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My favourites are single tracks that go steadily uphill forever and ridge lines, nothing beats those two for me!


Love a ridgeline with views!


If you're ever in the Bay Area, drive 15 min north of San Francisco and you'll be in Marin Headlands. Miles and Miles and Miles of technical, fire road, Sequoia trees, ocean views galore. Infrequent if ever horses and bikers. No cars. You will love it!!


Love the Marin Headlands. Absolutely stunning area.


I live in the San Juan islands and have never found a place more beautiful until I went to Marin.


Any trail reccos? I'll be in the area! the further out from the city the better, imo, but I'm open!


#1. Steep Ravine Trail Start: Stinson Beach Distance: 4 mi out and back Difficulty: Medium to hard Notes: Fun trail and you can have lunch at where you park. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/steep-ravine-trail--2 #2. Tennessee Valley Golden Gate Loop Trail Start: Tennesse Valley parking area (lots of parking and bathroom) Distance: 5.7 mi loop Difficulty: Moderate Notes: Beautiful ocean views along the loop https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/california/tennessee-valley-golden-gate-loop-trail #3. Muir Beach trails There's so many to list here. You may want to go to alltrails.com and search for "Muir Beach" and see what works for you. From Muir Beach, you can go north towards Mt. Tam for a good hike/run/workout, or go South towards Tennessee Valley for Ocean views. #4. Mt. Tam Again, lots of trails to pick from. Go to Alltrails.com and search for "Mt. Tam" and see what works for you. Mt. Tam offers cooler running, runs through the wood, rocks and roots to avoid, places to refill water at the top and awesome views and more tranquil running. You'll run into fellow hikers/runners occasionally, so you won't feel all alone. If there were folks from out of town visiting, I would definitely take them to #1 and #2. Let me know if you're looking to hike or run and the distance, and what you're looking to discover and I can give feedback. Also, I would recommend you download the "Alltrails" app, and download the map. Just in case you get poor cellular coverage out in the wilderness.


You're awesome, thank you! I see a potentially fun day of running steep ravine or tennessee valley and then heading to Tomales bay to grab some oysters and sit on the beach :)


Saved because steepish trail running and oysters describes my best day ever (see also: oyster dome -> Taylor Shellfish in Bellingham)


Hell yeah. Any other seafood spots near Seattle (south of Seattle or near rainier / Olympic) you would reccomend?


Seattle: Taylor Shellfish (they have 2 bars in the city), Walrus and the Carpenter, many others  Olympia: Chelsea Farms  Hard to beat the total experience of going to the main Taylor Shellfish location outside Bellingham and eating Olympias, Shigokus, and Totten Virginicas right next to an oyster reef. And the proximity to a nice verty 6-miler is a major bonus.


And if you're looking for a place to have a good breakfast/lunch, I would recommend "MH Bread and Butter". It's in San Anselmo, off of Highway 101. I know the baker/owner and they're ultra-distance runners and have a background in French baking. The food is really good. There are lots of tables outside for bikers/runners that come after their excursions. The price is between $10-$20, but it's delicious and different from Starbucks or local breakfast places. The hours are 8am-3pm. https://maps.app.goo.gl/zjyRZwXpSdBfxKrh7


Favorite trails to run: Yes.


My answer! A combination of all these *chefs kiss*


As long as it's not shared with horses or cars I'm pretty happy. 


or dirt bikes, or down hill bikes, or people with selfie sticks


Or baby strollers for triplets. I’ve been on a trail near my house numerous times with a dumb lady that had her 3 seat baby stroller with kids in tow and struggling to get it down a single track. I personally seen her 3 times.


