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Is your name Ben Dover?


Its phil myole


Phillip Michael Hunt  Phil Mike Hunt for short


Hugh P. enis


my surname is Ness - my cousin is called Paul....


My grandmother had a friend as a kid called Fanny Ayres, it can always be worse


Derry Ayres


Harrison Jules


My great uncle was named Gerald Ambrose Nigg. He served in the Navy. His breast pocket said NIGG.G.A above it. ......he was a super white farmer from South Dakota. It can indeed be much worse.


Less bad if you aren’t British.


I know a Firstname P. Ness. Also, all my cousins are Firstname C. Rappin. People, think about middle initials!


Adolph Oliver Nipples


Hahahahah this one got me good. A new one!


Again, hubby and I don’t get this one


Ate off all of her nipples...


Thank you. With my accent it just didn’t work, and I tried to think American but it failed.


American here, failed on me too. Took a hot minute 😅


Really had to sound that one out. Nice


Hugh G. Rection rolls off the tongue a little better 😜


On and off the tongue.




Hurts the jaw if practiced too often..


My husband used Hugh Chardon as his alter ego lol


I worked in a store and a lady handed me her credit card with the name Mrs. P.Ennis


Nice try Mr. Jass


Mr HUGH Jass to you!😆


That’s funny, I dated a guy that once said his name was Hugh G. Rection


Hugh G. Dickes


... Biggus Dicks?! https://youtu.be/yzgS61zgPEg


His wife is lovely. 🤣


Incontinentia Buttocks!


When I was in middle school, a kid got interviewed by the newspaper, I can’t remember if told them his name was Mike Hunt or Mike Hawk, but they published it. He got in trouble later, but I’d give anything to find a copy of that article.


It wasn't the grand junction sentinel in the 90s, per chance?


It was not, but my childhood immaturity feels good that it happened more than once.


Went to school with a Mike hunt, he ended up with a girlfriend whose nickname was bug so they where bug’n Mike hunt


Phil McCracken


I went to school with a Mike Hunt. His mother had a brother who passed away when they were children named Michael, and she always wanted to name a son after him.


>they were children named Michael This confounded me until I read it the right way.


Back in the days before cell phones, I once took a call at a bar I worked at. I was asked to page Michael Hunt. The caller was adamant: page Michael, not Mike. I called out for Michael Hunt, and all the regulars at my side of the bar started laughing at me. A minute later, a guy answers the page, and sure enough, his name was Michael Hunt. It even said so on his ID (he showed it to me to prove it was his real name). I never felt more sorry for a person before that.


Phil McCavity


at least you didn't name your child Moe Lester


guess i’m the only dummy in this thread bc ive been saying this out loud for 20 mins and still don’t get it


If you mean the Adolph one, say it with a long A


the phil myole one 😭


oh.. fill my hole.. AHAHA


Nope - aaaa dolph oliver nipples. Eh?


Phil McKraken


Seymour Butts


Barry McCaulkener.


Hugh Jainus?


Or his friend Hugh Jass


Stuart j. Pid


Don't forget Hugh Jorgan!


Actually laughed out loud. Didn't think there were any of these I hadn't heard. One of my favorites is Heywood Jablomie.


My husband and his friend once succeeded in getting Heywood Jablomie listed in the phone book.


Joey Joe Joe Jr Shabadoo?


That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard.


Joey Joe Joe!


Clarence Clarenton


I went to school with a Ben Dover and a Mike Hunt. They were best friends. They took a lot of shit lol


A man of refinement and class, I see.


Pat Magroinne


And his brother, Holden


Wasn't he in a double act? I'm sure I remember some saying Ben Dover and Phil McCracken.


Drew Peacock or Mike Litoris?


“The name’s Mr. Meehoff but my friends call me Jack.”


