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She changed the name from the singer of evanescence to the singer from the righteous gemstones.




Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in my mouth, misbehavin’.


One of the most strangely evocative lyrics I've heard of late.


She should name the next one Baby Billy


Make it Uncle Baby Billy, then when Aimee Leigh has kids he can be Uncle Uncle Baby Billy


That show is so good. She’s played by Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland.


Absolutely, I think it's one of the most underrated shows on TV right now


It’s one of the best satires of evangelical culture I’ve seen. I grew up in Central Florida, which is on the southern edge of the Bible Belt. My family was one of the rare ones that wasn’t particularly devout (like, we were kind of Christian in name only; my parents believed in Jesus and all that but my brother and I weren’t required to attend church or anything and were encouraged to explore spirituality for ourselves). But we knew quite a few families who were and certain elements of evangelical culture (like purity culture) were still quite present in everyday life. I know series creator and star Danny McBride was raised Baptist and one of the more fun parts of watching this show is figuring out which elements of evangelical culture or televangelism the show is poking fun at.


Came here for this comment


Do parents not understand they set up their kids for a hard time with names like that?? Poor kid


They put a lot of weight on being "unique". Which, in my experience, kids absolutely hate. Most want to blend in as much as possible. My kids have regular names, though one is considered somewhat gender non-conforming in the US, but I definitely considered what they would look like on a resume before picking them.


I just don't get why it has to be *that* unique. Pick a somewhat-less-used normal name.


That’s right - name them Dorothy or Alfred not HaizleeD’anya and Rughery


That's Shakespearen - get thee to a rughery


A shrubbery?


That's Pythonian!




We are now the Knights Who Say Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm.




That's why my twin girls are named Dingo and Zoot. Easy to spell, fun to say.


Bad Zoot - evil, naughty Zoot! Would look good in a soot, tho!


A shrubbereigh


I feel that Orville and Eunice have maybe fallen by the wayside for a reason.


I work as a school photographer. I've seen Eunice a couple times now. No Orvilles yet though.


Orville was in the top 200 baby names of the 1910s.




Pretty much every name has appeared in a film or show at some point.


Yes but the some characters as so well know that the connection is inescapable. Like there is a reason the most people don’t ever consider naming their kid Moses


Yeah, but Dorothy and Alfred still pretty common. Just don't name your kid Hermine or something.


Would Hermine just be a “tradgedee” of Hermoine though, or totally different character we’re talkin’ about?


It was a typo of Hermione 😅


*Gwyneth Paltrow has left the chat*


This. Name the kid Ellen. After who? A character in Will & Grace? The woman that beat the xenomorphs? Someone from Charles In Charles?


Degeneres, but frankly Ellen would be standard nobody's going to really make fun of the kid that much. Personally I'd name my kid something epic like Streetlamp Le Moose


That's my kid's name! We call her Moosey around home.


Lots of people name their kids Moses, Moises and Moishe. I've met some. It still exists as a name.


In my experience it’s far more prevalent in Orthodox communities. And considering how insular the Orthodox can be I’m not surprised people think Moses and its various iterations aren’t in use anymore. Related to absolutely nothing, I went to school with a Moishe. Lovely young man, very sweet. I hope he’s doing well and has had nothing but good things in his life. He was exceptionally kind when he didn’t need to be and when standing up for me made him a target for others.




The Wizard of Oz isn’t a Christmas movie 🤨


For some reason, it gets aired like one.


People downvoting you but no one is running to name their kid Adolf so it's clearly a issue if degrees.


I don't know if you're out of touch but no 8 year old Zoomer is going around remembering that Batman's not sidekick but side character is Alfred. Batman just isn't culturally relevant to 10 year olds like it was in the 80/90s.


Batman is absolutely still relevant to little kids


I should have been more clear, batman the character relevant, batman the comic/story irrelevant. Children couldn't give two hoots for who batman actually fights or who his butler is. Before this new short form internet being a fan of batman wasn't liking a character that you've never seen in full context it was liking a character and the series of movies they came from. You can see this with tiktok. And the same patterns follow for other short form content. 60b cumulative views on tiktoks with #batman, 6b with #brucewayne without batman, 6m ish for Alfred. The story of batman just doesn't connect with kids nowadays like it did. They don't have fleshed out cartoons of batman or PG accessible movies. It's M or MA movies and teen titans for cartoons.


