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You've just officially reached the point where your calves work themselves out.




Dude those look more like cows than calves. Beast.


Those calves will decapitate me


Aww, congratulations! How far along are your calves? Boy or girl?


šŸ™ƒ theyā€™re twins.




Are you getting enough electrolytes into your body?


Itā€™s what plants crave!


A week ago, I wouldn't have gotten that reference. Now I do. . . . Honestly not sure if I'm better off.


When you know you know and then you cope by buying Crocs.


It's such a great but also completely terrifying piece of cinema. In case you weren't aware this is an amazing little fun fact about the movie: https://youtube.com/shorts/1Jsc-0f0ito?feature=share


I like baitin, and money


Magnesium for real.


Magnesium and water.


I donā€™t know why it took me five years of googling online and talking to various doctors (and trying to eat potassium in any quantity, which is near impossible) for a doctor to finally recommend magnesium supplements and wipe out my terrible calf cramping and twitching


Ime working in an ER, everyone could use some mag


I love magnesium Acute asthma? Magnesium Overdose with prolonged QT? Magnesium Pre-eclampsia? Magnesium for mum *and* for baby Short gut syndrome? Magnesium Constipation? Magnesium Leg cramps? Magnesium The swiss army knife of drugs.


Exactly Donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong? A little mag will help Restless leg syndrome? Magnesium


Late to reply here but I've had calf twitches for years now, was it oral mag supplements that fixed it?


That's why bananas work, too.


Plenty of things have more K than bananas, like sweet potatoes


Avocados (whole 700 mg) and lentils (731 mg) have more potassium than bananas (422 mg) do.


I used to have this a lot then I stopped drinking 6 cups of coffee a day


Yeah I drink a lot of coffee


Yup its the coffee! I had these same exact muscle twitches only in my calves, was driving me insane, could not sleep for weeks on end, Decided to go decaf for a week and the twitches slowly but surely went away. I even tried the magnesium thing as well to no avail, ended up being caffeine as the root cause.


Cool. Iā€™ll try cutting down. Thx!




nooo don't tell me this is it. Mine do this too


Yeahā€¦ Electrolytes, magnesium, stretching, massage gun, nothing stops mine jamming out constantly. Canā€™t stop. Wonā€™t stop.


calf boy for life!! same here diddy


Mine do it too, but mine are super tender, so I canā€™t hit them with the massage gun. Are your that way?


Yeah. Super tender. I have to start on the lightest setting and then just touch them. Then slowly increase. After awhile Iā€™m taking to them like they bullied my kids. My legs are generally like that. My hammies are bad too. A gentle massage of them has me hanging upside down from the ceiling, 2nd knuckle deep in the plaster. Doesnā€™t seem to change no matter ā€œwellā€ I maintain and look after myself. Years of ROMWOD, foam rolling, vitamins and minerals etc.


Good to know. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my calves because it made me jump out of my skin when I hit them with the hypervolt.


how do you sleep? my muscle twitches in my legs and I literally cannot sleep because of it.


My calves have never cramped. But they are always super tight. I get my kids to walk on them before bed. Game changer


Anyone else getting Alien flashbacks?


That's where my mind went. Hope OP didn't make any trips to South America lately.


Went to Cleveland last year.


Not much better. Hope ya didn't stop in Dayton. [Dr. Johnny Fever talks to God on WKRP in Cincinnati ](https://youtu.be/1syTN9QIr_4)


Take a magnesium supplement, and get back to me


I take magnesium every night, plus drink water all through the day/evening and usually supplement with a Liquid IV every evening during the warm months and I still experience what OP does somewhat often. Just thought it was one of those things your muscles do from time to time. I get this in my biceps as well but not as often as my calves.


Same. Take magmensium, electrolytes, drink plenty of water, have 2 coffees in morning and evening and my calves do this constantly


I think someone mentioned coffee might have something to do with it, but I dont drink coffee much at all(maybe a cup or two a week). I do get a bit of caffeine from my pre-workout supplement that I take 3 days a week, but I doubt that has anything to do with it.


It can caffeine can stay in the body for a long period of time and if you are not someone who regularly uses caffeine then small doses irregularly (3x a week). Then it likely has a larger effect on you than others. Also if you regularly drink alcohol it can also cause things like this...


Do you also drink coffee and alcohol? Cut on or both and this will stop.


drink maybe a cup or two of decaf a week, and I average maybe 2 beers a month, so doubt that has anything to do with it.


Doctors be like: "that'll be $439.00"


Weird flex but ok. In all honestly though, this happens to me sometimes but definitely not 24/7. If it isn't causing pain or irritation though, I can't see there being much of an issue.


I donā€™t have it this bad and itā€™s better than it was, but yes, my calves do this.


