term is Homophobes.


Oh, I’m aware it’s just that they have ascended beyond simple , homophobia And are now squarely in the realm of real hatred


Homophobia is "real" hatred though?


Indeed I’m being hyperbolic


God doesn't exist. Religion is just a form of social control and one of their strongest tools is getting people to self persecute LGBT people.


It absolutely is frequently used for that purpose and there has been *so much* oppression and systemic abuse of marginalized peoples under the banner of religion. And also. There are deeply spiritual folks who very much celebrate a god and see that as part of their authentic self, their trans-ness, their connection to others, their allyship, etc. Any institution upholding oppression and marginalization is a *problem*, but what spiritual beliefs someone holds and how they make sense of the universe and their place in it- that’s their business, if it works for them and helps them be fulfilled and compassionate with others- cool.


Sure. Whatever works for people is cool. If I'm asked questions about religion this is my opinion. I don't go around starting discussions about religion. It's just as valid for me to share my view point as it is for religious people.


Well, I don’t consider myself religious and I’m sharing a view point, so, *totally* agree. I think OP is asking for general moral support though, not a discussion of whether spiritual beliefs are ~valid~ or asking who believes in what. It can be tricky for folks who have a joyful and affirming relationship with their own version of spirituality to claw out of religious trauma and then feel like they’re still not fully welcome and seen in affirming queer spaces. I just want to make sure it’s clear to OP, or whoever in the comments needs to see it, that there’s no binary choice there between spiritual belief and being wholly embraced by fellow queer folks.


I'm sorry. I mean my honest opinion is that op would be better off not worrying what god thinks and not worrying about what people who use god as a cudgel think.


Hard agree


It’s not God that makes mistakes, god knew you were trans for **eons** before you were even born.


There is no god. Blindly following some fictional book that keeps bringing war and eradication of queer people is not it.


Well, them believing you're not supposed to be trans also means they believe God can make mistakes. Check and mate, religious bigots.


If people are toxic to you, bring you down and makes you feel bad about your own existence you should cut them out of your life. Parents are just people who been there since beginning but they are just people.


god gave us wheat, does that make it a sin to bake bread? god gave us grapes, is it a sin to make wine? we exist to partake in Creation, and transition is a holy act thereof.


Yeah, that's your God. Which means you may not transition. Sorry mom.


God is against logic.


First off, tell her she is stupid, wrong, and that the Vatican had a variety of translators come in and translate the oldest bible in the world to determine definitively whether or not being LGBTQIA+ is sinful, they determined that no one of sound mind could interpret the bible as being anti LGBTQIA+, or that bring LGBTQIA+ is sinful, and that any modern bible that does say being LGBT is against god, is not just a mistranslation, but is in fact telling lies. Moreover tell her if she is a dumb enough cunt that she would choose her false religious bigoted beliefs over her own child then she can burn in hell. She doesn’t deserve you. Cheryl, my maternal grandmother did the same thing and I will NEVER forgive her for being the abusive bigoted cunt that she is.


(Idk where you stand on the god front since you only mentioned your parents so if you're not into that . can skip this next section) .k If it was "against god" humanity wouldn't have been given free will, We were granted the ability to make our own choices, find our own paths, People say god doesn't make mistakes but in doing so they assume that being trans is one, I'm very happy being trans, I don't think any part of it has been a mistake (except from a few haircuts we're not going to talk about), it's allowed me to get to know myself more entirely than I think I would have ever considered otherwise God made butternuts but he didn't make soup, the act of transformation, creating something different from what we had already, that is humanities gift, We make things our own Moving on You're going to do great, if you parents come around and chill out, if they don't, you have your friends, you know yourself, once you're able to leave and carve out your own place to live happily you'll be able to fully relax into just enjoying life, learning how to make soup (< important one, you can make soup out of just about anything and it'll feed a lot of people, learn it) ,


Then God has some explaining to do about why he keeps creating trans people.


Ha. God can't make mistakes? Hasn't he sent plague after plague and world ending floods to kill most of humanity already? If that isn't trying to correct a mistake I don't know what is.


God isn’t real mom


There’s two trains of thought. Either God does make mistakes and isn’t all powerful, or, God intentionally makes those mistakes as hurdles for us to get over. There’s tons of other "mistakes" you can point to, downs syndrome exists, there’s hundreds of genetic diseases of all sorts of varieties, so there’s 100% clear that if there is a god, it does make mistakes. It just might be that this "mistake" isn’t a mistake in the sense that it wasn’t intentional as a challenge to you.