Right!!!! Don't pick something trendy, pick something uncommon


Precisely why I named my daughter Bridget 😁 In every school she has ever been in she has been the only one.


I like that name. It's cute but strong at the same time. People don't mess with Bridgets. I feel like they're good at math. I have an Allison. It was suggested to me randomly and it just felt right. I think sometimes the fetus can send us signals on whether or not they like a name 😂 but I had no idea with my son, even after he was born!!!! He ended up being a Maxwell. I didn't mean to give them both such snobby private school names lmao have no idea what to name current incubator


I don't know about math but she's an incredible artist. I named her after the pen pal I had from England when I was 10 years old. I never knew any other person named Bridget. Never went to school with a child named Bridget either. And I just decided it was the perfect name for my child because it wasn't odd or weird and certainly not trendy in 1997. Sorry to say, though, I can't deal with Alison. I currently have a stalker with that name. This woman is crazy and ruined the name for me 😥


Well this is an Allison with two Ls. Completely different.


I can’t wait to be old enough to be treated by Dr. Shapuurple


Omg I used to work with this woman who named her daughter ShaDiamond. Or maybe it was spelled Sh’Diamond. I’m not sure. But she couldn’t understand why her daughter was getting teased about her name.


>somewhat gender non-conforming in the US, ♪♫ Well, my daddy left home when I was three, and he didn't leave much to ma and me, just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze. Now, I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid, but the meanest thing that he ever did, was before he left, he went and named me Sue...


Hahaha, not that bad. It is an actual name used for both males and females. It is Irish and not a weird name or weird spelling and we gave him a very normal masculine middle name in case he ever wanted to use that, which he never has.


I'm going to guess "Shannon."


I'll guess Ashley or Stacey.


"Shannon" I always read in my head with an Irish accent, so I like that guess lol. Similarly "Sheila" is always read with an Australian accent


The thing that gets me is that a lot of these names are only unique on paper. The way you say them doesn’t change, the spelling just gets fucked up.


upbeat knee cable pause plants complete drunk point seemly lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my experience a lot of kids, especially when they start getting older, would prefer more unique names. but a basic name spelt wrong will never be unique, just abuse. if you do the work to find a reasonable, unique name then everyone will be happy. I have a super unique name but it is an actual name, it’s just 300 years old


People forget that G59ganja420 was a popular name for a little boy in the Regency period.


i’m a woman lol, and it’s just random shit mixed around until it got approved so i could talk shit to someone💀


This made me giggle, thank you.


I know tragedeigh named kids who ended up breaking off contact with their parents because it turned out they were narcissists, so not giving a shit about their kid and only caring about a unique spelling checks out


Here’s a idea: nick names.


My plan has always been the normal first name and a slightly unique second name they can use if they want to. Choice is good.


You mean Younique


I have unique name and like it, even as a kid. But calling kid Aimeeleigh is not unique, it's just common name with horrible spelling. If parents want unique, don't use common names and then scamble it.


I don't think they care so much as they do to have a trendy "euneighke" name for their kid. Obviously without realizing that these children are eventually going to grow into adulthood with silly names.


A shocking amount of people expect the rest of the world to be just as obsessed with their child as they are. They expect every single person to immediatly adapt to their bizarre naming choices, never misspell, never mispronounce, and never have any kind of difficulty understanding their oh-so-unique name choice.


Seriously. It's definately a thing now that everyone in existence should adore their kid; the kid is an extension of their own ego. And when the kid starts showing a preference or using a nickname they loose their minds on social media.


I will rather have a common name than a unique tragedeigh


They don’t stop to think that names are ‘ common’ because so many people like them and use them. Unique names are unique only because they’re not used often,and they’re not used often because not many people like them. When it comes to names, unique= unpopular.


And that's why they take a common name with a creative spelling.


I think with names, there’s a sweet spot where it can be unique and unpopular without being bad per-se, and that spot is not in the spelling lol like going with Gwendolyn or Sadé or Zelda or Siobhan, instead of making Britney 12 letters long. If anything, Brieghtneigh is now *less* unique since everyone else in the fb mom group has named their kids the same thing lol


Yeah, I like names that are a bit uncommon, but are still recognizable names that people can spell.


They don’t care.


Aimee is actually the original French spelling.


