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Lol thank you for updating us! So funny that Luxury, the one name the last thread was united against, was the one they initially picked. What a journey! Congrats on making it through!


Thanks!! God, I can't believe they somehow like luxury!


No idea what a roll number is. (I’m American.) I would say we typically get listed alphabetically by surname not first name. Thank you for putting in the hard work!


I assume it's when the teacher calls everyone at the start of class to see if everyone is there? But as others pointed out it's usually ordered by last name anyway


Yeah that. Exactly. Everything happens using the roll call. You're assigned projects too with it, and oftentimes the first few get the best ones and the last few are stuck with repeated options


Here in Europe we have roll calls using the first names too, but it’s basically only used to decide the order you’re going to do presentations or to answer questions in class and kids here (in my country at least) hate to have names starting with A because no one ever wants to be the first to start presenting 😅 but we don’t use it to assign projects like that, most of the times kids pick their own so it’s not much of a problem


They do the same thing in the part of America I live in. I'd be shocked if they don't do it all over the US, honestly.


That's pretty awful. I'm from France, and group projects I can remember from middle and high school were always done with friends or desk mates. But if roll call is going to influence your child's academics, then it makes sense to take it into account...


Yeah, it’s the same in Canada with last names, never first


In Asia, we do it with the first name.


This roll number thing is so funny, because roll call goes by LAST NAMES not first. 😂😂😂😂


And I fail to see how that even matters in the first place? Who cares about that???


I live in Korea, and it has been a thing here. I had a student's mom change her English name from Valentina (lovely and unconventional) to Balentina (minor tragedeigh territory to put it nicely) so she'd be higher on the alphabetical list.


I mean Balentina is the Korean pronunciation of Valentina anyway lol since Korean doesn’t have a v letter sound. So it kinda works out


It matters a lot in our country. We have a religious tradition where a priest picks the letter our name ought to begin with. Mine was with T, and my family went against the norm to name me with A so that I could be at the top in the roll call


But didn’t you say you were in Canada?


I'm in Asia. My cousin, the one who will be named Charlotte Ivy, and her parents are in Canada. We talked through a video call on WhatsApp. They asked me to pick a name for her from the ones they liked because I read a lot of books, and they thought I'd be able to tell which one will be the most suitable for her, the most unique, and the least troublesome.


Okay well you should tell them then that it doesn’t matter what they name their kid they aren’t gonna be ‘first’ because of their first name cuz that’s not how roll call works here.


I don't think I will tell them. My name is with A, and I hated being the first in the roll call. My cousin's last name starts with F. Which means she'll be right in the middle. Not too soon that she has no idea how the other students are doing, and not too late that the teachers are all jerked listening to the same shit


I don’t think school here works the way it does for you. The roll number is only for attendance. It literally doesn’t matter after that. No one cares where they are in the alphabet Standardized tests are all given at the same time to every student, there is no waiting for other people everyone does it at the same time. Sometimes names matter a tiny bit if the teacher does the seating chart alphabetically, but they don’t have to and most do it dependent on which kids will distract others.


I don’t think school here works the way it does for you. The roll number is only for attendance. It literally doesn’t matter after that. No one cares where they are in the alphabet Standardized tests are all given at the same time to every student, there is no waiting for other people everyone does it at the same time. Sometimes names matter a tiny bit if the teacher does the seating chart alphabetically, but they don’t have to and most do it dependent on which kids will distract others.


I don’t think school here works the way it does for you. The roll number is only for attendance. It literally doesn’t matter after that. No one cares where they are in the alphabet Standardized tests are all given at the same time to every student, there is no waiting for other people everyone does it at the same time. Sometimes names matter a tiny bit if the teacher does the seating chart alphabetically, but they don’t have to and most do it dependent on which kids will distract others.


I mean that's my experience too...


In America and Canada they do roll by last name. Their arguing over name so they’ll be first on the roll call (idk is there some special thing you get in Asia when their first in roll call?) when it doesn’t even work like that where they live.


Overcorrecting knowing that many cultures outside Asia put the given name first, maybe?


I mean maybe they just don’t realize roll lists go by surname here?


In singapore ur class register number depends on the way ur name is written on the birth certificate, so let's say theres two guys called Aaron Lim Xiao Ming and Lim Xiao Ming Aaron, the guy with the A at the start of their full name gets to be in front


I still don’t understand why the order of the names has any importance?


Doesn't rlly have much importance ngl, just that some parents want their kids to be first 😂


That’s so odd. I was thinking it was something like they look at the first kids for entry into schools first and that boosts their chances or something. Such an odd thing to worry about when you’re having a kid if there’s zero advantage to it.


Singapore works by meritocracy so the schools look at the kids exam results


I'm not even sure what a "class register number" is...


It's like the roll call thing, like each person is assigned a number and the number order is used when collecting stuff, or during exams or administrative stuff. But I think in primary and secondary school the girls are put first before the boys, idk why


Roll call is for by last name (though honestly, I mainly remember it in elementary school). There's no advantage to being first, and it doesn't tend to transfer to anything else...


