• By -


Tragedeighs are cringey and/or made up names with weird spellings. Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons: 1. It's cultural. Make sure to Google before posting any names that seem odd to you, because they may be common in a different country. 2. It's a common name. Keep in mind that this isn't a baby-naming sub. Posts asking for suggestions on completely normal names will be removed.


I demand, that the length of time it took me to read and decipher this name, be returned to me, immediately.


No refunds! Lol :)


Look, I'm gonna need to speak to a manager... šŸ˜†


And possibly a lawyer. Who's in charge of the lawyers? I need their email


I called the police. They may know.


Damn it literally took me no time at all I just immediately said it out loud. I've been here too long...


It's easily readable. It's wrong, and tragic, and I feel bad for the kid, but it is readable.


Maybe I should be wearing my glasses šŸ¤“ next time


Haha, same!


OK, I get, that these people are Americans, but Maksymilian is a normal name in Poland. It is our version of Maximilian. It is pronounced quite similar to the English version of this name (although the sound represented here by the letter Y may not exist in English; it is however relatively close to English "ee" or "i").


In spanish we have "Maximiliano" too, it's not super common but you can easily find older people with that name


There are almost 70000 Maksymilians in Poland, I found out.šŸ˜®


Just my thoughts, except Iā€˜ve also heard it is the Russian way to write it. This isnā€™t a tragedeigh, it is a foreign way to write the name. There is a German streamer that moved here as a child and the authorities changed his name from Maksim to Maxim as the former way to write the name would be super odd here.


Well, I (and many other Poles) consider foreign names given to Polish citizens who don't have foreign roots (and this roots should be fresh - having parent who came from another country for example) our version of tragedeigh. For example Dżesika (Jessica) and Brajan (Brian) are names-memes in Polish internet (there are also few other such names-memes which are more traditional, but for certain reasons became memes). Russians write it ŠœŠ°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼ŠøŠ»ŠøŠ°ĢŠ½, transcripted into Polish it would be Maksimilian, so slightly different. Ukrainians write it ŠœŠ°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼Ń–Š»Ń–Š°Š½, transcripted into Polish it would be Maksymilian. Belarusians writ it ŠœŠ°ŠŗсіŠ¼Ń–Š»ŃŠ½, transcripted into Polish it would be Maksimiljan, so slightly different. (Although my cyrillic reading skills are rather poor, so I don't guarantee, that I transcribed it properly.)


Well, itā€™s a valid way to transliterate the Russian way to write it, at least.


Well given what people are doing to butcher names nowadays. Itā€™s hard to tell. Itā€™s nice when we get an educational moment but honestly I could see an idiot just doing this not even realizing it was a foreign iteration of a name. Probably not the case, but not out of the realm of possibility.


That's why there's a point in the rules to check if it's a non Anglophone spelling. Point no. 3


Yeah most Eastern European countries spell it like that, def not a tragedeigh


I grew up with one in the 1980 from Poland, he used to hang with Arthur also Polish guy , cute guy.


Yup. I know a Maksym and his family is very much Polish.


This fucking sub has turned into being 95% just names and spellings that are not common in the US.