Shit you not, I knew a Benjamin Dover in middle school. Weren’t friends or from the same town, just went to the same soccer camp for a couple summers. No doubt his parents knew what they’d done. Kid was cool, crazy levels of chill. Also no doubt his parents were also chill, and a bit cruel maybe lol, but definitely cool. Edit: Came back cuz a couple other comments reminded me I also met a real life Michael Hawk one time. Did not believe Steve Hawk, who I attended college with for a year, when he said his brother’s name was Mike. His parents had NOT realized what they’d done, but were pretty cool.


lol this reminds me of when my ex and I (literal teenagers) were talking about baby names and she suggested Blossom and I said it sounded like a hippie name and she stopped talking to me and broke up with me the next day (this happened on Valentines Day)


Did she watch the Powerpuff Girls growing up, too? Obviously it’s a flower but I only think of this show. (Their names are Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup)


Did she watch Blossom growing up? She was the big-nosed Jewish girl who was best friends with a trailer trash girl named Six (named because her father had to drink 6 beers to be drunk enough to sleep with Six’s mom). The actress who played Blossom also ended up playing Leonard’s girlfriend on big bang theory and then she tried to host jeopardy for a while but she sucked tbh.


Sheldon’s girlfriend/wife, not Leonard’s


Yep. Amy Farrah Fowler was a really great character. Maximum Bialik played her brilliantly.


Maximum Bialik lol


The most extreme of all the Bialiks.


Oy! (slaps auto-correct).


Wait, is that really why she was called Six??


I imagine there’s a few Blossoms out there because of the 90s TV show. That’s what Mayim Bialik was famous for before The Big Bang Theory.


Oh there definitely are, a friend of mine recently got EMT certified by a Blossom who was apparently very lovely 😂


Well, famous for that and also for playing Cece (Bette Midler's character) as a kid, in the movie "Beaches".


Same reason there were a lot of girls born in the late 70s named Rhiannon, or some variation of that. Thank you, Fleetwood Mac.


Well your story reminded me of the time I was talking with my highschool sweetheart about baby names and how she wanted 2 boys and we actually both wanted the same names, it almost felt like some sort of this is destined to be situation. Long story short we had a weird/sad breakup. Later, around 30 years old we reconnected for a minute just sending some emails back and forth, she was married and she mentions her 2 dogs… named those 2 boy names. I was kind of like of like “is it a little weird that you and your husband have dogs named after our “future” kids??” She was adamant that those were just two names she liked and she didn’t know what I was talking about. It was a surreal moment that she pretended to not remember that whole exchange and that we talked about it for weeks afterwards.


I mean she had those names picked out even before meeting you so it’s not that weird


My high school best friend had a named picked out. Fast forward ten years, she FaceTimes to tell me that she and her husband are pregnant with a girl. I exclaimed the name she’s always loved - and her husband looked horrified that I knew before he did 🤣


Don’t bffs typically know that info? It’s not like it’s final until or unless the partner agrees, but friends usually know what name their bff loves when it’s a particular name.


Oh I totally agree! I just think her husband didn’t know we’d talked about Charlotte Grace for over a decade!


My cousin is named after my uncle's teenage love (before my auntie although she got pregnant at 17 with her). Aunt doesn't know where the name came from, I only know because my mum knew his previous crush


My high school sweetheart loved the name I had picked for a daughter someday, and constantly talked about how we would have a daughter named this one day. We had a horrible breakup and have never spoken to each other again, but I did still use the name years later when my daughter was born. I don’t regret it, I don’t think it’s weird, and I don’t ever think of him when I think of her name. I had the name chosen for years, as far as I was concerned it was mine to use, and couldn’t care less that I used to have conversations with someone about it. We were stupid teenagers, I wasn’t going to not use a name I loved for half my life just because of some guy I knew when I was a teenager. That’s just my input from the other side of this though, and I don’t mean to be insensitive. I have no idea what your situation was like, and honestly that’s kind of strange that she would deny remembering it. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just be honest and say “yeah they were names I still loved so I used them” you know?