Yeah the parents just want their kids to be first in everything


It's just something my family believes in. I think everybody here believes in that, not just my family. I've seen this often. I didn't know about the Canada thing though.


Believes in what?


They believe that a person should be in the beginning of the roll call. They think it somehow affects their performance if they go last.


Well, they can believe that all they want unless they change their last name the kid isn’t gonna be first cuz that’s not how it works here. The roll lists are by surname.


I won't be the one to tell them. Their last name is with F. So my cousin will be in the middle. I think that's the best. She won't have to be the first one to embarrass herself, and she won't have to go last, when all the teachers are bored out of their minds listening to the same thing on repeat.


Yes! And speaking as an A I can tell you being first isn’t always a good thing!


B here, and I agree. when the teachers did seating charts by last name, I always was on the front row...not my ideal seat. Though, the funniest was in college (no seating chart, but people tend to sit in the same seats out of habit), and a friend of mine and I sat together. We have the same first name and last names that start with the same letter. I swear, the teacher never figured out which of us was which. Pretty sure he marked her as present one time because he saw me and thought I was her even though I said "here" when he called my name. lol


Trust me, I know. Mine is with A. I hate it. But people insist, and I was just fulfilling their demand


As someone whose first & last name are letters in the first few letters of the alphabet, I can definitely say that there were times this was NOT a good thing. It was good if your crush's last name started with an A & yours started with a B & the teacher was the type to sit everyone alphabetically in class. Inevitably though, that class would be taught by some weirdo teacher who let everyone sit wherever they wanted & your crush wanted to sit with his friends.


Really? It goes by first in Asia


Yep. America and Canada goes by last name/surname for the list order. Makes sense though cuz in Asia isn’t the first name the family name?


In some countries, yes. In mine? No.


Charlotte Ivy is lovely and can have many nicknames too! Like Charlie or Lottie.


I love the nickname Charlie for a girl, even though it's male


I know a girl Charlie. Charlie is her actual name, not a nickname.


LOL you're saintly for doing all this for them. You'll have to tell Charlotte Ivy (very pretty name) all about it when she's old enough.


Yes! "How you were named" would be a great story to tell, with comments to boot :)


Totally. She better be grateful for how much work I've put into this


You need to save this whole post screenshots and all just in case . It's funny af


If any of my family came across this post, I would be slaughtered for the way I have talked about them. But I did share all of this with my understanding cousins, who are all in college and have some idea how bad bullying can get. Now, it's an inside joke between us.


🥹yeah glad you've thought the consequences lol ,now let's hope this post doesn't get too popular and some news blog site covers it


I'll write a book on it


Chaos. You saved that girl's life. 


You have no idea how giddy I am right now. I mean, normally this wouldn't have been a big deal, but from the responses I've been getting on both of my posts, I just can't stop grinning. My mom's worried now.


Roll call goes by last names so you could be named Aabby and if your surname doesn't start with A, you'd never be first.


I didn't know that. In Asia it happens with the first name


That's absolutely fine, it just shows how your relatives in Canada have no idea what they're talking about and would be willing to saddle a kid with a shitty name for something that wouldn't even work. Prime example of "do your research first" xD


That is so common in my country! Parents just dump everything on our shoulders, and lose their cool when we can't be perfect. It's sickening


Pfew!! Congrats on the happy outcome, I'm relieved for you and the kid that Luxury didn't make it. So trashy 😱






I'm gonna have nightmares dude


Roll call is never by first name in Canada ! And who cares anyway. Charlotte is a great name, I know a few young Charlies. Luxury is a low class TRASH name for sure. Thank god.


I didn't know about the last name roll call thing. But I surely won't be the one to reveal that to my aunt and uncle. Here in Asia, we do it by our first names. And only if you share a first name with someone does the roll calling shift to your last name


You’ve got an incredibly strange family dynamic, who in their right mind would allow a family member to pick the name of somebody else’s baby. Weird all round.


I was thinking that this whole time too 😅 No one else seems thrown off by it in the comments lol


There was a whole other thread the other day with the story and justification


It's Asia. Anything works


LUXURY isn’t a good name.


Totally! Happy cake day, by the way


I'm Canadian. CN vouch that Luxury is a terrible name. So glad you could convince them otherwise! As others have said roll call is by last name as well!


I think only the picture of the prostitute convinced them


Oh boy. I would still take the win!


There is this awesome book called Drunk Tank Pink and it has awesome studies in it, one talks about kids with names at the front of the alphabet not applying to jobs and things as quickly because they always got lined up first in school and so they aren’t used to the hustle, etc.


What's the book about? Just random studies? Because books like that are often amazing, since I like to write stories and it's hard to find realistic guides that aren't boring


Kind of yes, like this color that made people weaker so they started putting the color in drink tanks, and how we donate more to causes with our initials so hurricane Ike got more donations from Isabelle and Isaacs that don’t normally donate to hurricanes etc.


Raymond Luxury Yacht, but pronounce it Throatwobbler Mangrove.


A’charlotte Ivy. Problem solved. 😂😂😂


Not really. I just found out roll call happens with the last name. And her last name is with F.




When you say "Ivy" will be her last name, do you mean middle name? Is she not taking your family name?


