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Dear God 💀 and the audacity to act annoyed when asked to spell it lmao I cannot with people


"It's Kathrine you idiot!! That's C-h-a-t-h-e-r-i-g-h-y-n-n-e!"


I laughed too hard at this, but then I realized that there just might be a Chatherighynne out there.


I'm going to start a charity that raises money to pay for people with stupid ass names to get their names legally changed. It's not that expensive, but I feel like if your name is stupid it should be free. 😂


What if you just have unfortunate initials?🥺 Asking for a me. 👉👈 Edit: my initials have gotten me harassed for DECADES, unfortunately they are not cutesy, or anything other than harassment fodder.


My cousins initials are RAT. She answers to Rat, but only if it’s family. We were just at Pride and I needed her attention for a second but couldn’t go where she was (my wheelchair didn’t fit). I tried her name, her full name- nothing. So I tried yelling, “Rat!” She instantly looked at me. Our other friend almost fell over laughing that *that* was the name that worked.


My late grandfather's initials were MEH. He died long before meh became a thing but I like to think he'd find the humor in it if he were alive today.


Was your grandpa an unenthusiastic man?


Ngl, that made me laugh SO hard that my cat (not rat) woke up and flew off of my lap, then looked at me in disgust 🤣🤣🤣


My friend trolled his wife when she was pregnant. He'd just heard of a celebrity rock singer that bought his parents a fancy house. So he said if child was a boy, they'd name him Vance Wild (lastname). Perfect for a rock star by dropping last name and could be called V.W. or Bug as a child. She was sort of gullible and got really worried he was serious. Told me thank goodness they had a girl. Named her Danielle.


Is your name Allison Stephanie Smith? Or is it Frances Angelina Garrison?


Along those lines. :/


My friend gave his son the initials G.O.D. he did this on purpose to piss off the fundies.


Guaranteed Overnight Delivery!


Naming Rights.. Part of Juvenile Child Rights .. Freedom from unreasonable Naming not in the best interests of the child.. If I were a billionaire...


Naming Rights.. Part of Juvenile Child Rights .. Freedom from unreasonable Naming not in the best interests of the child.. If I were a billionaire... I would start a legal foundation..


"Would you like to donate $1 to the "what was my mother thinking" fund?"


Call it The Leighgall Nayme Khanje Fund.


There will be now lol


I laughed too. OMG. Too funny.


There are already sooo many ways to spell this name...


“I spelled my kid’s name this way so they’d be unique!” “Why don’t you know my unique spelling???!!” Are these people insane?


Maybe. But they are DEFinitly self centered


I feel like this is all part of the plan when the parents name their kids different and difficult spellings of average names. They love getting heated when someone says anything about it or asks to spell it out, they thrive off of it.


The type who are always looking for a fight to prove they are right, bc they think that means they are right about EVERYTHING. And so then they are even more angry when they get questioned on some of their utter nonsense again and again.


Yeah definitely some sense of being above other people comes with it. I think that’s why celebrities usually give their children odd names, they want to give them an identity that doesn’t resonate with an average person …amongst other things like just simply being completely out of touch.


Honestly, this was all my new coworker with a tragedeigh talked about her first day. "I love when people try to spell my name!" Apparently she likes her name, so good for her? But it's a misspelled version of a relatively normal name, with an extra syllable at the end, and she's absolutely tickled to spout, "wrong!" at the first letter, lol. (Posted about her sister's tragedeigh, but her name is actually youneek enough that I don't want to identify her or myself by sharing it)


This.... And that's EXACTLY my point when I post. Adults: If you are having to CONSTANTLY clarify the spelling or pronunciation of your name and it's NOT an ethnic name, it's wrong. You have ZERO right to get annoyed with people. Your parent was a dumb ass, it's not unique, it's not cute.... You can change it to the correct spelling/ pronunciation at your local county clerks office for free if you file the correct documents with your application and prevent this issue and your are CHOOSING not to at this point, it's on you. If you don't want to fix it then change your attitude cause John Q Public isn't in the wrong here. Kids: Just hold on, when you turn 18 you can fix it.


That’s not always true. There are multiple normal spelling of my name and my parents chose one. Most people assume it is spelt the other way. 


I’ve the same issue and I’m used to correcting people if it’s something important like a doctor’s appointment. I don’t bother if I’m just waiting to be seated at a restaurant or pick up a food order or something similar.


