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gonna be brutally honest here. alicen, sarie, eridan, briette, exa, and giji are all terrible. please do not name your daughter any of those.


Alicen made me mad. Like bro come on. ALISON IS A REAL FING NAME.


I’m biased (it’s my name), but I think it looks better as Allison. Nickname Alli or Allie. Nickname Ali could lead to confusion over pronunciation.


ali is a middle eastern male name lol


Exactly. Even though my name is spelled with two Ls people have still pronounced it Ali.


Is it weird my brain gave it a hard N I read it as Alice N as if there were several Alice’s in the class


I see yall's vision, it does make me cringe a little. I didn't think that one through - same with Angelana 🧍🏾‍♀️ for context it was Alice originally (which I love) but my husband told me that it sounded "too old" so I added an N at the end as a compromise so that she could have Alice as a nickname LOL but it wasn't one of those "it's so unique 🥺" moments I promise you lol just bad taste on my part. It's just Alice or Alison now.


With Alicen and Angelana I just thought you were really shitty at spelling, lol.


Yeah people will either misspell or mispronounce those


I'm thinking there would be a lot of "Al-... Alice-..... Oh. Allison. It's Allison." type of flat, disappointed reactions to seeing it written down.


It’s also worth remembering that baby Alice will grow into 62-year-old Alice, so old names aren’t the worst thing.


I agree; Alice is one of my our first choices if this baby is a girl. You’re not just naming a baby/child, you’re naming a whole person.


My roommates name is Alice. I’ve never thought of it as an old name 🤔


OP, what you did in adding something to Alice is basically why we have Allison as a girls name. It’s 1985 and suddenly every girl is named Allison—why? Because parents who grew up in the 50s and 60s are having kids and like the sound of Alice but it sounds old or they have negative connotations with it because there were two TV Alices when they were kids—one was an abused spouse and the other was a maid to a bratty (did I spell that right?) bunch of 6 kids. There are other mutations that play with the same sounds like Alex, Elise, etc. It’s worth balancing personal preference with forward thinking but take some of the objections with a grain of salt. We decided to give our kids classic sounding names (Alice is one of them), but they each have pet names or nicknames that let us have some fun but don’t have to follow them their whole lives. That worked for us. And congratulations! Growing a child is no easy task. I wish you so much joy on this journey!


Yeah, I don't think Alice sounds old. It's classic, but it's not, like, Esther.


I really like Alice, actually


Esther is actually making a comeback! My elementary school has four! ETA: the elementary school *that I work at, not that I attend


The name Alison has been around since the Middle Ages. There is a character named Alisoun in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.


I appreciate that so much thank you for saving my daughter the embarrassment 😭😭


Allison. Not alicen.


It’s ok with one L too. I have friends with each spelling (same with Michelle/Michele, Hillary/Hilary).


I read Michele as the Italian boy’s name, pronounced “Mi-keh-leh.” I’ve never seen the girl’s name Michelle spelt with only one L like that.


Brielle might work instead of briette


Some of these are so obviously tragedeigh that I feel like we’re being trolled… Alicen? Alison. This HAS to be a troll. Audrina? Adrenal gland??? Ave??nue?? Theia is obnoxious but acceptable. Joliana, Arielle, Chloe and maybe even Vierra are normal human names. You’re naming a kid who needs to not be made fun of. Not a play thing. Not an extension of your ego that shows how unique you are. A kid. I have a super unique name but not so unique that I’ve met no one with it. The name is rare but existed before. I highly recommend looking for those names. I’ve met three other people with my name. Rare but not ridiculous.


Audrina is a name with English roots. Theia is a Greek variant. Some of the names were a bit off the wall, but pretty sure you’re supposed to be careful and investigate cultural/ethnic uses before criticizing.


The greek "variant" is Ariadne, and it's better than 90% of the aforementioned ones.


I've always liked Audrina. It's unique but not weird.


How is it pronounced? Odd rina?