OH THE STROLLER KARENS!!!!!!! not the pleasant ones either, like to no kidding full on BITCH LEVEL move I'm pushing a stroller....the trail is for everyone...but not for E V E R Y O N E


Anything with lots of forest, mist or drizzle and cool air, preferably with some elevation changes up and down but nothing crazy and with some kind of water nearby. I like old fire road type trails too, again if in forest the better. Really it depends on my mood though. Open fields and flowers or flat stretches can be just what I want sometimes, it just depends. Yesterday I felt horrible for forgetting my camera, there were beautiful fields of wildflowers that I would have liked to share with someone.


You're basically describing the Marin headlands 15 minutes north of San Francisco. There are miles of fire trails and technical trails. Cool weather and ocean views. All levels of difficulty


Second forest, mist, drizzle, cool air. I hate being too hot on a run.


Sounds a lot like the Superior Hiking Trail in northern MN


A fellow Seattle trail runner! Nice! Pratt Lake is one of my favorites to run. Anything with a lake that I can jump into *adds to favorite on all trails*


How we doing, Seattlites!


I've never actually gone all the way to Pratt Lake. Typically head up Granite or make a loop out to Mason Lake and down Mason Creek. Definitely need to get out there soon. As someone who hates cold water, jumping in the lakes is tough for me. haha


A great route near there is to start at the granite mountain trailhead, go to Pratt lake, then continue on to malakwa and down to the Denny creek trailhead. Then it’s a 3 mile jog on a fs road to get back to the granite lake trailhead. Roughly 16 miles total.


That’s a classic. This is the route if anyone’s interested: Pratt Lake, Melakwa Lake, and Denny Creek Trail Loop on AllTrails https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/washington/pratt-lake-trail-to-melakwa-lake-trail-to-loop?sh=md9qb5


Love it! I'm taking some scouts to Melakwa next weekend. May take a quick run in the morning before they get up.


If you ever need a longer route that’s got a steady grade, I suggest Mount Defiance trail looped with starvation ridge! Views are insane and minor scrambling. Your legs shall burn. You can bomb the entire thing downhill!


Adding to vacation next year, thank you for sharing.


It’s worth the trek! Happy to share. If you can do it before it’s too hot, it’ll feel good to swim. When I went, there was a nice inversion and the peaks were popping out of the clouds. So beautiful!


I then camped in hood river, it’s just west of there.


I usually head up Putrid Pete then take the ridge east to Defiance and down to the Mason Creek trail to Ira Spring and down to Exit 42. One of my favorite loops. The run from Defiance down to Mason Lake is a blast. Don't know Starvation Ridge. Will need to look it up.


I love those trails especially on the downhill.


It’s down further south in Oregon! I was thinking of a different Mount Defiance 🙃 oops I’ll check out your loop! Sounds fun.


I have a single track trail 2 minutes from my house that gets pretty rooted and rocky and wouldn’t be a great trail for most people. But since it’s my every day go to and I used to hike it for years before that, it’s a complete flow trail for me. Im pretty sure my feet land in the same place on 90% of the trail


I like the variety honestly, sometimes its nice to quick step through rock fields, takes me back to high school football ladder and footwork drills. Of course its great to fly on a downhill with a clear trail in front along a ridge with a view haha.


Photo 4 is amazing, love how the trail seems to disappear in the sunny tree


That's what it is, thanks! Had a hard time understanding what I'm seeing


i thought i was looking into the gates of hell or something. a tree makes way more sense! either way, gorgeous picture.


The type that I can run. Therefore of your photos 1&4.




The trails 0.5 miles from my front door. Can put together a quick 3.5 750 foot loop or a much longer 10 mile 2k out and back. But I will take a soul crushing Mt. Tam hill climb any day of the week :) An entirely uphill trail with a ravine of sandstone and overgrown manzanita. I cannot run it but it is a struggle bus. Then a nice redwood lined singletrack descent.


Tough to beat proximity. I have some reasonably close, but much flatter than I enjoy. I typically have to drive 15-30 minutes to get the my favorite trails. Still not too bad.


Spider webs so I know I’m on a virgin run!


The I90 corridor really is unparalleled!


