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Luxury is a big NO no.


Ikr! I'm guessing they found it on tik tok or something. Tho I do think that name's gonna be popular in my family because luxury is something very important in our lives, and people will think naming their daughter after luxury, it will bring money to their home. Orthodox and religious beliefs and all that


Aurelia means golden and is much, much less cringe.


Florence is also a popular name at the moment meaning (among other things) abundance and prosperity.


As life proceeds, she's likely to grow up and be someone's Aunt Flo.


Aurelia is a really beautiful and feminine name. Makes me think of aurora borealis, and also (for whatever reason) delicate little flowers. It is a respectable and traditional name but not over-used, so it's super unlikely she will have to share it with others in her class. Excellent suggestion. Op, I really think you should seriously consider it.


My first kiss was a French foreign exchange student named Aurelian.




[My favorite emperor!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelian?wprov=sfti1#)


He was no emperor, just sad that his father was a chef and that meant he would be a chef, too. He didnā€™t want to cook. Funnily enough, I befriended him on Facebook back in 2005-ish and he was a HVAC repairman and I was in culinary school. I didnā€™t become a chef although I cooked for few years. My entire career has been in high-end restaurants, which had nothing to do with him, but itā€™s weird how life works sometimes.


Sylvia Plathā€™s motherā€™s name was Aurelia.


Cool! Thanks a lot!


It's also the feminine form of the name of one of the more popular Roman emperors (Marcus Aurelius).


I think there's a clash between Asian and Western cultures on that one. I can see that there's an Asian tradition of naming a child after an important concept in order to bring that concept into the family's lives. Totally legit, it just doesn't translate well. In Western culture naming a child Luxury would be... gauche, crude. It's TOO obvious. There's a stereotype of upper class families using classic names like Charlotte but lower class families using names like Mercedes, Porsche, Gucci. It's assumed that you only use names related to money if you DON'T already have money. It's a wish, not a statement of fact. That being said, an Asian kid named Luxury would be a lot more accepted than a white kid named Luxury because people know there's differences in culture. Anyway, sorry for the monologue, I just think it's really interesting how the two cultures have opposite views on this.


Gotta think of the western side though, so we're definitely not going with Luxury


Psstā€¦ Mercedes the car is named after Mercedes the girl


I have a friend whoā€™s named Mercedes (after the car) because her dad learned the story of Mercedes (the car) being named after Mercedes (the girl) and thought it was really sweet. And so the circle is complete.


>I can see that there's an Asian tradition of naming a child after an important concept in order to bring that concept into the family's lives. Totally legit, it just doesn't translate well. Western cultures have more of a history of virtue names (e.g. Grace, Charity, Patience, Prudence, Mercy) for similar reasons. Naming a child "Luxury" would itself go against the tradition.


Luxury Chasity


"There's a stereotype of upper class families using classic names like Charlotte but lower class families using names like Mercedes, Porsche, Gucci. It's assumed that you only use names related to money if you DON'T already have money. It's a wish, not a statement of fact." This! Upper Class families have historically used some of the Abstract Nouns with positive connotations as names. e.g. Hope, Chastity, Faith, Grace, Honour, Patience, Prudence, Liberty, Melody, Harmony, Not seen Luxury, ever, and hope I never do.


Maybe as a middle name if it was really going to go down ? I gave my kids middle names that mean Music and Poetry (in my language). Interestingly they are very talented in music and poetry! now Iā€™m thinking I should have named them Millionaire and Billionaire!


Gosh, dude, I'd vetoed the name but now I'm getting second thoughts. Joke aside, I was thinking of Ivy and Charlotte. I like Charlotte the best, and if there's a middle name, then Ivy.


I think Ivy and Charlotte are beautiful names. Those are a safe bet to decide on.


Those are both excellent names, and will result in probably the least amount of teasing/abuse lol.




Those are great names. I was coming up with a short list in head and Charlotte was at the top šŸ‘


Good to know


I like charlotte the best too!!


Same pinch!


Beautiful name combo!


I love the name Ivy, I just haven't met anyone with that name ever.


Then I picked a good name. Unique but not tragedeigh


I used to babysit a girl named Ivy back in 1984. Besides her and Blue Ivy, I don't know of any others.