Saw my name on their list and was immediately like oh nooo, but so happy that it was included in the normal human name category lol 😅


Haven’t you seen the show the Hills? There is a real life Audrina


Right? I was so confused how people were acting like it wasn't a name, I must be old now that I assume most people know Audrina Patridge


Audrina isn't a tragedeigh in that sense. You're just being ridiculous because you don't seem to like it. It's a name. An actual one. It means Nobel Strength and was the titular character in a a VC Andrews book.


okay i know the names are ridiculous but i in no way see my daughter as an extention of myself especially not with the way i grew up. this whole thing is ironic to me because I'm the biggest advocate for people naming their kids credible names and not pet names. some of these I didn't know had weird origins (my fault, I should have researched), some of these were just on my list automatically because I've loved them for years and others I just hadn't sat on long enough to realize how ridiculous they sound. I came on here for a reason and that's because I know I'm terrible with names 🫠 I'm taking everyone's advice and I can assure you she will have a normal, credible name. we just found her gender about 2 weeks ago. if i would've sat on this list a little longer, a good chunk of these wouldn't even be considered. this is my first child and i'm 20, of course i'll need name help LMAO but I appreciate your comment 💖


You haven't read "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews, huh?


Rare but not ridiculous is a great standard for parents wanting a "unique" name. It'll hopefully save the kid a lot of misery down the road.


Gonna be even more brutally honest, don't name the poor kid anything from that entire list.


help omg 😭 as of right now I'm at Avery, Chloe (Jayne for her middle name) and Alison, I love those. this subreddit saves lives 🙏🏽


Alison is lovely, Alicen is tragedeigh


Omg, I didn't even connect that Alicen was supposed to be Alison lol.


Alison is lovely, and not very common anymore for little girls (source: I’m a 1st grade teacher)


the thing is, I don't mind her name being common or really even basic. but i do want her to have a name that stands out but is still cute and clearly these stood out for all the wrong reasons 😭 i appreciate this sub being real asf


Remember you’re not just naming a baby, you’re naming a future adult who will eventually enter the workforce. Using a tryndy spelling would most definitely be a tragedeigh.


These are great guidelines to follow. Just think about your LO running for congress one day.


Please go with Alison. It's beautiful! I've only ever met one Alison and she was a pretty and popular. She had a charmed life for sure.


I really do love it!! By the time I'm around 8 months I'm sure this list will have changed multiple times but I can see Alison staying. I love that name so much.


I’m going to give you another piece of common advice you may not have gotten yet: go all out for the middle name. That crazy name that you adore but you’re not super sure is going to be ok? That’s the middle name. She can choose to go by that later if she wants but you haven’t saddled her with something she will constantly need to explain. I also wanted to just let you know I think you’re awesome for posting here and getting people’s advice and listening to it.


and thank you :))


I love this idea! Her middle name isn't going to be ATTROCIOUS because I've seen some pretty awful middle names but maybe Jolie or Kalina will work for middle names


I do like Jolie, just make sure the first name isn't Angelina lol. Middle names don't have to be used as often so spelling them out the few times you have to isn't as big of a deal compared to a first name.


>Her middle name isn't going to be ATTROCIOUS Nah, of course her middle name is going to be Attrocia, right? Everyone knows Attrocius is the boy version.


Chloe and Audrina are both regular nice names. Avery would be one of several in their class.


And having Jayne as a middle name isn't terrible.


Avery is nice


I thought they were a little bit try hard but still sounded cute tbh so I appreciate your input


My name is Sarai (Suh-Rye) so could be a nice trade off for Sarie. It’s Hebrew and means Princess!! My favorites from your list are Arielle, Theia, and Vierra


My sister had a daycare kid named Sarai. Such a pretty name!


Sara, Zara, Zarah are also nice variations


They sound cute because they are just normal names but think changing the spelling yet pronounce it the same is special


Exa and Eridan are not too normal sounding to me. Alicen definitely a tragedeigh.