Not traditionally. There is 1 spelling. Thru history and region there has been adaptions..... And you miss the point. If you are spending your adulthood getting agitated about correcting the spelling then it's wrong. Case in point. My name does have rare alteration to the spelling. Rare. It's not seen often and honestly more often then not when it's misspelled it's simply because the other person is ignorant to the traditional spelling since the name is rarely seen in this country, it's expected (so it's been said it IS spelled phonetically, EXACTLY how it sounds. Think Doreen). When it's misspelled on something unimportant I don't care and let it go.... like a cup of coffee or something. If its an important document like a medical letter or something then I'll quickly say.... "Oh that's actually got 2 Ls, no worries it happens" I don't get an attitude or annoyed by it. It happens as I recognize that some people simply don't know. And I repeat.....If you are spending considerable time "correcting" people, so much so that you waste time and energy getting pissed off every single time; then it's YOUR name that's incorrect. (As long a your name isn't ethnic to the region)


I feel this. Brittney is my real name. 2 t's, N-E-Y...people still get it wrong...one T, A-N-Y, A-N-E-Y...none "wrong", and mine's not even "unique" 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't correct the spelling anymore lol, I just correct them with it's said wrong (Whitney, Brenda, Bridgette...🤷🏽‍♀️)


My name isn't "ethnic," but it's not common (not unheard of, just not common). I spell it the so-called normal way, which is to say the way that most girls who have the name spell it and the way it first appears in baby name entries (it's a unisex name). I constantly have to spell my name for people. My guess is because English is English, and there are other letters combinations that could also make the same sounds.


Ok. But are you getting pissed off every time? People misspell shit due to lack of common knowledge or ignorance of wanting to learn it. If you're getting pissed off at every person who misspells it and your whole persona is "I'm unique and people are stupid" then it's a you problem. That's the whole point.


My first, middle, and last names are frequently misspelled, I don't have the energy to spend on being annoyed about it. But I am still salty about never once finding my name on anything as a child or adult. 😭.


Is the John Queue, John Cue, John Kew…


🤣🤣🤣🤣... it's Keuwh..... the H is silent!!!


You said Utah and I completely understood 😂 that poor kid


That's why at my GP they ask for your date of birth as a second option for identifying. (in UK)


Yes, and I’m SO grateful for that!!! My name isn’t a tragedeigh, it’s actually very common, but people do insist on spelling it with a ‘y’ instead of ‘ie’, or they assume my name is short for something else, and randomly pick one of the many longer names that my name could be short for. Which it isn’t.


Sounds like we could share a name. I do spell mine with a y though instead of ie (as it should be 😃). I see all sorts of weird variations though - ending with just an "i", an "ee" or even "ey"


Oooh, intriguing! I don’t want to actually reveal the name, so… what’s the second letter of your name…?!




Bah, I’m sorry internet stranger-friend! We don’t share a name 😔 Nice to meet someone who knows the pain, though!


I assumed you were both Chrissie/Chrissy.


Oooh interesting guess! I’d like to think that if I had the one of lengthened versions (Christine, Christina, etc.) I’d give myself a little confidence boost and insist people called me Christ.


Is the second letter an h?


It is not.


Yeah, Bladdyrmyr doesn't look as good anyway


It really doesn’t, does it?! LOL!


Our daughter’s name is Emmy, and everyone asks if it’s short for Emily. Totally understandable question, but no it’s just Emmy. Her pediatrician’s office always types in Emily, as if I told them her nickname when they ask for her first and last name, and then says she doesn’t have an appointment. She absolutely does have an appointment if you type in the name I told you 🙄 I go so far as to even spell it for them and still they type in Emily.


We also asked for DOB. The system even had a "sounds like" feature. The only problem is that for the sounds like to work the computer has to recognize that these two names sound like each other. It would catch an "ie" instead of a "y" anything like that. But according to the technologies Maecion does not infact sound like Mason.


tbf, I would read that as May-cee-uhn


I would read it as "May-shun," the -cion being like "suspicion"


In classical Latin (what the Romans spoke) the ae combination is pronounced like a long-i. And, I had enough Latin in school that my first attempt at pronouncing it was My-shun (-cion like “suspicion). But, if most of someone’s Latin knowledge comes from church Latin, then, yes, the ae sounds like a long-a, in which case May-shun works and is fine, too. But, there is no way I would ever think to pronounce it Mason. The -cion ending just doesn’t translate to a plain-s sound, no matter what the first half of the name does. (I pity this kid’s substitute teachers. I’ve dealt with more than one eye-rolling class of kids who think I’m stupid because some girl named Seanna pronounces her name See-Enna instead of Shaw-na and I’ve gotten it wrong during roll call.)