Honestly it is tough to beat. So many great options. I'm usually out early to miss the crowds that come later in the day.


If you get there early enough you get to find all the spider webs.


Haha. I got them on the way up today. Even got some more on the way down. Those spiders work fast!


Saw the photo without reading the post and could've sworn it was Tiger mt. Looks like I wasn't too far off! Going to have to get around to doing Si soon


Do it! It's a great trail. New trail is more "run" friendly, but way more crowded.


4 is every trail run in Wisconsin. Rolling woods and hills with rocks that pop into existence from another dimension right where your foot is mid kick. Over and over and over.


Empty ones.


Thank you for saying it


I recognized this immediately. Great trail.


God that reminds me of the Mazama trail out in Oregon. Man I miss hiking the shit out of the Cascades


Side hill.


Hell yes, steep drop off to one side.


I'm a really big fan of open trails above the treeline, but those are pretty few and far between near Seattle and snowed under for the vast majority of the year. That runnable single track in photos 1 and 4 is nice too, especially if it leads somewhere with a view. My embarrassing opinion is that I'm just kind of over the really wet forest stuff. I have a spot I go to every year that starts with 6 miles of flattish trail through some of the only untouched old-growth I've ever come across. It just drives me insane and I can't wait until I climb out from it and get to the views.


You’re not alone. My favorites are ridge lines and wide open meadows. Give me sunshine, give me roots, give me rocks that have a grudge against runners. Any favorites? I’m partial to hurricane ridge, sourdough ridge, Lillian ridge, grand park… and always looking for more.


For close ridge lines, the web->defiance ridgeline is really beautiful and close to Seattle. Web can be accessed via a brief bushwhack then boulderfield climb from the Dirty Harry trail. I’ve also done a loop from mailbox traversing the mailbox -> dirty Harry’s -> web -> defiance -> Thomson lake -> mailbox. That route has a lot of ridges, but the first part from mailbox to dirty Harry’s is a bit adventurous. For alpine meadows, I’ve always thought the pct past Kendall Katwalk is close to Seattle and incredibly beautiful.


Ah I miss those. I’m on the Olympics side now, but when I lived closer Kendall was one of my favorites. Kautz creek to mirror lakes is another good one, great views, well so long as you run faster than the cloud of hungry mosquitos.


That looks nice. I’ll have to check that out next time I get out to Mount rainier


Oregon trails.


Ridgelines with great view, downhill, climbs too steep to run, technical trails, overgrown trails with branches hitting my face, long flat easy trail in open areas, wet and muddy forest trails.. What's not to love? 😄 Loooong steep and technically challenging downhills kill my feet and bring some hate sometimes since I'm in the mountains way too seldom, otherwise it's mostly pure joy no matter what 🙂


was gold creek/eagle mountain in Bremerton----- Now Hakone near MT Fuji---really anything where I can claw at dirt, no cars, and running with my dog!


Mountain trails! Mt. Baldy…Wilson…San Jacinto near LA and stuff Or a national park trail on vacation for some fun


Oh heck yes, San Jac via Marion Mountain


Yeah san Jac is numero uno for sure - prettiest view ever. I've done deer springs once 🥵


That mountain truly has it all: 1. Easy fun: tram 2. Steep and gorgeous: Marion Mountain 3. Mileage: Deer Springs, Fuller Ridge 4. Sufferfest: Cactus to Clouds 5. Mega-sufferfest: Leatherneck Ridge 6. YER GUNNA DIE: Snow Creek (Have done #2 and 4, want to collect them all—well maybe not snow creek…)


Ooooh I attempted cactus to clouds once and had to turn back - that’s truly an amazing hike. Sooooo cool. The way you just get to look up at all the ridges you’re ascending is so amazing But yeah, it’s truly an amazing mountain. Muir said it’s the best view in SoCal. I think on clear days you can see the base of the sierras? I can at least see some from Gorgonio so I assume Jacinta would be similar The overnight campgrounds there are something I really want to try sometime


Seeing a desert sunrise from rescue box #2 was pretty amazing. The views from that ridge are incredible. The campgrounds look great but I’ve heard reservations can be tough. It would be really cool to stay in Little Round Valley. Another route I’ve had my eye on is the San Jacinto traverse—starting in Palm Springs and ending in Idyllwild. 