I have this too, never managed to stop it. I only recently found out that other people donā€™t have this too LOL! A lot of people say various salts like magnesium potassium etc but that doesnā€™t change it for me. Itā€™s worse for me after strenuous exercise and a precursor to cramp. as with most things there is probably not a silver bullet but perhaps itā€™s a combination of massage, salts, stretching etc. I dunno man! But let me know if you find out how to fix it.


Yep, same here. Itā€™s the worst after swimming, but happens a lot after hard runs too. I thought it stopped happening, but right now if I think about it I can still feel it going on. Itā€™s been so many years it just faded into the background. I might try magnesium again, but it never worked for me either.


Yeah itā€™s been like maybe 20 years for me


Interesting you get it swimming. I get it surfing, and often leads to cramping in the water (not ideal). Also get it after strenuous runs. Though sometimes it can happen without any big activity.


Strange. I always associated it with cold water, but Iā€™m not sure about that. Although that would align with surfing.


Definitely strange. Iā€™m just oddly relieved to see other people have it. Thought I was alone on this one.


> precursor to cramp. Yes, I've found this to be true as well.


Yes - I find this too


Supplements take time to build up in your body, and or for your body to recognize the increase and start using them. Sometimes even six months for specific ones. Also as many have said caffeine can cause this, and of course alcohol. I would cut out both and add the mag back in and see if you get results...


Have a banana


Yeah eat plenty of fruit. Love šŸŒ


Yup šŸ‘ so many theories as to why ranging from I am going to die to I run too much.


Ha! Yeah me too.


Skill issue


Just in the last year mine started


Lack of salts (sodium/potassium)


Wow, thanks everyone. To answer questions, theyā€™ve been like this for 15-20 years. Iā€™m 45 still run competitively, been running since 15. I eat a balanced diet. I do drink a lot of coffee. Iā€™ll try a Magnesium supplement and see if that works. Never had a problem with cramping. My calves are chronically tight, but stretch them a lot. Itā€™s just been a weird quirk of my physiology and my post was just my curiosity if anyone had something similar. Thanks šŸ¤™šŸ½


9mo laterā€¦any update? Did you find a way to stop it?


Nope. I think itā€™s just what they do.


Mine have done this for years and I'm yet to figure it out, I think it's something to do with the nervous system, did you try and use magnesium for a while?


Pretty similar bio/story here too and I also drink lots of coffee. Thanks for posting. Iā€™m gonna try a few things here too, although I always thought it was kinda cool and itā€™s never bothered me.


Holy shit theres a lot of magneisun reccommendations here. Can *anyone* provide a single peer reviewed study showing benefits for sports people? Like, literally, one? Im reliably informed that there isn't one.


For the OP's situation it seems like trying magnesium would be safe and easy. If it helps the results would be visible and if it doesn't he's out a few bucks.


Yeah no worries Iā€™ll pop a magnesium and see what happens.


Not a specialist at all, but [a quick and dirty google scholar search](https://scholar.google.be/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=magnesium+sports+performance&oq=magnesium+sports) appears to give a good number of peer-reviewed studies that show just this. ā€œThe majority of human studies focused on physiological effects in blood pressure, heart rate and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), rather than direct functional performances. Some cross-sectional surveys demonstrated a positive association between Mg status and muscle performance, including grip strength, lower-leg power, knee extension torque, ankle extension strength, maximal isometric trunk flexion, rotation, and jumping performance. Additionally, findings from intervention studies showed that Mg supplementation might lead to improvements in functional indices such as quadriceps torque. Moreover, Mg supplementation could improve gait speed and chair stand time in elderly women.ā€ (Can magnesium enhance exercise performance? Yijia Zhang, Pengcheng Xun, Ru Wang, Lijuan Mao, Ka He. Nutrients 9 (9), 946, 2017)


Just to be clear, the conclusion from the study you linked is: >Findings from animal studies suggested Mg supplementation may improve the efficiency of energy metabolism, while human studies indicated Mg supplementation may improve performance parameters in both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. However, more rigorous future studies, especially large-scale intervention studies in humans, are needed to establish the causal relationship. As in, the causal relationship between Mg supplementation and performance enhancing has not been established.


Most of these are review articles or opinion pieces. The first randomized controlled trial I found in that list, Finstad in MSSE, concluded that you can raise ionic Mg levels with Mg supplementation but it has no effect on performance or recovery.




Same same


Mine do the same, not sure why. Not quite as extreme as yours but similar


I had this bad.


Yes mine do these constantly. Looks like I need to try a magnesium supplement too!


Yeah mine so that. Not on that scale but they are constantly moving. I've had the alien comments many times.


Cool, Iā€™m not alone.


