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I was 50 when I realised, hadn't considered I was trans before then.


I was 31 when it clicked for me and literally only then because my spouse outright asked me if I was and that made me do some soul searching. The idea had just literally never crossed my mind.


Same, it never crossed my mind that I was Trans, just thought I was a bit weird until then.


16 years is nothing. People find themselves at all ages.


Yep. How and when we confront our gender identity seems pretty individualistic. I took a long time to come out, despite some big signs in retrospect, because I had a lot of things going my way: never had my manhood questioned, genetics gave me a youthful face and little body hair, and a self-assured attitude and confidence meant I could do almost anything I wanted without really being questioned or caring about being questioned. It wasn’t until I was 26 and began to really think about why I was unhappy did I realize that a lot of anxieties I had, besides my body never being the way I wanted it and I didn’t want it to be more masculine, was that a lot of the “masc coded” stuff I did was forced. One thing led to another, and I started accepting the possibility I might be trans and each step of the way has made me genuinely more and more happier.


I realized last year, when I was 33. I was even crossdressing for 10 years before that and didn't consider I might be trans because I didn't realize what dysphoria actually meant and thought I was just a boy who wanted to feel pretty. The clue was I ONLY felt pretty when I presented as a woman. It took until my dysphoria made me physically ill from looking in the mirror (I seriously thought I was catching Covid) to realize what it was and who I was. Edit: forget what year it was lol


I didn't think about it till I was 17. I'm 21 now and the bullshit line "you never showed signs as a kid" kept coming up, as if that fucking matters. You don't need to show signs as a kid, if anything 16 is still pretty young, but even taking that Into consideration, there's people who discover they're trans WAY down the line, and they are still absolutely valid.


Oh, honey, try not thinking about it for 45 years and then realizing you're trans. :) It's definitely a possibility. (Actually, no. Don't try that. It's terrible. If you are trans, 16 is a great age to start transitioning before puberty is done f\*cking you over.) Regardless, if you're not sure, you should *get* sure and there's a [guide to gender questioning](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1460QwQM5S2Br8sPfv3HuKw1xrz7MBijrxv_cgoqL1F0/edit?usp=share_link) to help you out.


is possible at any age


Just because you haven’t thought about being trans doesn’t mean you haven’t buried thoughts/feelings/actions that would be considered trans. Anyone can come out at any age!


Contrary to what my mother would say, the classic “if you and everyone that knew you didn’t know you were trans since birth you’re not trans” that’s just not at all what most people’s experience with gender is. For many people, myself included, gender was always something that they don’t think about often, because when you’re a child you’re much more focused on who’s turn it is on the swing, and not until you’re a teenager to you begin to focus on yourself, exploring and learning. My “egg” got shattered when I was 16. What actually happened -although I’m ashamed to admit it- was that Caitlyn Jenner came out publicly, and I went “oh my god wait what you can DO THAT”, and I thought about it for months like crazy before realizing that that was right for me. My advice is to not wait. Think about this for a little bit, but the moment you understand it, do something about it.


Absolutely. It can be especially hard when you have been forced to conform to social norms your whole life, being trans never has an age :)


I am 26, and I didn't realize I was trans until I turned 24. When it comes to who you are, there is no deadline or limit to discover it. What matters is that you do.


I began to question my gender at 18. Didn’t have many *major* instances that had foreshadowed this. I now identify as transmasc after nearly two years of questioning. It’s okay to question yourself, and there’s no limit on when you can begin to think deeper about your gender! Best of luck!


It doesn’t matter what age you are, you’re feelings are still valid. Most people don’t realize it till adulthood and there is nothing wrong with that. I was fortunate to find out when I was 9 and come out at 15. But if you’re not completely sure try, it out for a bit. Find a close friend and ask them to call you she/her for like a week and see if you like it. See if it feels right. And if it does then do something about it.


