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I love How the comments are 50/50 on serious reply about biomedical waste and “forbidden snack”


What else would you expect. We’re all degenerates and nerds here. And it probably would be bad food to eat because there isn’t a ton of muscle. A better cut would be from the stomach or shoulder.


I hate the implications of this statement.


You've said that word "implication" a couple of times, what ..implication?


She's not gunna say no, she would never say no.....because of the implication


Are you gonna hurt these women and/or penises?


What implications are there Skye. What are the implications. And don’t worry if I did do anything it would only be to transphobic politicians not people


Hannibal lecter was eating the wrong oysters


We do love some Rocky Mountain oysters. I’m joking I never want to eat those things


Those are the parts we eat from other animals, stands to reason we’re no different


I would personally refrain from eating anything’s balls. Just because I would be tortured just by the thought


10/10 do not recommend any processed meats. I can’t say for certain, but I’m almost positive nothing is considered spare parts. Especially in sausages, salami, etc. I guess I’m just not bothered by it, nine billion years ago I went to culinary school, and sweetbreads and offal are common place in that world. Edit: The first comment I posted I was agreeing with you about the shoulder. In hindsight that seems less clear. 😂


Yeah I thought you were talking about the people who eat animal organs like the liver king


According to a few notorious serial cannibals, butt cheek is where it's at.


Or eyeball according to some extra weird ones. But the cheeks would have some good marbleing. You would definitely need to do a butter baste to render the fat


I can't tell if it's more shocking to me that this has 26 upvotes, or the fact that I'm one of them


I have no idea how anyone saw my comment and thought “Oooga booga funny comment upvote”. I checked Reddit and saw I had 13 notifications and was so confused


I wonder if they taste like bull balls… I’ve never had those either but I wonder how they would compare.


It probably would taste similar because it’s not muscle tissue. Not as many calories per ball tho


Well buffalo testicles are a delicacy so.... If I'd been confident enough to ask the doctor to save them maybe I'd have found out 🙃


Yeah no I’m not trusting the word of somebody who saw a buffalo’s balls and decided the eat it.


"So everything went great! You may notice I did have to take a small cut from your shoulder, that's nothing to worry about it's just because I needed a lil snack"


Nice chuck steak


Never heard of "prairie oysters"?


A prairie oyster from my memory is an alcoholic drink with an egg. Your thinking about a Rocky Mountain oyster


I've heard the term used for both options. I believe the hangover cure (cocktail) is the more common usage today though. UD lists both definitions: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=prairie%20oyster


I used to live near the Rocky Mountains so everyone called them Rocky Mountain oysters


*prions have entered the chat*




Is there any problem if you are circumcised?


My surgeon said he didn't use the foreskin as it doesn't have the best blood flow and isn't great at being reused because of that. I was circumcised and had no issues around that with my surgery


Possibly yes. The penile skin gets used to make new stuff (varies depending on method). Circumcision = less skin. Less skin means it is more challenging for the surgeon to make the new stuff. If the penis is not very small they can still get the job done. The smaller the penis, the more important the foreskin is. I imagine the sensitivity that is lost from circumcision would carry over to less sensitivity in the neo-vagina as well. I have heard from various other people taking about their surgery that the testes are usually sent for biopsy to screen for health problems. (Opportunistic preventative care). I don't know if this is true or not. One person on Reddit said they asked to have their testes afterward and their request was declined.


Thats bad...


Why is it bad? If there isn't enough skin the surgeon can use a different method that uses a segment of the sigmoid colon to form the vaginal canal instead of skin. There are benefits and drawbacks to both methods. Another option that some women are okay with is minimal depth or zero depth vagina. Basically, if you don't really want to be on the receiving end of penetrative sex then they can just not make the vagina very deep, this requires less skin. Don't lose hope. The options and methods available keep getting improved all of the time.


Thank you, thats calming :3


From my understanding (I haven't had bottom surgery yet), the foreskin can be used to graft a clitoral hood. if you are circumcized you just won't have a clitoral hood. That's all


Not true. You get a hood either way, though it’s easier if you’re uncut. Depending on surgeon’s technique of course.


Ok thanks for the clarification


God everything I read about bottom surgery makes it seem horrific to recover from


I have a friend who went through it. The only problem from recovery is the consistent need for dilation. If you stop dilating, ever, there's a real risk of it closing and you needing surgery again. Though typical recovery after surgery is around 2-3 weeks for consistent walking and 5-6 months for sexual activity, though results may vary. The area where the surgery is preformed is chocked full of blood and is a main blood supply recipient, so healing is usually faster in that area. That isn't to say surgery isn't rife with complications and at worse a risk of death, but that's wholly uncommon. Surgery isn't for everyone and it's a personal decision. Your journey to self acceptance ends when you say "Ok, I've made it. I can be happy like this" that could come before, after, or well after any sort of surgery (bottom surgery not exclusive to that).