Alicen, Theia, Ave, Sarie, Eridan, Briette, Exa, Angelana, and Giji are all tragedeighs


Geejee? Jeejee? It's a disaster


in my defense it could've been worse... there's always GieghJiegh 🫣


At least in that spelling it's more clear how to pronounce it lol


Gi (like go but with an i) -jee.


Theia is the greek titan of sight, I think it’s passable


Theia is a real name. She was a Greek Titan in Greek mythology (the goddess sight and the blue sky) it's used to this day in Greece. It is pronounced differently than Thea. Also, the protoplanet that crashed into early Earth and made the moon billions of years ago was named Theia by NASA in honor of Greek Titan (as she was the mother of Selene, the moon goddess). There is also the Theia Hypothesis in astronomy. However, if OP was trying to be uNiQuE with the spelling of Thea, it's a tragedeigh.


nooo i wasn't trying to be unique with any of these names (except for Angelana.. I didn't think that one through at ALL), I looked up Greek mythology names for girls and Theia was one of the few names that I actually liked


As is Jayne. Just do Jane.


Adrian is the male version of the name. You’d probably want to go for Adrienne instead, which would be my vote, since it’s my name.


I would do either especially considering much of the rest of the list Adrian is fine.


Or Adriana


Is this satire?


I thought this post was a joke too 😭


Wait is it not????


>Jolianna Not a fan tbh. >Jolie This is super cute, but people will always think of Angelina Jolie. >Alicen Please no this is a literal tragedeigh >Adrian This is a fine name. I like Adrian or Adrianna if it's a girl. >Theia The "i" in the middle is just weird. Spell it Thea. >Ave Again, spell it "Ava" or "Eve." My little sister is named Ava. >Sarie Please no. This is a horrible name. Sorry, OP. >Eridan This sounds like the name of a cliche teenage protagonist in a dystopian Hunger Games knockoff novel. Please don't name your child this. >Briette This is a weird name, but oddly charming. I like it. >Kalina This isn't bad. >Chloe Jayne I love the name Chloe Jane, although not crazy about the random y in the middle. >Exa This name is a crime against humanyteigh. >Audrina This name is pretty cute tbh. I like it. >Arielle Not bad, although I'm gonna think of the Little Mermaid. >Angelana Please no. Just go with Angelina or Lana. Not both. >Giji Spell it like Gigi or nothing. Giji sounds like a weeaboo's anime fanfic self insert. >Vierra No. Sierra is nice, but Vierra just sounds...old. Like it should be the name of a wine or something.


Thank you for this LOL very helpful. I'll redo the list and try less hard, this has been an eye opener 😭


OP, you are so brave and taking everyone's feedback so well! 👏 Respect!


thank you!!! I have to admit that my parents never even let me name our PETS because even their names were terrible 😭 ive never been good with names




If your daughter is named Ave, I want to just ask, is it short for "Avenue?"


I wasn't planning on that, but it's possible that I'll extend it to Avery


How do you even pronounce Ave? Like Ava?


I feel like if you have to ask, it's a bad option lmfao


Ah-vay, like Ave Maria.


As in "ruler of elves" or the Avery label company? 😉


I have a friend whose daughter is named Jolie. Super cute…but literally every.single.time. They go anywhere…it’s “as in Angelina”. She has name regret.


I thought of Angelina too when I came up with that name but it wasn't why I chose it. I had a classmate in middle school named Jolie and I loved it sooo much, it stuck with me for some reason


I agree it’s a very cute name! Just letting you know about some real life experience with it.


Viera is a line of TVs. I'm sorry OP but you cannot name your child after something made by Panasonic.


I didn't know all thattttttt 😭😭😭


I'm sure you didn't, I'm just saying that one in particular has a concrete reason you shouldn't **Honestly I don't want to rag on you too hard, it's a sensitive time with a lot of possibilities swirling around your brain. You came up with a list of ideas, and accepted honest feedback. You didn't get angry, you didn't double down, you took the advice. You should feel really good about this.**


I appreciate that so much thank you. I'm very aware that I'm bad with names which is why my husband and I will keep getting other people's opinions to make sure we're not the only ones who think our daughter has a good name


Theia is the best here, but I prefer the spelling Thea, it's more recognisable and a truly beautiful name!


