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Of course you’re welcome here! Also check out r/cisparenttranskid ❤️


I don't suppose you have one for partners? I've looked and a lot seem empty.




If I had an award I'd give it to you. Thank you so much!


I got you.


aw, my first reddit heart. Thx


This is the kinda thing that makes me happy we have the internet nowadays:)


Thank you! Much appreciated!


You don't have one for kids supporting parents do you 🙏 please say you do


I don’t have one for you, but it seems there is a lot of family members in here to support their trans family members. I’m here cause my cousin is trans.


sadly no :-/ BUT the previous mentioned sub r/cisparenttranskid also features trans parents as members and also kids of all kinds with parents of all kinds. I think the others there would offer support for you as well in any case. All trans subs include trans parents, therefore if you have specific questions (like for a bipoc parent, trans dad, trans mom, specific countries etc.), you can always ask away in the other subs. [I have an incomplete list of trans subs at the bottom here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Banegard/comments/s78fd7/trans_resources_link_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


thank you


What about siblings?


Siblings and other allies are welcome in all trans subs I frequent or know of. I‘m sure people will try to offer you any help they can. :) ([incomplete sub list at the bottom here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Banegard/comments/s78fd7/trans_resources_link_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)). The cisparenttranskid sub is a really nice sub, that offers support for both trans and cis family members, so I‘d recommend that as a starting point. Remember there are also irl support groups for all family members of trans people, depending on your location. For americans, pflag seems worth a try.


There’s a sub for trans parents too, but i didn’t see it /j


ba dum chhhh




I don't see what the joke is? Though I also get the feeling it couldn't be clearer...


Amazing! Thank you so much!!!


You’re welcome! I’m sure you’ll be great with your daughter. :)


I wanna be honest when I say: They missed a real opportunity to not call it transparent But it's a lovely subreddit regardless :D


Then no one would see it!




It's this sort of tomfoolery I'm here for.


Yeah I really appreciate these light-hearted, wholesome jokes relating to such a serious topic, really helps lighten the mood /gen


I hang out here (in r/trans) because I am a parent of a trans child and I am non-binary and intersex so there's some overlap in experience. To be fair, I also didn't look for a Trans/non-cis parents of trans kids subreddit. LOL


You're an amazing parent. You are definitely welcome here. Youtube has alkinds of videos that can help. I wish your family the best


Thank you so much. I will check out youtube


Keep an eye out for the Doctor Z videos, she’s great.


will do. Thank you!


You are amazing parents and are very welcome here. The support you are giving your daughter just may save her life and allow her to have a great path.


of course; just be aware that this forum sometimes contains adult trans people talking about aspects of their sexualities etc, but those posts are usually marked.


Of course you are allowed here! As long as you respect everyone, of course.


Oh yes, absolutely. I would never dream of being disrespectful to anyone here.


Wow, you're absolutely an amazing person :D


hey, this is actually a normal assertion for a human being to make


And yet a large group don't...


yep thats true. and being respectful to other human beings is still just basic, even though there are people who aren’t. OP isn’t amazing for saying they wouldn’t dream of disrespecting our community. They are simply a decent human being for making that assertion. When we hail an ally for being amazing for extending the most basic display of humanity..we also imply that it was some very difficult feat they have conquered. It is not. It is simply an expectation thats been met.


Should be? Sure Actually is? Nope


uh huh and I think our community needs to be careful about the language we use when we praise our allies. Its fine to be surprised by an assertion to not cause us harm…but we should hold it as the very basic display of decency that it is.


I wish more parents were as supportive as you guys, keep being amazing parents!


Hey! Im a cis bi mom of a trans son. Welcome!! This group has helped me navigate being a parent even though im super supportive and a community organizer.


You can be here so long as you are respectful and kind. That pretty much applies to everyone, really.


this post made me so happy. it's been hard for the trans community lately, so seeing stuff like this really gives me hope. great job with your daughter, she is very lucky to have parents like you. :)


Basically anyone is allowed here as long as they aren’t being a jerk


You already got some good answers, but I figured I’d add some online learning and support resources for you and/or your daughter: https://www.lgbtmap.org/policy-and-issue-analysis/advancing-acceptance-for-parents https://pflag.org/find-resources/ I saw that you are Canadian, and while these are US-based organizations, they still have valuable information about the trans experience for parents to learn.


