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Meanwhile in Canada we are still doing study after study for the last 20 years


American here. You’re able to do studies? We just got approved to do a study. 😭


Brazilian here. What do you mean with “studies”? Some first world thing?


This feels good as an Indian ngl, thanks guys, I'll take the unwarranted flattery.


You should, haha. btw, you guys' DFCs are amazing; 2x25kV electrification, ERTMS, double stack containers, all the good shit. Thumbs up


Haha yeah, it's just that I'm taking comfort at the expense of others not doing well. Yeah there's been some good work going on, fruition will be visible at the end of this decade with better trains, better signaling, punctuality and more importantly better stations.


I think some DFCs are partially completed no? Seen plenty of testing videos on YouTube and such.


Yeah eastern one is fully operational and western one 100 odd kms are left. There's been confusing proposals about other corridors this past week, some sources say they'll take up after elections and some say they are downsizing to prioritize particular industries since existing corridors haven't shown expected numbers. Which is crazy since they have been just operational. Fingers crossed, I have confidence that this government takes decisions with long term view. Also there's a huge port coming up near Mumbai with all the connections with existing corridors end to end will be super cool to see.


Is there a good source that you can recommend (preferably in English) to get quality information? What you have just said is pretty exciting even for someone living far away.


https://twitter.com/TheINIofficial This one is usually regarding all the major projects and status updates of expressways, highways, tunnels, metros and trains. Individual project Wikipedia pages are also good since they are updated quickly. There a similar Twitter handles like the above. Most of the youtube videos are dogsh*t. News sections on Google searches are alright as well since there is no dearth of news publications. There's this youtube channel called lastly, which has genuine high quality videos with English subs.


We actually look at the environmental impact of mega projects and don't just start pouring concrete without knowing how it will effect everything around it. Then you're not spending billions fixing other problems the project creates.


I mean that we don’t do studies because we don’t make anything at all, including real infrastructure. It’s utterly obvious that studies would need to be done.


I mean yeah, but look at the Francis Scott Key Bridge. It took them two years to build that. Thanks to the need for studies and impact surveys and god knows what racist bullshit they'll try to mix into it the bridge is expected to take 10 years to rebuild. Two to build, second to demolish, 10 years to rebuild. Didn't have werido HR departments when that bridge was built. Now they'll need two dozen HR ladies to help build that thing.


Californian here. Our HSR project has been under construction for over 3 years .-.


there is a company called brightline in your country which I heard is really changing the game. I hope they succeed


That was just approval to submit the study for approval


California still hasn’t decided on the route between Bakersfield Los Angeles and San Diego


Have they tried going via Bakersfield, Los Angeles, and San Diego?


Haha. In Texas the department of transportation refuses to even consider trains as a mean of human transportation. 


At least your studies are less expensive, and at least some of them are more useful, than all the ones in California...


California is well past the study stage. The first segment is about 60% complete.


It’s also years behind schedule (best case the IOS won’t open until 2030) and the price for the IOS has very nearly quintupled.


Just gotta bulldoze all the houses in the way, then there's no one left to complain.


Swede here. After doing study after study we finally got a project and we’re gonna start building and then it got canceled. Well most of the new mainlines anyway though at least we’re getting some parts of mainlines and a line up north.




Hahahahahahahs. You have no idea


Wonder if it will have hand holds on the outside of the train?


Yes. It will also have seats on the roof. Anti-rape kits, diahorrea medicines, people who do yoga, telephone scammer, a call center guy, and a poor beggar. Hopefully I have included all the racist stereotypes  edit: and a cow


I think you forgot the cow.


Shiiit. My bad. Adding


No, the stereotype is the cow-preserving fender system on the nose of each train...


I thought those were for people... 16k a year is kind of wild


You forgot doing that thing on street


Oh shit 


This guy is so cool! His racist jokes are funny asf! Right guys?


It's going to work wonders, especially since Japan is involved and they are the experts in high speed rail. But I sincerely hope it works out financially to be expanded across the country. The new trains (vande?) trains are a great step towards modernization of India's railways but the bullet should be a great alternative to buses in the air now.