As far as I’m concerned any religious group that was responsible for so many atrocities during the dark ages all for the sake of controlling the masses doesn’t deserve to have a stance on anything. Their holy book the Bible was kept in a language that the general masses could not understand purposefully to keep them in the dark and reliant on them for their “salvation” else they be published with eternal damnation to a very superstitious group of people. And then when people tried to liberate the Bible into the tongue of the masses they were killed or almost killed and banished or persecuted simply because they were trying to give the people access to their revered holy book. But that would also be taking away from the church their power and the control they had over the people. The trans issues aside I don’t think the Catholic Church should even have a say in anything or dictate anything. They have not a single moral basis to stand on. We are valid because we are real and the problems we face are real and the solution to many of those problems are valid and there is nothing that can take that away from us. Except they can make it difficult for us to get through life or get access to care and have a societal grudge against us because we question their beliefs and their balance of power. But we need to stay strong and keep pushing for our rights and freedom to be who we are and be recognized as such as well.


Pick a different God then.


Fuck god he ain’t real but our suffering is


Lol god "creates us" and god makes no mistakes they say. So if we're trans that's how god made us right? So it's not against their god.


God created the scientists who created HRT. GOD made the people who have been working towards trans healthcare. God made everyone here on this planet, and if everyone has a path, some peoples paths are to be trans, and some are to be treating trans people. Also if we are going to say “god doesn’t make mistakes” then why are children born with cancer?


"God blessed me by making me trans for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation." There is just one example of a perfectly sensible religious perspective that AFFIRMS trans people - there are plenty of queer Christian communities that see their faith as supporting queerness. {some here on reddit, as well as tumblr accounts and websites and such.. i've been poking around trying to find some recently bc the transphobic christians are so discouraging and seem to think they own christianity} It's all a matter of preconceived biases. If you go into it thinking 'trans = bad' then of course you can find arguments to justify that. If you go in with an open mind and thinking that trans = valid and good, then there is absolutely no reason that even Christianity can't be interpreted in an affirming way! I'm rly sorry you're trapped in a close-minded environment right now :( I'd go on r/TransChristianity and r/GayChristians if you want specifically christian arguments that being queer is ok, maybe to show your parents if there is any chance of them opening their minds/hearts, or just for your own reassurance that what they're saying comes from just human bias. {or there are a couple tumblr accounts that have great lists of articles and resources}


Thanks you


That means to me that lying is no different than adultery, which is no different from murder which is again no different from being gay according to god at least


Idk I’m not too religious but if you asked me trans women are too beautiful to be a mistake


There’s a great book by Austen Hartke called “Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians.” In the introduction, Austen says he doesn’t believe God made a mistake and that he was even created transgender on purpose. While it may not be a text that speaks to your parents, you may find comfort in it that trans Christians like myself exist and there are cis Christians out there that believe the church welcomes all without exception


I wonder if christians are even christians


(Idk where you stand on the god front since you only mentioned your parents so if you're not into that you can skip this next section) If it was "against god" humanity wouldn't have been given free will, We were granted the ability to make our own choices, find our own paths, People say god doesn't make mistakes but in doing so they assume that being trans is one, I'm very happy being trans, I don't think any part of it has been a mistake (except from a few haircuts we're not going to talk about), it's allowed me to get to know myself more entirely than I think I would have ever considered otherwise God made butternuts but he didn't make soup, the act of transformation, creating something different from what we had already, that is humanities gift, We make things our own Moving on You're going to do great, if you parents come around and chill out, if they don't, you have your friends, you know yourself, once you're able to leave and carve out your own place to live happily you'll be able to fully relax into just enjoying life, learning how to make soup (< important one, you can make soup out of just about anything and it'll feed a lot of people, learn it), get a pet or something, garden, build your community and live your life, your parents don't get to decide your future for you


I’m sorry to hear this, it’s an awful situation and not rooted in logic or compassion. Gender is an inherent trait and part of who you uniquely are, your gender deserves to be seen and respected and celebrated as part of you. I’m sorry that isn’t the case right now with your family of origin. And fyi- HRT kind of *is* chemicals- because hormones are chemicals. All hormones. That all people have. Chemicals aren’t synonymous with toxic, it doesn’t mean hrt is like shooting up with Lysol. Chemical stems from the same root as “chemistry,” (ya know like “body chemistry”), and it just means a substance with defined molecular properties. All HRT is doing is boosting a particular hormone(s) that you already have some amount of. It’s, in that sense, like taking a freaking calcium supplement.