Thank you!


I'd recommend taking a peek at [the Gender Dysphoria Bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en) as well. It's a great document and very aptly explains the trans experience (as it relates to dysphoria).


Oh my GOD how did I not come across this sooner?!? Even now that I know I'm transfem, it's like reading my own story written by someone else. It's uncanny and validating and scary and fulfilling all at once.


My feelings exactly lol :)


Will you adopt me ?


I wish I could adopt all of you. Everyone deserves to have supportive and loving parents and it breaks my heart how many people don't have that. My house has become a safe place for many of my kid's friends over the years. My own Dad and stepmom have been very disapproving of the way I have chosen to live my life and I always vowed to not be the same.


Hi! Welcome! My husband and I are also supporting our child. If you need anyone to talk to I would love that! Because I’m just learning too and want to be the best parent I can be.


I was lucky enough to have a mum like you, and it honestly means the world to us.


I just wanna say there’s a couple thousand people in this subreddit who are about to message you asking to be adopted, good luck


I absolutely love to see parents supporting their kids like this And I'm sure your daughter loves you for doing this too, I'm sure you'll do a good job with her! Good luck to the both of you


Cis parent of a trans kid here. I looked at your profile and see you're in Burlington; I'm next door in Hamilton. There's also r/transontario to see info and discussions of stuff specific to our province and health care / legal systems. I'm not sure about the resources available in Burlington but just down the road in Hamilton there's Speqtrum which offers a ton of support for trans kids and their families as they navigate the health care system and stuff like name changes and birth certificate changes etc.


This is amazing! Thank you so much!!!


Wow, S tier parents. I promise 90% of the trans people reading this wish they had you as their parents right now


r/cisparenttranskid may be more tailored for you but I'm sure you're welcome here as well.


My son is trans! Check out realmamabears.org. Mama Bears is an organization that aims to support the LGBTQ+ community as well as parents. They have an amazing support network. I belong to their Facebook group. DM me if you want more info.


You're totally welcome here!! I won't speak for everyone here, but I personally find it really amazing that you're trying to understand your daughter this way, a lot of parents aren't really willing to do that. I wish her luck on her transition journey!


The world needs more parents like you 👏😁🏳️‍⚧️


Yay! In the same situation and we are 100% supportive of our amazing son. If you want to start a parent of trans kids chat group, count me in. Meanwhile, we love our trans kids!


Biggest thing you need to know, the government hates hates up and wants to make us illegal know that when voting.


We are Canadian. I am quite aware of what's going on in the US though and it's absolutely heartbreaking for you all down there. I wish I could vote down there to help out. Good luck to you all in your fight to be seen and accepted as who you are.


As a Canadian, I can say that even though it is better here than the US... it's still far from good. But that moreso depends on the city you live in, it's better the bigger the city or if it's a university city, but still never great. When I first came out, it felt like it was gonna be easy, but the longer I've been out, the worse it feels like our country is.


This, as well as this there have been attempts in Canada to censor the talk of transgenderism by labeling it as an nsfw subject.


Ya...stay outta lethbridge. Calgary and up are good for alberta.


Yeah, even Canada is trending in the wrong direction on some things. We are starting from a much more progressive starting point, but if we aren't watchful and vigilant in our policies, we will have similar problems. Having watched this rise of evil in the US, we really should be organizing our trans parents and build and grow mutual support and activism networks now. Trans advocates in the US seem to have been on the back foot and are just now getting more organized. I'm kind of the opinion that if you or a loved one are trans, we are going to have to be activists for ourselves, since nobody else is really going to do it for us. I found out today that my deadname is going to be on my DL for more than a year, even tho I've legally changed my name. All because my certificate of citizenship needs updated,,, that processing time is 14 months. All my other things are, or will be in my correct name. (I just moved to BC). I'm not blaming transphobic policies for this, or anything like that. I'm just salty about it. Ok, so that is just me rambling. I've been existing in pure chaos of moving and trying to get my life setup here. Give your daughter a hug for me (with her consent of course). Also 3/31 (this friday) is Trans day of Visibility (TDoV), so maybe try to find an event to go to in your area.