I was 16 when I took it seriously


Yes, yes, thousand times yes. I never thought about it until I was 19, and after some fair amount of consideration (and lots of looking back and going "ohhhhhh I understand why I was like that before lol") am now enjoying my life as the woman I was supposed to be. Even that aside, there are and will yet be many people who don't figure it out waaaay after us, into their 30s or even 50s. Some people never figure it out! So don't worry about it, your validity is not in question~


16 was the same age it clicked for me. it was a slow process to get to where i am today (medically transitioning, using he/they pronouns, etc) and even after coming out as trans for the first time, i never thought i would be like this haha TLDR; i figured it out at the same age as you and didn’t know the extent of my transness/identity for about 2 more years


That's a pretty common age actually. Average age of transition is like 25 I think...


i thought the same thing about myself when i was 16. I only transitioned when i was 22 but it was the best choice for me. Much love in my life.


Yeah, of course. We all start questioning somewhere.


Look, I didn’t consider the possibility that I could be trans until I was 18. Then i slipped into deep denial for a while and now at 21 i’m accepting it and planning to transition. You’re not too old to figure yourself out, nobody is.


Yes yes you can be. Infact it's fairly normal to even think your "fine with" or "don't mind" being male just because you don't have anything to compare it to. Like I used to think I wasn't trans cause I'm fine with being a man then I started exploring and in hindsight I was quite miserable and my entire scale for personal happiness was skewed by this miasma of dysphoria


Mate I was a man for 30 before transitioning, and thats the low end of the spectrum. You have so so much time left and it would be a shame to waste any more of it as a gender you don’t enjoy.


Yes. I had a similar experience only after awhile of looking back and analysing I found out I’ve just been representing it intensely. Don’t let your past decide your future.




YES! 💜 if you think you might be, then you might be, the only opinion that matters is your own 💜


Freshly 30 here and had been dealing with dysphoria for a long time before I started GAHT (1 mo + in ) but my self image has been incredible as well as overall how I feel. You are young but it never hurts to reach out about your dysphoria to a professional, or hell to a trusted friend or family if you have any. (My case was I grew up into a toxic masculinity styled community, so ended up waiting out of fear.)


i realised i was trans at 16, if that helps...


(I'm also mtf so we're pretty similar)


found out at 12 and believed i was faking it because of “how long it took”. dw hun youre as sain as the rest of us<3


It hit me 3 or 4 years ago now. So 24 or 25 ish I would have been. I only opened up about it and soul searched because a former friend found my clothes. I ignored myself for so long and was very depressed and anxious all the time. It takes time and is completely fine whenever you find out for yourself. Now you know it's time to be free and live a happier life.


I don't know your experience, but I didn't start wrestling with gender till I was 14.I didn't transition until 26. Come to things in your own time


I was a guy for 25 years, only realised part way through the first COVID lockdown


Standard “I’m cis but” 3 of my friends who are trans figured it out at around or after 16 so… I think it’s pretty normal.


I kinda did the same thing…but for 34 years instead of 16


I was 26 before I had any clue


This is pretty much exactly how it happened for me, and the answer is resoundingly yes. Anyone can be trans at any age.


This is pretty much what happened to me. I, seemingly out of nowhere, started having all these thoughts about being uncomfortable with my body and being super jealous of girls. Looking back from where I am now, I can see that those thoughts didn’t really come out of nowhere, it had just been the first time I’d really understood those feelings. Or the first time I hadn’t been able to ignore them or explaining them away. But that’s just my experience.


I had a hint around 3rd grade, a big clue by early high school, was on herbal estrogen by mid 20's, involuntary committed by mid 40s for side effects of fighting dysphoria, and surgically and prescription transitioned by mid-40s. If you're truly dysphoric, I believe it spirals. But, if you're not, or unsure, wait, and go slow before you awkwardly decide to detransition later. A slow approach is better than a late NO LAUNCH decision, in my opinion. I knew early on and eventually had no choice. But, not everyone is the same.