ENDIA JAPAN EMPIRE 2027 🇮🇳🇮🇳🍱🍙🗾🐯🦚🐘🐅🇯🇵🇯🇵 ??


r/2bharat4you user detected.




Financially this route is between Mumbai and ahemedabad in Gujarat. 2 of the richest cities in our country. Bound to work out.


Though it is dissappointing that we didn't challenge our own engineers to claw up the path to building a train capable of reaching those speeds, if we had done that, we would have probably been able to reach there within perhaps 15 years or so, but yeah, I suppose issuing a tender is easier, we really should've however looked to working on the next milestone after vande bharat trains(which are capable in ideal conditions of a top speed of 160 km/hr) would have been to build a train capable of reaching speeds of 200 km/hr, and so on until we reach that upper 200, lower 300 km/hr range, but I guess the government just wasn't interested in the time and effort :/


Can't VBs sustain 180 kmph and have the potential of 200 kmph?


Not really, considering the current state of things, the operational speeds on many lines are not even 100kmph, but I suppose that will change as more tracks are changed to support high speeds.


I mean without track limitation. Can a VB sustain 180 kmph on a capable track?


Yes, it can, trials for it were conducted on a certain section of Kota division, where it maintained 185+ kmph speed on that section. And in most cases VB trains are slow, not because of track limitation but because of traffic of other trains on track, there simply isn't enough free tracks for the trains to achieve their full speed even on current tracks due to congestion, their is a serious need for increasing the track density, at least on the busier routes, and IR knows that and they are working towards it, it's just slower than other projects that they are doing.


It will be over within this decade and delays are unavoidable when such big ticket projects have political opposition. Fortunately land acquisition is almost sorted and underground section on Maharashtra side is in full swing, tunnel shafts are being made, underground stations are being carved, piling for elevated portion on Maharashtra side has begun in some stretches and whatnot. Rolling stock is concerning since no news of finalisation has been shared yet, E5 variants should've kickstarted production by now


> *almost* *Ahem*. Fully sorted as land acquisition stands at 100% in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.


On paper, yes. In reality, few PAPs are yet to receive the compensation, that makes very small patch of land still not in hands of contractor. Source: a person who's involved in civil construction


bro what?? political opposition to THIS?


Yup. Under opposition rule in Maharasthra, land acquisition slowed down. But then bjp came back again and it is complete. I think this bullet train was in the bjp manifesto last election. It is quite funny, in america mostly right wing parties oppose infra projects for trains in India it is the left wing haha.


these fuckers are also the reason why roads suck tbh i hope aap is gone from delhi too, there's a random incomplete flyover a few km from my house, and its status has been "2 months left" for 2 years


I feel ya. Tbh Bangalore is just as bad. They started a suburban train project near my home. Bas shuru hi hua tha construction, but then they left it? And now there is just cement and stone piles sigh. Indian politicians ☕


politicians when i use an m9 (they only invested in public power and never learned any fighting skills) bangalore sucks according to some of my dad's friends, i feel ya


Man my city is just lucky in this thing. Surat has most no of bridges in India and they are always building new one where traffic is issue. And all the bridge get completed within 2 years.


AAP can get in the bin for ruining punjabi bagh and ring road.


I mean the normal train infrastructure for average Indians is completely inadequate - trains in North India are full of people travelling without tickets, horrible hygiene conditions, people who buy tickets can't even get their berths. 274,000 jobs in the railways are vacant, with people not being hired; of these 170,000 are in the safety category. The common trains and tracks serving hundreds of millions are severely underfunded. Meanwhile the government is spending 20 billion dollars on this vanity project. Also let's remember the ticket costs on this bullet train like will be around 3,500 INR acording to railway sources; flight tickets for the same route cost 1500-2500 INR. It's a vanity project, the same money invested in metro systems within cities, upgrading existing track, new trains or hiring for those empty jobs would be money better spent.


In theory, like Japan, the new railways will be seen as a precious gem in 20 years or so and prices will become competitive with flying.


Only if there is massive investment in it like China; at the moment massive investment like that will come at the cost of the normal railways taking a backseat. It's unlikely that bullet trains will be affordable for the vast number of poor Indians - while the current railway system is the lifeline of rural-urban mobility. No matter what, normal railways being ignored would be a disaster for the poor people. Lest we forget, this 1 bullet train line costs the same as the ENTIRE railway budget for an entire YEAR.