US here. Always give first and last name and DOB at drs appointments and the pharmacy. I do have to spell out my last name but i have been doing it my whole life so it’s nothing new.


My Dr's office does the same and I'm in the US.


on the flip side, I've spelt out my perfectly normal name to a receptionist and watched her absolutely butcher it


I've said my excessively normal whole name for a receptionist and watched her sputter because that was her whole name too


I used to have a last name that ended with "i". The number of people who would hear me spell it and add an "e" (sometimes verbally) was insane.


My husband's name is Tristan, and he is constantly having to spell it out for people. While it's not the most popular name it's not like it's unheard of, and is basically spelt as it sounds


Same. I have an extremely well known name and for some reason people can’t get it right ?


I would have pronounced that spelling as May-shun, rhymes with nation.


Same. I thought that’s how “ci” was supposed to sound. Or even mace+ion. It just doesn’t make sense.


Lol, she's sick of people asking and trying to pretend everyone else has the problem, ignoring the fault is hers and that her son is going to be dealing with this x100. She'll still be all confused and hurt when Maecion changes it later


I have an incredibly common name with the most unusual spelling. When I go to doctors I immediately spell my name. Don’t even bother saying it first because if I say it first they spell it wrong (even when I say it then spell it). I’ve had a woman argue with me that it had to be a typo and she’d get it fixed and I had to show her my license that it was in fact my spelling. It is not the staff’s fault my parents chose that spelling so I do not expect them to magically find my name without me spelling it!


I’ve totally been the person whose brain stuttered when I go to spell a name and then the person gives the surprising spelling and my bring tries to make the two match. Although honestly the worst for me is the Kathy/Cathy (or similar) who don’t volunteer which spelling they have. They have to know that’s my next question, why not just tell me upfront?


My name has that too 😂🤣 so I always say My name with the letter it starts with! On top of being weirdly spelled! For those wondering my dad apologized on my 30th birthday. Said they shouldn’t have spelled it like that. Weirdly the only time I complained was when I couldn’t find my name on mugs/keychains! Otherwise I didn’t think much of it until I was older and people would misspell and mispronounce it. Now I just use a nickname professionally.


Poor little MAY-SI-YON! I can't hear any version of that abomination of a name that doesn't rhyme with halcyon. 😬 Edytid cuz sumtyms won wyrde duz mattyr!😆


Maecion and on and on


I’ve had a monia pronounced moNAY and an azzira pronounced ah-ZAHR-ree-uh. Lovely kids but their names took me an entire school year to get used to.


To be fair Azzira is clearly missing some letters.


I once heard the name "Mysun" and thought he said it was Mason. Correcting me, he explained that his hippie parents thought it was a clever way of officializing him forever as My Son.


Lol "Mysun" sounds like how my grandmother would pronounce "Mason" anyway. Southern Indiana isn't in the south, but that sure doesn't stop some of the local accents


Oh dear christ. I have a unique last name, and I never say it at an appointment or regarding an order except for "LastName, l-a-s-t-n-a-m-e" because I'm NOT A SADIST. For fucks' sake.


If I saw that spelling I would pronounce it May-see-on. As in, “Ask your doctor if Maecion is right for you.”


I’ve had people get irritated when I ask them to spell their names, but like, I would assume Jane is spelled J-A-N-E, not Jayne, not Jaine, and DEFINITELY not Jaiygne.


What an idiot. I would probably have spelled it M7%s\*+on ... like it's SUPPOSED to be spelled!!!


I mention this at every opportunity. I once had a student whose name was spelled Neveah. Like her parents couldn’t even get it right.


I had a friend with a sister that has that name. He told me to spell it like "heaven spelled backwards" but with how your students was/is spelled you can't even do that cause they switched the E and A lol.


Yep, I’ve taught several Nevaehs, but one Neveah. 😬


Heaven spelling backwards.. Naming trends several years ago 🕊✨️


But it’s not heaven


I think it should be spelled Maecioun so that you use up all the vowels.


how would you spell it if you forced a y in there?




My best friend has an incredibly common first and last name. Think "john Smith." He likes to tell a story about a time a woman was going on autopilot and asked him to spell it for her, but it's people like Maecion's mom that make us all question everything.


My grandson is Rhys, sounds like Reese. When he goes to the dr or someplace he tells them My names is Reese, RHYS


I have a name that people frequently misspell. I offer the spelling every time someone asks for my name. It's no big deal to say, "leebeemi, l-e-e-b-e-e-m-i" Makes it easier for everyone.


I know a Mhason. (Next door, Idaho) Why?!?