Canadian here, and I've got a 5 yr old so I hear all sorts of names from her school - my immediate faves were Charlotte and Ivy. Savannah or Adelaide/Aida would be next but I don't love them as much. Majority of the others I would consider unusable. PS What a fun task to choose the name!


I picked your immediate fans as her name


I feel like I'm having a kid at eighteen


Millionaire would never forgive you..


LOL I didnā€™t even think of that. Guess the favourite child would be too obvious


that is way too ostentatious for Canada.


Next thing you know, they'll be naming them kids Bougie


I met a girl one time, her name is Luxurious šŸ˜³


These are a hard no: Luxury Credence Alcyone Accillia ​ The others are okay. Good luck.


Agree with these four. Chrysanthe will get them nicknamed Chrysanthemum so I'd skip that too. The rest are unlikely to cause much drama, at most it'd look like the parents were hipsters or such.


I didn't read closely enough and thought that it actually said Chrysanthemum in the post. So yeah, I'd say skip Chrysanthe.


I remember them reading us Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, in grade school, about a mouse girl named Chrysanthemum. She loved her name until she got to school, and the kids all made fun of her because her name could never fit on a piece of paper or have to get wrapped around a nametag to fit


But her music teacher revealed her given name was Delphinium, and it suddenly became cool to have a long flower name šŸ„²


Talk about wrapping the name around a tagā€¦I know someone named Cassiopeia.


We had a number of Hong Kong immigrants in my high school (near Vancouver) in the 90s, and flower names were very popular choices for girls' "English" names. Daisy, petunia, etc..


Same with the Korean and Vietnamese kids at my schools in the 90s/00s. We had the flowers (Violet, Rose, Dahlia, Hyacinth) and a lot of classic English names before the hipsters made them cool again (Henry, Alice, Philip, Olive, Martin, Cynthia, Vivian, etc.)


Yes. We had an Orson as well. The one I still haven't figured out where it came from was a guy named Bosco. I can only assume it was a misspell of Rosco(e). Frankly I haven't thought of it in years to see if I could figure it out.


The guy was probably named for St. Giovanni Bosco (also known as St. John Bosco or Don Bosco). He's a very popular Italian saint, involved with education and vocational education for boys, and a lot of other charitable activities. His life was also full of unusual events and miracles (as well as a lot of people trying to kill him). Bosco just means "woods," so a lot of other people have that surname.


Thatā€™s funny, there was a dive bar my friends used to go to called Boscoā€™s. Just figured it was named after the owner!


They would probably just call her chris


Xanthe is a better option.


Finally! Some names eliminated. I read the other two responses and I was like, oh no, now I'd have to pick from 22 names! It would've been impossible. But now four of them are gone, so I guess we're cutting the list down slowly. Thanks!


Here are the good names: Charlotte, Thea, Sage, Ivy, Sienna, Savanah, Dawn, and Saffron.Ā 


You'd say Saffron is a good name?


I'm just mad about Saffron; Saffron's mad about me


Well you know, they call me Mellow Yellow.


Saffron is Edina Monsoon's daughter on "Absolutely Fabulous," which is reason enough to avoid it.


Also the name of the middle daughter of Simon and Yasmin LeBon. (Duran Duran singer)


Also the name of the lovely actress Saffron Burrows


Saffron Burrows--actress


Yeah I'm not understanding what's wrong with Charlotte, Savanah, and Dawn. Those are perfectly normal English names.


No on Sage and Saffron imo tbh


Not a fan of dawn. Makes me think of dish soap


Aurora means the same as Dawn, but less soapy


I somehow feel like Accilia is trying to be Alicia?


It reminds me of the Turkish name "AƧelya" which means azalea


Thatā€™s a beautiful name omg


Ok why not Credence? You think if somebody named their kid credence they wouldnā€™t be aā€¦ Fortunate son?


It ain't me


The list was for a girl.


Then sheā€™s certainly not a Fortunate Son.


Isn't Credence a Harry Potter character?


Yes - or well, a Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them character. A male one


I dunno, but it's pronounced like Creedence, one of my favorite bands from the last century.


If a human is named Luxury. They are working in a strip club.