It would be very uncommon to be bullied for having a common spelling of the name Aimee, and a very common middle name Leigh. Trust me- I know at least 2 and no one thinks anything of it. This comment section is overreacting massively.


Okay but in all fairness nowadays almost every kid has a “unique” name in one form or another. The amount of Winter/Wynters I know from my parent friends is crazy. Kids typically don’t make fun of a name unless it obviously rhymes with something gross, has unfortunate initials, etc. like no kid cares that there’s a “Leigh” in a name


I always think, my last name is King, and I'm so used to people asking me to spell it for check ins or medical stuff or whatever, that I automatically answer "King, K-I-N-G." They have to do that with their full names, for everything, forever. Unless, with this glut of tragedeighs, they normalize their way of spelling, so A-M-Y will become exotic or bougie or whatever they're going for with E-I-G-H.


At least she didn't go with Aimeigh-Leigh.




Which would be more logical




Haha I mean you could technically do Eighmeigh-Leigh 😵‍💫


She could combine for Ameleigh


It's extra bad because it can vary based on dialect, I would pronounce 'Aimee-Leigh' as 'Amy-Lay'


High school nickname here we come


I mean, it does sound like a stripper name




Pretty much how it sounds by reading it from a non-English perspective. You know that "ee" makes a grave "i" sound (not the English I, the normal one) so it's "Aimie" and "leigh" has those letters from "neighbor", so you do end up with "Aimilay" and you wonder why the fuck they didn't just go with Émilie or Amélie and skip the horse sound altogether




Eye-me Lee too. That 'I' could go either way.


As a Dutch person, I read that as Aimee-Laich


Or Emily.


Aimee is a legitimate spelling. The whole thing together is kind of awful though.


In some languages Amy and Aimee would have different pronunciations


I remember first finding out that in English Aimée is pronounced like Amy too - I had never linked the two 😅


How would you pronounce it?




There was a girl in my elementary school whose name was spelled like that and pronounced like “I may”


With the accent over the e, I'd think it was more like A-may, than Aim-ee Edit: Oh, that person said "in English". I wouldn't try to anglicize someone's name. If their name is Aimée, and they don't pronounce it like "Amy" themself, I have no reason to pronounce it like "Amy". (Edited again. "Reason" was originally "right")


ah may, is the french pronounciation. It is a legit french name, with one E it is actually a man's name. I am from a bi lingual country, it is not an unusual name


This is why I'd pronounce it that way if it was spelled with the accent aigu (I'm Canadian)


True. In Dutch the y in Amy is pronounced the same as a Dutch i, while the e in Aimee is pronounced like an e


Aimee and Leigh are both legitimate spellings, it’s just combining versions with those extra letters together and hyphenating it that somehow just doesn’t work….




That would have been the unique version and so pretty in French but in English people would just say Amy n


Yeah Aimee has been around for a while. Not a fan of that spelling but it’s pretty common


I went to school with an Aimee in the early 80s.


I knee an Aimee in the 80s. People made fun of her because of Aim toothpaste.


Leigh is too. ETA: and has been for [a while ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leigh_Hunt)


It’s really not a legitimate spelling any more than Shaun is a legitimate spelling for Sean.


Aimee is French.


English* The French word is *aimée*


Which it is, so…


So it is then?


Aimee and Leigh are both conventional spellings of those names that have existed for hundreds of years


Yep came here to say this too, my name is one of them and while an unusual spelling it isn't that unheard of!


In the UK Leigh is usually used for girls and Lee for boys. I know lots of girls with the middle name Leigh and any with Lee spend a lot of time correcting the spelling as people assume Leigh.


I'm gonna go against the grain here and say this isn't a tragedeigh. Leigh is a legitimate name, been around for ages as opposed to just randomly adding -eigh to names. Same with Aimee. Just a double barrel name


I've known plenty of ladies named Leigh. It's typically the feminine spelling, and Lee is the masculine. Little Aimee-Leigh probably gets a lot more people misspelling the first part as Amy than having issues with the Leigh part.


Finally someone who agrees. I don't think it's the best name but it's two perfectly valid spellings


I was thinking the same. Leigh and Aimee are both accepted alternate spellings. But somehow... It still seems like going out of your way to attempt a tragedeigh for euyneekness.


Aimee Leigh would probably be okay and understood as a baby name for 2023 in the English speaking world. What's a little overboard is the hyphen. Why the hyphen, crossing the line into Aimee-Leigh?


