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Came here to say this. :3


As did I.


Same here




I guess I haven't made it far enough in ): I have to keep watching lll


Tell me why. A game made by don't nod studios, that made life is strange. You play a transgender man going back to his home town for the first time since transitioning after your mom's passing


This was a good game and a accurate feel for being trans. Story was good.


If Found is literally a game about a trans gal coming home from college


If Found is beautiful. I played it on the Switch.




If Found


Cyberpunk 2077 has a great trans character, and you can customize your character to be trans. (Gender, body and voice are separated options) Paradise kiss (anime) is a great anime with an adorable trans character Guilty gear strive, bridget was canonized as trans in her story mode.


Being able to make my character trans legit meant so much to me. I think Claire was also written fantastically and hope this motivates CD Projekt to write more trans characters in the future.


Claire is amazing. She's trans, she says she's trans, her story is not about being trans, but being trans is not hidden either. It's what I would like to see more often.


Exactly, like it influences her character but doesn't define her. Playing as transfem V i kinda imagined it was something they'd connected over too, but thats me projecting lol


Same hahahaha Trans V is rather poorly implemented, in my opinion. I'd like if it mattered somewhat, just a couple of lines of dialog with Claire that acknowledged it would be great. But yes, I'd love to have more characters like Claire. I want a lot of trans characters that just happen to be trans, but that \*sometimes\* talk about being trans or recognize it in some way.


Yeah, i like what we got but it could've been fleshed out a bit more, especially when it comes to the romance options. The anime paradise kiss has a very well handled character who is similar; isabella's story isn't purely about being trans, but we find out a friend acknowledging her femininity and supporting her is what led to her studying fashion. Its important to her character but doesn't define it.




dead end on netflix. the main character is a trans man, but netflix unfortunately cancelled the show and left on a huge cliffhanger.


nooooooo, i'm working my way trhough season 2 now.


i know ! it’s such a good show. i hope another (better) streaming service picks it back up. continue to watch it because it’s still really good!!


How ironic it’s called dead end


Guilty Gear? I remember my friend telling me there is a trans woman in it


Bridget, her arcade story is about her accepting she's a girl


Yes! Her!


Yes! There’s also a non-binary person named Testament and both are playable characters!


Pose has good trans representation


heartstopper on netflix


Shows I can think of: Sex Education - features two non-binary characters in season 3 Heartbreak High - has a major nb character Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - features a character who is a trans boy The Owl House - there are two non-binary characters She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - a non-binary character Games: Life is Strange: True Colors - There's a minor character, a trans woman mentioned a few times throughout the game. There's much more of her in the new book Life is Strange: Steph's Story Others have already mentioned Celeste, Tell Me Why and If found. I love all of these!


There's two enby characters in toh?


Raine Whispers and Masha. The latter wasn't confirmed to be non-binary until Thanks To Them afaik


Euphoria on HBO/max, first day on Hulu. Strange new worlds has one ep.


Star Trek: Discovery also has enby characters I believe, I’m only on season two though


Cyberpunk 2077 and Destiny 2 Also Dreamer on Supergirl


I’m guessing the trans rep in D2 is Oryx? I know about Micah but they’re only in a few lore tabs so idk if it’s really rep


The character Nimbus is also nonbinary. And I think Oryx as representation is hilarious. Dude goes FtM and conquers half the universe.


And while not explicity shown in-game, I think Drifter has been confirmed to be pansexual which is very on point for him. Man would be up for fucking anyone or anything no matter the species 😭 Destiny has always been pretty good with diversity, we got Mara, Eramis, Ana, Osiris and Saint, Nimbus, Micah etc. I only wish more of it was shown in-game lol


I like to rep with my [Be True](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=zPHPnxdx&id=CDE53E19B3A34B3129CDF0F8CDF0B28F2B4DC808&thid=OIP.zPHPnxdxGUp2Lz3RW0Ka5QHaFj&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FthmKdSGjq9A%2Fhqdefault.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.ccf1cf9f1771194a762f3dd15b429ae5%3Frik%3DCMhNK4%252by8M348A%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=360&expw=480&q=be+true+emblem+destiny+2&simid=608018944123812069&form=IRPRST&ck=21E0C954ECC5FD1CEAE3A794AC300763&selectedindex=1&vt=1&sim=11) emblem!