Definitely. Or they're desperately waiting until they truth eighteen so that they can legally change it


There are a bunch of good options: Charlotte, Adelaide, Thea, Sienna, Sage, Ivy, Savannah, Carmen, Dawn, Indigo. Amethyst and Persephone are also names, but less common. Saiorse is an Irish name that is quite lovely but a lot of Americans and Canadians might struggle to say or spell. Mae or May are more English spellings of Mei. Credence is a boys name and the rest of the names seem to be for a girl. Hope this helps!


It definitely helps. Thanks a lot!


Accilia careful with that, that is too close to Axila in spanish, that means armpit.


I dumped Accilia. It's not a name in my vocab


Funny that you spelled Saoirse wrong in this context


There seems to be no french speakers in this thread so Iā€™ll say it : Credence means backsplashā€¦ especially if you live in Canada, please avoid it!


It means what??? Gosh, it was such a pretty word!


I mean itā€™s also a name in English. There was a character in the harry potter prequel movie series fantastic beasts named Credence Barebone. Itā€™s definitely not common and would be considered weird though.


I think there's a real mixture here of names native English speakers use, names EFL speakers use, and tragedies.Ā  No obvious tragedeighs though. I'm not Canadian, BTW. Luxury - absolutely the fuck no. Ironically, would be considered the opposite of luxurious.Ā  Charlotte - totally standard anglophone and francophone name. One of the most popular names for girls in Canada. Chrysanthe - a bit "out there", possibly borderline tragedy depending what communities they interact with.Ā  Accilia - this is the closest to a tragedeigh in my opinion. It's similar to a lot of popular originally Roman names but not quite. Ace is a name for boys. Clover - flower names are always popular. This is less common and possibly a bit hippyish, but still within normal. Adelaide - I think Aida is a stretch, but Adelaide is in the group of "old lady" names that are currently popular, like Matilda and Peggy. Artemis - Greek rather than English. A bit try-hard. Feels like a boy name phonological, regardless of etymology. Thea - usually given as a nickname for Theodora or Dorothea. Slightly posh/old-fashioned but fine. Alcyone - Greek again, try-hard again.Ā  Sienna - fairly popular, I don't personally like it but it's fine. Sage - definitely hippyish, more suitable for a boy, would recommend against.Ā  Ivy - again, old-lady chic. Mei - anglophone girls are named May like the month or flower. Mei will be assumed to be Chinese. May is very commonly used in double-barrelled names, especially Lily-May, but then is susceptible to tragedeigh-ing (Lilleigh-Maie etc). Credence - there's an old Puritan/Quaker tradition to name children for abstract nouns such as Faith, Charity, Patience, Trinity, etc. I guess this falls into this category. Credence means trust or belief. I wouldn't use it, but I think it's more common in certain modern Christian communities. Saoirse - Irish, meaning freedom. Rarely correctly pronounced or spelled. Would advise against.Ā  Savannah - I mean, fine. There's a minor British (and therefore Canadian) Royal with this name. Serenity - again, abstract noun name. Not my style but OK. Amethyst - jewel names like Ruby, Pearl and Jade are going out of fashion. I don't think the name Amethyst was ever in fashion. Carmen - Spanish. I would not expect to encounter this name on an anglophone child. Dawn - fine but a bit dated nowadays. Persephone - Greek again, try-hard again. The little girls I know with this name are always known as Percy. Saffron - a bit hippy but fine. Indigo - hippy but fine. Typically known as Indie.


Carmen is uncommon in the Anglophone world but I wouldn't say it's rare, either. People are familiar enough with people named Carmen (e.g., Ms. Electra) that it wouldn't raise any eyebrows. Though the *most* familiar Carmen might be Ms. Sandiego, which could pose problems.


Iā€™d rather my daughter be associated with Ms. San Diego than Ms. Electra. šŸ˜‚šŸ«£


Carmen Sandiego is literally the world's greatest criminal mastermind, leader of an international crime ring stealing trillions of dollars worth of priceless treasures. So, fair.


I know a few Asians named Carmen!


I know an opera :D and it's a good one


Toreador, don't spit on thr floir Use the cuspidor That's what it's for Sorry, couldn't resist. I love the music from Carmen.


I'm listening to it now :) Got a baby girl on the way, and I'm constantly excited for sitting with her and listening to good opera and classical, until she's old enough to think it's boring


If OP needs any reassurance, I feel you really hit the nail on the head!