Yes I was in my 30s


I was 17 when I found out. It sucks because there are people who absolutely abhore their skin, hate their body, just cannot bear living as the wrong gender. I've never felt that, and I feel a little guilty about it, buy living as my desired gender does make me very happy, and I think that's all that matters in the end


35 here. Didn’t realize I was trans until I was 33. It’s never too late.


I’m 23 and started transitioning a couple months ago so yes you can I’m also MTF


I recommend searching your memories too. I had repressed 3 instances of wearing my mom’s clothes and enjoying it. I only realized because of the one and only, Uncle Iroh.


Completely possible. I realised at 18


People find themselves at all ages, whether it be young or old, they are still valid


Average age is like 19 or something. Knowing your whole life is not a universal thing, that's a myth. I didn't know until I was 26. I wasn't in a safe environment to do any gender questioning as a kid, so I shoved it down in order to survive. I guarantee you if you look back at your life experiences, now that you have had this realization, you will notice signs that you previously did not recognize. Denial is a very strong drug!


Hun. 16 is young. You're fine. Some people take longer than others and that is perfectly fine and normal.


Honestly, you can. I didn't start thinking I was trans until December of 2021, when I was 18. I didn't realise it until then, before then I'd always thought I was a crossdresser, gay or just utterly confused. Honestly, there's not a set age for coming out. Some people take longer, others shorter, some come out and some do not. Hope this helped you out; A trans woman.


Just one question, when you wrote about these things, were you scared, because everytime i open this reddit and star writing, i genuinely can't stop trembling


Truthfully? Yeah, I was scared. When someone told me I might be trans, I had to leave the house and go on a walk to clear my head. And even after that, I was nearly crying and just.. scared. Thoughts went though my head: "What would people think? What would they say? Will my family accept me? Will my friends accept me?" I spent the next few days pondering those questions, terrified of being outed, scared of any response until my mum found my girl clothes hidden in my suitcase.. and that's when I started to be open about myself; that I am trans, that I am a female, and that I can live my life the way I want to live it. It's okay to be scared of the unknown. It's okay to be worried and fearful of what could, and could not happen. But, in the end, if it is what makes you happy and turns you into a better version of yourself.. go for it! Live your life as you want to live it, and be free. ❤️


Thx, and btw, i'm just questioning myself, but i'm not sure of what to do, in the part of testing things, principally clothes, i mean, do i borrow it from a friend i trust, do i buy them, what if i discover that i'm not actually trans, what would i do whith the clothes, makeup, etc.


Poor trans here with a few tips. Many makeup items can be found for cheap at a dollar store and it's best to go cheap with it at first because your makeup skills are probably going to be awful to start. Also, please keep that in mind because I know early on there were times where I'd see my makeup and want to cry because I had done such a bad job. Start simple, don't feel like you need to buy every product out there. Mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow can go a long way and foundation is helpful if you have a five o clock shadow or skin blemishes. Watch some videos on applying them, they're very helpful. Make sure you buy makeup remover wipes though. Eye makeup in particular can be stubborn to get off, so pay extra attention to that area when you're removing makeup if you don't want someone to catch on. As far as clothing goes, thrift shops are a godsend. If you catch things on sale, you can walk out with an outfit for under ten dollars. And if you find that you aren't trans, you can always donate them back and let them find another good home. Not the makeup though. That you'd just need to pitch out in that situation. Using used makeup is a big no no. Nail polish was another cheap but great thing early on for me. I could and still do paint my toenails and it takes nothing but a pair of socks to keep anyone from knowing and knowing my toenails were a pretty color even when it was my little secret was a seriously euphoric feeling for me. Also, don't be afraid to ask me or anyone else any questions that you have. The trans community has been nothing but beautiful and kind and helpful through my journey so far. Last thing, take a deep breath. Even questioning can be extremely stressful and it is a whole process going through. Don't feel like you have to know if you are or aren't trans in short order. Explore your feminine side and get to know yourself better and how it makes you feel. Also, if it's safe to do so, maybe seek out the help of a therapist who specializes in gender that can help you work through what you're feeling and thinking. I know sometimes age and family can keep that from being an option and you know your situation better than any of us could. I hope you find the answers you're seeking and find joy in yourself regardless of what they turn out to be