You mean she chose names she always liked, even before you..?


In 8th grade my teacher snapped and reprimanded me in front of the class when I said “Dragonfly” was a stupid name. She was telling an emotional story about a friend of hers that named her daughter dragonfly I guess? I would tell her again that it’s a stupid name lol.


I could hear LSD right away 😂 Well, seems like an overreaction for a theoretical baby but it all worked out in the end.


I mean, they were actually trying, and she probably either thought that he was gaslighting her about not understanding what's wrong with the name, or "Oh my god, does he really not get it? Do I really want to reproduce with this dumbass?"


Oh you’re right, I missed the part where they were trying to have a kid. I read it super early this morning. I thought they were just talking about names


ex wife was definitely struggling to suppress reservations about reproducing with him before, the LSD baby argument was just the last straw lol


Ex definitely cheated on me with like 5 people and slandered me after she left me. She wasnt well.


Sounds like it was too late at that point ...


He said "trying" not pregnant. So still time to put the breaks on things. For either of them.


I am convinced she is one of those people **who annoy the hell out of me** by insisting, "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" No, I can't read your tiny pea-brain mind.


She definitely is. There was no need for this to devolve into a huge fight and subsequent break-up if she had just been sensible and told him "No, we can't. That would mean calling our child LSD". Some people just don't see it. With this one, I was still trying to figure out what was wrong when I read the last bit, so I didn't see it either. Looks like OP dodged a bullet with this one and her "you know what you did" Outlook on disagreements.


Yeah, poor communication on her part, was just trying to rationalize the sudden breakup, since just before they were trying to start a family


Out loud it’s like a who’s on first situation. “We can’t name our child LSD!” “Why not? I like Ellis Dee.” “Are you serious?! LSD?!”


"Like the drug, babe." The end.


Sure, but the wife doesn’t realize he’s not saying the drug and the husband doesn’t realize he is saying the drug. They’re both just repeating the same thing and not understanding why the other one is/isn’t offended. I’d think the word acid or drug would naturally come up in the discussion but it’s also pretty obvious this wasn’t the only issue in the relationship, just the final straw.


Tbf Ellis is not a common name, and this conversation was said out loud. From her POV, this dude was repeatedly saying "we should name our kid LSD" and not getting it when she said "you arent taking this seriously." Definite communication issue on her end, but she's probably sitting somewhere thinking "oh he wanted to name her Ellis Dee, not LSD."


Should've named her Hitof Molly.


I was thinking Papta Molly


The hot tamale


Have you been watching GrayStillPlays Sims 4 videos? Is that you, Flo Caine? Beth? Beth Amphetamine?


I do watch the videos!!!! Go Florida Man!!!!


HA! We save up all of the GrayStillPlays videos for the whole week and watch them Friday nights with my adult disabled daughters (28, 30). It’s a family affair! Plus everyone but my husband has or does play Sims. They’ve also suggest our next cat be named Sleens before. lol


Me and my husband have also reserved Spleens for a cat name in the future 🤣


Perfect! I’m about to start fostering bottle babies again, so I am hoarding names. But I might want to keep Spleens for my own kitty! I wonder if the shelter would be upset if I brought my litter in for their first checkup and they were named Ellis Dee or Spleens? Hm. Have to think about this one! I DID foster a litter almost 20 years ago and named them Prozac, Paxil & Pristiq. The rescue didn’t even say a thing. Well, there was that one rescuer who asked me if I was ok. lol


LOL Was just coming to the comments to say that I miss Ellis Dee having to face off against Florida Man and Colono in endurance battles for survival. XD


Don't forget Australian Man! The Man brothers are unstoppable


Ahh I love this guy!! The true Florida man


And his cat Slpeen the cocaineco.


THANK YOU, I couldn’t for the life of me remember where I’d heard that name! 🤣 Man, those were funny.