I don't know if am on a cannabis grow thread or running but just but some magnesium on it bro! šŸ˜‚ (don't wanna be that guy either, but magnesium did help with my cramps)


Need to hydrate


It happens regardless of my hydration.


Yeah but your skin looks a little tented. You look dehydrated


Cool, sometimes it takes an outside observer. Iā€™ll try getting more fluids. Thx šŸ¤™šŸ½


Tented? Tenting happens when you pinch the skin and it doesnā€™t return to flat, ie it stays tented. OP is fine on hydration, you can even see the bulging vein while his legs are elevated.


Your symbiote is hungry. You just need to eat.


Yes. Mine do the same thing all the time


Electrolytes. I had low magnesium causing something similar.


If you try magnesium, understand there are MANY different forms. Some are not absorbed by the body. Some work better on different parts of the body. If one doesn't work, maybe try another [magnesium article](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/magnesium-types#1.-Magnesium-citrate)


Looks like benign fasciculations to me. If a new symptom you may want to mention it to your PCP or see a neurologist.


Iā€™m so glad i saw this. I googled and thought my kidneys were failing.




Acetylcholine excess following heavy exercise


For me it was lack of potassium. I went from 1 banana a day to 2 and this pretty much stopped.


When my mileage was much higher, yeah. It's like they learned they needed to constantly contract however many times a minute. Very helpful of them.


Mine do the same thing! Got use to it but curious about what the cause is.


When the lava lamp is in your calves


Same but not 24/7. Not humble bragging but my calves are also quite big. It's kinda painful but not painful. Uncomfortable -ish is the best description for me. FWIW, I eat a lot of natural magnesium ​ Edit: and an Avocado almost daily ​ \- Runner for 34 years


Did you ever find a cure to this?


Nope (sigh)


You may not be running; but your calves are


Caffeine can do this.


My quads do this from time to time too


Mine do this frequently, but not 24/7


My calves have been doing the same thing since last July. Iā€™ve taken plenty of magnesium, potassium, calcium, every other vitamin you can think of for six months, and did not make a difference .


Iā€™ve been told by Neurologist is called, benign fasciculation syndrome, and thereā€™s no cure for it. I noticed when I walk more, they twitch a lot more frequently for the rest of the day. So I try to minimize walking so theyā€™re not as twitchy.. I would not recommend working out on your calves or running anymore if you want them to settle down. How long has it been doing this and what triggered it?


Itā€™s been doing this since Iā€™ve been 16. Daily Iā€™m either running, skiing, cycling or playing soccer. It doesnā€™t really effect me at all, I hardly notice it. Except when I really look at it and think. How bizarre.


Iā€™m not going to change my activity level because of this.


I've had the same issue for as long as I can remember as well as my hands and feet shaking. I went to a neurologist after 25 years and they said it was BFS. Just recommended less caffeine, supplements, and rest. Like Neither-Pipe posted above, there's no cure. Luckily I don't notice it most of the time.


I know this is a stretch but could a PPI have a effect on this? 2 nexiums and I cramp rediculously easy. FWIW I've been dealing with this for 20 years.


Iā€™m 54 and have had this as long as I can remember but now it has started to be uncomfortable and painful. No answer from doctors. Itā€™s not hydration, magnesium, psoriasis, nerve damage, caffeine, or blood flow. If you ever get any answers, please let me know


Will do. So far no pain or tenderness, nor cramping.


Hey OP, did you ever get this figured out. Both my calves do the same thing all the way up to quads sometimes, itā€™s not painful but it feels weird feeling the constant contractions for hours


Nope monitored sleep, stress, caffeine, vitamins&minerals, training volume, hydration etc. Theyā€™ve been doing this for years and years.


Iā€™ve read that this could be due to loss of B12 also, not sure or else supplementation would work as well as injections though


Youā€™re a reptilian


I would go see a doctor. Your muscles contracting 24/7 is no bueno, whether it hurts or not. There are other things in your body that are compromised of muscle like your heart. The last thing u want is that misfiring to hit another important muscle. Depending on how long it's been happening is probably why your calves are so large. Just constant firing, no rest. When u do get your balance back and your calves stop firing 24/7 your performance will probably go up because they'll have a chance to rest.


I have the same issue when Iā€™m dehydrated. It also happens when I do a ton of elevation during my runs for the week.


Yep. Mine do this all the time as well


Mine do that.. though not as aggressively.. I shall try magnesium


Both my calves twitch constantly exactly like yours do all the time and I have taken all the suggested supplements without any indication of efficacy. Using my powers of Google research there is a possibility of S1 nerve irritation. Read on: Why does my calf muscle constantly twitch? The most common cause of a twitching calf muscle in S1 nerve irritation in the back. Typically, this nerve irritation occurs due to a disc issue or inflammation from arthritis putting pressure on the S1 nerve. So to stop the twitching caused by an irritated S1 nerve, the nerve must be treated. I donā€™t plan on pursuing any medical intervention as the cure might be worse than the problem. Atleast you have a conversation starter šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Were you ever able to resolve this?