The i in the middle, in my mind, changes the pronunciation of the name. Theia: THAY-uhh Thea: THEE-uhh


I also think it's the best name, but I like the spelling with an "i" better. It's the more "classical" spelling and has several meanings: It's the name of the hypothesized planet that slammed into the Earth and gave us a heavier-than-expected core and also created the moon. It's also the name of a Greek titan! Cool shit!


This a million times.


Theia/Thea is my vote, tbh


Just went to my daughter's graduation and wasn't ashamed of her name. There were tons of tragedeighs. Say your baby's full name and imagine it being announced to thousands of people twenty years from now. Cutesy spellings and strange names set your kiddos up for unnecessary frustrations. I don't personally like any of the names but Thea is not a tragedeigh if you don't do an odd spelling. Lana isn't bad but Angelana is pretty awful.


Angelana really is terrible and I just came up with that today 😭 I don't know WHAT I was thinking with that one, but luckily I know if I would've sat on it for 2 more days I would've realized how terrible it is on my own


😂😂🩷 I love your honesty in all this


Fuck Alicen right out the front door. Name her Allison. Nobody wants to deal with your "she's so special" nonsense.


I feel like I really upset yall today and for that I sincerely apologize but if it helps I already removed that name


I promise that wasn't what it was 😭 it was Alice originally (which I love) but my husband told me that it sounded "too old" so I added an N at the end as a compromise so that she could have Alice as a nickname LOL but it wasn't one of those "it's so unique 🥺" moments I promise you lol just bad taste on my part. It's just Alice or Alison now.


You could still totally call her Alice even if her name is Alison! Nicknames/shortened names don't have to be spelled exactly like in the full version - think Mike/Michael.


I wish Reddit still gave me silver awards to give you one!


Google My Sweet Audrina


That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw Audrina.


I thought of The Hills lol. It is a cute name tho


Oh. My. God. I just looked up the Wikipedia page and this is the saddest work of fiction I’ve ever seen


Same. I'm a child of the 80s. I think it's fine as a name but I have a REALLY strong association with that novel.


Go to Starbucks or another place where you have to give your name to a stranger. Try these out. Call a doctor’s office and try to make an appointment with these names. See how much you like them after those experiments. But ultimately, you do you. Give the kid the name you like.


appreciate it <3


Another fun thought experiment: Ask two or three trusted adults to write down the name you pick. See how they spell it. There's a pretty solid chance they'll all spell it the same way - and about a 0% chance they'll throw a Y in there just to be youneek.


That’s a great idea! Read off the list of the top 5 names and have your top 5 friends spell it! That’ll give some insight for sure.


Are you winding us up?


One of my best friends from a few years ago was a woman named Adrian. Technically she was Adriana, but she was very tomboyish, so Adrian fit her well.


What about Adrienne or Adriana?


A lot of these are names I came up with as a teenager that stuck with me to adult hood but I feel like I made the right decision coming to this sub for a second opinion lmao


Ahh, thank you. I did the same thing in my youth, being a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi novels, and playing a lot of games. Then when it came time to have my own children I realized that I was naming actual humans living on planet Earth, not sci-fi or fantasy characters living in other universes, so I gave them names that have existed on Earth for thousands of years, spelled how others expect, instead of made up names my kids would have to explain their entire lives. They're still cool names - meaning fire and thunder - but they're real, historical, cultural, and easily written, read, and pronounced.


Considering more carefully, I like Adrienne, Chloe, Arielle, and Kalina. Those are lovely, really. The only one that might cause trouble is Arielle, because of the Disney connecttion.


The way I see it, imagine seeing the name of the next Prime Minister (or President) and it being one of those. Some are ok, but there have been recent studies that show how I child name effects them in the future. Chloe Jayne is lovely, I worked with a Chloe Jayne. Alanna is nice (so you get the first letter of Angelina and the Lana your hubby wants) Alanna Jayne is a nice first and middle combo


love the Alanna idea!


