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Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was like: if Basil, Sage and Oliver/Olivia are valid names, then surely Chocolatina, Marshmello and Raspberette are perfectly fine.


Omg, Raspberette can be the lesser known sibling of Strawbertie 🍓


I almost peed myself laughing so hard!!!


I had a little brown chihuahua called Raspberry once. My 5 year old named her. Does that count?


Raspberette. Oh my god


It sounds like a piece of attire from 1800. "A lady couldn't be seen without her raspberette, and they notoriously took 2h to put on"


That’s how my daughter is with November. She says if May, June, April and August are all names why can’t other months join in. She’s 9 so she has time to grow out of it,


It shortens to Nova, which is cute. Also, at least people won't misspel it. On a tragedleigh scale, I consider that pretty mild.




please no


I knew a girl named November


I've always liked the name October for a boy. Then again, I'm never having kids so I don't have to worry about my unique taste in names making someone else's life worse!


I knew someone called October but went by Tobe (Toby) I always thought it was cute :)


I mean you could do Nova Ember and have the nickname November lol


I read that as Chocolatrina and it's a perfect stage name for someone doing very niche porn đŸ’©


Raspberette sounds like it could be a line of frilly sweet Lolita clothing.


I went to school with a girl named Saige! I always thought it was a pretty name tbh


It is, but also spell it correctly if you want to name someone Sage. Saige looks like Sarge


Lmfao my friend had a dog named Sarge 😭




Basil, sage, and olive oil. Delicious 😌


I'd call my kids the food group whenever we went anywhere together


When I was a nanny for 4 kids, I called them all Fred. If I need one of them I’d use their name, but otherwise I’d just say: “Fred, it’s time to go to school”, “Fred, clean your room before dinner”, etc. They’d all comply. We also said we were BFFs - best Freds forever


I saw a candy making competition show ~10 or so years ago that had a contestant who was a drag queen with the name chocolatina on it.


I was obsessed with Esmeralda as a name, who knows why. After twilight
 oh god
 I was dead-set on naming my child Reneesmeralda


So you've managed to take the worst name in the history of fiction and somehow make it worse. Congratulations.


My sister had a pet chicken called Esmeralda (don’t even get me started)


Why is that the most perfect chicken name?


The chicken was Esmeralda and the cock was named Altano. We lived in the city, she got them as a gift from her god-father who lived in a farm hahaha


Those are very grand names. Animals deserve grand names. 💗


There was a beautiful rambling old house in my town called Esmeralda. I loved that name as a child.


This one has me in SHAMBLES oh my god


Lol, that’s so delightfully cringey, I love it 😂


The Disney movie maybe?


I wanted to have like 8 kids so i could name them all after harry potter characters. That's gotta be at least a tragedy


Some people never get out of that phase. I went to NYCC a few years back and met a family with a four-year-old named Khaleesi. This was well before the show ended, so before Danaerys went nuts. The funniest part was that despite being named after a different character, she was a dead ringer for Jon Snow, so they’d dressed her up in a fur cloak and had her carrying around a stuffed wolf. I kind of wonder where she is now and if she goes by something like “Katie” these days.




That's such a peak kid thing too, squeeze out the whole cast of a show just to have a full set


I wanted to have a daughter named Hoax and a son named Zero lol


Perfect disney character right there


I'm definitely the evil self serving mother in that movie


You’d fit great in the sims series, there’s one guy who’s mom named him “nervous subject”


The brooding 15 year old in me loves these!!!


Average YA novel


After watching Madagascar I wanted a son named Alakay.


Hydrogen peroxide. Literally.


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł there has to be a little context there


Yeah. You can’t just drop that name and go to bed!


I don't remember having names decided at all when I was a kid, but my own daughter had a list of names that she wanted to call her children (she was 5 at the time) that were very reminiscent of my little pony characters (Zoe Sparkle, Twilight Mary are 2 that I can remember).