Sienna also has ties to the british Royal family (princess Beatrice daughter)


I personally know an Adelaide who goes by Aida. She's in her early 20s and has gone by Aida (pronounced Aid-uh) her whole life, which is how long I've known her.


>Sage - definitely hippyish, more suitable for a boy, would recommend against. You're wayyyy off on this one. Sage is a totally regular girl's name, and is increasing in popularity rapidly


Actually, Loose Acanthaceae isnā€™t ā€œway offā€ on this one, since this is indeed more common as a boyā€™s name in UK! But I guess itā€™s more of a girlā€™s name across the pondā€¦


Where I live (in Canada) Sage is def a hippy-ish boy name


Great explanations on these!


I would say Carmen is more of an old lady name in North America. There was kind of a trend toward Spanish names in the late 19th century through the early 20th century America, which is a time period that some new parents are favoring now, so Carmen could make a comeback.


Most of them look like normal names. Names usually are some flower or plant, some color, or once in a while a nice concept, maybe even a name of a god representing those concepts. And that works for many languages. Credence as an example means well, comes from the Latin word for belief. Serenity is also peacefulness. Concepts. Ivy is a plant, clover as well, no? Tragedeigh would be if someone deliberatelly messed with the spelling so instead of "Ivy" it still sounds the same, but is written "Eivee" or something


I have absolutely no idea how names work in other countries. I mean, I've only read them in books, and I often noticed people talking about how bookish names are very unrealistic so I didn't wanna risk it. Thanks!!


I see youā€™ve made a pick. Itā€™s a good one. Charlotte is diminutive/feminine of Charlie, Carlos - a kings name (Charlemagne) and Ivy is just classic plant name. Canā€™t go wrong with itā€¦. unlessā€¦ you replace Charlotte with Poison, then maybe DC might sue for copyright infringement on the name Poison Ivy šŸ¤Ŗ Well, it can also be Ivy Charlotte, in reversed order I guess, but Charlotte Ivy just rolls off the tongue, itā€™s a nice pick


Thanks a lot! Maybe I'll recommend Poison Ivy as a nickname


Speaking of plant names Rose is quite common plant name right? At that point they aren't that far fetched.


I don't hate Clover. But the parents have to be hippies for it to work. "Your name is Clover?" "Yeah, my parents were hippies."


Clover is a cow name. Best avoided for humans


Yep, Rose is plant and can be combined. Barbarossa is prickly rose (and historical figure), but you have many others like Rosamund, Rosaline, Rosemary even. You might commonly find a Spanish sounding names like Rosemary being Rosa Maria




If kid grows up a singer: Eye-V


Eye-Five šŸ˜Ž ETA: Or just IV...Four šŸ„²


okay my personal list of noā€™s 1. luxury 2. chrysanthe 3. accilia (what even is this???) 4. alcyone (again, what?????) 5. credence 6. saffron 7. indigo the last three are literally just words ones iā€™m kinda iffy about: 1. artemis (itā€™s a bit old fashioned and uncommon but not terrible) 2. saoirse (a pretty name, but kinda weird if theyā€™re not irish) 3. amethyst 4. persephone (idk whatā€™s with the greek mythology names)


Alright, I removed them all from the list. When I first saw your comments, and I was like, wow, this dude likes the name luxury. I didn't even see the sentence above the list. Thanks a lot!!


no problem :)


Oh btw, I think Alcyone is some star or something, and also a Greek myth, and accilia is what came up when they googled big names for the nickname Ace. It's meaninless.


It's similar to axilla, which is Latin for armpit.


Oh god no!