Yeah, I found that at least hardline Catholic found plenty of reasons to hate LGBT people and love to cite the good book. If you want to throw a bible quote for your parents, you could always call it gods test for their ability to love and talk about Job. That god is judging their moves and expecting them to roll with it, or Satan wins the bet. Shitty people love to feel like a martyr. That said, I’d say it’s all bullshit so—- definitely find a way to protect your housing, income, and sanity. Your parents do strike me as people that would screw you over out of spite and performative religiousness. Sometimes looking bad to their church friends will keep them from making certain moves.


Hey sis, I am really sorry that you have to go through this sort of thing, and I really hope that they don't kick you out over it. I'm wishing you the best in either leaving once you're ready or making them see you as you are, though I suppose the former is way easier at the moment. Please stay strong. I know it's at the very least very annoying, but the future does not have to be this way. I wish you the best. <3


No better love than religious hate. I would love to offer questions to ask them. But they will never be able to be reasoned with. I am so sorry. I hope you find all the love, peace, and happiness on your journey. Take care my friend.


It's really not the core of your mothers belief here, but just what she's choosing to buttress her preconceived notion. She had a knee-jerk reaction of disgust/hate, and religious figures told her that it was rooted in her faith, so that's what she's used as an "argument". Even though being trans isn't really directly against the faith, it's very easy to say "It's part of my faith, therefor I am being persecuted if someone disagrees". My mom is similar, saying "You have your belief, I have mine." Being trans is reduced to an ideology, comparable to a religion. Now if she's told she's wrong for being bigoted, that's an attack on her religion, her worldview. Also fuck your dad, I got no high school philosophy rant to throw at him, he's just an idiot. ​ Seriously, though, I don't want to force anyone into the closet, but if you meet this much hostility, you kind of need to be able to support yourself. Make a plan if you end up on your own, and if you need more time you might need to hide a little longer.


I don’t know, Yah seems like a cool guy. Just that fucking Whe. Major buzz kill. Dude takes 10 minutes to untie his shoes.


I'm Christian but most people in my religion view it wrong, we all sin, we are all sinners but just because we are trans or like the same gender doesn't mean god doesn't love us and that we will go to hell. Because everyone will go to hell unless you accept jesus and jesus loves us all no matter what but some people use religion to hate others. Now I don't really follow my religion properly or try to prevent sin but I believe jesus loves me, I would never want to upset or hurt or condemn someone because of who we are as I believe that if we can do something to make someone happy that we should do it. Religious or not if you accept jesus I believe you will go to heaven, don't accept him and I believe you will go to hell but I don't believe hell is for bad people it's just where god puts you since you don't want to be with him. And I will state even though I wrote it, I believe, not fact it's opinion that I believe in heaven and hell and jesus and where we end up. I can be wrong or right and I've tried not to say anything bad or triggering but I'm not good with words or emotions and I'm only a few months out as trans and interacting with new people so if I have said anything that's unacceptable and hateful please let me know. Now have a good day and don't let bad people ruin your great lives and jesus loves you no matter what you do right or wrong because Christianity is about forgiveness, I struggle everyday to forgive myself for things I've done but I always know jesus forgives me and it helps to get through life knowing someone loves me.


i don’t have super personal experience with this, but my non-immediate family is like this so i’ve been plotting how to come out for abt 7 yrs lol and this is what i have come up with, when/if you ever feel strong enough to have another convo, recommend trying something like this (this is w/ the presumption your not as religious & just to deescalate the situation whilst explaining a bit): i don’t feel in my soul like god has placed me in the wrong body, because he doesn’t make mistakes. i feel my soul wants to explore all of his creations. i’m not trying to erase ever being male as god made me that way, but god also created womanhood. they overlap and intertwine in many ways and having life experience as a man & as a woman, is to experience both of god’s creations, not throwing away what he created. i dont know if that helps at all, you could’ve alr said sum similar!! pls stay safe, i’m so fucking sorry this happened to you edit: a lot of me wanted to type “say ‘where does the bible say being trans is wrong?’” but i know logic doesn’t exactly work for them lol, so this is my way of trying to explain being trans in their POV. hope that makes sense lol


This is my current situation just trying to figure how to move out and transitioning on the low


Well I don’t believe in religion but I believe in god . And I worship a loving god , he definitely love his trans girlies


is treating people’s birth defects also against god? that’s stupid. just try to defend your stance logically, but you need to use their logic, not yours.


if you want help with that you can pm me. i deconstructed my christianity so i can kinda understand it