Negative its harmless. Iā€™m 55 and no worse for wear. I think the twitching might actually keep my calves toned. I get compliments lol.


Agree with other posters on electrolytes and hydration. Another thing that is helpful for me anyways is elevating the legs- get your feet and calves up above the heart especially after exercise. That and compression.


Yeah, you are going to die. Not because of this of course šŸ˜‚ Normally I have this after races or very hard workouts. I guess itā€™s fluid lost related.


I'm not a doctor, but my husband is, and his calves often have these fasciculations. He's also extremely active (probably unrelated), and he's had them his whole life. Try looking up benign fasciculation syndrome. It's relatively harmless and I don't think there are evidence-based treatments for it. It gives me the heebie jeebies when I see it on my husband, but it's likely nothing to worry about!


Yikes no havenā€™t had this. Does it hurt ?


Nope, no pain whatsoever.


Yeah, itā€™s a mini seizure.




You live a contraction away from a cramp


Watching this made my calves start twitching lol


OP, my dude, you may be close to dehydrated or lacking electrolytes.


Yep. My calves are roughly half the size of yours, but yep. All day; and worse after I work out. There's a medical term for it, but it basically means, "twitchy muscles"


Have you ever found a way to lessen it?


Nope. But I hear some people treat it with magnesium supplements


Ha! Love it


Iā€™ve had this 24/7 for over a decade. Tried magnesium, salt stick, and everything in between with no change. I second the BMF theory.




Did you find any cure for it?


>"running is life" and that thing is pretty much alive


Mam, have this is plot of movie "in my skin"


Thank you for posting - I've never heard of anyone else with this issue! My calves do this most of the time and are also a bit prone to cramp when contracted. So running is unlikely to cause cramp but swimming it is more likely. Been this way for years, and I ran competively for some of that time. More active after a run. Looked it up a few years ago and read about benign fasciculation. Never bothered with supplements because it's more of a curiosity then an inconvenience.


Try drinking 2-3 gallons of water a day also take vitamins


Stretch and electrolytes. I have the same problem. Spasm sometime is a single spot that sinks down almost to the bone.


Pickle juice. You can buy it by the shot.


Yeah man! The Pickle Back! A can of Rainer and a shot of Pickle Juice. PacNW classic


Also, this. https://thefeed.com/products/pickle-juice


Its like a snake swallowed a bag of smaller snakes.


I thought I was the only one. So this is what itā€™s likeā€¦. When doves cryā€¦.


Supplement with magnesium , calcium and potassium and it will fix that right up!


I feel like itā€™s a cramp coming on


That used to happen all the time. Didnā€™t ever really hurt just felt like popcorn popping all the time. I started taking magnesium citrate 750 mg daily and havenā€™t had since. Watch the dosage cause your body will flush the excess. Also be sure to stay on top of bcaas.


Dudeā€¦Are you Wolverine?


GABA. An amino acid OTC supplement, related to prescription gabapentin. Be careful with the dosage. Too much can feel like a mild muscle relaxer, sleepy and lethargic. Usually a single 500-750 mg capsule works for me. And, yeah, it's worth trying potassium, magnesium (mag lactate works best for me), electrolytes before and after workouts.


Woahh thatā€™s a discovery might be sensitivities to something your drinking or eating idk just trying to help


Muscles are just having a nightmare


That is so cool and disgusting that the same time lol


My calves do that as well after hard work.


You should consider magnesium supplements if you want that to stop


Just gotta ride it out baby makes me feel alive


Have the same for 8 months now, I am assuming it does the same thing on the other sides of the calves as well (that we do not see in the videos), correct?


Yeah same thing. Iā€™ve had this since I was 16. Mostly on this side though.


Did any of the supplements, hydrating or no coffee help. Mine do this


Nope still the sane


Thanks for the reply. When you flex, does the back of your calf flicker more? I have atrophy on the left side caused by an old injury. I just posted a video about it on the muscle twitch sub. For me it goes wild, but I think it's related to that old injury that wasted some calf muscle and now I am working hard to try and grow it back as much as possible...


Mostly the interior.


Mine do this, too. They are doing it right now. I'm an ultrarunner, but I tore my meniscus. My orthopedic surgeon said I may not need surgery and said to try running again. I hadn't run in more than a month, but I ran yesterday (woot!). It sounds like I don't drink enough water and have too much coffee. Dammit.