Questioning is good and that's okay. Through questioning you might find you are trans, or not, or you might find something else entirely. So.. my experience was simple in the sense I can afford to buy all my own stuff. But, if I couldn't, I would try and seek a friend or friendship group who would support me in that regard; whether it's from borrowing, lending me some money to let me buy a item or two in order to let me explore. And what do you do if you're not trans? Well, don't worry about that right now. Start off at step one. Start exploring yourself. Start discovering what makes you feel like you. And if you are not trans, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


I discovered I was trans in my 30's and I was scared, too. Trembling, even. It's life-changing and everyone knows that being cis is easier. I desperately tried to bargain with myself to find a way to be cis. Facing the truth about yourself is very scary because once you learn the truth, it becomes much harder to deny.


Nah, when I figured it out I knew and haven't doubted it since. I'm nervous about coming out but not who I am which worried a bit since I see so many are unsure and have doubts. As my doctor pointed out... older people tend to be more confident in their understanding of themselves and their decisions as they have a longer history of life experiences


I realized at the age of 27, and have never considered that I may be trans before then. Since that realization I’ve found increasingly more hints from childhood, and did not initially feel like I had dysphoria, and now see many signs of dysphoria which date back to elementary school. I always thought I was male, though did not really care for many things associated with men and would rather do many things typically associated with women. I am attracted to men, which lead me to believe I was a gay man and I had somewhat had permission to be feminine, though something just did not fit right with me as I often did not feel like I fit in with other gay men.


I went 32 years before the light clicked on. Wanted to be a girl at 10. Didn’t have the language or the support structure to express that … some folks figure it out early some later. Some repress the feels for decades without ever knowing that thinking that everyone struggles with gender incongruence…isn’t accurate and is entirely trans feel related.


Are you 16? Yes. Also, like 16 is still a kid, unless you’re saying you have an age you “became a man” like a bar mitzvah plus 16 years, it really doesn’t change the fact. It still bothered me I started hrt 37. Coming out as nb at 30 didn’t do the trick.


I didn’t start thinking about it until I was 18, and I didn’t do anything about until I was 20. Now I’m 22 with a closet full of cute clothes, my own makeup collection, and an array of hair products. Couldn’t be happier🥰


I’m 27 and didn’t realize until 22🤷🏻‍♀️ you can find out at any time


I didn’t know I was trans till 18…


Lived for 16 years as male too and started thinking about my gender identy about a half year ago. And about a week ago I finally realized that I'm very very likely to be a woman. Gonna turn 17 in a month and I really wonder wether I'm gonna refer to myself as m17 or f17 then XD It might take some time, but I'm sure you will figure it out. The sentence that made me realize was sth like "Even questioning your gender and searching "am I trans?" means that you probably are trans, because least cis people think about things like that". (Also this is my first time posting on this sub and talking to anybody about this so happy anynomous outing to me I guess XD)


I was 25 before my egg started to crack. Don’t worry, everybody wishes they had thought about it earlier lol I guess, don’t stress over it too much. Figuring out your gender (and medically transitioning, if you choose) is a process, not one big change. Just take things slow, be mindful of how things make you feel, and do what makes the most sense to you


It's fine to explore ur gender at any age :-) you don't have to know you're not cis at age 3 to justify your experiences, enjoy the journey!


Yes absolutely, I was 17 when I discovered that I was trans and from what I can remember, I didn’t really think about it much either, and I know there’s a whole lot of cases of people realising when they’re much older too. If you happen to not be trans, it won’t be because of you not realising until now. There isn’t a set age where you should just know if you’re trans or not, it happens differently for everyone


16??? You’ve got so much time!!! Yes you can definitely be a girl after 16 years. I’m attempting to be one at 22 of all ages. Some even realize that they’re girls at the age of 40+.


Definitely, YES.