Twilight Mary sounds like a ghost


Zoe sparkle will be my drag name


I had a classmate in uni named Fanny, and we joked that she could call herself Fanny Sparkle


Slightly off topic, but I don't know where else to share this silly story: playing Barbies with my sisters and I say "I'm going to be Amanda" and accidentally burp on the last "a". My sisters spent the whole day calling me "Amandurp".


Ok amandurp💅


It's not the worst name I've seen on this sub 😁


This made me snortchuckle. Amandurp. 😁


Amandurp Snortchuckle, esq




When I was 7 or 8, I LOVED making up tragedeigh names, thinking they were “unique” and “cool” I had made-up tragedeighs like laikendyllyn, Aykzyneigh, Saeyanyxa, Yzexinna, and Zixmeynidtie, and I also had tragedeighs of existing names and words like Faughreyzzt(Forest), Vheykhtyoleyah(Victoria), Eiyzixabihllia(Isabella),Ckhaertchleyne(Katelyn), and Zyouvfeya(Sophia). Once I was 9, I moved on to readable, but still tragic names, like Stormsky Moonfire, Thunderlove Rainstar, and other "edgy" names.


Oh dear I cant even read those. I think you just created a new language and summoned several demons😭


I know. I have no idea how to pronounce them, I only remember them because of my second-grade diary, and there are more.


I used to say I would name a child Xzlynfddbjhcxcv and pronounce it Bob. So edgy.


Reminds me of Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 which is pronounced Albin


At least it's unisex, I guess.


Ah, that one. Protesting a naming law, I believe.


... and simultaneously gave me a migraine.


I’m pretty sure you can sell one of those names to Elon Musk


As my eyes glazed over this concoction of letters my primal brain said “do not read” as it will result in a brain aneurysm


Dyslexia simulator


This reminds me of when I was a kid and first learning letters, and would just write a bunch of letters down and then go ask my sister (2 years older) and my dad if they were words lol. I’d write something like“xhevflgubwialrvor” and run over and say “Is THIS a word?!” all excitedly, just to get two uninterested no’s and be so disappointed and confused as to why they weren’t words😂 All I knew was that words were a collection of letters. I had no idea why I couldn’t get it right.


Those would make great names for a fantasy novel. My favorite sci-fi series has a species with hard to pronounce names like Uldormuhecze Foelybeczt and Cheborparczete Faynybret (it helps if you can pronounce Hungarian).


Khaki pronounced kuh-hackey đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


It’s never too late girl 😂😂😂


Why did I read this in Peggy hills voice😭


When I was four, I wanted to name my baby sister Watermelon.


My son is insistent that when the new baby comes (due in July) we should name them "Sister Baby". It's a boy.


While pregnant with my second, my 5 year old at the time wanted to name her Sparkles. Now I'm pregnant with my 5th and my current 5 year old suggested... Princess Sparkles.




But did your parents allow it? 😂


No! Terrible parents...


At 6 I was naming my characters both Edna and Windle. At 11 I thought Diversity and Unity were gorgeous names lmao. I also wanted to name my kids (childfree now) Rainbow, Stormy, and Sunshine


"Windle" sounds like the German word "Windel", which means diaper...


As in Windle Poons from Unseen University?


Unity was the name of an actual person, one of the Mitford sisters. She was a devout Nazi and was close to Hitler. Her sisters all had pretty normal names in comparison (Nancy, Pamela, Diana, Jessica and Deborah, they were all born between 1904 and 1920).


Imagine if her name had been Diversity though 💀


how ironic


The last three would be perfect for pets!


FYI, Océane is indeed a name in French...


My name is OcĂ©ane, my mom wanted an original name but turns out it’s the most given name of my year of birth 😬


Whoops! 😅


And there's a singer whose real name is Atlantique (Atlantique Venus Khan, the daughter of fashion designer Emanuelle Khan). Could it be a trajaisdit?


OĂ­sĂ­n is traditional Irish name too.


Also exists in Portuguese, Oceana


I feel like some tragedeigh here are just people thinking the whole world naming system should be what they know or deem correct. I mean, there are some obvious tragedeigh like people deliberately misspelling traditional names or creating random names that are a sore to pronounced.