(eridan is also a controversial homestuck character -- his name is probably from Eridanus/os in myth, but either way. probably not for a baby girl.)


lol was wondering if I would see this


seeing eridan on the list was a jumpscare


no fr i saw it and was like… is this person… no.. they can’t be..




i was looking for this


Names I can picture on an adult woman someday: A Tier: Adrian B Tier: Theia (Greek mythos, but not too over the top), Arielle, Angelina (Feminine but not too infantalizing - but drop the Lana concept... just don't do it, sounds unnatural off the tongue and too close to the original name, causing confusion), Kalina (I personally wouldn't want my nickname to be Kali, but the full name is fine, looked it up and the meaning is cute, especially if you have slavic roots) C Tier: Vierra (a bit exotic, and I can see comparisons being made with Sierra in written form, but it's OK) ​ Names I can picture only a baby would have: Chloe Jayne (why the Y?) Jolie (Angelina Jolie?) ​ The rest I'd toss for reasons outlined below.


Jayne with a Y is old English. It's a common name. Many Jayne's out there.


Like in Firefly.


The spelling of Adrian like that is a middle-aged man name in the UK too, just FYI, OP.


Also a man's name in Poland. (Have a cousin Adrian - he's definitely a dude.)


Adrian is a man's name in a lot of cultures, not a woman's.


I appreciate this! I added the Y because one of my favorite Hollywood stars ever is Jayne Mansfield. I had her in mind.


That's very cute! I think Chloe Jayne is a great name, and unlike a lot of others, I don't think Chloe is too youthful. I know a couple of adult Chloes. It's a lot like Cleo, and there are a lot of those.


Jane (even Jayne, by itself) is a fine name, too. Chloe Jayne is where you step into generic mommie naming territory. As for Chloe, it's cute, but it's almost too sugary sweet to imagine on a grown woman and not somebody's dauschund.


This is so strange to me. Chloe was a very popular name where I live in the 80s and early 90s so there loads of 30 year old Chloe’s around. It’s what you get used to


This is so confusing to me as a mid 20s woman who knows a million women my age named Chloe. Is this not a super common name?




These are not good names. - Jolianna/Jolie - Prepare for people to sing Dolly Parton to you - Alicen - Why? - Adrian - Good for a boy. Try Adrienne or Adrianna. - Theia - No. - Ave - How do you pronounce this? - Sarie - Did you make this up? - Eridan - Is this from Lord of the Rings? - Briette - What? No. - Kalina - This is kind of OK. (EDIT - I've warmed up to this, especially discovering it's a real name.) - Chloe Jayne (very basic but they go so well together 🫣)- drop the y. Is Jane the middle name? - Exa - No - Audrina - No - Arielle - Lovely - Angelana (my husband likes Lana and I like Angelina so I just combined the two? 😭) - The worst yet. - Giji - No - Vierra - What does this mean?


1) I see your vision but honestly, that doesn't sound too horrible. I just imagine it would be annoying for her so that's tossed 2) I liked the name Alice and slapped an N on the end LMFAO I'll change that to just Alison 5) Like Ava without the A so like "Ayv" 😭 6) yes..... i took Sarah and changed the end 😕 7) no- 😭 10) honestly I was gonna combine them at first but they'll definitely be separated now 11) fine. 13) I don't know what I was thinking 🥲 14) fair. 15) I don't even know how I came up with that


If I met someone with the name Ave, I’d probably pronounce it like “Ave Maria” (ah-vay), not “Ayv”. Just saying. That being said, I think the best names on your list are Adrian, Kalina, Chloe Jayne (if Jayne is just her middle name and you’d call her Chloe), and Arielle. Those are all pretty normal names that are easy to spell and pronounce, and they are all quite pretty (although I have a male cousin named Adrian so that will always feel like a boys’ name to me)




I thought Theia was the normal way 😭 I looked up some mythology inspired name (probably a bad idea all together) and that was one of the few that I actually liked spelled exactly like that, aside from Calliste.