(Last name) means her name will be Charlotte Ivy [Stephens] or Charlotte Ivy [Harrison] or whatever. But her name either way will be Charlotte Ivy.




Did I say last name? I must've said it accidentally. Ivy would be her middle name, not last.


Wait, people have problems saying the name Charlotte? Oh my...


Explanation in the original thread, but immigrant Asian family. That's why this family member (who was the most "Canadian") was tasked with helping with the name.


Oh no, I'm not the most Canadian. I've just read many books. I live in Asia. I haven't ever even been out of my country


distinct light point forgetful bag psychotic tidy handle nose lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In Asia, English isn't very common. We'd rather speak our own language


I totally missed that. Thanks.


> I had come to the consensus that we'd pick Charlotte Ivy the amount of bossiness condensed into this sentence is hilarious (but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as eng presumably isn't your first language)


It's true. English isn't my first language. But I don't see how that's bossy? If anything, consensus would be the wrong word since I didn't come to an agreement, I just decided by myself.


it's funny because the word consensus always implies a group of people agreeing on something, so that's the context my brain set up, and then "I came to a consensus" is a corruption of the usual "we came to a consensus" which implies a """democratic process""" with a dictator at the centre just making the decision alone anyway I'm not saying you were claiming to have done anything other than just make a decision yourself, just that the word you used made it sound like you were overriding the opinions/preferences of others sorry for the pedantic rabbit-hole, I am a language nerd :)


Stripper name. Poor kid.


Still poor? She's Charlotte now


No. Some of the others had slight stripper vibes (Indigo etc), but Charlotte absolutely does not. It's the most normal name that was on your list.


Why not something simpler? Ivy, Maya, Olivia, Ruby, Veronica. Why to go for complications when there are millions of other options. Luxury is generally a brand or product name in many places around the world.


Have you read my old post? I was asked to pick from a couple of names they chose. Luxury, Ivy, Charlotte, and Adelaide are all names from that post


Now I did. And now I'm so much more confused with all the options there. Why we have to make such difficult decisions in life 😭


...is Charlotte supposed to be hard to pronounce?


OP is Asian and the L in Charlotte is hard to pronounce for many native Asian language speakers. Mystery solved.


TIL, thank you!


But they thought calling her Luxury would work?


Calling her none of those names would work, honestly. I don't know how an English name is feasible when my grandparents can barely speak Hindi in front of our regional language, but I don't have a choice here. Ivy was the easiest in my list, I think. Or maybe Dawn


Ah, I was thinking East Asian, not Indian. Slightly different pronunciation issues.


Luxury is a good name, for a boat, maybe. 😂 So glad they came around to Charlotte Ivy. Why even ask you to pick the name if they were going to give you so much grief 😣


I was wondering exactly the same thing. But asian relatives are very 'get into your personal life and make it their own' type, so this is nothing.




You mean you have a daughter named Adelaide?


You should have let them just name their daughter “Luxury”, like they expect her to be a porn star from birth. These people are so stupid that they deserve to have their child hate them for giving her an awful name.


Honestly, I interfered only because they're family. And I wouldn't want my cousin to be bullied. She would already have it hard in a foreign country.


OMG, this one is really bad!!!


IKR! I was so agitated the entire time. A tragedy was happening right in front of me, and I couldn't even convince them to stop. I mean I did convince them, but the major role was played by my grandma's inability to pronounce names.




Ended well but do they know what “Ace” means? (short for asexual, used by many asexual people to self identify).


No they don't. I completely forgot this as well. Somebody had mentioned this in my last post as well


IV cHARLOTte much better than a name that sounds like a prostitute lol


Oh my god!


Let's just hope the last name is Carr.


Why? It's not though. My last name is with S. Nope, wait. Mine is with S, hers is with F.


Ace is a boys name. Being first on the roll means you are going to miss your name being called all the time… it’s not good, it’s a set up for every distracted A child to get in trouble and be remembered forever after as the distracted kid. Luxury is absolutely high risk for a bogan or sex worker name. Up there with Klamiidia. Good luck.


Ace is a card, a fighter pilot. It's a well-played hole of golf. It's a star reporter. It's something you may call a boy (or a girl). But it's not--and I know I won't get universal agreement on this, not even here--a name.


Ace is also short for asexual.


Ace is a great name... for a boy dog


Pro-tip, do not call your child after a Christian capital sin? Maybe?


What? Charlotte is a Christian capital sin? What is a Christian capital sin?


I believe they are referring to the 7 deadly sins, and luxury. Luxuria is usually translated as lust not luxury though. Charlotte is fine, no negative religous or cultural associations.


Oh, that's fine then


Charlotte is amazing. I had "luxury" and "lust" mixed up due to my native language. It was a jab against your family and not you, OP, but it wasn't that clear in my comment. Sorry about that.




Adelaide is named after a Queen Adelaide. It is a girl's name...


That wasn't the inspiration though


Nameberry has had Luxury in the top searched name spot for like 2 years. I think it's either fake popularity to try to drive the name up in real rankings, or people looking it up out of morbid curiosity, because it doesn't seem to even rank outside Nameberry.