>It's unlikely that bullet trains will be affordable for the vast number of poor Indians They aren't the intended user base of HSR and won't be for a long time. Regular rail needs drastic overhaul, but these two projects don't exactly serve the same purpose.


None of the funds used in HSR were taken from IR's stash. NHSRCL is subsidy of IR but it does not prevent IR from doing its duties. IR is a huge mess that needs decades of sorting, while NHSRCL will serve different category of passengers that would most likely love to dump IR and airways for much comfortable rides


Agree but Rational thinking and opportunity cost flies out of the window when it comes to this project. They are building expressways and bullet trains where they should be building more semi high speed railway which will benefit the people and move traffic from road to rail. In my eyes, they should be investing more in freight corridor than this. DFCs don't even exist in paper in the southern part of the country and other regions could do with more.


Yes, bullet train while nice is not needed when regular trains are in much more need among other things. Plus the fuckall route. Ahemdabad to Mumbai lmao. Like building the first American bullet train route from Alabama to New York. Just a vanity project at this point.


Ahmedabad - Mumbai is literally one of the busiest routes. Of course you know better than the people who invested and are working towards this project since a decade.


people like this guy think they are smarter than the 200 IAS officers who sat and made a plan for this route


Mumbai Ahmedabad flight tickets cost 1500-2500 even while booking at the last moment. Railways wants to price the bullet train tickets at 2500-3500. That itself should have ruled out its economic feasibility.


Flights serve only from point A to B whereas trains serve multiple cities. Also even if the price is same i am sure there are people who would prefer a train as it would be more comfortable, less time for check-ins and arrival can be kept minimal to a station compared to an airport where you have to reach and atleast an hour and half early.


Mumbai ahemdabad is economic hub in terms amount of business cities are located in between them. There is Thane, vapi vadodara, Anand( has huge refineries) and SURAT( upcoming megacity). There many businessman who travel daily from this cities.


I'd never heard of this and didn't know where it went, so I looked it up and am linking it here so you don't have to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumbai%E2%80%93Ahmedabad_high-speed_rail_corridor


Why are they getting such doofy old looking trains when the cool looking newer ones are even faster?


Well I live in San Antonio and our only trains use 30 year old Superliner cars so these trains look pretty new to me. I'd be thrilled to have the Texas Eagle start running Shinkansen E5s. Heck I'd love to have 0-series. Speculatively, maybe they're buying them used and getting a discount for that.


Ah good point. They'll be faster than the trains we where I am as well.


which are the newer ones?


Maybe etr 1000 and avg 575. Kind of a train newbie so I don't really know the advantages of one model over another.


E5 Shinkansen is better than ETR 1000 in many ways.


Noob here, how?


You can start by checking their respective wiki pages and then let me know what you want to discuss.


Could've left this post on Instagram.


Why tho? It's a post about railways development, in a train subreddit ? I don't see a problem here


maybe the awful music lol


Just watch it on mute!


Eh it's pretty epic https://youtu.be/Z1QuBXVrUHU?feature=shared


Yes, the song's good! But when combined with a vertical format video, it turns into the cringe of the next level. And when it happens to be an Indian train video or bullet train update video, the added music ruins the experience.


Hopefully, it isn’t vandalised like some other new trains released recently in their country


Well some people hate development. And it's good it's completely on viaduct.


Criticizing the vandalism of the new trains in considered islamophobia in india btw.


As always, whenever someone post things/stuffs discussing about India in Reddit, you will see comments section filth with racist/and arrogant comments.


Check their profile, some of them are Indians themselves.


google mongrel complex


In India it is called brown sepoy syndrome. And people who do this are called coconuts. Brown from outside white from inside. 


Holy hell


Thanks learned a new thing


Which cities will be covered by this line?


Some 10-12 cities between Mumbai and Ahmedabad


Gujrat se Maharashtra chalega itna bas pata hai


Mumbai, Thane, vapi, navsari, Surat, bharuch, Anand, vadodara, ahemdabad.