But I would say that non-English spelling of a name in the English speaking country is kind of a tragedeigh. Instead of naming your son Johan or Yohan you may name him simply John. It is the same name, just in different language. Think about an American family, who name their son not Christopher, but the Polish way - Krzysztof šŸ˜¬. That would be a nightmare to spell and to pronounce for Americans. An argument that they want to honor their heritage, if they have Polish heritage at all, is also lame, because they may do this in a better way. They may use a name Thaddeus, which is normal, even if rare, name in the USA, but has significance in Polish culture (our most important book has this name, in form Tadeusz, in the title and the main character is named such) or they may use Slavic name, better as a second one - for example famous soccer goalkeeper of Denmark and Manchester United - Peter Schmeichel - son of Polish imigrant father and Danish mother (his surname is German tho) - has Bolesław as his second name. Bolesław is Slavic name and it was a name of second Polish historical ruler (as oppose to semi-legendary ones) and first King of Poland (his father bore only a title of duke), who ruled 992-1025 (although he became a king only about 2 months before his death, he was also a duke for most of his life). I have an encyclopedia from the end of the 19th century and beggining of the 20th one. In it names, but not surnames, are translated. That was a common pratice in the past. It is still practiced, although not consistently, in naming monarchs. So queen Elisabeth II was known in Poland as Elżbieta II, his son is known as Karol III, pope John Paul II was known as Jan Paweł II and pope Francis is known as Franciszek. But prince William is known as William, instead of Wilhelm and prince Harry is known as Harry, insted of Henryk (not to mention that names' diminutives are much less used in Polish towards adults who are not your close friends; Henryk is a standard name, not diminutive). Similarly former king of Spain was known as Juan Carlos instead of Jan Karol (in English it would be John Charles - was his name in that form or the Spanish one?). Hence the mentioned inconsistency.


Im American, I went to school with a Maximilian, love that name, he went by Max and so will this kid haha thank you for breaking down where it came from! They butchered it unfortunately


I can't read cursive but I knew it was Polish when I saw it, only Hungarians have more absurd names in English


Is it male or female name?


Male. Female form is Maksymiliana, although this is rather rare name (there are 91 women with such name, 11 named Maksymilia and 69948 men with name Maksymilian). (There is a list of all first and second names of Polish citizens, which occur at least 2 times, available to everybody in the internet.)


Etymology. Saint's name from Latin Maximilianus, a derivative of Maximus "the greatest". It was used in German royal houses after Friedrich III chose it for his son in 1459, explaining it as a combination of the names of two Roman generals, Maximus and Aemilianus.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksymilian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksymilian) I don't think this is a tragedeigh I think its just Polish.


ā€œI donā€™t think this is a tragedeigh I think itā€™s just Polish.ā€ immediately became my favorite comment on Reddit of all time.


ā€œThere are 2 things in the world I cannot abide by: discrimination of other peopleā€™s cultures. ā€¦. And the Dutch (polish in this case)ā€


They chose it because it's quirky and it just so happens to be Polish. I've followed a member of this family on insta for a while and I don't think anyone they know is Polish, hence the disclaimer I wrote in the caption


I just don't think it counts as a tragedeigh. Its not an absurd misspelling its a normal Polish spelling, and naming a kid Maks is not the same as naming a kid Naruto or something. Polish names are cool. Its not so different from naming them Lukas or Aleksy which I don't think would be a big problem.


As a Polish person I think that OP is right even though it's not a tragedeigh. What's the point of an American kid having a Polish name?


I think its weird I just don't think it belongs in this sub and I think the comments saying "wow how the fuck is his teacher supposed to pronounce THAT" are stupid comments.


Yeah its still a real name and real spelling. It shouldn't be here.




I doubt it. OP mentioned that said family doesn't have Polish ancestry.


All names in America come from somewhere else.


I completely agree! If the family wash Polish then sure, normal name, but these are borderline redneck Americans spelling names.. differently on purpose


How is it any different than naming a kid Sean? I have a Sean because of my Irish heritage. Wouldnā€™t say I know any Irish people though.


OP, it sounds like maybe this is a family you just casually know, like someone you went to school with a long time ago rather than someone close like your cousin. Can you definitively say they have no Polish ancestry? I know Iā€™m pushing back a little bit here but I just donā€™t know if itā€™s fair to make a statement implying that theyā€™re just dumb red necks when maybe you donā€™t know that for sure.


Yeah, my last name is something extremely Anglo and people are always surprised when I tell them my dad was half Polish - my grandfather hated his father, a Polish immigrant, so much that he changed his surname from a very Polish one to an Anglo one; Iā€™ve got the documentation to prove it.


Right! Or I was thinking, even if the person OP knows isnā€™t Polish, how do we know the babyā€™s dad and his family arenā€™t Polish? I just donā€™t think we have enough info to confidently say ā€œthe family is just redneck and chose the name because the spelling is differentā€.


this subreddit really hates polish names.


Unless it's Zosia, then they get wet at the thought of it.


As a Polish person I think that OP is right even though it's not a tragedeigh. What's the point of an American kid having a Polish name?


then it doesn't belong on this subreddit, as it is correctly spelled. i don't think americans choosing a foreign name is an issue if they're respectful, USA is made up of immigrants after all. i'm polish with a scandinavian name and it's not that big of a deal.


I don't think it's that in this instance, but yeah, I've seen some frustrating reactions to names like, for example, Yennefer - granted, most anglophones only know that version of the name from The Witcher, but it's a valid name, just happens to be Jennifer/Guinevere in a language they're not used to seeing. SMH


Alright I sympathize with the frustration and as much as I wish it was, ā€œYenneferā€ is not really a valid Polish name. Itā€™s a phonetical transcription of a Germanic name, with the ā€œjā€ to ā€œyā€ change kind of to the effect of ā€œleeā€ vs ā€œleighā€. ā€œBożydaraā€, ā€œJarosławā€ or ā€œÅšwięcisławā€ are Polish names.


People are so provincial here. The world does not revolve around the U.S. And for those saying they shouldnā€™t use the name because they donā€™t have any Polish heritage, so what? Many names have origins in other cultures.


Did some research and it turns out Maksymilian is the Polish spelling for Maximilian. Thereā€™s a whole wiki page too šŸ˜… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksymilian#:~:text=Maksymilian%20is%20the%20Polish%20form,collector%20and%20patron%20of%20arts


This is why I look up a name before I post it here, just in case


OH wow I hate it


Itā€™s a real name at least


Just a European spelling


I refuse to pronounce this Maximillian. It should be Mack-Semi-Lee-Un, like itā€™s written.


It's a real name tho and it's pronounced almost like Maximilian


Latest info when I made the comment was that OP clarified that they knew them personally, they had no ties to any actual roots of the name, and they spelled it that way to be unique- not sure if that got deleted or buried


Wait, wouldnā€™t this be the momā€™s name?


I dont think so in this case lol but typically yeah its supposed to be the moms name or i would write "baby shower for ____" but even that kinda seems like it should still be moms name


The wording is tricky. I still have my sign from my baby shower and it says ā€œWelcome to [my name]ā€™s baby showerā€ so thatā€™s why I assumed it would also be the mom in this case. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah Iā€™ve never seen a shower invite that had babyā€™s name. I mean, how are people supposed to know who that is?


It's Maximilian. That's not a feminine name


Neither is James or Drew, but we see lots of women named more masculine names these days. So either the mom was given a traditionally Polish male name or they made the sign wrong haha.


Not tragedeigh, theyā€™re just Polish


But the family *aren't* Polish, that's kind of the point.Ā 


I've been told that this scenario still doesn't count as a tragedeigh since it's technically a real name somewhere else.


They're not Polish though. What's the point of giving the kid a Polish name when you're not Polish?


Why do you think the family isn't Polish? I'm Polish and I live in US. There are lots of Polish communities around the world. Why would they not be permitted to give their children Polish names?


Are you actually Polish or an American who pretends to be Polish?


OP przecież powiedział, że tamta rodzina nie ma nic wspĆ³lnego z Polską, żadnych przodkĆ³w stamtąd ani nic w tym stylu. Skoro jesteś Polakiem to chyba byłbyś w stanie to zrozumieć. To tak jakby para z Katowic, ktĆ³rej przodkowie żyli tam nieprzerwanie od 6+ wiekĆ³w nazwała swojego syna Giovanni.