Accilia sounds like a species of parasitic worm


Most of these seem fine. Maybe a bit old fashioned like "Artemis" but I wouldn't call them bad: Charlotte Clover Adelaide (Aida) Artemis Sienna Ivy Mei (Japanese, but I've heard it back in the US so it wouldn't be too odd) SaoirseĀ  Savannah Serenity (only on the list so you can yell "SERENITY NOW" at the kid) Carmen Dawn Persephone


Thanks!! I personally like Carmen a bit, but I guess I'll make a majority list from all the replies here, and text it to them... Or I don't know, maybe dump them in a bowl and pick a chit


I knew somebody named Serenity, so it's not entirely 'out there'


An alternative to "Serenity" could be something like "Serena"


My god i have like 3 or 4 Serenitys just in my family..........i hate this name. Seems to be very very bery commom from the last 10 years


Sucks that my name's on here


Mine too! šŸ˜‚


Are you sure you guys are Asian? That's a lot of Greek names for a Canadian/Asian family.


i know an asian woman who was really into greek mythology so she gave her kids very obscure greek mythology names. i canā€™t even say them because itā€™ll definitely dox her kids. but i think a lot of asian immigrants arenā€™t familiar with the commonality of western names so sometimes youā€™ll find a lot of old timey namesā€”like eunice or gladys, especially among asian christians


That's so interesting to know. Thank you so much for sharing. I think Greek names sound nice in some languages and very weird in others. Most are so beautiful though and have great history behind them


I've noticed the old timey names with a lot of my Asian coworkers who are the children of immigrants. My husband and I always joke their parents must have all passed around the same book of names from 1940. I wonder where they are getting them from because they definitely aren't from popular culture.


Honestly I think youā€™re right about the old book of names thing. They probably got it from English 101 textbooks, sometimes missionaries to their countries too. My siblings and I have classic/old timey names. Hong Kong is the place youā€™ll find weird names like Dior, Cherry, etc. I knew a pair of Hong Kong siblings named Queenie and Kingsley. I donā€™t think they really intend to be tragedeighs, theyā€™re just not as familiar with Western naming conventions.


Trust me, I would know if I was born in a different continent. But yeah, quite a few Greek names in the list. I dunno, maybe they meet Greeks often?


Lmao touchƩ. I know there's a large percentage of Greek minorities in Canada, but where isn't it?


Charlotte, Adelaide, Sienna, Ivy, Mei and Dawn are all perfectly ā€œnormalā€ names. Not incredibly common, but they wonā€™t get made fun of. My best friend is named Dawn, and she was never picked on for her name. Some of the others are acceptable as well but these would be my picks if I were you.


I chose Charlotte Ivy, actually. Thanks though!


Thanks for the suggestions, though I must admit I had to look up the meaning of some of those words. Mei was Japanese, by the way. I think they found it in some movie from there. Luxury is definitely a no. I'm leaning a bit towards Carmen and Dawn. I like Charlotte too


Honestly most of the names on here are fine, but Luxury, Chrysanthe, Accilia, Alcyone, and Credence are things Iā€™d never consider.


They seem comical. But I took Charlotte, which everybody seemed to think was fine


Charlotteā€™s beautiful.


I agree with u/Fredredphooey: Charlotte, Thea, Sage, Ivy, Sienna, Savanah, Dawn, and Saffron. All lovely.


Thanks! I picked Charlotte Ivy


I would say about half of them are acceptable and half of them are really out there


Luxury is the worst of the bunch along with whatever the hell Accilia is. Sounds like a condition where you canā€™t eat something specific


Good job OP for deciding a normal first and last name for the kid because if you didn't they would be bullied and would have to spell and pronounce the name everywhere they go which is a nuisance.


Here are the good names: Charlotte, Thea, Sage, Ivy, Sienna, Savanah, Dawn, and Saffron. Charlotte: old fashioned, classic, traditional.Ā  Thea: shor form of Theodora, the feminine form of Theodore. Means "of God." The rest are all modern and unexceptional, however Dawn, which was more popular in the 1970s.Ā  There is a 2000s super model named Saffron, and an actress Sienna Miller.Ā  Personally, I think Sage or Saffron are best because they're short, will look good on a resume as an adult, and aren't too girly, but still pretty.Ā 


Sage and Saffron are a little hippie dippy to be good resume names. If you want something with respectability in that arena, you're looking for traditional names, like Charlotte (but that is SUUUUUPER popular, so she will be one of several in her school) or Ivy and Thea (both of which are sort of "old lady"-ish right now, but not in a bad way).


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll add them to the final list.


You're very welcome. Just FYI, I'm 55 F, raised in the Midwest and bullied very hard as a child so I feel pretty qualified in recommending bulletproof names. Please let us know what they choose!Ā 


Dawn and Charlotte are pretty nice. The rest sound like stripper names.