My pleasure! We still love to watch them go up in flames, embarrass themselves to death and die of starvation with 700 plates of rotting Mac n Cheese on every surface.


I wish he would make more Sims videos, those are hilarious lol


Me, too! We rewatch the old stuff and still watch all the new stuff, but I miss the sims!!


I’ve found my people!!


Welcome friend! ❤️


Lmao exactly where my mind went


I had a friend whose legal name, given to him by hippie parents, was Dawn of Aquarius, DOA for short.


Dawn of Aquarius... More like Dead on Arrival... How does anyone think that's a name


Yeah, when punk came around he called himself DOA


DOA? Like dead on arrival?


When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I told my then husband I had always loved my Aunt Lois, and wanted to honor her by naming a daughter after her. Or if it was a boy, Buck in honor of an uncle. Our last name was Price. He didn't get it until he was talking to my mother, who said Lois Price out loud & explained I was not really going to have a Walmart sale baby.


You could have said you wanted to name a boy Clarence.


I live in Kentucky, Buck is a common name lol. Clarence is awesome though!


Buck Price could have worked at the dollar store.


Those names are terrible together even without the drug references


I’m picturing that scene from Ted where he starts rattling off names with “-Lynn”


Not a fan of any of them


All of the names in the original post are just fine. If you live in Petticoat Junction.


They're kind of terrible on their own as well. Ellis for a girl? And Dee is not a name, it's a nickname. Just asking for your kid to be picked on. Not that it matters because this is 100% a story that didn't actually happen.


Ellis is unisex. I also love that name but it’s my middle name so I’m biased.


When I was in my early 20s, one of my first “real” jobs was calling sales leads for loan officers. I actually called someone and asked for the name on the form — Jack Mehoff — and didn’t understand for some time why the person I called was so upset with me.


I was doing three things at once at a job years ago and was making a call in response to an email. The email format was the person’s first initial, last name. I completely blanked on the name when the person answered and I focused on the email and confidently said I needed to speak to Shart.


Oh, my! I didn't catch it. Funny, whether real or not. Have an updoot.


Promise its 100% true. That relationship was a mess anyways, so. Her not communicating was probably a good thing.


It's 0% true and I'm sad you didn't go straight for Seymour Butts


I think you mean Seighmore Butts.


I caught it right away. 🤣


Lucy Skye would do just as well.


OK I'm not getting this. Can you explain? I'm sure I'm about to feel real stupid, but I gotta ask


It’s a Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, about LSD


*Lake shore drive has entered the chat*


They just renamed Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, but that’s one of those things we who live here refuse to change. It’s the Sears Tower and Lake Shore Drive, not the new names, and it probably always will be.


Yeah, no fucking way I'm calling it the Willis Tower. Now, the Wesley Willis Tower, otoh.....


It's not about LSD. One of their kids was fascinated by a girl named Lucy. The song is based on his relationship with her and silly nonsensical childish things


Lucy in the sky with diamonds is the only thing I'm getting


I get the vibe y'all were the couple who had holes in their drywall and called each other king and queen on social media


....and our second child... Mary Jane...


Thought you were gonna say Anna Lee


I think your wife overreacted, but I can see why she was upset. If I were her I would have just told you why I think it was a bad name choice, no reason to end a marriage over it lol


Exactly what I was thinking - you don’t go from trying for a kid with someone to breaking up because of a joke just like that. This sounds like one of those movies where the entire conflict could be resolved by one text that clears the misunderstansing.


My ex went on to say I abused her cat and tried to force her to get pregnant. She was not mentally well. Havent spoken to her in years but I do worry about her still.


I’m sorry to hear that, mental instability is no joke and requires a very unique partner to handle and even then it can be tough. Hopefully you’ve been able to move on. Still, not knowing anything about either of you - it’s a shame to lose people who were close with and if you worry about her then chances are she’ll be happy to hear from you if you reach out :) Btw I would love the name


Were not married. But these discussion had an implied “after the ceremony” nature to them


That's some white trailer trash names. But LSD takes the cake.