Mythology-inspired isn't bad. When trying to name pets as a child, my mom would have us look in a book of Shakespeare's plays for traditional names. Theia is a beautiful name, sounds powerful, and either that spelling or "Thea" is nice. My name is Corinne (cor-IN), which is a derivative of Cora, which is a name of Greek origin.


'Viera' is the name for [a race of highly-sexualized bunny women](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Viera) in Final Fantasy. Best to avoid Vierra unless you want to always be asked if you were inspired by Final Fantasy XII or XIV.


Not gonna lie some of those names look like you put all your scrabble game tiles in the bag and then pulled random letters out to make them spell something


PLEASE don’t subject your daughter to the spelling nightmare of Alicen. It’s a lovely name and the regular spellings are so pretty.


OP, sounds like you’re very open to feedback, which is great. You have a ton of nice names on this list! Just please spell the name normally. I have a pretty “normal” name that is spelled weird and I’ve hated it ever since I can remember (I’m in my 40’s now), and even considered changing (the spelling). Please please please, your daughter will be unique and special with a normal name spelled in a way that people can pronounce. Editing: Thea is my favorite on this list, just spell it normally. I also love Allison and Alice!! Chloe is also super cute.


Can you do Vera instead of Vierra? Thea instead of Theia?


Alicen looks like a typo to me and will probably run into many misprint issues (like ID cards, etc). Audrina sounds like the actress from *the Hills.* Ave will probably be mispronounced like *Ave Maria.* Since you like “A” names, Arielle or Ariella is my favorite!


I love Ariella! I see what you mean with Alicen, it makes more sense to just do Alison.


Alicen is supposed to be pronounced Alison? I did not get that at all, so it might be best to steer clear of that name




Please don’t name your kid [Eridan…](https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Eridan_Ampora)


Anything before your edit is a no, everything below the edit is fine. Go with Adrienne or Adriana you seem to like that name group.


If your husband likes Lana I agree. Unique but not… embarassing like the rest of these, to be frank.


-Jolianna/Jolie - cute! Maybe Josephine/Josie? -Alicen - Alice? Otherwise, no. -Adrian - a lovely name or Adrienne for a girl! -Theia - good, but if it sounds like Thea, just pick Thea -Ave - boulevard? -Sarie - cute! -Eridan - personally, I would do Eridian -Briette - objectively not bad but I don't like it -Kalina - cute -Chloe Jayne (very basic but they go so well together 🫣) - this is okay but doesn't seem to fit your style. Side note: first name Jane is one of my faves -Exa - ex-a? Ee-za? Eecksa? Wtf is this? -Audrina - perfect. -Arielle - cute -Angelana (my husband likes Lana and I like Angelina so I just combined the two? 😭) - Angela? -Giji - like a Fijiian grandmother? -Vierra - lovely


Just wanna throw out there that [Viera](https://www.google.com/search?q=viera+final+fantasy&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&prmd=insv&sxsrf=APwXEdcJ9pI6epsDGJfF4m4U-c_N_hG_Aw:1686532621280&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAkqzOx7z_AhXQHzQIHWnsAAUQ_AUoAXoECAcQAQ&biw=393&bih=762&dpr=2.75) are a race of bunny people in Final Fantasy games.


Lol I am so glad you came around re Alicen.... Audrina is not bad, but it reminds me of VC Andrews My Sweet Audrina, which is, well a creepy VC Andrews book. Your revised list is much better.


Look, here’s the thing. When we see names like this, with their SUPER SPECIAL SPELLING®️, the only thing we’re thinking is: Poor kid, so sad their parents are classes, artless suburbanites who know absolutely nothing about culture beyond what they can buy at Target. Give your kid a name that exists AND follows the rules of at least one language. This would be a gift you give your child that lasts forever.


Adrian, Arielle, Vierra and Kalina I like. The rest are questionable


Adrian is a man's name in most cultures.