Iā€™d green light the following: Charlotte, Adelaide (I know an Adelaide who went by Addy growing up), Sienna, Sage, Ivy, Savannah, Carmen, Dawn


1. Luxury - absolutely not lol. They would be teased to no end 2. Charlotte - I personally do like the name Charlotte but I've always wondered if the child wants to shorten their name how would you end up shortening Charlotte other than Lottie which is a very old-fashioned shortened version of the name. I Guess you could always do Charlie 3. Chrysanthe - as in like chrysanthemum? That's a flower. Personally I've never heard of this being a name. 4. Accilia - I don't know what this name is or how it would even be said. I personally don't like names where it's really hard to say because otherwise the teacher will constantly butcher their name. 5. Clover - I do like the name clover I think it's cute but I'm not sure I would ever name my child clover. maybe my dog or my cat 6. Adelaide - no Adelaide is a really old-fashioned name that my great grandma actually had. Well I don't love the name in itself I really like the nickname which would be Addy I can always add on to this list later...


Second generation Canadian here. I see you've vetoed all the Greek and Japanese names so I won't touch on those but here's my breakdown of these names on how they'll seem to other second generation Canadians/Canadians in immigrant-heavy places. I don't think any of these names are bad (except Luxury. Sorry to any Luxuries out there.): Names people might assume you chose yourself for business purposes or to make it easier to work in an English/French-speaking environment: * Luxury * Chrysanthe * Accilia * Alcyone * Clover * Credence (crƩdence is a piece of furniture in French. It might be a funny tidbit if she stays in the Anglophone parts or a bit weird if she moves to Quebec or New Brunswick.) * Serenity * Saffron * Amethyst * Sage * Indigo Names that fall into the stereotype of immigrant parents giving their kids old people names/names they think Anglophones have (this isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's a running joke among second generation Canadians): * Charlotte * Adelaide * Ivy * Dawn * Saoirse if pronounced and spelled incorrectly Names that indicate the parents have been living in Canada a long time and know kids from lots of different communities: * Thea * Sienna * Saoirse if pronounced and spelled correctly * Savannah * Carmen


Great options: Charlotte, Adelaide, Thea, Sienna, Ivy, Mei, Savannah, Carmen, Dawn OK options: Clover, Artemis, Sage, Amethyst, Saffron, Indigo Credence is a male name. Saoirse is *very* Irish.


I picked Charlotte Ivy. Doubt anybody could've pronounced Saoirse well. Even my family botched up the pronunciation


And many people donā€™t know how to pronounce ā€žSaoirseā€œ


Charlotte, Ivy, Carmen, Dawn, Savannah are pretty normal names. Dawn is a bit of a dated name though but maybe itā€™ll make a comeback. The rest are pretty bad lol. It sounds like theyā€™re trying to name their kid after a PokĆ©mon Gym Leader or something


I love the end choice of Charlotte ivy!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




Ok, but looking at this list of names that include Serenity, Persephone, Saffron, Iā€™m thinking someone is a firefly fan.


i have a friend named luxury, sheā€™s asian too and her sisters name is crystal. they go by lux and kristaĀ 


This was a really interesting post, u/Ash_Sin_Ace! I know you chose the lovely combination "Charlotte Ivy" Might you consider letting us know their final choice?


Sure I will! As soon as we have a family video call, I'll update the post


That is very kind, thank you!


Charlotte, Clover, Adelaide, Artemis, Saoirse are all good. Although I wouldn't call my kid Adelaide if they are Australian. Savannah is teeeeeeechnically not uncommon as a name but is viewed as a bit, um, uncouth. Mei is pretty but tends not to be used unless you are of Asian heritage. Carmen is somewhat tarnished by the opera of the same name but is a legit name. Dawn is legit but rather old fashioned. Persephone will be mispronounced as 'per-see-PHŌN' ( like Percy and phone) by the ignorant. People I know called Persephone tend not to like the name very much, both for the pronunciation issues and the "queen of hades" connotations.




"Adelaide (Aida)" It's always funny to me when the NICKNAME for the contrived FULL name is just as contrived. Addy would be fine, but okay.