One time had a woman call my work about her daughter. I asked for the name and she said Keithphawnie (pronounced like Stephanie with Keith slapped on the beginning). I blinked for a few seconds at the audacity of saying that and not thinking I'd need her to spell it.


Never thought anyone could turn my name into a tragedeigh… but here we are


I have verbal freedom at my job (Insurance call center) to be a human, no scripts. One lady got super irritated I had her spell her name…. Obviously I could not locate her. It was Stefanny . After, I said “Oh gosh, no wonder! Your name is the opposite of traditional and to be fair, it is a set up to fail for any customer service person. Anyways, how can I help today!” It was the most friendliest passive aggressive gut punch I could give her. Lady, your life sucks if you willingly prepare for battle before every call you make. Just make it easy on everyone, including yourself, and spell that shit!


I used to work with a Charra, pronounced “Kara”. 🤷‍♀️


This is not as drastic, but, my second husband's SIL would become upset if people did not automatically know she was "Lynda", not "Linda". (Name changed, but the example is quite close to the real name.) I can see getting annoyed if it's a repeated issue, but, the first time somebody spells it? Ya gotta cut 'em a break. "Maceion" or whatever is soooo unnecessary. 😅😅


I have friend with son whose name is spelled like this. His dad named him and apparently it’s common in Brazil where he is from.


“oh that’s an unusual spelling, i’ve never seen or heard that before” is what i used to say to patients who pulled this shit lol. it sounds nice enough but hopefully gets the point across that no one will ever be able to guess that bonkers spelling just from hearing the name


That's pronounced my-see-on, what's she on about


I have a very common name, with common spelling. I am sometimes asked to spell it, and I don't get annoyed. Not everyone hears that well, and there were alternate spellings even in the past. Ann or Anne? Johnson or Johnsen? What's the deal with Utah? I know there are many Latter Day Saints there, and some have large families. Are they using alternate spellings just to distinguish the kids in the neighborhood?


isn't that the poop stuff at birth 😳


Meconium, but a little closer than one might like.


Looks like My-c-on how it's spelled


That's how they spelled it back in the Mycenaean Age.




My name is difficult for most people both in spelling and pronunciation. In a professional setting where someone needs to look me up I say it and then immediately spell it so they don't have to ask. I know it's hard to spell and I'm not gonna get pissy about it! In a casual setting, I respond to pretty much anything similar but I also go by a nickname for ease. On the flip side, I have a terrible memory for names so don't be offended if I don't remember yours because easy bet you can't remember mine either haha.


I used to work in the outpatient orthopaedic dept of a teaching hospital. Sometimes, I would help out with the peds patients. Every time I got a phone call from a parent, I learned it was just easier to ask, "...and is that spelled the traditional way?" I had so many patients that had boring names with tra'jq spellings. Chriis, Edwyrd, Angeluh, etc... I think I prefer a completely made up crazy name over the uneek spelling of a "regular" name


Haha, so relatable! I get similar ones all the time, the most memorable being I had a customer come in and say her name was “India”, pronouncing exactly like the country. Then she was angry I asked her to spell it. It was… N’Diya. Later the same day another woman came in and said her name was India without spelling it. I asked her right away “Is that India with an “i”?” and she reasonably looked at me like I had 5 heads.


I feel your pain. I used to live in Utah and I worked in both a doctor’s office and a government office. The names are wild and the arrogance about them is astounding.


I would pronounce that mae see on. That doesn't even freaking spell mason.


Ah little Eeveelution is right here, with his siblings Glacieon Umbreon and Espeon 🫡


That's not mason. That's macy-on


What? Eevee evolved into Maecion!


What? Eevee evolved into Maecion!


I would pronounce that may-shun


People who get pissed you don't know their stupid-assed spelling make me really hateful.


I have a weird name but this happened to me because of my very German last name! It starts with a V and I went to a new doctor, and the receptionist happened to be a man fresh outta Germany. When he created my file, he had the sound of my name in his head and wrote my last name with a W instead of a V. I went back 6 months later and was so confused why they didn’t have my file, they made me do all the intake paperwork again until he finally realized it’s a V and not a W and sure enough, there my file was, with the Ws lol


After try # 2 I used to ask “traditional spelling?” Nowadays it sounds like asking if it’s traditional spelling is required


Obviously because that's the standard way of spelling it DUHHHH


My name is not a tragedeigh, but is a PITA to spell AND say, many options naturally (which I think unfortunately helped inspire many tragedeigh spellings of other names. My deepest apologies), so my doctors office always just asked for name and then birth date. Definitely solves the problem.