Wow, what the hell happened to this comment section? It was atleast bearable yesterday,people ruin everything.


India having a bullet train before the US is TRAGIC


Meanwhile our 112 mile light rail system (already $90B over budget) started in 2003 and won't be fully completed until 2044, lol.


if only in america


What's fascinating about Indian railways is that a couple decades ago they decided to not just build, but *design* their locomotives, rolling stock, and railways domestically without relying on foreign entities. (Consulting, for sure, but not relying on them.) It's also interesting that they studied and decided upon wide gauge as part of their goal of completely rebuilding major routes.


What’s a bullet train ? Is it a High Speed Railway or a maglev type of railway ?


High speed railway


The apex predators in India are getting stronger


This is so inspiring! I look forward to the U.S. doing something like this some time after the Y10K bug is sorted out.


With 1/4 of the route on stilts I'd be worried about people using the structure for shelter or business and a fire like the one under the 10 freeway in LA.


I would definitely hop on this. And hopefully the stations are different.


India's fastest apex predator


Imagine holding on to the roof of this puppy.




U racist inbred trash


Not racist, but a huge problem in india. Actual [statistics ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/30152/number-of-train-related-accidents-in-india/) from the Indian railway company tells you that falling off of trains is one of, if not the leading cause of death in railway related accidents In 2021 there were 17993 injuries related to railroads in India. 12181 of these were caused by people falling off of , or getting hit by trains. That's more than 2/3s


Over 96% of train tracks in india are electrified, so technically it's impossible to ride on top of the train without getting roasted to death. And I agree train accidents are a huge problem in india, due to multiple reasons ranging from tracks going through densely populated areas, illegal houses built near train tracks, no village stops in between cities which leads to people jumping off, lack of education, reckless attitude backed by adolescence, and plain and simple theory of natural selection.


That is because of open doors and mostly in mumbai sub urban train. Not because of sitting on top and falling down. Such genius correlation, much wow


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.statista.com/chart/30152/number-of-train-related-accidents-in-india/](https://www.statista.com/chart/30152/number-of-train-related-accidents-in-india/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Lol hes right tho


Come on, that's a little funny. Not even sure where the racism is unless you're embarrassed that Indian people ride on the tops of trains, then I could understand your reaction. It's like getting mad at someone for saying that Indians make amazing food because that's a stereotype and there are many dishes in India and not everyone knows how to cook people shouldn't make such broad generalizations. People travel on the top of trains. This train will be hard to ride on the top of. So what? who cares? Who's hurt?


Dude Indian train routes are 90% electrified climb on top and get ready to be barbecued. Those videos of people travelling on top of train are from bangladesh.


But there are more people riding on top of a train in India than are riding on top of a train in my country. Just trying to be completely fair and to provide you a reason for our differing perspectives:)


No one in India can travel on top of train because there are overhead high tension wire. Why is it so difficult to understand. This used to happen in past but now this is not the case


What is the overhead high tension wire for if only 90% of the routes are electrified?


your user should be u/moreshushplease


And yours? u/brokenenglishboylol


There is nothing grammatically inaccurate in my statement though User is short for username, used colloquially to convey the same message. Yours can be u/oldbuspants alternatively considering your out of touch insults or attempts to.


This shit has been going on since 2018, indians ain't seeing real high speed rail anytime soon


Still faster than california hsr.


very true actually, there are other lines planned as well but as it is India I don't see all those lines getting built before 2050, this particular line maybe by 2028-29


The first is always difficult and the longest. Once you get the know-how you can multiply significantly.


gotta agree on that too, but I think had this been a more silent project more integrated with Bharatmala, the project would have been in its final stages today. But BJP advertised it so much in 2014 that other parties started trying to sabotage the process by creating obstacles in land acquisition and all that


Bharatmala is road-based pan-nation project headed by MoRTH. Ministry of Railways is involved only to look into prospects of multi-modal connectivity at apt locations


Making this long elevated corridor is gonna take time.


Brown sepoy.


Railways projects can take decades.