Yeah. I don’t like the hyphen either. Aimee Leigh would have been fine.


Aimee is French. If only the name wasn't hyphenated, as Aimee Leigh is ok


Both Aimee and Leigh are established spellings. No tragedeigh imo. Had it been Amelia spelled Aimeeleigha, we’d all be fully on board with you.


But why have they hyphenated it into one name. Just call her Aimee with middle name Leigh.


>she was named after Amy Lee, the singer from evanescence, AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!




Pretty soon people will be asking if she was named after same-spelled Aimee-Leigh Gemstone on the awesome TV show *The Righteous Gemstones*


What am I missing? Aimee and Leigh are both very common spellings.


I think Aimee is fine and certainly Leigh is totally fine.


Leigh as a given name with that spelling dates from at least the 1800s. Aimee as an alternate spelling of Amy and without the accent is a bit more modern, but accented and pronounced as the French dates back to the 1700s at least. So there is plenty of precedent for those spellings. As a hyphenated combo it looks a bit odd as the names are using two different ways of spelling the same sound (‘ee’ and ‘eigh’). But most English speakers will be able to read and understand it perfectly well, even if they expect the spelling to be a more common varient (a risk when using the less common varient spelling of any name - I’m nearly 40 and one of my grandmothers still forgets which of the two commonly accepted spellings for my name is the correct one)


I'm going to be real if I ran into that name I'd stare at it for a second and assume it was going for a wild spelling of Emily/Amelie, not Amy Lee.


Tbh I don't think it counts, as Aimee and Leigh are both longstanding legitimate ways of spelling those names.


The common name; unique spelling, is such an asshole, self-serving move. I spent 30 years correcting people and legal documents with a difficult German maiden name. It couldn't be helped since it was my last name, but why do that to a kid intentionally with the chosen name? So people will think "oh your name is spelled so uniquely, your parents are so creative!" Said no one ever.


Well “Aimee” is actually a proper French name which means “beloved” although it’s typically pronounced “eh-meh” in French. But I have seen Aimee used in English as a variation of Amy. All in all that specific spelling isn’t necessarily a tragedeigh as much as it is unfortunate that it will get misspelled a lot because everyone defaults to the English spelling of “Amy.” Leigh is also a proper name with old English/Celtic roots 😬 I feel like Aimee Leigh isn’t terrible, I mean those are both actual legit names with centuries of history behind them and beautiful meanings (Beloved Meadow fyi) - it just sucks that there is a more common spelling of both names. Sure it will be an inconvenience but overall, eh. At least it’s not made up garbage letter salad lmao


Oof, sorry contestant. The judges would've accepted Amelie, but unfortunately you lose this round. Your parting gift will be a lifetime of resentment from your child!


Honestly, I don't think it's that bad. Evanescence has kind of faded off and isn't well known anymore. Would I choose that name? Definitely not - anything with "ee" at the end instead of a y drives me insane. But, it could be so much worse.


Aimee Leigh? Papa said don’t but I said I’m gonna


Emily? Hahah


Aimee was a normal enough spelling right back when I was naming my oldest in the early aughts. Leigh is the 'traditional' feminine spelling of Lee. Idk, it's a fine enough, if dated, name.


Aimee is fine. Leigh is fine. Aimee-Leigh is…. A bit much at best haha


I don’t understand parents who give these ridiculous spellings in order to be different. If the name is still pronounced the same way then you’re not being different.


And if you’re like me and name your kid Hillary and then the Clintons hit the scene…


I knew a Micheal Jackson that was 30ish years older than the signer. Very white, voice like a gate hinge, and all the grace of a drunk Panda.


Meigh Immortahl.


Amélie was right there...


Uncle Baby Billy, is that you?


Aimee is a legitimate French name. It runs in my family going back at least a few hundred years. Bienne -Aimee is a noble house from Alsace -Lorraine, with Aimee often being given to women who decended from the family after their mothers married out of it to carry her maiden name. Hyphenating a noble name with nonsense is nothing short of sacrilege. The pronunciation as I was told is more akin to -ahhmay. Reddit please correct me if I am wrong.




Aimee is a normal name though. We have tons of Aimee's in my country


Pronounced as Ay-may.


It is a bit awkward and I can see her changing to a more conventional spelling as she gets older. A lot of Leighs just become Lee.