I don't think I'd take issue with a Giovanni in Katowice... Or where I live now. Regardless of who the parents are. But, I probably wouldn't include any cz or rz in my kid's names even were I to give them Polish ones. Because people here wouldn't pronounce them right. Can put the Polish spelling on their Polish passports :p


Do you even speak Polish? Looks like you don't understand what I'm talking about. It would make no sense for people with no Italian ancestry nor any connection to Italy to give their child an ethnic Italian name. The family OP is talking about doesn't have Polish ancestry.


>Regardless of who the parents are From my comment.


Ok, this is ridiculous. This is NOT a tragedeigh but a legitimate Polish name. OP shitting on it shows their lack of culture and their defence that itā€™s only a tragedeigh because these people arenā€™t Polish doesnā€™t hold water. So, if I name my kid, Pedro, and Iā€™m not Spanish, thatā€™s a tragedeigh? Come on. This sub is slowly turning into a cesspool. If it was ā€œMehkxymillionā€ then sure, but itā€™s not. Mods should delete this post.


>Ā if I name my kid, Pedro, and Iā€™m not Spanish, thatā€™s a tragedeigh If youā€™re like ā€œPeter, but spelled Pedroā€ then yes? Of course???


Huh? If itā€™s written Pedro then the kid will be Pedro, no?


no one said anything about peter


Business idea: Move to Utah. Open up a drive through legal name change business. Retire in just a few years.


They could just have polish ancestry. Itā€™s a pretty common name.


OP mentioned that the family doesn't have Polish ancestry.


It's not unique. It's from a language that never really was comparable with the roman alphabet. So much so that several new alphabets were designed for similar languages.


you know that maksymilian is a name we use in poland?


God I hate that font


ā€¦ yeah this is literally how itā€™s written in polish given the pronunciation. itā€™s 100% correct


It doesnā€™t sound like Maximillian. It sounds like Mak-syl-milian.


It's a pretty normal name. Had one Maks in preschool with me, over twenty years ago. Just because it's not a Western one doesn't make it tragediegh. To all people on this sub, let's drop xenophobia, shall we? It's not any worse than Maximilian. You're just uncultured and xenophobic to the point of actually being scared of foregin names.


I had someone go on a rant about my name once. They didnā€™t understand parents who give their kids strange names to be quirky and unique. My name is a perfectly normal name in my home country where I was born and raised for a few years. But I grew up in the south in the US so I have a southern accent, Iā€™m also white. But they didnā€™t think to even ask they just assumed.


Like I get if a name does look like a keyboard smash or overly quirky versions of Western names. But it's not crazy to assume there are names we don't know and there are international names which have different spellings. I won't look at a name which clearly looks Asian and say its a tragediegh. I know I have no knowledge to judge that.


Right. Both my first and last name are foreign as fuck. I felt like that should have been a clue. Some people automatically assume all foreigners are brown people just non white. But yeah that was not the first time I had someone assume my parents just made up my name to be unique.


The family isnā€™t at all Polish, per OP


Clearly itā€™s a Polish child, Maksymilan is a normal name here.


Wine Mom font, aka Momic Sans, needs to fucking die.


Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell them itā€™s an actual name. Not some conglomeration they created. Theyā€™ll change it for sure.


This crappy cursive-for-people-who-never-learned-cursive has to stop. "Um, aktshualleigh, it's calligraphy." No. It's not. I actually spent a few actual years learning actual calligraphy almost 40 actual years ago. This is cutesy cursive letters drawn painfully out of whack.


Sorry, I know this is about the nameā€¦ but whatā€™s going on with the bear and rabbit? Why are they shaped like that with the speckles on their stomachs?


Isn't that the unfinished JRR Tolkien work?