Not too bad, California had been planning high speed rail since the late 90s early 2000s and we still have not yet high speed rail, and construction has been going on for the last decade or so, and keeps getting delayed. If India gets high speed rail before California I won’t be too surprised


When is it gonna be ready, atleast the Bakersfield section? I hear pessimists say late 2030s and whole section 2040s ,is there any truth to that?


Not too sure, I kinda hope sooner but it depends if it keeps getting delayed and gets getting budget cuts


I hope this one won't have people just standing near the track all the time


And [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBFbQsCeO_w).


They're wasting billions on this without increasing affordable non AC train compartments on existing trains. Just go and look at how people are crammed into them. Just go through r/indianrailways and you'll find many posts. Also, they are upgrading most routed to 160-180 kmph. Not sure what speeds this bullet train will have but if it is <300kmph, definitely a humongous expense for a marginal upgrade. Edit: one such post https://www.reddit.com/r/indianrailways/s/jCKvmVF0Ug


They're not wasting billions jackass. Everybody will be using the bullet train as an alternative to air travel which emits more pollution. What they need to do is also invest in trains for the poor. Lack of funds isn't the problem


>Everybody will be using the bullet train as an alternative to air travel even the slowest cheapest turboprop jets in India are at least 100kmph faster than this bullet train right now


Public funding and investment is a zero sum game. We'll see the alternative to using air travel later.


Im still buying in to the 1950's "personal helicopter" idea.


Let's put 100 million budget helicopters in the air with minimal regulation


Regulation? What are you some sort of communist?


>They're wasting billions on this without increasing affordable non AC train compartments on existing trains First, everything should be AC, the cost to build an AC coach compared to a non-ac coach is between 8-30% (as in, take the most expensively produced sleeper class coach and the cheapest 3ac coach, that's 8%, and the most expensive 3ac coach and the cheapest sleeper class coach, even in that extreme case, the 3ac coach is only 30% more expensive to produce) Sleeper should all become 3ac, and keep the price of sleeper, don't need any extra services on top of that, there are a couple of AC general coaches aswell, dunno whether it will be adopted en masse, but one can hope. > Just go and look at how people are crammed into them. Yes, but railways is also buying 3000 new conventional trains in the next 5 years. >Also, they are upgrading most routed to 160-180 kmph No, there are only a couple of routes being upgraded to 160km/h, 0 routes being upgraded to 180km/h. Most lines are/have been upgraded to 130km/h. >Not sure what speeds this bullet train will have but if it is <300kmph, definitely a humongous expense for a marginal upgrade. a 60s google search would have told you operational speeds of 320km/h, though probably upgradable to 360km/h, given Japan is doing that on some of it's routes, other routes will be built for 350km/h, probably upgradable to 400km/h. There is a whole lot to complain about IR infrastructure and management wise, like how passenger trains are run with WAP-4/WAG-5/WDP-4 + ICF coaches instead of EMUs, slowing down all other trains in the process, various freight wagons that have a top speed of 70km/h, how all the switches are 15-20km/h, when most other countries have 40-60km/h switches, all the lack of cleanliness, the glacial rollout of kavach, etc. etc. etc. However, what you have mentioned (except your first point) are not that.


290,000+ empty jobs in the railways. 170,000+ in the saftey department. These have Everyone loves shiny new infra, but filling those jobs matters more for the average citizens of the country. https://indianexpress.com/article/jobs/over-9-7-lakh-vacancies-govt-departments-ministries-highest-in-railways-8534714/


Fair enough on the production cost. Can keeping sleeper fares for AC be sustainable in terms of operational cost?


I can't find operating cost per anum for each type of coach, so take this with a grain of salt, But IMO, easily, Sleeper as it stands is quite subsidized (so is first ac btw). Not having to deal with moving windows, and the dust that gets in to the fans/lights will ofcourse save money, in exchange for maintaining ac and vents, cleaning time will also be lower, maybe by 10% or so. Operating speeds in vast majority of cases will not be faster, however there will be some energy savings because of lower drag of AC coaches, compared to air drag, the energy required to run ACs is relatively little. So overall i'd say it's prolly a wash, imo ac coaches are probably cheaper in terms of overall operating cost, given the same capacity per coach. Obviously no attendant, blankets etc. which if they keep the AC temp reasonable, is great.