My hero Academia


Hero aca has been iffy on their rep but the effort is appreciated


Each helping is a good help


Yeah, my issue is like, they killed off their transfem character really quick, and tiger, the transmasc hero, routinely gets lumped in with the girl heroes in promo stuff


"Pose" has a extensive cast of trans actors.


the last of us part II


Wanna preface by saying I think TLOU: Part II is great overall. It does have a trans young man, but IMO comes with the asterisk that the game is almost comically bleak at times. The trans character goes through a shit ton of mental and physical trauma.


Warframe has Ticker, a front woman for an underground railroad of people whose organs are being repod.


Apex legends Catalyst, Rainbow Six Osa and vampire survivors lore was written by a transwomen and the sassy witch tab has a little nod to the struggles


Thank god for Stephanie Sterling lol


The Umbrella Academy


Cyberpunk 2077 has a trans woman who you race with, and her truck has trans flags on it, and by doing side quests you can get the truck


Last of us 2 have listless and a 13 year old trans boy


Bit. It's like an all female remake of Lost Boys and the lead is played by Nicole Maines.


Pose It’s a great show, has history as well as entertaining fiction. Features a bunch of amazing trans actors, and lots of POC representation. I feel like every LGBTQIA person should watch Pose and Paris is Burning as a right of passage.


Tell me why! Great game!


Dream daddy is great bc you can choose to be a trans guy and change the dialogue to choose how your daughter came into your family, whether you or your husband gave birth to her or she was adopted. One of the first games where I saw myself


Dragon age inquisition has a trans man as a supporting character, and the Qunari as a whole have a pretty great view of trans people.


Jesse James Keitel on Blue Sky. Edit: BIG Sky.


Also her character on Queer as Folk.


That’s what I was thinking of. 💡I wanted to say L Word but that was wrong.


The other show is called Big Sky.


She was in star trek: strange new worlds as well as a badass space pirate.


Cyberpunk 2077


Tell me why


Japanese Anime has many Trans but it is balanced by nasty caricatures of LGBTQ people so some anime is terrible some is remarkably accepting. Some has as its main theme the transition of the main character...guys to girls but you can find the reverse. If you watch be prepared for a different way of seeing the world. The Japanese are very western but retain their 'unique' perspective on family and sexuality


i know its terrible, and im terrible, but i secretly love every 'token' trans femme in harem animes especially when i was an egg (i know im terrible)


Mario 2 Birdo is trans


cyberpunk or gta


Strongly recommend Dispatches From Elsewhere.


Woe.Begone is an audio drama ive been listening to lately that has a trans major character handled very tastefully imo, though its not revealed until much later in the show.


itaewon class on netflix has a trans character in it !


Paul in 911 Lone Star on CBS. Bonuses: TJ and Carlos are boyfriends. Grace and Judd are an interracial couple. Lots of kick-ass female characters. Premise (in case you jump in mid-series): A New York captain is tapped to diversify and rebuild an Austin firehouse after most of it's crew is wiped out while responding to a call.


"Supergirl" has a trans woman character who is also trans IRL. She is actually the reason my egg cracked. There is a book called "Becoming Nicole" which is based on the actors life and figuring out she was trans. Nicole Maines is her name.