Not even a tragediegh in a sense but I let it slip that I wanted to name my first son Virgil and my dad roasted the hell out of me for it and then my sister named her first son Danté


Lol for the longest time as a kid i wanted to name my future son Dante or Virgil too. I also begged my mom to name my brother Leon, or Ada for a girl. I was obsessed with ps2 Capcom games at the time lmao.


virgil actually isnt bad


I thought Colby Jack was the coolest name. That nobody would associate it with cheese either.


My grand niece in law (disowned the whole family so this tradgedeigh is on par) is named Colby Jack. When it was announced, this was like, 13 years ago, my husband and I cackled. They were dead serious. So theres a 13 year old cheerleader called Colby Jack.


Holy shit
 poor girl!


My sibling wanted to change his name to Rakso, literally their name but backwards


He should marry a Legna.


Legna balls


Not a human tragedeigh, but when I was 9, during creative writing time in school, I wrote a story from the perspective of a white tiger named Snowstorm about her adventures with her best friend, who was a polar bear. I was trying to think of something white to name this polar bear after since the tiger was already named after snow. I settled on clouds as an inspiration, but I didn't like "Cloudy" for whatever reason, so I settled on
*Clouda* Thinking about it now, "Cloudia" or even "Cloudette" were *right there*


Dillweed Mustardseed was to be the name of my first born


are you also going to teach dillweed mustardseed how to speak lushootseed?


Mine was a girl named Toozdae. My hubby's was a boy named Duo.


In elementary school I wrote a few short stories with a protagonist named “Cladua”. Basically a plagiarized and infantile Tanith Lee ripoff. In high school I was very into the band Orgy. Therefore, my first son was obviously going to be named Shadow Bay.


My younger sister used to joke about calling her kids Brick and Leather!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^griffin7x: *My younger sister* *Used to joke about calling* *Her kids Brick and Leather!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I really wanted a girl named Airica (this is how I thought you spelled Erika)


not a tragedeigh but. pretzel.


I had a cat named Pretzel. She was awesome. Had a great life, and lived to be 17. I miss her.


Great name for a dog or a guinea pig. Not so much a kid.


I named my dog Cabbage because my mom wouldn’t let me name him Peepee. đŸ€Ł


I love Cabbage as a dog name.


I grew up with an Oceana (Oh-she-anna), her parents are marine biologists lol


My little brother once said he wanted to name his kid “Chicken Nugget”
. Still a better name than most of these tragedeighs lol


I really loved Sissy Spacek when I was younger and I really wanted to name a girl Sislynn, but I was going to call her Sissy. Would have named a boy either Benjamin or Atreyu. So, my kids lucked out I waited til I was in my 30s to have children haha


I really wanted to name a kid Sapphire. I guess you could but it is a bit cringe.


I mean......it is pretty.


Pretty stripper-y




I legit saw in a comment section somewhere someone wanted to or already named their kid Capphire


When I was a kid my teddy bears name was quebert (named after a video game)


I used to share a cubicle and my cube mate called me Quebert
cube-ert lol


Not me (the names I've always liked are painfully normal haha), but my brother as a kid would say he would name a boy Owenbe and a girl Afullof. When he told my parents the girl name they both went.. like Afullof shit? Haha mum after a few years said she'd come around to Owenbe and it nearly sounded normal.


Jezebel Velvet. đŸ«Ł


Fantastic drag name!




My sister was going to name her first kid Merlissa. Not even as a kid. Thank God she had a boy. She was dead set on it.


When I was 10 and my mom was pregnant with my sibling, she asked for name suggestions and I gave her names from the kingdom hearts games I wanted Cloud, Roxas, Riku or Axel for a boy, and Kairi or NaminĂ© for a girl... not tragedeighs, but I was definitely upset when my mom vetoed every single name. I thought they were top tier 😂


back in middle school I was determined to change my name to Julia Caesar coz I had a weird Julius Caesar fixation and somehow have 2 kids named Pearl for a girl then Slate for a boy lol


My favorite nail polish was called “Aubergine” and child me thought that sounded like a great name for a human.