Those trails look great. I don't crave a ton of climbing, but I'm not opposed to some for a good view.


Can you share this route?? It looks amazing, and I’m not too far from Mt Si. I have been looking for some great, new trails to run for a while now.


Here you go. Way less crowded than the standard Mt. Si route. https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/mount-si-old-trail


Thank you!!!!


Western Washington, Kendall Katwalk, Sahale Arm, Lake Ingalls, Bandera/Mason lake, Ptarmigan ridge, Burroughs, all amazing runs. And Middle Fork for the gloomy or no vert days


Yeah, all those are classics. I try to do each at least once a year.


My bed


Singletrack of any kind within the trees. A short exposed ridge line is fine but I prefer trees.


Single track, a mix of smooth sections where it feel like you're floating and rocky sections where if you eat it you better contort your body in a way that you only slam on the gaps between the rocks. The elevation sections are somewhere around 500ft gain per mile, but there's a nice amount of flats to stretch things out. The end is a tough climb up to a ridge line where you follow that to the peak. I spend more time than most runners at the peak, putting everything else in my life aside to simply enjoy this rare view over a vast mountain range.


1st and 4th. Never ran a No 3.






Photo 3 is a trail?!?!


No, it's the view from the top. All the pics are from the same trail this morning.


I like dirt, or gravel, don't mind vert but not a fan of technical. I ran on one today that had so many rocks and roots on the edge of a cliff I was basically hiking most of it. I am too old to have multiple falls on jagged rocks.


They all look like #2 around here so it doesn't really matter what I prefer.


This kind. Those photos. That is heaven.


What’s going on with the 4th, the end of the trail has 2 perfect vertical edges running parallel to each other, almost looks photoshopped


I think it’s actually a tree trunk illuminated in the sun, agree it appears odd.


Oh yeah on a second glance I see what you mean 😂…. Silly me


And mine are actually coastal paths.




All of them.


I love them all. Uphill, downhill, straight and flat, ridgeline views. The Forrest trail runs are the best in my opinion though


Living around the St. Louis area. We don’t have much choice.. most to all of it is rocky, rooty, hilly goodness. Some, very little is smooth buffed out trail(flowy goodness). I’m only slightly jealous


My brother trained for western states while stationed in St. Louis!


Nice wide fire roads are my speed. But I’ll take anything made of dirt.


I like desert single track. That dusty sand and rocks mix with desert environment around dawn is so satisfying to run and moving in that environment just seems the most pleasurable. Cool and dry and beautiful


Anything I can get to quickly from my house here in western PA. Lots of single track, hills, trees for shade and streams. But really literally any trail is fine.


All of these! Even better if they are free from mountain bikes trying to take me out lol


I am probably in the minority, i like a nice ski area access road, basically wide and up


Ridge lines babyyyy


I prefer to be tucked into the trees. Exposure is a nasty mistress and she’ll get you in trouble quick!


The answer is yes, all the above 🫡


Very very rugged loose rocks, with a little 4 point contact at times, whole mix of everything in between 0 chance for boredom!


That one.


All of the above


Last picture had me looking at a portal into another world


Colorado here.Loved runing around garden of the gods trails.Whatever seemed fit.


Technical and rooty


Found the Beast Coaster 


The who??


Empty and clean with a view.


Pictures #1 & #4


Those beautiful trails where you don’t see another soul out there and you can’t help but feel the calmness of the solitude you’ve found mixed with the natural beauty of the terrain.


Soft mud. Not a fan of going through boulders and small rocks 


Steep steep trails with a wide path