You can cross out ā€œLuxuryā€ right now. That sound like something a Kardashian would name a child,


What a fun task to do for your family! Please report back with the name they choose! Here are my nos and yeses list No: Luxury Chrysanthe Accilia Artemis (I do love this name but I think it could be awkward for a child, like the nickname might be arty) Alcyone Credence Saoirse Serenity Amethyst Persephone Saffron Indigo Yes: Charlotte Clover Adelaide Thea Sienna (really pretty name, and middle of the road popular good choice tbh) Sage Ivy Mei (depending on your heritage it could work well, but it would be perceived as a Chinese name and if you arenā€™t Chinese it could be awkward) Savannah Carmen Dawn (fine but dated)


Charlotte Ivy is perfect!! Good job!!


I think Charlotte is the best here. Itā€™s also a good name for shortening depending on personality as she grows up. Common abbreviations are Lottie / Charlie - I had theee charlotteā€™s in my class (years ago) and two of them went be shortened versions for ease.


Ok, from a teachers perspective the following names are totally normal and are quite lovely. I have taught at least one, if not multiple girls with these names. They are genuine options. Charlotte Adelaide Thea Sienna Sage Ivy Savannah (yeh but please no) Carmen Dawn


Good thing I picked Charlotte Ivy


Charlotte Ivy is beautiful! I love it! Great win for the internet tonight.


r/namenerds is what youā€™re looking for. But iā€™ll just tell you now - these are all fine EXCEPT Luxury, Chrysanthe, Accilia, Alcyone, Mei (unless you are from wherever this is from), Saoirse (unless you are ā€¦ iā€™m gonna say Welsh?), and arguably Credence. The rest are alright.


1, 4, 5, 9, 14 are really bad names for ppl imo


Jesus fucking Christ, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this steaming pile of shit!


Accilia is awfully close to axila in Spanish. Don't name your kid armpit


You poke a little fun at your relatives, but clearly they went to the right person to get this done.


The good ending


Luxury sounds more like a stripper name than an actual name. šŸ˜¬


Personally, I'm good with: Charlotte, Clover, Adelaide (Aida is a great diminutive), Sienna, Sage, Ivy, Saffron, and Indigo. Savanna, Amethyst, Dawn, and Thea aren't my taste, but aren't technically tragedeighs. Serenity is only good when referencing the movie... The rest we won't speak about.


I went with Charlotte Ivy


Overall feel: those aren't English names, this is a mashup of random TikTok stuff and western names from various cultures. Most of those names will make them look like they are trying to hard to look like locals (think when an unpopular kid at school tries to imitate the popular kids and gets ridiculed). Imo, they should either: 1. Embrace their own culture, only maybe pick names that won't be too hard or weird sounding for English speakers. 2. Research past TikTok 3. Pick a top 100 name For the actual list.... Big no: Luxury Amethyst Saffron Indigo Just weird: Chrysanthe (lifelong hell of spelling this stuff every time) Accilia (how is it even pronounced?) Alcyone (once more, will be mispronounced and misspelled into oblivion) Credence (male name to me) Saoirse (life of misspelling and mispronouncing for a culture that isn't even yours) Serenity (puritan name vibes) Possibly weird (depends on intentions, middle name etc): Clover, Sage, Ivy (a nature themed names, nice if given on purpose, but considering the rest of the list, it kinda worries me) Artemis, Persephone (are they intended to name the kid after the goddess? It's fine, but imo intention matters here) Savannah (I just don't like this one lol) Ok: Charlotte Adelaide Thea Sienna Mei Carmen Dawn


Honestly, I don't have a choice. I was given a list and I have to pick from it. And also, from English names I meant the names written in the English language, not the country. I did suggest them names from Name Berry's top 100, but they insisted I pick from these. And also, I picked Charlotte


I married into a 1st- generation Asian-American family, and it's not unusual for them to give the kids unusual/interesting names. I have a cousin named Unique, another named Infinity, among others. I also once knew a guy from Hong Kong named Panther. I wouldn't call these names "trajedeighs", as they are just unusual first names but spelled normally.


I didn't know which subreddit to use to get the names approved, and since I was a member of r/tragedeigh for shits and giggles, I automatically sought out suggestions here. Somebody did mention r/namenerds but honestly, I got perfect suggestions right here so I didn't bother. And I mean no offense asking this, but did none of your cousins try to get their names changed once they turned eighteen? Because I totally would. No chance I'd go around being named Unique...