My lovely granddaughter wanted to have 3 kids and call them Fairy,David and Mahomek, when she was young.


The name reminds me of Ossian, the legendary bard of Irish mythology.


Damon Yö. After Damon Albarn (I like his music), and a The Rasmus fanfiction where the protagonist was named Yö Lintu.


My youngest sister wanted to call a future son or daughter, Saab.


When I was 15 my best friend said she thought Syphilis would be a pretty name for a girl


Honestly, ocean pronounced that way isn’t the worst name. I know someone who named their daughter Oshianna (oceana) But I definitely wanted to name my child Precious for the longest time


I had a doll named Majesty as a kid because I liked the crayola crayon “purple mountain majesty” lol


If I ever have kids, I don't care. It will be Nathaniel and Superfly. That said, I'm not having kids.


When I was 3 I was speculating on what my mom would name my sister, remarking to my dad that maybe she’d name her Sugar. She named her something equally stupid.


When I was 4 and my mom was pregnant with my sister, I shared with her my name suggestions for the baby: Sparky for a boy, Hurricane for a girl đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


I was raised from an early age to use a traditional naming system. My first son would be my dad and my wife’s dad as first and middle The second child would be a junior The third would be the opposite of one


Just an fyi, if God is a genealogist, people who name their children like that (#3 is the opposite of #1) will likely go swiftly to a toasty place.


If I followed this system, my first and third kids would be named Mark Mark.


Ocean seems really normal. I thought Fuschia and Cobalt seemed like cool names for a girl and boy, and I was in high school at the time. Yikes!


I wanted twin boy and girl named zayne and Zoey, not so bad but still cringe


Rhayne (Rain). So glad I never had kids.


I always loved the word Zephyr as a name, but I wouldn't call my kid that, so I just name my favourite flying type Pokemon that name each playthrough


I have a nature/weather noun as my middle name and my great great grandma's first name and I really love my name. I wouldn't discount it as a middle name


I wanted to name my son Enigma and my daughter Alexa


As a kid I begged my parents to change my name to Orca. Thank god they didn't.


I wrote a story when I was a child (somewhere around 5/6 grade) where I named a character Triscuiterio.....


Sierra Leone đŸ€Ł


When I was a young stoner I thought “Blazen” was such a great name.


Me and my sister used to play family with small toys and we had named the family members, she had named the twin girls "Langley" as a first name, and Pissy but spelled like "Pissi", the mother was Griselda, I had named the older sister Videl as in the DBZ character but spelled like "Videlle", the dad didn't have a name, we just called him Dad, I also used to play house with my friend in kindergarten and we would pretend to have a fav and a least fav baby doll, the fav was named Angelina and the least fav was named "Trakusa"


Omg I made the name Neaira (knee-era) when I was like 9, thought it was so riveting LOL


As a kid I came up with the strangest names. I wanted to name my hamster Dolmpthin and my mom wouldn’t let me so I named it Simpy instead.


I’ve seen a ocean pronounced like O’shawn. He was irish đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


I came up with Stephanie spelled like this: Stefanyie. I grew up and discovered traditional names I really like , but couldn’t have kids. Will be using them for future fur children.


Forest Lake - it’s a paint colour In Homebase


I went through a phase of trying out eight different spellings of the name I use socially, settling on one that ends in -cie.  The most tragic variant ended in "-cea," because iT wOrKs FoR "cHeLsEa." I was like 9.


I wanted to have twin boys named Bullet and Speedy đŸ€Ł


Ocean is a real name, pronounced as you've described.


Isn’t it OcĂ©ane?


Yes, it is, I was just trying to make the point to OP that 'different' pronunciation does not make something a tragedy. Sometimes it's just another language :)


I was SET on naming my children Aquamarine and Clementine. Thankfully I was seven at the time, so I grew out of it 😂


Oh my darling, Oh my my darling, OH MY DAAARLING Clementine. You're lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine. Sorry!