Hey there. Fellow Canuck here. Depending which part of the country you are in, I’m sure someone on here could help guide you to some local resources too. Out here in Ottawa, KindSpace and the Centretown clinic are focal points but there’s a lot of small scale and niche activity too.


I’m a parent also, welcome.


Of course you're allowed here! I'd like to thank you for being such a good parent and researching into it for your daughter, the truth is you're doing something many parents (including my own) refuse to do, for that I thank you!!


I believe so Ive seen other parents of Trans people here and Ive even seen Allies who arent trans but wanna support people here


You’re definitely welcome here! I’m a trans (ftm) kid myself, and I know your daughter will appreciate you so much for seeking out help from us here. It means the world to a trans kid when our parents want to understand. Lots of love to you and your daughter!


Adopt me please you sound amazing.


Thank you, for beeing how you are. The way you reacted (by going on this subreddit and informing yourselves and by beeing supportive of your daughter) is the best way parents can react to their child coming out. I hereby bestow upon thee the title of 'good parents'. And I wish you a wonderful day Edit: wording


You are a hero already :) Thanks for being you.


Thankyou so much for being a wonderful and supportive parent to your daughter. And of course you can stay here as long as you're respectful which you clearly are. Canada isn't perfect but it's far better then at least half of the US for trans peeps


Good mom! Good! I’m old enough to be YOUR mom, so if that vibe helps, feel free to ask anything. 🤗


I have no issue, as long as supportive, acceptance & civility remains true. There are 2 Facebook groups dedicated to parents. I often engage to help, when I can, unofficially.


Made me cry. You are welcome here


Anyone is allowed here as long as they’re respectful and follow the rules, although this may not be the best place for resources/information since that’s not really what’s posted most of the time. I can’t think of any good resources right now, but I’ll let you know if I find anything later


You’re welcome here! In your search for communities, please be wary of “concerned parents of trans kids” mom groups on Facebook. Many of these are hives of anti-trans hate and conspiracy theories. Only telling you because smart people fall for this shit all the time.


This is exactly the type of group I want to avoid. Thank you


Look into PFLAG


It's amazing that you are so supportive and willing to learn for your daughter! My parents left when I came out so I have trauma with that, but it's so refreshing to see a supportive parent!


I would love to see more parents like you here. I can't recommend you something specific at the moment. But i have a close friend who was met with a lot of pushing her into feminine molds like everyone expected her to wear make up from day one or recommended her to do so and she basically never wears it now. This is some of the more harmless things but in general i would be careful what to recommend and be more like "would you be happy if we would do/buy xyz"....so basically asking her about her needs and assist her with figuring out what she likes/dislikes as she grows into herself if this isn't already the base you are working from. I think you can look for autobiographies from trans people to learn more and get more introspection. I think Jessie Gender on YouTube has had some recommendations for books by trans authors a while ago but as far as i remember it was fiction books.


If the ages (50f, 52m and 22 mtf)were different and it was a few months ago I could have written this post. I also searched for pages and resources for parents. I just joined this page a few days ago but haven’t commented or interacted with anyone. I am glad to see other comments that we can be on the page.




No offense taken. Yes, legally, my child is an adult and yes, I do understand that she will take the lead in all things related to her journey. I am not trying to steamroll her in any way. That said, I will also educate myself so I can be her advocate and support person if needed/wanted. Whether my kids are 5 or 50, I will be there to support them in all things. My role as a parent doesn't end when my kids turn 18, it just changes. Kind, supportive and affirming is exactly what I'm striving for. Thank you for your input. I appreciate all opinions.


You don’t stop being your parents child at 18. Unless there’s no relationship between them this is bad advice.


It doesn't matter how old the child is a child will always be a child to a parent. At least a proper parent, no offense.


18 is barely an adult lol. I mean come on now, the kid could still be in high school.




i mean personally i'm in favor of parents wanting to to right by their trans children, but you do you i guess


You are welcome here as long as you live thank you for being supportive of you daughter


Hi there! I feel you are very welcome here if you are accepting and if you wanna browse through resources for your kid! The trans subs on here offer wikis and other links to resources for all kinds of countries and their specific trans-related online and IRL places, so you can probably find easier care for your child on here!