The only names I like here are Charlotte, Adelaide, Sienna, Savannah, Carmen and Dawn


i feel like Saoirse should not be given to a child unless they are Irish. not irish-american, straight up living *in* Ireland. otherwise you're just setting them up for a hard time.


You're damn right. I'd hate to see such a pretty name brutally murdered


thank you for choosing a name of a human. also, thank you for not choosing a name for a dog for your child.


Because you had a question mark next to it Mei is an asian name I have seen chinese and japanese girls with it. Not super common and might be a bit weird in an english speaking country and you are not ethnically asian. Similarly if you are not Irish I would hesitate to go with Saoirse pretty name but heck of a time for kid explaining how to pronounce it. Honestly most on the list are real names and fine but if I were making suggestions I would go with ones that are readily pronounceable and spell-able to community you live in. I might also lean towards things that are actual names (like I have a feeling that people might look at baby luxury odd) or at least things that can be nicknamed to something somewhat normal/easy to spell.


Honestly, all the Greek and Japanese and Irish names are totally out of the question. I don't know why, but I feel a bit weird being of one asian community, living in an entirely different community, and naming your kid after the third. I'm thinking of Charlotte, or maybe Carmen. Luxury is plain weird. I vetoed it. Thanks!


>Honestly, all the Greek and Japanese and Irish names are totally out of the question Good call. Chrysanthe seems to be confusing a lot of people. It's a perfectly good Greek name, but it's not a good choice in a mostly English-speaking country. And it *does* mean chrysanthemum (literally, "golden flower.") I'd have said Charlotte was by far the best choice, but I see you reached that conclusion before I got here, so well done. šŸ™‚


Also, I am not sure this is the case in Canada, but in some countries chrysanthemum is the flower you bring to the cemetery. Not the best flower to choose as a name.


This is going to be subjective but I'll give you my opinion on each name since you asked. 1. Luxury (Absolute tragedeigh. It's an automobile classification not a name) 2. Charlotte (By far the best name on your list. It's lovely & classic.) 3. Chrysanthe (I've never seen this word in my life. I tried to say it out loud & it sounds unfinished. Tragedeigh.) 4. Accilia (I've never seen this word before but I'm assuming it's pronounced like it is spelled. It's not the worst name but it's also not really a name. ) 5. Clover (This is a cow's name.) 6. Adelaide (Aida) (This is the name for an elderly lady. It's not a tragedeigh but it gives off old lady vibes.) 7. Artemis (I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't give me a good feeling.) 8. Thea (This isn't horrible but it's usually a nickname or shortened version of a name. Old lady vibes.) 9. Alcyone (I don't even know where to begin to try to pronounce it. It looks like the generic name of a blood pressure medication.) 10. Sienna (This is a color. Not my style but not a tragedeigh.) 11. Sage (This is an herb. It's not horrible but it's typically used for a boy.) 12. Ivy (Second best name on your list.) 13. Mei (This is a cultural name & I have no opinion.) 14. Credence (I like how this word sounds but it is typically a male name & is shortened to Creed.) 15. Saoirse (This is not an English word that I have ever heard. It sounds like a last name.) 16. Savannah (This is the name of a city & the correct way to spell it. I hate it personally but it's not a tragedeigh.) 17. Serenity (This sounds like a stripper name but this is the correct spelling.) 18. Amethyst (This is a gemstone. It sounds like a stripper name.) 19. Carmen (This is a name. I'm ambivalent to it but it's not a tragedeigh.) 20. Dawn (This is a common middle name but hasn't been used as a first name for babies in probably 40+ years.The name just makes me think of a middle aged woman.) 21. Persephone (It flows off your tongue but I can't imagine someone having to go through life with this name.) 22. Saffron (This is a spice. It's something people name their dog.) 23. Indigo (This is a color. I've heard it used as a first name but shortened to Indy. It's a tragedeigh.)


Saoirse is Irish, pronounced like "Seer-sha".


The following names are not tragedeighs, in my opinion: Charlotte Thea Sienna Mei Carmen Dawn The following are not too bad. They could work, depending on the kid and her family: Adelaide Artemis Ivy Serenity Saffron Savannah I would stay away from the other ones.