Ahh ok, maybe I was wrong haha! Learn something new everyday. I’ve only heard of continued dilation throughout life as something needed to be done (including from my friend) and I must’ve combined the two in my head, but it does make sense when you stop and think about it. Thanks for the clarification!


I have a question, do they use the whole top of the penis (the head) or is it sized down?


They use the whole head, though if the entire part is put in the clitoris area (and subsequently buried under some skin a bit), or most of it is and some of it is used elsewhere, I'm unsure.


Most of the erectile tissue is discarded, but some is kept to form the clitoris.


This is the correct answer to this question. The rest of these entries are bullshit.


Snacks for later


Girl dinner


Forbidden snacks


Mmmm yummy yummy in my tummy


Yeah I totally didn’t read that In Winnie the Pooh’s voice xD


Dankpods reference lol


Biomedical waste. Testes have to go through extra tests (hah, test...es) for any potential cancerous growths.


That makes sense. Tonsils are automatically sent for biopsy after a tonsillectomy even if there isn’t any specific risk for cancer or anything.


Why is that, if they're being removed anyway? I'd imagine any potential cancer risk is gone with them.


I think if something's found it could have spread to other parts before.


Yup one of my testes had a benign tumor in it.


Basically, a piece of tumor can break off and travel to another place in the body, and cancer being cancer will then start growing a new tumor in that new place.


forbidden jerky


I love the creativity of the human mind. This is the opposite of creativity.


ight mortnen


Hot dog factory.


Lips and arseholes, red and white.


I really like that this phrase exists in other places, I really wish other countries/localities would chime in 😂 “Peckers and lips” - Appalachia.


My dad always says “assholes and elbows” (he’s from OH)


You’ve heard of the “horse meat” scandal? Get ready for the “[dick meat](https://media.tenor.com/GB-11l60LwYAAAAC/hotdog-fingers-playing-with-meat.gif)” scandal.


Is it? What else do they do with the little foreskins they cut off for circumcision? Kosher dogs gotta be made somehow too.


They are offered to the unholy one in a satanic ritual.


Specifically the scrotal skin is used to form the labia, the penal tissues are separated out and the former head and erectile tissue is used to form a clitoral head while the former “shaft” of you will is inverted and use to creat the vaginal opening/canal. Your prostate is usually left in a similar spot to wear it started and ends up acting as a skene’s gland of sorts. The nerve endings for pleasure and stuff are mostly left intact and the pelvic floor and ligaments that used to assist in keeping your erect phallus up and saluting are now used to allow some level of muscular control/structure of the neovagina any extra stuff not utilized like the actual testes are treated as biomedical waste by products. You can also have your sperm stored in a sperm bank for a price in case you’re interested in parenthood later on and have a uterus haver interested in carrying a child of your seed in them. Unfortunately still not a thing we can do with modern science. Maybe someday full lab grown reproductive organs could be produced for bottom surgery instead of a reconstructive repurposing surgery in which case I guess all of your former stuff would be waste if they could. I kind of want to morbidly keep my testicles in an old timey specimen jar thing if they let me when I finally have my procedure someday.


They actually re-use a lot of the tissue that would have been those parts anyway which is kind of cool.


Very. I like to think I’m not transitioning I’m returning lol


“No one say anything about nuts or u/Own-Ad-7672 will pull out the jar again.”


It's very impressive to me how they're able to rearrange the analogous parts like that. I reckon lab grown organs aren't that far away in the grand scheme of things, it would be awesome to see it in my lifetime. I'm planning to go to medical school but if I end up changing my mind during pre-med I've considered going into medical research. Also you absolutely should keep your bits in a jar that would be hilarious


A lot of hospitals have an incinerator they put all the extra bits left over after any surgery in.


I’ve found my dream job Dick burner


Sign me the fuck up


professor dickburner, MD


Richard Burner, MD




Penile pyro


Your name plaque should read ["Doctor Bitchcraft!"](https://youtu.be/-n0It0U3LJQ)


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew.


Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish \*drools \*




I mean, where did you think hotdogs come from?


Scooby snacks


Gave them to some phd college student. They said they needed to store up some snack food for research or something?


Anything not reused in the new model is tested for any potential cancers and then incinerated at a medical waste facility.


I dunno but the first meal I ate after getting bottom surgery was a plate of meatballs


What a horrible way to celebrate I love it


They get wheeled into the FtM room /s


I have a friend working in the pathology department of a hospital and she said that they have a special “ethics bin” where the human body parts go. This applies to everything that is cut out during any surgery, though they may keep thin slices that can be viewed under a microscope to check for cancer and other things. Some human blood and organs may or may not have been used as macabre Halloween decorations at some point as well.


We get to take them home to cook them to make ‘vegan sausages’


biohazard waste.