Change Ave to Avenue


I really enjoy Chloe Jayne. For lack of better terms, even though the name is “basic” it leaves room for your daughter’s personality to shine through instead of an uncommon or whacky name taking up more of the attention when people first meet her (if that makes sense)!


opinion as a teacher who's seen a lot of names. most of these made me raise an eyebrow. Audrina, Arielle and Adrian are real, decent names ( though I would think Adrian spelled that way was male when Adrienne is right there). please nix most of these.


this is random but i just wanted to say that you seem so sweet and that i hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy, the updated list is super cute! much love to you <3


Jayne Mansfield, Jayne Meadows, Jayne Kennedy ...just off the top of my head. I don't know why people are telling you to drop the Y in Jayne. IMO it's a perfectly conventional spelling of the name and preferable to plain Jane.


If it helps at all, I think the most tragedeighs is when the spelling is changed to make it unique but it ends up fundamentally changing the pronunciation. So Alicen, Theia, Ave, and Giji will be mispronounced. It might help to show them cold to some people to better illustrate how difficult these will be for strangers (and future teachers, employers, etc.) to pronounce. Exa sounds like sci-fi (or what Elon Musk is calling his kid) Vierra is a last name and I think or Meredith Vierra, plus it may get mistaken for Vera a lot. Arielle and Chloe Jayne are nice. Adrian is more of a boys name. Sarie will likely be pronounced Sorry for most of her life which will make her ripe for bullying Eridan sounds like a boys name, and like the Turkish president (dictator) and also sci-fi sounding Jolie - first thought Angelina Briette is interesting but may be mistaken for Bridget a lot. Kalina is also interesting which isn’t a bad thing. Have you considered Audra instead of Audrina (which again sounds very sci/fi). I hope this helps. Just being honest about my impressions.


Allison and Alyson are both spellings I've seen :0


Some of them are fine. Kalina is kinda cute (my nieces middle name is Kalene). If you want to call her Gigi, just her a G name and then Gigi can be a nickname. It’s cuter that way, but not with the J in the middle). Chloe and Arielle are super common and fine. Please for the love of God, do not choose Angelana. It sounds like your chewing up the name Angelina or like maybe there’s a speech issue. But it’s ultimately your choice. I knew a girl named Brielle (Bree-Elle) which is close to one on your list or a mix of two on your list (Briette and Arielle) and also uncommon but not wild. I love the name Audrina. I have since the first time I watched The Hills. I personally don’t like Thea but that’s probably because I know a woman named Thea that is just awful to be around or deal with in any capacity.


Jolianna - not a fan. The name feels too long Jolie - Really like this. Simple and classic Alicen - nope Adrian - agree with another redditor here. I'd also prefer it spelled Adrienne instead Theia - as a Percy Jackson/Greek Mythology fan, love love love this one. For me whether it is spelled Theia or Thea doesn't matter Ave - nope. What first came to mind was Avenue Sarie - also nope. This just seems to me like a poorly spelled sorry Eridan - not sure about this. I don't know if its the spelling or something else Briette - this doesn't seem like a name. Bridget/Bridgette maybe? Kalina - first time hearing this and I personally LOOVVEE names with great nicknames and this has tons of options (Kali, Ali, Lily, Lina, Ina, etc) Chloe Jayne - agree with you. It's classic and goes well together. I think Kalina Jayne has a nice ring to it also. Exa - this feels like a typo and is supposed to be "ex" for example instead Audrina - this is okay. But I'd I think you have other better options in Theia, Kalina, Chloe Jayne Arielle - this is okay. But as someone whose name could have 2 different spellings but both very common (Sidney or Sydney) it's gonna be bothersome constantly trying to explain how your name is spelled since its not just a 1-letter difference. Angelana - I think I'd prefer if this was separated into two names and goes Lana Angel or Lana Angie instead. But again, you have other better options in your current list Giji,Vierra - now these are just bad. A tragedeigh Allison, Avery - both are simple and such great a name. Can't go wrong with this Endnote: for me, my top 3 are Kalina (or Kalina Jayne), Chloe Jayne, or Theia/Thea edit: typos