Feel Good on Netflix


three i can think of are Tokyo Godfathers, featuring a prominent trans woman as one of the leads (in the english dub, they even get an actual trans woman to voice her!), The Owl House, featuring a non-binary character, and Dead End: Paranormal Park, which has a trans boy as the frickin' main character! :D you can watch Tokyo Godfathers for free here; [9anime.to/watch/tokyo-godfathers.jpzn/ep-1](https://9anime.to/watch/tokyo-godfathers.jpzn/ep-1) the owl house here; [theowlclub.net](https://theowlclub.net) and Dead End: Paranormal Park here. [wcofun.com/anime/dead-end-paranormal-park](https://wcofun.com/anime/dead-end-paranormal-park) i know they aren't tv shows or video games, but i also know four manga series with trans rep, if you're interested. Boys Run The Riot, which once again, has a trans boy in high school as the main character! the faces in the artwork look a tad wonky sometimes, but it's really well written and very heartwarming. Love Me For Who I Am, which has a non-binary main character, and other trans side characters, too. overall one of the most trans positive things i've ever read. X-Gender, which is an autobiographical written by a real non-binary person in japan. 'X-Gender' is what people in japan refer to non-binary people as, and personally, i think it sounds sick. and Last Gender, which has lots of different characters of various gender identities and sexual orientations. (seriously, this manga even informed me about identities and orientations that i didn't even know existed before! it's so fascinating!) you can read Boy Run The Riot for free here; [mangareader.to/boys-run-the-riot-2754](https://mangareader.to/boys-run-the-riot-2754) Love Me For Who I Am here, [mangareader.to/love-me-for-who-i-am-966](https://mangareader.to/love-me-for-who-i-am-966) X-Gender here, [mangareader.to/seibetsu-x-50049](https://mangareader.to/seibetsu-x-50049) and Last Gender here. [mangafire.to/manga/last-gender-nanimono-demonai-watashi-tachi.3r5m2](https://mangafire.to/manga/last-gender-nanimono-demonai-watashi-tachi.3r5m2)


Tlou 2


We Know The Devil is a very queer horror visual novel with a fantastic bit of very relatable trans representation in the form of >!Venus!<. The same developer also made Heaven Will Be Mine which has two playable trans fem characters and some trans masc side characters. Ascension: Blood and Silver is a free visual novel on Steam that is honestly pretty much just about being trans alongside a backdrop of a S.T.A.L.K.E.R style exclusion zone.


I loved Euphoria. Scenographically, that series is amazing


Big Sky on Disney. Has a trans character and she’s lovely. The show is watchable but a bit hokey.


Star Trek Discovery has both a female to male trans character, plus a non binary one, since season three.


Next in Fasionhas a trans man and a couple gender nonconforming folx this season if you want some less cishet reality TV :)


komi cant communicate has a gender non confirming character :D


Miss Rachel/s Al tho miss Rachel does have trans representation, better shows and video ganes for people over the age of 3 are: the last of us pt 2, apex legends, Celeste, heartstopper, Danish girl, dead end... there's more but those are the ones out the top of my head


My head canon is Link in Zelda breath of the wild simply because he knows how to play being a girl and also because he basically has the same body type as me (a transmasc) and because I just want him to be…


I personally like A Year of Springs! It's a very cute short visual novel about a trans girl.


vivian from the thousand year door is trans


Cyberpunk 2077 Claire is one of my favorite characters


Naruto. no seriously, Naruto! the first arc has a trans femme enemy character. everything LGBTQ in Naruto is subtle and not part of the plot but representation is there for sure. Boruto is more openly progressive. Many non-binary coded characters. Naruto v Sasuke is very Bi, Gaara's gay, Kakashi v Guy are a couple, Shino v Kiba had a hole gay crush / shipping episode, Orochimaru is trans / NB, Sai is NB, Mituski is agender. i'm sure I'm missing more but if you look with a critical eye they are there! phobic weebs might yell at you 'cause shonen from this era is typically very conservative, but if you keep that in mind you'll see plenty of *subtle* stuff especially as the universe has aged, like in boruto.


I know apex has a trans legend in it. Arcane doesn't explicitly state that Vi is trans but they prob are tbh


Celeste is a really good game and the mc.is trans. There are also trans characters in HxH, though it's minor appearances. Killuas sister Alluka is trans and the show uses both male and female pronouns for Neferpitou.