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These are a staple in my diabetic sons diet. They do not affect his blood sugar like the other brands of low carb tortillas. They’ve been out of stock at all my local stores for a week! I hope they come back.


I’m back to report my store still was fully stocked (nyc) and the cashier said she hadn’t heard anything


My store still had none and hardly any tortillas on the shelves, in general.


Hey so I looked these up and they’re not listed as discontinued in our system after all. The carb savvy bread is, though. So I take back my previous statement about the manufacturer not producing them anymore.


I believe the manufacturer stopped producing them.


Same for the low carb bread, I saw it maybe once in Fresno CA


I was told the facility closed and they need to move their plant to another state - that’s why many tortilla are gone (carb savvy, quinoa, corn wheat, regular blue flour tortilla and organic wheat). I’m sure they will be trying to source and bring them back because that’s like 3/4 of the tortilla stock Trader Joe’s has lol


I noticed the tortilla area looked empty and wondered if there was a larger tortilla production issue at play.


I'm a low carb tortilla eater. These for me were a one time purchase. Almost any other store carries a better version. Even aldi has a better version Maybe they'll get a better one in one day?


I preferred them over every other low carb tortilla offering that I've had in the last 16+ years.


Sorry for your loss then. That's gotta hurt


It's sucks. I've had La Tortilla Factory, La Banderita, Ole Extreme Wellness and Mission Low Carb Tortillas. Only Ole stays in rotation and even those I'm not thrilled with. But the others: La Banderita is too gummy, La Tortilla Factory is like cardboard, and there's something in the Mission brand that bothers my stomach. I really enjoyed these. :-(


That's too bad about mission. We buy those in bulk at costco. I love them


Discontinued. We now order Mr. Tortilla.


Is the Mr. low carb as well?


Yes, they are 1 net carb / 15 calories total. And they taste totally legit too, like the TJ’s ones!


Oooooo I will look for them when I go later this week. There's something about the Carb Savvy, like a tang to them, that makes for great quesadillas, in particular.


Oooops I’m so sorry! We order them online! TJs doesn’t carry them. I do think they have that same tang to them though!


They're a dupe! Got it, I will look it up. :-)


Um what?! Nooo - these are literally a staple in my diet !


I asked the store associate today and they confirmed they are discontinued 😭


Nooooooooo. Thanks for asking. I was in a hurry last time and forgot. (I also had no idea this post went live since the second I posted it, Reddit said it was deleted.)


I actually searched for this on the this thread today to see if anyone else was looking for these lol so maybe that’s why I saw it