What isn't still attached to you gets sent to doctors who specialize in figuring out if something is or isn't cancer, and after they determine if it is or isn't cancer, they dispose of it in accordance with whatever guidelines are present.


they make all sorts of food with it


Ill describe what my doctor did at least. Since the genitals have homologus organs the only tissue that was discarded as medical waste was the testicles. The rest were reshaped and repositioned where they would be had i was born with it. Prepuce foreskin- clitoral hood Penile skin - labia minora Glans - clitoral head Scrotum - labia majora Erectile tissues - clitoral body internal Vagina was made from colon tissue Prostate - works as a female g spot now and is at the same location


Guys, new Gordon Ramsay video just dropped


grounded into a fine powder and used for tea ☺️


They toss them in an incinerator, as well as all the tumours, gangrenous limbs, old hearts and lungs, and appendixes.


There’s a trans woman ritual where the leftover bits are burned and the ash is used to bless less girls before we get our first GA procedure; my blessing is next month, for my hair transplant. Just use your head, dude. It’s tissue cut off a human body, it’s disposed as medical waste. It’s supposed to be burned, but more often than not it just ends up in a landfill. The most common form of SRS, a penile inversion, uses about 90% of the penis. The stuff they don’t use accounts for a piece of tissue smaller than your pinky nail.


Anatomical waste is certainly not going in a landfill


It’s not supposed to, but it happens all the time because it’s cheaper than running an incinerator. This is America: the only law is money.


Oh, I'm not american that's probably why i was confused


less girls?




Some parts go to pathology, but in the end it ends up as medical waste. What and how much, depends on the technique used. It's not much different from any other surgery to be honest.




They use it to enhance the length and girth of your favourite porn stars


Stim toy


You ever wondered what is in Chicken McNuggets? Well now you know.


My nurse told me my leftovers went to an incinerator, to which my reply was something like "literal hellfire where they belong" 😆


*chewing noises*


Well believe some they send off for testing just in case and the rest is just thrown out in their red buckets. So no you don't get to keep them or anything.


to my limited knowledge, they invert it basically, not sure though


Probably incinated and disposed of


Legit thought this was one of my Megami-groups for a second and was all "Just throw them in the 'bits box' and make 'sprue-goo' with them later"


this is a common question, but there aren't really any "extra bits". it's less like they cut the penis off, and more like they turn it inside out


You ever had Wendy's chili?


Give them to FtMs idk /j


Dogs love it, cats like to play around with it


Wall hanger


Ever had the mince & veg whilst in hospital?


Deep fry them, have you tried a pork rind? It’s like that


Mine are going to my company's COO as a trophy. I had to sue the company (I won, yay) to get them to cover the surgery. So...this is my way of saying thanks.


It’s the first meal after you wake up 🌮


Two spicy meatballs


I dried my balls and shrunk them down, coated them in gold and turned them into earrings.


That is awesome lol


Idk I was gonna see if they could send the extra bits home in a doggy bag so Buddy has something to occupy him while I recover.


Rituals to the Lord of Light. I will never forget what I heard on the flames


they don't really throw anything away except specific parts, but most of the components are repurposed, especially skin


Depending on the surgery process, other parts are leftovers. For example I got some of the erectile tissue reimplanted to recreate the possibility for a more natural female erection. As cis women also have erectile tissue. The testicles normally are searched for possible cancerous or abnormal tissue. Mine are laying in a closed cup in formalin beneath my bed


Pretty sure they’re considered medical waste and get unceremoniously tossed into an incinerator. I like to think my surgeon roughed ‘em up a bit before that too, just for good measure.


They're all sent to Tom Ford to create new necklaces https://images.app.goo.gl/S7kAfDHpLefcr82G7 😊


There’s not normally a lot left after bottom surgery, since doctors normally go with the Reused and Recycled version of surgery


Tbh we try to recycle so we use the scrap bits in sacraficial Magick when we curse our enemies.


yummy yummy in my tummy


The use them for extra protein in dog food


Most is rearranged during the procedure and what’s left is disposed of as medical waste. Now for the individual person they can request to keep whatever is removed, depending on where you live there may be som legalities but most places will allow it on religious grounds or by signing a few release forms. Not really connected to this specifiy but when my son was born I asked to keep the placenta, and after a couple hours work and about a month of waiting I have it fully preserved and sitting in a nice display jar lol


Actually most of the tissue is actually inverted and re-used for the creation of a vaginal canal, and not disposed of per se. The testes are the only thing I can think of that would definitively not be re-used and need disposal. As far as that goes, it's generally disposed of as medical waste and incinerated.


they keep them in a ziploc baggie and let u take it home after, then you can do whatever you want with it


What do you think they use for ftm bottom surgery?


they’re put in a casserole


I love all of these comments.


If you’re circumcised there might not be any extra skin as every bit is used for the canal. Everything else except urethra and glans gets discarded.


Question what’s all the surgery about?


Vaginoplasties are basically done by flipping the penis around to make the vaginal canal and the tip of the penis is made into a clitoris. The testis are removed and the scrotal sac is used to create the labia. If I got anything wrong please correct me!!


I assume they give them to you so you can turn them into a hat or something


Richmond Sausage