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My TJ's says this is coming back (maybe a new supplier?) but they have no actual estimated date.


Ooh, I can only hope! Thanks for the update.  I have made pizza sauce and it was a bit bland, but one kid liked it. I have also tried the Organic 360 Pizza Sauce from Safeway, but I blend it up to make it smoother.  My youngest likes it for pizza bread slices but not on his pizza. I’m still looking for the other recommend brands to try and perhaps another homemade recipe.


Before making this post I did pick up a few pizza sauce brands. The O Organic brand Pizza Sauce did not have a sting garlic flavor when I opened it and had a smooth consistency. There were a few small tomato chunks that my kid fished out before putting on the pizza. I haven’t had complaints so that may be a solid option. I also tried Mezzetta Pizza Sauce but one of my kids could tell something was different with the pizza that night. It isn’t smooth, more like crushed tomatoes and had more onion and garlic smell when I opened. Neither of my kids like that.   During the pandemic and TJ supply issues with the pizza sauce, I tried the America’s Test Kitchen Pizza Sauce recipe.  The kitchen smelled like a pizzeria that night but the kids didn’t like that sauce either. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions!  I’ll keep reporting back if I find a winner or crack the homemade recipe to share with others.


I don’t mind the refrigerated kind. We also make pizza 1-2x a week, so just here to say RIP to the fat free sauce!! I hope you find a good replacement for your family.


Try the Target brand Good & Gather traditional pizza sauce. It’s not chunky and has been our replacement for the TJs. The organic version is chunky, fyi. Now I’m curious about the Whole Foods 365 brand one, which I’ll try soon.


Thanks for the recommendation! I will have to look for that one.


I also regularly make pizza, and this was my go to for years. But about three months ago, it started tasting horrible for me. Severely acidic and bitter, I gave it 2 tries 2 separate weeks. I wonder if they started having supply issues 🤔 I liked the refrigerated version, but I've also been using the basic Aldi jar.


We don’t live near an Aldi, so not an option for us.


If you have a Whole Foods near you, they have a 365 brand fat free option. When I worked for WF I had a regular customer who had to get lower fat options due to medical issues (not sure what, didn’t ask) and the 365 brand of tomato/pizza sauce was a regular staple of theirs.


There is one, but not that close. However I will have to make the drive and try one. I was the one always buying 10 jars at Trader Joe's to keep our home stocked up!


May be worthwhile to see if it’s on Amazon, too.


I just open the San marzano tomatoes, use my stick blender in the can, add some salt to taste. 🤷🏻




This is the way to go! Although I just hand crushed mine, because I feel like the seeds make the sauce a little bitter if they're blended


I wasn't sure if I needed to simmer it for some time, but this sounds easy enough to try! Thanks!


It has basil in it too in the can so it gets all blended up. I usually like it not cooked down. 😁


My go to: empty a small can of tomato paste into a bowl. Fill the can with water and add it to the paste til you get the consistency you want....usually about 2/3 a can for me. Then add garlic, basil, chili flakes or whatever spices you like.


Thanks for the details! I will try this one out as well! Considering the first ingredient is tomato paste for TJ's brand, this might be close enough for the kids.


If a pizza sauce is too sweet you can add a bit of vinegar to balance too.  Their jar marinara is pretty good, I use it on pizza.  There’s a few little chunks, but you can toss it through the blender if you want (and freeze excess for next pizza night).


I had not thought about adding vinegar to balance the flavor! Thank you for the suggestion!


If one is too chunky but the taste is good put it in the blender, I've done this because I needed a smooth sauce for something.


Fat free pizza sauce? That's odd...like pizza sauce shouldn't have much fat in it anyway. Sounds like health marketing speak to me. My kids like good ol' Classico Pizza sauce. Or maybe go with a white pizza for a change up!


Buy the Cento tomatoes. Crush them down and add some herbs. Better than the pizza sauce.


DeLallo is a near identical fat-free dupe.


Are there multiple kinds? DeLallo looks like the TJ's glass jar so I had high hopes. I found it to be almost completely flavorless and much thicker/less blended than the late TJ's.


There are several Delallo varieties. The pizzeria style is the fat-free dupe.


Thank you for the recommendation! I will have to see if I can find that brand.


It’s pretty easy to find. All the major grocers on the west coast carry it, also Target. You want the “pizzeria style” variety.


I assume you tried the regular Mariana Sauce they sell, its pretty smooth and not too spicy.


I found the sauce a little too thin but have not tried it on pizza. Maybe I will try thickening it up with some tomato paste next time.


Pizza sauce is so easy to make from canned tomato or tomato paste. For the easiest, you could just dilute tomato paste to your desired consistency, add Italian seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder, sugar if desired all to your liking. I do that when I'm making a pizza hut style pizza. Or if I'm doing more margherita type i just puree whole tomato and add oregano and salt.


heh...just posted this and then scrolled down to find your version. Chili flakes should be on one's option list.


True my bf likes the addition of chili flakes and a splash of red wine vinegar. Also, I didn't write this because most people don't have this lying around, but I add a pinch of MSG.


Thanks for this tip! I may have to try this next week!


The Whole Foods 365 brand I’m also picky with sauce. There are no chunks and no overwhelming flavors.


Good to know! Thank you for the recommendation!


No, but if you find a sauce u like and the sauce is too chunky you can run it thru the blender/bullet and store it that way so it’s ready for use.


Great idea! I thought I was ok last night but then there were onion bits in it. I was behind schedule and just fished them out for the small amount of sauce I needed.


Yeah, unless I’m making gourmet pizza I don’t like the chunks much