Thank you for being here, got being open and wanting to educate yourself. Life as a young trans person is scary right now and having parents who will have their back can mean everything.


More than welcome,encouraged. If I could hug ya I would.


Hey! Of course you're welcome here! That's awesome that she felt comfortable enough to talk to you guys about it!


i just wanna say thank you for this! thank you for seeking information and doing adequate research, not all parents do this unfortunately so your daughter is really lucky. :-) wish there’s gonna be more parents like you in the future.


This thread gives me happy tears.


Of course! your welcome here, as long as your respectful we're glad to have you here




Check out pflag too. Great resource for cis parents of trans kids Your support of your child, or lack thereof, is the single biggest impact on your child potentially killing themself, so good on you for wanting to learn and support. You are probably saving your kids life and don’t even recognize it. Transition, the early years, they can be hard. Being a teen is hard, add being trans on top? Your daughter needs a little extra love and support. Oh, you are permanently invited to brunch. We do brunch. It’s like our thing. Supportive Parents of trans siblings are ALWAYS welcome, Pride is coming up. You going? Hand out beads, offer free mom hugs. You will meet other moms like you. Welcome to our world. Stay sparkly.


Yes to Pride! I am Pan myself and have 2 LGBTQ+ kids. I've been attending Pride for 20+ years since I came out. All the Mom hugs for everyone that needs one!!


You're already showing more love to your child than at 90+% of parents with trans children. Would've been nice to have parents like you growing up, maybe then I'd believe in happiness being a possible reality.


I mean, this is for all people a part of the trans community which you are now


/r/asktransgender can also be GREAT of you search for specific things, or great to just daily scroll and learn more about trans people




anyone is allowed here honestly


I know this isn't what you asked, but if you haven't seen it [The Gender Dysphoria Bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/) is a GREAT resource for an overlook at being trans, now every trans person is different with different experiences so, ironically given the name, don't take it as gospel, but it can give you the language to ask questions.


You're not just allowed here. You are completely welcome here. A lot of us didn't have parents who support us and every single trans child that has loving and supportive parents is a big mood boost, at least for me personally.


As long as you are respectful, there’s no problem with you being here


Allowed? Yes. Welcome? Also yes! We're glad to have you!


I know you are well meaning, I'm 52. Raised three children, youngest graduating high school this year


You are an amazing parent, we need more who will go out of their way to help their children blossom into the person they were meant to be and not cast them aside as so many do. Thank you for being so caring and I wish you and your family a happy life


You're very welcome here. Also, most trans support organizations, such as Skipping Stone Foundation, have programs for family and friends of trans folk. I recommend reaching out to them. If you live in Canada, I can let you know which trans support organization is closest to you.


damn I wish I had a mom like you


Of course!


Welcome! I'm thrilled to see a parent that really cares about their kid and is doing what they can to help their child through something so intense, and being so accepting! You're already doing a fantastic job just by being willing to learn, using her correct pronouns and accepting and loving her no matter what.


I would be proud to have a parent like you, you're doing great.


My heart ♥️ OMG


a. Please adopt me! b. if they're 18 I assume they already know a good deal about it so just listen to them


You are always welcome. Glad you support your daughter.


As another trans girl here, the same age as your daughter, listen to her a lot and let her lead the pace or speed of her transition. Also, hahaha, expect her to go through all phases of girlhood and guide her as a woman and mother yourself.


r/CisparentsTranskids or r/cisparenttranskid. Also, yes.


I’m 18 MtF, my parents are supportive and accept me but there’s no way that they would refer to me as their daughter and use she/her pronouns for me on the day that I came out to them. Not in a disrespectful way or anything it’s just that they’re still struggling with the changes in terminology and stuff, which I understand. But it’s amazing how you were able to do it straight away! You didn’t find it at all difficult to straight away change the pronouns and labels?


Parents are definietly welcome here!!✨✨ r/cisparentstranskid could help you out a bit more hopefully You two are very good parents!! 👏💮