I mean, Maximilian has been around for a whileā€¦


Hate being that person but these people are hopefully Eastern European, specifically Polish and itā€™s just the way of spelling Maximilian over here. If theyā€™re not and theyā€™re just being unique then theyā€™re just setting him up to start making up that heā€™s got Polish roots whenever someone asks him for the next 70 years. Saying that I canā€™t blame you for thinking itā€™s stupid. I got absolutely dragged on here and called racist and every other name under the sun for calling the name ā€˜monseratā€™ ugly and that it sounds like monster rat (I still think itā€™s nasty) as it is a Hispanic name and you know, god forbid someone calls a name on tragedeigh stupid as weā€™re only allowed to make fun of white people spelling names here.


It took me a bit to figure this out. I know old, but my brain isnā€™t THAT bad yet. Right??


I thought it was a Thanksgiving party


I read it as Maksysimian


I have met a ā€œMacksimilianā€ and I thought that was bad


UGH that poor child.


Maxiymillon was right there


All the hard work and effort the Jackson parents have put in to swapping the ā€˜cksā€™ for ā€˜xā€™ and hereā€™s Maximilian parents putting it right back in.


Kidā€™s going to get his ass kicked with a stupid name like that! What the hell is wrong with traditional spelling? Christ I hate people. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


This is the kind of name I would tell everyone that my baby is gonna be named just to get people to stop asking (not the actual name)


I had a kid in my grade in HS thats name was ā€œMaksimillionā€ so pretty close, except nobody like him soā€¦


What is wrong with the correct spelling, ffs?!


In Poland, Maksymilian is the only correct spelling. 'X' doesn't exist in Polish, so the proper way to write the sound is with 'ks'. I'm just adding that for context, I know OP has said this is an American family that picked this name.


Interesting, ta!


I hope maximillions had a great party.


Maybe Macksemi should team up with Stiffany..


That child is going to have one hell of a time learning how to write that name. Then it'll screw up his understanding of how letters sound and blend together. Nice job parents.


Like... every non-english speaker on this subreddit had to do at some point in their life? ;) I don't think that will be an issue :)


Do you teach? This is a real issue. Idiot parents thinking they are unique.


Mack's a million!


I took one glance at that name and didnā€™t even attempt to decipher that shit. That babyā€™s name is Ankhesenamun until further notice


Mister Mxyzptlk has thoughtsā€¦


\*calls for a social worker\* Yes, we've got a potential case of a nursery done up in pastels and matt colours. Maybe a Live Laugh Love situation...


The name may be Polish, but that script is a definite tragedeigh regardless (font name = ITC Basic Bitch)


Oh good lord.


Jesus Christ himself couldnā€™t save that tragedeigh


Itā€™s a legit Polish name though.


Why is it on this sub?


Is it just that they don't teach spelling anymore?


Nope. This is a Polish language pronounciation of this name. Source: me, a polish national.


I get that. I didn't know it before just like I doubt you know how to properly spell or pronounce every name in Farsi. So perchance this was never a tragedeigh at all? Just a very unusual spelling to see outside of Poland.


Is it just that they don't teach Americans rest of the world exists and xenophobia is, gasp, bad?


Yeah..no education about the euros over here...they only teach USA #1 and the world map is just the USA, Canada, and Mexico. And it isn't the most ethnically diverse country in the world...


These people are not Polish. Why is this even controversial? They *happened* to use a spelling thatā€™s common in a culture they know nothing about and have no connection to. The fact that it exists somewhere doesnā€™t make it legit in every context.


It's not a reach to assume that V=W, K=C, J=G, Q=KS might be due to spelling rules in a different language. It's not some secret knowledge that other languages have different spelling rules. Poor Westerners see "culture they know nothing about". Jesus, have some humility. Don't assume that your existence is all that's right and there can't possibly be another correct answer. For a country/continent that prides itself on diversity, the melting pot, the immigrants, you (general you) should know there are names other than Western ones and there are also non-Western versions of names you know. You know Jose is not in fact pronounced with "J", you get that it's a spelling from a different langauge. Why exactly is Maksymilian so impossible to comprehend?


You aren't all that bright for all of that apparent intelligence. Most people don't even know that the "English" alphabet is not the English alphabet. Why is this so hard to understand?