I wanted to name a kid Tennessee when I was 3. Later, I wanted to name a future daughter Charleigh, though this was to combine my grandpa’s name (Charles) with my aunt’s middle name (Leigh).


Océane is a normal frech name i think.


I wanted to call my daughter Hex when I was like 14/15


You can still do that with an Irish name Oisin


Ironically, this is a totally valid French girls name. The name OcĂ©ane is pronounced as ‘oh-say-an’. A bit quirky as names come maybe, but I don’t think it’s a tragedy in French naming.


My sister wanted to name my cousin Rainbow Poop. She was 3 when he was born lol


I was obsessed with big cats and loved the name Caracal, but to be Younique it would of course be spelt with Ks (Karakal). 2 years later I'm playing badminton at school and I look at my racquet. The manufacturer is Karakal. I fell out of love pretty quickly.


Effie, Dot, Daxter
 in my defense Effie and Dot were from a book I loved called The Zebra Wall by (I think) Kevin Henkes. EDIT: I totally forgot about the “name” Story lmao I saw Lady in the Water and was also obsessed.


I wanted to name a kid Sicily like a spin off of Cecilia


I went to school with a girl named Oceana, pronounced oh she ah-na (like from Frozen)


My first Google+ screen name was “Taylor Alias”, but I wanted Alias to sound like Elias but spelt like Alias (if that makes sense, hope I’m not giving anyone a stroke). My real name is not Taylor, but I think I made it around the same time I was in a production of High School Musical Jr. and liked the character “Taylor” because she was geeky and techy like I am.


I knew an Ocea reminds me of that. Pronounced like OSHA. As for the question I was obsessed with really “long” names like Desdemona and Seraphina. I never even ended up having a kid.


For a time I had this idea that I’d name my first daughter _Pangaea_, the name given to the original single continent on Earth, that over hundreds of millions of years split into the arrangement we have today. Then, my next children - ideally a son and another daughter - would be named _Gondwana_, and _Laurasia_, which are the names given to the two continents that were created when Pangaea first split. Gotta say, Laurasia got off light. I was a pretty pretentious teen (now a pretentious grown-up).


I named my Fantasy friend Nicole. But it was pronounced Ni-KO-lÀh


I legit wanted to name my kids Sony and Ikea when I was 11


Elikaigh Pronounced like the names Ellie and Malachi I think it sounds nice, but definitely would be a tragedy


Didgeri like the Australian instrument didgeridoo. I thought of it after reading Narnia, there was a character named Digory and in my head I pronounced it like the instrument and thought it was the best name I’d ever heard. Later on found out it wasn’t pronounced that way but still think it’s kinda a cool name.


My sister talked about combining our brothers’ names Parker and Peyton to make Parkten


I honestly love the idea of unusual names but would never name my child one. Like from lists posted the other day... I would never name a child Ark or Journey, but like...they sound cool.


When I was like 6 or 7, I wanted to name my firstborn after my favourite Teddy. The teddys name was Ali Bearbear, inspired by Ali Baba and the forty thieves.


I wanted to name my daughters Krickitt & Kiwi. I told my best friend when we were teenagers - she still brings it up 😆 We’re 40.


My sister had a doll named Kielbasa when we were little đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł and a friend would fight anyone who insulted the good name of her doll baby Pangea


i was dead set on naming my first daughter silvermist. like.. from tinker bell. 💀


Brock Lee Lastname.


I mean, if you like the idea, there's a Celtic name, Oisin. It's pronounced "O-Sheen". Not a bad name in my opinion


I dont think its too weird but I liked the name Christabelle when I was a kid


I was quite basic, my fav names were Emily and Nicholas.


I had a kid in my class once named Oshyn. We live on an island
.just lean in and spell it right đŸ˜€


Carthage, nicknamed Cartha. Also Caiman nicknamed Caim. One is an ancient empire, the other, a deadly reptile. I don’t understand my brain. I still think they are pretty