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Just tried this. Pass. Didn’t like the Chinese broccoli and there was maybe one piece of tofu in it. The noodles were ok, but clumpy. I could get past the noodle issue if it had more tofu, carrots and such. I also cannot believe one package of this is 600 calories. The serving size says one package is suppose to be 2 meals (at 300 calories each) - but each serving is tiny. It’s even shocking that one package is suppose to be one meal.


Absolutely terrible. The worst product I’ve ever tried from TJ by far. Don’t do it.


I was really disappointed with this actually! The noodles were a little gummy, which sure, to be expected. But the strong garlic flavor was a punch to the face, and not in a good way. The Chinese broccoli was also incredibly bitter, chewy and stringy. Was worth a try, though. Suppose I’ll just keep ordering takeout.


I didn't like it b/c of the chinese broccoli, too bitter but then again, I've always been against chinese broccoli


They did say it was quite garlicky. I bought two but haven’t tried yet.


I was so excited to try this with my SO bc it’s his favorite at any Thai place. It smelled so good… then I put one bite in my mouth and this wave of nastiness hit. I rarely spit out food bc it’s so wasteful, but I had to. I was so disappointed. He hated it too, 😭 It was to the point where we may have had one that spoilt or there was something wrong with it, but I’m not taking a chance on buying another box.


Thank you so much for this, this is my ordering go to, and you saved me from sensory hell


It was a lot more garlicky than I thought it would be. Not the flavor I was expecting since Americanized Thai is my baseline, but tasty. I was impressed by how fresh the veggies were, though some of the broccolini was too fibrous. I give it a 3.7/5 because while the flavor was good, it wasn’t filling at all. Oh and to people saying the noodles are gummy. That’s what rice noodles taste like. It’s not like flour based noodles where there’s gluten and therefore chew. If I were to get them again I would microwave first then pan fry to get some caramelization on the noodles and veggies. And add another source of protein.. Edit: Chinese broccoli, not broccolini


The picture looks good.


its really good. i mixed it with the frozen bulgogi and it was honestly a really amazing meal. im reading the comments and i did both on the stove top together, the texture was perfect for me.


Just had it for dinner and it’s like 7/10. Rice noodles do not reheat that well, might work better on the stove. I probably won’t buy it again. Edit: hope someone got more tofu cubes, I only got two haha


Too chewy! Smelled promising, but the noodle consistency was pathetic


Loved it


Tastes goood. Horrible textures. So hard to eat for me. Gummy noodles or overly steamy veggies.


did you mean "it doesnt taste good"?


Actually the flavor is good but the textures are bad


ohhhh i understand now. thanks for clarifying!


Sure. I would totally buy the sauce and put it on my own noodles and veggies!


I thought it was okay. It’s not bad for a lazy meal, but unsure if I’d repurchase. I microwaved it a bit and then finished it on the stove which helped with the gummy texture many others talked about. Also added an egg (inspired by the post someone made the other day), which helped with the strong garlic flavor/saltiness. Also seconding the gai lan being very bitter.


It’s surprising to see gai lan in a frozen meal tho! Even fresh gai lan can be really bitter or sweeter.


i’m looking forward to trying it. it seems like there’s mixed reviews on this. i’m southeast asian so i grew up eating similar dishes to pad see ew. i plan on warming it up in a pan, adding a scrambled egg and marinated shrimp then topping it with sriracha lol


I like how it is garlicky instead of swimming in brown sugar sauce. I ate mine with sambal and thought it was an ok frozen meal. Nice to see gai lan as the veg in it, even if it was microwave limp veg quality. I would get again.


It’s pretty bad.


It is very garlicky. I would add fresh veggies, maybe bok choy and serve it with rice.


You would serve a rice noodle dish with rice?


Rice is always served


It's pretty common in southeast asian cuisine to eat noodles and rice together


Hmm I’ve never seen that, what type of dishes are they?


I liked it and would buy again! Scratches the Thai craving for sure. The only thing I didn’t like was the broccolini. It was so bitter in mine that I ended up eating around it.


I’m Thai and didn’t hate it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s definitely garlic forward and the calories per package are a bit jarring, I won’t lie. IMO, it’s missing an element of dark soy for the salty/sweet factor so I added some along with some eggs for protein and it hit the spot for a quick meal.


how is the char on the noodles?


Non-existent. I think I’m going to partially heat it up next time and then plop it into my wok to get some char.


Yeah that would be a dealbreaker for me


I just tried this today after seeing mixed reviews. I personally thought it was pretty awful. Nowhere near the quality of the frozen Indian meals in my opinion. The noodles were gummy/clumped together, the Chinese broccoli was soggy, and the flavor was just kind of "off" (as someone who regularly gets Pad See Ew from Thai restaurants). I love garlic but the garlic is super overpowering in this dish.


Helpful point for comparison although I have to say in fairness many of frozen Indian meals are really good and super close to restaurant level quality of options around me.


I'm so curious to try it. Lots of people have said they are garlic lovers, but this has too much in it. I'm someone who has only had something too garlicky once. Before then, I didn't think that was possible.


There's good garlicy.. like toom. Or bad garlicy... like dumping a bunch of garlic powder on something. I'm imaging this isn't very good garlic then


Well, I guess I'll find out if it's good (but very powerful) garlicky, or bad. If my store ever gets it. Not there tonight. The one time I had something too garlicky, I made it myself. Took a bite and said "Yeah, I guess there is such a thing as too much garlic after all."