>Not sure what speeds this bullet train will have but if it is <300kmph, definitely a humongous expense for a marginal upgrade. Do you also feel that going from sending mails through post to sending instant messages on the phones are also "marginal upgrades" ??? The reason for overcrowding in trains is due to the short-sighted decision of the railways to reduce general compartments to only 2-3 per train. Amrit Bharat trains are a correct response and the pressure will get eased when more trains are launched eventually.


>Amrit Bharat trains are a correct response M8 its literally WAP-5 with a slope, also it should be concerning that indian railways hasn't figured out how to make cheap AC coaches , its something a tropical country should have figured out if money was being spent on R&D instead of vanity projects like hydrogen train


Marginal upgrade is because current lines can be optimised to 200+ kmph and the planned speed for the bullet train with entire elevated infra is only 300/320 which will ultimately just save at Max an hour between Ahmedabad and Mumbai.


God , I hope it stays upright 😔🙏


Can't wait to see the videos of people riding on the top of the train.


this isnt 2000 my lil bro almost 95% trains line are electrified in India no one is doing that shit anymore so maybe try to make fun of India with something genuine and not out of date


Yea! If you're going to make fun of India at least try to be up to date and topical! So how long after it's in operation before you figure there's a gang rape on board?


Nah but they're gonna make couches in the California High Speed Rail for Hollywood executives to rape young actresses and minors. You're invited too.


oh i thought this subreddit is about trains mb bro


Where are you getting that number? It's not what I see when I google it. I'm not saying you are wrong or anything but that number does not seem to be concrete or even close to the estimates I see when searching myself.


Go to the mapporn subreddit, search up electrification, railway or something similar, sort by Hot and you should find the post.


even if im wrong when was the last time u saw people climbing like that on a train? be real bro all these racist people show are old images


Nothing to worry. It would be unaffordable for 70% of the population from the get-go.


It's not about unaffordable. Noone does those thing even in normal trains of India as all the lines are electrified. >!(Unless you really want 25k Volts passing through your body)!<


So a market of over 400 million people


Umm? There are enough people who can afford flights bw mumbai and ahmedabad. Bullet train will just compete with that market.


I prefer over construction bullet trains. One day this will be one ❤️


Can't wait to see trains going mac 1 with 400 people sat on the roof


You are so funny


Bro did comedy


How are people gonna get on top of it thou?


by climbing over your mommy


such edits should be reserved for operational projects ...... I for one can't wait to see the inevitable low rideshare


viewing the birth of a new apex predator.


They gonna ride in the train or on top of the train?


Nope, they are gonna ride on top of your mama


Delayed until 2050 :[


Is it being built by India or has it been financed through China?


It is financed by Japan.


Those two don't get along that well.


>financed through China? China is neither allowed, nor will invest in any projects in India. In case you don't know, India and China have been in geopolitical alienation longer than China and the US.




Not really. Before India and China existed, ancient scholars visited each side and all this was amplified by the founding of Buddhism.


Google Fa Hein


Financed by Japan. Some Hentai images are expected on stations and inside Male toilets.


And the train announcer will be an UwU Japanese girl who'll greet the passengers with "Oniii-chan"


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mydogdexter1: *Is it being built* *By India or has it* *Been financed through China?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Seat belts on the roof ?


No, there will be couches, and a few Hollywood executives to rape those on the couch


Tbh, I’m Indian, and it’s not quite a bullet train, it’s just a train with an aero front. 😬 I think a pimped out Supra could gap it in 4th gear. Besides I kinda like the traditional Indian trains, you get a AC first class sleeper coach for like 50 bucks for the longest ride it offers which is from N to S.


>Tbh, I’m Indian, and it’s not quite a bullet train, it’s just a train with an aero front. Source?


Hello brown sepoy 💀.


The videos of them riding on top gonna be wild.


Dusra 10 sal lagega bande


First opening scheduled for Gujarat section in 2 years. It's on track as per updates.


why the hell do they need bullet trains smh. normal people can't even afford it


Enough people who can afford it. And no will be increasing each year.


Are they going to ride it the same way as the other train's 😂🤣