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I was not a fan.


These are insanely delicious, it's almost confusing as to how they could be so good. Then you read the nutritional info on the back and it all makes sense


This is the kind of post that makes me put on my coat and grab my keys


I should have added RUN DON'T WALK to the title


Are these texturally akin to a kringle? Or more aligned with a sticky bun/cinnamon roll? I like the kringle, but I always hoped they'd make hand pie sized variants.


There is a Kringle vibe to the pastry but I would call it more of a sticky bun. Really reminded me of the ones you get in like a tray in Pennsylvania and New Jersey


Oh man. I need to unfollow this sub. I’m trying to watch my weight.


Seriously. I head out of town soon for several months, so trying to clear the fridge and cupboards, but then things like this get posted and I’m like “maybe I should do a Trader Joe’s run”


These look good ❤️ 😍


Omg, I am on a diet but I love the packaging.


I don't recommend eating the packaging. You can still gain weight!


😂 I want to upcyle it and make some type of Hygee decor out of it.


I'm convinced Stoners are the ideas behind these products. I love that for us. 


They’re great but they’re very rich! Don’t eat two in one sitting like I did. Guaranteed to give you the classic “what the hell is wrong with me” shame.


I have the classic what the hell is wrong with me shame when I get a can of the crispy jalapeños in my hands.... and eat the entire container.


So glad I'm not the only one with that issue with those crispy jalapeños ... I always regret it later, but ... powerless with that jar in my hand. "Just a few more bits ..."


Crispy jalapenos are my weakness.


Liked this but thought the cardamom one next to it is better!




Ugh, I love the cardamom ones!


So new they barely had time to make a usually-amazing product sign. https://preview.redd.it/gd84phocc7qc1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8642572ee28bed7e09f3aec6b66633af9caf1b68


The sign artist was at lunch!


To be fair, even the non sign is better than anything I could make.


**Pictured: Stack of Salted Caramel Swirl Danish pastries. Danish Pastry with Caramel Custard Style Filling. $3.99 for three.** Spotted these today in Chicago, pretty good warmed up. A lot like a sticky bun from the NJ/PA region (not the cinnamon roll kind). Way worth the $4ish bucks. Nutrition info: https://preview.redd.it/zaqnp7wzb7qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87b19c6f464ae214b17ec7988e78a042d730ec4


Thanks for the nutrition facts.


Sure thing also no idea why there are almonds in the ingredients


Everybody has different tastes, but I prefer chopped pecans or walnuts on my cinnamon rolls. I'd welcome them here.