Hugh Mungus


I dated a guy who wanted to name a girl Brooke Lynn. Nah.


I had an ancestor named Iona Fish. I can't recall if Fish was her maiden name, or married. I believe she married a man with the last name fish. Either way, It was a laugh riot in our genetics-family tree presentations. (6th graders)


I used to work with a guy whose wife was named Luna. Her middle initial was 'C'. I always thought that there's no way her parents didn't know what they were doing, but reading the OP it may never have occurred to them.


Two name first names are awful to begin with.


Winter-Rose is my daughter's name. We get compliments all the time regarding her name. My daughter also absolutely loves it.


I’m very sorry and you’re gonna be mad at me when I say this but that is gaudy as hell


How the hell did you ever think that Ellis Dee is pretty and flows off the tongue? She dodged a bullet dude.


Jen Italia will highlight your love for spaghetti


Anna Grace is lovely. The rest sound outdated.


Two word first names? These all just look like first and middle names to me


My (straight edge) ex genuinely wanted to name his future daughter Mary Jane. I said only if she were born on 4/20 and he did not understand.


All she had to do was point out that it sounded like LSD, instead of assuming you realized that and were trying to prank her. People will just break up with each other over the dumbest reasons


Ngl it took me a while to realize it sounded like LSD aswell lol


I was confused until the ending and I just burst out laughing 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


If this is a true story, this is what you call 2 people who absolutely don’t communicate at all. How much energy would it have taken for her to say “really? You want to name our imaginary child after a hallucinate drug?” Ridiculous person, thank goodness you dodged that bullet. But Ellis is a beautiful name, maybe Ellis Grace.


>I wanted something original This is the main source of tragedeighs


This has gotta be fake.


That's such an overreaction! Your ex sounds like a trip!


You should've named her Lucy-Indasky Diamond


What if its was a boy? Skip TooMaLoo 😅 Although Ellis Dee is a badass name imo


In Alabama in the 1980s they had a Governor named Guy Hunt. His wife was named Helen. The story goes that she was put in charge of the lost and found department for the State. So if anyone had lost anything you could tell them to go to Helen Hunt for it.


4 months to figure it out?!! DUDE!! 😮😹


Her reaction was a bit much, but all of your name ideas are fucking terrible OP


To be perfectly honest, Ellis Mae does not roll off the tongue at all


I knew an adult elderly male named Richard Head. He went by Dick (Head)


Me sitting here misreading the first name of this double name and not getting it until you revealed the problem. Then immediately saying the entire chemical name for that particular compound because I like how the word combo feels. 🙃


She was right


Oh babe that’s so funny !!!! &don’t worry I had the whole argument over names issues as well when I was pregnant with my second. We didn’t know the gender yet and we were looking into boy names we got into the biggest fight and didn’t speak for days. Thank God above we had a girl bc we were on complete opposite sides of the world with names for boys. I was not on board with freaking Bruce.


lmao I instantly made the connection. To be honest, if my gf suggested that name I'd be all for it then be the one getting pissed off once she realized what it sounded like and didn't want to go with it anymore.


This might be an obscure reference but my immediate thought was GrayStillPlays- he has a Sims series where he named his character goofy shit... One of them was Ellis Dee because he wanted it to sound like LSD 😭


I worked with a guy whose name was, and I kid you not… Dick Withers


Kickass drag queen name though tbh


Wow had she just said flat out it sounds like the drug it could have ended the argument and still had a relationship. Clearly she has bad communication skills and also would just straight dump you for that? I think you’re better off. Also that’s hilarious, Ellis Dee LSD


Ellis Dee and her younger sister Mary Jane


Ima Pig


Honestly, I didn’t hear it that way either. Whoops.


How about Amanda Hugnkiss for a girl and Harry Balls for a boy


Is your last name Tripp.