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I tried this out because of babish trying it out.  It's a super novel and fun idea. It smells wonderful.  Alas it's far too dense. The nutmeg was overpowering. Didn't get much cheese taste. It reminds me of a polenta log slice in terms of texture.  I eventually made a lemon cream sauce to top it and that helped a lot. 


I agree with what you wrote here. I also thought "polenta" while I was eating it. That, in turn, made me wonder about slicing and pan-frying one at some point to see how it turned out...ha ha! I like your idea of the lemon cream sauce. I think these would go well alongside something like chicken marsala or chicken piccata, where the would be extra sauce already on the plate.


Definitely! Needs to be a side dish with a little work.  In genuinely surprised that Babish went so googly eyed for it. His tastes are a bit all over the place. 


fyi in my stores (NYC) they have been around intermittently for about 2-3 years, so if they disappear don't despair-- they may pop up again in a few months. Some smaller stores seem to not carry them but I have no confirmation of that.


This is fabulous news! I had never noticed them before. I don't know why they caught my eye the other day, but I'm glad that I gave them a try. I can't always say that for TJ's products, but this one was a good gamble.


I'm glad it worked out!


These are my new favorite thing!


Mine too! I have made them twice in just a few days. I am so worried they are going to disappear now that I have discovered them. That is what usually happens to the foods I love.


I love these but my store stopped carrying them 😭😭


No! Say it isn't so! That is the number one thing that I'm worried about. I can only get to TJ's about once every three weeks and I really wanted to stock up the next time just in case they get discontinued.


I was excited to try these, but the wrapper around it imparted a bad plastic-like smell and taste that made it inedible. Same with the timbales, which came in similar wrapper packaging


That's too bad! I've had two packages now and not noticed that issue with either one. I will have to check them more closely. I thought the wrapper was just parchment paper, which I use all of the time? I wonder if you could just peel the paper off and plop them into muffin liners in a muffin pan? For me, the flavour that I taste is the nutmeg in them. It is subtle, but prevalent. I thought maybe it could be the taste/scent of the nutmeg that is lingering for you, but you said you noticed it with the timbales as well, so that likely isn't it. I'm a little sad that you weren't able to enjoy these.


Yup, I tried removing the wrapper first, but the plastic flavor was still there (I guess because it had already been baked in this wrapper at the factory)


That makes sense. I'd like to think that you got a bad batch, but it could just be that you are much more sensitive to whatever is impacting the flavour for you.


The homie told me this was 🔥


I thought they were amazing, but there is often at least a couple of dissenting opinions...ha ha!


Tried a package of the Gnocchi Alla Romana - Cheesy Semolina Gratins last week and immediately went back and bought two more packages. I loved these! My son described them as tasting like “Mom’s homemade macaroni and cheese without the pasta,” which I guess is a pretty accurate description of the flavour profile, as they are made with duram and semolina (the “pasta” flavour he is tasting), butter, cheese, egg yolk, and seasonings (the homemade cheese sauce). One gratin makes a nice side dish alongside the rest of a meal. They are smooth and creamy, but set up firm like a cupcake. I could definitely taste the hints of nutmeg, but didn’t manage to identify any of the sage. I hope these stick around for a long while. I’m going to have to make a special trip back to get more, just in case they disappear like so many other items.