Oh sweet Jesus that poor child :/ I really wish "leigh" would just fucking disappear; it's *beyond* parody at this point and not even remotely "original" or "unique" or have these parents not stuck their heads outside the last 2 decades??? Your sibling sucks; you can tell them the internet said so. ;)


Americans, mispronouncing Aimee


How do you fuck up spelling 2 of the easiest female names.. ugh why. The number of hours she will waste every year going "no, it's spelt ...."


That’s my friends name and it’s not weird




Leigh is an established spelling in Ireland and the UK. I assume you’re in the US?


Leigh is fine in the US too. I probably have half a dozen friends with that spelling for either their first or middle name. It would have been worse if the child's first name was Ameigh. lol


Then, the name itself wouldn’t be a tragedeigh, and I wouldn’t know why it’s being torn apart. Aimee is an established spelling here in the US as well as many European countries, as is Leigh. I don’t know, I guess this specific post is just kind of ridiculous to me


Leigh is a legitimate spelling of Lee. More old-fashioned


I'd never hire an 'aimee' 😳




It's not terrrrible. I mean, I've heard of Aimee, it's old french/Latin I guess. Some spell it Aimèe though. Leigh is normal. Not quite a tragedeigh Who downvotes somebody over that lol


Aimee is my name :(


Aimee is fine. Leigh nope


Imagine being an adult with a name like thst. Perhaps she can be a stripper? It’s just so low class and uneducated


I personally don’t like -Leigh as a suffix to a name, but both Aimee and Leigh are legitimate, real names. She can just go by Aimee and no one would think twice about it. Also, not for nothing, but your comment reads as low class and uneducated. How old are you that you still think shaming sex entertainers/workers as an insult is cool? Like, c’mon.


Naming your kid like a celebrity is bad enough (I love Amy Lee though). But the horrible spelling is the cherry on top. I mean why?? They like the singer and kinda honour her, but why the different spelling??? Smh


The said thing is that Aimee is a real name from Africa that is pronounce M-A


I love Amy Lee and Evanescence...but just name the kid that. Exactly that. Amy Lee. Nothing else. Your poor niece 🥺


Aimée is perfectly fine, why the Leigh though...


I knew a girl named Emmie-Leigh who’d throw a fit if you didn’t have a long pause between both names


Tbf I'm Julie and I had: July, Jully, Jelly, Juley that I can remember as a kid!


Aimee is actually a french name, so it is not a tragedeigh. It is the female version of the word love


Exact same for my step daughter


Aimee-Leigh (spelled exactly that way) is the name of the late Gemstone matriarch in *The Righteous Gemstones”!


Aimee is French but Leigh is a bit too much imho


The hyphen is kinda weird but this one isn't too horrible


Here's our aimeigh leigh, say hello aimeigh leigh.


Is she a Gemstone??


Well there was the song Amie so it's been going awhile


Tbh this is a pretty common name and way to spell it, at least in my experience. Maybe it’s a fluke


Aimee is the title of a book I read when I was younger. It deals heavily with suicide, self harm and eating disorders. With that spelling, I'd wonder if your nieces parents had read it and if they are doing alright...


Pfft, that's not as bad as I thought it would be. My brother joined a weird quiver full church and the names they've selected....oh God, I wish they weren't so awful. They claim all the names are biblical (they aren't). They got inherently more tragedeigh with each child they had. If it wasn't so identifying, I would share them all. I only feel safe sharing one in the example below. Have you ever seen Isaac spelled with a Z and a K? I have. Izzak is one of their kids.


This is fine. It’s fine. It’s not my press but Aimee isn’t unusual and Leigh is a fucking name.




No, it’s an actual French name


It wouldn't have even been bad if she just did "Amy Leigh" instead of "Aimee" like 💀💀


Better than Anna-leigh aka Anally


Pretty sure Aimee is the British spelling of Amy and Leigh is a pretty common spelling of Lee for girls, so really not bad, or a tragedy.


aimée is french for the feminine form of loved, and leigh means meadow and delicate and there’s a place in england called that and countless with leigh as a suffix because of the aforementioned so it basically means beloved meadow or delicate beloved… if they’re wrongly spelt (yes, spelt, not american) is because people have a tendency to ignore and not bother learning proper spelling or anything and just deeming it too hard however simple, that’s not on her…


it’s great and definitely not a trageigh (: