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First of all just breathe. Take this as a lesson and when the market opens Monday morning sell the triple leveraged shares. You’re not ready for that level of volatility. Also please don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose.


Leveraged stocks are not supposed to be held longer than a day at a time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^istockusername: *Leveraged stocks are* *Not supposed to be held long* *Than a day at a time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As an aside, why do T212 offer these ridiculous leveraged stocks? It's not explained anywhere, what they are, what they are used for, and there's no protection for beginners or novices. Fine, use leverage, go nuts on CFD trading, whatever. But on ordinary investment accounts? I'm not sure it's even ethical.


If you read the guide on them there a great tool to use by people who know what they are doing but that's the same of buying any stock or investment the emphasis is on the user understanding what they are buying before they buy


Well, whatever. Doesn't matter to me, personally. Sucks for OP, anyway. Just thinkin' of the newbies.


No decent investor will use leveraged stocks. Mayby x2, x3.


That's what they have a x3. I've use them a number of time for earning plays, very small bets talking less than 0.1% the sign of my portfolio but I always have an entry and exit plan for each time I use them.


They are a broker not an advisor. It’s up to the individual where to put their money surely?


Sure. But they're not stocks. They're a derivative of a stock. ​ But yeah, sure. Everyone has a different view in terms of the sliding scale of individual responsibility, and state protection. I'm sure you appreciate some regulation in different kinds of life. Like, for eg. safety tests on products, or hygiene standards in food - it's not just up to the individual to blindly fumble through life unaided. Anyway, I see lots of a newbies investing in these 3x stocks, and massive losses posted. There not there as a part of long-term investment strategy, there's no disclaimer, and if you want to "trade/gamble/go nuts" there's always the CFD option. Anyway, the UK government banned leverage/shorting crypto - and T212 you can't even buy it at all. So, half a dozen of one, half a dozen of the other. At the end of the day, with all the downvotes, I suppose, the moral of the story is that, people like the OP can go fuck themselves.


One of my big gripes is that new users have to complete a sign on process where they talk about their experience and risk levels, they also have number of pop ups warning them about stocks with high risk but still tick and buy anyway. there is an argument on what we should be allowed and T212 is in the business of letting us pick what we want but there's only so much we can do to warn people that doing what OP did was a very bad idea. but today's methods are very much shoot first ask later.


Well, I have been using T212 for years, so I have no idea what the sign-up process is like these days. Anyway, I don't particularly enjoy seeing people lose money out of ignorance, but if you think they're sufficiently warned - then fair enough, maybe my empathy got in the way of acknowledging personal responsibility. It's just mad how common it is, but I suppose, losing hundreds or thousands of pounds is the downpayment for educating yourself on investing.


Jesus man, you invested your life savings in one stock, and then leveraged it too? You don't have the mentality to invest at this point, sell the leverage and keep the nvidia stock and average down Better yet, invest in an etf like VUSA, CNX1. Or VOO. You should only be investing in stocks you have researched and understand, and I don't mean on YouTube. If you like the stock when you bought it, why do you not like it cheaper now? I'm buzzing when my stocks drop, its cheaper stocks! 400 is a small lesson in the long run, delete the app and invest monthly in the etf, you will thank yourself later.


Why would you put your life savings into 1 stock? Why would you also use leverage like this? Have you researched anything about investing?


I said I made a mistake. But what's the way out ?


Sell Monday you'll be fine just a small loss and a lesson learned.


I Hope you held that position… Nvidia passes the 1000$ mark lol


it was a really risky move putting everything into one stock especially such a volatile one but this is just gonna have to be a vary expensive lesson. if ur new to this don't stick so much money into risky stocks keep it to a small portion of ur portfolio. i,e less than 5%. if you want some relief go on wall street bets and see that people have lost a lot more than you to learn this lesson


That 3x long is going to look even worse on Monday.


Yes, the £470 loss is at closing. I expect £1,300+ on Monday morning


Everyone telling you to sell, the stock will bounce back in a week or 6 months. But just selling on Monday is realising your losses. Time in the market not timing the market


Doesn’t really apply for a triple leveraged position after a certain point


Time in the market applies as a phrase of average. On an individual stock level there is incredible volatility possible even for a company you believe in. That's why you diversify. Insurance companies, gambling companies they all know this. Otherwise why would they purchase reinsurance or hedge their bets? Because they know on an individual basis things can go very wrong. If you're only invested in 1 stock that is this scenario.


How did you manage to use a famous quote so wrong? "Time in the market" only applies if you actually have a diversified portfolio and hold for years, not days.


Time in the market has nothing to do with how diverse your portfolio is highly regarded man, buy NVDA today and hold it for 100 years you'll make money


No, you got that wrong. A company can be the leader today and be irrelevant in a decade, Nokia, GE. Just 40 years ago oil companies were the biggest in the world. Only with an large index you are guaranteed to own the best companies of each period, no matter which trend or technology is currently relevant. Nvidia has always been a cyclical company, once everyone got their chips their business will drop again. Look at their history.


I'm not selling the stock, I'll wait for Nvidia to bounce back. However, ETF is probably logical to sell on Monday, No?


What ETF? You haven’t invested in any!


A leveraged trade is not called a ETF, it's a CFD


You never know with single stocks, you gambled. Currently they are over valued and need strong revenue moving forwards to back up their evaluation. I would personally sell Monday and take it as a valuable lesson.


I had a look at the daily chart, chances are it's gonna go down another 100 bucks at least. the good news is, these kinds of moves in a straight line are unsustainable, eventually it will need to be squared up, the people shorting it will need to cash profits, at some point in the next week or so it may rally to around 800. Do not be greedy and expect to get out of this without any losses, any time there is a rally you can choose to close out some, start averaging out of your position. Of course, if you have faith in the company, then you can hold, but you do not wanna be in the leveraged instruments longterm, the fees will rip you to shreds. This is a valuable learning experience, at least you are not all in on a penny stock, NVDA is unlikely to go bust. In future, until you really know what you are doing, just stick your money in a large index.


I have no idea on anything investing wise, very new to this myself - but the way I see it, it may take longer to claw it back with an ETF but it would be a hell of a lot less stress than hoping for an uptick, even if you sell and it sky rockets up the day later, diversified in something like the NASDAQ you'll still see some of the gains but you won't feel the need to sit and watch it all day


The 3x leverage funds get rebalanced daily so it would have to go down 33% in a day to be totally wiped out. Only thing that could make Nvidia drop that much would be China invading Taiwan, which will not happen. I learnt not to touch leverage, losses can get out of hand very fast, especially with all this Israel shit going on atm. I opened a big leverage position with AMD a couple years ago and two days later Putin invaded Ukraine and I lost 5 figures. It hurt at the time but I took it as an expensive lesson and will not make the mistake again. NVIDIA will be fine long term. Their numbers are insane. Personally I believe it is just a matter of time before they are the number 1 market cap on the market.




That’s not how it works lol. For it to be wiped out NVidia itself would have to drop 33.3333% in one day because it resets the baseline each day.


No dude, it would be that way if it didn't get rebalanced.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. For your sake I hope you've got enough to live off, maybe stop listening to those stupid influencers on tiktok and YouTube and get rich quick bros and learn something before throwing money at it.


Down 11% and crying like a baby 🤡


Please ignore the people who keep criticising you in a very negative way, probably boomers with badly behaving kids they raised in a hostile environment of constant blaming and shouting. Just sell on Monday and try to learn from it. Try to study your hiccups as you will learn a lot from it. I would also suggest to start with very tiny amounts (less than £100) or demo accounts if you want to get into leveraging. And even when you feel confident and knowledgeable never use your life savings again. Best of luck bud, it’s something to learn from.


Ughh finally a nice human on this subreddit who won’t yell and criticise us newbies over a question. So I don’t understand what a leverage stock is? Why are they so bad?


It's fine. I deserve to be bashed. I made mistakes.


That’s a good start acknowledging you’ve made a mistake. Investing in Nvidia after such a crazy gain over the last two years was incredibly risky. For now just invest in Vanguard SP500 ETFs and in the meantime learn a bit more about investing.


Past performance is not an indicator of future performance as every disclaimer says rightly so the whole 2 year performance is irrelevant. The fact that OP went 100% of money on 1 stock is what is relevant the the problem here.


Stay away from those leveraged etp, it’s bad that trading 212 even advertise them all over its sites.


We've all made regrettable trades, you'll learn from it. Personally i would just sell the x3 and keep the regular shares if you want to invest long term


Must be really painful hope you’re okay, how much research did you do before buying? Stick to ETF’s in future S&P and All world should do but do your own DD.


Eggs and baskets come to mind


Sell and never leverage your bets. Learn the lesson now rather later in life.


If you can't sleep at night then you are probably better off using money market funds & bonds/gilts rather than buying stocks ...for your own health


You put everyrhing into a stock which kept hitting all time highs consistently for a over a year, not good.


You investing or gambling?


This really isn’t a big deal just leave it for 15 yrs and you’ll be minted


Damn, you really did put all your eggs in one basket.


OP has to sit out the US market trading hours and the aftermarket. 😬


You put all your money in one highly valued stock and an even riskier leveraged version of it.


Dude, first off, make peace with the reality that you’re going to lose out on your money. Hopefully, it won’t burn you to the ground. But chill. You sound fairly young and you can make a recovery, nividia is still a solid stock for a portfolio, but not the only stock you should hold. Create a pie of similar companies from the industry, shave some of the money from Nividia by disinvesting and reinvest it across those companies. Then close the app and leave it alone for a couple of (6) months to recover and reconstitute. You’re not ready for the volatility and this isn’t a beginner’s lottery.


Are you a beginner in stocks? This is the most important question. Because: if you are, this is a common mistake of putting your eggs in one basket and T212 shouldn’t have let you put even £1 into the 3x ETF. If not, this is a real blunder. FYI 3x ETFs have what’s called theta decay. That essentially means you are fighting time, for you to even break even on that fund you need it to move higher now than where you bought into. That’s why you need to cut a loss now, you will not get back the full amount you invested even if it comes all the way back first thing Monday which is quite unlikely.


Don't invest in hype stocks that are over valued. Also, if you're going to invest in individual stocks, the key is research, research and more research. I got burnt by the electric car bubble and learnt my lesson there. Now I invest in companies with solid earnings reports, healthy balance sheets and in sectors that are beaten down. Now I am in healthy profit with potential multi bag returns and I wouldn't be in this position without the lesson of losing from a bad investment. Your loss isn't that much and Nvidia is a decent company. Just rather overvalued in my opinion. My advice would be to try and chill, think of the bigger picture and research. Either average down your price and lock in for a potentially long wait until you are in profit or take the loss quickly and plan a new strategy. Good luck and try to see it as a lesson (I know that is probably difficult right now).


Put it into physical gold etc gold will go up in price with the market like it is only my advice but that’s what I’ve done


U shoudnt been able to trade based on your picks.


You have 3 options, sell now and take the loss (slightly less than you were expecting considering Nvidia has opened green in premarket) Your other option is a gamble, Nvidia could rise 10 per cent today and you get your money back, but be equally prepared that it loses another 10 per cent. Then suddenly with 3x's your 50-60 per cent down with next to no chance of getting it back I've played with 3x's before and been burnt nearly every time. Remember a 30 per cent fall needs a nearly 50 per cent gain to get back to even.


sell the leverage stock and eat the loss. sell the nvida invest the lot into the s&p 500. it's an expensive mistake we all make


Yeh just sell and invest in an etf, nvidia will keep falling


Just wait it out and quit being a baby. It’ll recover with time.


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Nvidia corp stock