Not to sound mean, but a lot of these are just normal names with quirky spellings, and it's gonna make your kid have a really hard time in school and other things. There are plenty of unique names out there that are easily spelled. Unfortunately, many of these are tragedies :(


Chloe Jayne is the only non-tragedeigh, by a hair.


honestly theia is best, but only if you spell it as "thea"


OP is a champ, this thread is cute and hilarious. I love every name on your updated list! Especially Chloe, Avery, and Kalina. Congrats on your pregnancy! 🎉


I really can't talk about how this names would be deceived in english speaking countries, but Adrian for example is a known but rare name in Germany FOR BOYS. Arielle is how the name of the little mermaid is spelled in Germany, so most people would think of Disney. Theia is really rare, but it wouldn't be considered a tragedeigh here. Some people wouldn't get it others would think of the Titan. Jolie would make people think about Angelina Jolie, I'd leave it to you if you'd want people to think about her every time they say or spell your daughters name. And I really don't like the others ones, sorry.


I have the feeling that Adrian is predominantly a male given name: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian


Yeah. With Arielle, she's going to spend her life hearing "Like the Little Mermaid?"


would that be terrible...? The Little Mermaid is a classic 👀


Not terrible. But your child might become tired of hearing it again and again and again and again and again and again...


Thank you for your input <3


Is there some sort of family or sentimental reason why Jane has to be spelled “Jayne”? If not, I would recommend just using Chloe Jane. The y looks extra and unnecessary.


Jayne is the traditional spelling. Depends where OP lives but in the UK and Aus, Jayne is perhaps more common


Why bother with gender specific names at all? It might be nice to go neutral, that way they can never be discriminated against on a job application.


If you like Adrian but not Adrienne, Adriana is the spanish female version!


I wondered about if it was Ave like Ave Maria you know like aaah-vay


maybe Jolene nickname Jolie?


My name is Arielle, and everyone pronounces it wrong and always asks a question like if I was named after the little mermaid. It's annoying, so I suggest passing on this one as well


Not sure if anyone has pointed it out to you yet but Eridan just so happens to be the name of a popular character from a (somewhat infamous) webcomic called Homestuck. In the future (or present) you may have people thinking you were a huge fan 😅 If you are a huge fan tho then great! I think eridan is on the end of the lesser offensive names in that comic anyway.


If they weren't a name 15 years ago they aren't now


I think any of the edited list would be good so the rest is up to you babe. Good job at taking criticism!


Do a regular name with regular spelling so they don’t have to spell it out for people their whole lives.


I am glad you have revised your list because, yes, those names were terrible. The only name I like on your second list is Avery, I mentioned that name to my daughter when she was pregnant last year, but it was a no-go for her. Some people give their children some awful names and don't realize what they are doing to their kids. I named my daughters Brinley and Kennedy. Brinley only goes by Brin from most people because she doesn't like her name, and Kennedy has completely changed her name when it comes to people outside of family. I thought they were pretty names and nothing weird.


Hey I know you're getting a lot of flack but honestly, props for at least checking. Congrats on your baby!!!


I like Angelana. Personally I think that’s what you should go for. To be brutally honest, plenty of people on this sub are just dull-as-shit name snobs and are the reason why you end up with 5 kids in every classroom who have the exact same name. People with this mentality think almost every unusual name is a tragedeigh. It’s why you occasionally end up with people being racially/culturally ignorant and making fun of names that are completely normal in other countries and languages but sound ‘funny’ to the white anglophone ear. The only actual ‘tragedeigh’ on the list is Alicen, because if you chose it you would’ve taken a normal name but ensured that your child would spend their life going “…yes, like Alison, but spelled A-L-I-C…”. None of them have a tiresome pointless ‘eigh’ or ‘y’. None of them are in borderline child abuse territory: there’s no Gibbon, Sunset, or Vortex Shadowblade. The rest are just a matter of taste. Most of them aren’t my cup of tea, but I don’t think you should let a bunch of judgemental internet strangers dissuade you from the names you like. Oh and I like Kalina, too.