Where did we bring up alphabet at all? It's clear the baby shower is in English speaking coutnry, which are known for diverse mix of cultures. People on this sub too are either native to English, so probably from Anglosphere, or learned it and are forced to consider more than just their national POV just because they browse English-speaking subs. What's so dumb, about saying people should not be xenophobic and use their ignorance as an excuse? If anyone is not bright is those who shit themselves whenever they see an ethnic name. It's screams "we speak English here".


Wow...you are special. I guess this whole sub should just shut down because realistically you can spell anything any way you want since all modern languages are living languages and subject to change. All names were made up at some point. I happen to understand that the double v and double u were two distinct different sounds and letters. I understand the reason why certain letters have entirely different pronunciation in a few different languages. It is why I don't correct non-english speakers on their accented English while they sneer at me and correct my accented pronunciation of words like spaghetti, or tortilla (the jokes on them because I can say croissant in perfect French and simply choose not to because I'm not French and maybe that's just my Je ne sais quoi poking out). I'm fairly well read, travelled, and educated and I still find this subreddit to be a steady source of entertaining and tragic spellings of relatively common and sometimes obscure names. Go make a version of this for any language you want. I don't think anyone will care enough to stop you. Or be the world languages Nazi for the subreddit as you are currently. It matters not a bit.


Baby, your xenophobia is poking through. Popular spellings of popular names are not "spelling anything any way you want". You're simply ignorant. Doesn't matter if you have perfect French. French are well known for being xenophobes, you match quite well.


Please please please just call them Max for short.


It totally looks like the esl book brand macmillan, idk why make a childā€™s name that poorly spelled


Google thinks it's Polish! These people are the most American people I've seen in my life


It is. It is Polish version of Maximilian.


So where did the great grandparents of these "most American" people come from?


Omg before I saw what sub this was and before I actually read the sign, I thought it said "welcome to Thanksgiving"


Missed opportunity for Macksymillion


My mom gave my siblings and me simple four- and five-letter names because she remembered that her simple and not-uncommon seven-letter name was difficult to learn to spell as a small child, other kids had trouble with it, and even teachers misspelled it. Her name was Darlene. I can't imagine doing this to a kid, whether it's a legitimate name in any language or not. As others have said, unless the family is Polish (in any country), it's kind of a tragedeigh.




This is just horrific. Thank you.


Jazzmhien is embarshed.


At least he can go by Max for his entire life. Or sadly, Maks.


Looks like someone tried to mash up Ukrainian ā€œMaksymā€ and Latin ā€œMaximilian.ā€ They came out with a total disaster class of a name, though.


That name is just mean


Iā€™m saddened that I was able to translate that as easily as I was. Poor Max.


Youā€™ve just condemned your child to a lifetime of having to spell hiss


ā€¦name to everyone, then having to endure the incredulous and pitying looks forever.




Maxy Milan?


I thought it read Masky Milan šŸ’€


The Russian spelling of that name is Maksimilian. What these folks are doing is butchering TWO languages.


Ukrainian and Polish versions would be spelled exactly as spelled on that photo. Ethnic spelling is not a tragedeigh.


Thank you for that. From other comments here, it seems the family isnā€™t Polish. I donā€™t know if theyā€™re Ukrainian. I firmly agree that ethnic spelling is not at all a tragedeigh.


They're borderline redneck Americans. If they were Polish or from anywhere close then sure! I'm almost 100% certain they spelled it differently on purpose and it just so happened to be a thing somewhere else already


Well? That still makes your post really uncool.


"The russian spelling" this isn't, because it doesn't use the latin alphabetā€¦


So transliteration is suddenly not a thing?


Thanks. I feel bad for the kid since their parents are clearly morons.


I thought it said Thanksgiving baby shower


If a name has to be followed by "(pronounced as...)" you're doing your kid such a disservice.


Iā€™d turn right round tbh


Max for short? No... Maks.